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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Justice on Trial: German Unification and the 1992 Leipzig Trial

Purvis, Emily Dorothea 08 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The Work of Architecture in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility

Guthrie, Elizabeth Rae 10 August 2010 (has links)
Dresden's historic reconstructions bring up questions that reach far beyond the city's new/old Neumarkt district. In this thesis, I would like to take a closer look at the current ideological discourse surrounding the reconstruction of destroyed historic buildings in Dresden and other cities in the former DDR. What seems at first to be a simple culture war between progressive and reactionary city planners is actually, I will argue, a unique historical moment that blurs the dogmatically held ideas of rationality and nostalgia, ornament and function, and high art and kitsch. From the uncanny shadow of a church recently raised from the dead, I will explore the aesthetic and ethical ramifications of the technologically reproduced building.

Critique of realism and reality in the short fiction of three East German woman writers: Helga Schubert, Helga Königsdorf and Monika Maron.

Petzl, Julia Theresa Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis sets out to analyze the work of Helga Schubert, Helga Königsdorf and Monika Maron. It concentrates on their neglected short prose, undertaking an in-depth analysis of the authors’ themes as well as examining their responses to reality. The overwhelming sense of entrapment in a ‘stagnant’ society is the primary pre-occupation of all three authors; yet they each communicate this in different ways. Schubert endeavours to remain apolitical, although her criticism is aimed increasingly directly at the GDR. Königsdorf is party-loyal and sees society’s ills as a product of a distortion in values linked to industrialization. Maron, the dissident, consciously attacks the regime in her writing, using literature itself as means to expose the corruption of the state. By focusing on women, this study intends to further the establishment of female writers in mainstream academic discourse. The thesis reflects not just the political concerns of GDR writers, but also their philosophical and social approaches to life. An analysis of their short fiction provides a more complete overview of the authors’ development, thereby complementing studies of their novels. These women’s writings have become valuable documents of an era which is irrevocably past. Such studies as mine, therefore, provide a useful key to understanding post-Wende literature.

DDR-Nostalgie : Dimensionen der Orientierungen der Ostdeutschen gegenüber der ehemaligen DDR, ihre Ursachen und politischen Konnotationen /

Neller, Katja. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Stuttgart, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [321]-353).

Socialism Gone Awry: A Study in Bureaucratic Dysfunction in the Armed Forces of the German Democratic Republic

Jordan, Daniel W., III January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

政治共同體的再建構 - 德東人國族認同的轉變與延續 / Re-construction of Political Community - The Transformation and Continuation of National Identity for the East German

王贊焜 Unknown Date (has links)
1973年西德聯邦憲法法院作出東、西德基礎條約判決指陳 ”基礎條約的特殊性在於,它雖是一項適用國際法規則、並且具有國際法條約效力的兩國間之雙邊條約,然而這兩個國家卻是一個始終尚存、又保有同一民族的整體德國之兩部份”。西德以「基本法(Das Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, GG)」治國,在政治自由與經濟成長的輝煌成果,對社會主義東德產生催枯拉朽的體系瓦解,並導致兩個德國在1990年10月3日正式復歸「統一」。 國族認同在德國既因為納粹時代的誤用而被視為一種罪惡及禁忌,二次戰後的德國人,既不能像其他國族國家的人民一般以土地作為政治共同體認同的對象,也不能繼續以國族為認同的對象,乃發展出以體制為認同的對象。統一後德國經濟的表現與落差,不如原先之預測與期待,隨之而來的是,認同自己是「德東人」的前東德人卻越來越多。1990年統一之初,有六成一的東德人回答自己是「德國人」,到了2000年時,認同自己是「東德人」的竟高達七成七。以歷史的角度來看,所謂的日耳曼民族「統一」,在漫長的歷史長河裏,是否竟成短暫一瞬?國族認同其實是不斷「轉變」、需要被「建構」? 德東人的國族認同似乎印證此一說法。 / The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court in the Basic Treaty of 1973 stated “ The specialty of the treaty is that it applies to, as well as effects, a bilateral international treaty between two states which are existing for long and keep the same nation in the two divisions of the entire Germany as a whole.” The significant political freedoms and economic prosperity that West Germany established under the Grundgesetz (Basic Law), which across the border many of East Germany’s citizens looked to, eventually led to the collapse of socialist and the consequent official unification of two German states into one again on 3rd October 1990. Due to the Nazis’ distortion of national identity, as well as the changing border in historical Germany, an ideology of identity in political communities has appeared on “systems” for the postwar German, rather than on “nations” or “lands” as for people in other nation state. Alongside the social unequal and decline derived from the disappointing economic performance after unification, more and more pre East German now declare themselves “East German”. In 1990, 61% of pre East German recognized “German”, while in 2000 77% of those recognized “East German”. From the historical point of view, the so called “Germanic unification” ultimate becomes a short memory in the long history? National identity actually transforms and needs to be continuously constructed? The terms of pre East German seem in support of this indication.

Réécriture et dialogue avec la tradition dans l’œuvre de Irmtraud Morgner : de Schahrazade à Mnèmosunè

Lessard, Marie 08 1900 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat effectuée en cotutelle au Département de littérature comparée, Faculté des arts et des sciences de l'Université de Montréal et à l'Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie, Fachbereich Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften de la Freie Universität Berlin / Cette thèse, intitulée « Réécriture et dialogue avec la tradition dans l’œuvre de Irmtraud Morgner : de Schahrazade à Mnèmosunè », vise à comprendre le recours à la réécriture comme modalité de dialogue avec la tradition dans l’œuvre de l’auteure est-allemande Irmtraud Morgner. L’analyse porte sur divers cas de réécriture tirés de Hochzeit in Konstantinopel, Gauklerlegende, Leben und Abenteuer et Amanda, sur les déplacements narratifs introduits par la reprise, ainsi que sur l’emboîtement des récits les uns aux autres. Cette démarche permet de repérer une structure narrative récurrente qui organise le travail de réécriture en trois temps : par une conteuse romantique, par une narratrice critique héritière de l’Aufklärung et par une auteure qui intervient pour souligner les limites de la pensée critique imposée par la narratrice. Cette structure de réécriture en trois temps organise le travail d’expérimentation narrative dans l’ensemble des textes. Elle vise à chaque fois un matériel différent : les récits hérités des traditions du conte, des jongleurs, du roman courtois, du roman moderne, mais également les récits modernes de l’Histoire, de la Science, de la Mémoire. Le moment de la troisième réécriture, confiée par Morgner à la figure de l’auteure, est déterminant car il lui permet de préciser la nature de ce « Tat », de cette « action » de la réécriture, qu’elle tente de définir pour elle-même et ses narratrices, qui rendrait possible le maintien d’un rapport vivant à l’Histoire, à la Mémoire et à la Tradition. C’est en insérant la question du rapport à la tradition dans le cadre plus large d’une interrogation sur le travail de la représentation, que Morgner parvient à la repenser en des termes autres que ceux définis par le Erbedebatte ou par une pensée marxiste ou féministe de la réappropriation de la tradition. Son travail fictionnel contribue ainsi à la réflexion sur le phénomène littéraire contemporain, sur l’évolution de la forme du roman et sur la fortune du récit dans la modernité. Son œuvre est porteuse de questionnements à l’égard du phénomène littéraire contemporain qui dépassent largement le cadre plus étroit souvent attribué à la production littéraire est-allemande. Elle suggère la nécessité d’une réévaluation de la place octroyée à Morgner dans la littérature allemande. / This dissertation entitled, «Rewriting and dialogue with tradition in the works of Irmtraud Morgner : from Schahrazade to Mnèmosunè», tries to understand how and why, in her works, East German writer Irmtraud Morgner turns to strategies of rewriting as a mean of establishing a dialogue with tradition. The analysis examines various cases of rewriting found in Hochzeit in Konstantinopel, Gauklerlegende, Leben und Abenteuer and Amanda, the narrative shifts thus introduced and the way in which narratives interlock with one another. It makes it possible to identify a narrative structure which organizes the work of rewriting into three distinct moments : first, that of a storyteller using the idiom of romanticism, second, that of a narrator whose critical discourse represents the Enlightenment heritage, and third, that of an author who intervenes to underline the limits of critical thought imposed by the narrator. This structure of rewriting in three stages is shown to organize the work of narrative experimentation in all the texts under study. It applies in each case to a different narrative material inherited from various traditions : the fairy tale, minstrel stories, the courtly novel, as well as modern narratives such as History, Science and Memory. The third rewriting, which Morgner assigns to the figure of the author is the most significant since it characterizes the nature of this « Tat », of this «work» of rewriting which Morgner is attempting to define for herself and her women narrators as that, which would open the possibility of maintaining a living relationship with History, Memory and Tradition. By reframing the question of the nature of the relation to tradition within the larger context of an interrogation on the question of Representation, Morgner manages to rethink the question of the relation to tradition in terms other than those established by the Erbedebatte or by Marxist and feminist theories of re-appropriation of tradition. Thus her fictional works contribute to the reflection on contemporary literature, on the evolution of the novel and on the heritage of the tradition of storytelling in modernity. Her work shares a questioning about contemporary literature which go far beyond the narrower frame through which East German literary production has usually been defined. This suggests the need for a reevaluation of Morgner’s works within German literature.

Modellgestützte Analyse der Einflüsse von Veränderungen der Waldwirtschaft und des Klimas auf den Wasserhaushalt grundwasserabhängiger Landschaftselemente / Model-based Analysis of the Impact of Changing Climate and Forest Cultivation on the Water Balance of Groundwater-Dependent Landscape Elements

Natkhin, Marco January 2010 (has links)
In den letzten drei Jahrzehnten wurden in einigen Seen und Feuchtgebieten in bewaldeten Einzugsgebieten Nordost-Brandenburgs sinkende Wasserstände beobachtet. In diesen Gebieten bestimmt die Grundwasserneubildung im Einzugsgebiet maßgeblich das Wasserdargebot der Seen und Feuchtgebiete, die deshalb hier als grundwasserabhängige Landschaftselemente bezeichnet werden. Somit weisen die sinkenden Wasserstände auf einen Rückgang der wegen des geringen Niederschlagsdargebotes ohnehin schon geringen Grundwasserneubildung hin. Die Höhe der Grundwasserneubildung ist neben den hydroklimatischen Randbedingungen auch von der Landnutzung abhängig. Veränderungen in der Waldvegetation und der hydroklimatischen Randbedingungen bewirken Änderungen der Grundwasserneubildung und beeinflussen somit auch den Wasserhaushalt der Seen und Feuchtgebiete. Aktuell wird die Waldvegetation durch Kiefernmonokulturen dominiert, mit im Vergleich zu anderen Baumarten höherer Evapotranspiration. Entwicklungen in der Forstwirtschaft streben die Verringerung von Kiefernmonokulturen an. Diese sollen langfristig auf geeigneten Standorten durch Laubmischwälder ersetzt werden. Dadurch lassen sich eine geringere Evapotranspiration und damit eine höhere Grundwasserneubildung erreichen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden am Beispiel des Redernswalder Sees und des Briesensees die Ursachen der beobachteten sinkenden Wasserstände analysiert. Ihre Wasserstände nahmen in den letzten 25 Jahren um mehr als 3 Meter ab. Weiterhin wird untersucht, wie die erwarteten Klimaänderungen und Veränderungen in der Waldbewirtschaftung die zukünftige Grundwasserneubildung und den Wasserhaushalt von Seen beeinflussen können. Die Entwicklung der Grundwasserneubildung im Untersuchungsgebiet wurde mit dem Wasserhaushaltsmodell WaSiM-ETH simuliert. Die Analyse der Wechselwirkungen der Seen mit dem regionalen quartären Grundwasserleitersystem erfolgte mit dem 3D-Grundwassermodell FEFLOW. Mögliche zukünftige Veränderungen der Grundwasserneubildung und der Seewasserstände durch Klimaänderungen und Waldumbau wurden mit Szenarienrechnungen bis zum Jahr 2100 analysiert. Die modellgestützte Analyse zeigte, dass die beobachteten abnehmenden Wasserstände zu etwa gleichen Anteilen durch Veränderungen der hydroklimatischen Randbedingungen sowie durch Veränderungen in der Waldvegetation und damit abnehmenden Grundwasserneubildungsraten zu erklären sind. Die zukünftigen Entwicklungen der Grundwasserneubildung und der Wasserstände sind geprägt von sich ändernden hydroklimatischen Randbedingungen und einem sukzessiven Wandel der Kiefernbestände zu Laubwäldern. Der Waldumbau hat positive Wirkungen auf die Grundwasserneubildung und damit auf die Wasserstände. Damit können die Einflüsse des eingesetzten REMO-A1B-Klimaszenarios zum Ende des Modellzeitraumes durch den Waldumbau nicht kompensiert werden, das Sinken des Wasserstandes wird jedoch wesentlich reduziert. Bei dem moderateren REMO-B1-Klimaszenario werden die Wasserstände des Jahres 2008 durch den Waldumbau bis zum Jahr 2100 überschritten. / Declining water levels have been observed in some lakes and wetlands in forested catchments in North-East Brandenburg (Germany). Groundwater recharge mainly controls the supply of water available for lakes and wetlands, therefore determining them as groundwater-dependent landscape elements. Thus, the declining water levels indicate a reduction of groundwater recharge. Aspects such as climate change and different forest management practices have been considered as main factors affecting the regional groundwater regime. Currently, forest landscapes in North-East Brandenburg are dominated by pine monoculture. Depending on the climate conditions, groundwater recharge can be significantly lower under pine than under broad-leaved species like beech or oak. Regional forest administration is currently planning to expand the share of broad-leaved trees among mixed deciduous forest in the future. For this study, two lakes were chosen, the Redernswalder See and the Briesensee at Poratz. Water gauge measurements over the last 25 years showed a decline in lake water level by more than 3 m. To identify and quantify the share of changes in both, climate and forest management, the principal processes were evaluated using field measurements and water balance modelling. In the following step, alternative climate change and forestry scenarios were analysed to discover their impacts on the regional distribution of groundwater recharge. At first, the causes of the declining observed water levels were analysed. For this purpose, the physically based and fully distributed water balance model WaSiM-ETH was used to simulate groundwater recharge in the catchment and evaporation from the lake surfaces from 1958 to 2007. To analyse the geohydrological conditions, a FEFLOW 3D groundwater model was built up for the underlying Quaternary aquifer system. Possible development directions of the water balance were simulated under the influence of climate change and forest conversion until 2100. The model based analysis showed that the observed declining water levels are caused by both changes in climatic boundary conditions and in forest vegetation (age distribution and understorey) followed by decreasing groundwater recharge with an equal magnitude. The future developments of groundwater recharge and water levels are governed by changes in climatic boundary conditions and a transition from pine monoculture to broad-leaved trees. Forest conversion will show a positive effect on groundwater recharge and likely increase the water levels of lakes and wetlands. The forest conversation can not completely compensate the impact of climate change to the lake water levels, but the decrease can be significantly limited.

DEFA and East European cinemas : co-productions, transnational exchange and artistic collaborations

Ivanova, Mariana Zaharieva 17 June 2011 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on film co-productions of the East German film studio DEFA (Deutsche Film-Aktiengesellschaft) with East and West European partners. It revisits patterns of institutional and transnational collaboration during the Cold War in order to challenge the predominant cliché of the isolation of East European film industries. The project seeks to re-position East German cinema within evolving debates on European film, deriving its argument from archival research on production histories and contemporaneous press releases, as well as from correspondence and personal testimonials such as interviews with former East German and East European filmmakers. The discussion is structured around three categories that focus attention on the interplay between the East German studio’s co-production agenda and state-imposed film policy: cultural prestige, popular entertainment, and international solidarity. I devote a chapter to each category in my study, and show how co-productions, as collective enterprises at the intersection of national cinemas, allowed DEFA to compete for internationally renowned film stars and to re-appropriate Hollywood genres by forming multinational film collectives and sharing sets, talent, and production costs, while simultaneously negotiating complex economic, political, and market conditions in each host country. This project moves beyond previous approaches to East German film as European cinema’s ‘other.’ DEFA co-productions provide a privileged route into the examination of socialist film production as a state-controlled and ideologically compliant cultural domain, and, at the same time, as a venue for artistic collaborations that challenged the limitations of state censorship and sponsorship. Undoubtedly, East German and East European films were influenced by international developments and responded to them. Focusing on DEFA as a case study, I shed light on the negotiation of cultural policies not only within a discrete film studio, but also among the various institutions involved in filmmaking in Eastern Europe. / text

Réécriture et dialogue avec la tradition dans l’œuvre de Irmtraud Morgner : de Schahrazade à Mnèmosunè

Lessard, Marie 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse, intitulée « Réécriture et dialogue avec la tradition dans l’œuvre de Irmtraud Morgner : de Schahrazade à Mnèmosunè », vise à comprendre le recours à la réécriture comme modalité de dialogue avec la tradition dans l’œuvre de l’auteure est-allemande Irmtraud Morgner. L’analyse porte sur divers cas de réécriture tirés de Hochzeit in Konstantinopel, Gauklerlegende, Leben und Abenteuer et Amanda, sur les déplacements narratifs introduits par la reprise, ainsi que sur l’emboîtement des récits les uns aux autres. Cette démarche permet de repérer une structure narrative récurrente qui organise le travail de réécriture en trois temps : par une conteuse romantique, par une narratrice critique héritière de l’Aufklärung et par une auteure qui intervient pour souligner les limites de la pensée critique imposée par la narratrice. Cette structure de réécriture en trois temps organise le travail d’expérimentation narrative dans l’ensemble des textes. Elle vise à chaque fois un matériel différent : les récits hérités des traditions du conte, des jongleurs, du roman courtois, du roman moderne, mais également les récits modernes de l’Histoire, de la Science, de la Mémoire. Le moment de la troisième réécriture, confiée par Morgner à la figure de l’auteure, est déterminant car il lui permet de préciser la nature de ce « Tat », de cette « action » de la réécriture, qu’elle tente de définir pour elle-même et ses narratrices, qui rendrait possible le maintien d’un rapport vivant à l’Histoire, à la Mémoire et à la Tradition. C’est en insérant la question du rapport à la tradition dans le cadre plus large d’une interrogation sur le travail de la représentation, que Morgner parvient à la repenser en des termes autres que ceux définis par le Erbedebatte ou par une pensée marxiste ou féministe de la réappropriation de la tradition. Son travail fictionnel contribue ainsi à la réflexion sur le phénomène littéraire contemporain, sur l’évolution de la forme du roman et sur la fortune du récit dans la modernité. Son œuvre est porteuse de questionnements à l’égard du phénomène littéraire contemporain qui dépassent largement le cadre plus étroit souvent attribué à la production littéraire est-allemande. Elle suggère la nécessité d’une réévaluation de la place octroyée à Morgner dans la littérature allemande. / This dissertation entitled, «Rewriting and dialogue with tradition in the works of Irmtraud Morgner : from Schahrazade to Mnèmosunè», tries to understand how and why, in her works, East German writer Irmtraud Morgner turns to strategies of rewriting as a mean of establishing a dialogue with tradition. The analysis examines various cases of rewriting found in Hochzeit in Konstantinopel, Gauklerlegende, Leben und Abenteuer and Amanda, the narrative shifts thus introduced and the way in which narratives interlock with one another. It makes it possible to identify a narrative structure which organizes the work of rewriting into three distinct moments : first, that of a storyteller using the idiom of romanticism, second, that of a narrator whose critical discourse represents the Enlightenment heritage, and third, that of an author who intervenes to underline the limits of critical thought imposed by the narrator. This structure of rewriting in three stages is shown to organize the work of narrative experimentation in all the texts under study. It applies in each case to a different narrative material inherited from various traditions : the fairy tale, minstrel stories, the courtly novel, as well as modern narratives such as History, Science and Memory. The third rewriting, which Morgner assigns to the figure of the author is the most significant since it characterizes the nature of this « Tat », of this «work» of rewriting which Morgner is attempting to define for herself and her women narrators as that, which would open the possibility of maintaining a living relationship with History, Memory and Tradition. By reframing the question of the nature of the relation to tradition within the larger context of an interrogation on the question of Representation, Morgner manages to rethink the question of the relation to tradition in terms other than those established by the Erbedebatte or by Marxist and feminist theories of re-appropriation of tradition. Thus her fictional works contribute to the reflection on contemporary literature, on the evolution of the novel and on the heritage of the tradition of storytelling in modernity. Her work shares a questioning about contemporary literature which go far beyond the narrower frame through which East German literary production has usually been defined. This suggests the need for a reevaluation of Morgner’s works within German literature. / Thèse de doctorat effectuée en cotutelle au Département de littérature comparée, Faculté des arts et des sciences de l'Université de Montréal et à l'Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie, Fachbereich Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften de la Freie Universität Berlin

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