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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Art égyptien - art mésopotamien: contribution à l'étude des relations artistiques entre l'Egypte et la Mésopotamie durant la Vème dynastie et la période dynastique archaïque III

Elnahri, Mohamed Kamel Nagwa 12 1900 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

An annotated translation and study of the third edition of Hadith ʿIsa ibn Hisham by Muhammad al Muwailihi

Allen, Roger January 1968 (has links)
No description available.

Origins and comparative performance of the composite bow

Randall, Karl Chandler IV 02 1900 (has links)
This thesis shall identify the date origin of the composite bow within Mesopotamia and Elam. and both identify and quantify the design factors which lead to increased performance possible with composite construction. To accomplish this, the thesis begins by summarizing the problems and flaws that currently exist in the field of history as it applies specifically to archery and bow use. With problems identified, the thesis will then introduce the reader to the basics of bow mechanics, thereby laying the basis for physical testing. This in turn will empirically demonstrate flaws in the current iconographical method of bow identification. The thesis will then devise a new method for iconographic identification of composite construction that has greater proven accuracy, based upon proportional length, which will link extant artifacts with both physical test results and iconographic evidence. The reader shall then be led through a complete reevaluation of iconographical evidence for Mesopotamia and Elam starting at the beginning of the second millennium BCE and working backwards using this new method of iconographic evaluation to determine the point at which composite bow technology first appears in the ancient Near East. The thesis will finish with an overview of the above accomplishments and their potential impact on the study of ancient and military history. / Classics and World Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Classical Studies)

Inscriptions et reliefs du temple de la douzième dynastie à Madinet Madi

Mostny, Grete January 1939 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Les XVIIe et XVIIIe provinces de Haute-Égypte. Essai de géographie religieuse et d'histoire. / The XVIIth and XVIIIth Provinces of Upper Egypt. Sacred Geography and History Essay.

Rouvière, Laurie 11 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour ambition de contribuer à la reconstitution de la géographie religieuse et de l'histoire des XVIIe et XVIIIe provinces de Haute-Égypte, provinces communément désignées par l'appellation « nome cynopolite » à partir de l'époque ptolémaïque. Fondée sur une analyse diachronique des sources épigraphiques égyptiennes issues des domaines sacré et profane, son principal objectif est de déterminer à quel moment ces deux provinces ont fusionné, mais aussi d'appréhender le rôle joué par Hardaï, la Cynopolis des Grecs, dans cette modification territoriale. L'examen de la toponymie et des traditions cultuelles locales associé à une étude prosopographique des individus ayant œuvré dans les XVIIe et XVIIIe provinces de Haute-Égypte permettent ainsi d'éclaircir ces faits afin de mieux retracer l'histoire mouvementée de cette région. / This thesis aims to contribute to the reconstruction of the sacred geography and history of the XVIIth and XVIIIth provinces of Upper Egypt commonly referred to as « Cynopolite nome » from the Ptolemaic period. Based on a diachronic analysis of the Egyptian epigraphic sources from the sacred and profane realms, its main purpose is to determine when these two provinces have merged but also to understand the role played by Hardaï, the Greek Cynopolis, in this territorial change. The examination of toponymy and local religious traditions together with a prosopographical study of individual office-holders in the XVIIth and XVIIIth provinces of Upper Egypt enable us to clarify these facts in order to better trace the eventful history of this region.

Měděné nástroje v Egyptě ve 3. tisíciletí / Copper implements in Egypt during the 3rd millenium

Odler, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is a data completion and evaluation of the finds of copper tools and model tools in the 3rd Millennium BC, in the Early Dynastic Period, Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period, in Egypt and Nubia. The first part of the thesis contains subject definition, chronological and chorological definitions and short introduction in the copper metallurgy of Ancient Near East and Egypt in the examined periods. The thesis is based on the catalogue of the archaeological contexts, the description of method and structure is followed by the synthesis of facts about archaeological context of finds. The main part of the thesis is a register of tool classes, examining their chronology, morphology and selectively also the occurrence in other sources. The conclusion brings together the facts and delineates the role of copper tools and model tools in the Ancient Egyptian society of the examined periods.

Textilní produkce ve starém Egyptě se zaměřením na její doklady z Abúsíru (období 3. a 1. tisíciletí př. Kr) / The ancient Egyptian textile production with the focus on finds from Abusir (Third and First Millennium BC.)

Wollnerová, Dorotea January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to examine textile production in old Egypt based on textile findings from the Royal Necropolis in Abusir. In the first part the author deals with technology of production of this material. The main part of the thesis is the analysis of the new textile findings from Abusir, the textile-technological survey and their interpretation. Technological aspects, their evaluation and comparison with findings from other Egyptian sites are then discussed in a separate chapter. Due to the character of evidences, the author focuses on two periods: 3rd and 1st millennium BC. Finally, the various archaeological contexts in which the textiles in Abusir were found and the functions of this material were outlined. Keywords ancient Egypt, textiles, production, Old Kingdom, Third Intermediate Period, Late Period, archaeology, mummification

Egyptiska universitetsstudenters åsikter om det egyptiska utbildningssystemets förutsättningar att främja en demokratisk utveckling i Egypten

Björklund, Anna-Maria January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine Egyptian university students´attitudes about the Egyptian education system´s ability to support a democratic process in Egypt. In order to carry out my study, scientific books and articles have been read and interviews have been made among Egyptian university students. The interviews contained questions about the Egyptian education system´s impact on the democratic process in Egypt and which impact the Egyptian education system has had on the Egyptian revolution. The conclusion drawn from my study is that Egyptian university students find the contemporary Egyptian education system based on authoritarian rules and with a lack of democratic values. The Egyptian university students believe that to establish democratic institutions in Egypt, the Egyptian citizens need a better understanding about democratic values. However, some of the students believe that the democracy that should be established in Egypt, must be based on Islamic values and to succeed with that, Islamic studies must play a greater part in the Egyptian education. When it comes to the Egyptian education system´s impact on the Egyptian revolution the Egyptian university students´opinions were somehow divided.

Towards a mapping of the marginal : readings of art songs by Nigerian, Ghanaian, Egyptian and South African composers

Van Rhyn, Chris 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: African art music practices of western origin have oftentimes been excluded from general discourses on western art music practices. In this study, close readings of selected art songs by twentieth and twenty-first century Nigerian, Ghanaian, Egyptian and South African composers serve to ‘map’ this music through challenging existing general discourses on art music composition, and genre-specific discourses on art song composition in Africa. The readings also serve to create new discourses, including ones that promote African crossregional engagements. In the first part of this dissertation, the readings take place in the contexts of the selected countries. The second section presents pre-selected discourses and theories as points of departure. Chapter 2 proposes to question how the theory of African vocalism can be expanded, and how animist materialism could serve as an alternative context in which to read the composition of art music in Nigeria and Ghana. Chapter 3 aims to answer which strategies in anti-exotic self-representation have been followed in twentieth-century Egyptian art song. Chapter 4 asks how South African composers of art song have denoted ‘Africa’ in their works, and how these denotations relate to their oeuvres and general stylistic practices. Chapter 5 interrogates how composers have dealt with the requirements of tonal languages in their setting of texts in such languages to music. Chapter 6 probes possible interpretations of composers’ display of the ‘objects’ of cultural affiliation, positing expatriate African composers as diplomats. Chapter 7 asks what the contexts are in which to read specific examples of African intercultural art music, without which the analyst might make an inappropriate (perhaps unethical?) value judgement. The conclusion presents a comparison of trends and styles in African art song to those in certain western song traditions. A discussion on folk and popular song styles as art is followed by a consideration of African vocalism in the context of the dissertation as a whole. A continuation of an earlier discussion on the compositional denotation of ‘Africa’ leads to a consideration of the ‘duty to denote’ in the context of western modernity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kunsmusiekpraktyke van westerse oorsprong in Afrika is gereeld van algemene diskoerse oor westerse kunsmusiekpraktyke uitgesluit. Stip-lesings van geselekteerde kunsliedere deur Nigeriese, Ghanese, Egiptiese en Suid-Afrikaanse komponiste dien in hierdie studie om die musiek op die ‘kaart te plaas’ deur in gesprek te tree met bestaande algemene diskoerse oor kunsmusiekkomposisie, asook genre-spesifieke diskoerse oor kunsliedkomposisie in Afrika. Die lesings dien ook om nuwe diskoerse te skep, insluitend diskoerse wat gesprekke óór die grense van verskillende streke in Afrika bevorder. Die lesings in die eerste helfde van die proefskrif vind plaas binne die kontekste van die geselekteerde lande. In die tweede deel word vooraf-geselekteerde diskoerse en teorieë as wegspringpunte gebruik. Hoofstuk 2 stel dit ten doel om te vra hoe die teorie van Afrikavokalisme (African vocalism) uitgebrei kan word, en hoe animistiese realisering (animist materialism) as alternatiewe konteks kan dien waarin die komposisie van kunsmusiek in Nigerië en Ghana gelees kan word. In Hoofstuk 3 word gepoog om uit te vind watter strategieë in anti-eksotiese self-uitbeelding gevolg is in twintigste-eeuse Egiptiese kunsliedkomposisie. Die doel van Hoofstuk 5 is om uit te vind hoe komponiste die vereistes van toontale in hul toonsettings van tekste in sulke tale hanteer het. Hoofstuk 6 ondersoek moontlike interpretasies van komponiste se aanbiedings van die ‘objekte’ van kultuuraffiliasie deur die postulering van geëmigreerde komponiste as diplomate. Hoofstuk 7 vra wat die kontekste is waarin spesifieke voorbeelde van interkulturele kunsmusiek uit Afrika gelees kan word, waarsonder die analis ‘n onvanpaste (dalk onetiese?) waardebeoordeling kan maak. Die slot bied ’n vergelyking van tendense en style in Afrika-kunsliedere met dié in sekere westerse liedtradisies aan. ’n Bespreking van volks- en populêre liedstyle as kuns word gevolg deur ’n oorweging van Afrika-vokalisme in die konteks van die proefskrif as geheel. ‘n Voortsetting van ’n vroeëre gesprek oor die komposisionele uitbeelding van ‘Afrika’ lei tot ‘n oorweging van die ‘plig om uit te beeld’ in die konteks van westerse moderniteit.

Antecedents of business-to-business e-commerce adoption and its effect on competitive advantage in manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises : a comparative study of United States of America and Egypt

Hamad, Haseba January 2014 (has links)
Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce adoption has become a necessity for most small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), allowing them to gain and sustain competitive advantage in a dynamic competitive environment. Accepting the fact that B2B is adopted at different levels based on different resources leads to the acceptance that competitive advantage is gained and sustained on a level consistent with the level of adoption. This study employs quantitative method based on the positivism philosophy and deductive approach. A questionnaire survey technique was used to collect the data from the American and Egyptian manufacturing SMEs. Moreover, it used structural equation modelling with a sample of 320 and 260 manufacturing SMEs in the United States of America and Egypt respectively. The structural equation modelling (SEM) findings revealed that each level of B2B e-commerce adoption was affected by different factors from another level of adoption. Besides, there was a significant difference between the issues which faced manufacturing SMEs in USA and Egypt. Furthermore, in Egyptian manufacturing SMEs, relative advantage and competitive pressure have a significant effect on adoption behaviour. On the other hand, when American manufacturing SMEs made their decisions to adopt B2B e-commerce, they considered the main factors to be relative advantage, top management support, firm size and government support. In addition, the findings revealed that the higher the level of B2B e-commerce, which an SME adopted, the higher the level of competitive advantage it gained. However, in developing countries such as Egypt, SMEs remained far behind their peers in developed countries. In terms of theoretical implications, the study could be considered to be a unique study in the field of B2B e-commerce generally and B2B e-commerce in Egyptian manufacturing SMEs in particular. This is because, by looking back at the literature review, is clear that empirical studies into B2B e-commerce issues, including manufacturing SMEs, remained embryonic in developed countries and rare in the developing countries. This is especially so in the Arabic countries. In addition, most previous studies focused on a broad and generic view of the SMEs’ adoption of B2B e-commerce or on the relationship between adoption of IT and competitive advantage. This study was conducted in a cross-country context; it considered the manufacturing SMEs’ adoption of B2B e-commerce from the perspective of the level of adoption. Therefore, it made an original empirical contribution towards the current body of knowledge on the adoption of B2B e-commerce through the identification of manufacturing SMEs adoption levels of B2B e-commerce; their impacts on competitive advantage; and the significant factors which influenced each adoption level of B2B e-commerce in USA and Egypt. In addition, this study used TOE as the theoretical framework in investigating the factors affecting B2B e-commerce in SMEs and focused largely on the factors affecting each level; this is a new contribution to the extant literature. Turning to the study’s practical implications, important implications for the manufacturing SMEs’ owner/managers can be drawn from the findings to help them to understand their environments as, in a cross-country business context, they move through the different stages of adopting B2B e-commerce. In addition to the implication for manufacturing SMEs’ owners/managers, this study presents important implications for governmental, nongovernmental organisations and other institutions linked to manufacturing SMEs. Similar to other studies, this study has a number of limitations. The main one is that it lacks the use of qualitative analysis to depict how SMEs understand the concept of competitive advantages and how this helps them to survive and grow.

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