Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ecocitizenship"" "subject:"citizenship""
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Cidadania e educação ambiental na interpretação do docente de educação fundamental do município DE Maceió, Alagoas. / Citizenship and environmental education in the interpretation of the basic education teacher of the municipality of Maceió, Alagoas.Ayres, Fernando Guilherme Silva 22 September 2007 (has links)
In the present work we develop a qualitative research involving 28 teachers, of several
disciplines and 4 supervisors, respectively belonging to 4 public schools of Maceió City (AL).
The objective of our research consists of analyzing the educative activities perceived by the
teachers of Basic Public Education with respect to Environmental Education. We intend to
identify and to characterize the interpretations given by them on central concepts appearing in
the discussion of the theme such as Environment, Citizenship, Ecological Citizenship or Ecocitizenship
and Environmental Education. As a result of our research we observe in these
schools a severe lack of interdisciplinary approach and a lack of supervision, including those
starting from the official institutions, meanly CREAMB in Maceio City, which are,
surprisingly, completely unknown. This is one of the chief reasons by which the habitual
practice of environmental education is completely naïve. Consequently, this habitual practice
is centered on merely spontaneous insights of insufficiently prepared teachers, which are not
accompanied of on firm theoretical basis. In this context the naïve conservationism approach
is emphasized instead of a critical discussion involving the complex interrelationships
between Nature and Society. The habitual approach of environmental education is
reductionist, naïve, and centered merely upon environment conservation, which is an
insufficient approach in order to offer a good conception on Eco-citizenship. One important
result of our thesis consists of appointing the necessity of providing a critical approach of
environmental education theoretically founded on seminal thinkers of all the cultures. / O presente trabalho desenvolve-se a partir de uma pesquisa qualitativa realizada com
28 professores/as, de várias disciplinas, e 4 coordenadoras de 4 escolas públicas do município
de Maceió (AL). Tem por objetivo analisar tanto as atividades educativas percebidas pelos
docentes do Ensino Público Fundamental, enquanto Educação Ambiental, bem como
identificar e caracterizar a interpretação conceitual dada pelos mesmos a termos-chave
recorrentes na discussão educacional ambientalista atual, ou seja, Meio Ambiente, Cidadania,
Cidadania Ecológica ou Ecocidadania e mesmo Educação Ambiental. Constata-se a falta de
participação interdisciplinar e orientadora nas escolas, inclusive por parte dos órgãos que, ao
menos em tese, deveriam desenvolver ações de estímulo para a Educação Ambiental
Municipal (no caso de Maceió, o CREAMB, completamente desconhecido pela maioria dos
professores entrevistados). Esta é uma das razões precípuas pelas quais a presente prática é
ingênua. As atividades de Educação Ambiental continuam sendo desenvolvidas de maneira
precária nas escolas, dependendo quase sempre de ações isoladas e ocasionais, mesmo que
carregadas de boa vontade e interesse dos participantes. Mantêm-se uma Educação
Ambiental que valoriza a interpretação conservacionista (centrada na questão da preservação
da natureza ), simplista ou reducionista (que não aprofunda as complexas inter-relações
políticas, sociais e econômicas relacionadas com a discussão da Educação Ambiental) e/ou
que permanece padronizada em visões tradicionalistas, fechadas no arcabouço teórico, de
disciplinas específicas (que incluem a ecologia em seu currículo). Tais práticas tem se
mostrado, até o momento, insuficientes per si para o exercício de uma educação
conscientizadora, voltada para a construção do Cidadão Ecologicamente Participativo. Deste
modo, um importante resultado deste trabalho é apontar em prol da necessidade de uma
prática conseqüente de Educação Ambiental que não pode dispensar de uma base teórica
mínima concebida à luz de pensadores seminais de diversas.
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Les commissions de quartier à l’heure de l’engagement écocitoyen, à Dijon : entre communication stratégique publique locale et construction d’un espace public restreint morcelé / Neighborhood commissions at the time of the eco-citizen commitment, in Dijon : between local public strategic communication and construction of a small public fragmented spaceHily, Sandrine 25 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication explore la question de l’engagement écocitoyen dans les commissions de quartier de Dijon. De nombreuses publications universitaires ou plus vulgarisées de différents champs de recherche (Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, psychologie sociale et environnementale, science politique, droit, philosophie, écologie, etc.) ont investi cette question ces dernières années. Les acteurs de la question une fois définis (habitants, élus, techniciens, représentants des structures et des associations, etc.), il a été possible d’étudier différents dispositifs de la démocratie participative à Dijon. La problématique générale suivante a été choisie : « En quoi les commissions de quartier à Dijon sont-elles en tension entre dispositifs info-communicationnels de la communication publique locale et espace public restreint morcelé ? Par quel processus l’écocitoyenneté émerge-t-elle ou pas de cette tension ? » La méthodologie utilisée fut inductiviste avec de la participation observante, de la recherche-action en tant que « chercheur-embedded » puisque à la fois chercheur et conseillère municipale de Dijon, déléguée à la démocratie locale (2014-2020). / This doctoral thesis in Information and Communication Science explores the question of eco-citizen commitment in the neighborhood commissions of Dijon. Many academic or more popular publications in different fields of research (Information and Communication Science, social and environmental psychology, political science, law, philosophy, ecology, etc.) have addressed this issue in recent years. Once the actors of the question had been defined (the inhabitants, elected officials, technicians, representatives of structures and associations, etc.), it was possible to study different instances of participatory democracy in Dijon. The following question ensued : "How are the neighborhood commissions of Dijon stretched between the information-communication implementations of local public communication and fragmented, limited public space?" How does eco-citizenship emerge or not from this split? The methodology used by the author was inductivist with observant participation, research-action as field researcher since she is both a researcher and a municipal councilor of Dijon, the Delegate to local democracy (2014-2020).
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Communications numérique engageante : relations entre théories, méthodologies et terrains / Digital binding communication : relations between theories, methodologies and fieldsAmato, Stephane 26 November 2013 (has links)
Le travail doctoral concerne l’étude des dynamiques de changement en faveur de pratiques éco-citoyennes et liées à la mobilité via la communication numérique engageante. La question de recherche qui en découle relève de la définition des conditions et des modalités portant sur la possibilité de transposer les travaux fondateurs antérieurs consacrés à la communication engageante dans le cadre élargi d’interactions médiatées et médiatisées sur l’internet, en milieu naturel.Pour tenter de répondre à cette question, nous avons situé notre propos dans un cadre théorique et méthodologique ouvert en montrant les relations entre la communication engageante et d’autres perspectives relevant du lien, du rite d’interaction ; nous abordons également la problématisation du changement individuel et collectif. Nos travaux apportent une contribution à la réflexion concernant la relation entre information et communication. Sur le plan empirique, nous avons mené une recherche-action dans une Université du Sud de la France. Il s’agissait, dans le contexte d’un partenariat avec cette institution, d’amener des étudiants à s’inscrire sur un dispositif Web de mise en relation de covoitureurs potentiels. Nous avons mené deux expériences mobilisant le paradigme de la communication numérique engageante.Notre approche, replacée dans les problématiques et la méthode de la recherche-action, n’est pas exempte de limites, notamment liées à une validité interne modérée par certains éléments hors de notre contrôle : facteurs historiques, mortalité expérimentale, variables parasites…Tous ces éléments sont présentés, discutés, mis en perspective. / This doctoral work relates to the study of change dynamics in favor of eco-friendly practices and tied to mobility through digital binding communication. The research question that ensues concerns the definition of the terms and conditions about the possibility of incorporating previous work on digital binding communication in the broader context of mediated and mediatized interactions on the internet, in a natural environment.In order to try answering this question, we set our discussion on an open theoretical and methodological framework by showing the relationships between binding communication and other perspectives concerning links, interaction rituals, we also broach upon the problematization of individual and collective change. Our work provides a contribution to the debate on the relationship between information and communication. From an empirical standpoint, we conducted an action research at a southern French university. Our goal was within the context of a partnership with this institution, to encourage students to register to a Web device putting potential carpoolers in touch. We conducted two experiments mobilizing the digital binding communication paradigm.Our approach, put in the context of the set of problems and the action research method is not without flaws, especially insofar as its internal validity is weakened by elements beyond our control: historical factors, experimental mortality, confounding variables…All these elements are presented, discussed, put into perspective.
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