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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Influence of ERP Simulations on ERP Systems Implementation

Alouah, Amine, Smith, Eric January 2010 (has links)
<p>Companies are always trying to enhance their functioning to achieve a competitive advantage in a given market. Some of the tools that are used to improve organizational functioning include ERP systems. In fact, ERP systems are becoming very popular among firms, to the point where they are considered by some as an ailing business savior. Nevertheless, despite the attractive functions that an ERP system may display to an interested company, implementing such a system successfully is a task that is far from being easy. Several problems may arise in the implementation phase, and a failure to address them correctly can have terrible consequences on the general functioning of a firm. Two of the main factors that contribute to a failed ERP system implementation are training and resistance to change. A tool that may actually help with the ERP system implementation failure is ERP simulation.</p><p>The main purpose of this thesis is to study the potential effect that ERP simulations can have on a potential ERP system user skills and knowledge, and thereafter find the potential impact that they may have while being used during an ERP implementation to facilitate training and reduce resistance to change.</p><p>The tools that were used to successfully accomplish this research were a personal interview with an ERP simulation expert, a detailed survey with ERP simulation participants, and various information that were collected from books, articles, reports and websites.</p><p>This thesis main results show that ERP simulations can enable ERP users to improve their knowledge of ERP systems effectively, and also have potential to contribute during the implementation phase by reducing the possible problems that may arise from the training and the resistance to    change perspectives.</p>

ERP-system: utbildning och double-loop learning : Flerfallsstudie om ERP-system i detaljhandelsbranschen

Bjerre, Viktor, Englund, Victor January 2015 (has links)
Sammandrag Information flödar genom samtidens organisationer och behöver systematiskt kontrolleras. Genom att implementera Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, även kallat ERP-system, kan företag enklare samla upp, strukturera och utnyttja all denna flödande information i ett och samma informationssystem. Majoriteten av alla företag misslyckas dock att fullständigt integrera ERP-systemet med sina vardagliga rutiner. Tidigare forskning tyder på att den utbildning slutanvändarna får och ett kontinuerligt ifrågasättande av organisationens värderingar, även kallat double-loop learning (DLL), påverkar organisationens möjlighet till en fullständig integration. Genom en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie på olika företag inom detaljhandeln, alla användare av samma ERP-system, har denna studie undersökt vilken roll utbildningsfasen spelar för att DLL ska uppstå vid en ERP-implementation. Resultaten tyder på att den kunskap systemanvändarna förvärvar inom informella sammanhang i större utsträckning resulterar i DLL. Samtidigt har den formella utbildningens omfattning och djup fungerat som ett förutsättande fundament för informell utbildning. Framtida forskning skulle gynnas av att komplettera uppsatsens resultat via intervjustudie med observation som undersökningsmetod.

Výběr informačního systému pro malou firmu / Selecting Information System for a Small Company

Ambróz, Richard January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the methodology for selecting an information system to a smaller company. In the theoretical part of the work are described currently used information systems. Then it is analyzed the current situation in the selected company. Based on the analysis are shown necessary steps to tender for the supplier system. In conclusion it is suggested the methodology for evaluating bids, the financial evaluation and the expected benefits of successful implementation of the information system.

Le support offert aux gestionnaires par une équipe de gestion du changement lors de l'implantation d'un système de gestion intégré

Lemieux, Nathalie January 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la gestion du changement et plus particulièrement sur le support offert aux gestionnaires par une équipe de gestion du changement lors de l'implantation d'un système de gestion intégré (SGI). Hydro-Québec nous a offert un excellent terrain de recherche par son projet Système Information Clientèle (SIC) qui consiste à l'implantation du logiciel SAP R/3. L'équipe de gestion du changement du projet nous a ouvert ses portes d'autant plus qu'elle désirait faire le point sur les services offerts aux gestionnaires durant la première phase du projet pour ensuite ajuster celles des deux phases subséquentes. La première phase, pour une livraison en mars 2005, inclut le volet mesurage. La deuxième phase regroupe les volets affaires et commercial pour une livraison en janvier 2006. Quant à la troisième phase, elle concerne le volet résidentiel pour une livraison en janvier 2008. Afin de supporter l'équipe de gestion du changement à Hydro-Québec, les connaissances théoriques relatives aux équipes de gestion du changement, aux gestionnaires en situation de changement et aux implantations de SGI ont guidé et alimenté la recherche. Bien que comportant un nombre impressionnant de références, ce champ d'études renferme toutefois peu d'études empiriques (Melkonian, 2008; Stewart et Kringas, 2003; Venkatesh, 2006, Wang, Klein et Jiang, 2006). De plus, il se dégage, d'une recension de vingt-deux modèles en gestion du changement, un manque de précision sur les activités de gestion du changement et sur les intervenants impliqués dans ces activités. Considérant ces deux constats, la présente étude doctorale vise à répondre à la question suivante : Comment une équipe de gestion du changement soutient-elle les gestionnaires lors de l'implantation d'un système de gestion intégré? Pour ce faire, les objectifs poursuivis sont, d'abord, d'identifier et de décrire les activités développées et réalisées par une équipe de gestion du changement destinées à soutenir les gestionnaires; ensuite, de rendre compte de la satisfaction des gestionnaires intermédiaires et de premier niveau à l'égard du soutien offert par l'équipe de gestion du changement et; finalement, de générer un modèle des interventions d'une équipe de gestion du changement destinées à soutenir les gestionnaires. Adhérant au paradigme épistémologique constructiviste, cette étude doctorale se distingue par ses allers-retours entre le terrain et les connaissances théoriques lui accordant un statut de recherche abductive. Mettant l'accent sur la compréhension de dynamiques se déroulant dans un environnement unique et visant l'exploration, la description et l'explication d'un phénomène pour en dégager une modélisation, l'étude de cas s'avère une méthode de recherche appropriée (Gummesson, 2000; Hlady Rispal, 2002; Nieto et Pérez, 2000; Robson, 1993; Tashakkori et Teddlie, 1998). Les quatre outils de cueillette de données se sont avérés être la recherche documentaire, les entrevues semi-structurées avec des gestionnaires intermédiaires et de premier niveau, l'observation-participation des activités de gestion du changement ainsi que des documents produits et discutés avec l'équipe de gestion du changement. L'analyse de ces données a suivi trois étapes soient une première étape de codage pendant la collecte de données, une deuxième étape d'analyse avec le logiciel d'analyse qualitative Atlas.ti et une troisième étape de modélisation. Bien qu'ayant suivi trois étapes, l'analyse de données s'est davantage présentée comme un processus itératif avec des activités concomitantes de mises à jour de la littérature, de codage, de création de catégories conceptualisantes et de modélisation. Cette façon de procéder s'appuie sur les méthodes de Hlady Rispal (2002), Laperrière (1997b), Miles et Huberman (2003) et Paillé et Mucchielli (2003). Les principaux résultats de recherche émanant de l'étude de cas sont la description et l'évaluation d'activités de gestion du changement réalisées par une équipe de gestion du changement afin de soutenir les gestionnaires intermédiaires et de premier niveau. Les entrevues avec les gestionnaires appuient le choix d'activités offert par l'équipe de gestion du changement à Hydro-Québec ainsi que celles émanant de la littérature. Le côté original issu des entrevues avec les gestionnaires consiste à l'émergence de principes opératoires. En effet, les améliorations suggérées par les gestionnaires prennent la forme de principes opératoires venant ainsi guider l'équipe de gestion du changement dans la réalisation de leurs activités. Il se dégage alors un modèle composé de six groupes d'activités et de trois principes opératoires. Les activités sont les suivantes : Implication des gestionnaires et des employés, Communication, Ateliers de préparation au changement, Ateliers et formation sur la gestion du changement, Plan de gestion du changement et Formation. Quant aux principes opératoires, il s'agit de : Activités génériques de plus en plus spécifiques, Contextualisation des activités et Intervention de la ligne hiérarchique. Lorsque cette liste d'activités est comparée aux activités communes aux équipes de gestion du changement (Collerette et ses collaborateurs, 2002, 2003a, 2003c, 2004; Fabi, Martin et Valois, 1999; Grenier et Gowigati, 2002; Prosci, 2006a, 2006b, 2006c; Rondeau, 1999; Sherer, Kohli et Baron, 2003; Victor et Franckeiss, 2002) et aux gestionnaires (Bareil, 2004; Collerette, Schneider et Legris, 2003c; Coyle-Shapiro, 1999; Doyle, 2002; Fabi et al., 1999; Prosci, 2006b) issues de la littérature, il ressort que toutes les activités de la littérature sont incluses dans celles émergentes de l'étude de cas réalisée à Hydro-Québec. De plus, le modèle provenant de l'étude de cas se démarque des autres modèles présents dans la littérature par deux principaux éléments. D'abord, les activités ne sont pas uniquement nommées, elles sont richement décrites et accompagnées d'exemples. Puis, les activités sont accompagnées de principes opératoires pour enrichir les activités de gestion du changement et guider leur réalisation. En contrepartie, les gestionnaires rencontrés à Hydro-Québec soulignent que les activités de gestion du changement réalisées par l'équipe GCC ne prennent pas suffisamment en compte les aspects humains dont la qualité de la relation établie entre l'équipe GCC et les gestionnaires ainsi que l'identification des besoins des gestionnaires suivie de l'ajustement des activités pour répondre à ces besoins. Il apparait en effet que l'équipe GCC aurait eu avantage à favoriser davantage les échanges de négociations avec les gestionnaires, aspect d'ailleurs soulevé par Collerette, Schneider et Legris (2003b) et Giroux (1998). Quant à l'identification des besoins et des ajustements aux activités, il semble que l'équipe GCC désirait s'en tenir à son programme initial. Lorsque les participants aux activités (gestionnaires et employés) émettaient des critiques, l'équipe GCC semblait peu ouverte l'état psychologique des participants. À titre illustratif, au lieu d'envisager des ajustements à une activité de formation, la décision de l'équipe GCC a plutôt été de l'annuler. Il faut toutefois mentionner, qu'en contre partie, des efforts ont été déployés par l'équipe GCC pour ajuster les activités entourant les Supers utilisateurs. Nonobstant ces améliorations possibles, le modèle émergeant de l'étude de cas à Hydro-Québec pourrait être transférable dans d'autres milieux organisationnels pour guider des équipes de gestion du changement dans le cadre de projet d'implantation de SGI. Outre le fait d'offrir un modèle d'intervention pour une équipe de gestion du changement transférable dans d'autres milieux organisationnels, cette recherche doctorale permet également d'accroître le nombre d'études empiriques dans un domaine qui en contient peu. Cette thèse offre ainsi une étude de cas portant sur le fonctionnement d'une équipe de gestion du changement dans un projet d'implantation de SGI tout en présentant une panoplie d'activités précises en gestion du changement accompagnées du niveau de satisfaction de gestionnaires intermédiaires et de premier niveau à l'égard de ces activités.

Métodos e recursos de análise de riscos para projetos de implantação de ERP influenciados por incertezas sazonais / Risk analysis methods and resources for ERP implementation projects influenced by seasonal uncertainties

Mannini, Paulo 10 August 2018 (has links)
O gerenciamento dos riscos constitui um dos pontos fundamentais para o sucesso de projetos de implantação de um Enterprise Resource Planning - Sistema Integrado de Gestão (ERP), visto que são trabalhos complexos com grandes investimentos, longos períodos e alto risco. Um aspecto que influencia significativamente os projetos e que deveria ser considerado na análise de riscos é a sazonalidade, apesar de ser pouco abordado na literatura. Neste sentido, este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar e analisar os métodos e recursos de análise de riscos mais adequados para projetos de implantação de ERP influenciados por incertezas sazonais. No contexto desse trabalho, entende-se por incertezas sazonais como incertezas que ocorrem em determinados períodos do ano, enquanto que a probabilidade de ocorrência será diferente nesses períodos em relação aos outros períodos do ano. Para alcançar o objetivo, esse trabalho foi dividido em quatro partes. A primeira delas é a Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL), que foi realizada para identificar métodos recentemente utilizados por pesquisas da literatura para analisar riscos em projetos. Posteriormente, com os trabalhos selecionados na RSL, foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo semântica para decompor os métodos identificados em recursos de análise de riscos. O grau de importância dos recursos de análise de riscos para os projetos de implantação de ERP influenciados por incertezas sazonais foi validado através da técnica Delphi, com o apoio de especialistas em gerenciamento de projetos. A técnica Delphi foi realizada em duas rodadas que duraram aproximadamente 30 dias cada uma, finalizando a segunda rodada com uma concordância forte entre as opiniões entre 16 participantes, calculada através do coeficiente de concordância W de Kendall. Por fim, as informações obtidas com a técnica Delphi permitiram também priorizar dos métodos de análise de riscos para esses tipos de projetos. O resultado obtido com esta pesquisa foi a identificação de seis métodos e oito recursos mais adequados para analisar riscos em projetos de implantação de ERP influenciados por incertezas sazonais. Destaca-se dentre os métodos de análise de riscos mais adequados o método Matriz de Probabilidade e Impacto, pois foi identificado na literatura utilizando recursos \"Análise de probabilidade e impacto\", \"Matriz de probabilidade e impacto\" e \"Riscos categorizados por fase do projeto\", classificados como muito importantes para analisar riscos nesses tipos de projetos. Também foram analisadas, separadamente, as importâncias atribuídas aos recursos de análise de riscos pelos grupos de participantes do painel Delphi, formados por Profissionais de Projetos e Profissionais de Diretoria. Dentre os seis métodos de análise de riscos mais adequados para projetos de implantação de ERP influenciados por incertezas sazonais, três métodos não são tradicionais na área de gerenciamento de riscos em projetos, o que contribui para profissionais e pesquisadores passem a conhecer e considerar tais métodos nesses tipos de projetos / Risk management is one of the key points for the success of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation projects, since they are complex jobs with large investments, long periods and high risk. One aspect that significantly influences the projects and that should be considered in the risk analysis is the seasonality, although it has been low discussed in the literature. In this respect, this work aims to identify and analyze the most suitable resources risk analysis methods and resources for ERP implementation projects influenced by seasonal uncertainties. In the context of this work, seasonal uncertainties mean uncertainties taking place at certain times of the year, while the probability of appearance will be different from these periods to others. To reach the goal, this work was divided into four parts. The first of these is the Systematic Review of Literature, which was carried out to identify methods used recently in literature researches to analyze risks in projects. Subsequently, with the selected papers in the RSL, a semantic content analysis was performed to decompose the methods identified in risk analysis resources. The importance degree of the risk analysis resources to the ERP implementation projects influenced by seasonal uncertainties was validated through the Delphi technique, with the support of project management specialists. The Delphi technique was performed in two rounds that lasted approximately 30 days each, finishing the second round with a high agreement of opinions among 16 participants, calculated through the coefficient of agreement W of Kendall. Finally, the information obtained with the Delphi technique also allowed to prioritize the risk analysis methods for these types of projects. The result obtained with this research was the identification of six most suitable methods and eight most suitable resources to analyze risks in ERP implementation projects influenced by seasonal uncertainties. Among the most adequate risk analysis methods, the Probability and Impact Matrix method was a highlight, as it was identified in the literature using resources like \"Probability and impact analysis\", \"Probability and impact matrix\" and \"Risks categorized by project phase\", classified as very important to analyze risks in these types of projects. It was also analyzed, separately, the importance given to the risk analysis resources by the Delphi panel participants, formed by Project Professionals and Directing Professionals. Among the six most suitable risk analysis methods for ERP implementation projects influenced by seasonal uncertainties, three methods are not traditional in the project risk management area, which contributes to professionals and researchers to know and consider such methods in these types of projects

Investigation into the change management influences on user adoption of ERP systems

Tejumola, Olubusola January 2017 (has links)
As organizations strive to remain competitive despite economic pressures and the rapid pace of technology innovation, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems provide businesses with the functional best practices and customisable capabilities they need to adapt to these changes. However, the high rate of failure of these Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems remain a challenge for the managers who are usually tasked with ensuring the huge investments achieve its purpose and yield a return on investment. In attempting to explain the reasons behind these Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation failures, previous research has identified user adoption as one of the main drivers of ERP implementation success. An abundance of technology adoption theories and change management models have been proposed as solutions to user adoption, by measuring different factors they consider are important to the adoption of these systems. However, ERP systems still fail to achieve their intended purpose because these theories have not been able to explicitly explain how these factors impact on adoption. To address this gap, this research takes a comprehensive approach to identifying the change management influences on user adoption by integrating change management and technology adoption constructs. The main contribution of this research is a common-sense perspective of the realities of user resistance. The study provides a causal model derived from Structural equation modelling, which explains the multiple influence relationships between the measured constructs. An adoption tool is also developed for managers to use as a yardstick to benchmark the effectiveness of an implementation strategy. Using a structural equation modelling approach, a theory was developed from a survey of 616 ERP users across 6 organizations. Six constructs were identified as the key influences of user adoption – Trust, Communication and Engagement, System Qualities, Training, Organizational Benefits and Resistance. The theory explains the multiple influence relationships between these constructs and Adoption, and assists in the pinpointing of failure points that need to be addressed by Enterprise Resource Planning project managers. The resulting theory developed indicates the multiple influence relationships between these constructs as determinants of Adoption of ERP systems. In addition, the theory assists in the pinpointing of failure points that need to be addressed by Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project managers.

Métodos e recursos de análise de riscos para projetos de implantação de ERP influenciados por incertezas sazonais / Risk analysis methods and resources for ERP implementation projects influenced by seasonal uncertainties

Paulo Mannini 10 August 2018 (has links)
O gerenciamento dos riscos constitui um dos pontos fundamentais para o sucesso de projetos de implantação de um Enterprise Resource Planning - Sistema Integrado de Gestão (ERP), visto que são trabalhos complexos com grandes investimentos, longos períodos e alto risco. Um aspecto que influencia significativamente os projetos e que deveria ser considerado na análise de riscos é a sazonalidade, apesar de ser pouco abordado na literatura. Neste sentido, este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar e analisar os métodos e recursos de análise de riscos mais adequados para projetos de implantação de ERP influenciados por incertezas sazonais. No contexto desse trabalho, entende-se por incertezas sazonais como incertezas que ocorrem em determinados períodos do ano, enquanto que a probabilidade de ocorrência será diferente nesses períodos em relação aos outros períodos do ano. Para alcançar o objetivo, esse trabalho foi dividido em quatro partes. A primeira delas é a Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL), que foi realizada para identificar métodos recentemente utilizados por pesquisas da literatura para analisar riscos em projetos. Posteriormente, com os trabalhos selecionados na RSL, foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo semântica para decompor os métodos identificados em recursos de análise de riscos. O grau de importância dos recursos de análise de riscos para os projetos de implantação de ERP influenciados por incertezas sazonais foi validado através da técnica Delphi, com o apoio de especialistas em gerenciamento de projetos. A técnica Delphi foi realizada em duas rodadas que duraram aproximadamente 30 dias cada uma, finalizando a segunda rodada com uma concordância forte entre as opiniões entre 16 participantes, calculada através do coeficiente de concordância W de Kendall. Por fim, as informações obtidas com a técnica Delphi permitiram também priorizar dos métodos de análise de riscos para esses tipos de projetos. O resultado obtido com esta pesquisa foi a identificação de seis métodos e oito recursos mais adequados para analisar riscos em projetos de implantação de ERP influenciados por incertezas sazonais. Destaca-se dentre os métodos de análise de riscos mais adequados o método Matriz de Probabilidade e Impacto, pois foi identificado na literatura utilizando recursos \"Análise de probabilidade e impacto\", \"Matriz de probabilidade e impacto\" e \"Riscos categorizados por fase do projeto\", classificados como muito importantes para analisar riscos nesses tipos de projetos. Também foram analisadas, separadamente, as importâncias atribuídas aos recursos de análise de riscos pelos grupos de participantes do painel Delphi, formados por Profissionais de Projetos e Profissionais de Diretoria. Dentre os seis métodos de análise de riscos mais adequados para projetos de implantação de ERP influenciados por incertezas sazonais, três métodos não são tradicionais na área de gerenciamento de riscos em projetos, o que contribui para profissionais e pesquisadores passem a conhecer e considerar tais métodos nesses tipos de projetos / Risk management is one of the key points for the success of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation projects, since they are complex jobs with large investments, long periods and high risk. One aspect that significantly influences the projects and that should be considered in the risk analysis is the seasonality, although it has been low discussed in the literature. In this respect, this work aims to identify and analyze the most suitable resources risk analysis methods and resources for ERP implementation projects influenced by seasonal uncertainties. In the context of this work, seasonal uncertainties mean uncertainties taking place at certain times of the year, while the probability of appearance will be different from these periods to others. To reach the goal, this work was divided into four parts. The first of these is the Systematic Review of Literature, which was carried out to identify methods used recently in literature researches to analyze risks in projects. Subsequently, with the selected papers in the RSL, a semantic content analysis was performed to decompose the methods identified in risk analysis resources. The importance degree of the risk analysis resources to the ERP implementation projects influenced by seasonal uncertainties was validated through the Delphi technique, with the support of project management specialists. The Delphi technique was performed in two rounds that lasted approximately 30 days each, finishing the second round with a high agreement of opinions among 16 participants, calculated through the coefficient of agreement W of Kendall. Finally, the information obtained with the Delphi technique also allowed to prioritize the risk analysis methods for these types of projects. The result obtained with this research was the identification of six most suitable methods and eight most suitable resources to analyze risks in ERP implementation projects influenced by seasonal uncertainties. Among the most adequate risk analysis methods, the Probability and Impact Matrix method was a highlight, as it was identified in the literature using resources like \"Probability and impact analysis\", \"Probability and impact matrix\" and \"Risks categorized by project phase\", classified as very important to analyze risks in these types of projects. It was also analyzed, separately, the importance given to the risk analysis resources by the Delphi panel participants, formed by Project Professionals and Directing Professionals. Among the six most suitable risk analysis methods for ERP implementation projects influenced by seasonal uncertainties, three methods are not traditional in the project risk management area, which contributes to professionals and researchers to know and consider such methods in these types of projects

The Nature of the Relationship between Project Complexity and Project Delay : Case study of ERP system implementation projects

Miterev, Maksim, Nedelcu, Ruxandra January 2012 (has links)
In the context of a growing social complexification, projects have evolved in the pastdecades from simple endeavours to complex and uncertain undertakings. Consequently,project complexity has emerged as an important research direction, and recently severalproject complexity frameworks have been suggested. However, little research has beendone in this area and there has been no study on the relationship of project complexity,in its holistic sense, and the risk of delay. Therefore, the study investigates the intricaterelationship between project complexity and project delay. The research is conducted inthe context of Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) implementation projects,which are inherently complex and often record delays. The study has a qualitative nature and adopts an inductive approach. Nine ERPimplementationprojects have been studied in order to answer the research question.Several sources of evidence (semi-structured interviews and questionnaires) have beenutilized to ensure the credibility of the research findings through triangulation. The study contributes to the research field by verifying and augmenting the existingframeworks on reasons for project delay, complexity categories and their interplay. Itwas identified that complexity in a holistic sense represents a necessary condition forproject delay. Moreover, the study showed that although ERP projects are oftenconsidered to be technically complex, their complexity stems mainly from ‘subjective’(or perceived) and ‘uncertainty’ complexity dimensions. Finally, the conceptual modelof Eden et al. (2005) was modified to reflect the findings of the study.

The Impacts of Competence and Knowledge Transfer Climate on ERP Knowledge Transfer

Jou, Jau-jeng 07 February 2012 (has links)
While prior studies on ERP implementation have largely focused on the importance of best practices, this paper examines the impact of knowledge transfer climate and the competence of the players (i.e., the implementing firm and the consultant team). The model divides factors that influence the result of knowledge transfer during ERP implementation into three categories: those implemented by the firm, those implemented by the consultant, and those related to the impact of the knowledge transfer climate. Competence factors from the first two aspects facilitate the building of a better knowledge transfer climate. Survey results from 101 respondents were subjected to multivariate analysis. The significance of player competence factors is verified, and an understanding of the role that the knowledge transfer climate plays in the knowledge transfer process and the impact on the transfer process is developed. This paper provides a broader, richer model of knowledge transfer networks to promote insight into successful ERP implementation. In practice, the key to effective knowledge transfer is the establishment a positive knowledge transfer climate. To achieve a successful ERP implementation, practitioners should focus on possessing robust competences with ERP implementation partners. Additional research may help ERP implementation project teams more effectively promote knowledge transfer in a wider range of conditions with greater confidence and precision.

Factors of Knowledge Transfer in ERP Implementation

Lin, Shih-wei 29 June 2007 (has links)
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is the critical software that streamlines processes and allocates internal resources, so firms can make quick responses to the market. However, not all firms can implement it successfully, so usually consultants are used to aid in the implementation process. Client firms expect consultants to transfer implementation knowledge to inner employees; therefore inner employees can contribute to the implementation process and learn how to maintain ERP systems by themselves. This research studies both consultant¡¦s and client¡¦s factors to achieve knowledge transfer in such complex system implementation. Based on prior researches including the antecedents of knowledge transfer and case studies on it, a sender-receiver model is developed. This model suggests that knowledge transfer is founded on proper mechanisms, which are influenced by consultant¡¦s and client¡¦s factors. Data were collected from both consultants and clients, and 175 samples were valid. Unlike prior studies, this model includes the client¡¦s information technology capability and consultant¡¦s agency behavior. The analysis suggests that knowledge transfer is founded on sound mechanisms, which are influenced by bilateral factors. The analysis also provides support for all 5 hypotheses and 12 of the 21 subhypotheses of bilateral factors, and it confirms two moderating relationships. These results (1) adapt antecedents of knowledge transfer and case findings to a sender-receiver model, (2) enhance the goodness of model by integrating antecedents and case findings, (3)incorporate new IS-related constructs and measures in an integrated model. This model can be applied to ERP implementation and other knowledge-outsourced IS contexts.

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