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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Dspace @ SDMCET: A Real Treasure of Engineering Innovations”

Bankapur (V M) 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / Objectives: Bringing 33 year of Students Projects one common platform: Institutional Repositories using Dspace software. Methods: Open Source Software -Dspace software is being used for this purpose by converting projects into e-formats. Presentation: 20 minutes: Results: it is a continues process the database of project will be an asset to the institution. SDMCET is an autonomous institution which has more than 33 years of history in engineering education in India. The enormous development in engineering education has kindled the growth of technical innovations of young minds. These young minds are “tech savvy” and bring in new ideas in the form of the projects. The knowledge centre has built Institutional Repository using open source software, Dspace. This is popularly known as “Dspace @ sdmcet.” Today there are more than 3000 students who are perusing their engineering education. The history of database has thirty years of data of projects. These student projects form a very important “innovativeness” of technical explorations which add value to institution which is part of the course. This project is supported by the institution and is a continuous process of archiving and preservation. The plans and implementation is being described in this paper.

Proyecto de Mejora: Reducir el alto porcentaje de tesis rechazadas por metodología Cybertesis en la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

Lizarme Quispe, Silvia, Arana Glave, Isabel 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / Cuando el Centro de Información de la UPC decide implementar la metodología Cybertesis, detectamos que el 92% de las tesis eran rechazadas, debido a esta situación decidimos participar en el programa interno de “Proyectos de Mejora” con el fin de reducir este alto porcentaje de tesis rechazadas. Para lograrlo utilizamos diferentes herramientas de gestión de la calidad para la mejora continua. Se inició el proyecto seleccionando los problemas mediante la Hoja de caracterización, Tormenta de ideas, Lista de chequeo, Técnica de grupo nominal y Matriz de selección. Como segundo paso clarificamos y subdividimos el problema por Pareto mediante un gráfico de corrida de la situación inicial. Como tercer paso, analizamos las causas de estos problemas en su raíz, mediante el Diagrama de Ishikawa y la Matriz de Causa-Efecto. Como cuarto paso, establecimos los niveles exigidos mediante Árbol de causas y Enfrentamiento de causas. Como quinto paso definimos y programamos soluciones a través del Cronograma de Gantt, que nos permitió establecer como soluciones principales la implementación del Curso virtual de Cybertesis, de las capacitaciones presenciales en tres modalidades y de las asesorías presenciales y virtuales. Como sexto paso implantamos y verificamos las soluciones por Pareto a través de un gráfico de corrida de la situación final, lo cual demostró que gracias a la implementación de estos recursos y servicios tecnológico-educativos, logramos reducir el porcentaje de tesis rechazadas del 92% a 7% en 10 meses. Asimismo, al realizar el Análisis Costo – Beneficio, observamos beneficios para la universidad y los alumnos. Finalmente, con el objetivo de mantener y seguir reduciendo el porcentaje de tesis rechazadas hemos implementado Acciones de garantía, creando principalmente el indicador de gestión de la calidad “Porcentaje de tesis rechazadas” el cual medimos y controlamos mensualmente.

ETDs and Best Practices in Canada

Stuart, Nancy 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / Institutional Repositories (IRs) and ETD programs conducted in December 2011. The purpose of the survey was two-fold. The first was to show the growth of Institutional Repositories (IRs) across Canada. The second was to illustrate the state of the electronic theses and dissertations (ETD) submission programs at Canadian institutions. The survey was a follow up to a 2009 survey and illustrates there has been steady growth in both the number of IRs and ETD programs in Canada. Results of the survey include statistics on the number of IRs, types of materials in the IRs, the type software platform, the number of ETD programs, whether electronic submission is mandatory, if embargoed or restricted theses and dissertations are allowed, the number of institutions having their ETDs harvested by Library and Archives Canada and the number of institutions sending their theses to ProQuest and retaining a microfiche copy. The survey was sent to Canadian institutions where a thesis or dissertation is required for graduation and to Canadian institutions who are members of the Canadian Association for Research Libraries. Responses were received from 33 institutions. Best practices for ETD programs and workflows will also be discussed. Focus areas include the PDF format for multiple and multi-media files, OAI-PMH harvesting, mandatory submission and embargoes. By analyzing the results of the survey, it is clear that Canada is moving forward quickly in the implementation of ETD submission programs. The fact that over 70% of Canadian institutions have their ETDs harvested by Library and Archives Canada puts Canada, and it’s National Library, in a unique position to share its knowledge and expertise in ETD programs and ETD workflows.

ETD initiatives: An audit of international landscape

Tripathi, Manorama 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / Objectives: At present, libraries, worldwide, are making concerted efforts to facilitate transformation of theses to e- forms. In India, too, ETD activities are going on at an accelerated pace. The country has one of the largest educational systems across the globe. There are 634 universities and 33023 colleges in the country; every year more tan 11000 doctoral theses are awarded to the students. The University Grants Commission, (India) notification, 2009 has mandated submission of e-theses, by the research scholars, to the universities. All universities are required to setup e- theses repository to facilitate e- submission, archiving, maintenance and access to them. The paper focuses on the progress of ETD initiatives taken in India. The data is being collected through questionnaire method and whatever (information) is available in public domain in order to find out the following: 1. Current / Ongoing projects –various universities involved in ETD projects 2. Content/Total collection 3. Coverage of subject areas 4. Objectives of ETD 5. Use of software 6. Metadata schema used 7. Competency of the staff to maintain ETD 8. Policies of the universities with regard to acquisition/acceptance of etheses. 9. Policies of Government/Research Council/University Grants Commission(UGC) The paper elaborates and compares the ETD initiatives taken in UK and Australia with India. Methods: Questionnaire and whatever information is available on websites of the universities.

Measuring the Sustainability of the African Institutional Repository: A selective case study

B van Wyk 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / The advent of open access, digitised institutional repositories (IR) changed the way that research at universities and research institutions are stored, archived, accessed and generally managed. Statistics shows that only 3% of IRs in the world is situated in Africa. Most of these are found in institutions in Southern Africa. Nyambi (2011), Anbu (2008) and other authors report that there are more IRs in Africa, but lament that most are not accessible in open access. Research (Van Deventer & Pienaar, 2008; Rieger, 2011; Wells, 2009) and others, shows that effective information- and knowledge management, and an awareness of the value of open access to digital research information are pre-requisites for effective and sustainable IRs operations. Successful planning and implementation of an IR do not guarantee sustainability over time. This paper explores possible indicators of sustainability for IRs who are facing the well documented challenges experienced in African IRs.

Repositorios sostenibles, reflexiones a partir de la experiencia española

Llueca, Ciro, Reoyo, Sandra 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / La creación y posterior gestión de un repositorio institucional no tiene sentido si no cuenta con un número significativo de documentos y un crecimiento permanente de la colección, a un coste razonable. A partir del estudio de repositorios institucionales y de colecciones patrimoniales de bibliotecas, archivos y museos de España, los autores comparten sus reflexiones bajo la premisa de producir repositorios sostenibles, promoviendo la autosuficiencia en el incremento de sus fondos, la garantía de la financiación permanente por parte de la institución que los integra y, especialmente, el uso de los documentos depositados en la comunidad a la que sirve la institución. Tras un breve repaso a los procesos de adaptación de la filosofía del Acceso Abierto a los repositorios existentes, se establece una hoja de ruta para el diseño e implementación de un nuevo repositorio, teniendo en cuenta la cobertura estratégica y legal del proyecto, las opciones de hardware y software más populares, así como la planificación de los procesos de trabajo y la adopción de metadatos de descripción e interoperabilidad. Se presentan estrategias de difusión y evaluación de los repositorios. Finalmente, se aportan recomendaciones básicas de preservación digital, a la espera de una solución global.

Portal de tesis latinoamericanas: Fortaleciendo el acceso a las tesis electronicas a través de OAI

Ortúzar, Gabriela, Maturana, Isabel 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / Objective: To present a new web portal for searching and access to electronic theses & dissertations published in Latin America. Methods: Implementation of open-source software for ETD metadata harvesting using OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. This presentation also show the experience of the University of Chile in the training and support to university libraries in Chile, Peru, Colombia and Argentina. Results: Website for querying simultaneously to more than 29 universities -in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuelawith access to more than 90,000 full-text etheses & dissertations.

Comparing Accesses to ETDs and Journals in Education and Languages Available from the Same Repository

Pavani, Ana M B 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / PUC-Rio – Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro has a repository named the Maxwelll System (http://www.maxwell.lambda.ele.puc-rio.br/). ETDs and journals are stored and made available from this repository, as well as senior projects, learning objects, articles, etc. ETDs became mandatory as of August 1, 2002 and the first journal was published in June 2003. Two areas of the Center for Humanities and Theology – Education and Languages – have traditional and well known graduate programs; they are also the ones that publish the highest numbers of online journals (3 each). The Maxwell System is an OAI-PMH data provider and PUC-Rio’s ETDs have their metadata harvested by BDTD, the Brazilian National Consortium, NDLTD, Biblioteca Universia, etc. All journals are indexed on DOAJ. Both their ETDs and journals have significant numbers of accesses from Brazil and from abroad. This work addresses a comparison between the patterns of accesses between ETDs and journals in those areas. It focuses patterns for ETDs and journals in the same area, ETDs in the two areas, and journals in the two areas. All analysis takes into account accesses from: (1) Brazil; (2) Portuguese speaking countries; (3) Spanish speaking countries; and (4) all other countries. The numbers to be compared are either computed in percentages or are normalized since the sizes of the collections are quite different. Since the newest journal in the two areas began being published in March 2010, this paper focuses accesses from this month/year on. This means that data are available for over two years. Accesses to ETDs have already been examined and presented and published at previous ETD symposia.

Trends in Use of Citation Management Tools for Thesis and Dissertation Production

Greenberg, Charles J. 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / Title: Trends in Use of Citation Management Tools in Theses and Dissertations Authors: Charles J. Greenberg, Special Projects Librarian, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University Length of presentation: 20 minutes Objective: Citation Management (CM) tools for scholarly writing predate the web browser. The advantages of current cloud-based tools, either free or subscription, support the expectation that every academic candidate for an advanced degree has an opportunity to use CM tools. CM improves the efficiency of scholarly writing and improves the formatted appearance of the electronic thesis or dissertation (ETD). The expanding range of desktop and cloud-based CM alternatives may demand student attention and potentially detract from the completion process. Do universities with ETD programs use their academic libraries to support the CM selection process, or do universities limit choices? How have universities supporting ETDs reacted to the emergence of new credible CM applications that offer attractive options for certain disciplines or devices? Methods: A brief survey was distributed to the ETD support community and social networks to ascertain the impact of burgeoning choices in CM for both students and the ETD administrative staff. Results: Pending survey and analysis Conclusions: Pending survey and analysis

Research Data – Basics and Results of ETD’s

Schirmbacher, Peter 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / During the ETD-conferences in the past we discussed the pros and cons of electronic thesis and dissertations. We described the requirements for maintaining ETD’s in repositories and how we could motivate authors to make their work open access and so that it will be available to interested people all over the world. A lot of repositories are available and many countries have well prepared ETD programs. In Germany all universities have an ETD-repository and we focus more and more on how to improve the visibility and attractiveness of these collections. The most important element is the relevance for the scholarly process. Increasingly a repository should be not only a collection, but a virtual environment—that is, an instrument to support scholars during their work. There are many possibilities, but an especially important point is the handling of research data. Research data are the starting point for every research project on the one hand, and on the other they are the result of any research. In the digital age we can not only store the data but also share them. This is why in recent years we speak not only about open access to scholarly publications but about open access to research data. In my paper I intend to describe to the present situation (at least in Germany) for using research data, the drivers and barriers in sharing research data and the consequences for the operators of repositories. In order to go more into the details, I will use results from the EU funded projects “SOAP – Study of Open Access Publishing” and “ODE – Opportunities Data Exchange”.

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