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The relationship of sexual dimorphism and differential predation to sex ratio in Leptochelia dubia (Crustacea: Tanaidacea)Mendoza, Joseph Anthony 01 January 1979 (has links)
Leptochelia dubia is a dioecious tube-building tanais, which broods its young and exhibits marked sexual dimorphism. The species is widely distributed in the Pacific, Atlantic, Mediterranean and Indian Oceans, but to date there are no published accounts of its ecology. L. dubia is one of the most abundant of the small Crustacea in Tomales Bay, where it may attain densities of 30,000/m2 in soft bottom communities.
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Zoogeography and systematics of isopoda of the Beaufort SeaBray, Joseph Russell January 1962 (has links)
Original print version missing pages 130-133 (appendix B and Appendix C)
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The biology and control of certain species of crustacea of the families Oniscidae and Armadillidiidae.Hathaway, Wilfred Bostock 01 January 1947 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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The external morphology of the first zoeal stages of Cancer magister (Dana), Cancer antennarius (Stimpson), and Cancer anthonyi (Rathbun)Mir, Robert Dotson 01 January 1959 (has links)
The literature dealing with the larva of Pacific Coast brachyuran crabs is slight. The prominent papers, those of Aikawa (1927, 1928, 1929, 1933, 1937), deal with a variety of genera and offer information useful in determin- ing family relationships. A single paper by Hart (1935) also deal with a number of brachyuran larvae found in the Pacific Ocean. None of these papers, however, identifies to species any member of the genus Cancer, although one member, C. magister (Dana) is of considerable economic importance on the pacific coast of North America. In the fall of 1958 an investigation was under taken to identify the larval stages of members of the genus Cancer. This work was accomplished under a contract with the California Department of Fish and Game, Division of Marine Resources.
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No description available.
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Calanoid copepods of the Gulf of St. LawrencePolak, Renata January 1979 (has links)
No description available.
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Biodiversidad de copépodos harpacticoideos bentónicos en un área del estuario de Bahía BlancaSciberras, Michel 02 July 2018 (has links)
Este es el primer trabajo sobre copépodos meiobentónicos marinos realizado en el estuario de Bahía Blanca, y es el único trabajo sobre este grupo zoológico realizado en la Argentina desde 1982.
El material examinado provino en su totalidad de la localidad de Arroyo Pareja, que se encuentra en la costa norte del estuario de Bahía Blanca. Esta playa se ubica a 38° 54’ 48,26” de latitud Sur y 62° 4’ 25,55” longitud Oeste, en la parte más externa de la porción media del estuario. El sustrato es limoso-arcilloso con valores promedio de 87 % de lodo y 13 % de arena.
Se realizaron doce campañas entre el 9 de abril de 2014 y el 19 de marzo de 2015, tomando cinco muestras de sedimento cada vez, a partir de las cuales se registró el número de ejemplares adultos del orden Harpacticoida. Paralelamente, en cada campaña, se midieron tres variables físico-químicas con un multisensor HORIBA U10: temperatura, pH y salinidad.
El análisis morfológico arrojó como resultado la identificación de 13 morfotipos pertenecientes al orden Harpacticoida. De ellos, se describieron tres especies nuevas para la ciencia durante el curso de esta investigación: Halectinosoma parejae Sciberras, Huys, Bulnes & Cazzaniga, 2017 (Ectinosomatidae), Ilyophilus sp. nov. (Nannopodidae; aún inédita) y Quinquelaophonte aestuarii Sciberras, Bulnes & Cazzaniga, 2014 (Laophontidae).
Halectinosoma parejae fue numéricamente dominante en la mayoría de los muestreos y por este motivo, su identificación fue prioritaria. Pertenece a un género con numerosas especies nominales, muchas de ellas insuficientemente descritas, otras que son especies dudosas y muchas asignadas erróneamente. Se elaboró una clave dicotómica de las especies del género Halectinosoma con una fórmula setal diferente a la condición plesiomórfica. Por otro lado, la consulta de toda la bibliografía mundial sobre este género y el examen de material tipo permitieron elaborar una clave actualizada de los géneros de la familia Ectinosomatidae y también aclarar la posición taxonómica de varias especies problemáticas como Pseudobradya lanceta, Halectinosoma spinicauda, H. pterinum, H. paraspinicauda, H. littorale, H. arenicola y H. smirnovi.
Halectinosoma parejae, Ilyophilus sp. nov. y Quinquelaophonte aestuarii, junto con otras dos especies de la familia Miraciidae aún no determinadas completamente, dominan la taxocenosis en términos de abundancia, constituyendo el 94 % del total de ejemplares recolectados. Está en desarrollo el estudio taxonómico de las dos morfoespecies de Miraciidae —una de ellas del género nominal polifilético Delavalia Brady, 1868—, así como de las ocho entidades numéricamente minoritarias.
La densidad de los harpacticoideos intersticiales estudiados en esta tesis estuvo en el orden de magnitud usual para los barros de marismas. Se cumplió el patrón usual de inequitatividad, en el que una especie, en este caso Halectinosoma parejae, es la dominante principal y con unas pocas especies subdominantes se completa más del 90 % de los individuos de la taxocenosis.
Se corroboró el patrón temporal de los harpacticoideos de mayor abundancia en los meses cálidos, aunque también se registró un pico menor de abundancia en invierno. Halectinosoma parejae incluyó hembras ovígeras en todas las fechas de muestreo en las que estuvo presente. Delavalia sp. e Ilyophilus sp. nov. también tuvieron períodos prolongados de reproducción, pero con una proporción de ovígeras mucho más alta en verano, mientras que la especie aún no identificada de Miraciidae parece concentrar su reproducción en invierno. / This is the first contribution on meiobenthic marine copepods of Bahía Blanca estuary, and this is the only work on this group since 1982.
The material was collected from Arroyo Pareja, a locality located on the north shore of the Bahía Blanca estuary. This beach is located at 38°54´48.26´´ and 62°4´25.55´´, in the most external part of the middle portion of the estuary. The substrate is silty-clayey with average values of 87 % mud and 13 % sand.
Twelve campaigns were carried out between April 9, 2014 and March 19, 2015, and five samples were taken of sediment each time. The number of harpacticoid adults was recorded. At the same time, three physical-chemical variables were measured with a HORIBA U10 multisensor: temperature, pH and salinity.
From the morphological analysis, 13 morphotypes belonging to Harpacticoida were found, of which three new species were described: Halectinosoma parejae Sciberras, Huys, Bulnes & Cazzaniga, 2017 (Ectinosomatidae), Ilyophilus sp. nov. (Nannopodidae; aún inédita) and Quinquelaophonte aestuarii Sciberras, Bulnes & Cazzaniga, 2014 (Laophontidae).
Halectinosoma parejae was numerically dominant in most samples, so its identification was a priority. It belongs to a genus with several nominal species, many of them insufficiently described, others are dubious species and many of them were wrongly assigned. A key to the species of Halectinosoma displaying a setal formula other than the common plesiomorphic condition is provided. The revision of the world bibliography and examination of type material allowed to elaborate an updated key to all genera in family Ectinosomatidae and to clarify the taxonomic position of several problematic species such as Pseudobradya lanceta, Halectinosoma spinicauda, H. pterinum, H. paraspinicauda, H. littorale, H. arenicola and H. smirnovi.
Halectinosoma parejae, Ilyophilus sp. nov. and Quinquelaophonte aestuarii, together with two other species of the family Miraciidae not yet fully determined, dominate the taxocenosis in terms of abundance, constituting 94% of the total collected specimens. The taxonomic study of the two morphospecies of Miraciidae —one of them belonging to the polyphyletic genus Delavalia Brady, 1868— is under development, as well as the study of the eight numerically minority entities.
Density of the interstitial harpacticoids studied in this work was in the usual order of magnitude for marsh muds. Results matched the usual pattern of inequality, in which one species, here Halectinosoma parejae, is dominant and more than 90 % of the taxocenosis is arisen with a few subdominant species.
A temporal pattern of higher abundance in warm months was corroborated, although a lower peak of abundance was recorded in winter. Halectinosoma parejae presented ovigerous females on every sampling date in which it was present. Delavalia sp. and Ilyophilus sp. nov. also have long breeding periods thought with a much higher proportion of ovigerous females in summer, while the unidentified species of Miraciidae seemed to limit its reproduction to winter.
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Dinámica de compuestos nitrogenados en zonas productivas del Mar Argentino en relación con la producción de biomasa de crustáceos planctónicosPriotto, Santiago Enrique 03 August 2017 (has links)
La Plataforma Continental Argentina es la más grande en el hemisferio sur.
Este ecosistema se caracteriza por la presencia de frentes marinos que regulan
el desarrollo de poblaciones biológicas. Un área de especial interés es el Rincón
que depende de los aportes de los ríos patagónicos y de los humedales
costeros contiguos que determinan un área de importancia ecológica y
productiva. En este sistema, el seston es uno de los principales agentes que
intervienen en la transformación del CO2 a compuestos orgánicos y en su
posterior exportación a capas más profundas. Las estimaciones de
aminoácidos, hexosaminas y quitina nos brindan pistas sobre los procesos que
afectan el flujo del carbono hacia la profundidad de los océanos. En este
trabajo se realizaron dos campañas oceanográficas en la Plataforma
Continental Argentina; la región de Patagonia norte y el sistema de El Rincón,
analizándose marcadores bioquímicos en las fracciones del seston, sedimentos
y mesozooplancton. El análisis de dichos marcadores, reveló que en la región
norpatagónica se consumen nutrientes provenientes de la corriente de Cabo de
Hornos y de Malvinas mientras que la salinidad no alcanza a explicar
diferencias en la capa eufótica entre las zonas de estudio. Es escasa la
influencia de las cuencas sur patagónicas y a pesar de la existencia de
corrientes oceánicas que conectan las regiones no se genera total
homogeneidad de los parámetros químicos de origen predominantemente
fitoplanctónicas. Por su escasa profundidad la materia en suspensión de la
plataforma se encuentra en estado inmaduro y terminaría de transformarse al
llegar al sedimento. En la zona del talud, las propiedades de la materia
orgánica son consecuencia de procesos de degradación durante su descenso,
eventos de surgencia, procesos de advección y resuspención. La distribución
del mesozooplancton estuvo principalmente asociada a la concentración del
fitoplancton, aunque la salinidad también contribuiría a delimitar su
distribución. La activación y desarrollo biológico del mesozooplancton se da de
norte a sur demostrando la existencia de heterogeneidad ambiental siendo el
talud una zona que motoriza la actividad biológica y la zona de plataforma
media un área de alta producción y cierta estabilidad espacio-temporal. La
distribución de las fracciones dependerían de las condiciones intrínsecas de
cada ambiente. En El Rincón se determinó que los compuestos químicos
analizados responden a una sumatoria de factores donde cobra relevancia la
formación temporal del sistema de circulación anticiclónico favorecida por el
desplazamiento de las corrientes marinas en la plataforma. Estas condiciones
promueven procesos regenerativos de la materia. Ni la salinidad ni la
temperatura ni la distribución de nutrientes son por si solos determinantes de
la distribución del mesozooplancton sino que ello responde a una diversidad de
factores, como el florecimiento y distribución del fitoplancton así como de las
mareas y los vientos. El aporte del mesozooplancton al material particulado es
significativamente menor al aporte del fitoplancton y el bacterioplancton. Una
parte importante del material en suspensión es de origen inorgánico lo que
favorece la turbidez del sistema. El crecimiento de las fracciones planctónicas a
partir del momento de activación biológica es dependiente de la capacidad de
acumular reservas lipídicas de cada fracción. / The Argentine Continental Shelf is the largest in the southern hemisphere. This
ecosystem is characterized by the presence of marine fronts that regulate the
development of biological populations. An area of special interest is “El Rincón”
that depends on the contributions of the Patagonian rivers and the contiguous
coastal wetlands that determine an area of ecological and productive
relevance. Seston with its components (phytoplankton, bacterioplankton and
zooplankton) is one of the main agents involved in the conversion of CO2 to
organic compounds and its subsequent export to deeper layers. Estimates of
amino acids, hexosamines and chitin provide clues to the processes that affect
the flow of carbon and nitrogen to the deep ocean. In this work two
oceanographic campaigns were carried out in the Argentine Continental Shelf;
the northern Patagonian region and the “El Rincón” system, in order to analyze
biogeochemical markers in seston, sediment and mesozooplankton fractions.
The analysis of these markers revealed that nutrients from the “Cabo de
Hornos” and Malvinas current are consumed in the North Patagonian region,
while salinity does not explain differences in the euphotic layer between the
study areas. The southern Patagonian basins did not completely explained the
spatial distribution of chemical markers despite the existence of ocean currents
that connect different areas of the shelf. Due to its shallow depth the
suspended matter of the platform is immature and would be mostly
transformed in bottom sediments. In the slope area, the properties of organic
matter are a consequence of degradation processes during their descent,
upwelling events, advection and resuspension processes. The distribution of
mesozooplankton was mainly associated to phytoplankton concentration,
although the salinity would also contribute to delimit its distribution. The
activation and biological development of mesozooplankton occurs from north to
south. This reveals the existence of environmental heterogeneity, i.e. the slope
is an area that drives the biological activity and the middle platform is an area
of high production and some spatio-temporal stability. The distribution of
fractions would depend on the intrinsic conditions of each environment. In “El
Rincón”, the distribution of chemical compounds analyzed corresponded to a
sum of factors where the temporal formation of the anticyclonic circulation
system favored by the displacement of the marine currents in the platform
becomes relevant. These conditions promote regenerative processes of organic
matter. Neither salinity nor temperature nor nutrient distributions are
determinants of the distribution of mesozooplankton, whereas it responds to a
variety of factors, such as the blooming and distribution of phytoplankton as
well as tides and winds. The contribution of mesozooplankton to the particulate
matter is significantly lower than the contribution of phytoplankton and
bacterioplankton. An important part of suspended material is of inorganic
origin which favors the turbidity of the system. The growth of the planktonic
fractions from the moment of biological activation is dependent on its capacity
to accumulate lipid reserves.
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An assessment of abundance trends and biology of langoustines (Metanephrops mozambicus) and pink prawns (Haliporoides triarthrus) from the deep-water trawl fishery off eastern South Africa.Robey, James. 07 November 2013 (has links)
Deep-water trawling (>200 m deep) for crustaceans in the South West Indian Ocean (SWIO) yields catches of several species, including prawns (Haliporoides triarthrus, Aristaeomorpha foliacea, Aristeus antennatus and Aristeus virilis), langoustine (Metanephrops mozambicus), spiny lobster (Palinurus delagoae) and geryonid crab (Chaceon macphersoni). Infrequent
deep-water trawling takes place off Tanzania, Kenya and Madagascar; however, well-established fisheries operate off Mozambique and South Africa. Regular trawling off South Africa started in the 1970’s, mainly targeting M .mozambicus and H. triarthrus. Catch and effort data for the South African fishery were regularly recorded in skipper logbooks over a 23 year period (1988 – 2010); this database was obtained from the
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) in order to assess abundance trends of M. mozambicus and H. triarthrus. Generalized linear models (GLM) were used to quantify the effects of year, month, depth and vessel on catch per unit effort (CPUE). By year, the standardized CPUE of M. mozambicus increased, and three factors (or a combination of them) could explain the trend: reduced effort saturation, improved gear and
technology, or an increase in abundance. By month, CPUE peaked in July and was highest between depths of 300 and 399 m. The standardized CPUE of H. triarthrus fluctuated more by year than for M. mozambicus, possibly because it is a shorter-lived and faster growing species. The monthly CPUE peaked in March, and was highest between depths of 400 and 499 m. Totals of 2 033 M. mozambicus (1 041 males and 992 females) and 5 927 H. triarthrus (2 938 males and 2 989 females) were sampled at sea between December 2010 and March 2012,
during quarterly trips on-board a fishing trawler. A GLM framework was used to explore their size composition, sex ratio variability, size at maturity and reproductive cycles. Male and female M. mozambicus size distributions were similar, but varied by month and decreased as depth increased. Female H. triarthrus were significant larger than males; size structure varied by month, but showed no change over depth. The sex ratio of M. mozambicus favoured males (1 : 0.89), but was close to parity in all months, except November when males predominated. H. triarthrus exhibited parity (1 : 1.002) with no
significant variations in sex ratios by month. The proportion of egg-bearing M. mozambicus in the population declined between March and August (hatching period) and then increased until December (spawning period). The L₅₀ (length at 50% maturity) of M. mozambicus was
estimated to be 49.4 mm carapace length (CL), and the smallest and largest observed egg-bearing females were 33.5 and 68.6 mm, respectively. No reproductively active female H. triarthrus were recorded during the sampling period. Growth parameter estimates for M. mozambicus (male and female combined) using Fabens
method were K = 0.48 yearˉ¹ and L∞ = 76.4 mm CL. Estimates for the von Bertalanffy growth formula (VBGF) were: K = 0.45 yearˉ¹ and L∞ = 76.4 mm CL. H. triarthrus male and female growth parameter were estimated separately. For males they were K = 0.5 yearˉ¹ and L∞ =
46.6 mm CL using Fabens method, and K = 0.76 yearˉ¹ and L∞ = 46.6 mm CL using the VBGF. For females they were K = 0.3 yearˉ¹ and L∞ = 62.9 mm CL using Fabens method, and K = 0.47 yearˉ¹ and L∞ = 62.9 mm CL using the VBGF.
CL to total weight regressions were calculated for both species; no significant differences were found between male and female M. mozambicus, although H. triarthrus females became larger and heavier than males.
Comparisons with three earlier studies (Berry, 1969; Berry et al., 1975; Tomalin et al., 1997) revealed no major changes in the biology of either species off eastern South Africa. Stocks appear to be stable at current levels of fishing pressure, although some factors are not yet
fully understood. Disturbance caused by continual trawling over a spatially limited fishing ground may affect distribution and abundance patterns, especially in M. mozambicus, which was less abundant in the depth range trawled most frequently. The absence of reproductive
H. triarthrus in samples suggests that they occur elsewhere, and there is some evidence of a possible spawning migration northwards to Mozambique; this suggests that H. triarthrus is a shared stock between South Africa and Mozambique. The results from this thesis will add to the knowledge of M. mozambicus and H. triarthrus in the SWIO, and provide a basis for developing sustainable management strategies for the deep-water crustacean trawl fishery off eastern South Africa. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2013.
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Comparison of freshwater and saltwater populations of the isopod Mesidotea entomon from Dolomite Lake, Northwest Territories, and Pauline Cove, Yukon Territory / Project Region Rouyn-Noranda.Korczynski, Rita E. January 1983 (has links)
Mesidotea entomon inhabiting Pauline Cove, YT, is larger in total body length at sexual maturity than M. entomon inhabiting Dolomite Lake, NWT. The sex ratio, diet, habitat distributions, size frequency distributions, and fecundity in the two populations are compared. Total carbohydrate, protein, lipid, chitin, and ash contents of both isopods' life stages are compared. Isopods in the cove show reduced carbohydrate and elevated lipid levels. In the 1975, 1978, and 1979 summers, isopods in the cove were internally infected with an extracellular protozoan parasite; those in the lake were uninfected. The infection is systemic. The prevalence of the protozoan infection increases with increasing host size. The host response involved phagocytosis and encapsulation. Transmission may be transovarially and/or by ingestion of the infective stage. The protozoan also infected Mesidotea sibirica. The infection is related to growth, abundance, habitat, reproduction, and biochemical variables.
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