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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo das alterações no desenvolvimento, no comportamento e na bioquímica cerebral de ratos machos adultos expostos à poluição atmosférica ambiental durante a fase intra-uterina e o período de lactação / Study of the alterations in the development, behavior and cerebral biochemistry of male rats exposed to the environmental atmospheric pollution in the intra-uterine phase

Ana Claudia Tedesco Zanchi 16 April 2010 (has links)
Estudos experimentais feitos em nosso laboratório comprovaram que a inalação de material particulado proveniente da queima de combustíveis fósseis utilizados em siderurgia pelos ratos adultos diminuiu a atividade motora dos animais no campo aberto. Além disso, provamos que os ratos habituaram ao ambiente desse teste, o que significa que a inalação desse tipo de material não provocou variação em termos de aprendizado simples. Uma das causas da alteração no comportamento em relação à motricidade seria o estresse oxidativo causado pelo material particulado no estriado e cerebelo desses animais. Entretanto, em nossa cidade não existem estudos que demonstrem a estreita associação entre inalação de poluentes, estresse oxidativo e alterações comportamentais. Baseados nos nossos trabalhos anteriores e na literatura, nosso objetivo foi investigar se a poluição atmosférica a nível ambiental durante as fases pré e pós-natal alteraria a memória discriminativa de curta-duração e a memória espacial. Além disso, avaliamos o papel do estresse oxidativo como o mecanismo propulsor dessas mudanças de comportamento. Para tal, ratas prenhas foram expostas ao ar filtrado e ao ar não filtrado durante os 21 dias de gestação. Ao final do período de amamentação, os machos foram separados e subdividos em 4 grupos experimentais (n=24): 1) Filtrado: nasceu e viveu em ambiente cujo ar era filtrado, 2) NFF: nasceu em ambiente cujo ar era não filtrado e viveu a partir do 21o dia do pós-natal no ambiente com ar filtrado, 3) FNF: nasceu sob ar filtrado e viveu a partir do 21o dia do pós-natal sob ar não filtrado, 4)NF: nasceu e viveu em ambiente cujo ar era não filtrado. Os animais ficaram expostos a poluição por 150 dias. Os animais foram divididos em 3 lotes: lote 1: n=6 animais por grupo; após anestesia profunda, os animais foram perfundidos com soro fisiológico seguido de paraformaldeído 4%, o encéfalo foi retirado e dissecado em córtex, hipocampo e estriado para análises histológicas por técnicas estereológicas; lote 2: n=12 ratos por grupo; aplicação dos testes comportamentais; um dia após os testes, esses animais foram eutanasiados por decapitação, o encéfalo retirado e dissecado da mesma forma citada anteriormente para análise de estresse oxidativo; lote 3: n=6 animais por grupo; os animais foram decapitados e o sangue troncular coletado para análises de elementos traço tóxicos e essenciais no sangue total. O córtex apresentou lipoperoxidação no grupo NF quando comparado aos outros grupos, assim como uma alta concentração de Cd no sangue. O grupo NFF apresentou uma maior concentração de Cu, Se e Zn no sangue em relação aos demais. Em relação à memória discriminativa de curta-duração, houve uma diminuição no grupo NF em relação aos demais grupos. No hipocampo e estriado, foi observado aumento da lipoperoxidação nos grupos FNF e NF, respectivamente, quando comparado aos outros grupos. Quanto à memória espacial, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos. Primeiramente, como pudemos observar, o cada estrutura encefálica apresenta uma resposta ao estresse oxidativo. O córtex do grupo NF apresentou aumento de lipoperoxidação. Como se sabe, o Cd é feto tóxico e passa via transplacentária adsorvido ao material particulado inalado pela mãe. No caso do grupo NF, o Cd possivelmente deslocou o Zn do sítio ativo da enzima CuZn superóxido dismutase formando forma inativada da mesma. O Cd, também, forma conjugado com duas moléculas de glutationa reduzida a fim de ser excretado pela bile. Isso reduz a sua capacidade antioxidante. Esse elemento traço desloca o Fe e o Cu dos sítios ativos das suas proteínas de armazenamento, a ferritina e a ceruplasmina, respectivamente. Esses dois elementos ficam livres para catalisar a reação de Fenton cujo produto é o radical hidroxil, extremamente tóxico para o organismo. O grupo NF apresentou uma diminuição na capacidade de discriminar dois objetos diferentes. Provavelmente, o Cd agiu de forma indireta diminuindo a capacidade antioxidante da CuZn superóxido dismutase e da glutationa, além de liberar Fe e Cu e aumentar a produção de radical hidroxil. O aumento da lipoperoxidação causado pelo Cd pode ser o mecanismo responsável pela perda desse tipo de memória. Entretanto, o grupo NFF, cuja exposição à poluição foi na fase pré-natal, não apresentou aumento na lipoperoxidação. Possivelmente, a alta concentração dos elementos traço essenciais, Cu, Zn e Se aumentou a atividade das enzimas CuZn superóxidodismutase e glutationa peroxidase, respectivamente, o que evitou danos oxidativos durante o período intra-uterino. O grupo FNF apresentou aumento de lipoperoxidação no hipocampo, mas não houve diferença na memória espacial testada com o labirinto de Morris modificado. Portanto, considerando todos os achados, concluímos que, possivelmente, o aumento da lipoperoxidação causado indiretamente pelo Cd pode ser um dos mecanismos responsáveis pela perda da capacidade da memória discriminativa de curta-duração. Além disso, os elementos traço essenciais exercem uma proteção via aumento das defesas antioxidantes dos animais que nasceram em ambiente poluído e, após 21 dias de vida, foram transferidos para o ambiente com o ar filtrado, o que demonstra, provavelmente, a existência de mecanismos antioxidantes de adaptação em ambientes inóspitos como forma de proteção contra o agente agressor durante o desenvolvimento do embrião. / Experimental studies done at our laboratory demonstrated that the inhalation of residual oil fly ash by the adult rats decreased motor activity of the animals in the open-field test. Additionaly, we showed that rats which inhalated residual oil fly ash preserved its habituation capacity. In this study, oxidative stress in striatum and cerebellum might be the cause of motor activity alterations. However, there were any studies about air pollution and behavioral alterations in Porto Alegre. Based on our previous works and in the literature, our objective was to investigate if the exposure to air pollution during intrauterine and lactation periods would damage the short term discriminative and spatial memories and if the mechanisms would be dependent of oxidants. For such, female pregnant rats were exposed to the filtered air and to the non filtered air during the 21 days of gestation. At the end of the breast-feeding period, the males were separate and divided in 4 experimental groups (n =24): 1) Filtered (F): - pre and post-natal exposure until adulthood in filtered air; 2) non filtered/filtered air (NFF): pre-natal period in non-filtered air until PND21 and post-natal in filtered air until adulthood; 3) filtered air/non-filtered air (FNF): pre-natal period in filtered air until PND 21 and post-natal period in non-filtered air until adulthood; 4) non filtered air (NF): pre and post-natal periods in non-filtered air.The animals were exposed the pollution for 150 days. The animals were divided in 3 lots: lot 1: n=6 animals per group; after anesthesia, the animals were perfused with saline solution following by paraformaldehyde 4%, the brain was removed and dissected in cortex, hippocampus and striatum for histological analyses by stereological techniques; lot 2: n=12 rats per group; submitted to behavioral tests; one day after the tests, those animals were euthanized by decapitation, the brain was removed and dissected in the same way mentioned previously for oxidative stress analysis; lot 3: 6 animals per group; the animals were decapitated and the troncular blood was collected to analyze the toxic and the essential trace elements. The cortex presented lipoperoxidation in NF group when compared to other groups, as well as a high concentration of Cd in the blood. The group NFF presented higher blood concentration of Cu, Se and Zn when compared to other groups. There was a decrease in the discriminative capacity in the group NF when compared to other groups. In the hippocampus and striatum, increases of lipidperoxidation were observed in the groups FNF and NF, respectively, when compared to other groups. Spatial memory of all groups was preserved. We observed the each brain structure reacts in a different way to oxidative stress. The NF cortex group presented an increased of lipidperoxidation. In this group, there was higher Cd blood concentration, which passes through placenta and it is fetotoxic. It might be possible that Cd dislocated Zn of the active site of CuZn superóxido dismutase resulting in inactive forms of this enzyme. The Cd also depletes reduced glutathione. Moreover, Cd may dislocate the Fe and Cu from its storage proteins to react with oxygen peroxide increasing the hydroxyl radical production by Fenton reaction. The group NF presented a decrease in the capacity to discriminate two different objects. Cd may act in an indirect way reducing the antioxidant capacity of CuZn superxidodismutase and of the glutathione and increasing the hydroxyl radical production. Lipoperoxidation in NF cortex caused by the Cd may be one of the mechanisms which explain the loss of discriminative capacity. However, the group NFF, whose air pollution exposure was in the pre-natal period, did not present increase of lipidperoxidation. The higher concentrations of essential trace elements (Cu, Se and Zn) may protect this group against oxidative stress. These elements are cofactor of antioxidants enzymes, superoxidodismutase and glutathione peroxidase and increased its activities during the intra-uterine exposure to air pollution. The group FNF presented lipidperoxidation increase in the hippocampus, but there was no difference in the spatial memory tested with Morris\' maze. Therefore, considering our data, we suggested that the increase of lipidperoxidation caused indirectly by Cd, which was adsorbed in particulate matter surface, may be one of the mechanisms which explain the loss of short-term discriminative memory

Polluants organiques : analyse, application au « biomonitoring » environnemental et introduction des biopesticides (algues marines) comme alternative / Organic pollutants : analysis, application to environmental biomonitoring and introduction of biopesticides (marine algae) as an alternative

Al-Alam, Joséphine 05 July 2017 (has links)
Dans un contexte où les inquiétudes environnementales dues à la pollution sont grandissantes à l’échelle globale, la surveillance de la pollution environnementale constitue un enjeu majeur de recherche afin de préserver au mieux un environnement sain et durable. En effet, la surveillance responsable et continue de l’environnement accompagnée par le développement d’alternatives de lutte « verte » contre les nuisibles, pourrait certainement ralentir voir inhiber la propagation de polluants néfastes pour l’ensemble de la biosphère. Dans ce contexte, les objectifs principaux de cette thèse visent d’une part à caractériser la qualité de l’air par une approche basée sur le biomonitoring, et d’autre part à développer un biopesticide d’origine algale permettant la protection des agrumes en post-récolte comme un exemple d’alternative à l’usage des traitements chimiques classiques. Pour répondre au premier objectif, des méthodes d’extraction multi résidus ont dû être développées. Ces méthodes ont été soit spécifiques d’une famille de pesticides tel que les dithiocarbamates, soit plus large et plus générale en considérant de nombreux polluants comme des pesticides, des HAPs et des PCBs. Ces dernières ont été basées soit sur l’ASE-SPE-SPME, soit sur le QuEChERS-SPME, et ont formé le socle des études de biosurveillance environnementale entreprises. Ces études de surveillance ont permis l’évaluation des modifications spatio-temporelles de la qualité de l’air grâce à des espèces naturelles ayant un rôle de capteurs biologique de la pollution environnementale et permettant par la suite l’estimation de la pollution dans des zones bien définies. Pour répondre au second objectif, des extraits aqueux d’algues vertes, Ulva linza et Ulva lactuca, ont été préparés et testés comme antifongiques in vivo et in vitro afin d’étudier leur aptitude à inhiber le développement de Penicillium digitatum sur des agrumes en post récolte. Un potentiel de protection des agrumes en poste-récolte contre ce champignon a été mis en évidence, donnant effectivement l’espoir à la fiabilité de cette approche comme alternative biologique pour le remplacement des pesticides chimiques potentiellement toxiques. / In a context where environmental concerns due to pollution are growing on a global scale, monitoring of environmental pollution is a major research challenge in order to preserve as much as possible a healthy and sustainable environment. Indeed, the responsible and continuous monitoring of the environment escorted by the development of "green" pest control alternatives could certainly decelerate or even inhibit the spread of harmful pollutants into the entire biosphere. In this context, the main objectives of this thesis are intended firstly to characterize air quality by a biomonitoring-based approach and, secondly, to develop a biopesticide of algal origin, that allows the protection of post-harvested citrus fruit, as an alternative to the use of conventional chemical treatments. In order to answer the first objective, multi-residues extraction methods were developed. These methods were either specific to a family of pesticides such as dithiocarbamates or wider and more general regarding numerous pollutants such as pesticides, PAHs and PCBs. The latter were based either on the ASE-SPE-SPME, or on the QuEChERS-SPME, and formed the base of environmental biomonitoring studies undertaken. These monitoring studies allowed the assessment of spatial and temporal changes in air quality through natural species acting as biological sensors of environmental pollution and subsequently allowing the estimation of pollution in well-defined areas. To answer the second objective aqueous extracts of green algae, Ulva linza and Ulva lactuca, were prepared and tested as in vivo and in vitro antifungal agents, in order to study their ability to inhibit the development of Penicillium digitatum on post-harvested citrus fruits. A potential of post-harvested citrus fruits’ protection against this fungus was proved, giving hope to the reliability of this approach as a biological alternative for the replacement of potentially toxic chemical pesticides.

Anwendung des Comet Assay (Einzelzell-Gelelektrophorese) an Zellen von Fischen zum Nachweis gentoxischer Wirkungen im aquatischen Biomonitoring

Nehls, Sebastian 14 October 2013 (has links)
Gewässer sind Lebensgrundlage, jedoch gleichzeitig Schadstoffsenken für eine Vielzahl von Kontaminanten. Biologische Wirkungstests und das Biomonitoring aquatischer Proben sind daher besonders wichtig, um Umwelt-Gefahrenpotenziale erkennen zu können. Der "Comet Assay" (Einzelzell-Gelelektrophorese) ist ein Indikator von DNA-Strangbrüchen und wurde hier als Test auf gentoxische Wirkungen erprobt und angewandt. Mit bekannten, gentoxischen Substanzen wurden Nachweisgrenzen und Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehungen für die Zelllinien RTG-2 und RTL-W1 (aus der Regenbogenforelle, Oncorhynchus mykiss) in vitro ermittelt und methodische Parameter an die Zellen angepasst. Der Test reagierte sehr sensitiv auf 4-Nitrochinolin-1-oxid. Die Substanz war daher geeignet, um in weiteren Versuchen als Positivkontrolle zu dienen. Zur Bewertung der Messdaten wurde ein geeignetes statistisches Verfahren gefunden, das auch historische Kontrollen mit einbezog. Der zeitliche Verlauf der DNA-Schädigung des Testsystems mit RTG-2-Zellen wurde ermittelt, und durch Inhibition der DNA-Reparatur mit Aphidicolin wurden Zusammenhänge zwischen der Entstehung von DNA-Strangbrüchen, der DNA-Reparaturkapazität sowie der Metabolisierungskapazität untersucht. In einer zweiten Phase wurden unbehandelte Wasserproben aus Rhein, Elbe sowie weitere Oberflächenwasserproben mit dem Comet Assay an RTG-2-Zellen getestet. Bei 15 von 49 Proben zeigten sich gentoxische Effekte. In einer dritten Phase wurden Erythrozyten von freilebenden Döbeln, Leuciscus cephalus, aus der Mosel mit dem Comet Assay untersucht. Die Fische von drei Messstellen zeigten erhöhte Werte von DNA-Schädigungen, gegenüber einer vierten, stromabwärts gelegenen Messstation. Korrelationen mit den Ergebnissen zusätzlicher Biomarker ergaben sich nur teilweise. Chemische Analysen von Wasser- oder Gewebeproben ließen keine Rückschlüsse auf verursachende Kontaminanten zu - gerade dies unterstreicht jedoch die Wichtigkeit biologischer Tests bei komplexen Proben. / Bodies of Water are both vital resources and pollutant sinks for a multitude of contaminants. Therefore, biological effect tests and biomonitoring of aquatic samples are of particular importance to detect potential environmental hazards. The "comet assay" (single cell gel electrophoresis) is an indicator for DNA strand breaks and was explored and applied as a genotoxicity test in the present study. Known genotoxic substances were used to determine the detection limits and dose-response relationships for the cell lines RTG-2 and RTL-W1 (from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss) in vitro, and to adapt methodological parameters to the cells. The test was very sensitive to 4-Nitroquinoline-1-oxide. This substance was therefore well-suited to serve as positive control in further experiments. In order to evaluate the measurement data, an appropriate statistical procedure was developed, which also took "historical" controls into account. The time course of DNA damage in the test system using RTG-2 cells was determined, and relationships between the origin of DNA strand breaks, DNA repair capacity and the metabolizing capacity of the cells was investigated by means of inhibition of DNA repair with Aphidicoline. In the second stage, native water samples from the rivers Rhine and Elbe and further surface waters were tested with the comet assay, using RTG-2 cells. 15 out of 49 samples showed genotoxic effects. In a third stage, erythrocytes of feral chub, Leuciscus cephalus, from the Moselle river were examined with the comet assay. The fish from three measuring stations showed elevated values of DNA damage compared to fish sampled from a downstream station. There were only partly correlations with the results from additional biomarkers. Chemical analyses of water and tissue samples did not permit conclusions on effect-causing substances.However, this emphasizes the importance of biological tests in dealing with complex environmental samples.

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