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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environmental and socio-economic determinants, their impacts on trace metals and pharmaceuticals in watercourses : a comparison on two watersheds of France and Ukraine / Déterminants environnementaux et socio-économiques, leur influence sur les métaux traces et les produits pharmaceutiques dans les cours d’eau

Vystavna, Yuliya 09 March 2012 (has links)
Les objectifs de cette étude comparative de deux bassins versants en France et en Ukraine» sont de trois ordres : i) déterminer l’occurrence des micropolluants émergents (métaux traces et molécules pharmaceutiques) dans les eaux de surface, ii) permettre leur évaluation qualitative et quantitative et enfin iii) estimer leur distribution en fonction du contexte socio-économique. Cette recherche porte sur l'analyse de l'origine, sur les propriétés physico-chimiques et sur le comportement des micropolluants (métaux traces et molécules pharmaceutiques) dans les eaux de surface des rivières Jalle (Bordeaux, France) et Udy & Lopan (Kharkiv, Ukraine). Un suivi des métaux traces et des produits pharmaceutiques dans les eaux naturelles de surface dans différents contextes et conditions climatiques a été réalisé. La description et l'analyse des facteurs environnementaux et socio-économiques influençant l’hydrochimie locale en vue de conclure sur l’opportunité et l'intérêt des micropolluants émergents comme indicateurs anthropiques du contexte socio-économique et environnemental d‘un bassin versant ont été mis en œuvre. L’étude a combiné des techniques de prélèvements d’échantillons d’eau classiques et par capteurs passifs in situ. L’analyse semi quantitative des micropolluants émergents a porté sur les métaux traces (sonde DGT) et les produits pharmaceutiques (POCIS). L’usage de ces capteurs a permis d’évaluer les différentes formes d'éléments, les sources, les variations saisonnières et spatiales, l'accumulation et les risques environnementaux. A partir des données environnementales collectées, acquises, actualisées et validées il a été possible de modéliser la consommation régionale de médicaments dans le cas de (1) la région de Kharkiv, en Ukraine, sur les rivières Lopan et Udy du bassin Seversky Donets et (2) la région de Bordeaux, en France, sur la rivière Jalle, du bassin de la Garonne. Les sites ont été sélectionnés pour représenter une diversité tant du point de vue de l'état de pollution des eaux (nature et flux) que de celui du paysage socio-économique (contexte urbain, social et indicateurs économiques). Les résultats majeurs de cette étude sont : (i) méthodologique pour le développement et la validation de protocoles d’échantillonnage classique et passif (intérêt, limites, recommandations), ii) analytique quant à la mesure des éléments traces des eaux de surface naturelles dans des conditions extrêmes, iii) scientifique par l’obtention d’un jeu de données sur l’hydrochimie des éléments traces ( présence, accumulation, origine et variabilité spatiale et temporelle et iv) prospectif quant à l’usage des métaux traces et de produits pharmaceutiques comme traceurs anthropiques de l’état des eaux naturelles de surfaces et reflet du contexte socio-économique. La modélisation socio-économique (statistique) et environnementale (balance de masse) aide à comprendre l’évolution de la qualité des eaux de surface dans leur contexte régional et permet d’identifier certains contaminants comme des indicateurs des activités anthropiques d’un bassin versant et permet de définir une typologie. L’ensemble des résultats de la thèse sont présentés sous la forme d'articles publiés ou soumis dans des revues scientifiques internationales. / The PhD study focuses on the understanding of processes of the impact of environmental and socio-economic determinants on the occurrence, accumulation and distribution of trace metals and pharmaceuticals in urban watercourses. The research has been based on the analysis of the origin; physico-chemical properties and behavior of trace pollutants. The study was performed in two general steps: (i) monitoring of trace metals and pharmaceuticals in natural waters; (ii) description and analysis of environmental and socio-economic determinants that influence the water chemistry and (iii) evaluation of trace pollutants as environmental and socio-economic indicators. The monitoring of trace metals in natural water was proceed using the combination of passive and grab water sampling techniques, in order to evaluate various forms of elements, sources, seasonal and spatial variations, accumulation and environmental risks associated with the presence of contaminants in the study areas. The monitoring of pharmaceuticals was done using passive sensors to determine their capacity to register chemicals variation in time and adequation to use environmental data for the regional medicament consumption modeling. Monitoring data were also investigated in term of potential applications of trace metals and pharmaceuticals as environmental and socio-economic indicators. Two study sites were chosen: (1) the Kharkiv region in Ukraine where research was focused on the Lopan and Udy rivers of the Seversky Donets water basin and (2) the Bordeaux region in France where water monitoring was done in the Jalle River, Garonne water basin. Sites were mainly selected to represent the water pollution status in different socio-economic regions. General PhD results can be described as follows:1. The methodology for pilot and continuous monitoring of trace elements in the water with combination of traditional (grab) and innovative (passive) sampling procedures help to get data on trace elements presence, accumulation and sources, considering time variations.2. The analysis of trace metals and pharmaceuticals in two river basins of France and Ukraine and determination of environmental factors that impact on the occurrence, accumulation and distribution of these chemicals.3. The establishment of links between regional socio-economic issues and water quality data. The socio-economic and environmental modeling helps us to understand the water pollution process in regional context and give the opportunity to propose contaminants as tracers of anthropogenic activities and water quality assessment.Results of the PhD study are presented in the form of published or submitted peer-reviewed articles. / Диссертация «Экологические и социально-экономические факторы распространения металлов и фармацевтических веществ в природных водах: на примере рек Харькова, Украина и Бордо, Франция» на соискание степени Доктора Философии (Environmental Science) подготовлена в рамках договора о научном сотрудничестве и совместном руководстве между Университетом Бордо, Франция и Харьковской национальной академией городского хозяйства, Украина.Актуальность работы связана с сушествующими проблемами мониторинга природных вод, недостатком исследований микро-загрязнителей водотоков как во Франции, так и в Украине, существующим экологическим риском, который возникает при поступлении и накоплении металов и фармацевтических веществ в урбанизированных водотоках, а также возможностью использования химических веществ в качестве экологических и социально – экономических индикаторов. Целью диссертационной работы стало усовершенствование методов мониторинга микро-загрязнителей в природных водах и оценка возможности использования отдельных микро-загрязнителей в качестве экологических и социально-экономических показателей. Предметом исследования являются экологические и социально-экономические факторы, влияющие на распространение металлов и фармацевтических веществ в природных водах. Объектом исследования стали реки Уды и Лопань, Харьковская область, Украина и река Жаль, регион Бордо, Франция.Основные задачи: (1) провести мониторинг рек на различные формы металлов и фармацевтические вещества с применением стандартных и инновационных (пассивных) методов отбора проб; (2) опеределить экологические и социально- экономические факторы, которые влияют на распространение микрозагрязнителей в природных водах; (3) изучить возможность использования металлов и фармацевтических веществ в качестве индикаторов антропогенного загрязнения природных вод.В результате проведенных исследований был: Впервые: (а) осуществлен мониторинг лабильных форм металлов в реках бассейна Северского Донца, в результате которого определены концентрации токсичных металлов в водотоках, источники и количество их поступления; (б) проведен мониторинг фармацевтических веществ в природных водах Украины, (в) определены концентрации и основные источники поступления фармацевтических препаратов и удельные показатели потребления различных медикаментов в Харьковском регионе; Усовершенствованы: (а) методика проведения мониторинга воды за счет применения стандартных и инновационных пассивных методов отбора проб воды в контрастных климатических и гидрологических условиях с целью исследования различных форм загрязнителей и их временных вариаций; (б) балансово-статистическая модель, которая позволяет использовать данные мониторинга природных вод для социально-экономической характеристики регионов – водопользователей; Предложены:(а) система определения геохимического фона рек на основании торий – нормализованных концентраций металлов в донных отложениях; (б) метод использование металлов и фармацевтических веществ в качестве индикаторов поступления сточных вод для идентификации несанкционированных сбросов.Основу диссертационного исследования составили натурные данные полевых исследований рек Харькова и Бордо, которые были организованы и проведены с непосредственным участием автора в 2008 – 2011 гг. Большинство лабораторных анализов было лично проведено автором в сертифицированных лабораториях Университета Бордо и Университета Орлеан, Франция.Диссертация имеет теоретическое и практическое значение для дальнейшего развития мониторинга природных вод, а также повышения уровня экологической и социальной безопасности в регионах. По теме опубликовано 4 статьи в международных журналах с высоким ИМПАКТ фактором, а также 5 статей в изданиях, реглиментированных ВАК Украины и России.

The yield curve as a forecasting tool : does the yield spread predict recessions in South Africa?

Khomo, Melvin Muzi January 2006 (has links)
This paper examines the ability of the yield curve to predict recessions in South Africa, and compares its predictive power with other commonly used variables that include the growth rate in real money supply, changes in stock prices and the index of leading economic indicators. The study also makes an attempt to find out if monetary policy explains the yield spread's predictive power with regards to future economic activity. Regarding methodology, the standard probit model proposed by Estrella and Mishkin (1996) that directly estimates the probability of the economy going into recession is used. Results from this model are compared with a modified probit model suggested by Dueker (1997) that includes a lagged dependent variable. Results presented in the paper provide further evidence that the yield curve, as represented by the yield spread between 3-month and IO-year government paper, can be used to estimate the likelihood of recessions in South Africa. The yield spread can produce recession forecasts up to 18 months, although it's best predictive power is seen at two quarters. Results from the standard probit model and the modified pro bit model with a lagged dependent variable are somewhat similar, although the latter model improves forecasts at shorter horizons up to 3 months. Compared with other indicators, real M3 growth is a noisy indicator and does not provide much information about future recessions, whilst movements in the All-Share index can provide information for up to 12 months but does not do better than the yield curve. The index of leading economic indicators outperforms the yield spread in the short run up to 4 months but the spread performs better at longer horizons. Based on the results from the study, it appears that changes in monetary policy explain the yield spread's predictive power. This is because the yield spread loses its explanatory power when combined with a variable representing the monetary policy stance of the central bank.

Ochranné autorské organizace v ČR, jejich působení a prezentace činnosti / Author rights protection organizations in the Czech Republic - their activities and presentation

Řehořová, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
This Master's thesis entitled Author rights protection organizations in the Czech Republic - their activities and presentation focuses on the area of copyright protection, especially in the field of musical work. The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current situation of collective societies operating in the Czech Republic and to compare them in selected areas of activity. The aim of the work is also to evaluate the practical functioning of the collective societies and explain some myths that are routed by the general public about the collective administration. The theoretical part of the thesis contains the definition of basic concepts, as the basis for other chapters dealing with specific collective societies, namely OSA, INTERGRAM and DILIA. This part of the thesis is based on annual reports analysis of these organizations, as well as personal interviews and written communication with these institutions' representatives. This master thesis is particularly helpful as a summary and evaluation of collective organizations' activities that are part of the culture and therefore have a significant impact on the level of Czech and other cultures.

Vývoj ekonomického chování v České republice a v Rusku / Development of economic behavior in the Czech Republic and Russia

Ionova, Alena January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this work is based on analysis of the development of selected macroeconomic indicators and our own research, show what, how and why it affects the psychology, mentality and the economic behavior of people in the Czech Republic and Russian Federation.Work consists of analytical and research components. In the analytical section, I briefly describe the transformation process of the nineties, in addition to significant milestones in the modern history of selected countries, the impact of policies on people's behavior, the demographic situation and trend analysis of economic indicators in the Czech Republic and Russian Federation.Furthermore, I described how to work the political and economic developments in the life of the individual and society.In a research project, I analyzed the results of the inquiry.

Česko - Slovensko: vývoj obou zemí po rozdělení společného státu / Czech - Slovakia: development of each country after the split of Czechoslovakia

Pelikánová, Radka January 2013 (has links)
International comparison is very popular area of statistics, which is used to examine differences in many fields of science. This thesis seeks to apply the concepts of International comparison to the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. Though it has been 20 years since Czech and Slovak Republic separated from each other yet, rivalry exists between the two countries. Particularly, the socio-economic factors contributing to this rivalry have been of interest to economists. To further explore this rivalry, this master thesis aims to describe the difference in evolution of demographic, economic and social indicators that characterize development of countries and standard of living of its population. This paper consists of four main chapters. The first chapter outlines the introduction to time series and describes methods used in the following chapters for analysis of indicators. The second chapter briefly defines monitored indicators in terms of their objectivity, methodology and comparability in both countries. The third chapter analyzes the evolution in time and directly compares the values of indicators. The fourth chapter analyzes the average and median wages in greater detail. These indicators were chosen for analysis as they largely affect the standards of living in both countries. From the perspective of comparison method it is not straightforward to determine that one country has better results in all indicators than the other. Yet, here are two main broad conclusions. First, the notional "scores" are similar for demographic indicators. Second, Czech Republic has better social and economic indicators results then Slovak Republic. The analysis of trend models of average and median wage found that the social gap is widening in both countries. However, after converting to the same exchange rate, it is clear that the wage level is better in Czech Republic then in Slovak Republic.

Matematické a statistické metody pro podporu vývoje softwarových aplikací / Mathematical and Statistical Methods as Support of the Development of Software Applications

Bohuslav, Radek January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the creation of a program enabling calculation of selected economic indicators of Arbela s.r.o. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part. The content of the theoretical part is a description of individual methods and procedures of financial analysis, description of principles of time series, and regression analysis. In the practical part, the program created to calculate the selected economic indicators of the company Arbela s.r.o. is presented. These indicators are subsequently evaluated and foreseeable development of the company is determined for the future. At the end of the thesis, solutions for possible improvement of the economic situation of the company can be found.

Uplatnění matematických a statistických metod v řízení podniku / Application of Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Company Management

Komárková, Ivana January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the analysis of the performance of RAPOS Ltd. Selected indicators are analyzed using statistical methods, which are used to predict future development of the indicator. The analysis is followed by a strategic analysis. On the end of the thesis, there are suggestions for improvement.

Ekonomický vliv čerpání dotací z operačního programu "Podnikání a inovace" soukromým sektorem v regionu / Economical Influence of Fund Withdrawing from The Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation in Vysočina Region

Halamíček, Jaromír January 2014 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to assess the effect of pumping subsidy programs for private sector competitiveness in the region's economic indicators. In my thesis I focus on the Highlands region and in it to draw grant funds from the Operational Programme "Entrepreneurship and Innovation". The result of my thesis will assess the impact of pumping subsidies for economic development by companies and then to economic development.

Uplatnění statistických metod při zpracování dat / The Use of Statistical Methods for Data Processing

Vaněk, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this master’s thesis is to analyze and evaluate the economic indicators of selected company and comparison of these indicators with the nearest competitors. The thesis is divided into three main sections. First part is theoretical and contains information about used economical and statistical terms. Second part contains of analysis of economic indicators, comparison of actual and predicted values and comparison with the nearest competitors. In order to predict future values of indicators, on selected indicators appropriate regression function has been applied. The last part of thesis contains of program created by using VBA in MS Excel, which is designed to calculate the economic indicators, and the part containing proposals for improving the situation of company.

Stanovení hodnoty podniku / Business Valuation

Salavová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on determining the value of the ABC, s.r.o. company by using income-based methods at 1.3.2015. The first part is dedicated to theoretical basis. The second part deals with the analysis of the current state of the company, which includes strategic and financial analysis, formulating of financial plan and established valuation of the company. At the close of this thesis are summarized the results and there are suggested recommendations for future decisions of management, too.

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