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Microstructure and toughness of electron beam welds in steelOÌ„hara, Masahiro January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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Lois de paroi adaptatives pour un modèle de fermeture du second ordre dans un contexte industriel / Adaptive wall treatment for a second order turbulence model in an industrial contextWald, Jean François 29 June 2016 (has links)
Les calculs de CFD industriels pour les écoulements turbulents commencent par une phase complexe de réalisation de maillage (calculs de fond de cuve, de plénum supérieur ou d’assemblages combustibles par exemple dans le domaine nucléaire). Les premières contraintes prises en compte sont le plus souvent géométriques (complexité, détail, intuition ou retour d'expérience concernant les endroits « importants » où le maillage doit être raffiné). On doit cependant respecter des contraintes inhérentes aux modèles de turbulence RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes) utilisés notamment la taille de la première cellule de calcul à la paroi. Si on utilise un modèle dit « Haut-Reynolds » (k- ε standard, SSG, …), on ne devrait trouver que des cellules de paroi ayant un centre à une distance adimensionnelle au moins égale à 20 pour pouvoir d’une part justifier l'utilisation de la loi « universelle » logarithmique pour la vitesse et d’autre part, ce qui souvent occulté, respecter le fait que ces modèles ne sont pas conçus pour des distances plus basses. En revanche, si on utilise un modèle dit « Bas-Reynolds » (BL-v²/k, EB-RSM, …), on devrait partout avoir des cellules de paroi ayant un centre à une distance adimensionnelle de la paroi très faible. Si ces modèles sont utilisés avec une partie des cellules en paroi ayant une distance adimensionnelle nettement supérieure, les résultats peuvent être catastrophiques (le calcul peut ou bien diverger ou bien donner des résultats avec une physique totalement fausse). Cette thèse propose le développement d'un nouveau modèle de turbulence avec lois de paroi adaptatives qui donne des résultats satisfaisants quelque soit le type de maillage utilisé, en particulier quand ce dernier contient à la fois des cellules dont le centre est à une distance « Bas-Reynolds » et « Haut-Reynolds ». Étant donné les écoulements complexes des configurations industrielles, ce nouveau modèle s'appuie sur l'utilisation d'un modèle du second ordre connu pour son bon comportement : le modèle EB-RSM. Ce modèle permet de reproduire l'anisotropie de la turbulence et comble certaines lacunes des modèles du premier ordre. Ce modèle est disponible dans Code_Saturne, code open source développé par EDF et au sein duquel les développements ont été réalisés. / CFD computations of turbulent flows always begin with a complex meshing process (upper plenum, fuel assembly in the nuclear industry for example). Geometrical constraints are the first ones to be satisfied (level of details, important zones to refine regarding “user experiences”). One has however to satisfy constraints that are inherent to the RANS model (Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes) used for the computation. For example, if a « High-Reynolds » (k-ε standard, SSG, …) model is used one should only have wall cells with a dimensionless distance to the wall greater or equal to 20 to justify the use of the universal “law of the wall”. On the other hand, if a « Low-Reynolds » (BL-v²/k, EB-RSM, …) model is used, one should only find wall cells with a dimensionless distance to the wall below 1. If those models are used in an inappropriate way the results could be dramatic (computations can either diverge or give unphysical results). This thesis proposes the development of a new turbulence model with adaptive wall treatments that gives satisfactory results on all types of meshes. In particular, the model will be able to cope with meshes containing both « High-Reynolds » and « Low-Reynolds » wall cells. Given the complex flows encountered in the nuclear industry this thesis will use a model known for its good behavior: the EB-RSM model. This model is able to reproduce the anisotropy of the turbulence and give more satisfactory results than eddy viscosity models in different configurations. This model is available in Code_Saturne, an open source code developed at EDF. Al the developments are made in this code.
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Susitarimai nekonkuruoti pagal Europos Bendrijos konkurencijos teisę / Non-Compete agreements under competition law of the european communityKoklevičius, Darius 24 November 2010 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe analizuojami susitarimai nekonkuruoti EB konkurencijos teisėje. Šie susitarimai gali būti suprantami dvejopai. Įsipareigojimas nekonkuruoti kaip pagrindinė susitarimo nekonkuruoti sudėtinė dalis gali būti aiškinamas kaip susitarimas nekonkuruoti siaurąja prasme. Plačiąja prasme susitarimas nekonkuruoti bus suprantamas, kai įsipareigojimas nekonkuruoti nėra pagrindinė nuostata susitarime, o tik papildoma. Tada laikoma, kad susitarimas turi tik poveikį nekonkuruoti. Susitarimai siaurąja prasme dažniausiai sudaromi vertikaliame lygmenyje, todėl susitarimai nekonkuruoti šiame darbe nagrinėjami vertikaliame lygmenyje, tačiau taipogi trumpai apžvelgiamas ir horizontalusis. Siekiant aiškaus atribojimo nuo vertikaliųjų susitarimų pateikiama trumpa jų analizė koncentracijų kontrolės prasme. Pastaraisiais dviem atvejais susitarimai nekonkuruoti sudaromi plačiąja prasme. Toliau siekiant pažvelgti į ekonominius šių susitarimų vertinimo aspektus išsamiau aptariami šių susitarimų keliami pavojai konkurencijai, nepamirštant ir teigiamų vertikaliųjų apribojimų pusių. Nustatoma pagrindinė taisyklė, kad derinant įvairius vertikaliuosius apribojimus tarpusavyje, būtina parinkti tą derinį, kuris turės mažiausiai neigiamos įtakos konkurencijai. Sekančioje dalyje pažvelgiama iš arčiau į 81 straipsnį, remiantis teismine praktika apibrėžiamos pagrindinės sąvokos. Analizuojant susitarimų nekonkuruoti bendrą draudimą didžiąja dalimi naudojamasi Komisijos ir Bendrijos teismų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This master thesis is dedicated for non-compete agreements in the European Community law. Distinction has to be made between non-compete agreement and non-compete obligation. Non-compete agreements have a wider interpretation than a non-compete obligation. Usually in practice, non-compete obligation is a substantial part of a non-compete agreements. Otherwise, if the agreement consists of other types of obligations which has a principal influence on the agreement and a subsidiary non-compete obligation is included as well, such agreement will be held to have an effect not to compete. As those agreements occur in practice non-compete obligations, being the main clause of the agreement, are met in vertical ones most of the time. In horizontal level agreements are to cause just the effect of non-compete. Further, has to be mentioned that the negative effects to competition are more likely to be found in horizontal level rather than vertical. For possible detriments to be defined economical approach has to be developed. Formal analysis will not produce actual effect which is laid by the agreement. It is important so understand that real effects on competition are better discovered when looked through economic prism. Afterwards, to get a better view to vertical non-compete agreements in the EC competition law, the true meaning of Article 81 has to be defined. Competition law gives rather laconic reference to agreements and the ways how they should be treated to avoid their... [to full text]
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A novel cytostatic form of autophagy in sensitization of non-small cell lung cancer cells to radiation by vitamin D and vitamin D analogue, EB 1089.sharma, khushboo 01 January 2014 (has links)
The standard of care for unresectable lung cancer is chemoradiation. However, therapeutic options are limited and patients are rarely cured. While Radiation therapy is effective at killing tumor cells or inhibiting their growth initially, development of resistance to treatments and recurrence of tumors are major issues. One of the major goals of Dr. Gewirtz’s laboratory has been to develop strategies to overcome the resistance and attenuate disease recurrence. One of these attempts involve employing vitamin D and its analogs in combination with radiation therapy. Our proposed studies were based on a previous finding where vitamin D and vitamin D analogs such as EB 1089, were shown to enhance the response to radiation in breast cancer through the promotion of autophagy.
We extended these studies to non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and were able to validate that 1,25-D3 (the hormonally active form of vitamin D) and EB 1089 does in fact sensitize A549 and H460 cells and prolonged the growth arrest induced by radiation alone and suppressed proliferative recovery, which translated to a significant reduction in clonogenic survival. In H838 or H358 NSCLC cells, which lack the vitamin D receptor or functional p53, respectively, 1,25-D3 failed to modify the extent of radiation-induced growth arrest or suppress proliferative recovery post irradiation. Sensitization to radiation in H1299 NSCLC cells was evident only when p53 was induced in otherwise p53 null H1299 NSCLC cells. Sensitization by 1,25-D3/ EB 1089 was not associated with increased DNA damage, decreased DNA repair or an increase in apoptosis, necrosis or senescence. Instead sensitization appeared to be a consequence of the conversion of the cytoprotective autophagy induced by radiation alone to a novel cytostatic form of autophagy by the combination of 1,25-D3 or EB 1089 with radiation. While both pharmacological and genetic suppression of autophagy or inhibition of AMPK phosphorylation sensitized the NSCLC cells to radiation alone, inhibition of the cytostatic autophagy induced by the combination treatment reversed sensitization. Evidence for selectivity was provided by lack of radiosensitization in normal human bronchial cells and cardiomyocytes. Taken together, these studies have identified a unique cytostatic function of autophagy that appears to be mediated by the vitamin D receptor, p53 and possibly AMPK in the promotion of an enhanced response to radiation by 1,25-D3 and EB 1089 in NSCLC.
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Polymorphisms of I£eBL and I£eB£\ Genes in Patients with Rheumatoid ArthritisLin, Chia-hui 17 February 2005 (has links)
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one kind of chronic inflammation disease. It affects not only joint, but often has the infringement outside the joint, such as internal organs. Besides the environmental factor, the heredity factor is involved in the pathogenesis of RA too. HLA-DR4 was found to play a role in RA pathogenesis in Taiwan. Because the DR4 positive patients actually are only one-half, other than HLA-DR gene may also be involved in RA pathogenesis.
NF£eB plays an important role in immune inflammation. Activity of I£eB can affect NF£eB. I£eB£\ is a critical member in the I£eB protein family. Moreover, I£eBL is functionally similar to I£eB£\. Therefore we extrapolated polymorphisms of I£eBL gene and I£eB£\ gene of the RA patients and normal subjects.
In this research, studies of these two genes from 79 RA patients and 81 normal subjects were divides into two parts. The first part used polymerase chain reaction, direct sequencing, special sequence polymerase chain reaction as well as limit fragment length polymorphism to study relations between I£eBL gene and HLA-DR4 and RA occurrence. The second part used polymerase chain reaction and limit fragment length polymorphism, to analyze relation between I£eB£\ gene and the RA occurrence.
We found that there is significant increase of -421 -/A base deletion polymorphism in I£eBL gene from DR4 positive RA patients and -262 T/C polymorphism in I£eBL gene from DR4 negative RA patients. A significant reduction of -519 C/T polymorphism in I£eB£\ gene from DR4 negative RA patients was found too.
In conclusion, polymorphisms of -421 -/A base deletion as well as -262 T/C in I£eBL gene may be involved in the pathogenesis of RA by alteration of I£eBL activity and thereafter binding of I£eBL to NF£eB.
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Dominavimo samprata pagal EB Sutarties 82 straipsnį ir jo nustatymo problematika / Dominance under article 82 of the ec treaty and the problems of its findingKirkaitė, Ieva 24 November 2010 (has links)
Santrauka. Dominavimo samprata pagal EB Sutarties 82 straipsnį ir jo nustatymo problematika Šiame magistro darbe nagrinėjama Europos Bendrijos konkurencijos teisėje įtvirtinta dominuojančios padėties koncepcija. Darbo tikslas – atskleisti dominavimo sampratos bei nustatymo ypatumus, identifikuojant dažniausiai sutinkamas problemas. Išskiriami tokie dominavimo tipai, kaip vienasmenis dominavimas, kolektyvinis, bei superdominavimas. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas dominavimo koncepcijos plėtojimo tendencijoms, atsižvelgiant į šiuo metu Komisijos pradėtą EB Sutarties 82 straipsnio reformą. Darbe koncentruojamasi į Bendrijos teismų bei Europos Komisijos suformuluotą praktiką šia tema bei galimus taikymo praktikos pasikeitimus. Tačiau kartu vertinamos ir Lietuvos konkurencijos teisėje nusistovėjusios taisyklės, kurios reglamentuoja ūkio subjektų dominavimą. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad Lietuva yra įsipareigojusi suderinti savo nacionalinę teisę su Europos Bendrijos acquis communautaire, įskaitant ir konkurencijos teisės taisykles, siekiant įvertinti, ar Lietuvoje galiojančios konkurencijos teisės normos atitinka Europos Bendrijos taisykles dominavimo padėties aspektu. / Summary. Dominance Under Article 82 of the EC Treaty and the Problems of Its Finding This study is devoted to the analysis of the conception of dominance in the European Community competition law. The objective of this study is to ascertain the main features of the aspects of dominance, including its finding problems. The analysis presents such types of dominance as single dominance, collective dominance and super-dominance. Particular attention is given to the research of the possible changes of the concept of dominance, subject to the process of modernization of application of Article 82 EC. It is concentrated to the practice of the European Community courts and the European Commission. However Lithuanian competition law, which regulates dominance, is also examined. Considering the undertaking to approximate Lithuanian national competition law to acquis communautaire of the European Union, the study labours for answering, whether the competition rules, established in Lithuania correspond to the European Community competition law in the light of dominance.
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Piktnaudžiavimo dominuojančia padėtimi būdai pagal Europos Bendrijos konkurencijos teisę: naujausios tendencijos / The types of abuse of a dominant position under ec competition law: the latest tendenciesPakalnytė, Veronika 09 July 2011 (has links)
Šio darbo tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti 2005 m. Komisijos Svarstytiname pranešime dėl EB Sutarties 82 straipsnio taikymo šalinantį poveikį turinčiam piktnaudžiavimui pristatomas naujas tendencijas piktnaudžiavimo dominuojančia padėtimi būdų analizėje bei jų suderinamumą su naujausia Komisijos ir Bendrijos teismų praktika piktnaudžiavimo srityje. / The purpose of this master thesis is to clarify the new tendencies in treatment of abusive conduct, established in the Commission Discussion Paper on the application of Article 82 of the EC Treaty to exclusionary abuses, and their conformity with the newest case law of Community courts and Commission decisional practice in applying the Article 82 of the EC Treaty.
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Algoritmy pro řízení elektrických motorů / Algorithms for electrical motor controlLyko, Antonín January 2017 (has links)
This paper presents the structure and basic elements of the Autosar software architecture. In addition, the configuration code generation options are presented for both MC-ISAR drivers and AURIX TriCore TC277 hardware modules using EB tresos Studio. For the purpose of possible integration of the electric motor control algorithms, configurations of the GTM and VADC hardware modules have been created and described to enable the generation of PWM signals along with synchronously triggered parallel analogue-to-digital conversions. For this purpose, an application interface including the PWM driver was also developed and described.
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<div>Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) provide thermal and environmental protection to superalloy components operating within the combustor and high pressure sections of a gas turbine. However, calcium-magnesium-aluminum silicate (CMAS) deposits originated from particulate matter ingested through the air intake degrade YSZ TBCs, ultimately decreasing the overall efficiency of the engines. With the introduction of biofuels into gas turbines, a new list of impurities with no precedent in jet engines may interact with TBCs, arising the possibility to form CMAS deposits without flying in a particular environment and to exacerbate CMAS negative effect through the addition of other contaminants.</div><div><br></div><div>In this work, a cyclic thermal gradient rig was developed to test TBCs in similar conditions as in a gas turbine. The heat flux and non-contact surface temperature measurements were validated with a thermal transient model. The effect of biofuel impurities on YSZ TBCs was evaluated by spraying the coatings with impurity cocktails, solutions containing the impurities of interest, and subsequently testing their lifetimes in the ablation rig.</div><div><br></div><div>Detailed microstructure analysis revealed that APS and EB-PVD TBCs fail in different ways when exposed to equal concentrations of CMAS. When contaminating APS TBCs with varying combinations of CMAS constituents (e.g., S, C-S, C-A, C-A-S, C-M-S, and C-M-A-S), it was possible to identify that coatings delaminated at different rates depending on the combination of CMAS constituents. Finally, the effect of CMAS in combination with contaminants exclusive of biofuels was analyzed on YSZ TBCs. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and micrographs revealed that glass modifiers (e.g., K<sub>2</sub>O and ZnO) accelerated the degradation of YSZ TBCs.</div>
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An Additional Catalyst for Over-the-Rhine Growth: Immigrant Investor (EB-5) ProgramZhang, Lu 04 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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