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Egyptská zahraniční politika a "arabské jaro": Případová studie egyptské politiky před a po arabském jaru vůči Turecku a Palestině / Egyptian foreign policy and The "Arab spring": A Case study of Egyptian policy before and after Arab Spring toward Turkey and Palestine.Salaheldin, Abderahman January 2020 (has links)
The main focus of the dissertation is to examine the interactions between Egyptian foreign policy and the domestic, regional and international dramatic changes that shaped the environment in which that foreign policy was made and operated during the Arab Spring in Egypt from January 2011 to June 2013. The goal is to explore whether domestic, regional and international changes during the Arab Spring had resulted in a substantial change of Egyptian foreign policy in those three years regarding most foreign policy issues especially toward Turkey and Palestine. The dissertation's analysis, while rather qualitative and inductive in nature, employed the neoclassical realism as its theoretical framework. It allowed the researcher to identify major domestic players and issues such as ideology, strategic culture, political religion and the ability to mobilize national resources and study their impact on the foreign policy decision makers. The researcher concluded that the Egyptian foreign policy made several major changes during the Arab Spring especially toward Turkey and Palestine/Israel. These changes were due to domestic and regional variables more than to international systemic order's signals. Neoclassical realism proved to be ideal for the researcher's analysis. It helped him easily identify key...
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Vztahy Československa a Egypta v éře Antonína Novotného / Relationships of Czechoslovakia and Egypt in era of Antonín NovotnýKubr, Jan January 2019 (has links)
(in English): The topic of this thesis is the attempt about summary of the important meetings, deals and development of the relationships between the Czechoslovakia and Egypt between the years 1955-1967. The time period of this thesis is bounded by these years because the relationships, were not common before year 1955, meanwhile the political career of Antonín Novotný was coming to its end in 1967. Novotný stopped to be the 1st secretary of ÚV KSČ in January 1968 and he abdicated on his presidency in March 1968. Except the relationships of the Czechoslovakia and Egypt I had been trying to describe the relationships between Egypt and the United States, the United Kingdom, France, the Soviet Union and with the another states, which had significant influence on the development of region and influenced the relationships between the Czechoslovakia and Egypt too. The sources of my thesis are mainly the archive materials, especially from the Archive of the foreign department and also National archive, where is stored archive of Antonín Novotný and another funds of the Political bureau and Bureau of the Central committee of the KSČ. Thesis had been written in the chronological development of the relationships, it is not written thematically. Main objective of my thesis was to find out if there was a...
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Egypt and the Soviet Union, 1953-1970Copp, John W. 01 January 1986 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze in detail the many aspects of the Soviet-Egyptian friendship as it developed from 1953 to 1970. The relationship between the two is extremely important because it provides insight into the roles of both Egypt and the Soviet Union in both the history of the Middle East and in world politics. The period from 1953 to 1970 is key in understanding the relationship between the two states because it is the period of the genesis of the relationship and a period in which both nations went through marked changes in both internal policy and their external relations.
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Agricultural vs. hydropower tradeoffs in the operation of the High Aswan DamThompson, Katherine Oven January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1981. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Bibliography: leaves 135-137. / by Katherine Oven Thompson. / M.S.
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Římské fortifikace v egyptské Západní poušti / Roman fortifications in Western Desert in EgyptFord, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
The work presents the Egyptian Western Desert, in its oases and caravan roads during Roman rule (1st -5th century AD). It focuses mainly on the collection of available written and archaeological data on Roman fortifications and puts it into context with other general information about the Western Desert. The interest is focused on the period 3rd -5th century AD, when the oases were fortified. The individual fortifications and fortification elements are described and set in the context of the whole oasis and events during Roman rule. Furthermore, the issue concerning the designation of these elements as fortification elements is clarified and they are compared not only among themselves, but also with other similar structures in Egyptian territory. At the same time, the work describes caravan roads connecting oases with each other to the Nile valley and the Mediterranean coast; outlines the relationship of fortification elements to these roads. The work thus creates a comprehensive picture of the Western Desert during Roman rule. Key words: Roman fortifications, Roman army, Egypt, Western desert, oases, caravan routes.
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Universalizing Egypt: Suez Canal, Debt, Corvée, and the Rise of Modern GovernmentElhoudaiby, Ibrahim January 2022 (has links)
This dissertation offers a new interpretation of the middle decades of nineteenth-century Egypt, which were decisive in forming Egyptian modernity. This period is usually understood as merely the precursor to the direct colonial rule that followed. Instead, this dissertation argues that the reigns of Sa‘īd (1854-1863) and Ismā‘īl (1863-1879) were defined by Egypt’s unique legal status.
During this period, Egypt was neither a sovereign state, nor directly ruled by the Ottoman Empire, nor annexable to any other empire. This peculiar legal status led to the emergence of Egypt as an object of “the universal.” This term is taken from the unusual name of the “Universal Company” that was created to build and operate the Suez Canal. The term denoted a new commercial domain, external to Europe and shaped by, yet equidistant from, the continent’s competing empires.The attempts to develop European capital outside the existing empires necessitated the construction of a new legal and political order. Taking the construction of the Canal as a vantage point through which to explore the consolidation of this new order, the dissertation focuses on three aspects.
First, I show how both Ottoman-Islamic and European precedents contributed to the formation of the universal. I outline social and legal changes, spanning the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, that allowed the extension of the European company-form to the Ottoman world in the nineteenth century; trace the rise of Egypt as a pivotal link of imperial communications in the first half of the nineteenth century; and investigate the implications of the political tensions between the Ottoman Sultan and his viceroy in Egypt in the 1830s.
Second, I explore the consolidation of the universal legal domain in Egypt. I argue that the inter-imperial dispute over the construction of the Suez Canal led to the emergence of the company as the object of the universal, and that, in the following decades, the company’s directors catalyzed the entrenchment of a “universal” commercial domain in Egypt in the period between 1868 and 1876. Finally, I explore the implications of the universality of Egypt on the rise of modern government. I focus on the legal transformations, including the formation of the Mixed Courts, that foreshadowed the establishment of modern courts; changes in the command of labor that gave rise to Egyptianness as a collective identity; and the indebtedness of the government that precipitated the emergence of an independent (non-Ottoman) state apparatus with compromised sovereignty.
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Dis au potier qu'il me fasse un kôtôn: archéologie et céramique de l'Antiquité tardive à nos jours dans la TT29 à Cheikh Abd el-Gourna, EgypteBavay, Laurent 12 February 2008 (has links)
Depuis 1999, le Centre de recherches archéologiques de l'Université libre de Bruxelles a entrepris l'étude de la tombe thébaine numéro 29 à Cheikh Abd el-Gourna, construite pour le vizir et maire de la ville Aménémopé sous le règne d'Amenhotep II (vers 1425-1401 av. J.-C.). La fouille du monument, sous la direction du Professeur Roland Tefnin, a été menée suivant deux axes de recherches. Le premier, dans une perspective synchronique, visait à étudier les aménagements et le fonctionnement d'origine de la tombe, sous la 18e dynastie. Le second, dans une perspective diachronique, visait à reconstituer l'histoire du monument et de ses occupations successives jusqu'à l'intervention de la mission. La thèse porte sur les résultats de cette seconde approche, et plus particulièrement sur l'analyse des occupations de l'antiquité tardive et post-antiques. Celles-ci se distinguent par une affectation de l'espace différente de sa fonction d'origine :la tombe n'est plus utilisée comme lieu de sépulture et de culte funéraire mais comme habitation. La fouille a ainsi livré les vestiges d'une installation érémitique datée des VIIe et VIIIe siècles de notre ère, associés à un matériel archéologique et épigraphique particulièrement abondant, ainsi que les ruines d'une maison villageoise construite durant la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Croyances funéraires et pratiques du mythe en Egypte ancienne: étude du programme décoratif (texte, image et architecture) de six tombes thébaines privées de l'époque préamarnienneDegremont, Audrey 23 May 2015 (has links)
Les études sur la nécropole thébaine durant le Nouvel Empire se sont surtout concentrées sur le début de la 18ème dynastie et l’époque ramesside (19-20èmes dynasties) et ont permis de définir les caractéristiques propres aux tombes de ces époques. Ces deux périodes sont séparées par une période mouvementée dans le domaine religieux :l’épisode amarnien (règne d’Akhenaton) qui se caractérise par la focalisation du culte sur le dieu solaire Aton.<p>Bien que les idées de l’époque amarnienne aient été longtemps considérées comme innovantes et révolutionnaires, des études récentes ont montré que les règnes précédents (Thoutmosis IV et Amenhotep III) ont davantage servi comme terreau de ces nouvelles conceptions. Or, malgré l’importance de ces deux règnes, les tombes privées de cette époque n’ont reçu que peu d’attention.<p>Notre recherche portera donc sur les tombes datant des règnes de Thoutmosis IV et Amenhotep III et sera réalisée dans une optique d’anthropologie religieuse afin d’analyser les croyances et les pratiques religieuses transparaissant dans le programme iconographique et textuel ainsi que dans l’agencement architectural. Nous souhaitons ainsi montrer comment ces divers moyens d’expression sont combinés pour produire une signification.<p>Notre étude permettrait donc de mettre en évidence les éléments distinctifs des tombes de l’époque Thoutmosis IV-Amenhotep III (qui forment la transition entre les tombes du début de la 18ème dynastie et celles de l’époque ramesside) et d'expliquer, grâce à l'étude des pratiques du mythe mises en oeuvre dans ces monuments, l’évolution des conceptions religieuses sous ces deux règnes, en faisant sortir l’étude des mythes du cadre strictement narratif qui lui est généralement donné en égyptologie. C’est donc en tant que discours complexe sur une réalité complexe, selon les termes de L. Couloubaritsis, que nous approcherons ces tombes en mettant en dialectique l’espace, l’écrit et l’image. / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Service brand equity in developing economies : the case of Egyptian banking sectorHegazy, Ahmed Elsayed Galal January 2014 (has links)
The brand equity concept is one of the most significant concepts for branding and marketing and its model and measurement have interested many academics and practitioners. Most of the research on brand equity has focused on physical goods, with a dearth of studies on the service sector in general and particularly in the banking sector. The dearth of research in this area appears paradox as branding could be argued to play a distinctive role particularly in the service sector. This is because strong brands increase consumers' trust of the imperceptible purchase and reduce their perceived monetary, social, or safety risk in buying services, which are difficult to evaluate prior to purchase and for which it sometimes takes a long time after purchase to confirm the brand promise. Consequently, many scholars have called for an investigation of brand equity in the service sector. In addition, most of the research on brand equity has focused on developed countries which would suggest a regional focus on developing countries. To sum up, despite the importance of brand equity in the service sector, there is lack of empirical evidence in the service sector in general and specifically in the banking sector, particularly for developing economies. Furthermore, there is lack of studies that examined and compared service brand equity across bank type (local public, local private and foreign banks) to provide a benchmark especially for foreign banks. Contributing to scholarly attempts to fill the gaps in the brand equity literature. this thesis examines consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) in the Egyptian banking sector in general and based on each bank type: public, private and foreign. In addition, the study aims to find out the similarities and differences on brand equity based on bank type. The regional context of the study is Egypt As the largest Arab country and the entry point for the Middle East and Africa Egypt appeared to be of high practical relevance and be a suitable regional research context. Unlike previous researches, a mixed method approach was employed to achieve the research aims. Qualitative data was used to triangulate the quantitative data and gaining a richer understanding of the quantitative findings. Four hundred and sixty-eight self-administered questionnaires were collected by offline and online modes, and 14 semi-structured face-to-face interviews provided details about how consumers perceived consumer-based brand equity in Egyptian banking. Data was analysed using SPSS19. Different types of statistical applications were used, such as descriptive analysis, factor analysis and multiple regressions. Content analysis using NVivo10 software was used to analyse the interview data. The main findings reveal that CBBE is applicable in the Egyptian banking sector. The results show that brand awareness, reliable staff, brand association and brand loyalty are the most effective variables on overall value of brand equity in the Egyptian banking sector, while within public banks, reliable staff, brand association and brand loyalty have the most influence on the overall value of brand equity. However, private and foreign banks share the same variables which affect the overall value of brand equity; these variables are brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand personality. The findings reveal that there is a significant difference between public banks and private and foreign banks; however, there is no significant difference between private and foreign banks. The qualitative findings support and add meaning to the quantitative results. The current research contributes to knowledge in the field of service brand equity research and extend our understanding in developing economics and adding to the debate on the area of brand equity. Furthermore, it contributes methodologically by using mixed methods and mixed modes (offline and online). In addition, the study overcomes the limitations of previous studies in three ways. Firstly, different types of brand association were incorporated and real consumers were approached rather than relying on students’ samples. Secondly, perceived quality was measured using the SERVPERF scale, providing a more comprehensive quality measure than many studies. Thirdly, the data were collected from Egypt, which as a developing country establishes an underresearched regional context. Therefore, as is the case in many developing countries, there were many challenges involved in the data collection process. Based on the results, the study provides a number of pratical contributions: It offers a manageable scale ‘‘tool kit'' for managers in the banking sector, regardless of type of bank, to create, maintain and improve their brand equity. It also provides guidelines that public, private and foreign banks could use to compare their performance with competitors. The study emphasizes the importance of building and developing brand awearness for private and foreign banks. As the service encounter is the “moment of truth” and is one of the most important determinants of brand equity, public banks should place more emphasis on their internal branding as well as on external consumers. Top management should invest in cultivating their brand values to their employees, particularly front-line employees, as they will deliver them to consumers through the service encounter. Another interesting finding with practical relevance was that although the majority of banks in Egypt has online banking services, most of the study respondents did not use them, therefore they might be well advised to collaborate with the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) to organise a campaign to cultivate trust in the country’s online banking infrastructure and promote the advantages of using it. Online banking could be one of the solutions to overcrowding and long queues in public banks and improve the quality of the service provided which will lead to consumers’ satisfaction and increase the level of brand equity. Most consumers of public banks perceived their banks as the only secure banks guaranteed by the Egyptian government. Similarly to promoting the use of online banking, there is a need to develop a better public awareness of the role of the CBE in supervising all banks in Egypt regardless of their type. This will ensure fair and equal opportunities for all banks, which will foster real competition and hence is argued to affect the quality of the service provided. Despite the research achieved its planned objectives, as any social research, it has certain constraints and limitations. These limitations could offer opportunities for future research to address. Firstly, due the lack of detailed information about the study population, this research used a convenience sample of induvadul commercial bank consumers in the Greater Cairo. Future research could employ probability sampling if possible. Moreover, future studies could cover more cities in Egypt, not only the Greater Cairo area (even though the focus on this area has been discussed and justified in the thesis). Secondly, although the importance of CBBE has been analysed mainly from a consumer perspective it might be useful to examine service brand equity from the points of view of employees (managers and front-line) in banks in order to gain a better and comprehensive understanding from both perspectives. Thirdly, while this study examined and compared CBBE in diffrent bank types (public, private and foreign) in Egypt. It is suggested that a comparison could be made based on the top bank in each types, as this could give more specific recommendations for these banks. Fourthly, due to limitations of time and funds, future reseach could examine and compare CBBE in different services sectors and in different countries. Fifthly, this study focused on commercial banks in Egypt in general without distinguish between Islamic and conventional banks. Therefore, future research could carefully distinguish between Islamic and conventional banks and compare CBBE across them to gain a better understanding of the differences and similarities. Sixthly, it could be worth comparing the CBBE of foreign banks when they operate overseas (e.g., Barclays Bank and HSBC).
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Profiling Punt : using trade relations to locate 'God's Land'Glenister, Catherine Lucy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Ancient Studies)--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / The geographical location of Punt has been the subject of much scholarly controversy for years.
Numerous locations have been provided, favouring either regions in southern Arabia or East
Africa. The latter being the more accepted theory in this case. Locating the region of Punt is
linked to the foreign trade relations of Egypt during the Dynastic period. The practices that
governed the Egyptian economy and thus its trade relations are studied, along with textual
translations and visual sources in order to determine the kind of contact Egypt had with Punt, the
trade relations between these two regions and the commodities they traded. These things
determine the landscape that Puntites traversed, providing a profile of their habitat, the people
that lived in it and thus a possible location for the region, which is believed to encompass the
Gash Delta, on the borders of modern day Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan.
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