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Comparative studies in the development of the nervous system in malacostracan crustaceansBiffis, Caterina 27 July 2017 (has links)
Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Entwicklung des Nervensystems von drei Arten der Höheren Krebse (Malacostraca): Die Leuchtgarnele (Euphausiacea) Meganyctiphanes norvegica und die beiden Zehnfußkrebse (Decapoda) Penaeus monodon (Dendrobranchiata) und Procambarus fallax f. virginalis (Astacida). Auf Basis von Antikörper- und Fluoreszenzfärbungen in Verbindung mit Konfokaler Laser-Scanning Mikroskopie und 3D Rekonstruktionen, umfasst die Studie den Beginn der Axogenese und zeichnet die Entstehung eines axonalen Grundgerüstes in einer umfassenden Abfolge durch die Embryonal- wie auch die Postembryonalentwicklung nach.
Die Daten zeigen, dass die drei untersuchten Arten ein allgemeines Muster bei der Entwicklung des Nervensystems teilen. Mittels eines vergleichenden Zuganges wird das gefundene Muster in Hinblick auf die segmentale Körperorganisation der Tiere diskutiert. Insbesondere die Entwicklung des peripheren und des enteralen Nervensystems spielen eine Schlüsselrolle im Prozess der Führung des grundlegenden axonalen Grundgerüstes. Der Vergleich zeigt, dass die medulla terminalis, welche sich bei den Naupliuslarven von M. norvegica und P. monodon in enger Verbindung zu einem Paar sensorischer Frontalorgane entwickelt, eine separate ontogenetische Einheit darstellt, die keinen Teil des dreiteiligen Gehirns der Tiere repräsentiert. Auf Grundlage der phylogenetischen Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen wird die Frage einer möglichen Homologie zwischen diesen sensorischen Organen und den “Frontalfilamenten“ bei nicht-malakostrakten Krebsen, sowie eine neue Interpretation des sogenannten “lateralen Protocerebrums” im Grundmuster der Crustacea-Entwicklung diskutiert. Darüber hinaus liefert die Studie die Identifikation der einzelnen Strukturen des sich entwickelnden stomatogastrischen Nervensystems und enthält eine Zusammenfassung der bisherigen diesbezüglich verwendeten Nomenklatur.
Abschließend wird die Hypothese der Entwicklung des Nervensystems als Ergebnis der koordinierten Interaktion dreier unabhängiger Nervensysteme, namentlich dem Zentral-, dem Enteral- und dem peripheren Nervensystem, entwickelt. Die Entwicklung des axonalen Grundgerüstes, als grundlegendes Netzwerk afferenter und efferenter Neuronen für die Verbindungen zwischen diesen drei Systemen, erscheint daher entkoppelt vom Prozess der Segmentierung. / The present study addresses the development of the nervous system in three malacostracans species: the euphausiacean Meganyctiphanes norvegica, and the two decapods Penaeus monodon (Dendrobranchiata) and Procambarus fallax f. virginalis (Astacida). Based on the use of antibody stainings and fluorescent dyes in combination with CLSM and 3D reconstruction, the observations cover the onset of axogenesis and follow the establishment of the axonal scaffold in a consistent and comprehensive sequence through the embryonic and the post-embryonic development.
The development of the nervous system reveals a general developmental pattern shared by the three investigated species. With a comparative approach, the observed pattern is discussed with respect to the segmental organization of the animals’ body. In particular, the development of the peripheral and of the enteric nervous systems plays a crucial role in the process of guiding the main axonal scaffold. In this context, the medulla terminalis, which in the nauplius larvae of M. norvegica and P. monodon develops strictly associated to a pair of frontal sensory organs, is proposed as a separate unit and not part of the tripartite brain. The homology of these sensory organs with the “frontal filaments” of non-malacostracan crustaceans and a new interpretation of the so called “lateral protocerebrum” in the developmental ground pattern of the Crustacea are discussed against the current phylogenetic background. Moreover, the present study offers a precise identification of the single structures forming the stomatogastric nervous system and provides a review of the former nomenclature. The interpretation of the labrum as a non-segmental appendage associated to the stomatogastric nervous system is advanced.
Finally, the present study proposes the development of the nervous system as the result of the coordinated interaction of three independent nervous systems, i.e. the central, the enteric and the peripheral. As a consequence, the development of the axonal scaffold, i.e. the formation of the basal network of afferents and efferents necessary for the connection among these three systems, appears uncoupled from the segmentation process.
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The Reproductive Ecology and Biology of the Pill-box Crab: Halicarcinus cookii (Brachyura: Hymenosomatidae) Filhol, 1885van den Brink, Anneke Maria January 2006 (has links)
This study investigates the reproductive strategies of the pill-box crab, Halicarcinus cookii on the Kaikoura Peninsula, New Zealand. Various aspects essential to understanding reproductive strategies were examined including growth, population dynamics, reproductive biology and mating behaviour. H. cookii exhibits obvious sexual dimorphism such that females develop wide abdomens forming brood chambers, and males tend to grow larger than females and have larger chelipeds in relation to body size. H. cookii allocates energy into growth and reproduction in separate phases of its life cycle where growth ceases as reproductive maturity begins due to a terminal/pubertal moult. Despite the presence of ovigerous females throughout the 15 month sampling period, the population was highly seasonal, with peaks in recruitment and growth occurring primarily during the winter months and peaks in numbers of mature individuals during the summer months. Reproductive output increased with body size in H. cookii, as larger females produced more eggs and larger males transferred more sperm than their smaller counterparts. Ovaries matured prior to the terminal/pubertal moult (anecdysis) and, in multiparous females, in synchrony with brood development, allowing females to produce broods in quick succession, maximising their reproductive output in their short life span (approximately 12-18 months, 6 months as an adult). Incubation duration of broods decreased as seawater temperature increased, suggesting that temperature is the primary cause of the seasonal population cycling. Sperm storage allowed females to produce at least 4 fertilised broods without re-mating. Some sperm mixing in the spermathecae appeared to occur and the ventral-type structure implies last male sperm precedence. Males therefore preferentially mated with females closest to laying a new brood and guarded them longer than other females to ensure their paternity. Guarding duration varied according to the sex ratio allowing males to maximise their reproductive output.
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Seleção de habitat por Epialtus spp. (Decapoda: Epialtidae) /Granado, Priscila. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Tânia Marcia Costa / Coorientador: Ronaldo A. Christofoletti / Banca: Roberto Munehisa Shimizu / Banca: Leonardo Querobim Yokoyama / Resumo: As macroalgas são consideradas engenheiros do entremarés, pois formam substrato secundário para outros organismos alterando a disponibilidade de abrigo e alimentação. Por apresentarem morfologias distintas, conferem diferentes recursos aos organismos que vivem associados a elas. No presente estudo avaliou-se a distribuição de caranguejos Epialtus spp. em três espécies de macroalgas com diferentes morfologias e complexidades: Sargassum sp., Hypnea sp. e Acanthophora sp.. Para isso, foram coletadas amostras das três espécies de macroalgas na região do baixo entremarés (Hypnea sp e Acanthophora sp.) e infralitoral (Sargassum sp.). As algas foram triadas, identificadas, bem como suas macroalgas epífitas e os caranguejos do gênero Epialtus spp. foram separados para que fossem contabilizados, sexados e mensurados. Os resultados indicam que houve diferença significativa na distribuição dos caranguejos somente entre as macroalgas Acanthophora sp. e Hypnea sp. Como ambas ocorrem na mesma altura no costão rochoso, um pouco acima de Sargassum sp., este resultado indica que a zonação não é um fator determinante na distribuição de Epialtus spp. e que Hypnea sp. pode apresentar maior complexidade quando comparada a Acanthophora sp. Houve correlação positiva entre volume da amostra de Sargassum sp. e número de caranguejos. Além disso, esta macroalga tinha associada a ela a epífita Hypnea sp. Assim, essa associação de epifitismo além de ter conferido maior complexidade, pode também ter proporcionado heterogeneidade ao ambiente e essas condições reunidas podem ter conferido maior proteção contra estresses ambientais, predação e disponibilidade de recursos alimentares, supondo que o caranguejo possa se alimentar de Hypnea sp. e Sargassum sp.. Assim, os fatores como complexidade e heterogeneidade das macroalgas bem como suas diferentes palatabilidades podem ser determinantes na distribuição do Epialtus spp. em costões rochosos / Abstract: Not available / Mestre
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ALIMENTACAO E DISTRIBUICAO DE HYALE MEDIA (CRUSTACEA-AMPHIPODA) DO FITAL DA PRAIA DO POCO, ITANHAEM, SP / Feeding and distribution of Hyale media (Crustacea Amphypoda) of phytal for in Itanhaem (SP) region.Tararam, Airton Santo 22 October 1980 (has links)
Hyale media (Dana, 1853), Gammaridea do fital da Praia do Poço (Poço de Anchieta), Itanhaem, litoral sul do Estado de são Paulo, foi estudada durante o inverno e verão do ano de 1979. A espécie foi analisada quanto ã sua distribuição e abundância em um dos costões rochosos do local, quanto a sua alimentaçao e como animal presa para peixes da região do fital. A abundância da espécie, em relação aos demais Gammaridea, foi obtida através do índice de Densidade Relativa e a distribuição vertical e horizontal, pela sua ocorrencia nas algas do costão rochoso. A importância da espécie como presa de peixes do fital foi avaliada através da análise do conteúdo estomacal de algumas espécies, notadamente Blennius cristatus. Aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos da alimentação de Hyale media foram analisados experimentalmente em 4 estádios de desenvolvimento da espécie, utilizando-se alimentos vegetal e animal. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que Hyale media é uma espécie de distribuiçao ampla no costão rochoso, ocorrendo em maior abundância nas algas dos níveis mais baixos. Hyale media é uma espécie omnívora, que se utiliza de vários mecanismos para aquisição de alimentos, à exceção da filtração. No inverno, a preferência da especie recaiu sobre o alimento Sargasswn stenophyllwn e, no verão, sobre o alimento Ulva fasciata, não ocorrendo, porem, diferença significativa entre o inverno e o verão, quanto à utilização de Alimento Animal. O estádio mais desenvolvido de Hyale media (macho 2) teve altas porcentagens de assimilação, embora apresentasse baixas razões de ingestão, assimilação e eliminação, tanto no inverno quanto verão. Este comportamento não foi observado nos demais estádios. Maiores porcentagens de assimilação foram, em geral, obtidas no verao. Hyale media serve de alimento para os peixes da região algal estudada e parece ser um importante membro na cadeia trófica da região. / The Gammaridea Hyale media (Dana, 1853) living in the phytal of Praia do Poço, Itanhaém, southern coast of São Paulo State, was studied during the winter and summer of 1979. The study included the local distribution and abundance of the species. Qualitative and quantitative analyses on the feeding of Hyale media, at laboratory conditions, were also made. The results showed that the species lives more frequently on algae occurring at inferior levels of the rock. Hyale media is a food item of great value for intertidal fish, specially for Blennius cristatus. Therefore, it would probably be an important element of the local food chain. The species is omnivorous and its feeding mechanisms are browsing, predation, scavenging and scraping. Filter-feeding was not observed in Hyale media. Concerning its preference for different types of food, the studied Gammaridea preferred Sargassum stenophyllum in the winter and Ulva fasciata in the summer. In relation to Animal food there was no significative difference between winter and summer. Male 2 (more advanced stage) presented high percentage of food assimilation al though ingestion, assimilation and elimination rates were low, during the two seasons. The same was not true for the early stages. However, in general, Hyale media reached higher percentage of assimilation in the summer.
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Análise e descrição de estruturas temporárias presentes no período ovígero de isópodos terrestres (Crustacea, Oniscidea)Appel, Carina de Souza January 2011 (has links)
A presença do marsúpio fechado possibilitou aos isópodos terrestres a total independência do meio aquático para a reprodução, permitindo aos mesmos a colonização de habitats terrestres variados. Em seu interior, a prole é nutrida e oxigenada através de estruturas temporárias, chamadas cotilédones, as quais surgem durante o período ovígero das fêmeas e são exclusivas do grupo Crinocheta. O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever padrões dos cotilédones, analisados em 37 espécies de isópodos terrestres distribuídas entre as famílias: Agnaridae, Armadillidae, Armadillidiidae, Balloniscidae, Bathytropidae, Detonidae, Dubioniscidae, Philosciidae, Platyarthridae, Porcellionidae, Pudeoniscidae, Scleropactidae e Trachelipodidae, verificando se ocorre variação de comprimento ao longo das fases de desenvolvimento embrionário, sendo que para isto foram selecionadas seis espécies: Armadillidium nasatum, A. vulgare, Atlantoscia floridana, Balloniscus sellowii, Benthana cairensis e Porcellio scaber. Armadillidium vulgare e B. sellowii também foram estimados quanto à proporção comprimento dos cotilédones/ tamanho da fêmea. Entre as 13 famílias estudadas foram identificados seis formatos (tipos) de cotilédones e sete arranjos diferentes de número e distribuição. O comprimento foi estabelecido como: curto, médio e longo. Armadillidium vulgare, A. floridana e B. cairensis não apresentaram diferença no comprimento dos cotilédones durante os estágios embrionários sendo que este foi evidenciado para as demais espécies, uma vez que B. sellowii e P. scaber apresentaram aumento da fase de ovo para embrião, diminuindo na fase de manca. Já em A. nasatum ocorre um aumento gradual até a fase de manca, onde então regridem drasticamente. O comprimento dos cotilédones de A. vulgare e B. sellowii é proporcional ao tamanho da fêmea. Durante os estudos realizados outra novidade foi registrada: a presença de uma “extensão marsupial”. Para maiores informações sobre esta estrutura, foi necessário identificar quais espécies a apresentavam, o número de indivíduos abrigados em seu interior e diferenças na estrutura entre as espécies que portavam tal extensão e as que possuem o marsúpio fechado restrito aos cinco pares de oostegitos. Seis espécies apresentaram extensão marsupial, a qual possibilita o abrigo de aproximadamente ¼ do total da prole. XI Este marsúpio não apresenta formato distendido como o encontrado nas demais espécies o que vem a influenciar diretamente a alimentação da fêmea, pois com o desenvolvimento da prole ocorrendo em direção aos órgãos desta, conforme avançam as fases, aumenta a pressão interna, comprimindo seu interior. As diferenças morfológicas registradas aqui representam estratégias reprodutivas adotadas pelas espécies, ao longo da evolução, podendo estar relacionadas (ou não) à filogenia dos grupos. / The presence of the closed brood pouch made it possible for terrestrial isopods to have full independence of the aquatic environment for reproduction, allowing them to colonize varied terrestrial habitats. Inside, the offspring is nourished and oxygenated by temporary structures, called cotyledons, which emerge during the ovigerous period of females and are unique to the group Crinocheta. This study aims to describe patterns of cotyledons, analyzed in 37 species of terrestrial isopods distributed among the families: Agnaridae, Armadillidae, Armadillidiidae, Balloniscidae, Bathytropidae, Detonidae, Dubioniscidae, "Philoscidae" Platyarthridae, Porcellionidae, Pudeoniscidae, Scleropactidae and Trachelipodidae , checking if there is variation in length along the stages of embryonic development, and for this, six species were selected as models: Armadillidium nasatum, A. vulgare, Atlantoscia floridana Balloniscus sellowii, Porcellio scaber and Benthana cairensis. Armadillidium vulgare and B. sellowii were also estimated concerning the proportion of cotyledon length / female size. Among the 13 studied families six formats (types) of cotyledons were identified as well as seven different arrangements of numbers and distribution. The length was established as: short, medium and long. Armadillidium vulgare, A. floridana and B. cairensis showed no difference in the length of the cotyledons during the embryonic stages while this was evidenced for the other species, since B. sellowii and P. scaber showed increased egg stage to the embryo, decreasing during the manca. Nevertheless in A. nasatum a gradual increase until the phase of manca occurs, which then regresses dramatically. The length of the cotyledons of A. vulgare and B. sellowii is proportional to female size. XIII During the carried out studies another new feature was recorded: the presence of an " marsupial extension." For obtaining further information about this structure it was necessary to identify the species that presented it, the number of individuals housed within, and differences in structure between species that harbored such extension and the others which had the closed pouch restricted to five pairs of oostegits. Six species showed marsupial extension, which provides shelter for approximately a quarter of the total offspring. This brood pouch does not have a distended format as the one found in other species, which directly influences the feeding of the female, because due to the fact that the offspring development occurs towards its organs as the stages advance, internal pressure increases, compressing its interior. The morphological differences reported here represent reproductive strategies adopted by the species, through evolution and could be related (or not) to the phylogeny of the groups.
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Composição, distribuição batimétrica e estrutura da assembleia de ermitões (Crustacea, Anomura) em uma área do litoral sudeste brasileiro influênciada pelo fenômeno da ressurgênciaLima, Israel Fernandes Frameschi de. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Adilson Fransozo / Banca: Katia Aparecida Nunes Hiroki / Banca: Aridiane Cristine Almeida / Banca: Rogério Caetano da Costa / Banca: Antonio Leão Castilho / Resumo: Não disponivel / Abstract: Not avaliable / Doutor
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Morfologia do primeiro estágio juvenil de quatro espécies de caranguejos Leucosioidea (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura), com proposta de padronização para as descrições dos estágios iniciais em Decapoda /Degani, Eduardo. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Lucia Negreiros Fransozo / Banca: Gustavo Luis Hirose / Banca: Giovana Bertini / Resumo: Morfologia dos estágios iniciais do ciclo de vida dos crustáceos são muito importantes para o estabelecimento de suas relações ecológicas, taxonômicas e filogenéticas. Este estudo descreve a morfologia do primeiro estágio juvenil de Persephona liechtensteinii, P. mediterranea, P. punctata e Ebalia stimpsoni. Larvas na fase de megalopa foram obtidas do neuston de Ubatuba (SP) e criadas isoladamente, em laboratório, até o tamanho que permite a correta identificação das espécies. Posteriormente, exúvias do primeiro estágio juvenil foram dissecadas sob estereomicroscópio e foram feitos desenhos e medidas sob um microscópio óptico provido de câmara clara. As diferenças morfológicas registradas foram: cerdas plumosas marginais no telso de P. liechtensteinii com cerdas simples na superfície; ausência de cerdas na base da antena em P. punctata; uma cerda simples no protopodito da maxílula em E. stimpsoni; uma cerda plumosa no endopodito da maxila em P. mediterranea; uma cerda simples no endito coxal da maxila em P. punctata; 2 cerdas simples no epipodito do 3º maxilípede em P. liechtensteinii; diferentes tipos de cerdas no exopodito do 3º maxilípede: 8 cerdas do tipo espátula em P. mediterranea, 9-10 plumodenticuladas em P. punctata, 23-25 simples na superfície e 28-29 plumosas marginais longas em P. liechtensteinii, e 7 simples curtas (espiniforme) em E. stimpsoni. As características compartilhadas entre essas espécies foram: carapaça arredondada com pequenos grânulos espalhados e, exceto em E. stimpsoni, 3 espinhos granulosos na margem posterior / Abstract: Morphology of the initial stages of crustacean life cycle is very important to the establishment of their ecological, taxonomical and phylogenetic relationships. This study describes the morphology of the first juvenile stage of Persephona liechtensteinii, P. mediterranea, P. punctata and Ebalia stimpsoni. Larvae on the megalopa stage were obtained from the neuston of Ubatuba, SP, and reared individually in laboratory until they reached a size that allowed the correct identification of their species. Afterwards, exuvia from the first juvenile were dissected under stereomicroscope and drawings and measurements, under optical microscope, equiped with camara lucida. Some of the morphological differences observed were: marginal plumose setae on the telson of P. liechtensteinii with simple setae on the surface; absence of setae on the base of the antenna in P. punctata; a simple seta on the protopod of the maxillule of E. stimpsoni; a plumose seta on the endopod of the maxilla in P. mediterranea; a simple seta on the coxal endite of the maxilla in P. punctata; 2 simple seta on the epipod of the 3rd maxilliped in P. liechtensteinii; different types of setae on the exopod of the 3rd maxilliped: 8 spatulate in P. mediterranea, 9-10 plumodenticulate in P. punctata, 23-25 simple on the surface and 28-29 marginal long plumose in P. liechtensteinii, and 7 small simple in E. stimpsoni. The shared characters between these species were: a rounded carapace with small granules equally sparse and, with the exception of E. stimpsoni, 3 granulous spines on the posterior margin / Mestre
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Social Status-Dependent Changes in Behavior and Neurogenesis in the Crayfish Procambarus ClarkiiSong, Cha-Kyong 26 May 2006 (has links)
Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) form dominance hierarchies, which are patterns of repeated fights with expected outcomes of winner and loser. Establishment of hierarchies allows dominants the first access to limited resources over subordinates, and leads to behavioral and cellular changes corresponding to the social status. Here, the animals¡¯ responses to an unexpected unilateral touch, a non-social stimulus, were examined with respect to their social status and to their social context. Isolates oriented to the stimulus source with raised claws and elevated posture. Dominants also oriented to the stimulus both when tested alone and in the presence of a subordinate. Subordinates oriented to the stimulus while separated from their familiar dominant partner; however, they avoided it when tested while paired with the dominant. In subsequent tests first while semi-separated from the dominant and later while fully separated, the same subordinates displayed more orienting responses as the duration of post-fight separation increased. These results suggest that the lingering effects of recent social experience influence the behavior of subordinate animals. During fights, crayfish release urine toward each other, providing critical chemosensory cues for establishing hierarchies. Throughout the lifespan, new neuronal precursors are added into clusters of olfactory local and projection interneurons (clusters 9 and 10). Here, the effect of pair-wise social experience on neurogenesis in these brain regions was examined using the proliferation marker bromodeoxyuridine. Groups of proliferating cells in clusters 9 and 10 formed distinctive comma shapes. The BrdU-positive nuclei in the head part of the comma were smaller and more circular than those in the tail part of the comma. Subordinates had fewer new neuronal precursors surviving in cluster 9 after 14 days than did dominants. Mitotic activity was not influenced by social status. The effect of social experience on neurogenesis remained when the effect of body growth rate on neurogenesis was removed. In conclusion, social domination enhances cell survival compared to social subordination. Although the function of these surviving newborn neuronal precursors is unknown they may enhance the learning ability of dominant crayfish.
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Studies on a member of the pleuston, Anomalocera opalus n.s. (Crustacea, Copepoda) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.Pennell, William. January 1973 (has links)
No description available.
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Changes in the summer zooplankton community of the Indiana waters of Lake Michigan inshore at a Michigan City transect, 1987 and 1988Phillips, Sheri A. January 1993 (has links)
Alterations in the summer zooplankton community that have appeared since Johnson's (1972) study of a Michigan City (site M) transect in southeastern Lake Michigan were investigated. Vertical tows were made at 5, 10, 15, and 18 meters from June through August in 1987 and 1988 in order obtain data that could be compared with that of Johnson (1972).Subsamples analyzed were proportionately larger than those of Johnson (1972), in order to obtain a detailed profile of the species and numbers in the community, and to identify large, predatory zooplankton species that are believed to have been severely impacted by the explosive growth of the alewife population during the 1960's.The most common crustacean species collected were: Diacyclops thomasi, Leptodiaptomus minutus, Leptodiaptomus ashlandi, calanoid and cyclopoid nauplii and copepodids, Daphnia retrocurva, and Bosmina longirostris. The most common rotifer species collected were Keratella c. cochlearis, Keratella crassa, Kellicottia longispina, Conochilus sp., and Polyarthra sp.. Higher numbers of Epischura lacustris adults and copepodids, Leptodora kindti, Mesocyclops edax, Daphnia galeata mendotae, and the rotifers Asplanchna priodonta, Conochilus sp., Keratella crassa, and Ploesoma truncatum were recorded as compared to Johnson's 1972 data. The summer zooplankton community of this transect appears to have been represented in the summers of 1987 and 1988 by a greater number of large crustacean zooplankton species, as opposed to a 1970 community dominated by small microfiltrators and D. thomasi. / Department of Biology
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