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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití Open Source platforem v rámci vzdělávání v oboru Grafický design / Use of Open Source platforms in education in the field of Graphic Design

Lukáš, David January 2021 (has links)
This diploma work is fokused on the opportunities of using the Open Source Programmes in the lessons at secondary vocational schools according to Graphic Design as a branch of study. In the theoretical part are basic terms explained and reachable educational sources and matherials including graphic editor work noticed . There are described the special signs of the Graphic design branch in a context with the secondary vocational school and the goals of education defined inside RVP (Frame Educational Plan). It speaks about the claims, their availability and the chance of their using as a legal area where are needed skills and experiences for students and their work aplication adopted. The practical part is dedicated to the survey of the ways of possible work in graphic editors and opportunities of using alternative graphic editors at each secondary school offering Graphic design as a branch of study. It includes time analysis of the vocational subjects defined in the School Educational Programme, questioner's investigation and interviews with the teachers. The situation in a real practice also with interviews with professionals and exployers are examined there too. We can find many problematic moments connected with the aplication of alternative graphic editors into the education and practice from...

The funnies are a serious business: how local newspaper editors make decisions concerning diverse and controversial comic strips

McCoy, Kuleen O. 22 August 2009 (has links)
Media theorists have identified five models explaining media content: reflection, media routines, personal characteristics, extrinsic forces and manipulation. This study looks at diversity and controversy in newspaper comic strips to test the models that 1) media content is determined by personal characteristics of the decision maker; and 2) media content is determined by forces extrinsic to the decision maker. It was found that in the majority of cases the personal characteristics of the newspaper editor were more important in determining which diverse and controversial comic strips he/she will publish. However, it was found that no single model completely explains how editors make decisions concerning controversial and diverse material, but instead a variety of decision making models, including reflection, media routines, personal characteristics, and extrinsic forces, influence editor’s decision making. / Master of Science

3D redaktorių taikymas mokomųjų žaidimų kūrimui / Application of 3D editors for creation of learning games

Vindbergaitė, Laura 29 June 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe buvo siekiama ištirti ir panaudoti 3D redaktorių galimybes kuriant mokomuosius žaidimus, t. y. atlikti populiariausių žaidimų 3D redaktorių lyginamąją analizę ir ištirti pasirinktų redaktorių galimybes kurti matematikos mokomuosius žaidimus, sukurti mokomąjį žaidimą, jį įdiegti mokykloje bei atlikti praktinio taikymo mokykloje tyrimą. Siekiant įvykdyti iškeltus uždavinius, buvo susipažinta su 3D redaktoriais, jie suskirstyti į tris tipus, atsižvelgiant į tai, ar jie gali būti panaudoti mokomųjų žaidimų kūrime. Pasirinktu video žaidimo Half-Life redaktoriumi Valve Hammer Editor buvo sukurtas mokomasis žaidimas „Rodiklinių lygčių labirintas“. Šis žaidimas buvo panaudotas vienuoliktokų rodiklinių lygčių ir jų sprendimo būdų įtvirtinimo pamokoje. Siekiant ištirti žaidimo efektyvumą buvo lyginami dviejų lygiagrečių klasių, kurių viena pamokoje dirbo su mokomuoju žaidimu, kita dirbo tradiciškai, testo rezultatai. Taip pat norint išsiaiškinti mokinių nuomonę apie mokomuosius žaidimus bei mokomąsias programas, buvo atliktas anketinis tyrimas. Atsakydami į anketos klausimus, mokiniai išreiškė savo nuomonę apie mokomąsias programas ir mokomuosius žaidimus, apie su mokomuoju žaidimu vykusią pamoką bei patį mokomąjį žaidimą. / This master thesis presents the investigation how to use the possibilities of 3D editors to create educative games. Main goals of this work: to make a comparative analysis of 3D editors of the most popular games, to study the opportunities of the chosen 3D editors to create math’s educative games, to create educative game, to introduce it in school and to make the analysis of the practical application in school. In order to achieve the raised goals it was acquainted with 3D editors. According to their possibilities to be used in the creation of the educative games they are divided into 3 types. After the analysis we chose Valve Hammer editor (game Half-Life) and created an educative game „Rodiklinių lygčių labirintas“. This game was used in the consolidative lesson of the 11th form during which an exponential equations and their way of solution was studied. Seeking to investigate the effectiveness of the game, the test results of two parallel classes were compared – one of them was working with an educative game the other - traditionally. Also, a questionnaire survey was made in order to find out the pupils’ opinion. While answering the questionnaire the pupils expressed their opinion about the educative games and the educative programs also about the lesson during which an educative game was used, and about the educative game itself.

Proměny obsahu týdeníku Reflex pod vedením jednotlivých šéfredaktorů / Changes of content of weekly Reflex under the influence of its editors -in-chief

Kuklík, Vladimír January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis Content changes of Reflex weekly according to the influence of its editors in chief focuses on the changes which this Czech magazine has gone through from its founding in 1990 to 2013 - during these twenty three years the position of editor in chief changed six times, passing from one person to another. The development of this thesis was based on the supposition that each of the personalities has left their mark on the magazine and has influenced its content according to their experience and preferences. In the theoretical part, the thesis deals with history of the magazine, with changes of editors in chief, the publishers, visual aspects, with the composition of editorial team or magazine sections and also with magazine's direct competitors and the number of editions sold. The following chapter focuses on the theoretical context of the research and refers to the analytical part. Terms as neutrality, negativity and agenda settings are being defined here and the impact of commercialization on visual aspect of the print media is being discussed in this chapter as well. The next part is based on the quantitative content analysis and it examines magazine content in specific periods; both the first and last three months of each editor in chief's era. The analysis outcomes present...

Vývoj Rudého práva v období 1972-1991 / Development of the Rudé právo during 1972-1991

Petrů, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis Development of the Rudé právo during 1972 - 1991 discusses the activities and developments of this journal and its editors at a time when in Czechoslovakia began the period of normalization, causing compaction ratios and purges especially among journalists. The other titles had to respond to this situation, including the Rudé právo itself, which was, however, in exceptional circumstances, as reported directly to the directives of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. In the Rudé právo so appeared only official information (political, social, cultural and sports), which corresponded to the ideology of the Communist Party. It is therefore interesting to investigate this periodical in the context of contemporary events and to analyze its activities in connection with the fact that we now have. The editor's work was based on the discussions and proposals adopted at a meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and its Secretariat, whose member was also editor in chief of the Rudé právo. The journal had automatically secured the highest allocations of newsprint, even during the late '80s, when it was real shortage of this material. After 1990, when began the consolidation of printed periodicals, the Rudé právo transformed into a joint-stock company whose majority...

Mellom samfunnsoppdrag og marked : En studie av utviklingen av sjefredaktørrollen i utvalgte norske og svenske mediehus fra 1985 til 2015 / Between societal mission and market demands : A study of the role of editors-in-chief in leading Norwegian and Swedish media companies from 1985 to 2015

Borgen, Turid January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation analyses changes in the role of editors-in-chief in ten leading Norwegian and Swedish media houses – today owned by either Bonnier or Schibsted – in light of the potential tensions between journalistic ideals and market demands. This duality is studied over a period of 30 years, from 1985 to 2015. The most defining changes in the structural framework under which editors-in-chief work are the ongoing technological revolution, the transformation from an analogue into a digital society, and structural, economic changes related to this development. Methodologically, the study builds on data from qualitative in-depth interviews, mainly with 33 past and present editors-in-chief. It also contains a study of how the role of editors-in-chief has been reported and discussed in the magazines of two media branch organisations. The changing role of editors-in-chief is analysed within an institutional perspective. The main empirical results are as follows: (1) Owners and company management have considered the recruitment of editors-in-chief to be highly important throughout the period, and they have used their influence actively. Internal recruitment processes are a standard procedure. Very few of those chosen are women; men recruit other men. The last decade shows a recruitment process becoming more centralized and professionalized. (2) Most editors-in-chief represented in the study have a background in the newsroom. This has traditionally been the main qualification. (3) Regular meetings have structured most of the working hours for editors-in-chief. From an institutional perspective, meetings have played a norm-setting and ritualised role. During the last decade, some of those meetings have included not only journalists but also employees from other departments. (4) Those respondents who were active during the last period investigated perceive the increased speed of work on a daily basis and the more complex editorial role as the main changes and challenges. (5) Many of the respondents are so-called ‘silent’ editors. Due to a lack of time, they do not write much in their own papers. Lately, this has changed to some extent, especially among Swedish editors. This finding is one of the major differences between Norwegian and Swedish editors-in-chief. (6) Editors are still responsible for journalistic content, but demands on the part of commercial management have gradually become more important, and strategic decisions have become more centralized. The metaphor about the need to balance the demands of the ‘Marketplace and Cathedral’ has been replaced by the metaphor ‘We are all in the same boat’. The journalistic institution is under pressure. (7) Despite the immense technological and economic changes in the business and in the structural framework, there is also stability in the role due to the robust nature of journalism as an institution. The role of editor-in-chief is complex, and during the last 30 years, it has become even more so. The structural conditions have affected the role in various ways. While the basic tasks of editors-in-chief remain rooted in editorial work, downsizing and market demands have simultaneously undermined the autonomy and power of editors-in-chief, especially in relation to central media group management.

"[A] humbled China will be more open to receive the salvation of Jesus Christ!" : two church periodicals' views on the Cing-Japanese war and Japanese-Táiwanese war

Donoho, Stephen Halley January 2018 (has links)
There is writing about how nineteenth-century churchgoers' views of other countries were formed by church periodicals. And there is writing about how opinions of the Cing and Japanese Empires were changed by the 'Cing-Japanese War of 1894-1895' ('First Sino-Japanese War'; 'Jiá-wǔ War'), and the 'Japanese-Táiwanese War of 1895'. But, there are no works making connections between these bodies of writing. This work makes such a connection through a comparison of writing about the wars in two church periodicals, the England-based Monthly Messenger and Gospel in China , and the Táiwan-based 'Dāi-lám Church News' ('Dāi-lám Hu-siá n Gào-ho ê -b e'). It makes the argument that the periodicals' writers and editors were on the side of the Japanese, as it seemed to them that Japanese success against the Cing Empire, and Japanese rule in Tái-wan, would make Western ways commoner in these places, which would be good for the Protestant Churches there. But the writers and editors had to give their opinions differently, as their readers were in different positions with respect to the wars. The Monthly Messenger's readers were in England; nothing the writers said about the war would make them any less safe, and so in both wars the periodical gave its support to the Japanese loudly and frequently. But the Church News' readers and writers were in Tái-wan. Openly supporting an attacking country could put them in danger, so the writers said nothing for or against any side in the first war, and were but quietly against the Táiwanese Republic in the second.

觀察收視率在新聞室之權力移動-以電視新聞編輯為例 / Observe power floating under TV rating in news room- by practice of news editors

黃淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
收視率對當代電視新聞的影響,是國內外傳播學者關切的議題之一,尤其以台灣的媒體生態而言,僅有一家收視率調查公司,所提供的收視率數據遭到挑戰,學者憂心新聞媒體為商業服務,恐將對新聞發展帶來不利的影響。 新聞組織需要一項評估的工具,「收視率」既然如此受到質疑,為何長期以來一直找不到收視率以外的機制足以取代?也就是說,如果要找到一項得以取代收視率的機制,外界必須先了解收視率如何在當代媒體機構中被使用,它與新聞組織到底存在什麼樣的共生狀態,過去外界透過短暫觀察與訪談,便對新聞室運作與收視率的關連下了評論,從實務經驗來看,並不認為其知其所以然。本研究將從實際新聞室的運作,對於收視率在新聞室中的流動,提供最直接的證據。 本研究將以電視編輯的對話分析,輔以資深人員訪談,解構收視率在新聞室中的工具性;繼之從傅柯的權力系譜學下,觀察新聞組織如何披著收視率的外衣,馴服新聞編輯,反之,新聞編輯如何透過權力的流動,利用收視率對組織進行反制。提供最實際的場域證據,展現新聞室與收視率的日常活動經驗,讓外界得以了解,並正視兩者之間的緊密聯繫,對未來提出改變收視型態建議時,能更臻成效。 關鍵詞:收視率、新聞編輯、工具性、傅柯、權力。 / The influence of TV rating cause to news organizations was a topic that gains most focus of the scholars in mass-communication era. Especially in Taiwan, there is only one institution provides such statistics, therefore the authenticity of these statistics has been widely quest about. Scholars also shown their worry about that the commercially development of news organizations will lead them heading to the iceberg. Indeed, News organizations need a tool to evaluate the effects of their programs to the audience. Even through TV rating has been queried by scholars, why the tool still irreplaceable? There must be something that deep inside between TV rating and news organizations that haven’t been noticed. To break into this connection, we must first realized that TV rating already been symbiosis with news organizations. And clear-out how the tool been used inside news organizations. For the time being, scholars have been reviewing such relation from outsider point of view and made the conclusion based on such basis. From which, we think is just skin-deep. In this study, we will provide evidences from inside the news room. This thesis is based on analyze of the communications between editors. Together with interviews of senior news producers, we try to assay the tool phenomenology of TV rating inside the news room. Further we observe how news organizations use rating to discipline news editors under the theory of genealogy of power form Michael Foucault. In contrary, how editors resist news organizations through floating power of rating. From such study we can clearly identified the reality of close connection between TV rating and news room. And then we could have more valid suggestions about replacing TV rating in the future. Keywords: TV rating, news editors, tool phenomenology, Foucault, power

Teksto redaktorių sąsajų efektyvumo palyginimas vertinant akies ir rankos judesius / The comparison of text editors graphical user interface (GUI) efficiency estimating eye and hand movements

Kavaliauskas, Kazimieras 04 August 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas yra palyginti teksto redaktorių grafinių vartotojų sąsajų efektyvumą vertinant akių ir rankos judesius. Šiame darbe yra apžvelgtos grafinės vartotojų sąsajos charakteristikos, akių ir rankų judesių matavimo metodai ir atlikti tyrimai. Atlikti tyrimai su teksto redaktorių vartotojų sąsajom. Tyrimų metu atlikti akių ir rankos judesių matavimai, išanalizuoti tyrimų rezultatai ir panaudoti nustatant vartotojo sąsajų efektyvumo palyginimui. Pagal gautus rezultatus nustatyti vartotojų sąsajų efektyvumai ir atlikta jų palyginimo analizė. Gautos išvados, kad su Microsoft Office 2007 teksto redaktoriais užduotims atlikti buvo sugaišta mažiausiai laiko ir pasiektas didžiausias greitis. Eksperimentiniais tyrimais patvirtinta, kad Microsoft Office 2007 redaktoriaus vartotojo sąsajos efektyvumas buvo didžiausias. / The goal of thesis is to compare the effectiveness of text editors graphical user interface estimating eye and hand movements. In this thesis the characteristics of GUI, the methods and techniques of eye and hand movements measurement are reviewed and researches are done. Researches were carried out with text editor user interfaces. Eye and hand movements measurements were made, results analyzed and used to compare user interface efficiency. According to the results the efficiencies of user interface were made and the analysis of comparison was carried out. It was conluded that with the Microsoft Office 2007 text editors the least time was spent and the maximum speed reached in order to do tasks. Experimental studies proved that the Microsoft Office 2007 User Interface Editor efficiency was highest.

Organizational publications editors : their use of information subsidies and agenda setting

Huffman, Holly D. January 1999 (has links)
This study was designed to identify correlates of success in Supported Employment(SE) programs for persons with psychiatric disabilities. Indiana policy-makers are seriously considering a managed care, or "capitated," system of payment to make SE provider programs more efficient economically. However, many agencies are concerned about providing services to more severely impaired individuals because of the potentially higher costs of serving these individuals. Two studies are included in this project. The goals of the first study were to identify SE consumer (clinical) characteristics that predict (1) successful outcomes, defined as whether the consumer achieves gainful work, and (2) program costs, defined as the amounts of SE service hours utilized by consumers who obtain work. In two large samples of SE consumers with serious mental illness, no clinical characteristics (e.g., diagnosis, rated functioning, hospitalization history) were associated with vocational outcome or service costs. The goal of the second study was to describe the types and amounts of services utilized by SE consumers who obtain work. Specific service categories associated with obtaining work were travel, training, and advocacy that was unrelated to the consumer's job. The implications of these findings are discussed in the framework of the debate over clinical versus empirical prediction. The need for a theoretical model of SE services that allows the use of predictive clinical and consumer driven services is also discussed. / Department of Journalism

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