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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les vêtements dans l'univers funéraire de l'Egypte pharaonique : recherches lexicographiques et iconographiques d'après les textes des Pyramides / Clothes in world funerary of ancient Egypt

Romion, Jennifer 13 December 2013 (has links)
Les Textes des Pyramides empruntent au répertoire de la vie quotidienne des Anciens Egyptiens bon nombre de vocables, faisant de ces objets a priori profanes des attributs divins ou encore des éléments d’un viatique funéraire accompagnant le défunt lors de son « ascension ». Le cas des artefacts textiles (vêtements et habits) est particulièrement riche.En reprenant l’identification de chaque item, d’un point de vue tant iconographique que lexicographique, et en tenant compte du contexte d’utilisation, il est possible de comprendre ce qui motiva sa présence : traditions institutionnelles héritées des premières dynasties, significations théologiques ou simples préoccupations fonctionnelles. / The Pyramid Texts borrow from the daily life of Ancient Egyptian a lot of words,making those objects a priori profane to divine attributes or components of funeraryequipment accompanying the deceased during his ascension. The case of textile artifacts(clothes and garments) is particularly affluent.By resuming the identification of each item, on a point of view so iconographical aslexicographical, and to take account of used context, it is able to understand what wasthe motivation of its : institutional lore inherited from first dynasty, theological senses orprivate functional preoccupations.

Den Fula Sanningen : En studie om definitionen av fulhet i forntidens Egypten / The Ugly Truth : A Study about the Definition of Ugliness in Ancient Egypt

Gröhn Nordin, Mimmi January 2019 (has links)
In Ancient Egypt, the concept of beauty is well-known and discussed by modern scholars. This concept is known from the old Egyptian language as ‘nfr’. In contrast to this, the term and concept of ancient Egyptian ugliness is neither understood nor analyzed. Since the Egyptians indeed had a perception of societal beauty, then logically, they would have had a perception of ugliness as well. This study aims to uncover the truth about the ugly and grotesque in ancient Egypt, questioning how this would have been expressed and manifested in Egyptian society. The research in this study is conducted through the hermeneutic method of comparison and analyzation, which of mostly is pictorial, however includes some textual evidence as well.

Entre Ghawazee, Awalim e Khawals : viajantes inglesas da Era Vitoriana e a “Dança do Ventre”

Assunção, Naiara Müssnich Rotta Gomes de January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata da percepção ocidental em relação à dança oriental a partir de relatos de seis viajantes inglesas que estiveram no Egito entre os anos de 1842 e 1876, período que abrange a dominação imperialista europeia no Oriente Médio. Têm-se como referenciais teóricos o conceito de “Orientalismo”, cunhado por Edward Said, e a crítica posterior realizada por feministas pós-coloniais e decoloniais. Assim, analiso estes relatos a partir de uma perspectiva interseccional, considerando-se os recortes de gênero, raça e classe que influenciaram as representações tecidas por mulheres europeias sobre homens e, sobretudo, mulheres egípcias. Examino de que modo estas representações impactaram tanto nas identidades inglesas quanto egípcias e de que maneira elas transformaram a dança que era praticada no Egito e que, a partir do contato dado no contexto colonial, se transnascionalizou e hoje é percebida como “Dança do Ventre” (em português), “Bellydance” (em inglês), “Danse du Ventre” (em francês) e “Raqs Sharqi” (em árabe). / This research investigates the Western perception of Eastern dance based on the study of the accounts of six British women who traveled to Egypt between 1842 and 1876, a period that encompasses European imperialist domination in the Middle East. The theoretical references include the concept of "Orientalism", coined by Edward Said, and the subsequent criticism by postcolonial and decolonial feminists. Thus, I analyze these reports from an intersectional perspective, considering the categories of gender, race and class that influenced the representations made by European women about men and, above all, Egyptian women. I examine how these representations impacted both English and Egyptian identities and how they transformed the dance that was practiced in Egypt, which, from the contact given in the colonial context, became transnational and is now perceived as “Dança do Ventre” (in Portuguese) “Bellydance” (in English), “Danse du Ventre” (in French) and “Raqs Sharqi” (in Arabic).

Estudo sobre a iconografia de Ápis durante o período faraônico / Study on the Apis bull iconography during the pharaonic period

Duarte, Cássio de Araújo 15 April 2010 (has links)
A partir de uma ampla documentação que abrange diversas categorias de suportes materiais e imagens datadas do período faraônico, este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender as mudanças na representação, concepção e simbolismo do touro Ápis e sua significância em rituais da realeza e enquanto divindade para a sociedade egípcia como um todo. / Based on a large documentation that compreend many kinds of material supports and images dated from the Pharaonic Period, this work aims to understand the changes on the representation, conception and symbolism of the Apis bull and its significance in kingship rituals and as a deity to the Egyptian society as a whole.

Os escribas e a cultura mnemônica: status e intermediação de práticas culturais no reino médio egípcio / The scribes and the mnemonic culture: status and intermediation of social practices in the Middle Kingdom Egypt

Érika Rodrigues de Maynart Ramos 27 April 2018 (has links)
Durante o Reino Médio (c. 2040 1650 a.C), os escribas se autorreferenciaram como um grupo que não servia apenas aos interesses administrativos, mas também à demanda por um meio culto e educado da sociedade. Através deles, circulariam a propaganda real e doutrinação peculiares ao programa cultural daquele período para garantir a lealdade aos faraós. Entretanto, esse foi só mais um dos muitos aspectos e usos da literatura naquele contexto. O enaltecimento da realeza foi combinado ao caráter moralizador e à autorreferência do ofício dos escribas que compuseram os textos exortativos. Conhecidos como instruções, os textos literários em questão traziam referências da cultura oral egípcia que afirmava valores considerados positivos para a vida em sociedade e para o bom desenvolvimento do indivíduo. Mas também tratavam das tensões vividas em questões políticas e socioculturais. A escritura dos textos disseminou na memória cultural da sociedade egípcia referenciais identitários dos escribas que foram transmitidos através de gerações. A articulação entre manutenção das tradições da sociedade e a disseminação dos novos ideais régios se deu pela agência dos escribas, contribuindo para a atualização do seu status. / During the Middle Kingdom (ca. 2040 - 1650 B.C.), scribes self-referenced as a group serving not only administrative interests, but also the demand for a cultured and educated group of the society. Through them, they would circulate the royal propaganda and indoctrination peculiar to the periods cultural program in order to ensure loyalty to the pharaohs. However, this was just one of many aspects and uses of literature in that context. The uplifting of royalty was combined with the moral character and self-reference to the craft of the scribes that composed the exhortative texts. Known as instructions, the literary texts in question broght references to the Egyptian oral culture which affirmed values considered positive for life in society and for the individuals good development. But they also dealt with the tensions experienced in political and socio-cultural issues. The writing of the texts disseminated in the cultural memory of Egyptian society the identity references of the scribes that were transmitted through generations. The articulation between maintaining the traditions of society and the dissemination of the new royal ideals were given through the agency of the scribes, contributing to the update of their status.

Muslimska brödraskapets seger och fall i Egypten under somrarna 2012 och 2013 : I svenska och turkiska onlineartiklar med hänsyn till Douglas M. McLeods normativa riktlinjer

Yalcin, Özgur January 2018 (has links)
The essay aims at presenting how Swedish and Turkish media, in the light of Douglas M. McLeod's "Protest paradigm", covered the victory and defeat of Muslim Brotherhood between June 2012 and July 2013. To achieve this, I have applied discursive text- and semiotic image analysis on eight specific online articles from Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet, Zaman and Milliyet. The results show that the selected material do not live up to the absolute potential of protest coverage.

Educating for global citizenship in Egypt's private sector : a critical study of cosmopolitanism among the Egyptian student elite

El-Badawy, Emman Seif El Din January 2017 (has links)
In an age of globalisation, conflicting identities and cultures continue to remain a source of seemingly intractable conflict. Educative interventions are meanwhile increasing in trend among academics, politicians and multilateral aid organisations. Each regard education as a long-term solution to contemporary social and security issues. Supporting literature on the relationship between education and identity suggests that formal education has a powerful influence on students’ outlook on life, their loyalties and their identities. This premise suggests that when questioned about global issues, Egyptian students who attend international schools within their own country of origin should show more signs of cosmopolitanism and global mindedness than their nationally educated peers. Yet, contrary findings to that of prevailing discourse suggest that education’s ability to shape values and loyalties is likely overemphasised when placed in the context of foreign curricula and international education. At times, students of international schools involved in this study showed more signs of nationalism than their nationally educated counterparts, and presented as equally traditional, conservative and ‘anti-West’ as their compatriots. The thesis thus argues that when education is placed within an international framework, its ability to socialise is significantly weakened, as it is faced with considerable firewalls that are yet to be adequately acknowledged in the discussion of post-national citizenship education. Using a combination of interpretative and critical research methods, rich and original qualitative data was gathered on attitudes and lifestyles of elite Egyptians enrolled at a variety of Egypt’s private international schools. Twenty-two international school educated Egyptian students, and a control group of 21 nationally educated Egyptian students of the same socio-economic background were invited to participate in specially tailored one-to-one interviews to measure their degree of cosmopolitan attitudes. Supplementary participant observations of Egyptian families actively involved in Egypt’s international education community were also conducted to consider the complementarity of the students’ home lives with their school lives. Focus groups were held with students of international schools to determine their views and attitudes towards global issues and other communities. All findings from this research were assessed alongside large-scale values surveys including the World Values Surveys and the Arab Youth Surveys. With the large sample size of pre-existing opinion polls, and the unique isolation of curriculum type as an independent variable in this study, it was possible to assess the transformative impact that an international education plays in the expression of values and beliefs of Egyptian students. The findings of this thesis have multidisciplinary value. For political science readers, the study offers a critical and epistemological analysis of concepts of cosmopolitanism, Westernisation, globalisation and global citizenship. For readers of the Middle East, it is a study into Egyptian youth today and their conflicting identities and loyalties. The Egyptian experience of private international schools and foreign investment is representative of a regional trend, and valuable to those wishing to consider competing narratives for identity in twenty-first century Middle East societies. Finally, it is a study that has an added value to educationists as it explores the role education plays on identity, and more specifically the role of international schools on globalisation and international mindedness. The growing trend of research and analysis that focuses on increased global connectedness and a culturally converging world makes this thesis an important and timely contribution. In an effort to extend the debate beyond the prevailing macro-analyses of change through globalisation, this thesis stresses the importance of looking at global interconnectivity at the micro-level, and particularly how young people navigate and negotiate their identity within the context of increasingly transnational spaces. Through this endeavour, it has reached a critical evaluation of our current understanding of a ‘post-national’ future, through the attitudes and opinions of some of today’s internationally educated generation.

Os filhos da Núbia : cultura e deslocamentos na África antiga sob a XVIII dinastia egípcia (1550-1307 a. C) / The children of Nubia: Culture and displacements in Ancient Africa under the Egyptian Eighteenth Dynasty (1550-1307 a. C)

Vieira, Fábio Amorim January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho objetiva analisar alguns reflexos em torno das relações tecidas entre o Egito faraônico e a Núbia na antiguidade africana, focando especificamente na política expansionista faraônica no período da XVIII dinastia, prelúdio do recorte denominado pela egiptologia de Reino Novo, em relação à Núbia, vizinha do Egito a sul e composta por reinos e chefaturas heterogêneos. Neste contexto, marcado pelo avanço egípcio a áreas geograficamente adjacentes sob desígnios de expansão e controle político, tanto o Egito quanto as áreas núbias viram-se imersas em novas realidades a partir da presença de egípcios nos territórios núbios bem como de núbios no espaço egípcio no período em questão. Foco desta análise, um exemplo destes reflexos de expansão faraônica na Núbia e presença núbia no Egito deu-se a partir da política egípcia de apresamento de filhos de chefes núbios na corte, com o intuito de educa-los aos moldes egípcios para que retornassem a seus locais de origem para governar de acordo com o faraó, sob conexões administrativas de convívio social. A partir de aportes que busquem compreender os limites e porosidades da imposição do domínio faraônico sobre a Núbia, almeja-se investigar na cultura material concernente a estes herdeiros núbios reflexos dos interstícios entre diferenças e engajamentos destes sujeitos sob deslocamentos em um cenário de movimentação cultural nas fronteiras do espaço núbio/egípcio da antiguidade africana.

Créer la solidarité transnationale à travers le visuel à l’ère des médias sociaux. Une enquête sur la seconde révolution égyptienne / Creating transnational solidarity through the visual in the era of social media - A study of the second Egyptian Revolution

Kihlgren Grandi, Lorenzo 21 December 2017 (has links)
Est-il possible de construire à travers Internet un sentiment solidaire transnational vis-à-vis des revendications politiques restreintes à un cadre strictement national ? Quels liens peuvent naître et se déployer dans ce but de solidarité ? Quels sont alors les dispositifs technologiques et les espaces communicationnels à disposition, comment l’information se diffuse-t-elle et trouve-t-elle un public, et enfin de quelle manière est-il possible d’en mesurer l’impact ? La thèse tente de répondre à ces questions à l'aune de la seconde révolution égyptienne de 2013 qui a provoqué la chute du gouvernement de Morsi. Dans un climat national de forte polarisation politique, cette révolution a été accompagnée par une vague d’activisme en ligne : au sein des réseaux sociaux se sont ainsi développés des espaces virtuels d‘information, de coordination et de débats. Or, parmi ces espaces, certains ont pour vocation de susciter une réponse solidaire de la part d’une audience étrangère éloignée des événements politiques en Égypte et de ses enjeux. Pour donner à comprendre une telle communication transnationale, ce travail fait dialoguer un portrait socio-historique des jeunes protagonistes de la vague révolutionnaire égyptienne avec une description analytique des mécanismes visuels de communication de la page Facebook Operation Egypt dont la résonnance dans les espaces virtuels a été remarquable. Cette double perspective répond au désir de saisir les causes profondes de l’activisme en ligne de la jeunesse égyptienne « connectée » afin d’appréhender conjointement un contexte historique particulièrement marqué par une volonté de changement politique et l’avènement d’une rencontre liant étroitement la contestation juvénile et les nouvelles technologies d’information. Enfin, la thèse pose un regard sur la construction d’une solidarité transnationale connectée. Le travail de terrain présente une approche expérimentale mixte, qualitative et quantitative. Du côté qualitatif, une démarche sémiologique a été développée pour analyser les œuvres visuelles contestataires expressément conçues pour circuler sur les médias sociaux et faire l’objet d’une diffusion transnationale. Du côté quantitatif, les données recueillies visent à documenter la portée des différentes formes d’interaction virtuelle nationale et internationale engendrées par ces contenus.L’enquête menée permet enfin d’intégrer une réflexion sur la fonction de cette typologie d’espaces virtuels comme media de discussion publique et leur contribution à l’émergence d’une sphère publique transnationale. / Is it possible to build a transnational sense of solidarity across the Internet with regards to strictly national political demands? What links can arise and be deployed towards achieving solidarity? What are the technological devices and communication spaces available, and how does information spread and find its audience? Finally, how is it possible to measure the impact of such dynamics?This thesis attempts to answer these questions in light of the second Egyptian Revolution of 2013 that led to the fall of the Morsi government. In a national climate marked by strong political polarization, this revolution was accompanied by a wave of online activism: virtual spaces of information, coordination and debate unfolded within social networks. Among these spaces, some were intended to elicit a desire for solidarity from a foreign audience distant from the political events in Egypt and its issues.To help understand such transnational communication, this work combines a socio-historical portrait of the Egyptian Revolution’s young protagonists with an analytical description of the visual communication mechanisms of Operation Egypt – a Facebook page that had vast impact in virtual spaces. This dual perspective responds to a desire to grasp the root causes of the online activism of Egypt’s “connected” youth in order to jointly apprehend a historical context particularly marked by a desire for political change, as well as the advent of a closely linked encounter between juvenile protest and new information technology. Finally, this thesis focuses on the construction of connected transnational solidarity.The fieldwork presents a mixed, qualitative and quantitative experimental approach. On the qualitative side, a semiological approach has been developed to analyze the visual works of protest expressly conceived to transnationally circulate on social media. On the quantitative side, the data collected is intended to document the scope of the various forms of national and international virtual interaction generated by this content.Finally, this study allows us to integrate a reflection on the function of this typology of virtual spaces as the media of public discussion and their contribution to the emergence of a transnational public sphere.

Investigating Postpartum Depression in Southern Rural Egypt and Effects of Sertraline on Fsh and Lh Gene Expression on Fathead Minnows Using Rt-pcr

Mohamed, Hagar Abdo 05 1900 (has links)
Postpartum depression (PPD) is a major health problem that affects many women worldwide. In Egypt, PPD is neglected despite the expected high prevalence rate among women during the transition period after the Egyptian revolution. This research investigated the prevalence, risk factors, and interventions of postpartum depression in southern rural Egypt. Interviews were conducted with 57 participants recruited from public and private hospitals. Questionnaires and the Arabic version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale were administered. The prevalence of PPD is 73.7%. PPD is associated with low income and age at childbirth. Most participants regarded screening mothers after childbirth for PPD as effective; in comparison to, antidepressants that were regarded by most participants as ineffective. Women in southern rural Egypt prefer high number of pregnancies, so investigating the influence of sertraline, an antidepressant medication, on female hormones becomes important. In this research, fathead minnows were exposed to 3 and 10 ppb sertraline for 7 days. Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction was used to detect the change in gene expression of the Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Results showed that a down regulation at the 10 ppb was evident on the LH and to a lesser extent on FSH. Our results increased levels of sertraline inhibited GnRH which influenced expression of LH and FSH.

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