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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kristendomen i socionomutbildningen på Ersta Sköndal högskola : En studie av utvecklingen, under perioden 1993–2014

Willers, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Sköndalsinstitutet har bedrivit utbildning sedan 1905, då med kristen diakonal prägel, men genom en lång kamp beviljats statsanslag samt år 1964 fått sin högskolestatus. Med fokus på socialt arbete fick Sköndalsinstitutet år 1993 rätt att examinera socionomer. Idag har utbildning bedrivits i drygt hundra år och numera tillsammans med Ersta och Bräcke som tillsammans utgör Ersta Sköndal högskola Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om lärosätets kristna prägel och diakonala arv avspeglar sig på utbildningen och hur utbildningen förändrats sedan utbildningen ledde till en socionomexamen år 1993. Källmaterialet jag valt att utgå ifrån är kursplaner på socionomutbildningen mellan åren 1996–2014. De innehåller delkurser termin för termin. Genom att använda mig av en kvalitativ textanalys som metod i granskningen av källmaterialet hoppas jag kunna uppnå mitt syfte att förstå om, hur och varför socionomutbildningen på Ersta Sköndal högskola har förändrats. Genom att vidare använda mig, primärt, av en sekularisering teoretiskt perspektiv vid genomgången av den kvalitativa textanalysens undersökningsresultat min ambition att uppnå en större insikt i de faktorer som påverkat utbildningen i olika riktningar. Mitt resultat visar hur de kristna inslagen inledningsvis är tydliga men att de sedan försvinner helt ur socionomutbildningen. Undersökningens andra del fokuserar på de skillnader mellan utbildningarna, vad som förändras samt de faktorer som, jag ser, ligger bakom förändringarna av det kristna innehållet.

Det är aldrig barnets fel : En kvalitativ studie av hur stödgruppshandledaren talar om sin egen roll, metoden och det enskilda barnet / It is never the child´s fault : A qualitative study of how support group leader talk about their own role, the method and the individual child

Arvidsson, Ellen, Eriksson Bokrot, Frida January 2013 (has links)
This is a qualitative study designed to investigate how professional support group leaders talk about their role as supervisor of support groups for children and adolescents with problematic home situations. We also examine how these supervisors talk about the method they use and how they talk about the individual child. We have chosen critical discourse analysis to help us explore if there are different ways to talk about these territories. Our questions are: How does the support group leader talk about his role? How does the support group leader talk about the method? How does the support group leader talk about the individual child? The theories we have chosen to use in the analysis of our material is Aaron Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence and social constructivism. We have, as mentioned, chosen to do a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews conducted with seven active support group leaders at three different support group organizations. We transcribed the interviews and coded them separately and then went through the coded material together. The analytical method we have chosen is discourse analysis focusing on Norman Fairclough´s critical discourse analysis. Along with Fairclough´s three-dimensional model, we analyzed the interviews at the following levels: text practice, discursive practice and social practice. Based on our purpose and our questions we managed to distinguish six different discourses, within each territory we found two discourses that stood in contrast to each other. In the territory "How the support group leader talks about his own role," we found the knowledge discourse and the playful discourse. In the territory "How the support group leader talks about the method" we were able to discern a discourse view of the method as complete and a view of the method as adaptable. In the territory "How the support group leader talks about the individual child" we found the discourse about the perception of the child as a subject and the perception of the child as an object. These discourses were put together to constitute two discourse chains which showed two different orientations of the support group leader. We then analyzed these discourse chains our theories and questioned them based on how the two different types of leader’s we located could affect the method’s design and the children participating in support groups. The study concludes with a part in which we compare our results with earlier research within this field followed by suggestions for further research.

RMA och det fasta kustartilleriet : En analys av diskussioner kring RMA och det fasta kustartilleriet. / RMA and coastal fortifications : An analysis of the discussions about RMA and coastal fortifications.

Arvidsson, Sebastian January 2012 (has links)
Under 1990-talet accelererade avvecklingen av det fasta kustartilleriet. Det skedde samtidigt med implementeringen av Revolution in Military Affairs(RMA)-konceptet i Sverige, snabb militärteknisk utvecklingen och Försvarsmaktens omställning från en stor organisation med lång mobilisering till insatsförsvar med hög beredskap. Syftet med studien är att med hjälp av argumentationsanalys och kvalitativ textanalys, studera relationen mellan RMA och avvecklingen av fasta kustartilleriet, genom analys av Kungliga Krigsvetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar och Tidskrifter. Resultatet visar att fast kustartilleri spelar en viktig roll även i en värld präglad av RMA och modern teknologi. Det fasta kustartilleriet ersattes av rörligt. Även detta avvecklades i förtid. / During the 1990´s the liquidation of coastal fortifications accelerated. During the same period of time the concept of Revolution in Military Affairs is being implemented in Sweden, military technology is rapidly evolving and Swedish Armed Forces is transforming its organization from a large quantity - long mobilization, to a small mission-based armed force with high response. The purpose of the study is to analyze the relation between RMA and the liquidation of the coastal fortifications, through argumentative analysis and qualitative text analysis, by studying the publications of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences. The result shows that costal fortifications are important even in a world characterized by RMA and modern technology. The costal fortifications were replaced by mobile units. They got liquidated before there time as well.

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