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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid ERP-implementeringar : Ett samspel mellan leverantör och kund / Critical success factors in ERP-implementations : An interaction between supplier and customer

Toresson, August, Svensson, Rasmus January 2020 (has links)
Today's organizations are characterized by digitization, development and growth. A wellimplemented ERP-system that match the processes of an organization can lead to a number of benefits. ERP-implementations and critical success factors are a well-researched area. Nevertheless, a great number of ERP-implementations are still considered as failures, which makes further research around the area considered relevant. This study aims to investigate what is critically related to important success factors in implementing ERP-systems. The study began with a literature study in which 15 scientific articles were reviewed, of which 69 success factors were identified. Of those, the six most common were selected as the basis for this study. In order to answer the purpose of this study, interviews were conducted with project managers who had a lot of experience from ERP-implementations. Using the results from these, as well as the collected theory, comparisons have been made between them. This, in turn, has resulted in a finding that communication is a key part of the entire ERP implementation and in all the critical success factors investigated in this study. Hence, the interaction between supplier and customer is seen as critical in ERP implementations, so they understand each other, have shared expectations and a realistic commitment to ERP implementation.

Affecting Usability During ERP Systems Implementations : A case study in a Medium-sized Swedish Company in the Rehab Sector

Paulander, Adam January 2021 (has links)
An ever-increasing amount of people are using ERP systems daily, but the usability of these types of systems remains low. They are often complex and hard to use. End-users’ dissatisfaction with systems of low usability can result in the product becoming ineffectively used. Providers of ERP systems are the ones with the best possibilities to attend these usability issues, but there are possibilities for the customer to affect the outcome of the system’s usability during the implementation process. The first purpose of this study is to assess where different aspects of usability can be affected during the implementation process of ERP systems. Its second purpose is to create a framework to which a company’s current ways of working with usability during ERP implementations is assessed and addressed. In the study, a collection of previous studies in relevant fields was conducted. Primary empirical data was collected in three semi-structured interviews conducted via Zoom. Further empirical data was gathered via forms. The study showed from reviewing the literature that different aspects of usability can be affected during different phases of an ERP implementation process. It further found that the company in question did affect usability to an extent during their implementation process. However, some aspects of usability were not considered by the company when implementing ERP systems.

Hur medarbetare kan introduceras till ett nytt affärssystem : En fallstudie inom Uddeholm AB / How Employees can be Introduced to a new ERP System : A case study within Uddeholm AB

Eriksson, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats i informatik är att ge fallföretaget underlag att använda föratt kunna förbereda sina medarbetare inför ett systembyte och därmed undvika vanligafallgropar. Uddeholm AB är studiens fallföretag och syftet har formulerats utifrån ettkunskapsbehov företaget upplever. Litteraturstudier har använts för att precisera studiensfrågeställningar och som underlag för en intervjuguide som användes i intervjuer medanvändare och systemexperter.Undersökningsfrågorna handlar om vilka åtgärder som behöver vidtas för att förberedaanvändare inför det kommande affärssystemsbytet, samt hur dessa åtgärder ska utföras. Dessafrågor har besvarats från både ett användarperspektiv och perspektiv från systemexperter.Slutsatserna ur ett användarperspektiv var att användarinvolvering var viktigast. Detta menaranvändarna kan göras genom att de får vara delaktiga i att identifiera brister i det nuvarandesystemet och därmed bidra med hur de anser att det kommande systemet ska anpassas. Andraslutsatser var att key users kunde användas till att motivera medarbetarna, att få tid tillutbildning innehållande introduktion, testning i verklig miljö, ta del av nya funktioner menäven att jämföra nya affärsprocesser med nuvarande som användarna inte ville skulle ändras.Manualer ansåg användarna vara oväsentliga medan däremot lathundar, chattfunktioner ochhjälpbubblor hade varit bättre. Aktiva ledningsstöd ansåg användarna vara viktigt och det kangöras genom att de delar med sig av lättillgänglig information, har en kontaktperson blandanvändarna och att användarna får delta i möten och avstämningar.Systemexperterna anser att användarinvolvering är oerhört viktigt och menar att workshopskan användas för detta men berättar inte i vilket syfte. Utbildning i det nya systemet ärmycket väsentligt anser de också. Deras uppfattningar om utbildningens innehållöverensstämmer med användarnas med avseende på introduktion och ta del av nya funktioner.De nämner interaktiva filmer som en del av användarutbildningen vilket inte användarnanämner men deras förslag med testning i verklig miljö kan vara jämförbart. Systemexperternaanser att det kan vara en nödvändighet att användarna ändrar sina arbetsprocesser. Dettaskiljer sig ifrån användarnas önskemål. Systemexperterna anser också att ledningens aktivastöd inte är viktigt vilket också skiljer sig från användarnas uppfattning som menar attledningens stöd är väsentlig.

Skilda organisationskulturers påverkan vid affärssystemsimplementationer : En kvalitativ studie om skilda organisationskulturer på ett internationellt företag

Erixal, Camilla, Palmqvist, Helene January 2019 (has links)
Allt fler organisationer eftersträvar enhetliga arbetssätt och försöker att uppnå detta genom användandet av affärssystem. Affärssystemsimplementationer är komplexa och tidskrävande projekt och kan försvåras på grund av organisationskultur som betraktas som en kritisk faktor. När organisationer expanderar över landsgränser uppstår utmaningen med att skapa enhetliga arbetssätt trots skilda rådande kulturer, vilket leder fram till frågeställningen: ”Hur påverkar skilda organisationskulturer affärssystemsimplementationer i internationella organisationer?“. Denna studie baseras på intervjuer med anställda på ett internationellt företag som vid tillfället höll på att implementera ett nytt affärssystem i syfte att uppnå enhetliga arbetssätt. Diskursanalys användes för att analysera respondenternas tal med utgångspunkt från de fyra kulturtyperna i Competing Values Framework (CVF) för att identifiera hur kulturella skillnader och likheter påverkar affärssystemsimplementationen i en internationell organisation. Studien resulterar i att skilda organisationskulturer både underlättar och försvårar affärssystemsimplementationen. En av slutsatserna är att skilda organisationskulturer kan påverka tiden för en affärssystemsimplementation beroende på vilken typ av organisationskultur som avdelningen har. / Organizations today strive to achieve common work ways and try to do so by using enterprise resource planning systems (ERP). ERP-implementations are complex and time-consuming projects and can be affected by organizational culture which is seen as a critical factor. However, when organizations choose to expand to other countries the challenge to create common work ways is faced due to different cultures which concludes in the question:”How does different organizational cultures affect ERP-implementations in international organizations?“. This study is based on interviews in an international company, who by the time, was implementing a new ERP-system with the purpose to create common work ways.  Discourse analysis was used to analyze the informant’s answers through the four types of culture in Competing Values Framework (CVF) to identify how the cultural similarities and differences affect ERP-implementation in an international organization. This study shows that organizational culture both simplifies and complicates the ERP-implementation. One of the conclusions is that the ERP-implementation might affect the time needed for a ERPimplmentation depending on which organizational culture the department has.

Relationship Between Enterprise Resource Planning System and Organizational Productivity in Local Government

Chiawah, Tambei 01 January 2019 (has links)
Organizations experience challenges despite efforts to increase productivity through implementing large-scale enterprise systems. Leaders of local government institutions do not understand how to achieve expected and desired benefits from the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Lack of alignment between social and technical elements in ERP implementation depresses organizational productivity. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine whether social and technical elements increase use and productivity in ERP implementation. The research questions addressed the relationship between ERP and organizational efficiency, cross-functional communication, information sharing, ease of ERP use, and ERP usefulness. Sociotechnical systems theory provided the theoretical basis for the study. Data were collected from online surveys completed by 61 ERP users and analyzed using Wilcoxon matched pairs statistics and Spearman's correlation coefficient. Findings indicated a positive significant relationship between ERP and information sharing, a positive significant relationship between ERP system quality and ease of ERP use, and a positive significant relationship between ERP system quality and organizational productivity. Findings may be used by local government leaders, technology managers, and chief information officers to ensure ERP sustainability and increase productivity.

Erfolgsfaktoren bei der Einführung von ERP-Systemen in klein- und mittelständischen Unternehmen und deren Implikationen für die Hochschullehre

Leyh, Christian 27 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Bedingt durch oftmals schnelle und fortschreitende Änderungen im wirtschaftlichen Umfeld stehen Unternehmen vor zahlreichen externen sowie internen Anforderungen und Herausforderungen, was wiederum eine effektive Steuerung und Koordination der innerbetrieblichen aber auch der überbetrieblichen Geschäftsprozesse und -abläufe erfordert. Um diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen, ist der Einsatz von adäquaten Anwendungssystemen zwingend. Speziell die Nutzung von Enterprise Resource Planning-(ERP-)Systemen, die als standardisierte Systeme die gesamten unternehmerischen Aktivitäten und Geschäftsprozesse unterstützen können, ist zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil der Unternehmen geworden. Ein richtig ausgewähltes und implementiertes ERP-System bietet zahlreiche Vorteile sowohl für Großunternehmen aber auch für klein- und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU). Die Implementierung eines ERP-Systems stellt jedoch ein komplexes und zeitintensives Projekt dar, welches den Unternehmen große Möglichkeiten eröffnet, diese aber gleichzeitig mit enormen Risiken konfrontiert. Dabei realisieren immer mehr KMU die möglichen Vorteile dieser Systeme, woraus eine konstante Nachfrage nach ERP-Systemen für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen resultiert. Um jedoch von den Vorteilen zu profitieren anstatt von den Risiken „verschlungen“ zu werden, ist es zwingend erforderlich, sich genau auf die Faktoren zu fokussieren, die zur einer erfolgreichen Einführung eines ERP-Systems beitragen. An diesem Punkt knüpft die vorliegende Dissertation mit einem ersten Forschungsschwerpunkt an. Dieser Schwerpunkt befasst sich mit kritischen Erfolgsfaktoren im Zusammenhang mit der ERP-System-Einführung und der ERP-System-Nutzung in klein- und mittelständischen Unternehmen. Ziel dieses ersten Schwerpunktes ist es, einen Einblick in die Erfolgsfaktoren bei ERP-System-Implementierung in KMU zu geben und die Unterschiede zu den Faktoren bei ERP-Projekten in Großunternehmen aufzuzeigen. Als konkretes Ergebnis dieses Forschungsstrangs wird dabei ein Vorgehensmodell für ERP-Einführungen in KMU entwickelt, welches auf Basis der Erfolgsfaktoren von ERP-Projekten aus bestehenden Modellen abgeleitet und an die Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen der KMU angepasst wird. Hierbei werden die Erfolgsfaktoren direkt in das Modell mit einbezogen. Des Weiteren resultiert ein zweiter Schwerpunkt dieser Dissertation erneut aus der hohen und konstanten Nachfrage nach ERP-Systemen, welche zu einem sehr stark fragmentierten ERP-Markt vor allem im Bereich der KMU geführt hat mit einer Vielzahl von Herstellern und Systemen. Hier erschwert es diese hohe Marktfragmentierung den Anwenderunternehmen nicht nur, die „richtige“ Software zu finden, sondern auch für das von ihnen ausgewählte System entsprechende Fachkräfte an sich zu binden. Daraus ergibt sich unter anderem auch die Notwendigkeit für Hochschulen, ihren Studierenden und späteren Absolventen dieses geforderte und benötigte Fachwissen, insbesondere in informationssystembezogenen Studiengängen zu vermitteln. Jedoch gibt es dafür keinen standardisierten Ansatz. Die Systemwahl und die Anzahl der Systeme sowie der Aufbau und die Anzahl der ERP-Kurse divergieren von Hochschule zu Hochschule, wobei in diesem Punkt eine Dominanz großer ERP-System Hersteller zu verzeichnen ist. Allerdings ist eine diversifiziertere Einbindung von ERP-Systemen vor allem aus dem Bereich der KMU sinnvoll. An diesem Punkt stehen die Hochschulen und die Lehrenden vor der Herausforderung, wie viele Systeme in die Curricula integriert werden sollten und auf welche Art und Weise und in welchem Umfang diese Systeme vermittelt werden sollten. Daher werden im Rahmen dieses zweiten Schwerpunktes Möglichkeiten und Kursmodelle beschrieben, durch die eine praktische Vermittlung einzelner oder auch mehrerer ERP-Systeme ermöglicht und unterstützt wird. Ziel dabei ist es, einen Beispielcurriculum zu entwickeln, in dem über verschiedene Kurse hinweg, Kenntnisse zu ERP-Systemen vermittelt werden. Die Kurse dieses Curriculums werden dabei auf Basis der Literatur und der Anforderungen von Unternehmen an spätere Absolventen (vor allem resultierend aus den Erfolgsfaktoren des ersten Forschungsstrangs) entwickelt. Des Weiteren werden diese Kurse und die darin eingesetzten Systeme mit den Ergebnissen einer Umfrage an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen zum ERP-System-Einsatz in der Lehre verglichen und auf Basis dieser Ergebnisse angepasst und modifiziert. Als konkrete Resultate dieses Forschungsstrangs werden mit dem zu entwickelnden Beispielcurriculum Handlungsempfehlungen gegeben, mit denen Hochschulen sowohl Kenntnisse zu ERP-Systemen für Großunternehmen als auch zu Systemen für KMU vermitteln können. Dabei steht auch die praktische Kenntnisvermittlung von kleineren Systemen im Fokus, um den Studierenden einen weiteren Blick auf die Verschiedenartigkeit von ERP-Systemen zu bieten.

Strategic leadership effectiveness in ERP implementation projects : A Qualitative Study using Multi-Grounded Theory Approach

Parrotto, Roberto, Kim, Joel January 2018 (has links)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a software solution which offers the opportunity to strengthen the company's effectiveness, integrating the business processes across functional areas. In order to obtain the expected benefit, a successful implementation of the ERP project is crucial.  The aim of this thesis is to understand which different leadership styles can be applied during the ERP implementation phase, how they influence the overall project outcome and what leadership style can lead to the successful overall project outcome. The research covers following questions. To begin we will study ​which different leadership styles are applied in ERP implementation projects and study the leader’s trait & behavior through the project implementation process. ​Afterwards we will study how significant the leadership style is to achieve a successful overall project outcome and which style better suits the general context of an ERP implementation project.  Survey questions were prepared either to project managers with experience in ERP implementation projects within their company or managers working for consultancy service firms. Concepts from multi-grounded theory i.e. open-, axial- and selective coding for empirical grounding are used as a methodological approach in the thesis. After the empirical and theoretical analysis, the conclusion we could draw was that the task structure and demand for the given situation, in which different type of team members are involved, is determining the factors to achieve the leadership effectiveness and consequently it is considered to be the major element determining the leadership style to be applied during the project.

Análise episódica sobre um projeto de atualização de ERP em um operador logístico: levantamento das principais lições aprendidas segundo a perspectiva de participantes-chave

Carvalho, Julio Cesar Gusmão 18 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Silva (marcia@latec.uff.br) on 2015-10-28T16:01:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert JULIO CESAR GUSMÃO.pdf: 1702527 bytes, checksum: e46270c819970efde18b340d5c8e5ac5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-28T16:01:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert JULIO CESAR GUSMÃO.pdf: 1702527 bytes, checksum: e46270c819970efde18b340d5c8e5ac5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-18 / De forma geral, a ambiência dos projetos complexos é repleta de problemas, tanto de ordem técnica, quanto gerencial e comportamental. Os projetos de ERP, em especial, são empreendimentos igualmente complexos, nos quais empresas contratantes e fornecedoras precisam estar intimamente alinhadas visando à minimização das não conformidades e a majoração das chances de sucesso da iniciativa. O presente estudo, analisa por meio de uma pesquisa episódica em um projeto de atualização de ERP realizado em um operador logístico, ocorrido entre Fevereiro e Novembro de 2013. O estudo tem como objetivo compreender, sob o prisma de participantes-chave do referido projeto, os pontos críticos e as lições aprendidas nesse empreendimento. Em termos teóricos, o estudo está amparado por revisão da literatura sobre boas práticas de gerenciamento de projetos e projetos de implantação e manutenção de ERP. Como resultados esperados, almeja-se o levantamento das principais lições aprendidas nesse projeto, de forma a contribuir para o avanço da literatura específica de projetos de manutenção ERP, assim como apoiar gerentes de projetos para a condução exitosa de projetos futuros. / Overall, the ambience of complex projects is fraught with problems, both technical, as managerial and behavioral. ERP projects, in particular, are equally complex projects in which contractors and suppliers need to be closely aligned in order to minimize nonconformities and to increase the chances of success of the initiative. This study examines via an episodic research a project update ERP realized in a logistics operator, occurred between February and November 2013. The study aims to understand from the perspective of key participants of this project, critical points and the lessons learned from this enterprise. Theoretically, the study is supported by literature review of best practice project management and project implementation and maintenance of ERP. As expected results, we aimed to survey the principal lessons learned from this project, in order to contribute to the advancement of literature specific to ERP maintenance projects as well as supporting project managers for the successful conduct of future projects.

ERP implementation - Seeing through a lens : A comparative literature review regarding the factors that influence a successful ERP system implementation.

Rashidzadeh Azar, Soran, Chaudhry, Muhammad Irfan January 2010 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyse the factors that contribute to the successful ERP system implementation, the stakeholders of ERP system and how these stakeholders are related to CSFs of ERP system implementation. Design/ methodology/ approach: The research methodology approach chosen for this research is based on reality and clear research which includes qualitative and quantitative method for collecting and analysing data. Data for this research consists of secondary data, gathered by conducting a critical literature review of research papers published by journals, magazines and books.  The content analysis and comparative study methods are used to analyse data. Findings: Seventeen CSFs that are considered to contribute to ERP implementation success have been identified in accordance with their prioritization where twelve of them have been described; by analyzing some widely accepted in prior researches. Three stakeholders of ERP such as “Top management, IT professionals and End-users” have been identified and their involvement in the ERP implementation has been described. The result revealed that several CSFs of ERP such as “user training and involvement, ERP teamwork and selection of ERP are directly related to End-users”. The findings also revealed that Top management are related to majority of CSFs such as “top management support and commitment, change management, business plan and vision, system quality, project management, effective communication plan, selection of ERP, monitoring and focused performance evaluation, project champion, and business and IT infrastructure”. The result from analysis also showed a correlation between IT professionals and several CSFs such as “selection of ERP, system quality, user training and involvement, post-implementation evaluation, business plan and vision, change management, ERP teamwork, effective communication plan, and business and IT infrastructure”.

Client-Consultancy Relationship in ERP Implementation from Consultancy Aspect:  A Case Study in Turkey

Kasapoglu, Aylin, Kizilca, Deniz January 2011 (has links)
Consultancy practices have significant influence on the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) project success. In this sense, client-consultant relationship comes into prominence in terms of  project  achievement.  Therefore  client-consultant  relationship  needs  to  be  understood  in depth in order to strengthen the consultancy practices and eliminate problems between two parties.  Hence,  in  this  research  client-consultant  relationship  is  examined  from  ERP consultancy aspect during ERP implementation phase in Turkey. Some factors that influence this relationship is evaluated and existing client-consultant models are analyzed whether they are compatible with the client-consultant relationship within ERP concept. Cultures basis as an influential factor is examined in order to understand this impacts on this relationship. ERP consultancy profile and partially client profile are drawn in order to have deep insight of this relationship.

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