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Педагошки ефекти Програма „Корак по корак“ у основним школама уРепублици Србији / Pedagoški efekti Programa „Korak po korak“ u osnovnim školama uRepublici Srbiji / Pedagogical effects of the Program"Stepby step" in primary schools in theRepublic of SerbiaMalešević Dragana 30 May 2016 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији су истраживани педагошки ефекти примене елемената Програма „Корак по корак“ у основним школама у Републици Србији. Указано је на стратешке правце развоја образовања у Републици Србији дефинисаних документом, који је 25. октобра 2012. године усвојила Влада Републике Србије, „Стратегија развоја образовања у Србији до 2020. године“, чија је мисија да у XXI веку осигура систем образовања у Републици Србији као основни темељ живота и развоја сваког појединца, друштва и државе заснованог на знању.<br />Посебнo је сагледаван Програм „Корак по корак“, методологијa усмеренa на дете, који се у основним школама Републике Србије реализује у својим елементима од 2003/4. школске године. Основни циљ нашег истраживања је да на основу анкетирања ставовa и мишљењa наставника, родитеља и ученика, тестирања знања ученика и социометријског испитивања утврдимо педагошке ефекте примене елемената Програма „Корак по корак“ у Републици Србији испитивањем когнитивних, социјалних и афективних ефеката. Конкретно, циљ нам је да утврдимо разлике у педагошким ефектима који се остварују у одељењима у којима се примењују елементи Програма „Корак по корак“ у односу на одељења у којима се елементи овог програма не примењују. Поред тога, намера нам је и да испитамо какве су могућности примене Програма „Корак по корак“ у Републици Србији и који су фактори који су подстицали, а који отежавали досадашњу примену овог програма у Републици Србији.<br />Истраживање је спроведено на узорку од 1617 испитаника, од којих је 43 наставника који предају у другом, трећем и четвртом разреду основне школе, 807 ученика из другог, трећег и четвртог разреда основне школе и 767 родитеља тих ученика у осам основних школа из Новог Сада, Селенче, Пивница, Ниша и Београда. Укупан узорак смо поделили у две групе – прву и другу групу. Прву групу су чинили наставници, родитељи ученика и ученици који су у одељењима у којима се примењују елементи Програма „Корак по корак“, а другу групу наставници, родитељи ученика и ученици који су у одељењима у којима се не примењују елементи овог програма.<br />vii<br />Истраживање ефеката Програма „Корак по корак“ је емпиријског карактера и одговара корелационом, неексперименталном нацрту. Истраживање је сложено и састоји се из неколико фаза и одвојених студија, које су спровођене на различитим популацијама, односно узорцима, наставника, ученика основних школа и њихових родитеља. Прва студија се односи на анализу педагошких ефеката наставе на основу процене наставника, ученика и родитеља понуђених тврдњи из упитника, друга студија на постигнућа ученика на тесту знања из предмета Природа и друштво, трећа студија на интерперсоналне односе међу ученицима, а четврта на анализу могућности и факторе спровођења Програма „Корак по корак“ у школама у Републици Србији. Да би се провериле хипотезе и реализовали истраживачки задаци, у истраживању су коришћене, како квантитивне, тако и квалитативне технике прикупљања података. Конкретно, коришћена је анализа садржаја, затим скале процене, тестови знања и социометријски поступак. Испитивање ефеката програма остварено је анкетирањем на основу скале процене, упоређивањем постигнућа ученика на националном тесту и социометријским испитивањем. У првој студији упитником је анкетирано свих 1617 испитаника из узорка. Израђена су три упитника – упитник за наставнике, упитник за ученике и упитник за родитеље. Сваки упитник садржао је двадесет седам тврдњи (девет за когнитивне, девет за социјалне и девет за афективне ефекте) на основу ИССА педагошких стандарда за шест области квалитета (Интеракција; Породица и заједница; Инклузија, различитости деморатске вредности; Праћење, Процењивање и планирање; Стратегије поучавања и Окружење за учење) и омогућио испитивање и упоређивање ставова и мишљења наставника, ученика и родитеља о ефектима овог програма. У оквиру друге студије, упоређивањем постигнућа на националном тесту ученика четвртог разреда који су у одељењима у којима се примењују елементи Програма „Корак по корак“ (прва група) и ученика који су у одељењима у којима се не примењују елементи овог програма (друга група) остварен је увид у когнитивне ефекте на укупном узорку од 391 испитаника. У оквиру треће студије, испитивали смо интерперсоналне везе социометријским испитивањем на укупном узорку од 788 ученика прве и друге групе, а потом смо добијене податке груписали и ставили у функцију закључака о ефектима програма. За испитивање ставова о могућностима прилагођавања примене овог програма постојећим условима у Републици Србији и факторима који подстичу и<br />viii<br />отежавају примену ове методологије, што представља четврту студију, израдили смо два упитника и анкетирали 21 наставника, који су обучени за рад по овој методологији и који дужи низ година примењују елементе Програма „Корак по корак“.<br />На основу података добијених упитницима за наставнике, родитеље и ученике, на основу статистички значајних разлика у постигнућу ученика на тесту знања из предмата Природа и друштво, као и на основу статистички значајних разлика на социометријском испитивању по питању бројности избора ученика закључили смо да је наша општа хипотеза – Педагошки (когнитивни, социјални и афективни) ефекти образовно-васпитног рада су боље процењени од стране наставника, родитеља и ученика, постигнућа ученика на тесту знања су већа и интерперсонални односи имају више позитивних и мање негативних избора међу ученицима у одељењима у којима се примењују елементи Програма „Корак по корак” у односу на наставике, родитеље и ученике у одељењима у којима се елементи овог програма не примењују – делимично потврђена. Када је реч о когнитивним и социјалним доменима, помоћу т-теста на независним узорцима, добијене су статистички значајне разлике, док код афективног домена разлике нису добијене. Такође, ученици који похађају одељења у којима се Програм „Корак по корак“ примењује, имају значајно боље постигнуће на тесту знања из Природе и друштва, као и више међусобних позитивних, а мање негативних избора у оквиру социометријског поступка. На основу свих резултата, може се закључити да су когнитивни и социјални педагошки ефекти квалитетнији у одељењима у којима се примењују елементи Програма „Корак по корак“.<br />Упитницима за наставнике који примењују елементе Програма „Корак по корак“ дошли смо до значајних података о могућностима прилагођавања овог програма условима у Републици Србији, као и о факторима који подстичу и факторима који отежавају примену овог програма. На основу свих резултатa нашег истраживања потврђујемо научну оправданост примене методологија усмерених на дете и процесе учења, као што је то Програм „Корак по корак“, у функцији унапређивања квалитета образовања и васпитања у Републици Србији.</p> / <p>U disertaciji su istraživani pedagoški efekti primene elemenata Programa „Korak po korak“ u osnovnim školama u Republici Srbiji. Ukazano je na strateške pravce razvoja obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji definisanih dokumentom, koji je 25. oktobra 2012. godine usvojila Vlada Republike Srbije, „Strategija razvoja obrazovanja u Srbiji do 2020. godine“, čija je misija da u XXI veku osigura sistem obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji kao osnovni temelj života i razvoja svakog pojedinca, društva i države zasnovanog na znanju.<br />Posebno je sagledavan Program „Korak po korak“, metodologija usmerena na dete, koji se u osnovnim školama Republike Srbije realizuje u svojim elementima od 2003/4. školske godine. Osnovni cilj našeg istraživanja je da na osnovu anketiranja stavova i mišljenja nastavnika, roditelja i učenika, testiranja znanja učenika i sociometrijskog ispitivanja utvrdimo pedagoške efekte primene elemenata Programa „Korak po korak“ u Republici Srbiji ispitivanjem kognitivnih, socijalnih i afektivnih efekata. Konkretno, cilj nam je da utvrdimo razlike u pedagoškim efektima koji se ostvaruju u odeljenjima u kojima se primenjuju elementi Programa „Korak po korak“ u odnosu na odeljenja u kojima se elementi ovog programa ne primenjuju. Pored toga, namera nam je i da ispitamo kakve su mogućnosti primene Programa „Korak po korak“ u Republici Srbiji i koji su faktori koji su podsticali, a koji otežavali dosadašnju primenu ovog programa u Republici Srbiji.<br />Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 1617 ispitanika, od kojih je 43 nastavnika koji predaju u drugom, trećem i četvrtom razredu osnovne škole, 807 učenika iz drugog, trećeg i četvrtog razreda osnovne škole i 767 roditelja tih učenika u osam osnovnih škola iz Novog Sada, Selenče, Pivnica, Niša i Beograda. Ukupan uzorak smo podelili u dve grupe – prvu i drugu grupu. Prvu grupu su činili nastavnici, roditelji učenika i učenici koji su u odeljenjima u kojima se primenjuju elementi Programa „Korak po korak“, a drugu grupu nastavnici, roditelji učenika i učenici koji su u odeljenjima u kojima se ne primenjuju elementi ovog programa.<br />vii<br />Istraživanje efekata Programa „Korak po korak“ je empirijskog karaktera i odgovara korelacionom, neeksperimentalnom nacrtu. Istraživanje je složeno i sastoji se iz nekoliko faza i odvojenih studija, koje su sprovođene na različitim populacijama, odnosno uzorcima, nastavnika, učenika osnovnih škola i njihovih roditelja. Prva studija se odnosi na analizu pedagoških efekata nastave na osnovu procene nastavnika, učenika i roditelja ponuđenih tvrdnji iz upitnika, druga studija na postignuća učenika na testu znanja iz predmeta Priroda i društvo, treća studija na interpersonalne odnose među učenicima, a četvrta na analizu mogućnosti i faktore sprovođenja Programa „Korak po korak“ u školama u Republici Srbiji. Da bi se proverile hipoteze i realizovali istraživački zadaci, u istraživanju su korišćene, kako kvantitivne, tako i kvalitativne tehnike prikupljanja podataka. Konkretno, korišćena je analiza sadržaja, zatim skale procene, testovi znanja i sociometrijski postupak. Ispitivanje efekata programa ostvareno je anketiranjem na osnovu skale procene, upoređivanjem postignuća učenika na nacionalnom testu i sociometrijskim ispitivanjem. U prvoj studiji upitnikom je anketirano svih 1617 ispitanika iz uzorka. Izrađena su tri upitnika – upitnik za nastavnike, upitnik za učenike i upitnik za roditelje. Svaki upitnik sadržao je dvadeset sedam tvrdnji (devet za kognitivne, devet za socijalne i devet za afektivne efekte) na osnovu ISSA pedagoških standarda za šest oblasti kvaliteta (Interakcija; Porodica i zajednica; Inkluzija, različitosti demoratske vrednosti; Praćenje, Procenjivanje i planiranje; Strategije poučavanja i Okruženje za učenje) i omogućio ispitivanje i upoređivanje stavova i mišljenja nastavnika, učenika i roditelja o efektima ovog programa. U okviru druge studije, upoređivanjem postignuća na nacionalnom testu učenika četvrtog razreda koji su u odeljenjima u kojima se primenjuju elementi Programa „Korak po korak“ (prva grupa) i učenika koji su u odeljenjima u kojima se ne primenjuju elementi ovog programa (druga grupa) ostvaren je uvid u kognitivne efekte na ukupnom uzorku od 391 ispitanika. U okviru treće studije, ispitivali smo interpersonalne veze sociometrijskim ispitivanjem na ukupnom uzorku od 788 učenika prve i druge grupe, a potom smo dobijene podatke grupisali i stavili u funkciju zaključaka o efektima programa. Za ispitivanje stavova o mogućnostima prilagođavanja primene ovog programa postojećim uslovima u Republici Srbiji i faktorima koji podstiču i<br />viii<br />otežavaju primenu ove metodologije, što predstavlja četvrtu studiju, izradili smo dva upitnika i anketirali 21 nastavnika, koji su obučeni za rad po ovoj metodologiji i koji duži niz godina primenjuju elemente Programa „Korak po korak“.<br />Na osnovu podataka dobijenih upitnicima za nastavnike, roditelje i učenike, na osnovu statistički značajnih razlika u postignuću učenika na testu znanja iz predmata Priroda i društvo, kao i na osnovu statistički značajnih razlika na sociometrijskom ispitivanju po pitanju brojnosti izbora učenika zaključili smo da je naša opšta hipoteza – Pedagoški (kognitivni, socijalni i afektivni) efekti obrazovno-vaspitnog rada su bolje procenjeni od strane nastavnika, roditelja i učenika, postignuća učenika na testu znanja su veća i interpersonalni odnosi imaju više pozitivnih i manje negativnih izbora među učenicima u odeljenjima u kojima se primenjuju elementi Programa „Korak po korak” u odnosu na nastavike, roditelje i učenike u odeljenjima u kojima se elementi ovog programa ne primenjuju – delimično potvrđena. Kada je reč o kognitivnim i socijalnim domenima, pomoću t-testa na nezavisnim uzorcima, dobijene su statistički značajne razlike, dok kod afektivnog domena razlike nisu dobijene. Takođe, učenici koji pohađaju odeljenja u kojima se Program „Korak po korak“ primenjuje, imaju značajno bolje postignuće na testu znanja iz Prirode i društva, kao i više međusobnih pozitivnih, a manje negativnih izbora u okviru sociometrijskog postupka. Na osnovu svih rezultata, može se zaključiti da su kognitivni i socijalni pedagoški efekti kvalitetniji u odeljenjima u kojima se primenjuju elementi Programa „Korak po korak“.<br />Upitnicima za nastavnike koji primenjuju elemente Programa „Korak po korak“ došli smo do značajnih podataka o mogućnostima prilagođavanja ovog programa uslovima u Republici Srbiji, kao i o faktorima koji podstiču i faktorima koji otežavaju primenu ovog programa. Na osnovu svih rezultata našeg istraživanja potvrđujemo naučnu opravdanost primene metodologija usmerenih na dete i procese učenja, kao što je to Program „Korak po korak“, u funkciji unapređivanja kvaliteta obrazovanja i vaspitanja u Republici Srbiji.</p> / <p>In this dissertation are researched pedagogical effects of implementing new elements of “Step by Step” program in primary schools of the Republic of Serbia. The focus was on strategies and methods in education development in the Republic of Serbia that were defined by the document and carried on by the Government of Serbia on October 25, 2012. The mission of “ Strategy of education development in the Republic of Serbia until 2020.” is to ensure that education system in the Republic of Serbia in 21st century is set as the main foundation based on knowledge in life and growth of each individual, society and state in general.<br />The main focus was primarily on the program “ Step by Step”, a student-centered methodology, which has been carrying on in primary schools of the Republic of Serbia in its core elements since 2003/4. The main goal of our research study is to define pedagogical effects of the new program “ Step by Step” on the basis of surveyed points of views and opinions of teachers, parents and students, testing their knowledge level and doing socio-metric research. In addition, some cognitive, social and affective elements were incorporated in the study as well. Actually, the goal is to determine the differences in pedagogical effects that are realized in “Step by Step” classes in comparison to those classes that do not have elements of this program. Besides, our idea was to explore the options of implementing “Step by Step” program in the Republic of Serbia, which were its most influential factors, and also which factors made the implementation of this program more difficult.<br />The research has been done on the sample of 1617 examinees, 43 of those were teachers of Grades 2, 3 and 4 in primary schools, 807 primary school students of Grades 2,3 and 4 and 767 parents of the students in 8 primary schools from Novi Sad, Selenca, Pivnica , Nis and Belgrade. The overall score was divided into two groups – first and second. First group was made of teachers, parents and students of classes with “Step by Step” program, and the second group was made of parents and students of classes without the elements of this program. The research of effects of “Step by Step” program is of empirical nature and corresponds to correlative, non-experimental scale drawing. It is complex and consists of several phases and separate studies, being done on various populations, that is, samples of teachers, primary school students and their parents. The first study represents the analysis of pedagogical effects of teaching method based on estimate of teachers, students and parents answering multiple choice questions in the survey; second study covers the results of students being tested in Science; third study covers interpersonal relations among students; fourth study covers the analysis of possibilities and implementation factors of “Step by Step” program in schools of the Republic of Serbia.</p><p>To verify theories and realize research projects, there were certain quantitative and qualitative techniques of collecting data that had been applied. In particular, content analysis, scales of estimate, knowledge tests and socio-metric method were used at this point. Examining the program effects was realized using surveys and scales of estimate as well as comparing students’ results in national testing and socio-metric examination. First study covered the total of 1617 examinees being tested by questionnaire sample. There are three questionnaires – questionnaire for teachers, questionnaire for students and questionnaire for parents. Each questionnaire had 27 statements (nine for cognitive, nine for social and nine for affective effects) according to ISSA pedagogical standards for six quality domains (Interaction, Family and Environment, Inclusion, Differences of Democratic Values, Tracking, Reviewing and Planning, Teaching strategies and Studying surroundings). It enforced the examination and comparison of attitudes and opinions of teachers, students and parents regarding this program. The focus of the second study was comparing results in national testing of Grade four students in classes with elements of“ Step by Step” program (first group) to those students in classes without the elements of this program (second group) thus giving an insight into cognitive effects on the total sample of 391 examinees. The focus of third study was to examine interpersonal relations using socio-metric method on the total sample of 788 students of first and second group. Then, we organized the obtained results and grouped them as conclusions relating to effects of this program. Finally, for the purpose of examining opinions about options of adjusting the implementation of this program to the existing conditions in the Republic of Serbia and presenting factors that make its usage difficult, the fourth study had been introduced that consists of two questionnaires in which 21 teachers were examined who had been trained to use this method and who have been implementing elements of “Step by Step” program in their teaching for many years.</p><p>Using the data from surveys for teachers, parents and students as well as statistical discrepancies in terms of students’ results on knowledge test from Science and those done based on socio-metric method in terms of number of choices of students, we came to conclusion that our general hypothesis is partially confirmed. It means that pedagogical (cognitive, social and affective) effects of educative and pedagogical work had been estimated better by teachers, parents and students; students’ achievements on knowledge tests are higher and interpersonal relations are more numerous among students in those classes with elements of “Step by Step” program when compared to those teachers, parents and students of classes where elements of this program were not implemented.<br />When it comes to cognitive and social domains, using T-test on independent samples, there are some statistically important differences, whereas those differences were not present with affective domain. Also, those students attending classes where “Step by Step” program has been used achieve considerably better results on knowledge test in Science as well as more interpersonal positive and fewer negative choices within socio-metric method. Based on these results, it can be summarized that cognitive and social pedagogical effects are of better quality in those classes with elements of “Step by Step” program.<br />Using surveys for the teachers who are implementing elements of “Step by Step” program we found out some sort of significant data about possibilities of adjusting this program to the conditions in the Republic of Serbia, as well as those stimulating factors and also factors that make this implementation difficult. The results of this research confirm scientific justification of implementation of methodologies focused on child and teaching processes, such as “Step by Step” program, the function of which is to improve the quality of education and instruction in the Republic of Serbia.</p>
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Kvalita života onkologicky nemocných / The quality of life in oncology patientsPetráková, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
ANOTATION Bc. Michaela Petráková, The quality of life in oncology patients. Hussite Faculty of Theology, Charles University, Prague. The dissertation topic is based on quality of life in oncology patients. Various factors of quality of life in general and particularly in oncology patients, issues of neoplastic diseases, branch of oncology, dialogue with patients, and palliative care as well are described in the theoretical part of thesis. The practical part of thesis deals with a level of patients' educaction, initial perception of their disease, subsequent course and more, changes in personal, family, social and professional life in connection with oncology disease and the treatment process. Corresponding research was performed among the patients in Na Pleši hospital, s.r.o. Obtained results has revealed the oncology disease decisively influenced an impact on life as well as on quality of life in diseased humans. There is a considerably hard for patients to cope with such a state of the life. Patients' families and friends play a significant role in oncology patients and they both have an important influence on the particular course of disease. Described scope of family and friends has been regarded as a support, and moreover some source of safety for the patient. Key words: Oncology, quality of life in...
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Pauvreté des ménages et pauvreté de l'école face aux objectifs de l'éducation primaire universelle : étude de cas de deux villages et deux écoles publiques des Hautes Terres Malgaches / Education for all, household poverty and quality of education in the primary cycle : a case study of two villages and two primary state school in Madagascar HighlandsVerger, Antonia 20 November 2017 (has links)
Le PIB/ habitant de Madagascar classe le pays parmi l'un des plus pauvres au monde. L’État s'est engagé dans les objectifs de l’Éducation primaire universelle. Malgré cela, les indicateurs d'efficacité du système scolaire sont faibles. En 2012, seul 68,8% des enfants achèvent le cycle primaire, les taux de redoublement sont élevés, le taux de passage en cycle secondaire est faible. Aussi, le travail des enfants est encore un phénomène important dans la grande île. En 2010, près de 21% des 5-17 ans travaille, c'est le cas de 49% des 5-14 ans dans la région d'enquête, le Vakinankaratra. Dans les zones rurales, où la plupart des ménages vivent de l'agriculture d'autosubsistance, la main-d’œuvre infantile est fortement mise à contribution dans la production domestique. Les enfants sont tenus de combiner leurs activités scolaires et les activités productives. Nous proposons dans cette thèse de présenter les processus de scolarisation et de mise au travail des enfants à une échelle très fine. Pour ce faire, nous avons mené une enquête quantitative portant sur 247 ménages et une enquête qualitative dans deux villages et deux écoles primaires publiques qui étaient rattachées pendant quatorze mois. Les données quantitatives ont permis de mettre en exergue le lien entre les structures démographiques des ménages et la réussite scolaire des enfants. La monographie d'une des écoles primaires a permis de montrer les effets d'une faible qualité de l'offre sur les processus d'apprentissage des enfants et sur la demande scolaire. Par ailleurs, nous avons analysé les conséquences de la faible dotation en capitaux scolaires et économiques des ménages sur le déroulement de la scolarisation. Nous avons également mené des enquêtes par entretien auprès des enfants âgés entre 8 et 14 ans. Nous avons voulu savoir comment leurs représentations du travail et de l'école et leurs aspirations pouvaient influencer les processus de mise au travail et d'arrêt de la scolarisation. Finalement cette thèse permet d'analyser comment les objectifs de l'école primaire universelle peuvent être atteints face à la pauvreté des ménages et aux manques de moyens de l'école. Elle questionne également la capacité que pourrait avoir l'école à infléchir les processus de transmission des inégalités sociales et, dans notre cas, la reproduction de la grande pauvreté. / Madagascar is one of the poorest country in the world regarding its GPD per capita. Most of its population lives under the poverty line. The government is committed in the education for all plan since 1990. However, the quality of education is still low. In 2012, only 68.8% of the children achieved the primary school cycle, there are high repetition rates and few students access to the secondary school cycle. Most of international institution and NGO's oppose child labor and schooling. Child labor remains important, in 2010, 21% of the children aged from 5 to 17 years old work. We have conducted a survey about the households living in the rural zones. Most of them live from subsistence farming activities. Their children must participate to the domestic chores and economic activities and combine school at the same time. This work aims to understand the process of schooling and child work in a rural zone. We have collected quantitative data on 246 household and we made an ethnography in a primary state school for 14 months. Then, we have conducted semi-structured interviews with mothers, teachers and children aged from 8 to 14 years old. The quantitative data helped to analyze the relationship between the household demographic structures and the children school attainment. The ethnography shown the impact of a weak quality of education on the children learning process and on the school demand. The interviews conducted with the children shown how their perception of work and schooling and their aspiration could influence the reproduction of their economic and social position. To conclude, we question how the primary education for all can be reached when most of the household live in poor life conditions and the education sector suffers from a lack of funds. Can the school system stop the transmission of social and economic inequalities and break the poverty cycle?
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A escola de tempo integral no estado de S?o Paulo: um estudo de caso a partir do olhar dos profissionais das oficinas curricularesFaveri, Regina Carvalho Calvo de 14 February 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-14 / The Full-Time Schools Project was implemented in 2006 by the state government on state educational network of S?o Paulo. This process counted on the official documents publication such as the Full-Time School Guidelines, which guided the implantation of the model in part time schools and now have extended school day hours. We believe that the full-time schools represented, since the earliest experiments in the 1950s, the desire for a quality education and a more complete training, required by contemporary society. The teachers' comprehension about this form of school organization was seen as a prevailing aspect in the process of implementing this educational model. We intended to identify and understand the teachers' perception who works in curriculum workshops and the relationships that can be established with educational policies which ruled the implementation of this model aiming to educational quality. This qualitative research, featured as a case study, started in March 2011 and was developed in two full-time public schools in Campinas, through semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The results pointed to the fact of the perceptions of these professionals, regarding to the educational quality of workshops curricular, interfere in their pedagogical activities and demonstrate oscillation between the development of a differentiated work or remediation of teaching practices in the regular school hour. / O Projeto Escola de Tempo Integral foi implementado na rede estadual de S?o Paulo, no ano de 2006, por iniciativa do governo de estado. Tal processo contou com a publica??o de documentos oficiais, como as Diretrizes da Escola de Tempo Integral, que nortearam a implanta??o do modelo em unidades que atendiam em tempo parcial e passaram a ter jornada escolar ampliada. Consideramos que a escola de tempo integral representou, desde as primeiras experi?ncias na d?cada de 1950, o desejo de uma educa??o de qualidade e uma forma??o mais completa, exigida pela sociedade contempor?nea. A compreens?o dos professores sobre esta forma de organiza??o escolar foi observada como aspecto preponderante no processo de implanta??o desse modelo educacional. Procuramos identificar e compreender as percep??es dos professores que atuam nas oficinas curriculares de escolas de tempo integral e as rela??es que podem estabelecer com as pol?ticas educacionais que regeram a implementa??o desse modelo com vistas ? qualidade educativa. A pesquisa qualitativa, caracterizada como um estudo de caso, teve in?cio em mar?o de 2011 e foi desenvolvida em duas escolas estaduais de tempo integral no munic?pio de Campinas, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e an?lise de documentos. Os resultados apontaram para o fato de as percep??es desses profissionais, no que diz respeito ? qualidade educativa das oficinas curriculares, interferirem em sua atua??o pedag?gica e demonstrarem oscila??o entre o desenvolvimento de um trabalho diferenciado ou o refor?o das pr?ticas pedag?gicas do turno regular.
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中國內地教育質量保障體系中的教師專業責任及其建構. / Teacher's professional responsibilities and their construction under quality assurance system in the Chinese mainland / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Zhongguo nei di jiao yu zhi liang bao zhang ti xi zhong de jiao shi zhuan ye ze ren ji qi jian gou.January 2013 (has links)
王麗佳. / "2013年8月". / "2013 nian 8 yue". / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 297-310). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Wang Lijia.
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Escola pública, currículo e educação emancipadora: o projeto político-pedagógico como mediaçãoDalberio, Maria Célia Borges 10 December 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-12-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The general objective of the present investigation consisted of knowing what was/is
realized in the daily one of the Uberaba City schools about the Pedagogical-Politician
Project and its interference in the teachers formation, in the democratic management,
the active participation of the community school in the taking of decisions and, finally,
in the conquest of the quality improvement of education and, therefore, in the
adoption of a curriculum that favors more inclusive a school. The research on the
PPP relations justifies itself for still not have been explored in locus and the
problematic one chosen, in a context of more than one decade of experience. Our
initial hypothesis was the PPP is a document that guides the routes and redirects the
pedagogical practice pertaining to school, being able to accumulate the education
quality. For the research accomplishment we guide us by the critical-dialectic
perspective, a Paulo Freire perspective. Initially we made a bibliographical research,
followed of a documentary research and, after that, we realized interviews with 52
educators of the Education Secretariat of Uberaba-MG, by means questions guided
for a half-structuralized script. We evidence that it had a small advance in the
democratic process of the municipal Uberaba schools; however, the participation is
still shy and very incipient. The community insufficiently intervenes with the school
life; it remains immobilized, without democratic conscience and inert by means of the
politician indifference related to the education quality, a legal and legitimate right. The
construction and the PPP experience had also insufficiently intervened with the
teachers formation, education quality improvement and, therefore, with the curriculum
redirecting and the reach of a more inclusive school. However, we continue believing
the PPP can be capable to accumulate the education quality when assumed as
proper project. As hopeful perspective we point the awareness and mobilization of
the community, with respect to the collective and active participation with the public
institutions and agencies to ask its rights and to act/to construct, together with the
educators, a more human, emancipator, democratic school / O objetivo geral da presente investigação consistiu em conhecer o que foi/é
realizado no cotidiano das escolas do Município de Uberaba-MG, com relação ao
Projeto Político -Pedagógico e sua interferência na formação dos professores, na
gestão democrática, na participação ativa da comunidade escolar na tomada de
decisões e, por último, na conquista de a melhoria da qualidade de ensino e,
portanto, na adoção de um Currículo que favoreça uma escola mais inclusiva. A
pesquisa sobre as relações do PPP se justifica por não ter sido ainda explorada no
lócus e na problemática escolhidos, num contexto de mais de uma década de
experiência. Nossa hipótese inicial foi de que o PPP é um documento que orienta os
rumos e redimensiona a prática pedagógica escolar, com poder para adensar a
qualidade da educação. Para a realização da pesquisa nos orientamos pela
perspectiva crítico-dialética, numa perspectiva freireana. Inicialmente fizemos uma
pesquisa bibliográfica, seguida da pesquisa documental e, em seguida, realizamos
entrevistas com 52 educadores da Secretaria de Educação de Uberaba-MG,
mediante questões orientadas por um roteiro, semi-estruturado. Constatamos que
houve pequeno avanço no processo democrático das escolas municipais de
Uberaba, entretanto, a participação é ainda muito tímida e incipiente. A comunidade
pouco interfere na vida da escola, pois permanece imobilizada, sem consciência
democrática e inerte mediante o descaso político quanto à qualidade da educação,
que é um direito legal e legítimo. A construção e a experiência do PPP pouco
interferiram também na formação dos professores, na melhoria da qualidade de
ensino e, portanto, no redimensionamento do Currículo e no alcance de uma escola
mais inclusiva. Contudo, continuamos acreditando que o PPP, quando assumido
como projeto próprio, pode ser capaz de adensar a qualidade de educação. Como
perspectivas esperançosas apontamos a conscientização e mobilização da
comunidade, para a participação coletiva e ativa junto às instituições e órgãos
públicos, para cobrar os seus direitos e agir/construir, solidariamente com os
educadores, uma escola mais democrática, humana e emancipadora
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O ensino fundamental no Sul/Sudoeste de Minas Gerais : matrículas, gastos e desempenho dos alunosROSÁRIO, Alex Donizeti do 02 February 2018 (has links)
O ensino fundamental brasileiro passou por grandes transformações nos últimos trinta anos: o acesso foi praticamente universalizado, os municípios ganharam importância nas políticas educacionais, as instituições privadas se consolidaram, políticas de avaliação foram instituídas e a preocupação com a qualidade do ensino se tornou prioritária. O objetivo da presente dissertação é analisar essas transformações e retratar a situação atual do ensino fundamental. Para isso, a análise se concentrará na mesorregião Sul/Sudoeste de Minas, comparando-a a Minas Gerais e ao Brasil. A dissertação é composta por dois artigos. O primeiro deles adota uma visão mais ampla: ele apresenta as linhas gerais das mudanças no ensino fundamental em 1991, 2000 e 2010, em três níveis regionais (Brasil, Minas Gerais e no Sul/Sudoeste de Minas Gerais), em relação à expectativa de anos de estudo, taxa de frequência bruta e taxa de frequência líquida. Além disso, o artigo também fornece uma visão mais detalhada do ensino fundamental no Sul/Sudoeste de Minas em relação ao número de instituições de ensino básico, número de matrículas por dependência administrativa (federal, estadual, municipal e privada). Por sua vez, o objetivo do segundo artigo é investigar a relação entre gastos públicos e desempenho educacional, concentrando-se no ensino fundamental público municipal do Sul/Sudoeste de Minas Gerais. O primeiro artigo indicou que não há falta de escolas nem de vagas para os alunos, no entanto, há uma forte variação entre a quantidade de escolas e de matrículas dos municípios de pequeno e médio porte. Por sua vez, o segundo artigo indicou que a correlação entre despesas e desempenho escolar é fraca, o que indica que o processo ensino-aprendizagem não depende apenas da quantidade de recursos financeiros. De acordo com a metodologia empregada, os municípios de menor porte são mais eficientes. Portanto, os principais resultados do trabalhos são a constatação de que administrar os recursos aplicados à educação é tão ou mais importante que a quantidade despendida e que a mesorregião Sul/Sudoeste de Minas Gerais não se distância consideravelmente do padrão educacional público brasileiro. / Brazilian elementary education faced major transformations in the last thirty years: access to the education was practically universalized, municipalities gained importance in educational policies, private institutions were consolidated, evaluation policies were instituted and concern with the quality of education became a priority. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze these transformations and expose the current situation of elementary education in the country. In order to do so, the analysis will focus on the South/Southwest mesoregion of Minas Gerais, comparing it to Minas Gerais state and Brazil. The dissertation is composed by two papers. The first one adopts a broader view: it presents the main lines of changes in elementary education in 1991, 2000 and 2010, at three regional levels (Brazil, Minas Gerais and South/Southwest mesoregion of Minas Gerais) concerning the expected years of study and school frequency rate (both gross and net). In addition to that, the paper also provides a more detailed view of elementary education in the South/Southwest mesoregion of Minas Gerais concerning the number of basic education schools and number of enrollments per administrative dependency (federal, state, municipal and private). In turn, the purpose of the second paper is to investigate the relationship between public expenditures with education and educational performance focusing on municipal public elementary education in the South/Southwest mesoregion of Minas Gerais. The first paper found no shortage of schools or places for students, however there is a strong variation between the number of schools and enrollment of small-sized municipalities and the medium ones. On the other hand, the second paper showed that the correlation between expenditure and school performance is weak, indicating that the teaching-learning process does not depend exclusively on the amount of financial resources. According to the methodology employed, smaller municipalities are more efficient than medium and large ones. Therefore, the main results of the study are the observation that managing the resources applied to education is more important than the amount spent and that the South/Southwest mesoregion of Minas Gerais does not differ considerably from the Brazilian public educational profile.
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Avalia??o do impacto do plano de expans?o da rede federal na qualidade dos institutos federais de educa??o segundo indicadores de desempenhoThomaz, Solange Marlene 16 December 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-12-16 / The Expansion Plan of the Federal Network of Vocational Education foresees the
construction of 860 new units of instruction until 2020, representing a strong growth against
the 140 existing units prior to its disclosure by Federal Government of Brazil, in 2005. The
Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology have been performing the expansion
while experiencing the shortcomings and challenges of units still in development, created in
previous phases of the Plan. The quality of the services of these institutions has been
evaluated by the control bodies, which require the submission of performance indicators in
annual management reports of institutions under their jurisdiction. In this context of
expansion process, particularly, is desirable to identify possible changes in quality standards.
Thus, this research was motivated by the following problem: there was difference in the
performance of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology after the
inauguration of the first units of phase II of the Expansion Plan of the Federal Network of
Vocational Education? This is an exploratory-descriptive, ex-post-facto, quantitative approach
research, which aims to contribute to the knowledge of the impact of the expansion of the
Federal Network. The data were collected from 12 indicators presented in management
reports of 38 Federal Institutes through years 2007 to 2011 to evaluate the performances using
descriptive statistical techniques. The indicators were analyzed in both consolidated and open
manners by the following perspectives: country region, growth of instruction units and
institutions origin. Was also performed a multivariate analysis of clusters in order to identify
excellence groups of Institutes. The results showed differences in the expansion plan s
development among Brazilian regions, both in terms of infrastructure and academic
indicators, with better results in the Midwest and South, and that there are differentiated
profiles of institutes as its origin, where the best quality indicators occur in those originated
by integration of different educational institutions. Still, were identified two excellence
groups, with emphasis on academic management, human resources and expansion / O Plano de Expans?o da Rede Federal de Educa??o Profissional prev? a constru??o de
860 novas unidades de ensino at? 2020, representando um intenso crescimento frente ?s 140
unidades existentes antes de sua divulga??o pelo Governo Federal, em 2005. Os Institutos
Federais de Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Tecnologia v?m realizando a expans?o enquanto vivenciam
as defici?ncias e os desafios das unidades ainda em desenvolvimento, criadas nas fases
anteriores do Plano. A qualidade dos servi?os dessas institui??es tem sido avaliada pelos
?rg?os de controle, que requerem a apresenta??o de indicadores de desempenho nos seus
Relat?rios de Gest?o anuais. No contexto da expans?o dos Institutos, em particular, deseja-se
identificar poss?veis mudan?as os padr?es de qualidade. Assim, esta pesquisa foi motivada
pelo seguinte problema: houve diferen?a no desempenho dos Institutos Federais de Educa??o,
Ci?ncia e Tecnologia ap?s a inaugura??o das primeiras unidades da Fase II do Plano de
Expans?o da Rede Federal de Educa??o Profissional e Tecnol?gica? Trata-se de uma pesquisa
explorat?rio-descritiva ex-post-facto com abordagem quantitativa, que objetiva contribuir para
o conhecimento do impacto da Expans?o da Rede Federal. Foram coletados os dados dos 12
indicadores apresentados nos Relat?rios de Gest?o dos 38 Institutos Federais nos anos 2007 a
2011, para avalia??o dos desempenhos atrav?s de t?cnicas de estat?stica descritiva. Os
indicadores foram analisados de forma consolidada e aberta pelas seguintes perspectivas: por
regi?o do pa?s, por crescimento de unidades de ensino e por origem das institui??es. Tamb?m
foi realizada uma an?lise multivariada de clusters no intuito de identificar grupos de
excel?ncia dentre os Institutos. Os resultados evidenciaram haver diferen?as no
desenvolvimento do Plano de Expans?o entre as regi?es brasileiras, tanto no plano da
infraestrutura quanto nos indicadores acad?micos, com melhores resultados no Centro-Oeste e
Sul, e que h? perfis diferenciados de Institutos conforme sua origem, onde os melhores
indicadores de qualidade ocorrem naqueles originados por integra??o de diferentes
institui??es de ensino. Ainda, foram identificados dois grupos de excel?ncia, com ?nfase em
gest?o acad?mica, de pessoas e de expans?o
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Komplexní evaluace soukromého předškolního zařízení s akreditací MŠMT / Comprehensive evaluation of privat pre-school institution with accreditation Ministry of education, youth and sportsVodová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
This work deals with a comprehensive evaluation of private nursery schools included in the Register of School Legal Entities. The main research problem is the definition of pre- school facilities accredited by the Ministry of Education based on its comprehensive evaluation. The aim is to completely analyze selected preschool institution accredited by the Ministry and subsequently define the field of education with regard to the research assumptions based on laws, regulations, school government documents and documents selected institutions. The object of this work will be private nursery school accredited by the Ministry and will be subject to evaluation of the operation, ie the evaluation of the organization, control, staffing, content and form of education, educational environment and employee satisfaction school. We will analyze the work and the resources and procedures that must be achieved in order for the organization received accreditation. Subsequently, on the basis of a questionnaire we discover how employees organization meets the system operation or you against him in certain areas defined. Due to objective and comprehensive view we will use subsequent SWOT analysis system, which will set the strategy of the organization. The conclusion of this work we will try to affect the functioning...
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The response of higher education institutions to the recommendations in the Higher Education Quality Committee audit reportsWort, Belinda Evelyn 05 December 2012 (has links)
The first cycle of quality assurance (QA) was conceptualised and developed between 2001 and 2004 as reflected in the policy documents of the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC). The HEQC as the national QA agency was created as the permanent sub-committee of the Council on Higher Education (CHE) to take care of the QA responsibility in 2001. The national QA agency had to operate within the divisions created in higher education under apartheid, which often created perceptions based on prejudice about the distribution of quality. The South African higher education landscape has been exposed to the first cycle of the Higher Education Quality Committee QA cycle during which conducted 34 institutional audits, accredited approximately 5000 new programmes, subjected 85 programmes to national reviews, trained approximately 550 institutional auditors and 1500 programme evaluators and conducted many workshops and training opportunities for higher education institutions (HEIs). The main aim posed by this study was to determine the response of HEIs to the recommendations in the HEQC audit reports. The sub-questions of the research are (i) What process was followed to develop the quality improvement plan? (ii) Who were the role-players in the development of the quality improvement plan? (iii) What influenced their actions in the development of the quality improvement plan? (iv) What value did the quality improvement plan development have for the institution? (v) How does the quality improvement plan fit into the comprehensive quality management system of the institution? To answer the research questions, interviews were carried out on six participants. The findings were that the primary research question has been addressed conclusively by the three institutions through the experience of participants. The responses indicate how they have embraced improvement at the respective institutions which in turn have grown as a result of the HEQC audit process. The conclusion was an in depth response to the recommendations in the audit reports, illustrating ownership of quality improvement plan processes within the institutions. From the results of the secondary research questions it is concluded that the participants’ responses provided the richness of the quality improvement plan process in the audit process. The responses reflected and confirmed the processes followed in developing the quality improvement plans and the role and influence of role- players in the quality improvement plan process. The responses reflected the value of this process and revealed how it had been incorporated into the comprehensive annual planning processes of the institutions. The study concludes that the participating institutions responded differently and effectively to the recommendations in the HEQC audit reports, with the improvement reflected in the manner and approach institutions displayed when responding to recommendations, reflecting systematic processes. Copyright / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Science, Mathematics and Technology Education / unrestricted
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