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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rural development outcomes and policies in South Africa's Limpopo Province

Malatji, Moye Thabang 02 1900 (has links)
Rural development is a key policy area in developing countries. Its basic premise boils down to improving the economic well-being and quality of life of rural people. Best practices regarding rural development in developing countries, including Benin, China, Korea and Rwanda, that are known to have been relatively successful in reducing poverty and diversifying the rural economy showed that strong governance, institutional capabilities, active rural communities, and most importantly funding, are all essential for successful rural development. Moreover, land reform and investment in agriculture, infrastructure, education and health play a crucial role in the early stages of rural development. The aim of this study was to examine the concept of rural development as well as policy measures and best practices relating to rural development in order to formulate a rural development strategy for the rural areas of Limpopo Province. To achieve its research objectives, the study used a qualitative research method and secondary data analysis. Before 1995, rural development in South Africa was neglected, resulting in underdevelopment and impoverishment in rural areas. Post-1994, policies for rural development were adopted by the democratic government to improve the economic well-being of people living in rural communities. However, this had thus far limited success as high levels of poverty and inequalities in rural areas still prevails. Those highly affected were rural people in Limpopo Province. In 2018, Limpopo was the most predominantly rural province in South Africa, with over 80% of the population living in rural areas. The study classified Limpopo’s local municipalities into three types of areas, namely predominantly rural area (a local municipality is classified as predominantly rural area if the share of rural population in the local municipal area is above 50%), significantly rural area (that is, a local municipality where the share of rural population in the local area represents between 15% and 49% of the local area’s total population), and predominantly urban area (that is, a local municipality where the share of rural population in the local area is below 15%). Out of 25 local municipalities in Limpopo, 19 were predominantly rural areas, five were significantly rural areas and one was predominantly urban area. Findings show that, in rural areas of Limpopo, there was the prevalence of lower-wage jobs, lower educational attainment, a higher share of low-income households, and more than half of the population depended on government's social grants (including old age grant) and remittances as their income sources. Analysis indicates that educational attainment, household income levels, consumption expenditure and investment tend to be relatively lower, while the unemployment rate is higher, in predominantly rural areas. The economic structure is changing as the share of the primary sector in total Gross Value Added (GVA) is slowly declining, while that of the tertiary sector is gradually increasing. Regarding the contributions to the GVA and employment by sector in predominantly rural areas, agriculture contributed less than 3% to the total GVA, yet it is one of the top employers, contributing 13% of employment. Although mining contributed the most (23,7%) to the total GVA, it only employed 4% of the workforce. To address challenges in rural areas, a rural development strategy for Limpopo Province should contain policy tools that will promote infrastructure development for better access to education, communication, transport, safe water and other basic facilities. It should also encourage capital formation in rural enterprises; promote multi-sectoral development involving reviving agriculture, developing tourism and manufacturing sectors; and promote agro-processing and downstream mineral beneficiation; improve support and access to funding for rural enterprises; and promote the development of the green economy to create decent job opportunities. Access to land and land tenure security are a necessity to stimulate investment needed to accelerate rural development. / Economics / M. Com. (Economics)

Применение интеллектуального анализа данных для повышения эффективности производства промышленного предприятия : магистерская диссертация / The use of data mining to improve the production efficiency of an industrial enterprise

Колосовникова, Е. Ф., Kolosovnikova, Е. Ф. January 2019 (has links)
Проблема формирования эффективной системы контроля качества является актуальной, т.к. высокий процент брака на производстве приводят к ухудшению производственных и финансово-экономических показателей деятельности организаций. Целью исследования является развитие контроля качества изготавливаемой продукции. Научная новизна исследования заключается в совершенствовании существующих методик контроля качества изготавливаемой продукции. Практическая значимость работы заключается в возможности применения ее результатов организациями для формирования системы контроля качества и управления ею. Экономический эффект от применения мероприятий по уменьшению доли брака за год – 420 000 рублей. Срок окупаемости проекта составляет 12 месяцев, что говорит об эффективности проекта. / The problem of creating an effective quality control system is relevant, because a high percentage of rejects in production leads to a deterioration in the production and financial and economic performance of organizations. The aim of the study is the development of quality control of manufactured products. The scientific novelty of the study is to improve existing methods of quality control of manufactured products. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of applying its results by organizations to form a quality control system and manage it. The economic effect of the application of measures to reduce the share of marriage per year is 420,000 rubles. The payback period of the project is 12 months, which indicates the effectiveness of the project.

Совершенствование методов ценообразования на предприятиях по производству электротехнического оборудования : магистерская диссертация / Improving pricing methods at enterprises producing electrical equipment

Воробьева, Е. И., Vorobеva, E. I. January 2020 (has links)
В новых условиях, характеризующихся повышением конкуренции и появлением новых факторов риска, электроэнергетические компании, как самостоятельные субъекты рынка, оказались вынужденными искать новые подходы к управлению. Важнейшим способом повышения эффективности финансово–экономической деятельности электроэнергетических компаний, укрепления их рыночных позиций, является применение современных методов финансового менеджмента, включающего в себя развитие и совершенствование методов финансового планирования, что и определяет актуальность темы диссертационного исследования. Предприятие должно повышать результативность существующего ценообразования для сохранения рынков сбыта и достижения необходимого уровня значений ключевых экономических показателей. Совершенствование механизма ценообразования позволит преодолеть негативные факторы, сдерживающие развитие предприятия. Работа в этом направлении требует комплексного и согласованного решения вопросов управления ценами, в результате чего предприятие сможет добиться укрепления своих позиций на рынке сбыта. / Under the new conditions, characterized by increased competition and the emergence of new risk factors, electric power companies, as independent market participants, were forced to look for new approaches to management. The most important way to improve the efficiency of financial and economic activities of electric power companies, to strengthen their market positions, is the use of modern methods of financial management, which includes the development and improvement of financial planning methods, which determines the relevance of the topic of the dissertation research. The company must improve the effectiveness of the existing pricing to maintain sales markets and achieve the required level of values of key economic indicators. Improving the pricing mechanism will help overcome the negative factors that hinder the development of the enterprise. Work in this direction requires a comprehensive and coordinated solution to the issues of price management, as a result of which the company will be able to strengthen its position in the sales market.

La Economía Circular en las organizaciones: estrategias e indicadores. Análisis de casos

Palanca Roig, Ana 17 July 2023 (has links)
[ES] Los retos sociales y medioambientales a los que nos enfrentamos en el siglo XXI han sido el motor de la investigación en economía circular (EC). La EC se define como un sistema económico que minimiza la entrada y el desperdicio de recursos, las emisiones y las fugas de energía del sistema mitigando los impactos negativos sin poner en peligro el crecimiento y la prosperidad (Geissdoerfer et al., 2018). Esta tesis persigue proporcionar un marco conceptual con el fin de analizar el esfuerzo requerido para implementar estrategias de EC en las organizaciones, así como el impacto que genera y la forma en que se mide su grado de avance. Para ello se han realizado los siguientes estudios: (1) análisis bibliográfico del concepto de la EC, estrategias e indicadores; (2) análisis bibliométrico; (3) estudio del caso y análisis comparativo. Esta investigación profundiza en la forma en que la aplicación de la EC está impactando en las organizaciones de la triple hélice: sector académico, empresarial y administración (Ranga et al., 2015), enfatizando los desafíos y lecciones aprendidas. De modo que se puedan identificar las oportunidades, fortalezas, debilidades y barreras que está teniendo la aplicación real de la EC en las organizaciones. Con dicho fin, se han seleccionado once organizaciones que han sido entrevistadas y analizadas siguiendo los criterios de diversidad (representación internacional pero también una fuerte presencia de la Comunidad Valenciana en el modelo de innovación de triple hélice), autenticidad y relevancia (grado de conocimiento del concepto de EC en para analizar un entorno heterogéneo con diferentes niveles de experiencias, oportunidades, fortalezas, debilidades en el campo de la EC e indicadores.) Los desafíos comunes identificados para todas las organizaciones analizadas son la monitorización de la EC, la heterogeneidad en la aplicación y monitorización de las estrategias EC, la dimensión social, el involucramiento de todos los acto-res de la sociedad y la pandemia COVID-19. Por otro lado, las lecciones aprendidas comunes a todos los casos de estudio son la cooperación en proyectos de I+D+i financiados, el impacto económico positivo en las cadenas de valor circulares y la formación permanente. Finalmente, los indicadores que son empleados por todas las organizaciones analizadas se centran en el carácter medioambiental (huella de carbono, LCA) o el carácter general (KPI) de los indica-dores. / [CA] Els reptes socials i mediambientals als quals ens enfrontem en el segle XXI han sigut el motor de la investigació en economia circular (EC). La EC es defineix com un sistema econòmic que minimitza l'entrada i el desaprofitament de re-cursos, les emissions i les fugides d'energia del sistema mitigant els impactes negatius sense posar en perill el creixement i la prosperitat (Geissdoerfer et al., 2018). Aquesta tesi persegueix proporcionar un marc conceptual per a poder analitzar l'esforç requerit per a implementar estratègies de EC en les organitzacions, així com l'impacte que genera i la forma en què es mesura el seu grau d'avanç. Per a això s'han realitzat els següents estudis: (1) anàlisi bibliogràfica del concepte de la EC, estratègies i indicadors; (2) anàlisi bibliomètrica; (3) estudi del cas i anàlisi comparativa. Aquesta investigació aprofundeix en la forma en què l'aplicació de EC està im-pactant en les organitzacions de triple hèlice: sector acadèmic, empresarial i administració (Ranga et al., 2015), emfatitzant els desafiaments i lliçons apreses. De manera que es s'identifiquen les oportunitats, fortaleses, febleses i barreres que està tenint l'aplicació real de la EC en les organitzacions. Amb aquesta fi, s'han seleccionat onze organitzacions que han sigut entrevista-des i analitzades seguint els criteris de diversitat (representació internacional però també una forta presència de la Comunitat Valenciana en el model d'innovació de triple hèlice), autenticitat i rellevància (grau de coneixement del con-cepte de EC en per a analitzar un entorn heterogeni amb diferents nivells d'ex-periències, oportunitats, fortaleses, febleses en el camp de la EC i indicadors). Els desafiaments comuns identificats per a totes les organitzacions analitzades són el monitoratge de la EC, l'heterogeneïtat en l'aplicació i monitoratge de les estratègies EC, la dimensió social, l'involucrament de tots els actors de la socie-tat i la pandèmia COVID-19. D'altra banda, les lliçons apreses comunes a tots els casos d'estudi són la cooperació en projectes d'I+D finançats, l'impacte eco-nòmic positiu en les cadenes de valor circulars i la formació permanent. Finalment, els indicadors que són emprats per totes les organitzacions analitzades se centren en el caràcter mediambiental (empremta de carboni, LCA) o el caràcter general (KPI) dels indicadors. / [EN] The social and environmental challenges that we face in the 21st century have been the engine of the circular economy (CE) research. The CE is understood as an economic system that minimizes the resource input and waste, emissions and energy leakage from the system mitigating negative impacts without jeopardizing growth and prosperity (Geissdoerfer et al., 2018). This thesis aims to provide a conceptual framework to be able to analyse the effort required to implement CE strategies in organizations, as well as the impact generated and the way in which its degree of progress is measured. With the described purpose, the following studies have been carried out: (1) bibliographical analysis of the CE concept, strategies, and indicators; (2) bibliometric analysis; (3) case study and comparative analysis. This research delves into the way in which the application of CE is impacting on the triple helix organization: scientific, industrial and administration sector (Ranga et al., 2015), emphasizing points for improvement and lessons learned. So that we can understand the opportunities, strengths, weaknesses, and challenges that the real application of CE is having in the organizations. For this purpose, there have been selected eleven organizations that have been interviewed and analysed following the diversity criteria (international represen-tation but also a strong presence of the Valencian Community in the triple helix innovation model), authenticity and relevance (degree of knowledge of the concept of CE to analyse a heterogeneous environment with different levels of experiences, opportunities, strengths, weaknesses in the field of CE and indicators). The common challenges identified for all the organizations analysed are the monitoring of CE, the heterogeneity in the application and monitoring of CE strategies, the social dimension, the involvement of all actors of society and the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, the common lessons learned are cooperation in funded R&D projects, the positive economic impact on circular value chains, and continuous training. Finally, the indicators that are used by all the organizations analysed focus on the environmental character (carbon footprint, LCA) or the general character (KPI) of the indicators. / Palanca Roig, A. (2023). La Economía Circular en las organizaciones: estrategias e indicadores. Análisis de casos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195108

A critical review of the development of sustainability indicators for the City of Cape Town : a focus on environmental and socio-economic sustainability

Ndeke, Eunice Ngina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sustainable development has gained great interest at global, national and local community levels. For instance, governments, civil societies, the commercial sector as well as local communities have responded to the agreed framework of UNCED known as Agenda 21, developed at the „Earth Summit‟ held at Rio de Janeiro in 1992, inter alia through the development of indicators aimed at monitoring and evaluating the achievement of sustainable development. As a result, different tools to measure the level of sustainability have been developed and applied in many cities globally. These include different types of indicators, namely environmental, social, and economic performance monitoring indicators, as well as combined indices. Since cities are dynamic complex open systems with interrelated social, economic and environmental systems, and sustainable development cannot be absolutely achieved, integrated sustainable development indicators that concurrently address social, economic and environmental dimensions are crucial to aid in monitoring sustainable development particularly in any given urban system. This study gives an overview of these indicators and indices. The South Africa government has acknowledged in both its National Framework for Sustainable Development of September 2006 and the Draft National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan of May 2010 that like other cities globally, cities in this country face similar challenges particularly due to urbanisation. In this study, the focus is on evaluating the sustainability challenges of the City of Cape Town and the role sustainability indicators could play in helping to achieve sustainable development objectives. This is supported by a review of the so called „sustainable cities‟ and in particular how the Cities of Seattle (USA), Santa Monica (USA) and Curitiba (Brazil) have tried to address urban challenges. To meet the study objective of recommending the type and a process of developing indicators that will aid in improving sustainability in the City of Cape Town, selected indicators and indexes developed globally, nationally and for other cities are critically reviewed. Selected policies, plans and indicators developed by the South African national government, the Western Cape provincial government, and the City of Cape Town are reviewed. The review aims at investigating whether the existing policies and indicators were useful in addressing sustainability challenges particularly in the City of Cape Town. The review focuses on the policy objectives to assess whether the policies contradicted or were supportive of each other, the existence or lack thereof of gaps in the policies, and whether local communities and other stakeholders were involved in decision making processes. The findings suggests that although sustainable development is addressed in the policy documents of all three spheres of government in South Africa, the implementation has not yet been effective – and the City of Cape Town is no exception based on published reports such as the State of Cape Town Report. On the basis of the lessons derived from the success stories of cities like Seattle, Santa Monica, and Curitiba towards achieving sustainability, several recommendations are suggested to assist the City of Cape Town in developing, implementing, and reporting on sustainability indicators. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Op internasionale, nasionale asook plaaslike gemeenskapsvlakke het volhoubare ontwikkeling groot belangstelling gelok. In reaksie op die ooreengekome raamwerk van UNCED, Agenda 21, ontwikkel by die “Earth Summit” (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), is aanwysers gemik op die monitering en implementering van volhoubare ontwikkeling deur regerings, burgerlike samelewings, die kommersiële sektor asook plaaslike gemeenskappe ontwikkel. Dit het gelei tot die ontwikkeling en implementering van verskillende instrumente vir die meet van volhoubaarheid in verskeie stede wêreldwyd. Hierdie instrumente sluit in verskillende aanwysers, ondermeer omgewings-, sosiale-, ekonomiese- en prestasie aanwysers asook gekombineerde indekse. Omdat stede dinamies komplekse ope sisteme met interafhanklike sosiale, ekonomiese en omgewingssisteme is, en volhoubare ontwikkeling nie absoluut bereikbaar is nie, is geintegreerde volhoubare ontwikkelings aanwysers wat sosiale, ekonomiese en omgewings dimensies gelyktydig aanspreek van kritieke belang in die monitering van volhoubare ontwikkeling, spesifiek in enige gegewe stedelike sisteem. In beide sy nasionale raamwerk vir volhoubare ontwikkeling (Julie 2008) en nasionale strategie vir volhoubare ontwikkeling en Aksie plan (weergawe van 20 Mei 2010) het die Suid Afrikaanse regering erken dat plaaslike stede, soos ander wêreldwyd, dieselfde uitdagings in die gesig staar veral as gevolg van verstedeliking. Die fokus van hierdie studie was die evaluering van die volhoubaarheids-uitdagings van die Stad Kaapstad en die moontlike rol wat volhoubaarheids-aanwysers kan speel in ʼn poging om volhoubare ontwikkelings doelwitte te bereik. Hierdie word ondersteun deur ʼn oorsig van die sogenaamde “volhoubare stede” en spesifiek hoe stede soos Seattle (VSA), Santa Monica (VSA), en Curitiba (Brasilië) stedelike uitdagings probeer aanspreek het. Ten einde die studie doelwit aangaande die aanbeveling van die ontwikkelingsproses van aanwysers en indekse vir die verbetering van volhoubaarheid in die Stad Kaapstad te bereik, is verskeie internasionale, nasionale sowel as stedelike volhoubare ontwikkelings indekse krities geëvalueer. Geselekteerde beleid, planne en aanwysers wat deur die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale regering, die Wes Kaapse provinsiale regering en die Stad Kaapstad ontwikkel is, is ondersoek. Die doel van hierdie evaluasie was om vas te stel of bestaande beleid en aanwysers nuttig is, in die aanspreek van volhoubaarheids-uitdagings spesifiek in die Stad Kaapstad. Die fokus van die evaluasie was op beleidsdoelwitte ten einde te bepaal of: verskeie beleid teenstrydigheid toon of andersins ondersteunend is, die bestaan of gebrek aan leemtes in beleid en of plaaslike gemeenskappe en of ander belange groepe in die besluitnemingsproses betrokke is. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat alhoewel volhoubare ontwikkeling in beleidsdokumente van al drie sfere van die Suid Afrikaanse regering aangespreek word, die implementering daarvan nog nie so doeltreffend is nie - en gebaseer op gepubliseerde verslae soos die stand van Kaapstad, is die Stad van Kaapstad nie ʼn uitsondering nie. Na aanleiding van lesse geleer uit die sukses verhale van stede soos Seattle, Santa Monica en Curitiba in die bereiking van volhoubare ontwikkeling is verskeie aanbevelings gemaak om die Stad Kaapstad by te staan in die ontwikkeling, implementering, en rapportering van volhoubaarheids-aanwysers.

Testing an alternative measure of progress : the case of the Bakgatla-ba- Kgafela Nation

Hamilton, Gillian Kay 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An alternative measure of progress to GDP was evaluated in the Bakgatla-Ba-Kgafela tribe (in total N = 119) using subjective wellbeing or happiness. The major dimensions of happiness were assumed to be physical, mental, social, spiritual, educational, environmental, occupational, and financial wellbeing or income and governance. Amongst the Bakgatla, correlation testing identified two clusters or core sub-sets of relationships, based on the strength of relationships, which appear to work in parallel to one another, with divergent outcomes of either increased happiness or income. The first cluster is related to traditional economic rationality and consists of Education Level, Income and Employment Security. The second cluster, more closely related to principles of sustainable development, consists of Social Wellbeing, Environmental Wellbeing and Happiness. An insignificant correlation between Income and Happiness exists. A multiple regression analysis was conducted with Happiness as the dependent variable and the major wellbeing dimensions as the independent variables (R² = .286). Statistically significant Standardized Beta’s calculated in the regression analysis are Social wellbeing (0.464), Educational level (-0.226), Governance (0.205) and Physical wellbeing (0.194). Although a cause-and-effect relationship can’t be assumed, the supposition is that ceteris paribus: • Happy people tend to have higher levels of social wellbeing or social capital; • The more educated people are, the less happy they are; • The more trust people have in public institutions and the state, the happier they are; and • Happy people tend to be healthier. Therefore, holding all other explanatory variables constant, it can be assumed that income has no bearing on subjective wellbeing. Therefore we reject the Null Hypothesis that the Bakgatla’s progress is purely determined by their annual per capita income. The relationship between income and subjective wellbeing for the Bakgatla follows global patterns - an initial increase in happiness as income increases is pronounced but ‘flattens’ somewhat as a higher level of income is reached and diminishes as very high levels of income are achieved. The critical turning point where income has a diminishing rate of return on satisfaction is around R20 000 per annum per person. This corroborates the human needs theories which proposes that a hierarchy of needs for human beings exist and until the basic needs are met, higher needs cannot be met. The present findings have implications for the Bakgatla: in order to increase happiness and promote development, the Bakgatla should focus on four key aspects: meeting basic needs; increasing social capital; increasing trust in the Tribal Authorities; and improving physical health. In addition, education and environmental wellbeing should also be focal points but changes need to be made to the education curriculum so that there is a strong focus on sustainable development. An important policy implication that the Bakgatla need to consider, is balancing the needs of the current generation with the needs of future generations. Economic growth or income may bring a certain amount of happiness; environmental destruction, crime and human health implications may outweigh these benefits and happiness in both the current and future generations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is subjektiewe welstand of geluk as alternatief vir bruto binnelandse produk (BBP) as vooruitgangsmaatstaf by die Bakgatla-Ba-Kgafela-stam (altesaam N = 119) ondersoek. Die veronderstelde hoofaspekte van geluk wat in die studie getoets is, is fisiese welstand, geesteswelstand, maatskaplike welstand, spirituele welstand, opvoedkundige welstand, omgewingswelstand, beroepswelstand, finansiële welstand of inkomste, en bestuur. Korrelasietoetse onder die Bakgatla het twee beduidende groepe of kernsubstelle verwantskappe uitgewys, welke groepe oënskynlik gelyklopend funksioneer, met uiteenlopende dog nieverwante uitkomste van hetsy verhoogde geluk of verhoogde inkomste. Die eerste groep hou verband met tradisionele ekonomiese rasionaliteit, en bestaan uit onderrigvlak, inkomste en werksekerheid. Die tweede groep, wat eerder met beginsels van volhoubare ontwikkeling saamhang, bestaan uit maatskaplike welstand, omgewingswelstand en geluk. Die studie toon onbeduidende verband tussen inkomste en geluk. Meervoudige regressieontleding is met geluk as afhanklike veranderlike en die hoofwelstandsaspekte as onafhanklike veranderlikes uitgevoer (R² = 0,286). Statisties beduidende gestandaardiseerde betakoëffisiënte wat in die regressieontleding bereken is, is maatskaplike welstand (0,464), opvoedingsvlak (-0,226), bestuur (0,205) en fisiese welstand (0,194). Hoewel oorsaak-en-gevolg-verwantskap nie aanvaar kan word nie, word daar vermoed dat, met alle ander faktore gelyk: • gelukkige mense geneig is om hoër vlakke van maatskaplike welstand of maatskaplike kapitaal te geniet; • hoe meer opgevoed mense is, hoe ongelukkiger is hulle; • hoe meer vertroue mense in openbare instellings en die staat het, hoe gelukkiger is hulle; en • gelukkige mense geneig is om gesonder te wees. Indien alle ander verklarende veranderlikes konstant gehou word, word daar dus aanvaar dat inkomste geen verband met subjektiewe welstand toon nie. Daarom word die nulhipotese dat die Bakgatla se vooruitgang alleenlik deur hul jaarlikse inkomste per capita bepaal word, verwerp. Die verwantskap tussen inkomste en subjektiewe welstand vir die Bakgatla volg internasionale patrone: Aanvanklik neem geluk duidelik toe namate inkomste verhoog, plat dan effens af namate hoër inkomstevlak bereik word, en verminder aansienlik wanneer baie hoë inkomstevlakke bereik word. Die kritiese draaipunt waar inkomste verlaagde opbrengskoers op tevredenheid toon, is sowat R20 000 per jaar per persoon. Dít staaf die menslikebehoefte-teorie wat aan die hand doen dat mense oor hiërargie van behoeftes beskik en dat daar eers in basiese behoeftes voorsien moet word voordat behoeftes hoër op in die hiërargie aan die beurt kan kom. Hierdie bevindinge het bepaalde implikasies vir die Bakgatla: Ten einde geluk te verhoog en ontwikkeling aan te moedig, behoort die Bakgatla op vier kernaspekte te konsentreer, naamlik voorsiening in basiese behoeftes, die vermeerdering van maatskaplike kapitaal, die verhoging van vertroue in die stamowerhede, en verbetering van liggaamlike gesondheid. Voorts behoort opvoedkundige en omgewingswelstand ook fokuspunte te wees, maar moet die onderrigkurrikulum aangepas word om sterker klem op volhoubare ontwikkeling te plaas. Belangrike beleidsimplikasie wat die Bakgatla moet oorweeg, is om ewewig te vind tussen die behoeftes van die huidige geslag en die behoeftes van toekomstige geslagte. Ekonomiese groei of inkomste kan inderdaad sekere hoeveelheid geluk skep. Tog kan omgewingsvernietiging, misdaad en swak menslike gesondheid hierdie voordele en geluk in sowel die huidige as toekomstige geslagte oorskadu. Bykomende navorsing word vir die toekoms aanbeveel.

Modelo ajustado de credit scoring para an??lise de risco de companhias no segmento de m??dio porte no Brasil

Ara??jo, Eudes Martins de 31 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:33:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eudes_Martins_de_Araujo.pdf: 471826 bytes, checksum: 3fa94e3e0d87a5b29960d321fc0f5277 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-31 / The objective of this work is to verify if the credit rating model proposed by Brito and Assaf Neto (2008) designed for publicly held companies may also be applied to privately held companies in Brazil. In this work, 60 companies were used, being 30 of them in bankruptcy or insolvency processes in the period from 1994 to 2004, herein referred to as insolvent companies, and 30 of them with normal economic and financial situation referred here as solvent companies. In the present study, 60 companies were used; 30 of them presenting financial restrictions during the year of 2013 and 30 having a normal economic and financial situation. The model proposed by Brito and Assaf Neto (2008) used a logistic regression with 25 economic and financial indicators to see if they were able to separate solvent companies from non-solvent companies. Out of the 25 indicators used for this study, only 4 of them were statistically significant, namely: (I) retained profits on assets, (ii) financial debt, (III) net working capital and (IV) cash balance on sales. This four-variable model obtained a 90% accuracy in the correct classification of solvent and insolvent companies. However, the logistic regression model estimated based on the data from private companies showed different results from the one estimated by Brito and Assaf Neto (2008).In this case, only two variables showed to be statistically significant: (I) equity on assets and (II) cash balance on sales. This adjusted model reached a 57% accuracy in correctly classifying the companies. In short, the results presented here showed that it was not possible to estimate the adjusted credit-scoring model with a good accuracy for privately held companies in Brazil this based on extracted data from their financial statements. / O objetivo neste trabalho ?? verificar se o modelo de classifica????o de risco de cr??dito proposto por Brito e Assaf Neto (2008) desenvolvido para companhias de capital aberto tamb??m pode ser aplicado as companhias de capital fechado no Brasil. Nele foram utilizadas 60 companhias, sendo 30 com processos de concordata ou fal??ncia no per??odo de 1994 a 2004 denominadas insolventes e 30 com situa????o econ??mico-financeira normal denominadas solventes. No estudo aqui desenvolvido, tamb??m foram utilizadas 60 companhias; 30 apresentando restritivos financeiros durante o ano de 2013 e 30 com situa????o econ??mico-financeira normal. O modelo proposto por Brito e Assaf Neto (2008) utilizou uma regress??o log??stica com 25 indicadores econ??mico-financeiros para verificar se eles eram capazes de separar companhias solventes de companhias insolventes. Dos 25 indicadores utilizados, apenas 4 deles apresentaram signific??ncia estat??stica, sendo eles: (I) lucros retidos sobre ativo, (II) endividamento financeiro, (III) capital de giro l??quido e (IV) saldo de tesouraria sobre vendas. Esse modelo com quatro vari??veis obteve uma acur??cia de 90% nas classifica????es corretas das companhias abertas solventes e insolventes. No entanto, o modelo de regress??o log??stica estimado com base nos dados das companhias de capital fechado mostrou resultados distintos daquele estimado por Brito e Assaf Neto (2008). Nesse caso, apenas duas vari??veis se mostraram estatisticamente significantes: (I) patrim??nio l??quido sobre ativo e (II) saldo de tesouraria sobre vendas. Esse modelo ajustado obteve uma acur??cia de apenas 57% nas classifica????es corretas das companhias. Em suma os resultados aqui relatados mostraram que n??o foi poss??vel estimar um modelo ajustado de credit scoring com boa acur??cia para companhias de capital fechado no Brasil com base em dados extra??dos de suas demonstra????es financeiras.

A influ??ncia dos fatores contingenciais na intensidade de uso dos indicadores e direcionadores de valor das empresas do segmento qu??mico brasileiro

Alencar, Eduardo Pereira 21 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:33:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eduardo_Pereira_Alencar.pdf: 864195 bytes, checksum: 49414a0dda4258b4ba2907032c458c67 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-21 / The contingency theory is premised a better fit between the internal contingency factors to the company and its external environment. From this perspective the research sought to understand the influence of contingencies factors: external environment to the company's operations and size, about the intensity in the use of the financial indicators and financial and non-financial value drivers on the brazilian chemical sector. Data were obtained by applying the questionnaire, multiple regression analysis was used to investigate the influence of the environment and size in intensity of use of value drivers. The results show that the uncertainty of the environmental factor influenced the intensity of use forming a basic set which mostly has financial drivers and financial indicators, but non-financial drivers were also validated in the regression to a lesser extent, the size influenced financial indicators and non-financial drivers the basic set of drivers and indicators formed can be seen as the best fit to environmental uncertainty and the size of the sample companies / A teoria da conting??ncia tem por premissa um melhor ajuste entre os fatores contingenciais internos ?? empresa e seu ambiente externo. Sob essa perspectiva a pesquisa procurou compreender a influ??ncia dos fatores contingenciais: ambiente externo ??s opera????es da empresa e porte, sobre a intensidade de uso dos indicadores financeiros e direcionadores de valor financeiro e n??o financeiro no segmento qu??mico brasileiro. Os dados foram obtidos pela aplica????o de question??rio, a an??lise de regress??o m??ltipla foi utilizada para verificar a influ??ncia do ambiente e porte na intensidade de uso dos direcionadores de valor. Os resultados apontam que a incerteza do fator ambiental influenciou a intensidade de uso formando um conjunto b??sico que em sua maioria possui direcionadores e indicadores financeiros, por??m direcionadores n??o financeiros tamb??m foram validados na regress??o em menor quantidade, o porte influenciou indicadores financeiros e direcionadores n??o financeiros, um conjunto b??sico, de direcionadores e indicadores formado pode ser vista como a que melhor se ajusta ?? incerteza ambiental e ao porte das empresas da amostra

Economic performance of commercial fishing fleets off the South Brazil Shelf from Angra dos Reis (23ºS) to Rio Grande (32ºS) / Desempenho econômico das frotas pesqueiras marinhas da região SE/S do Brasil entre Angra dos Reis (23ºS) e Rio Grande (32ºS)

Amanda Ricci Rodrigues 07 May 2018 (has links)
In Brazil, economic data on fisheries are generally scarce, and difficult to interpret with respect to costs and fishery viability, thus making it difficult to practice consistent policy and industrial decision-making. This thesis aims to provide a cost-benefit analysis of seventeen commercial fishing fleets that operated during 2013-2014 in four port regions of the South Brazil Shelf: Angra dos Reis (AR), Santos and Guarujá (SG), Itajaí and Navegantes (IN) and Rio Grande (RG). The fleet types included the following: shrimp-trawlers, pair-bottom-trawlers, single-bottom-trawlers, bottom-gillnetters, octopus-pots, purse-seiners, surface-longliners and pole-and-line. Based on an unprecedented set of field survey data collected through interviews with vessel captains and owners, this study has the following goals: (1) to describe, calculate and compare the cost structure and gross profitability for all fleets; (2) to identify the factors (e.g., technical features and economic indicators) that determine fleet gross profit (from AR, SG and IN) using generalized additive models (GAMLSS); and (3) to assess the net profitability and viability of the fleets through the following three economic performance indicators: net profit margin (NPM), net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR). Additionally, the effects of fuel subsidy policies on profitability among South Brazil\'s fleets were evaluated. Generally, operational costs were higher than labor and fixed costs except for longliners, purse-seiners (from AR) and bottom-gillnetters (from RG), whereas labor costs were higher or had the same importance as operational costs. Fuel was the primary operational cost for all the fleets except pair-bottom-trawlers (SG) and purse-seiners (AR), for which vessel maintenance is the principal operational cost. Gross profitability varied significantly among the fleets and was clearly related to the following main factors: fuel consumption, vessel maintenance expense, ice costs, fish price and catch volume. Particularly for trawlers (from SG and IN) and all purse-seiners, technical features (i.e., vessel size and number of fishing trips, respectively) also explained profitability. Moreover, landing cost was a significant factor for those fleets\' profit. Economic performance indicators exhibited intra-fleet heterogeneity depending on region and revealed that 24% of the fleets were unviable (NPV less than zero), 23% were in fragile condition (IRRs and NPM lower than 11%), and 53% had achieved good economic returns whose IRR values exceeded 12% and whose NPM was > 10%. The worst economic performance was observed for single-bottom-trawlers (RG) and purse-seiners (SG) and the best for tuna-longliners (RG) and pair-bottom-trawlers (SG). Overall, subsidies were ineffective in increasing Rio Grande fleet profits and may be masking poor economic performance, primarily for single-bottom-trawlers (RG). Findings should guide private-sector decisions on how to protect the economic performance of the fleets, on fishery management measures (e.g., input controls, recovery plans for overfished stocks), and improve current governmental programs (e.g. the fuel subsidy program). / No Brasil, os dados econômicos sobre as pescarias são geralmente escassos, dificultando o conhecimento sobre os custos e a viabilidade da pesca, tornando difícil a prática de tomada de decisões políticas consistentes. Esta tese tem como objetivo fornecer uma análise de custo-benefício de dezessete frotas de pesca comercial que operaram durante 2013-2014 em quatro regiões da Plataforma Continental Sul do Brasil: Angra dos Reis (AR), Santos e Guarujá (SG), Itajaí e Navegantes (IN) e Rio Grande (RG). Os tipos de frotas analisadas foram: arrasto de fundo duplo (camarões), parelhas, arrasto de fundo simples, emalhe de fundo, pesca de potes (polvo), traineiras, espinhel de superfície e pesca com vara-e-isca-viva. Com base em um conjunto sem precedentes de dados de pesquisa de campo coletados através de entrevistas com mestres e proprietários de barcos pesqueiros, este estudo teve como objetivo: (1) descrever, calcular e comparar a estrutura de custos e a lucratividade bruta das frotas; (2) identificar os fatores (características técnicas e indicadores econômicos) que determinam o lucro bruto das frotas (de AR, SG e IN) usando modelos aditivos generalizados (GAMLSS); e (3) avaliar a lucratividade e a rentabilidade líquida, e a viabilidade das frotas por meio dos seguintes indicadores de desempenho econômico: margem de lucro líquido (NPM), valor presente líquido (NPV) e taxa de retorno interno (IRR). Além disso, os efeitos da política de subsídio ao combustível sobre a rentabilidade das frotas do sul do Brasil foram avaliados. Geralmente, os custos operacionais foram maiores que os custos de mão-de-obra e custos fixos, exceto para as frotas de espinhel de superfície, traineiras (de AR) e emalhe de fundo (de RG), onde os custos de mão-de-obra foram maiores ou tiveram a mesma importância que os custos operacionais. O combustível foi o principal custo operacional para todas as frotas, exceto para as parelhas (SG) e as traineiras (AR), para os quais a manutenção do barco foi o principal custo operacional. O lucro bruto variou significativamente entre as frotas e esteve relacionada aos seguintes fatores: consumo de combustível, despesas de manutenção de embarcações, custos com gelo, preço do peixe e volume de captura. Particularmente para as frotas de arrasto de fundo (de SG e IN), parelhas (SG) e traineira, as características técnicas (ou seja, tamanho da embarcação e número de viagens de pesca, respectivamente) também explicaram a lucratividade. Além disso, o custo com o desembarque foi um fator significativo para o lucro dessas frotas. Os indicadores de desempenho econômico apresentaram heterogeneidade intra-frota dependendo da região e revelaram que 24% das frotas estavam inviáveis (NPV inferior a zero), 23% estavam em vulnerabilidade (IRRs e NPM inferiores a 11%) e 53% alcançaram bons retornos econômicos cujos valores de IRR excederam 12% e o NPM foi > 10%. O pior desempenho econômico foi observado para as frotas de arrasto-simples de RG e para as traineiras de SG, e os melhores para os atuneiros (RG) e parelhas (SG). Em geral, os subsídios foram ineficazes no aumento dos lucros das frotas de Rio Grande e podem estar mascarando o baixo desempenho econômico, principalmente para a frota de arrasto-simples. Os resultados apresentados podem ser utilizados para orientar nas decisões do setor privado sobre como proteger o desempenho econômico das frotas, as medidas de manejo da pesca (por exemplo, controles de entrada, planos de manejo para recuperação dos estoques sobrepescados), e ainda melhorar os programas governamentais atuais (por exemplo, o programa de subsídio ao combustível).

Economic performance of commercial fishing fleets off the South Brazil Shelf from Angra dos Reis (23ºS) to Rio Grande (32ºS) / Desempenho econômico das frotas pesqueiras marinhas da região SE/S do Brasil entre Angra dos Reis (23ºS) e Rio Grande (32ºS)

Rodrigues, Amanda Ricci 07 May 2018 (has links)
In Brazil, economic data on fisheries are generally scarce, and difficult to interpret with respect to costs and fishery viability, thus making it difficult to practice consistent policy and industrial decision-making. This thesis aims to provide a cost-benefit analysis of seventeen commercial fishing fleets that operated during 2013-2014 in four port regions of the South Brazil Shelf: Angra dos Reis (AR), Santos and Guarujá (SG), Itajaí and Navegantes (IN) and Rio Grande (RG). The fleet types included the following: shrimp-trawlers, pair-bottom-trawlers, single-bottom-trawlers, bottom-gillnetters, octopus-pots, purse-seiners, surface-longliners and pole-and-line. Based on an unprecedented set of field survey data collected through interviews with vessel captains and owners, this study has the following goals: (1) to describe, calculate and compare the cost structure and gross profitability for all fleets; (2) to identify the factors (e.g., technical features and economic indicators) that determine fleet gross profit (from AR, SG and IN) using generalized additive models (GAMLSS); and (3) to assess the net profitability and viability of the fleets through the following three economic performance indicators: net profit margin (NPM), net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR). Additionally, the effects of fuel subsidy policies on profitability among South Brazil\'s fleets were evaluated. Generally, operational costs were higher than labor and fixed costs except for longliners, purse-seiners (from AR) and bottom-gillnetters (from RG), whereas labor costs were higher or had the same importance as operational costs. Fuel was the primary operational cost for all the fleets except pair-bottom-trawlers (SG) and purse-seiners (AR), for which vessel maintenance is the principal operational cost. Gross profitability varied significantly among the fleets and was clearly related to the following main factors: fuel consumption, vessel maintenance expense, ice costs, fish price and catch volume. Particularly for trawlers (from SG and IN) and all purse-seiners, technical features (i.e., vessel size and number of fishing trips, respectively) also explained profitability. Moreover, landing cost was a significant factor for those fleets\' profit. Economic performance indicators exhibited intra-fleet heterogeneity depending on region and revealed that 24% of the fleets were unviable (NPV less than zero), 23% were in fragile condition (IRRs and NPM lower than 11%), and 53% had achieved good economic returns whose IRR values exceeded 12% and whose NPM was > 10%. The worst economic performance was observed for single-bottom-trawlers (RG) and purse-seiners (SG) and the best for tuna-longliners (RG) and pair-bottom-trawlers (SG). Overall, subsidies were ineffective in increasing Rio Grande fleet profits and may be masking poor economic performance, primarily for single-bottom-trawlers (RG). Findings should guide private-sector decisions on how to protect the economic performance of the fleets, on fishery management measures (e.g., input controls, recovery plans for overfished stocks), and improve current governmental programs (e.g. the fuel subsidy program). / No Brasil, os dados econômicos sobre as pescarias são geralmente escassos, dificultando o conhecimento sobre os custos e a viabilidade da pesca, tornando difícil a prática de tomada de decisões políticas consistentes. Esta tese tem como objetivo fornecer uma análise de custo-benefício de dezessete frotas de pesca comercial que operaram durante 2013-2014 em quatro regiões da Plataforma Continental Sul do Brasil: Angra dos Reis (AR), Santos e Guarujá (SG), Itajaí e Navegantes (IN) e Rio Grande (RG). Os tipos de frotas analisadas foram: arrasto de fundo duplo (camarões), parelhas, arrasto de fundo simples, emalhe de fundo, pesca de potes (polvo), traineiras, espinhel de superfície e pesca com vara-e-isca-viva. Com base em um conjunto sem precedentes de dados de pesquisa de campo coletados através de entrevistas com mestres e proprietários de barcos pesqueiros, este estudo teve como objetivo: (1) descrever, calcular e comparar a estrutura de custos e a lucratividade bruta das frotas; (2) identificar os fatores (características técnicas e indicadores econômicos) que determinam o lucro bruto das frotas (de AR, SG e IN) usando modelos aditivos generalizados (GAMLSS); e (3) avaliar a lucratividade e a rentabilidade líquida, e a viabilidade das frotas por meio dos seguintes indicadores de desempenho econômico: margem de lucro líquido (NPM), valor presente líquido (NPV) e taxa de retorno interno (IRR). Além disso, os efeitos da política de subsídio ao combustível sobre a rentabilidade das frotas do sul do Brasil foram avaliados. Geralmente, os custos operacionais foram maiores que os custos de mão-de-obra e custos fixos, exceto para as frotas de espinhel de superfície, traineiras (de AR) e emalhe de fundo (de RG), onde os custos de mão-de-obra foram maiores ou tiveram a mesma importância que os custos operacionais. O combustível foi o principal custo operacional para todas as frotas, exceto para as parelhas (SG) e as traineiras (AR), para os quais a manutenção do barco foi o principal custo operacional. O lucro bruto variou significativamente entre as frotas e esteve relacionada aos seguintes fatores: consumo de combustível, despesas de manutenção de embarcações, custos com gelo, preço do peixe e volume de captura. Particularmente para as frotas de arrasto de fundo (de SG e IN), parelhas (SG) e traineira, as características técnicas (ou seja, tamanho da embarcação e número de viagens de pesca, respectivamente) também explicaram a lucratividade. Além disso, o custo com o desembarque foi um fator significativo para o lucro dessas frotas. Os indicadores de desempenho econômico apresentaram heterogeneidade intra-frota dependendo da região e revelaram que 24% das frotas estavam inviáveis (NPV inferior a zero), 23% estavam em vulnerabilidade (IRRs e NPM inferiores a 11%) e 53% alcançaram bons retornos econômicos cujos valores de IRR excederam 12% e o NPM foi > 10%. O pior desempenho econômico foi observado para as frotas de arrasto-simples de RG e para as traineiras de SG, e os melhores para os atuneiros (RG) e parelhas (SG). Em geral, os subsídios foram ineficazes no aumento dos lucros das frotas de Rio Grande e podem estar mascarando o baixo desempenho econômico, principalmente para a frota de arrasto-simples. Os resultados apresentados podem ser utilizados para orientar nas decisões do setor privado sobre como proteger o desempenho econômico das frotas, as medidas de manejo da pesca (por exemplo, controles de entrada, planos de manejo para recuperação dos estoques sobrepescados), e ainda melhorar os programas governamentais atuais (por exemplo, o programa de subsídio ao combustível).

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