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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Explaining water governance in Egypt : actors, mechanisms and challenges

Lasheen, W. January 2019 (has links)
This thesis adopts a governance theoretical framework to analyse and explain the complex and non-linear nature of water governance arrangements in Egypt. Drawing on empirical data collected from fieldwork with key water stakeholders in Egypt, and using a documentary analysis of the major water policy documents, the thesis examines the interplay dynamics between water agents and structures at national, regional and international levels. The work rests on the observation that water governance arrangements in Egypt have changed over the last two decades to denote an ever-growing role for non-state actors. The historic domination and monopoly of state actors in water policy decisions is no longer suitable for addressing the emerging water challenges. Consequently, the water crisis in Egypt is perceived as a governance issue that calls for the collaboration of state and non-state actors. In order to inform the ontological, epistemological and methodological basis of the thesis, the governance analytic framework is combined with theoretical insights from structure-agency accounts. By combining theoretical and empirical enquiry, this work attempts to contribute to and advance beyond the existing literature in three ways. First, it offers one of the first attempts to organise an empirical in-depth case study analysis of the water governance arrangements in Egypt using a multi-level structure-agency framework. Second, it provides a systematic examination and mapping-out of the new water governance systems in Egypt. Third, it presents a rigorous evaluation of the impact of water governance regimes at the regional and international levels on water policy decisions at the national level. Following on from the case study analysis, and guided by the developed theoretical framework, this research has concluded that the Egyptian water governance is dominated by powerful and influential government water bodies. Therefore, any attempt to change existing governance arrangements has to be very carefully planned, taking into account the interaction between water policy agents and the existing water structure. Thus, this thesis will appeal to a diverse audience, including public policy and water governance scholars as well as water experts and policy makers.

Taxation et société à Edfou, des Ptolémées aux Romains : d’après les ostraca démotiques / Taxation and Society in Edfu, from the Ptolemies to the Romans : from the demotic ostraca

Vignot-Kott, Déborah 15 July 2016 (has links)
À partir d’un corpus d’ostraca démotiques largement inédits, cette thèse se propose d’étudier la fiscalité et la société de la ville d’Edfou, Apollonopolis Magna, capitale du IIème nome de Haute-Égypte, aux époques ptolémaïque et romaine (IIIème s. a.C. – Ier s. p.C.). Les documents rassemblés dans le corpus ont été en partie mis au jour lors des fouilles franco-polonaises effectuées sur le Tell Edfou à la fin des années 1930. Ces ostraca sont, pour la majorité d’entre eux, aujourd’hui conservés au service des Archives de l’Ifao, au Caire. Les principaux résultats de cette étude concernent la fiscalité. L’étude de riches dossiers fiscaux associée à certains outils conceptuels de la Nouvelle Histoire Fiscale ont permis de clarifier les modes de perception de certaines taxes (taxe de la nécropole notamment). Les documents étudiés apportent également un nouvel éclairage sur le débat historiographique concernant la capitation romaine comme création ex nihilo ou non d’Auguste. Le chapitre final de la synthèse s’intéresse à la composition de la société à Edfou : les différentes activités économiques dont témoignent les textes, ainsi que les différents groupes ethniques ou encore la place des femmes dans les documents y sont abordés. / This PhD dissertation, based on a corpus of mainly unpublished demotic ostraca, deals with taxes and the society in the town of Edfu, Apollinopolis Magna, capital of the IInd province of Upper Egypt, during Ptolemaic and Roman times (IIIrd c. BC – Ist c. AD). The texts gathered here have been excavated during the french-polish excavations in Tell Edfu at the end of the 1930s. This ostraca are nowadays, for the most part, kept within the Archives department of the Ifao (Cairo). The main results of this work deal with taxation. The study of the fiscal dossiers enriched by some tools of the New Fiscal History lead to a better understanding of the tax collect (concerning the necropolis tax in particular). The texts also bring new arguments in the debate regarding the roman capitation, laographia, and whether or not it was a purely Augustean innovation. The last chapter of the dissertation deals with the composition of the society. Several economic activities mentioned in the ostraca, as well as the different ethnic groups represented and the status of women will be dealt with

Les chaouabtis royaux et le développement de l’au-delà égyptien : la royauté et la religion des particuliers / The royal shabtis and the development of the egyptian afterlife : the kingship and the private’s religion

Alfieri Gama-Rolland, Cintia 05 March 2016 (has links)
Les statuettes funéraires égyptiennes dites chaouabtis ou, à partir de la XXIe dynastie, ouchabtis, comptent parmi les artefacts les plus couramment laissés par les Égyptiens anciens. On considère généralement qu’elles servent à conserver magiquement l’intégrité corporelle du défunt, ou à se substituer à lui lors des travaux agricoles obligatoires dans l’au-delà, ce qui explique la figuration d’outils. Aussi un certain nombre de questions sont posées par l’étude des exemplaires royaux. Pourquoi un pharaon, exempté de tout travail agricole de son vivant, aurait-il besoin de se faire représenter avec des outils, ou avoir des serviteurs travaillant pour accomplir ses corvées dans l’au-delà ? Si, comme l’affirme la théorie de la « démocratisation », la religion égyptienne se diffuse de la royauté à l'élite, puis au peuple de manière générale, comment expliquer que l’usage des chaouabtis semble se développer en sens inverse ? Cette recherche regroupe pour la première fois les chaouabtis royaux du Nouvel Empire dans un catalogue raisonné, sans se limiter au simple recensement, en insérant ces artefacts dans leur contexte religieux, social et politique, avec pour objectif de mieux appréhender les mouvements internes à la société égyptienne. / The Egyptian funerary statuettes, known as shabtis, or as from the XXIst dynasty, ushabtis, are among the most commonly artefacts left by ancient Egyptians. It is generally considered that they served to magically conserve the bodies of the deceased, or to replace them on mandatory agricultural chores in the afterlife, which would explain the presence of tools. A certain amount of questions are also raised while studying the royal figurines. Why does a pharaoh, exempt from all agricultural tasks while living, would need the representation of tools, or of servants working to accomplish their chores, in the afterlife? If, as stated by the theory of « democratization », the Egyptian religion diffuses itself from the royalty to the elite, and then to the people as a whole, how does one explain that the use of shabtis seems to develop itself the other way around? This research gathers for the first time the royal shabtis from the New Kingdom in a catalogue, without limiting itself to simply listing the articles, but putting the artefacts in their religious, social and political contexts, aiming to better apprehend the movements inside the Egyptian society.

Calculating Futures: Calculating Futures: Debt, Markets, and the Science of Prices in Colonial Egypt, 1882-1912

Primel, Casey Terry January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation explores the social and material arrangements in which the cotton market emerged as an object of social scientific inquiry and liberal government in Egypt during the first three decades of the British occupation (1882-1912). This new figuration of the cotton market did not emerge as the natural unfolding of a universal modernity, economic rationality or the inherent logic of capital. Instead, as this study demonstrates, it was a much more earthly affair. In the wake of financial and ecological crises, the colonial elite allied themselves with economists to embed new technologies of calculation into the Egyptian countryside. In the process, they reconfigured what a market was.

Cultura e poder na Alexandria romana / Culture and power in the Roman Alexandria

Climaco, Joana Campos 27 April 2007 (has links)
O objetivo da presente dissertação é investigar um conjunto de pequenos fragmentos de papiros alexandrinos nomeado Acta Alexandrinorum. Os escritos narram episódios referentes à Alexandria nos dois primeiros séculos de Império Romano. Foram, no entanto, encontrados em diferentes locais do Egito, fato que sugere uma moderada circulação dos escritos na região. A hipótese é que um estruturado e coeso grupo de cidadãos alexandrinos do Ginásio, de ascendência grega e origem nobre, utilizaram-se dos escritos para manifestar suas insatisfações ao poder imperial. Pretendiam, com os relatos, criar um clima de resistência aos romanos e, ao mesmo tempo, exaltar a importância de Alexandria naquele universo, delimitando também uma identidade alexandrina restrita aos seus elementos de maior distinção. E mais: desejavam marcar a indignação quanto aos vizinhos judeus, que estariam ameaçando alguns direitos antes restritos ao grupo. Através dos textos, pode-se analisar como a romanização foi recebida e entendida pelos alexandrinos. Além disso, a documentação lança luz sobre elementos diversos da vida cívica e social da cidade e nos permite avaliar a sua importância no contexto imperial. / The aim of this dissertation is to investigate a group of small Alexandrian fragments of papyrus named Acta Alexandrinorum. The texts narrate episodes concerning Alexandria in the two first centuries of Roman Empire. But they were found in different places of Egypt, fact that suggests a moderate circulation of the writings in the region. The hypothesis is that a structured and limited group of Alexandrian citizens from the gymnasium, of Greek ascendance and noble birth, would use the writings to express their feelings of dissatisfaction to the Imperial power. They intended, with the accounts, to create an atmosphere of resistance to the Romans, and at the same time, to exalt the importance of Alexandria in that universe and also, to delimit an Alexandrian identity that should be restricted to their elements of higher distinction. Besides that, they also longed to emphasize the indignation to their Jewish neighbors, which were 8 threatening some rights that were before limited to their group. Through the texts, we can analyze how Romanization was received and understood by the Alexandrians. Besides that, the documents illustrate several elements of the civic and social life of the city and help to evaluate its importance in the imperial context.

Contribution à l'étude de la céramique médiévale égyptienne. Chrono-typologie des céramiques issues des fouilles de la muraille ayyoubide du Caire (fin Xe – début XVIe siècles) / Contribution to egyptian medieval ceramics study. Chrono-typology of ceramics from the excavations of the Ayyubid wall of Cairo (end of 10th-early 16th century)

Monchamp, Julie 23 November 2011 (has links)
Lors des fouilles archéologiques menées le long de la muraille médiévale du Caire, entreprises par l'organisationAga Khan Cultural Services et l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale entre 2000 et 2009, une importantequantité de céramiques a été mise au jour. L'objectif de cette étude est de caractériser les productions decéramiques communes et glaçurées et d'établir une chrono-typologie de ces céramiques de l'époque fatimide (finXe siècle) au début de l'époque ottomane (début XVIe siècle), à partir des données fournies par le terrain. Dansune première partie, sont décrits les contextes archéologiques dont proviennent les céramiques, puis, sontdéfinis les différents types de pâtes. Il a semblé nécessaire de présenter également une sélection d'assemblagespour chaque période, bien calés chronologiquement grâce à l'analyse stratigraphique du terrain. La partessentielle de ce travail constitue la seconde partie, présentée sous la forme d'un catalogue morphologique de lacéramique commune et des productions de céramiques glaçurées locales et importées. Cette classification estorganisée de manière chronologique et complétée d'éventuelles comparaisons avec d'autres sites. La troisièmepartie est consacrée à l'évolution chronologique et à la proportion de chaque forme et et de chaque productionglaçurée ainsi qu'aux caractéristiques générales de la céramique pour chaque époque (fatimide, ayyoubide etmamelouke). Un développement plus particulier concerne certaines productions, locales ou importées, qui lesrelie, lorsque cela était possible, à un contexte historique, sociologique ou économique. / During the archaeological excavations along the medieval walls of Cairo, undertaken by Aga Khan CulturalServices and the French Institut of Oriental Archeology in Cairo between 2000 and 2009, a large amount ofpottery has been discovered. The purpose of this study is to characterize the production of the coarse and glazedpottery, and to establish a chrono-typolology of these ceramics from the Fatimid period (late tenth century) to thebeginning of the Ottoman period (early sixteenth century), with the data provided by the site. In the first part, thearcheological contexts of the ceramics are described then, the different types of paste are defined. It seemednecessary too to present a selection of layers for each period dated thanks to the stratigraphic analysis of thesite. The essential part of this work is the second part, presented as a morphological catalogue of commonceramics and the production of local and imported glazed ceramics. This classification is organizedchronologically and supplemented with possible comparisons on other sites. The third part is devoted to thechronological development and the proportion of each shape and each production of glazed ware as well as tothe general characteristics of ceramics for each period (Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk). A more specific part dealswith certain productions, local or imported, which connects them, when possible, to as historical, sociological oreconomic context.

“I’m here because I am a Muslim” : A combined content- discourse analysis on the Swedish media coverage of Muslim-Christian relations in contemporary Egypt.

Vanhainen, Ida January 2018 (has links)
The media plays an important role in forming public opinion, in broad terms media reporting can be described a way of constructing meanings to social events and actions, both fixed and dynamic ones. An in-depth study of the media discourse will therefore allow us, not only to understand the conditions of modern media, but also complex social practises of meaning making. Given the growing importance of fair media representation in times of an ever-increasing globalisation this thesis aims at a better understanding of the Swedish media portrayal of the Egyptian Muslim-Christian relations. The research question is: How is the Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt discursively presented in contemporary printed Swedish news media? A question implying several secondary research questions concerning the way in which media messages are produced, shared and perceived. This thesis is divided in two parts: Primarily, a content analysis of all articles containing words “copts” and “Egypt” from Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter published in print during the last nine years. In this analysis, the source, length, type, topic and presence of women/men were quantified using manual coding and CATA. Based on the results from the content analysis, three article-categories were identified and four articles from these categories chosen for the second analysis, a Critical Discourse Analysis. This analysis builds on the methodological framework by Norman Fairclough as well as the theoretical framework about media representation developed by Stuart Hall and the orientalism discourse critique introduced by Edward Said. The combination of Content analysis and CDA was chosen due to the character of my research question and empirical material. Furthermore, this method triangulation contributed to a higher validity. The findings in this thesis showed us that orientalist discourses were present in a large part of the material, although not undisputed, something that was showed through a identification of three different discursive concepts that were used when portraying the Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt – the coexistence discourse, the complexity discourse and the clashing discourse. In accordance with the hypothesis, the formation of these discourses was proven to depend on a number of factors such as source, author, genre and length. However, the generalizability of this result was lowered by limited empirics and limits in methodology. Further research, building on larger material, on the discursive formation of similar types of media portrayal is therefore recommended.

Prêtres en Égypte ptolémaïque et romaine. Inventaire et analyse des sources papyrologiques grecques / Priests and temples in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt after the Greek papyrus documents

Bertrand, Aurore 15 October 2013 (has links)
L’Égypte grecque et romaine a conservé de nombreux papyrus grecs qui nous renseignent sur la vie économique, agricole, administrative et judiciaire des temples et par extension sur les activités de leurs desservants. Cette étude collecte ainsi dans une documentation exclusivement grecque, toutes les mentions des titres sacerdotaux égyptiens ainsi que toutesles références au temple (fêtes, cultes, sacrifices, construction, etc.) dans les corpus papyrologiques, tout en les documentant. L’analyse fonctionnelle et la classification des titres sacerdotaux a ensuite été complétée par un volume de Prosopographie regroupant, par titres, tous les prêtres de l’Égypte lagide et romaine. La recherche et l’analyse de ces documents papyrologiques illustrant des circonstances profanes témoignent ainsi des aléas de la vie quotidienne du monde religieux. / The Greek and Roman Egypt has preserved many Greek papyri which inform us about the administrative life, agricultural, administrative and judicial temples and by extension the activities of their priests. This study collected and an exclusively Greek documentation, all references to the temple (festival, worship, sacrifice, construction, etc.) in the papyrologicalcorpus, while documenting them. Functional analysis and classification of priestly titles was subsequently supplemented by a volume of Prosopographie grouping, for titles, all the priests of the Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt. Research and analysis of these papyrus documents illustrating profane circumstances and demonstrate the hazards of daily life of the religious world.

Do Islã à política: a expansão da sociedade dos irmãos muçulmanos no Egito (1936-1949) / From Islam to Politics: the expansion of the Society of the Muslim Brothers in Egypt (1936-1949)

Isabelle Christine Somma de Castro 12 September 2014 (has links)
A tese aborda a expansão da Sociedade dos Irmãos Muçulmanos (SIM) no Egito de 1936 a 1949, investigando as dinâmicas externas entendidas como fatores exógenos à organização que contribuíram para seu crescimento. A partir da análise de documentos secretos de autoridades diplomáticas britânicas, cujo acesso foi aberto recentemente no National Archives, em Londres, foram reunidas informações sobre o contexto político e social do período. Detalhes da estratégia de alianças com atores poderosos, das cisões e aproximações entre forças dominantes na política egípcia e da ingerência britânica em assuntos locais são explorados para elucidar a trajetória da SIM / This thesis discusses the expansion of the Society of the Muslim Brothers (SMB) of Egypt from 1936 to 1949, investigating factors external to the organization that contributed to its difusion. Information about the social and political context of the period was gathered from documents of British diplomatic authorities whose access to the public was recently opened at the National Archives in London. Details of strategic alliances with powerful actors, cleavages among dominant forces in Egyptian politics and British involvement in local issues are explored to elucidate SMB trajectory

Primavera árabe: a força da disseminação da informação pelo meio digital e sua forma de construção de sentido / Arab Spring: the strength of the dissemination of information by digital means and form of construction of meaning

Denise Bazzan 03 November 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida para examinar a articulação dos recursos de linguagem e seus efeitos de sentido e compreender o seu papel na transformação social que motivou, mobilizou e legitimou a Revolução Egípcia de 2011, um evento social do movimento popular Primavera Árabe, promovido na página do site de rede social Facebook denominado We Are All Khaled Said. Para isto, valemo-nos da abordagem metodológica da Teoria Social do Discurso, uma vertente da Análise de Discurso Crítica, desenvolvida por Norman Fairclough, que possibilitou o mapeamento da organização dos enunciados escolhidos ao corpus desta análise. / This research was conducted to examine the articulation of language features and their effects of meaning and understand their role in social transformation that motivated, mobilized and legitimized the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, a social event of the popular Arab Spring movement, promoted on the page social networking site Facebook called We Are All Khaled Said. For this, we used of the methodological approach of Social Discourse Theory, a branch of Critical Discourse Analysis, developed by Norman Fairclough, which enabled the mapping of the organization of the corpus utterances chosen this analysis.

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