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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les limites de la capacité contributive

Michalek, Boleslaw January 1948 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Do others matter? : An empirical analysis of the interaction of social and human capital in India / Quel rôle joue les autres? : Une analyse empirique de l'interaction entre capital social et capital humain en Inde

Gille, Véronique 02 December 2013 (has links)
Dire que le capital humain a un impact important sur le développement économique n'est pas une affirmation très controversée. Elle a été confirmée par la recherche des cinquante dernières années et améliorer les indicateurs de capital humain dans les pays en développement est depuis quelques temps déjà un des objectifs principaux des gouvernements, des ONG et des organisations internationales. Cependant, le capital humain est souvent seulement considéré comme une question individuelle. Pourtant, le capital humain comporte une dimension sociale encore relativement peu analysée. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'apporter un éclairage sur cet aspect social du capital humain. La question que je pose tout au long de cette thèse est «Quelle est l'importance des autres? »par rapport au capital humain. En particulier, je me demande comment capital social et capital humain interagissent, et les éléments de réponse que j'apporte reposent sur des données indiennes. L'Inde est un pays où il est particulièrement intéressant d'étudier cette question, car le capital humain y a beaucoup évolué dans les cinquante dernières années, et le capital social a joué un rôle important dans cette évolution. Le contexte social indien, propose aussi un cadre d'analyse riche pour l'étude de la relation entre capital humain et capital social. / There is nothing controversial in saying that hum an capital matters a great deal for economic development. Research during the past 50 years has confirmed this belief, and governments, international organizations and NGOs have worked hard to improve human capital indicators. But the majority of policy makers and researchers have considered and studied human capital as an issue only concerning individuals. However, human capital also has a social component which has not yet been well understood, despite a growing literature looking beyond the individual aspect of human capital. The aim of this dissertation is to shed some light on this social component of hum an capital. The recurrent question that I am asking throughout this thesis is "How do others matter?", in relation to hum an capital. In particular, I am wondering how social capital interacts with human capital. To study this question, I take India as a case study. India is a country where human capital has dramatically changed in the last 50 years, and social capital had an important role in this evolution. More concretely, India's peculiar social structure pro vides a very interesting context to study the relation between human capital and social capital.

Essays on the Export Performance of Vietnam/Essais sur la Performance à l'Exportation du Vietnam

Vu Thi, Hanh 24 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Trade liberalization and international economic integration are major and important issues especially to developing countries including Vietnam. They have provided the country with many opportunities such as foreign investment projects from developed countries, an increase in the State budget through taxation on exports and imports, the higher level of employment, which have all contributed to improving the standard living of the people. Since the country's Reform (Doi Moi) in 1986, trade liberalization has brought about an increase export value from 0.78 billion USD in 1986 to more than 72 billion USD in 2010 which accounted for an average of 70% increase to the GDP of Vietnam. Moreover, Vietnamese firms are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of innovation and this is becoming the main driver for Vietnam's deeper participation in regional and global economic integration organization such as ASEAN and WTO. Exports play an important role in Vietnam’s international trade, helping to increase the national revenue and to improve the position of Vietnamese firms in the global value chain. Such an improvement of Vietnam's position in the global value chain means being higher in the chain rather than carrying out simple processing at the low-end. If the production factors which include labor, capital, and fixed assets are analyzed in relation to firms' exports, plausible assessments of Vietnamese firms' contributions to the global chain can be determined. It should be also noted that the country's trade policy reform has affected the structure of Vietnam's exports during periods, has been subject to the effect of the volatile world's trading market and the effect of an emerging giant exporter such as China. However, Vietnam's exports are facing some problems on international trade market for various reasons. Firstly, the export structure continues to be mainly based on primary and labor-intensive products such as the agricultural, forestry, fishery and footwear sectors. Secondly, low value added and labor intensive products account for a large proportion of the total exports since almost all economic sectors of Vietnam are involved in the assembly and simple processing stage of the global value chain. We hope this dissertation can help to constitute a reliable basis for formulating export trade policy. Firstly, there is a need for greater efforts from Vietnamese government to implement social economic structural reform with a special focus on SOEs, in order to strengthen investors' confidence. Secondly, there is also a need to encourage the shift away from labor-intensive export products toward capital-intensive products with special emphasis on innovation in particular through research and development activities of firms. The dissertation studies export trade of a single country namely Vietnam. It is an empirical study, which tests both macro and micro determinants of Vietnamese export trade. Particularly, the dissertation uses export trade data at country and firm level to test hypotheses for each determinant including firm and sector effects. We have extracted a dataset on Vietnam's export trade for the 1997-2009 period via WITS of the World Bank. For firm's gravity model, we used export data of firms from VCO for the 2006-2010 period. We analyzed determinants of firms' exports by combining firms' export data and the data of footwear, rice and wood and wood products firms' characteristics for the year 2008. Since firms' export intensity strictly lies in the unit interval, we transformed it into the type of logit then attempted with the OLS and quantile regression methods. Our dissertation mainly focuses on certain external factors of Vietnamese exports at macro and micro levels and analyzes some important determinants of exporting firms in three sectors namely footwear, rice and wood and wood products. Relevant findings based on empirical analysis serve to suggest policy implications and firms' managerial practices. In general, wealthier nations are preferred destination market for Vietnamese exports because of their higher purchasing power. The government of Vietnam therefore tries to negotiate proactively and conclude trade agreement as well as memorandum of understanding with such countries as these measures facilitate trade for local firms. However, rice firms in particular do not necessarily consider country with the large economy to be their destination market. In fact, there are several reasons for firms to enter international market and to sign contracts such as to improve their net profits, to expand their market share or to develop potential market. Regarding determinants of Vietnamese exporting firms, higher wages reduce a firms' propensity to export in general which significantly affects wood and wood products and footwear firms. Although, in some cases, increasing wages somewhat improve worker's productivity thus increasing export revenue, in other cases for economic reasons, higher wages can not be afforded by employers for manual workers in manufacturing sectors where skilled labor is not essential. Investing in high-tech production technology does not necessarily increase growth in the value of Vietnamese firms' exports in three sectors mentioned. Although, state-owned firms have been granted preferential or priority treatment by the Government, they appears to be less efficient than others. The regression result shows that state-owned firms in all three sectors are lagging in export performance. Ongoing Government support for state-owned, firms may lead to an unfair competitive environment especially for small, privately owned firms since the Government protection of the Government seem to be unreasonable. If full data on firms' exports of in all sectors had been obtained, the author of the dissertation were able to draw conclusions on the determinants for all sectors and compare their effects on exports accordingly. We consider innovation indicators would be interesting particularly for firms located in a developing and emerging country such as Vietnam. Therefore, we need an appropriate survey method to collect information to resolve the missing data problem of the existing database. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Arabisation de l'éducation en Algérie : quels effets sur l'assimilation économique des migrants en France? / Arabization of the education system in Algeria : what effects on the economic assimilation of algerian immigrants in France ?

Bendaoud, Mohamed Lamine 11 December 2014 (has links)
Dans les années 80 l’Algérie a mis en place l’arabisation de l'enseignement, de l'école primaire à l'université. Cette politique résultait de la volonté d'indépendance vis à vis de la France et de besoins en personnel éducatif, car les seuls pays fournissant des enseignants étaient les pays voisins arabes. Ce tournant a constitué un choc de grande ampleur sur le système éducatif algérien. Une des conséquences en a été un recul dans le maniement de la langue française, surtout chez les diplômés. Toutefois, une région, la Kabylie, a eu un recul du français de bien moindre ampleur. La France est une des principales destinations des immigrés algériens depuis les années cinquante. On peut penser que les générations les plus récentes, passées par un système éducatif différent, se sont heurtées à des difficultés supplémentaires dans leur intégration économique par rapport aux générations antérieures en raison d’une moindre maîtrise du français. La comparaison des immigrés algériens kabyles et non kabyles permettra d'isoler le facteur « langue » dans l'assimilation économique et d'en estimer l’importance. La démarche ici sera essentiellement quantitative et s’appuiera principalement sur l’enquête TeO (INSEE et INED) disponible depuis 2009.Cela devrait servir à comprendre quels sont les déterminants des compétences linguistiques des immigrés algériens à l’arrivée et après une durée de séjours en Frances ? Quel impact a eu la langue d’enseignement en Algérie dans le niveau de compétences linguistiques ? Dans quelle mesure les compétences linguistiques ont influencé les résultats économiques des immigrés algériens en France ? / In the 80’s Algeria has established the arabization of education from primary school to university. This policy resulted from the will of independence from France and also the educational staff needs because it was easier to recruit teachers from the neighbouring Arab countries. This shift has had a major impact on the Algerian education system. One of the consequences has been a decline in the use of the French language mainly among the graduates. However with regards to this matter, one region, Kabylia, had experienced a less pronounced decline in the use of French. France is one of the main destinations of Algerian immigrants since the 50’s. We can assume that the most recent generations, who were educated in a different system, have faced additional difficulties in their economic integration compared to previous generations with a better proficiency in French. The comparison between Kabylian and non Kabylian Algerian immigrants will help to isolate the factor “language” in the economic assimilation to estimate its importance. The approach is here essentially quantitative and relies mainly on the TeO (INSEE and INED) survey (2009). It has been used to understand the determinants of language skills of Algerian immigrants on their arrival and after a stay in France. What is the impact of the educational language in Algeria on the level of language skills? To what extent have the language skills influenced the economic performance of Algerian immigrants in France?

Essays on Lobbying and Globalization

Blanga Gubbay, Michael 22 September 2020 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation consists of three essays in which I study the political economy of trade agreements. Using detailed information from lobbying reports filed under the Lobbying Disclosure Act, I systematically explore the role played by both the winners and the losers of globalization. The first chapter focuses on the winners, large multinational firms lobbying in favor of the ratification of free trade agreements. The second chapter looks at these winners when they lose, studying the impact of the non-ratification of a trade agreement on their profits. The last chapter focuses on labor interests and trade unions, the losers of globlalization.The first chapter (joint with Paola Conconi and Mathieu Parenti) is focused on firms. We show that the political economy of free trade agreements (FTAs) is dominated by large firms engaged in international trade that support the ratification of these agreements. We develop a model of endogenous lobbying on FTAs by heterogeneous firms, which can explain why only large pro-FTA firms select into lobbying. The model also delivers predictions on the intensive margin of lobbying. In line with these predictions, we find that larger firms spend more supporting a given FTA, and individual firms spend more supporting FTAs that generate larger gains – i.e. larger improvements in access to foreign consumers and suppliers and smaller increases in domestic competition – and that are more likely to be opposed by politicians.The second chapter (joint with Moritz Hennicke) is an event study on the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and the subsequent shock to U.S. trade policy – the non-ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). We provide empirical evidence that corporate lobbying on trade agreements matters for corporate profits. We find that stock prices of companies that lobbied in favor of the TPP underperformed following Trump’s election. On the intensive margin, we find a strong and positive relationship between the amount spent in lobbying and the cumulative losses of lobbying firms. Finally, by comparing the original TPP agreement with its newer version (CPTPP), without U.S. participation, we provide evidence that firms’ lobbying activity was related to having some specific provisions included in the agreement. In the third chapter, I focus on the role played by trade unions, studying both their lobbying expenditures and their campaign contributions to politicians. I first show that unions are the main opposing force to the ratification of FTAs, and that larger unions, operating in tradable sectors, are more likely to lobby against FTAs. I then study union’s PAC contributions to political parties. During the last three decades, more than 90% of unions’ PAC contributions were directed to Democratic candidates. This has drastically changed when the Republican party took a more protectionist stance under Trump. I find that unions that lobbied against the ratification of FTAs started contributing more to Republican congressmen, particularly those who have taken an anti-trade stance. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Essays in the Law and Economics of the Firm

Venturini, Roberto 22 August 2016 (has links)
Firms are central to the functioning of the economy. Ever since Smith (1838) and Coase (1937), economists have gone a long way trying to understand why firms exist, how they are organized, and how they interact through the market.This thesis contributes to the study of how regulation and market incentives can affect firm decisions and their organization. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Acteurs et stratégies de la filère bois : modélisation et application à la France

Ben Abbes, Kalila 25 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est réalisée dans le cadre d'un contrat CIFRE avec le centre technique FCBA. Elle pour objet d'élaborer une modélisation économique de la filière bois en France centrée sur la première transformation, par un travail théorique complété par une dimension de recherche appliquée.Nous avons pu bénéficier d'une importante base de données individuelles, dont nous avons tiré une analyse statistique des acteurs de la première transformation de la filière bois entre 1994 et 2004. Nous avons complété cette analyse par une étude économétrique sur l'estimation des structures de production des scieries afin d'évaluer la substituabilité des facteurs de production. Les résultats statistiques montrent l'hétérogénéité de la filière, et la nécessité d'une modélisation afin de mieux comprendre les comportements et d'évaluer les impacts d'éventuels chocs. Le modèle, validé par un comité de pilotage, a été calibré par les données individuelles et différents chocs, notemment la montée en puissance du bois énergie, ont pu être testés.Enfin, le dernier chapitre de la thèse se concentre sur l'arbitrage entre les utilisations proprement dite de bioénergies renouvelables comme le bois et d'énergie non renouvelable comme par exemple le gaz. De nombreuses études s'intéressent à l'arbitrage entre les énergies épuisables et non épuisables, mais le cas de l'énergie issue de la forêt est particulier, car elle peut tout à fait être détruite aussi bien qu'être gérée et donc se renouveler, mais cela impose des contraintes supplémentaires. Nous étudions alors les trajectoires optimales afin de comprendre les impacts d'éventuelles taxes ou subventions sur l'utilisation de ces ressources. / Cette thèse est réalisée dans le cadre d'un contrat CIFRE avec le centre technique FCBA. Elle pour objet d'élaborer une modélisation économique de la filière bois en France centrée sur la première transformation, par un travail théorique complété par une dimension de recherche appliquée.Nous avons pu bénéficier d'une importante base de données individuelles, dont nous avons tiré une analyse statistique des acteurs de la première transformation de la filière bois entre 1994 et 2004. Nous avons complété cette analyse par une étude économétrique sur l'estimation des structures de production des scieries afin d'évaluer la substituabilité des facteurs de production. Les résultats statistiques montrent l'hétérogénéité de la filière, et la nécessité d'une modélisation afin de mieux comprendre les comportements et d'évaluer les impacts d'éventuels chocs. Le modèle, validé par un comité de pilotage, a été calibré par les données individuelles et différents chocs, notemment la montée en puissance du bois énergie, ont pu être testés.Enfin, le dernier chapitre de la thèse se concentre sur l'arbitrage entre les utilisations proprement dite de bioénergies renouvelables comme le bois et d'énergie non renouvelable comme par exemple le gaz. De nombreuses études s'intéressent à l'arbitrage entre les énergies épuisables et non épuisables, mais le cas de l'énergie issue de la forêt est particulier, car elle peut tout à fait être détruite aussi bien qu'être gérée et donc se renouveler, mais cela impose des contraintes supplémentaires. Nous étudions alors les trajectoires optimales afin de comprendre les impacts d'éventuelles taxes ou subventions sur l'utilisation de ces ressources.

An economic history of the Jews of Byzantium from the eve of the Arab conquest to the Fourth Crusade /

Holo, Joshua. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, Dept. of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, August 2001. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available on the Internet.

Économie informelle et analyse relationnelle

Kabatakaka, Bululu 30 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat a pour objet la connaissance du processus de formation d’une culture de l’économie informelle et sa reproduction chez l’élite dans les pays en développement. Son questionnement de base est : comment étudier l’économie informelle dans les pays en développement dans une perspective relationnelle ? Elle a mis à profit la complémentarité des connaissances de l’économie et de la sociologie dans la compréhension des dimensions rationnelles et non rationnelles des comportements et attitudes de l’élite dans les pays en développement face à cette économie. Nous avons considéré les fonctionnaires comme indicateurs de l’élite. Cette thèse apporte deux contributions majeures 1) l’élargissement du modèle Laflamme et de l’analyse compréhensive de Weber grâce à l’opérationnalisation du concept de socialisation et 2) l’identification de quelques éléments porteurs de l’économie informelle sur lesquels il faut asseoir la dynamique de la réduction de la pauvreté. Cette contribution doit être inscrite dans les limites géographiques de l’étude. L’application de la méthodologie dans d’autres villes du pays et dans d’autres capitales des pays en développement permettrait d’en vérifier la généralisation.

Empirical vector autoregressive modeling

Ooms, M. January 1993 (has links)
Proefschrift Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. / Lit. opg.: p. [310]-325. - Index. - Met samenvatting in het Nederlands.

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