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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur inverkar fysisk aktivitet på Ungdomarnas självkänsla? : En studie bland gymnasieelever på två skolor i Mellansverige

Andersson, Veronica, Jonasson, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
Studien genomfördes inom ramen för det självständiga arbetet i didaktik som är relaterat till ämnesområde idrott och hälsa vid Uppsala universitet. I studien granskas 67 elever i åk 1 och 2 vid två gymnasieskolor inom olika kommuner i Mellansverige. Undersökningens syfte var att se om fysisk aktivitet inverkar på ungdomars självkänsla.   Undersökningen omfattade två enkätundersökningar där den ena var baserad på GIH:s frågeformulär Skola – idrott – hälsa, (Bilaga 2), för att se om elevernas fysiska aktivitetsvanor skiljer sig åt mellan gymnasieprogram, eller mellan kön. I undersökningen användes även Sådan är jag! – Ungdom, som i studien användes för att få fram ett resultat vad gäller elevernas fysiska självkänsla. Båda dessa mätinstrument är sedan tidigare beprövade.   Resultatet i studien visar att det finns en signifikant skillnad mellan de deltagande programmen inom undersökningsområdena idrottslig förmåga, fysisk kondition, kroppsattraktivitet, fysisk styrka, fysisk självkänsla samt global självkänsla. Där Idrottsprogrammet visade sig vara mer aktiva och skatta sin självkänsla högre än IT- programmet, däremot visade resultatet att IT-eleverna var mer stillasittande framför datorn. Resultatet visar sig överensstämma med EXSEM- modellen vars teori är att fysisk aktivitet leder till en ökad självkänsla (Lindwall 2011, s.244).   I studien framkom svaga skillnader mellan flickor och pojkar då de båda grupperna svarade ungefär likvärdigt inom de båda del undersökningarna. Pojkarna skattade sig lite högre men dock utan signifikans. I tidigare forskning har det visat sig att pojkar i större utsträckning än flickor är fysiskt aktiva samt skattar sin självkänsla högre (Raustorp 2005, s.30). Denna studie uppvisar dock ett resultat som kan ha influerats av flickornas fysiska aktivitetsvanor och pojkarnas inaktivitetsvanor som EXSEM- modellen styrker (Lindwall 2011, s.244). Studien vill dock understryka att den inte är generaliserbar i genomskärning för den Svenska befolkningen, men trots denna begränsning har resultaten i studien föranlett utvecklingsarbete för framtida forskning.

Physical Activity in Survivors of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer

Wurz, Amanda 19 February 2019 (has links)
Survivors of adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer endure a range of symptoms and side effects, including weight gain, unfavourable changes in body composition, physical disfigurements, and tissue damage, which can impair their physical and psychological health. Identifying and optimizing interventions that can mitigate negative side effects are necessary. Whereas physical activity has been identified as one such intervention for child and older adult cancer survivors, the evidence for survivors of AYA cancer is far less convincing to put forward recommendations and argue for integrating physical activity into practice. Research seeking to understand if/how and under what circumstances physical activity is related to physical and psychological outcomes is of particular importance to guide care aimed at relieving cancer-related damage and distress. This research program sought to address this through three interrelated studies, which progressed sequentially. Study One examined the clarity, appropriateness, and relevancy of eight widely used questionnaires assessing self-reported physical activity and psychological outcomes. Cognitive interviews were conducted with seven survivors of AYA cancer who were representative of individuals likely to participate in future research. Findings from this study indicated most of the questionnaires tested could be used to assess self-reported physical activity and psychological outcomes among survivors of AYA cancer with or without slight modifications. After incorporating participants’ feedback into the questionnaires, Study Two was conducted to: (1) examine the cross-sectional relationships between physical self-perceptions and self-esteem (physical and global), and (2) explore if physical activity and/or self-efficacy for physical activity moderated these relationships. Correlation analyses were conducted, and as hypothesized, physical self-perceptions and physical and global self-esteem were positively related. Hierarchical multivariate linear regression analyses showed that self-efficacy for physical activity moderated the relationship between physical self-perceptions and physical self-esteem (but not global self-esteem), such that at higher levels of self-efficacy for physical activity, the magnitude of the association between physical self-perceptions and physical self-esteem was greater. Physical activity did not moderate the relationship between physical self-perceptions and physical or global self-esteem. These findings provide empirical evidence that physical self-perceptions and self-esteem (physical and global) are related and suggest self-efficacy for physical activity may serve to strengthen the relationship between physical self-perceptions and physical self-esteem among survivors of AYA cancer. However, more work exploring if/how and under what circumstances physical activity is implicated in this relationship is needed via experimental study designs. In Study Three, a two-arm, mixed-methods randomized controlled trial (RCT) designed to test a 12-week physical activity intervention among survivors of AYA cancer was piloted. The objectives of this study were to assess the feasibility and acceptability of trial methods and the intervention. Findings suggest modifications to the methods and intervention are required. Making the trial multi-site, using multiple recruitment strategies, refining assessments of directly-measured physical activity behaviour and aerobic capacity, and incorporating behavioural support into the intervention may improve feasibility and acceptability. This study highlights the value of pilot trials and provides useful data that can be used to optimize trial methods and physical activity interventions for this population. Collectively, the studies comprising this thesis lay the foundation for further testing of if/how and under what circumstances physical activity and physical and psychological outcomes are related in survivors of AYA cancer. Findings offer researchers and practitioners information to aid in the development of theoretically- and empirically-based interventions seeking to mitigate the adverse effects of cancer and its treatments in this population.

Relationen mellan motion och global självkänsla bland motionärer

Davoud, Nor, Haxhiu, Elda January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera relationen mellan motionoch global självkänslaoch undersöka om relationen medierasav fysisk förmåga och fysiskt självvärde.Frågeställningen som skapades var följande:Visar relationen mellan motion och global självkänsla på indirekta effekter genom fysisk förmåga och fysiskt självvärde?Frågeställningenundersöktes genomentillämpning av detteoretiska ramverketThe Exercise and Self-esteem model(EXSEM). De två primära mediatorerna i genomförandet av testet var fysisk förmåga (M1)och fysiskt självvärde (M2). Syftet i detta varatt få inblickom mediatorernavisarpåindirekta effekter i relationenmellan motion och global självkänsla bland individer som motionerar.Genom att använda EXSEM som teoretiskt ramverk skapades en medieringsmodell(figur2).I studien deltog 104 individerdär antalet kvinnor var46och antalet män var58.Deltagarna var bosatta i Sverige, där50 styckenav deltagarnarekryterades på tre olika motionsinstitut varav tvåbelägna i Göteborg och ett i Borås. Resterande deltagarerekryterades online viatvå Facebook-grupper. Data för undersökningen samlades invia enkäter därdeltagarna fick skatta sig självaisinrelation till deras motionsutövande. Varje individs motionsutövandemättes genom ett frågeformulär som strukturerades i enlighet med Godin Leisure-Time exercise questionnaire. Global självkänsla mättes genom självrapporteringsinstrumentet Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. Slutligen mättes fysiskt självvärde och fysisk förmåga genomsjälvbegrepps-instrumentet Physical Self-Perception Profile.Resultatetvisadeattmotion hade enpositiv statistisksignifikant indirekt effekt på global självkänsla genom mediatorerna fysisk förmåga tillsammans med fysiskt självvärde. / The purpose of the study wastoinvestigate the relation between exercise and global self-esteemand examine whether the relationship is mediated by physical ability and physical self-worth.The hypothesis that was created was the following: Does the relationship between exercise and global self-esteem show indirect effects through physical ability and physical self-worth?.This was implemented bytestingthe Exercise and Self-esteem model (EXSEM). The implementation of the test was to examine the following mediators: Physical ability (M1) and Physical self-esteem (M2), with the aim of finding if the mediators show indirect effects in the relationship between exercise and global self-esteem among individuals who exercise. Using EXSEM as a theoretical framework, a mediation model was created (Figure 2). The study involved 104 individuals where the number of women consisted of 46 and the number of men consisted of 58where all the participants lived in Sweden.There were 50 participants recruited at three different gyms, two of which were located in Gothenburg and one in Borås. The remaining participants were recruited online via two Facebookgroups. The data ofthe survey were collected via questionnaires that the participants had to rate themselves in their relation to their exercise.Each individual's exercise was measured through a questionnaire that was structured in accordance with the Godin Leisure-Time exercise questionnaire. Global self-esteem was measured through the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. Finally, physical self-valueand physical ability were measured through the self-concept instrument Physical Self-Perception Profile. The results showed that exercise had a positive statistic significantindirect effect on global self-esteem through the mediators physical abilityalong with physical self-value.

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