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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Misfits Analysis of ERP Implementation: A Case Study of H Company

Huang, Chien-Chih 18 July 2007 (has links)
Commercial off-the-shelf enterprise resource planning systems have been adopted by large companies to support their inter- and intra-business processes. Midsize market firms are now investing in ERP systems too. However, research has indicated that about three quarters of attempted ERP projects turned out to be unsuccessful. A common problem encountered in adopting ERP software has been the issue of misfit. This study focuses on assessing the usability of the ERP misfit analysis methodology, from Wu, et al. (2007), to investigate the ERP misfits. We also develop a decision support system to help identify the misfits. It integrates the methodology into the process to facilitate misfit identification. The results indicate that with this approach, organizations can more easily and systematically determine where the misfits are and the degree of misfits, thereby reducing the risk in implementing ERP. These results provide greater insight for understanding the misfits between the firm requirements and the functions provided by the ERP. They also help to evaluate the efforts needed for ERP customization and business process reengineering for each misfit and thereby help to support decision making in customization or BPR.

ERP Implementation For Small-Medium Size Enterprises : A Case Study of A Company

Huang, Mei-Hua 14 July 2003 (has links)
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are becoming mature technologies to support inter- and intra-company business processes in many intermediate and small organizations. However, these systems are complex and expensive. Research indicated that about three-quarters of the ERP projects were judged unsuccessful. A common problem confronted when adopting ERP software has been the issue of misfits, that is, the gaps between the functionality offered by the package and that required and expected by the adopting organization. This study investigated a systematical approach to facilitate the process of ERP implementation. The methodology includes five steps: Implementation Definition, Operation Analysis, Real Practice, Final Preparation, On-line and Maintenance. An ERP implementation case is used to demonstrate the feasibility of the methodology and provide the experience of misfit solving. With this methodology, the ERP adopting organizations can more easily and systematically implement the ERP package. In addition, the experience provides greater insight for misfit solving confronted in the case, and thereby reduce the risk of ERP implementation.


Bayir, Arzu, Shetty, Bhavya January 2011 (has links)
Studies in recent years have revealed the challenges involved in deploying ERP solutions due to its complexity. Before attempting to implement ERP systems, it is essential to study various aspects such as project management, training, and change management in detail to manage the associated risks. When an ERP project is undertaken with insufficient planning, it may result in failure to integrate business processes and in substantial financial loss. Research has been pursued to identify critical risk/failure factors that may arise during implementation and the measures that should be taken to manage them. However, there is lack of research in identifying the management of critical risk/failure factor using a structured methodology. This raises a question of ‘can a structured methodology identify and manage critical risk/failure factors and support deploying ERP solutions with a better quality?’ A study of Microsoft Sure Step Methodology is performed to identify critical risk/failure factors that frequently occur during ERP implementation. These factors are derived from 8 articles. On determining critical risk/failure factors, we investigated if Sure Step methodology likely contains procedures that approach these factors.

Kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid implementering av ERP-system i svenska SME:er : En kvalitativ studie med perspektiv från både konsulter och kunder / Critical success factors for implementation of ERP-systems in Swedish SMEs : A qualitative study with perspectives from both consultants and clients

Enell, Isabelle January 2022 (has links)
Implementation av ERP-system är en av de viktigaste och dyraste implementationerna som företag genomgår. Systemen syftar till att stödja verksamhetsprocesser inom produktion, ekonomi och försäljning. Trots att ERP-system introducerades redan på 90-talet är det fortfarande många projekt som misslyckas, ungefär hälften av alla ERP-implementationer. Drygt 90 % av alla implementationsprojekt uppges antingen bli försenade eller överskrider budget. Kritiska framgångsfaktorer används för att organisationer på ett systematiskt sätt ska kunna identifiera de affärsområden som kräver uppmärksamhet och kunna fokusera resurserna på de områden som ökar chansen för att projektet ska lyckas. Den huvudsakliga forskningen på vilka framgångsfaktorer som är kritiska har gjorts på stora företag med bättre förutsättningar gällande erfarenhet, resurser, kunskap och budget. Det finns ännu ingen konsensus om vilka de kritiska framgångsfaktorerna är när det gäller ERP-implementation i små och medelstora företag. För att överbrygga ett kunskapsglapp har både konsulter som arbetar med ERP-implementation intervjuats samt representanter från kunderna. Studien har undersökt vilka framgångsfaktorer som konsulter respektive kunder anser vara kritiska vid en ERP-implementation vid svenska SME:er. En kvalitativ metod användes för att samla in information genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med sex respondenter. Resultatet visar att det finns en åsiktsskillnad mellan konsulterna och kunderna om vilka faktorer som är kritiska. Av åtta faktorer som påverkar projekten är alla respondenterna helt överens om tre. Studien öppnar för vidare forskning och diskussion om vilka faktorer som är kritiska vid ERP-implementation. Resultatet kan nyttjas av alla utövare för att få en bättre förståelse över vilka faktorer som anses vara kritiska beroende på yrkesroll vilket påverkar planering och allokering av resurser. / Implementation of ERP-systems are one of the most important and expensive implementations that businesses go through. Even though ERP-systems were introduced in the 90s there’re still many projects that fail, roughly half of all the ERP-implementations. About 90 % of all implementation projects are said to either be delayed or exceed the budget. Critical success factors are used so that organisations can systematically identify the business areas that require attention and to be able to focus their resources on the areas that increase the chances of the project’s success. The main research on which success factors are critical has been on big companies with better conditions regarding experience, resources, knowledge, and budget. There is still no consensus on which critical success factors are applicable when it’s about ERP-implementation in small and medium sized companies. To bridge a knowledge gap both consultants who work with ERP-implementations were interviewed and representants from the customers. This study has examined which success factors the consultants and the customers argue to be critical for ERP-implementation in Swedish SMEs. A qualitative method was used to gather information through semi-structured interviews with six respondents. The result show that there are different opinions between the consultants and the customers on which factors are critical. From eight factors that affect the projects are all the respondents fully agreeing on three. This study opens for further research and discussion on which factors are critical for ERP-implementation. All practitioners can use the result to get a better understanding on which factors are deemed to be critical depending on the professional role which affects planning and allocation of resources.

ERP Software implementation: An integrative framework

Al-Mudimigh, A.S., Zairi, Mohamed, Al-Mashari, M. January 2001 (has links)
No / ERP implementation is a socio-technical challenge that requires a fundamentally different outlook from technologically-driven innovation, and will depend on a balanced perspective where the organisation as a total system is considered. ERP implementation is considered to rely on behavioural processes and actions. It is a process that involves macro-implementation at the strategic level, and micro-implementation at the operational level. This therefore means that implementation in the context of ERP systems is not possible through an ON/OFF approach whereby deployment of the new systems will necessarily yield the desired and expected results. Understanding the implementation process through a balanced perspective will therefore prevent any unpleasant surprises, and will ensure and guide the change process to be embedded in a painless fashion. The balanced perspective means that socio-technical considerations must be borne in mind; the strategic, tactical and operational steps clearly defined; and the expected benefits evaluated and tracked through creating seamless and solid integration. This paper proposes an integrative framework for ERP implementation based on an extensive review of the factors and the essential elements that contribute to success in the context of ERP implementation.

Motstånd och problem vid implementeringen av ERP-system : En litteraturstudie av förändringshantering och motstånd vid implementeringen av ett ERP-system. Studien ger även förslag på förebyggande åtgärder baserat på dokumenterade fallstudier

Arabaci, Engin January 2011 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med denna uppsats var att genom existerande fallstudier, enkätundersökningar och annan sekundärdata identifiera vilka faktorer som ger upphov till motstånd vid implementeringen av ERP-system och hur detta motstånd kan förebyggas.Metod – Metoden som användes i denna uppsats är dokument. Dokument i denna uppsats var sekundärdata i form av artiklar och böcker från världsledande journaler inom området ERP-implementering. Uppsatsens teori, analyser och modeller bygger kring dessa artiklar och böcker.Resultat och analys – Resultaten från denna studie tyder på att alla ERP-implementeringar möter motstånd vid ERP-projekt. Det är hanteringen och förebyggandet av dessa motståndsbeteenden som avgör projektets framgång. De viktigaste faktorerna som gav upphov till motstånd var: Lågt engagemang från ledning och styrelse, otillräcklig utbildning och träning vilket resulterar i kunskapsbarriärer, projektgrupp med individer som inte har tillräckligt med erfarenhet, inflytande och kunskap, bristfällig förändringshantering med en passiv ledarstil, systemets kvalitet och pålitlighet och ingen tydlig vision och affärsstrategi. Studien kom även fram till att implementeringen består av tre stora faser: innan, under och efter implementering. Misstag som görs vid fasen innan implementering visade sig vara mest avgörande för projektens framgång. Studien presenterar även olika förebyggande åtgärder som kan användas för att minska motståndsbeteendena som uppstår. De förebyggande faktorerna är: En tydlig affärsplan och vision för projektet som slutanvändarna lätt kan ta till sig, starkt stöd från ledning så att även lägre nivåer känner stöd för projektet, förutse förändringar i affärsprocesser genom att analysera konsekvenserna av implementeringen, support och kommunikation med berörda intressenter för att tidigt upptäcka problem, en projektgrupp med inflytande och erfarenhet som jobbar heltid med projektet och träning och utbildning för att övervinna kunskapsbarriärer som kan resultera i motstånd.Originalitet – Denna studie samlar den senaste forskningen kring ERP-implementation och motståndsbeteenden. En modell som visualiserar hur motstånd påverkar implementationen har även skapats som en generell vägledande modell för organisationer som implementerar ERP-system.Nyckelord – ERP, ERP-implementation, motståndsbeteenden, ERP-implementation faser. / Purpose – The purpose of this paper was to identify factors that give rise to resistance behaviours when implementing ERP-systems. The purpose was also to find ways to prevent these resistance behaviours.Methodology – This paper was conducted through examination and use of a methodology called documents. The paper was built upon existing secondary data. The secondary data was made up of articles and books from world leading academic journals in the area of ERP-implementation.Findings and results – The findings of this paper suggests that all ERP-implementations will face human resistance of some kind and that the treatment of these resistance behaviours is crucial for a successful implementation project. The paper identified important resistance factors that need to be handled: Low commitment from top management, inadequate training and education, a project group with little influence, experience and skills, poor change management and passive management styles, system quality, system reliability, poor business vision and poor strategy plans. The paper also identified the planning phase of an ERP-implementation to be the most crucial phase in the whole project. The paper presents ways to prevent the resistance threat through some important factors: A clear business plan and vision of the project is needed and this vision must be visible to people using the system, strong support from top management and the board is needed for funding and influence on lower levels of organizations, good anticipation of changes in processes connected to the implementation, support and communication with relevant stakeholders, a strong and influential project group, training and education to overcome knowledge barriers and developed change management strategies.Originality – This paper provides an examination and summary of the most critical factors that influence resistance behaviours when implementing an ERP-system and also provides a model that can be used in organizations when facing an implementation project.Keywords – ERP, ERP-implementation, resistance behaviours, ERP-implementation phases.

Motivations For Enterprise Resource Planning (erp) System Implementation In Public Versus Private Sector Organizations

Harrison, Joycelyn Lorraine 01 January 2004 (has links)
The goal of this research was to increase the knowledge base regarding Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software implementation, particularly in the public sector. To this end, factors regarding benefits sought through ERP system implementation and critical factors surrounding successful ERP implementation were identified. In addition, the perception of project team members’ satisfaction with modules implemented and their concerns about implementing ERP software were identified in this study. The results of this study provided recommendations for public- and private-sector organizations in order to increase their opportunity for successful ERP system implementation. The literature review and results of this study suggested that the benefits sought during ERP system implementation were consistent among public- and private-sector organizations. Benefits such as increased standardization, better reporting, and reduced operational costs were recognized as goals of ERP software implementation. Factors that attributed to successful ERP system implementations were top management support, and knowledgeable project managers and team members. The t-test analyses found differences among the two groups, public and private sector organizations, regarding some benefits sought and the level of satisfaction with some modules. The study included recommendations for organizations to fully research ERP functionality prior to implementation, implement strong change management, use other means of measuring return on investment, ensure employee buy-in and top management involvement, and avoid scope creep.

Identifiering av kritiska problem vid implementering av ERP-system ur ett leverantörsperspektiv : En identifiering av bidragande faktorer till misslyckade implementeringsprocesser av affärssystem / Identification of critical problems in the implementation process of ERP-systems from a supplier's P.O.V. : An identification of contributing factors for failured implementation processes of ERP-systems

Aronsson, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
ERP system har de senaste åren uppträtt som en central faktor vid framgångsrik informationshantering och agerat som en grundpelare i många företagsorganisationer. Implementering av ett nytt affärssystem är en komplex process vilket bidrar till att organisationer får svårigheter med att genomföra processen. Implementering av affärssystem handlar om att kombinera tidigare separerade system med fokus på att tillhandahålla en mer komplett informationsresurs för en organisation. ERP systemen tog fart under millenniumskiftet y2k och många företag hade vid det laget svårt att implementera systemen med ett positivt slutresultat. Arton år senare så kvarstår problematiken trots att ERP systemen har utvecklats och företagen blivit mer kunniga inom området. Detta visar en studie från Panorama Consulting (2017) där det framkom att 26 procent av företagen misslyckats med implementeringen 74 procent går över budget samt att 59 procent passerade den tänkta tidsplanen. För att finna en lösning på problematiken så har flertalet forskare genomfört studier där fokus ligger på att identifiera de negativt bidragande faktorerna vid ERP implementering. Dessa faktorer kallas för ”Critical failure factors”. Det finns idag lite empirisk forskning där information har samlats från ERP leverantörer. Forskningen som finns grundar sig i gamla teorier för vilka faktorer som bidrar positivt respektive negativt för en implementeringsprocess. Dessa teorier utgår de flesta forskare från i sina studier kring implementeringen av ERP system. Denna studie fokuserar därför på ERP leverantörernas perspektiv kring negativt bidragande faktorer vid implementering av ERP system. Stor vikt har legat på att samla in faktorer från ERP leverantörer för att vid ett senare skede i studien ställa dessa mot de faktorer som nämnts i tidigare studier för att finna samband och eventuella avvikelser. Studien använde sig av intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod och fem intervjuer har genomförts med erfarna ERP leverantörer. Resultatet av det insamlade materialet från ERP leverantörerna identifierar ett antal kritiska faktorer som kan sammankopplas med faktorer från tidigare studier. Intressant är att studien även identifierat ett antal faktorer som avviker från tidigare studier. Slutsatserna som går att dra från studien är att implementeringsprocesserna kan förbättras och bli avsevärt mycket mer effektiva med hjälp av den nya insikten i problematiken som ERP leverantörerna framför. Medvetenhet om dessa negativt bidragande faktorer vid implementering av ett ERP system bidrar med kunskap inom området för implementeringsprocesser som i sin tur kan användas av företag och privatpersoner för att underlätta och förhindra de problem som kan uppstå i en sådan process. / In recent years, the ERP system has been a key factor in successful information management and served as a foundation for many corporate organizations. Implementing a new business system is a complex process, which leads organizations having difficulties implementing the process. Implementation of business systems involves combining previously separated systems focusing on providing a more complete information resource for an organization. ERP systems accelerated during the millennium shift y2k, and many companies at the time had difficulties to implement the systems with a positive end result. Eighteen years later, the problem remains, despite the fact that ERP systems have evolved and businesses become more knowledgeable in the field. This shows a study from Panorama Consulting (2017) where it was found that 26 percent of companies failed with implementation. 74 percent exceed budget and 59 percent passed the intended schedule. To find a solution to the problem, most researchers have conducted studies focusing on identifying the negative contributing factors in ERP implementation. These factors are called "Critical failure factors". There is currently a lack of empirical research where information has been gathered from ERP providers. The research found is based on old theories for which factors contribute positively and negatively to an implementation process. These theories are being used by most researchers in their studies regarding the implementation of the ERP system. This study therefore focuses on ERP suppliers' perspectives on negative contributing factors in implementing ERP systems. Major emphasis has been placed on collecting factors from ERP providers in order that at a later stage in the study they can address the factors mentioned in previous studies to find relationships and possible deviations. The study used interviews as data collection method and five interviews have been conducted with experienced ERP providers. The result of the collected material from ERP providers identifies a number of critical factors that can be linked to factors from previous studies. Interestingly, the study also identified a number of factors that differ from previous studies. The conclusions that can be deduced from the study are that the implementation processes can be improved and become significantly more efficient with the help of the new insight into the problems that the ERP providers lifts up. Awareness of these negative contributing factors in implementing an ERP system contributes knowledge in the field of implementation processes, which in turn can be used by companies and individuals to facilitate and prevent the problems that may arise in such a process.

Improving Business Process Modeling Quality : Identifying Business Process Modeling improvement factors for ERP implemen-tation through Guidelines of Modeling

Yang, Tuo, Jiang, Xuan January 2013 (has links)
Introduction: with the expanded application of ERP system, business process model-ing, as an essential part of the ERP system implementation, has already attracted in-creasingly attention from the organizations. However, even though with the great signif-icance, there is no specific guideline to indicate the key factors of a business process modeling within the ERP system implementation context, especially from the supplier, customer and consultancy point of view. Accordingly, the authors are interested in the following two research questions:1. What are the factors that ERP customer. Supplier and consultancy focused on when they do business process modeling for an ERP implementation?2. How these factors are ranked and viewed by ERP customers, suppliers and con-sultants?Purpose: This study is an exploratory study aiming at identifying improvement factors for business process modeling within the context of ERP system implementation. addi-tionally, the authors seek to identify the diverse attitudes from the parties involved in the process of ERP implantation, that are supplier, customer and consultancy, towards the significance level of the improvement factors.Method: This research has adopted an inductive approach due to the nature of its re-search questions. Besides, data has been collected through six interviews in in total. And each supplier, consultancy, customer party has been conducted two interviews respec-tively. The six interview companies are with different cultural background. Additionally, secondary data from books, magazines are obtained through documentation as well.Conclusion: The thesis main results show that there are five improvement factors con-cerning the business process modeling within ERP system implementation, involving correctness, clarity, resource efficiency, cultural specification and relevance. Based upon the suppliers, consultancies and customers points of view, correctness, clarity and cul-tural specification can be categorized into basic factors and resource efficiency, rele-vance are grouped as optional factors. Furthermore, from the customers perspective, correctness and clarity ranks at the top two places among those five factors, while con-sultants focus on correctness and resource efficiency first. Besides, suppliers regard cor-rectness as the most fundamental improvement factors for business process modeling.

An Extended ERP Implementation Methodology

Huang, Cheng-lun 04 August 2009 (has links)
For many medium and small enterprises, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) has been a mature solution as a main application system. It is not only to support organizational internal operation but also business between corporations. However, this solution is usually complicate and expensive. Prior research has indicated that about three quarters of the attempted ERP projects turned out to be unsuccessful. A common problem encountered in adopting an ERP package has been the issue of project delay. In many cases, lack of project auditing is the main reason for project delay. This study proposes a methodology, enhanced from Wu (2008) and integrates it with auditing to address the above problem. The enhanced methodology includes eight steps: Implementation Plan, Monitor, Training, Operation Analysis, Solution plan, System tailoring to ready, Pilot Run, Officially online and efficiency evaluation. Three cases are used to demonstrate the usability of proposed methodology. It helps to identify and resolve the potential problems for each ERP implementation process systematically and thereby increase the probability of ERP implementation success.

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