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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Low-Power and Robust Level-Shifter with Contention Mitigation for Memory and Standalone Applications

Ramclam, Kenneth M. 20 March 2015 (has links)
The scaling down of transistor sizes has imposed significant challenges in today's technology. Memories such as eDRAM, are experiencing poor retention time because of challenges such as reference voltage variation, high transistor leakage, and low cell capacitance. It can be seen that we must consider not only the first order effects, but also the second order effects to ensure we keep up with current technology trends such as Moore's law. In this thesis we explore various circuit level techniques on level shifters in order to achieve better retention time. With our research, we have addressed important design challenges and propose techniques that can be utilized in current and emerging technologies. Level shifters (LS) are crucial components in low-power design where the die is segregated in multiple voltage domains. LS are used at the voltage domain interfaces to mitigate sneak path current. A less-known but very important application of LS is in high voltage drivers for designs where voltage boosting is needed for performance and functionality. We first study LS in eDRAM where LS is employed in the wordline path. Our investigation reveals that leakage power of LS can pose a serious threat by lowering the wordline voltage and subsequently affecting the speed and retention time of the eDRAM. It can also be noted that the delay of the LS under worse case process corners can cause significant functional discrepancies. We propose low-power pulsed-LS with supply gating to circumvent these issues. Our analysis indicate that pulsed-LS design can improve the worst case speed from 2.7%-43%. We extended this concept to design generic self-collapsible LSs that can be used for other applications such as voltage interfaces. The self-collapsed design in both applications improved the worst case speed from 6%-24% and 89% in some cases.

Hybrid caches: design and data management

Valero Bresó, Alejandro 07 October 2013 (has links)
Cache memories have been usually implemented with Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) technology since it is the fastest electronic memory technology. However, this technology consumes a high amount of leakage currents, which is a major design concern because leakage energy consumption increases as the transistor size shrinks. Alternative technologies are being considered to reduce this consumption. Among them, embedded Dynamic RAM (eDRAM) technology provides minimal area and leakage by design but reads are destructive and it is not as fast as SRAM. In this thesis, both SRAM and eDRAM technologies are mingled to take the advantatges that each of them o¿ers. First, they are combined at cell level to implement an n-bit macrocell consisting of one SRAM cell and n-1 eDRAM cells. The macrocell is used to build n-way set-associative hybrid ¿rst-level (L1) data caches having one SRAM way and n-1 eDRAM ways. A single SRAM way is enough to achieve good performance given the high data locality of L1 caches. Architectural mechanisms such as way-prediction, swaps, and scrub operations are considered to avoid unnecessary eDRAM reads, to maintain the Most Recently Used (MRU) data in the fast SRAM way, and to completely avoid refresh logic. Experimental results show that, compared to a conventional SRAM cache, leakage and area are largely reduced with a scarce impact on performance. The study of the bene¿ts of hybrid caches has been also carried out in second-level (L2) caches acting as Last-Level Caches (LLCs). In this case, the technologies are combined at bank level and the optimal ratio of SRAM and eDRAM banks that achieves the best trade-o¿ among performance, energy, and area is identi¿ed. Like in L1 caches, the MRU blocks are kept in the SRAM banks and they are accessed ¿rst to avoid unnecessary destructive reads. Nevertheless, refresh logic is not removed since data locality widely di¿ers in this cache level. Experimental results show that a hybrid LLC with an eighth of its banks built with SRAM technology is enough to achieve the best target trade-o¿. This dissertation also deals with performance of replacement policies in heterogeneous LLCs mainly focusing on the energy overhead incurred by refresh operations. In this thesis it is de¿ned a new concept, namely MRU-Tour (MRUT), that helps estimate reuse information of cache blocks. Based on this concept, it is proposed a family of MRUTbased replacement algorithms that randomly select the victim block among those having a single MRUT. These policies are enhanced to leverage recency of information for a few blocks and to adapt to changes in the working set of the benchmarks. Results show that the proposed MRUT policies, with simpler hardware complexity, outperform the Least Recently Used (LRU) policy and a set of the most representative state-of-the-art replacement policies for LLCs. Refresh operations represent an important fraction of the overall dynamic energy consumption of eDRAM LLCs. This fraction increases with the cache capacity, since more blocks have to be refreshed for a given period of time. Prior works have attacked the refresh energy taking into account inter-cell feature variations. Unlike these works, this thesis proposes a selective refresh policy based on the MRUT concept. The devised policy takes into account the number of MRUTs of a block to select whether the block is refreshed. In this way, many refreshes done in a typical distributed refresh policy are skipped (i.e., in those blocks having a single MRUT). This refresh mechanism is applied in the hybrid LLC memory. Results show that refresh energy consumption is largely reduced with respect to a conventional eDRAM cache, while the performance degradation is minimal with respect to a conventional SRAM cache. / Valero Bresó, A. (2013). Hybrid caches: design and data management [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/32663 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales

Cache architectures based on heterogeneous technologies to deal with manufacturing errors

Lorente Garcés, Vicente Jesús 02 December 2015 (has links)
[EN] SRAM technology has traditionally been used to implement processor caches since it is the fastest existing RAM technology.However,one of the major drawbacks of this technology is its high energy consumption.To reduce this energy consumption modern processors mainly use two complementary techniques: i)low-power operating modes and ii)low-power memory technologies.The first technique allows the processor working at low clock frequencies and supply voltages.The main limitation of this technique is that manufacturing defects can significantly affect the reliability of SRAM cells when working these modes.The second technique brings alternative technologies such as eDRAM, which provides minimum area and power consumption.The main drawback of this memory technology is that reads are destructive and eDRAM cells work slower than SRAM ones. This thesis presents three main contributions regarding low-power caches and heterogeneous technologies: i)an study that identifies the optimal capacitance of eDRAM cells, ii)a novel cache design that tolerates the faults produced by SRAM cells in low-power modes, iii)a methodology that allows obtain the optimal operating frequency/voltage level when working with low-power modes. Regarding the first contribution,in this work SRAM and eDRAM technologies are combined to achieve a low-power fast cache that requires smaller area than conventional designs and that tolerates SRAM failures.First,this dissertation focuses on one of the main critical aspects of the design of heterogeneous caches:eDRAM cell capacitance.In this dissertation the optimal capacitance for an heterogeneous L1 data cache is identified by analyzing the compromise between performance and energy consumption.Experimental results show that an heterogeneous cache implemented with 10fF capacitors offers similar performance as a conventional SRAM cache while providing 55% energy savings and reducing by 29% the cache area. Regarding the second contribution,this thesis proposes a novel organization for a fault-tolerant heterogeneous cache.Currently,reducing the supply voltage is a mechanism widely used to reduce consumption and applies when the system workload activity decreases.However,SRAM cells cause different types of failures when the supply voltage is reduced and thus they limit the minimum operating voltage of the microprocessor. In the proposal,memory cells implemented with eDRAM technology serve as backup in case of failure of SRAM cells, because the correct operation of eDRAM cells is not affected by reduced voltages. The proposed architecture has two working modes: high-performance mode for supply voltages that do not induce SRAM cell failures, and low-power mode for those voltages that cause SRAM cell failures. In high-performance mode, the cache provides full capacity, which enables the processor to achieve its maximum performance. In low-power mode, the effective capacity of the cache is reduced because some of the eDRAM cells are dedicated to recover from SRAM failures. Experimental results show that the performance is scarcely reduced (e.g. less than 2.7% across all the studied benchmarks) with respect to an ideal SRAM cache without failures. Finally,this thesis proposes a methodology to find the optimal frequency/voltage level regarding energy consumption for the designed heterogeneous cache. For this purpose, first SRAM failure types and their probabilities are characterized.Then,the energy consumption of different frequency/voltage levels is evaluated when the system works in low-power mode.The study shows that, mainly due to the impact of SRAM failures on performance,the optimal combination of voltage and frequency from the energy point of view does not always correspond to the minimum voltage. / [ES] La tecnología SRAM se ha utilizado tradicionalmente para implementar las memorias cache debido a que es la tecnología de memoria RAM más rápida existente.Por contra,uno de los principales inconvenientes de esta tecnología es su elevado consumo energético.Para reducirlo los procesadores modernos suelen emplear dos técnicas complementarias:i) modos de funcionamiento de bajo consumo y ii)tecnologías de bajo consumo.La primeras técnica consiste en utilizar bajas frecuencias y voltajes de funcionamiento.La principal limitación de esta técnica es que los defectos de fabricación pueden afectar notablemente a la fiabilidad de las celdas SRAM en estos modos.La segunda técnica agrupa tecnologías alternativas como la eDRAM,que ofrece área y consumo mínimos.El inconveniente de esta tecnología es que las lecturas son destructivas y es más lenta que la SRAM. Esta tesis presenta tres contribuciones principales centradas en caches de bajo consumo y tecnologías heterogéneas: i)estudio de la capacitancia óptima de las celdas eDRAM, ii)diseño de una cache tolerante a fallos producidos en las celdas SRAM en modos de bajo consumo, iii)metodología para obtener la relación óptima entre voltaje y frecuencia en procesadores con modos de bajo consumo. Respecto a la primera contribución,en este trabajo se combinan las tecnologías SRAM y eDRAM para conseguir una memoria cache rápida, de bajo consumo, área reducida, y tolerante a los fallos inherentes a la tecnología SRAM.En primer lugar,esta disertación se centra en uno de los aspectos críticos de diseño de caches heterogéneas SRAM/eDRAM: la capacitancia de los condensadores implementados con tecnología eDRAM.En esta tesis se identifica la capacitancia óptima de una cache de datos L1 heterogénea mediante el estudio del compromiso entre prestaciones y consumo energético.Los resultados experimentales muestran que condensadores de 10fF ofrecen prestaciones similares a las de una cache SRAM convencional ahorrando un 55% de consumo y reduciendo un 29% el área ocupada por la cache. Respecto a la segunda contribución,esta tesis propone una organización de cache heterogénea tolerante a fallos.Actualmente,reducir el voltaje de alimentación es un mecanismo muy utilizado para reducir el consumo en condiciones de baja carga.Sin embargo,las celdas SRAM producen distintos tipos de fallos cuando se reduce el voltaje de alimentación y por tanto limitan el voltaje mínimo de funcionamiento del microprocesador. En la cache heterogénea propuesta,las celdas de memoria implementadas con tecnología eDRAM sirven de copia de seguridad en caso de fallo de las celdas SRAM, ya que el correcto funcionamiento de las celdas eDRAM no se ve afectado por tensiones reducidas.La arquitectura propuesta consta de dos modos de funcionamiento: high-performance mode para voltajes de alimentación que no inducen fallos en celdas implementadas en tecnología SRAM, y low-power mode para aquellos que sí lo hacen. En el modo high-performance mode,el procesador dispone de toda la capacidad de la cache.En el modo low-power mode se reduce la capacidad efectiva de la cache puesto que algunas de las celdas eDRAM se dedican a la recuperación de fallos de celdas SRAM.El estudio de prestaciones realizado muestra que éstas bajan hasta un máximo de 2.7% con respecto a una cache perfecta sin fallos. Finalmente, en esta tesis se propone una metodología para encontrar la relación óptima de voltaje/frecuencia con respecto al consumo energético sobre la cache heterogénea previamente diseñada. Para ello,primero se caracterizan los tipos de fallos SRAM y las probabilidades de fallo de los mismos.Después,se evalúa el consumo energético de diferentes combinaciones de voltaje/frecuencia cuando el sistema se encuentra en un modo de bajo consumo.El estudio muestra que la combinación óptima de voltaje y frecuencia desde el punto de vista energético no siempre corresponde al mínimo voltaje debido al imp / [CA] La tecnologia SRAM s'ha utilitzat tradicionalment per a implementar les memòries cau degut a que és la tecnologia de memòria RAM més ràpida existent.Per contra, un dels principals inconvenients d'aquesta tecnologia és el seu elevat consum energètic.Per a reduir el consum els processadors moderns solen emprar dues tècniques complementàries: i)modes de funcionament de baix consum i ii)tecnologies de baix consum.La primera tècnica consisteix en utilitzar baixes freqüències i voltatges de funcionament.La principal limitació d'aquesta tècnica és que els defectes de fabricació poden afectar notablement a la fiabilitat de les cel·les SRAM en aquests modes.La segona tècnica agrupa tecnologies alternatives com la eDRAM, que ofereix àrea i consum mínims.L'inconvenient d'aquesta tecnologia és que les lectures són destructives i és més lenta que la SRAM. Aquesta tesi presenta tres contribucions principals centrades en caus de baix consum i tecnologies heterogènies: i)estudi de la capacitancia òptima de les cel·les eDRAM, ii)disseny d'una cau tolerant a fallades produïdes en les cel·les SRAM en modes de baix consum, iii)metodologia per a obtenir la relació òptima entre voltatge i freqüència en processadors amb modes de baix consum. Respecte a la primera contribució, en aquest treball es combinen les tecnologies SRAM i eDRAM per a aconseguir una memòria cau ràpida, de baix consum, àrea reduïda, i tolerant a les fallades inherents a la tecnologia SRAM.En primer lloc, aquesta dissertació se centra en un dels aspectes crítics de disseny de caus heterogènies: la capacitancia dels condensadors implementats amb tecnologia eDRAM.En aquesta dissertació s'identifica la capacitancia òptima d'una cache de dades L1 heterogènia mitjançant l'estudi del compromís entre prestacions i consum energètic.Els resultats experimentals mostren que condensadors de 10fF ofereixen prestacions similars a les d'una cau SRAM convencional estalviant un 55% de consum i reduint un 29% l'àrea ocupada per la cau. Respecte a la segona contribució, aquesta tesi proposa una organització de cau heterogènia tolerant a fallades.Actualment,reduir el voltatge d'alimentació és un mecanisme molt utilitzat per a reduir el consum en condicions de baixa càrrega.Per contra, les cel·les SRAM produeixen diferents tipus de fallades quan es redueix el voltatge d'alimentació i per tant limiten el voltatge mínim de funcionament del microprocessador. En la cau heterogènia proposta, les cel·les de memòria implementades amb tecnologia eDRAM serveixen de còpia de seguretat en cas de fallada de les cel·les SRAM, ja que el correcte funcionament de les cel·les eDRAM no es veu afectat per tensions reduïdes.L'arquitectura proposada consta de dues maneres de funcionament: high-performance mode per a voltatges d'alimentació que no indueixen fallades en cel·les implementades en tecnologia SRAM,i low-power mode per a aquells que sí ho fan.En el mode high-performance,el processador disposa de tota la capacitat de la cau.En el mode low-power es redueix la capacitat efectiva de la cau posat que algunes de les cel·les eDRAM es dediquen a la recuperació de fallades de cel·les SRAM.L'estudi de prestacions realitzat mostra que aquestes baixen fins a un màxim de 2.7% pel que fa a una cache perfecta sense fallades. Finalment,en aquesta tesi es proposa una metodologia per a trobar la relació òptima de voltatge/freqüència pel que fa al consum energètic sobre la cau heterogènia prèviament dissenyada.Per a açò,primer es caracteritzen els tipus de fallades SRAM i les probabilitats de fallada de les mateixes.Després,s'avalua el consum energètic de diferents combinacions de voltatge/freqüència quan el sistema es troba en un mode de baix consum.L'estudi mostra que la combinació òptima de voltatge i freqüència des del punt de vista energètic no sempre correspon al mínim voltatge degut a l'impacte de les fallades de SRAM en les pres / Lorente Garcés, VJ. (2015). Cache architectures based on heterogeneous technologies to deal with manufacturing errors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58428

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