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使用浮現中的新技術與標準來建構新一代的商業網路 / Building A New Business Network With New Emerging Technologies and Standards顏榮禮, Yen, Rong-Lii Unknown Date (has links)
In this thesis, we provide a overview of Web Services and ebXML. We discuss that mobile computing is the future trend of the networks. From kinds of new technologies, we choose Web Services and ebXML as the candidates of the future network trends.
In Web Services, there are three components:SOAP, UDDI, and WSDL. SOAP is a message exchange protocol, UDDI is a repository of service profiles, and WSDL is the language that describes the contents of the services. The three components constitute a complete Web Services infrastructure. This thesis maps Web Services into Internet and explains how this infrastructure works.EbXML, founded by UN/CEFACT and OASIS, will be a new standard for business processes. It establishes common business process in order to let business partners do transactions more easily.
This thesis combines the two technologies above mentioned to create a new business network environment. This new environment will reduce cost, increase effectiveness, and improve communications abilities. We provide a simple demo system to show the concepts and hope this thesis will be a better reference for readers.
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Elektronická fakturace a související procesy v informačních systémech typu ERP / Electronic invoicing and related processes in ERP information systemsMarek, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Thesis readers familiar with the issue of electronic billing in small and medium-sized companies and provide an overview of the various formats and communication channels, which in the deployment of electronic invoicing can be used. In each chapter set out in detail the advantages and disadvantages of different formats and channels of communication. In the practical part of thesis describes a solution of electronic invoicing and the potential risks in the implementation and operation of electronic invoicing. The theoretical part of thesis draws primarily from articles and is accompanied by actual observations of Internet magazines. The theoretical part should provide the reader with a comprehensive picture of the Czech market with the information systems like ERP and should acquaint the reader briefly is the history of ERP systems. Practical thesis describes the solutions implemented in a real company, their advantages, disadvantages and pitfalls. These solutions should serve the reader in the formation of ideas about how to access these issues and to highlight the factors that the theoretical part may not be noticeable.
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Configuring Electronic Relationship Among The Ihe ActorsGulderen, Ozgur 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Today, the healthcare IT vendors develop interfaces for their products to comply with the IHE Profiles and test them with other vendors in annual events, called IHE Connactathons which are one week events organized to perform interoperability testing. Network configuration including hostnames, IP addresses,port numbers for healthcare services and URLs for the various web services used in IHE profiles are stored on online databases accessible from the IHE website. When all companies register for participation to the connectathon, a default configuration is created in the database, assigning default values for healthcare service specific parameters. Afterwards, a company is expected to use the configuration parameters from that database during the connectathon. Except from the connectathons, the vendors could not test their products with other vendors&rsquo / . In this thesis, research on IHE Configuration Management Tool based on IHE profiles, ebXML ebBP, CPP and CPA specifications is presented. The intention behind developing such a tool is to automate the creation and exchange of configuration information between IHE Actors in a Virtual Connectathon Portal. The results of this research enable the IHE product vendors to test their products in interactions with other vendors through the web anytime/anywhere by automatic business service interface configuration. The research enables the healthcare systems to engage with many trading partners at the same time automatically. The work presented in this thesis is realized as a part of IST-027065 RIDE project funded by European Commission.
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Efficient matchmaking of business processes in web service infrastructuresMahleko, Bendick. Unknown Date (has links)
Techn. University, Diss., 2006--Darmstadt.
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Protocolo de negociação e colaboração baseado em EBXML com o objetivo de otimizar processos portuáriosSilva, Vinicius Eduardo Ferreira dos Santos January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Palucci Pantoni / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, 2015. / Em ambientes onde diversos atores precisam trocar informações, é importante que
haja uma forma padronizada e, ao mesmo tempo, flexível para que essas trocas de
informações ocorram de forma eficiente e transparente. Assim, este trabalho tem como
motivação propor ao EDI (Electronic Data Interchange, no original em inglês, ou Troca
Eletrônica de Dados) uma alternativa mais eficaz, flexível e aberta para a troca de
informações entre os sistemas computacionais de um porto marítimo, em especial, no porto de Santos (SP, Brasil). A proposta foi definir e viabilizar um protocolo de negociação baseado
em EbXML (Electronic business using EXtensible Markup Language, no original em inglês,
ou Negócio Eletrônico utilizando Linguagem de Marcação Extensível) para fases de interação
entre os agentes, além de propor um sistema que otimize os processos portuários. A
metodologia utilizada foi a modelagem do sistema por meio de técnicas de análise de sistema, incluindo a UML (Linguagem de Modelagem Unificada) e baseado em RUP (Rational
Unified Process, no original em inglês, ou Processo Unificado Rational). Os resultados foram
atestados através da redução do número de interações nos casos de usos descritos entre as
diferentes entidades ou atores do sistema. Como conclusão, o estudo confirma que a
substituição da tecnologia é viável e pode ser aplicada em outros sistemas de informação
portuários, com a vantagem de otimizar as operações do usuário. / In environments where multiple actors need information to be exchanged, it is important to
have a standard way, however at the same time it has to be flexible, this way that information
can be exchanged in an efficient and transparent manner. This work is motivated to propose
an alternative to EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) more efficient, flexible and open to the
exchange of information between the computer of a maritime port and in particular the port
of Santos (Brazil). The proposal was to define and visualize a negotiation of protocol based
on EbXML (Electronic Business using Extensible Markup Language,) for phases of
interaction between agents, in addition to proposing a system which optimizes the port
processes. The methodology utilized was to build a system by system analysis techniques
including the UML (Unified Modeling Language) and based on RUP (Rational Unified
Process). The results were validated by reducing the number of interactions in the written
reports between the different entities or system players. . In conclusion, the study confirms
that the substitution of technology is feasible and can be applied to other port information
systems, with the advantage of optimizing user operations.
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EDI eller ebXML : för automatisering av affärsprocesserCollin, Helena, Karlsson, Veronica January 2001 (has links)
Sammanfattning EDI är ett välkänt och beprövat sätt för företag att automatisera sina affärsprocesser. Det är också välkänt att EDI är dyrt att både inverstera i och att använda. EDI anses också som krångligt att lära sig och att förstå. Detta har gjort att EDI aldrig riktigt har slagit igenom bland små och medelstora företag. Det internationella standardiseringsprojektet ?ebXML?, som sponsras av bland annat av UN/CEFACT och OASIS, har släppt ett ramverk för hur XML ska kunna användas för elektronisk handel, även B2B. Visionen för ebXML är att det ska vara en enkel global standard som ska kunna användas av alla, även små och medelstora företag. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ge en vägledning för små och stora företag vilket av EDI och ebXML som skulle vara bäst för just deras företag. För att få fram detta har vi utgått från fyra olika kriterier, marknadsnisch, kundrelationer, ekonomi och kompetens. Sedan har vi analyserat små företag för både EDI och ebXML i varje kriterium och stora företag för både EDI och ebXML i varje kriterium. Efter varje del har vi gjort en bedömning om hur väl EDI eller ebXML stämmer överens med de krav som finns för företaget under respektive kriterium och gjort en poängbedömning från 1 ? 4, där 4 är bäst. Slutsatsen av analysen blev att för små företag är ebXML bäst, då EDI både är dyrt och kompetenskrävande, vilket kan vara svårt för små företag att klara av. Vår slutsats stämmer väl överens med både visionen för ebXML och erfarenheten som finns kring användandet av EDI. Slutsatsen för stora företag blev ingen markant fördel för något av alternativen. De båda alternativen fick nästan lika många poäng. Stora företag får se vilka kriterier som är viktigast för just deras företag och göra bedömningen utifrån detta. Vi konstaterar också att det finns andra aspekter att titta på när man väljer mellan EDI och ebXML. Det vi trycker mest på är säkerheten som vi inte behandlat i denna uppsats men som är ett viktigt område. Slutligen konstaterar vi att om visionen för ebXML uppfylls så kommer ebXML att bli revolutionerande för utvecklingen av B2B.
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軟體產業導入供應鏈分工合作之機制探討--以企業資源規劃系統水平整合為例黃繼弘 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:軟體元件供應鏈、水平整合、企業資源規劃、ebXML、Web Service
本研究即是針對國內軟體產業,實行軟體元件供應鏈(Software Component Supply Chain)的相關合作機制做一個探討,試圖去思考如何參考國內資訊硬體廠商的專業分工模式及供應鏈管理推動成功的經驗,而達成國內軟體產業供應鏈管理的推行。
本研究以企業資源規劃(Enterprise ReSource Planning)系統的套裝軟體業者為例,提出一個水平整合(Horizontal Integration)各模組的方法論,並設計出相對應的解決方案,再加以實作驗證。本研究於技術上使用類似於ebXML的流程整合技術,並利用XML及網路服務(Web Service)等方式來達到元件之間鬆散耦合的目的。
若不同之企業資源規劃系統套裝軟體中的各個模組,可以依照需求而方便的進行某個程度的水平整合,則軟體元件供應鏈的藍圖已然勾勒出來,也勢必將帶給軟體業者一個勢力重分配的機會。本研究除了希望能解決模組問水平整合相關的技術瓶頸外,軟體產業未來的元件分工模式,也是本研究所要探討的主題。 / Keywords: Software Component Supply Chain, Horizontal Integration, Enterprise Resource Planning, ebXML, Web Service
In recent years, the computer hardware industry contributes a splendid performance in Taiwan. In addition to the export to foreign country, some even have a well-known brand. With no doubt, we can see the whole picture of the intact-division of labor in the hardware industry, and the outstanding performance of its carrying out supply chain management. Although the definition of division between upstream and downstream is not so clear in the software industry, there do exist a division of labor to some degree. As the popularity and progress of the concepts and technologies of the software component, the possibility of specialization in division of labor will get increasing in the software industry. There is an interesting research topic, which form of division of labor will exist in the software industry after all.
The focus of this study is on the collaborative mechanism of software component supply chain in the software industry. We try to figure out how to refer to the successful experience of hardware industry implementing supply chain management to drive the supply chain management of the software component in domestic software industry.
This study will takes the ERP package vendors as the study object to propose a methodology of horizontal integration of different software packages and to do further implementation for verification. Technically, this study applies an ebXML-like process-oriented integration technology, and facilitates the purpose of low coupling between components by using XML and web service technology.
If the integration among the modules of different ERP packages could be made to some extent, the picture of division of labor in the software industry could be outlined, and it also will brings the software vendors some chance to re-allocate. In addition to solve the bottlenecks of technical problems of software horizontal integration, the future model of division of labor in software industry will be also a subject to address in this study.
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以專家策略為本的交易夥伴搜尋輔助鍾豐謙 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究回顧電子商務的緣由與發展,提出web service輿ebMXL應用的跨產業網路交易平台,並設計以5W1H的方式儲存專家經驗與策略,透過查詢擴充的機制,達成搜尋策略與結果的改善,並在這個電子商務架構平台的註冊機制與儲存庫(registry/repository)上運作,讓代理人理解企業之需求與期望,進而完成企業間交易夥伴的尋找,以達成動態供應鏈之實現。
關鍵字:XML,ebXML,web service,UDDI,註冊機制與儲存庫,資訊檢索,搜尋策略,5W1H,後設資料 / Starting from the concept of B2B e-commerce in general, the aim of this thesis is to propose and test a method for supporting trading partners' matching, in particulars those who follows ebXML.
In the first place, this research presents a study of the areas where XML may have significant contributions. To avoid falling into pitfalls that works in e-commerce have experienced, we ought to understand the evolution of e-commerce so that the target supports can be derived from learned lessons. With these caveats in mind, the next step is to clarify the characteristics and requirements of a generic B2B framework.
Base on the aforementioned survey, the framework of ebXML can be clarified, which is considered as the State-of-Art e-business technology. To reach this, this research is to address not only the problem domain and original concepts but also technology requirements. The ebXML architecture as well as relevant initiatives, viz. SOAP, WSDL and UDDI are then examined to search for potential ebXML-based solutions. In a comparison to RosettaNet, ebXML can provide more efficient and effective searches and matches of trading partners on electronic market place. Among others, the author emphasizes the research into a hybrid of ebXML and so-called web based service technologies.
To realize this concept, a searching and matching mechanism with aids of expert's strategies based on 5WIH knowledge schema is carried out in this research. Last but not least, 5W1H knowledge schema is applied, another word serves as metadata, to organize and store expert's heuristic and intelligence in so-called strategy base, so that this work can use the expert's strategy for expanding the keywords to refine user queries in the run-time and thus provide a more efficient and effective matching results.
Keyword: XML, ebXML, web service, UDDI, registry/repository, information retrieval, searching strategy, 5W1H, metadata
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Negociação entre aplicações de comércio eletrônico utilizando o padrão ebXMLSilva, Adilson Jeronimo da 19 December 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-12-19 / A necessidade de cortar custos e aumentar a produtividade, aliada à crescente disponibilização de padrões que visam garantir a interoperabilidade entre aplicações distintas, têm levado um crescente número de empresas a utilizar a Internet como principal meio de comunicação com os seus parceiros comerciais, estimulando o crescimento do comércio eletrônico B2B e conseqüentemente aumentando o interesse na automatização da fase de negociação, que normalmente precede a fase de interação eletrônica entre os parceiros comerciais, buscando assim a agilização de todo o processo de colaboração.
O desenvolvimento de negociações eletrônicas de forma automatizada implica na definição de regras e mensagens que devem ser utilizadas pelas partes, durante o processo de negociação. O padrão ebXML (Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language) especifica os componentes CPP (Collaboration Protocol Profile) e CPA (Collaboration Protocol Agreement) para serem utilizados na fase de negociação. O CPP descreve o perfil da empresa com relação a suas capacidades técnicas para o estabelecimento de um processo de negócio com outras empresas e o CPA é o acordo resultante da intersecção dos CPP dos parceiros comerciais envolvidos em um processo de colaboração de negócios.
Estes componentes podem ser utilizados na automatização do processo de negociação, mas a especificação ebXML deixa em aberto a forma de geração automática do acordo de colaboração (CPA), assim como a forma de interação entre as empresas nesta fase. O problema é como efetuar a automatização desta interação e gerar automaticamente o acordo (CPA), a partir dos perfis (CPP) de cada empresa.
Neste trabalho são analisadas as especificações ebXML e elaborada uma proposta para agilizar o processo de negociação, através da automatização da troca de mensagens que ocorre durante a fase de negociação e a geração de informações para auxiliar um negociador humano a tomar uma decisão final sobre um determinado processo de negociação, com a conseqüente geração de um acordo de colaboração (CPA).
A proposta abrange a definição de um protocolo de negociação baseado em XML, para a troca de mensagens durante a fase de interação e a modelagem de um sistema para o controle destas mensagens e comparação das propostas de acordo, até a finalização do processo de negociação e, em caso de sucesso, com a geração do documento de acordo de colaboração. Para a validação da proposta foi desenvolvido um protótipo utilizando a linguagem Java e plataforma J2EE, abrangendo requisitos básicos para suportar um processo de negociação. Este protótipo foi implementado em um ambiente de testes com um cenário de uso envolvendo um processo de negociação entre duas empresas, visando estabelecer um processo de negócio de compra e venda.
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An ebXML-based Collaborative Commerce Business Process Model -A Global Logistics Example / 以ebXML為基礎之協同商務企業流程模式-以國際物流業為例吳慧茹, Wu, Huei-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
對企業而言,Internet和電子商務的興起提供了一個全新的商業交易方式。許多企業企圖融合新的資訊科技與企業流程,讓他們可以跨越企業間的藩籬進而互相分享價值鏈中的決策、工作流與資訊。然而,當企業嘗試著以其內部的資訊系統與交易夥伴溝通時,卻發現到處都是問題。雖然XML 提供了一個多功能的且健全的資料交換格式,但仍然不夠,必須有一個流程整合的標準來進行企業間交易流程的塑模(modeling)、部署(deploying)、執行(executing)以及管理(managing)。在本篇研究中,將探討企業對企業間協同流程的整合,並且發展一個以ebXML為基礎的協同商務企業流程模式。基於UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology (UMM)此一致性的塑模方法論,本研究以邏輯化且系統化的方式來發現並詳細表達出國際物流業的跨企業交易流程,並以ebXML流程分析表格(ebXML Business Process Analysis Worksheets)為流程塑模輔助工具,進行國際物流業流程分析結果的記錄與表達。 基於此一ebXML為基礎之流程模式,本研究開發了一個企業間流程整合的雛形系統,藉以證明此企業流程模式是可行的,同時提出一個即時有效率的企業間電子商務可行方案。 / Internet technology and electronic commerce (EC) have brought up a complete overhaul on the information and communication technology infrastructure to do business in a new manner where companies try to leverage new technologies to enable a set of complex cross-enterprise business processes allowing entire value chains to share decision-making, workflow, capabilities, and information with each other. However, companies often have problems in making their internal information technology (IT) systems communicate with their partners. Although eXtensible Markup Language (XML) represents the most versatile and robust format for exchanging business information, there is also a need for process integration standard that enables processes to be modeled, deployed, executed, and managed. In this research, business-to-business collaboration process integration issues have been studied and an ebXML-based Collaborative Commerce Business Process Model is developed. According to a consistent modeling methodology, UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology (UMM), we identify and specify the inter-enterprise business processes of the global logistics industry in a logical and systematical way. The ebXML Business Process Analysis Worksheets is used as modeling aids to record and represent analysis results of global logistics industry. Based on the ebXML-based business process model, we develop a B2B process integration prototype system which shows that the business process model is feasible and suggests a possible solution for real-time and efficient B2B electronic commerce.
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