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中國人親子間情感性行為的溯源與變遷--從嬰幼兒依附行為到成年 / The origin and change of affectionate behaviors between Chinese parent and children - from attachment behaviors of infants and young children to adults張嘉真, Cuang, Chia-chen Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,嬰兒多自我焦點情緒的表現。親子間多肌膚之親。到了幼兒期,親子間仍保有表達性情感的特徵。因為父母認為孩子還不懂事,所以父母也不刻意於角色的扮演,因而容許自己與幼兒做某種程度的自我表現,如親親摟摟的示愛。在同時,幼兒也將透過社會化的歷程漸漸學會感受他人焦點情緒,進而壓抑自我焦點情緒的流露。傳統中國人的情感表達多訴諸工具性行為,委婉的傳遞愛的訊息。個人的恥感,促使個體少於自我表現,包括情感的直接表達,藉此降低個人的獨立性,以建立互相依賴的關係。而當今的成年子女對父母仍保存工具性愛情的特徵,且少於情感的直接表達,在態度上對此則保留持平。 / Research indicates that infants show much ego-focused
emotions. Parent and infants touch each other closely. In the young children stage, parent and children have the characters of expressive love. Because parent thought that young children did not know much, parent did not have to play the social roles. At the same time, young children would learn the ability to feel other-focused emotions. Other-focused emotions may inhibit the expressing of ego-focused emotions.Now, young adults in Taiwan have the characters of instrumental love to thier parent. They
seldomly show expressive love. Their attitude about expressive love is closely average.
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觀察收視率在新聞室之權力移動-以電視新聞編輯為例 / Observe power floating under TV rating in news room- by practice of news editors黃淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:收視率、新聞編輯、工具性、傅柯、權力。 / The influence of TV rating cause to news organizations was a topic that gains most focus of the scholars in mass-communication era. Especially in Taiwan, there is only one institution provides such statistics, therefore the authenticity of these statistics has been widely quest about. Scholars also shown their worry about that the commercially development of news organizations will lead them heading to the iceberg.
Indeed, News organizations need a tool to evaluate the effects of their programs to the audience. Even through TV rating has been queried by scholars, why the tool still irreplaceable? There must be something that deep inside between TV rating and news organizations that haven’t been noticed. To break into this connection, we must first realized that TV rating already been symbiosis with news organizations. And clear-out how the tool been used inside news organizations. For the time being, scholars have been reviewing such relation from outsider point of view and made the conclusion based on such basis. From which, we think is just skin-deep. In this study, we will provide evidences from inside the news room.
This thesis is based on analyze of the communications between editors. Together with interviews of senior news producers, we try to assay the tool phenomenology of TV rating inside the news room. Further we observe how news organizations use rating to discipline news editors under the theory of genealogy of power form Michael Foucault. In contrary, how editors resist news organizations through floating power of rating. From such study we can clearly identified the reality of close connection between TV rating and news room. And then we could have more valid suggestions about replacing TV rating in the future.
Keywords: TV rating, news editors, tool phenomenology, Foucault, power
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台灣跨族群工具性交友網絡研究 / The research of cross-ethnic friendship and instrumental network in Taiwan唐經硯 Unknown Date (has links)
在本論文中,研究者認為影響受訪者跨族群交友的主要因素主要可從兩方面來看,分別為兩者連繫的同質性、連繫強度、接觸場合、社經地位差序變項,以及受訪者個人的世代、族群、教育程度與跨族群交友偏向程度。透過1997年三期三次「台灣地區社會變遷調查」社會網絡與社區組調查資料,本論文使用階層線性模型(Hierarchical Linear Models,HLM),從受訪者與他人的兩者關係所形成的連繫層次,以及受訪者個人層次來對台灣跨族群交往的現象作進一步的分析。研究結果發現,受訪者個人特質,例如受訪者教育程度、所屬族群,較兩者連繫特質,例如兩者連繫強度、認識場合,更強烈地影響了跨族群連繫形成的可能性,這樣的結果在過去由於方法上的限制,無法得到驗證,透過此研究,可對台灣族群相關網絡研究在建立跨族群連繫的可能因素上,提供了不一樣的看法與解釋。 / In this paper, I argued that what impacts the respondents constructing the cross-ethnicity ties can be treated from two perspectives. One is the tie-level, such as the homogeneity, tie strength, contact contexts, and socio-economical resources variables between two actors. The other is the individual-level, like the generations, ethnicities, levels of education, and the degrees of the preference for making cross-ethnic ties of the egos, that is, the respondents. I tested my hypotheses using the social network data in 1997, called Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS). Through building the hierarchical linear models, some advanced analysis could be done for understanding the cross-ethnic interaction phenomenon in Taiwan by considering the tie-level and the individual-level at the same time. The research results showed that when talking about the possibility of making cross-ethnic ties, personal characteristics, like levels of education, and ethnicities, are more important than tie characteristics, such as tie strength and meeting places of the two. However, this outcome cannot be examined in the past because of the methodological restrictions. Through this research, it provides different sights and explanations for discussing the possible reasons for constructing cross-ethnic ties in the social network researching area in Taiwan.
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數學焦慮與自我概念對動機與成就中介效果之探討:以PISA 2003香港資料為例 / The Mediating Effects of Mathematics Anxiety and Self-concept on the Motiviaion and Achievement: The Hong Kong Case of PISA 2003韓珮華, Han, Pei Hua Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,大型資料庫的建制與分析逐漸成為一種教育研究趨勢,本研究即以PISA 2003資料庫為例,目的是建立影響數學成就的結構方程式模型。在評閱相關文獻後,研究者採用內在動機、工具性動機、數學焦慮、自我概念與數學成就等變項,探討之間的影響關係模型。此外,為使本研究所建立的模型具有模型穩定之證據,因此,將有效樣本隨機分割為建模樣本與驗證樣本,進行最終模型的交叉驗證。
最後,根據研究結果提出各項建議,以供教學實務上及未來研究參考。 / Recently, establishing and analyzing databases becomes a trend in the field of education research. This study took PISA 2003 database as an example to create a psychometric model of factors that influence mathematics achievement. Based on the literature review, the researcher decided to put influential factors, including intrinsic motivation, instrumental motivation, mathematics anxiety, self-concept, and mathematics achievement into the model. Afterwards, through cross-validation the present study had verified the model stability.
In the aspect of statistic analysis, the descriptive static shows HK students’ general learning tendency. Moreover, the exploratory factor analysis confirmed the reliability and validity of the questionnaires. Lastly, the structural equation modeling(SEM) was used to set structural model. The valid samples were 4,389 15-year-old students.
According to the results, intrinsic motivation and instrumental motivation had no direct effect on mathematics achievement and had indirect effect through mathematics anxiety and self-concept. The results were summarized as follows:
1.Students had more instrumental motivation than intrinsic one.
2.Mathematics anxiety was a mediator variable between motivations and mathematics achievement.
3.Self-concept was a mediator variable between intrinsic motivations and mathematics achievement.
4.Self-concept was a mediator variable between mathematics anxiety and mathematics achievement.
5.Instrumental motivation was a negative suppressor variable among intrinsic motivation, instrumental motivation, and mathematics anxiety.
6.Instrumental motivation was a negative suppressor variable among intrinsic motivation, instrumental motivation, and self-concept.
Finally, according to the findings, implications and suggestions for teaching of mathematics and future research were discussed.
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馬克思論國家與國家自主性--寄生性國家與工具性國家的論述整合 / Marx on "State" and "State Autonomy": An Integration of the Doctrines of "Parasite State" and "Instrumentalist State"陳榮彬, Jung-bin Chen Unknown Date (has links)
目 錄
第一章 序言
第一節 研究動機…………………………………………002
第二節 論題形成的脈絡…………………………………010
第三節 研究進路的問題…………………………………025
第四節 論述架構與研究限制…………………………041
第二章 歷史唯物論與國家
第一節 馬克思的歷史唯物論…………………………058
第二節 馬克思論述人類歷史的發展………………072
第三節 小結…………………………………………………085
第三章 寄生性國家
第一節 東方專制主義的社會經濟基礎……………089
第二節 向資本主義社會過渡中的專制君主制…100
第三節 波拿巴主義與法國歷史………………………110
第四節 小結…………………………………………………122
第四章 工具性國家
第一節 資產階級與工具性國家………………………127
第二節 工具性國家在英國與法國…………………138
第三節 小結…………………………………………………148
第五章 總結與評估
主題索引…………………………………………………………170 / For many decades, Marxian philosophy was usually misunderstood as a doctrine that is primarily "economically determinstic", ie., economy determines the social, cultural, and political spheres. What is the corollary of this misunderstanding is that Marxian Doctrines on the State had become one of the most typical types of Instrumentalism among the theories of the state and that state is the instrument of class domination in the hands of the capitalists. In order to clarify this long-term misunderstanding, the author of this thesis try to find his revelation in contemporary Historical Sociology, and to demonstrate the Marxian approaches to the state is no different from the approaches of many Historical Sociologists. Historical Sociology has shown its constant attempts to understand the diverse possibilities of state autonomy from the perspectives of historical heritage and social context. According to this viewpoint, state is neither the simple instrument in the hands of the capitalists, nor a political entity that can be totally isolated from the society. Secondly, in the light of Marxian Historical Materialism, the relationship between politics and economy is not an one-way causation. As the ultimate foundation of the Marxian doctrines of the state, Historical Materialism makes it clear that politics and economy are mutually and dialectically interactive, and this vigorous interaction provides us the two possible doctrines of the state, that is, parasite state and instrumentalist state. This thesis started from the formulations of the nature, origin of the state and its relations to the society, then the author gradually focus upon a "typology" of the state which can be shown in the two Marxian state doctrines, these types including "Oriental Despotism", "Absolutism", "Bonapartism", "Instrumentalist State in England", and "Instrumentalist State in France". The author not only gave an overall exposition of the development of the Marxian doctrines of the state, he also sufficiently proved that the doctrines constitute in fact some kind of historical sociology of the state.
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Language Attitudes and Family Language Practices of Regional Chinese Dialects : A Study of Xiang Dialect in China and SwedenBengtsson, Mikael January 2024 (has links)
China's linguistic diversity is characterized by large diversity, featuring seven major dialect groups that are not mutually intelligible, each containing numerous subdialects. This complexity has led to the establishment of Standard Mandarin Chinese (SMC) as the official lingua franca to prevent communication challenges. The establishment of SMC, led to diglossia—using different dialects based on the context and setting. Furthermore, recent studies indicate a shift away from diglossia towards a dominant use of SMC, particularly among the younger generation, influenced by factors such as urbanization, migration, and language policies. This study explores language attitudes and family language practices focusing on SMC and the Xiang dialect, a lesser-studied dialect spoken in Hunan. The study examined two groups that conform to the diglossia of speaking Xiang and SMC, one permanently residing in Sweden and the other in Hunan. The study aimed to identify differences or similarities in their instrumental and integrative language attitudes and to determine how these attitudes influence language choice in a family setting. A qualitative approach was applied, using semi-structured interviews. The findings indicate that the group in Sweden holds weak instrumental attitudes towards the Xiang dialect, perceiving it as offering no practical benefits within the local Chinese community in Sweden. However, the respondents hold integrative attitudes, associating the dialect with a sense of local identity and pride. In contrast, participants in Hunan show a stronger connection to the Xiang dialect, expressing deeper integrative attitudes. Both groups, however, expressed strong instrumental attitudes towards SMC, valuing it for its educational and career benefits and its wide usage. In terms of family language practices, both groups generally choose SMC while speaking to their children, driven mainly by the practical advantages that SMC provides. / 中国的语言具有多样性的特点,当中包含七大主要方言群,这些方言群之间往往不具有相互理解性,每个方言群下还包含许多子方言。这种复杂性导致了普通话(SMC)作为官方通用语的确立,以防止沟通上的困难。普通话的确立导致了语言的双重使用现象——根据不同的语境和环境使用不同的方言。此外,最近的研究表明,尤其是在年轻一代中,从双语使用的情况改变以普通话为主导,这种变化是受到城市化、迁移和语言政策等因素的影响。 本研究探讨了普通话和一种较少研究的方言——湖南湘方言的语言态度和家庭语言实践。研究检视了两个群体,这两个群体都遵循使用湘方言和普通话的双语模式,其中一个群体常驻瑞典,另一个常驻湖南。本研究旨在识别他们在工具性和整合性语言态度上的差异或相似之处,以及这些态度如何影响在家庭环境中的语言选择。本研究采用了定性方法,使用半结构化访谈来收集资料。 研究发现,瑞典的群体对湘方言持有较弱的工具性态度,认为在瑞典的本地华人社区中,湘方言没有实际的用处。不过,受访者对湘方言持有整合性态度,将该方言与地方身份和自豪感联系起来。相比之下,湖南的参与者对湘方言有更强烈的联系,表现出更深的整合性态度。然而,两个群体都对普通话表达了强烈的工具性态度,重视其在教育和职业上的好处及其广泛的使用性。 在家庭语言实践方面,两个群体一般在与孩子交流时选择使用普通话,主要是由于普通话能给孩子提供的实际优势。
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