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FMRI evidence of memory representations of somatosensory stimuli in the human brainAlbanese, Marie-Claire. January 2007 (has links)
Distinct brain regions process innocuous vibration and cutaneous heat pain. The role of these areas in the perception of pain is still a matter of debate; and the role of these areas in the mediation of memory of somatosensory stimuli is uncertain and has not been studied with brain imaging in healthy human volunteers. All experiments described here, involved an experimental design, which included a delayed-discrimination paradigm and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In manuscript #1, we aimed at unraveling the cerebral correlates of attention and spatial localization of innocuous vibrotactile stimuli applied to the right volar surface of the forearm. In this study, we report that increased degrees of attention to the vibrotactile stimuli were associated with heightened levels of activation in several brain areas. In manuscript #2, we investigated the short-term memory for sensory aspects (intensity and location) of cutaneous heat pain delivered to two areas (thenar and hypothenar eminences) of the palm of the right hand. In this experiment, the memory and control trials were presented in blocks, whereby the subjects could predict what trials were going to follow. This study revealed that the presentation of painful stimuli evoked activation in different brain regions than those activated during the online maintenance (interstimulus interval or ISI) of the intensity and spatial features of those stimuli; a process, which I will refer to short-term memory. In manuscript #3, we investigated again short-term memory for sensory aspects of heat pain (as in manuscript #2), but in this case, the memory and control trials were presented in a randomized order. In this study, we found that the perception and short-term memory of pain were processed by a comparable network of areas. The predictability of the memory and control trials may have contributed to these findings. / La vibration inoffensive ainsi que la chaleur douloureuse cutanée sont traitées pardifférentes régions du cerveau. Le rôle de ces régions dans la perception de la douleurest controversé; et le rôle de ces régions dans la mémoire des stimuli somatosensorielsest incertain et n'a jamais encore été étudié en imagerie cérébrale chez des sujetshumains sains. Le design expérimental de toutes les études décrites ici comprenait unparadigme de 'delayed-discrimination' et l'imagerie par résonance magnétiquefonctionnelle (IRMf). L'étude #1 visait à élucider les corrélats cérébraux de l'attention etde la localisation spatiale des stimuli vibrotactiles inoffensifs présentés à la faceantérieure de l'avant-bras droit. Dans cette étude, nous avons trouvé que des degrésélevés d'attention portée aux stimuli vibrotactiles étaient associés à des niveaux accrusd'activation dans plusieurs zones du cerveau. Dans l'étude #2, nous avons enquêté surla mémoire à court-terme des caractéristiques sensorielles (intensité et emplacement)de la chaleur douloureuse cutanée présentée à deux endroits (éminences thénar ethypothénar) de la paume de la main droite. Dans cette étude, les essais mémoire etcontrôle étaient présentés en bloc, ou de sorte que les participants pouvaient prévoir dequel type serait le prochain essai. Cette étude a révélé que la présentation des stimulidouloureux a évoqué une activation de différentes régions cérébrales que celles quiétaient activées lors de la rétention de l'intensité et de l'emplacement des stimulationsdurant l'intervalle inter-stimuli (liS); un processus que je qualifierai de mémoire à courtterme.Dans l'étude #3, nous avons également enquêté sur la 'mémoire à court-termedes aspects sensoriels de la chaleur douloureuse (tout comme dans l'étude #2), maisdans ce cas, les essais mémoire et contrôle étaient présentés de façon aléatoire. Danscette étude, nous avons trouvé que la perception de la douleur ainsi que la mémoire àcourt-terme de la douleur étaient traitées par un réseau de régions semblable. Laprévisibilité des essais mémoire et contrôle peut avoir contribué à ce résultat.
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An event related potential (ERP) study of symptomatic and asymptomatic adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)Krupenia, Stas Simon January 2003 (has links)
This study recorded Event Related Potentials (ERPs) during completion of a Continuous Performance Task (CPT) in order to identify the contribution of response inhibition, working memory, and response monitoring to the pattern of hyperactive and impulsive and inattentive behaviour observed in patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Four ERP components, Nogo N2, Nogo P3, Go P3, and the ERN were examined and compared using a symptomatic and asymptomatic ADHD sample, and a healthy control group. The Nogo N2 had the expected frontal scalp distribution and was affected by changes to inhibitory demands. It was also suggested that this component was not wholly determined by inhibitory processing and may have been influenced by differing presentation rates of the Go stimulus, a template matching process or an in-depth response strategy. Source localisation analysis suggested a right frontal generator for this component. The Nogo P3 had the expected central distribution and had equal amplitude for those participants that were more efficient at inhibiting behaviours compared to those participants that were less efficient inhibitors. Contrary to expectations, the Nogo P3 was not affected by increasing the inhibitory demands of the task and was suggested as being a less reliable indicator of response inhibition in the present study. The Go P3 had the expected centro-parietal distribution, and appeared to provide a reliable index of working memory. Response inhibition and working memory were not impaired in the sample of symptomatic and asymptomatic ADHD adults used in this study. The symptomatic group elicited a slightly enhanced ERN compared to the asymptomatic and control groups, indicating that deficits in response monitoring may contribute to the pattern of problematic behaviour observed in people with ADHD.
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The effects of aggression, impulsivity, and psychopathic traits on treatment program completion in substance dependent individualsBaldridge, Robyn M. Stanford, Matthew S. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Baylor University, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 41-47).
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An investigation of auditory memory for tonal and nonword stimuli in adolescents with Williams Syndrome /Sitcovsky, Jessica L. January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--James Madison University, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Μελέτη ηλεκτροεγκεφαλογραφήματος με βάση μεγέθη από τη θεωρία πληροφορίαςΞενικού, Μόνικα Φιλίτσα 20 October 2010 (has links)
Στην παρούσα μεταπτυχιακή διπλωματική εργασία, η κυματιδιακή ανάλυση (Wavelet Analysis) εφαρμόζεται σε ηλεκτροεγκεφαλικές καταγραφές ασθενών που πάσχουν από επιληψία και σε προκλητά δυναμικά ασθενών που πάσχουν από σχιζοφρένεια και αλκοολισμό, με σκοπό την ανάδειξη παθολογικών προτύπων.
Συγκεκριμένα, χρησιμοποιείται ο Διακριτός Κυματιδιακός Μετασχηματισμός (Discrete Wavelet Transform) για την εκτίμηση της Εντροπίας (Entropy) τωνηλεκτροεγκεφαλικών σημάτων. Η Εντροπία είναι ένα μέγεθος το οποίο εκφράζει το βαθμό τάξης ενός σήματος. Βιοσήματα με μεγάλο βαθμό οργάνωσης και περιορισμένο συχνοτικό περιεχόμενο -που θεωρείται ότι εκφράζουν πιο συντονισμένη εγκεφαλική λειτουργία- έχουν χαμηλές τιμές Εντροπίας. Αντίθετα, όσο πιο στοχαστικό είναι ένα σήμα τόσο μεγαλύτερη η τιμή της Εντροπίας του. Για τη μελέτη μας υλοποιήσαμε δύο διαφορετικά μεγέθη Εντροπίας, την Κυματιδιακή Εντροπία (Wavelet Entropy) και την Εντροπία Renyi (Renyi Entropy), τα οποία έχουν διαφορετικές σχέσεις ορισμού αλλά εκφράζουν και τα δύο το βαθμό τάξης των αναλυόμενων σημάτων. Τα αποτελέσματα της ανάλυσης αποκαλύπτουν ότι και τα δύο αυτά μεγέθη Εντροπίας κατορθώνουν να εντοπίσουν την επιληπτική κρίση, καθώς η τιμή τους διαφοροποιείται κατά τη διάρκειά της σε σχέση με την τιμή τους πριν από αυτή. Ακόμα, στατιστική ανάλυση των αποτελεσμάτων για προκλητά δυναμικά αποκαλύπτει ότι είναι δυνατός ο διαχωρισμός των παθολογικών καταγραφών (σχιζοφρενών ή αλκοολικών) από αυτές υγιών μαρτύρων, σε συγκεκριμένες περιοχές ενδιαφέροντος των σημάτων. / Wavelet Analysis of EEG during epileptic seizures and evoked potentials of patients suffering from schizophrenia and alcoholism was carried out in the present project.
Discrete Wavelet Transform was used to estimate the Entropy of patients’ biosignals.
Entropy is a measure of the degree of order of a signal -and subsequently of the system it represents- also reflecting the complexity of its power spectrum. An ordered activity, like a sinusoidal signal, is manifested as a narrow peak in the frequency domain which corresponds to a low entropy value. On the other extreme, a disordered activity (e.g. the one generated by pure noise or by a deterministic chaotic system) will have a wide band response, thus being reflected in higher entropies.
In our research we used two differently defined Entropies, Wavelet Entropy and Renyi Entropy, both revealing the degree of order of the signal.
Results show that both Entropy measures accomplish the goal they were used for. They manage to detect the epileptic seizure as their value clearly decreased during seizure compared to the pre-ictal value. Also, statistically significant differences were observed between entropy values of ERPs of healthy subjects and patients suffering from schizophrenia and alcoholism.
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Etude électrophysiologique des réponses auditives corticales chez l'enfant avec une réhabilitation auditive / Cortical auditory responses in children with auditory rehabilitation : an electrophysiological studyBakhos, David 17 December 2012 (has links)
Les enfants sourds congénitaux ne peuvent pas acquérir le langage oral. L'acquisition du langage après réhabilitation montre des différences individuelles qui peuvent être liées à la réorganisation corticale consécutive à la surdité. Le fonctionnement auditif cortical peut être exploré par les méthodes électrophysiologiques. Notre première étude a permis de montrer une relation entre les réponses auditives temporales (onde N1c) et les capacités langagières chez des enfants avec une réhabilitation audioprothétique. Dans une seconde étude, nous avons mis en évidence une réponse spécifique à la voix humaine chez les enfants implantés cochléaires ayant un bon niveau de langage. La distribution de cette réponse est cependant différente de celle obtenue chez les enfants normo-entendants. La réduction de l'artefact dû à l'implant cochléaire a été une étape préliminaire indispensable à l'analyse des potentiels évoqués auditifs corticaux. L’identification de tels marqueurs permettra de définir des facteurs pronostics et de mieux repérer les enfants nécessitant une adaptation précoce de la rééducation. / Congenitally deaf children cannot acquire spoken language. Language development following auditory rehabilitation varies widely from child to child; this variability could be explained by cortical reorganisation following congenital deafness. Electrophysiological techniques make it possible to investigate cortical auditory processing. Our first study identified a relationship between auditory temporal responses (N1c wave) and language performance in children fitted with hearing aids for moderate congenital deafness. Our second study investigated cortical voice processing in children with a cochlear implant (CI) and with good language performance. Minimisation of the CI artifact was a preliminary step to analyse cortical auditory evoked potentials. A specific response to voice was found in children with CI, broader and more frontally distributed than this recorded in normal hearing children. The identification of such markers shoult it make possible to identify prognostic factors and to better indentify children in need of early care management.
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Avaliação eletrofisiológica e comportamental do processamento auditivo (central) e treinamento auditivo em indivíduos idosos / Electrophysiological and behavioral assessment of (central) auditory processing in elderly individualsRenata Alonso 16 February 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O idoso freqüentemente apresenta alterações no Processamento Auditivo (Central), as quais contribuem para uma piora na qualidade de vida e afetam o relacionamento social destes indivíduos. O Treinamento Auditivo é uma prática amplamente utilizada na reabilitação de indivíduos com Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo (Central) e sua efetividade pode ser comprovada por meio de testes comportamentais e eletrofisiológicos. OBJETIVOS: Os objetivos deste estudo foram caracterizar o Processamento Auditivo (Central) em indivíduos idosos e verificar a efetividade do Treinamento Auditivo em idosos com Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo (Central). MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 15 indivíduos com Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo (Central) (Grupo Estudo) e 13 indivíduos sem Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo (Central) (Grupo Controle) com idades entre 60 e 79 anos. Todos os sujeitos realizaram uma avaliação inicial comportamental do Processamento Auditivo (Central) e uma primeira gravação do complexo N1-P2-N2 e do P300 (avaliação eletrofisiológica). O Grupo Estudo foi submetido a um programa de Treinamento Auditivo em cabine acústica durante oito sessões e, um mês após o término deste período foram realizadas novas avaliações comportamental e eletrofisiológica. O Grupo Controle foi submetido a um Treinamento Visual com duração de oito semanas, e, um mês após o término deste período, foi realizada nova avaliação eletrofisiológica. RESULTADOS: Na avaliação comportamental, houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre o Grupo Estudo e o Grupo Controle, e nas situações pré e pós Treinamento Auditivo no Grupo Estudo, nos testes Dicótico de Dígitos e Padrão de Freqüência. Quando comparados os dados eletrofisiológicos, não foram encontradas diferenças significantes na comparação entre os grupos na avaliação inicial e, após o Treinamento Auditivo e o Treinamento Visual, houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos nas latências de N1, P2 e N2. Na comparação do Grupo Estudo antes e após o Treinamento Auditivo, houve diferença estatisticamente significante para a latência de N2, e na comparação do Grupo Controle antes e após o Treinamento Visual, houve diferença significante na latência de P2 e na amplitude de N1P2. CONCLUSÕES: O Grupo Estudo, quando comparado ao Grupo Controle, apresentou pior desempenho na avaliação comportamental do Processamento Auditivo (Central), e ambos os grupos apresentaram respostas eletrofisiológicas similares antes do Treinamento Auditivo e do Treinamento Visual. O programa de Treinamento Auditivo foi eficaz na melhora do desempenho nas habilidades do Processamento Auditivo (Central) no Grupo Estudo, e esta melhora também pôde ser visualizada na diminuição da latência das ondas N1, P2 e N2 e no aumento da amplitude do P300 após o Treinamento Auditivo / INTRODUCTION: Elderly individuals usually present (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder which contribute for the deterioration of quality of life and affect the social relations of such individuals. The Auditory Training is a broadly used technique in the rehabilitation of individuals with (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder and its effectiveness may be evidenced by behavioral and electrophysiological tests. AIMS: This study aimed to characterize the (Central) Auditory Processing in elderly individuals and to verify the effectiveness of Auditory Training in elderly with (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder. METHODS: 15 individuals with (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder (Study Group) and 13 individuals without (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder (Control Group), ranging in age from 60 to 79 years old, took part in the study. All subjects underwent an initial behavioral assessment of (Central) Auditory Processing and a first recording of N1-P2- N2 complex and of P300 (electrophysiological assessment). The Study Group underwent an Auditory Training program in acoustic booth for eight sessions, and a month later new behavioral and electrophysiological assessments were performed. The Control Group underwent a Visual Training during eight weeks, and a month later a new electrophysiological assessment was performed. RESULTS: There was a significant statistical difference between the Study Group and the Control Group in the behavioral assessment and in the situations pre and post Auditory Training in the Study Group in Dichotic Digit and Frequency Pattern tests. Concerning the electrophysiological data, no significant differences were found between the groups in the initial assessment; after the Auditory and the Visual Training there was a significant statistical difference between the groups in the latency of N1, P2 and N2. Comparing the Study Group before and after the Auditory Training, there was a statistically significant difference for the latency of N2; and comparing the Control Group before and after the Visual Training, there was a significant difference for the latency of P2 and the amplitude of N1P2. CONCLUSIONS: The Study Group presented worse performance in the behavioral assessment of the (Central) Auditory Processing when compared to the Control Group, and both groups presented similar electrophysiological responses before the Auditory and the Visual Training. The Auditory Training improved the performance of (Central) Auditory Processing skills in the Study Group, and this improvement could also be verified in the latency decrease of waves N1, P2 and N2 and in the increase of P300 amplitude, after the Auditory Training
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Remediação fonológica associada à leitura e escrita em escolares com distúrbio de apredizagem: aplicabilidade do PEAC / Phonological remediation associated with reading and writing strategies in students with learning disability: applicability of CAEPThaís Freire 28 March 2014 (has links)
O distúrbio de aprendizagem (DA) é um transtorno de origem neurobiológica caracterizado por falhas no processamento cognitivo-linguístico, auditivo e visual que prejudicam, principalmente, as habilidades de leitura, escrita e raciocínio matemático. Estudos reforçam a necessidade da intervenção fonoaudiológica dirigida à população com DA. Como alternativa para o tratamento do DA são adotados os programas de remediação fonológica que visam o treino de habilidades metalinguísticas e o ensino da relação letra-som necessários para a aprendizagem do sistema de escrita. A literatura ainda reforça o uso de estratégias não somente fonológicas, mas que envolvam diretamente a leitura e a escrita. Considerando o exposto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar os efeitos de um programa de remediação fonológica associado à leitura e escrita em escolares com DA e verificar a aplicabilidade dos Potenciais Evocados Auditivos Corticais (PEAC-P1-N1-P2) como indicadores de evolução terapêutica. Foram selecionados 20 escolares na faixa etária de 8 a 14 anos, de ambos os gêneros, diagnosticados com DA por equipe interdisciplinar da FOB-USP. Os participantes foram divididos em 2 grupos: Grupo Experimental (10 escolares) e Grupo Controle (10 escolares). O GE foi submetido ao programa de remediação para comparação com escolares do GC que inicialmente não receberam a intervenção. Foram realizadas avaliações pré e pós a aplicação do programa de remediação para verificar o desempenho cognitivo-linguístico dos participantes nas habilidades do processamento fonológico, leitura (velocidade e compreensão), escrita (palavras, pseudopalavras e produção textual), memória auditiva e visual. As atividades do programa de remediação foram aplicadas em 24 sessões. Os atendimentos foram individuais, realizados 2 vezes por semana, com duração de 50 minutos. Os resultados revelaram que o desempenho cognitivo-linguístico do grupo submetido à intervenção foi estatisticamente superior (p<0,05) ao do grupo não remediado em todas as habilidades avaliadas, exceto na memória visual, cujo grupo não remediado também apresentou evolução. Portanto, observou-se que a remediação fonológica associada à leitura e escrita promoveu resultados significantes nas habilidades do processamento fonológico, memória auditiva, leitura (velocidade e compreensão) e escrita (palavras, pseudopalavras e produção textual). Com relação aos PEAC, constatou-se diferença significante entre os grupos nos valores de latência do componente P1. Considerando que as mudanças no P1 foram observadas somente no grupo submetido à intervenção, pode-se inferir que as mudanças nos valores de latência desse componente foram influenciadas pela remediação. Portanto, verifica-se que o programa de remediação, empregado no presente estudo, promoveu melhoras significantes nas habilidades cognitivo-linguísticas dos escolares com DA, as quais puderam ser monitoradas por meio do componente P1 dos PEAC. / The learning disability (LD) is a neurological disorder characterized by deficits on cognitive-linguistic processing that impair the learning of reading, writing and mathematical reasoning. Studies reinforce the necessity of speech therapy aimed to LD population. The phonological remediation programs are adopted as an alternative for the treatment of LD. These programs focus on metalinguistic skills and the instruction of letter-sound relationship, essential to learning the writing system. It´s also recommended the association between phonological strategies with reading and writing skills. Considering the above, the main objective of this work was to verify the effects of a phonological remediation program associated with reading and writing strategies in children with LD. It was also evaluated the applicability of Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials (CAEP) P1-N1-2 complex as indicators of therapeutic progress. There were selected 20 students in the age of 8-14 years, both genders, diagnosed with LD by an interdisciplinary team of FOB-USP. The students were divided into 2 groups: experimental group (10 students) and control group (10 students). The EG was submitted to the remediation program to be compared with GC which initially did not receive the intervention. The groups were evaluated pre and post the remediation program to verify their performances. The activities of the remediation program were implemented in 24 sessions (individual sessions, performed 2 times per week, lasting 50 minutes). The results revealed that cognitive-linguistic performance of the intervention group was statistically superior (p<0.05) compared with the group not submitted to remediation program in all abilities assessed, except in visual memory, whose CG also showed progress. Therefore, it was observed that phonological remediation program associated with reading and writing was able to promote significant results in phonological processing, visual memory, reading (speed and comprehension) and writing (words, invented words and text production). With respect to CAEP, there was significant difference between the groups just for the latency value of P1 component. Considering that changes in P1 were observed just in the intervention group it is noted that latency values of this component were influenced by the remediation program. Therefore, it appears that remediation program, conducted in the present study, promoted significant improvements on cognitive-linguistic skills of students with LD, which can be monitored through the P1 component of CAEP.
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Especificidade e taxa de falso-positivo em três protocolos de triagem auditiva neonatal / Specificity and false-positive rate in three newborn hearing screening protocolsVanessa Sabino de Freitas 24 November 2006 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi estimar a especificidade e taxa de falso-positivo de protocolos de triagem auditiva neonatal (TAN), realizados com os procedimentos emissões otoacústicas evocadas transientes-módulo triagem (EOAet) e potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico automático (PEATEa), de forma isolada ou combinada, aplicados em uma ou duas etapas. Participaram deste estudo 200 recém-nascidos, selecionados aleatoriamente, submetidos à triagem auditiva, no período entre Março/2006 e Julho/2006. A estimativa da taxa de falso-positivo e da especificidade foi realizada com a TAN em uma etapa e com três protocolos: protocolo 1, TAN realizada em duas etapas com EOAet; protocolo 2, TAN realizada em duas etapas com PEATEa; e protocolo 3, TAN realizada em uma etapa com dois procedimentos - teste com EOAet seguido de reteste com PEATEa para os recém-nascidos que não passaram no primeiro procedimento. Os resultados mostraram alta taxa de falso-positivo na triagem auditiva realizada em uma etapa para ambos os procedimentos. Apesar de não ter havido diferença estatisticamente significante quando comparadas as taxas de encaminhamento para diagnóstico audiológico obtidos nos protocolos com EOAet e com PEATEa, o protocolo com EOAet encaminhou 4 vezes mais recém-nascidos. O protocolo com EOAet e PEATEa apresentou a maior taxa de encaminhamento (6%), com diferença estatisticamente significante ao ser comparado com os protocolos 1 (EOAet) e 2 (PEATEa). Concluiu-se que a triagem auditiva neonatal deve ser realizada em duas etapas (teste-reteste), a fim de reduzir a taxa de falso-positivo e de encaminhamento, aumentando a especificidade; a taxa de falso-positivo e conseqüentemente a especificidade foram melhores no protocolo com PEATEa, seguido dos protocolos com EOAet e com EOAet e PEATEa. / O objetivo do presente estudo foi estimar a especificidade e taxa de falso-positivo de protocolos de triagem auditiva neonatal (TAN), realizados com os procedimentos emissões otoacústicas evocadas transientes-módulo triagem (EOAet) e potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico automático (PEATEa), de forma isolada ou combinada, aplicados em uma ou duas etapas. Participaram deste estudo 200 recém-nascidos, selecionados aleatoriamente, submetidos à triagem auditiva, no período entre Março/2006 e Julho/2006. A estimativa da taxa de falso-positivo e da especificidade foi realizada com a TAN em uma etapa e com três protocolos: protocolo 1, TAN realizada em duas etapas com EOAet; protocolo 2, TAN realizada em duas etapas com PEATEa; e protocolo 3, TAN realizada em uma etapa com dois procedimentos - teste com EOAet seguido de reteste com PEATEa para os recém-nascidos que não passaram no primeiro procedimento. Os resultados mostraram alta taxa de falso-positivo na triagem auditiva realizada em uma etapa para ambos os procedimentos. Apesar de não ter havido diferença estatisticamente significante quando comparadas as taxas de encaminhamento para diagnóstico audiológico obtidos nos protocolos com EOAet e com PEATEa, o protocolo com EOAet encaminhou 4 vezes mais recém-nascidos. O protocolo com EOAet e PEATEa apresentou a maior taxa de encaminhamento (6%), com diferença estatisticamente significante ao ser comparado com os protocolos 1 (EOAet) e 2 (PEATEa). Concluiu-se que a triagem auditiva neonatal deve ser realizada em duas etapas (teste-reteste), a fim de reduzir a taxa de falso-positivo e de encaminhamento, aumentando a especificidade; a taxa de falso-positivo e conseqüentemente a especificidade foram melhores no protocolo com PEATEa, seguido dos protocolos com EOAet e com EOAet e PEATEa.
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Sistemas de aquisição de dados e análise eletrococleográfica, um mini-computador compartilhado entre vários hospitais. / Electrocochleogram signal aquisition and analysis using a mini-computer.Andre Fabio Kohn 25 June 1976 (has links)
Propõe-se um sistema para processamento em um mini computador, de sinais elétricos da cóclea gravados em fita magnética. As gravações são efetuadas nos hospitais, utilizando-se aparelhos de simples manuseio e de baixo custo. Obtém-se dados que auxiliarão no diagnóstico de patologias do órgão da audição. Os instrumentos existentes para a realização da eletrococleografia são da manipulação complexa além de terem alto custo. O sistema proposto simplifica muito a operação do equipamento empregado nos hospitais, obtendo-se uma redução do custo global do exame. No hospital, deve-se ter um circuito de controle, um gravador, um amplificador e um gerador de estímulos. No centro de computação deve-se ter um mini computador, outro gravador, filtros e uma interface de controle. Foram desenvolvidos no trabalho: o circuito de controle, os filtros, a interface de controle e todos os programas responsáveis pelo processamento. Atualmente, a eletrococleografia em todo o Brasil é realizada em apenas alguns centros hospitalares, devido aos fatores custo e complexidade de manuseio. Em vista dos bons resultados obtidos e do baixo custo do sistema proposto, conclui-se que, com o nosso método, poder-se-ia difundir a eletrococleografia para um grande número de centros hospitalares. / A system is proposed that uses a minicomputer for the processing of electrical potentials from the cochlea. These signals are previously recorded on magnetic tape at hospitals, using simple and inexpensive equipment. The results obtained by the processing provide valuable data for the diagnosis of hearing disorders. The available equipment for electrocochleography at the present time is rather complicated to use and very expensive. The proposed system eases the operation and has a low cost. At the hospital, one must have a control circuit, a tape recorder, an amplifier and a sound stimulator. At the computing center one needs a minicomputer, another tape recorder, filters and a control interface. In this work were developed: the control circuit, the filters, the control interface and all programs used in the processing of the data. Nowadays, the use of electrocochleography in Brazil is limited to a few medical centers, due to the cost and complexity of the equipment. It is hoped that the simpler system proposed here will contribute to a wider use of electrocochleography.
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