Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conomic 2analysis"" "subject:"conomic 3analysis""
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Влияние экологического фактора на развитие предприятия : магистерская диссертацияCироткина, Е. А., Sirotkina, E. A. January 2022 (has links)
Цель исследования состоит в том, чтобы проанализировать эколого-экономическое состояние деятельности металлургического предприятия. Объектом исследования выступает АО «Волжский трубный завод» дочернее общество ПАО «Трубная металлургическая компания». Научная новизна исследования заключается в разработке методического подхода, эконометрической модели влияния деятельности предприятий на окружающую среду и обосновании ряда теоретических положений по совершенствованию экологической политики на предприятии. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в применении авторской разработанной методологии для анализа влияния экологической обстановки на экономическое положение предприятия и внедрения предложенных мероприятий экологической политики для промышленных предприятий. Эффективность рекомендаций – предложенная автором система мероприятий, позволит сократить количество вредных выбросов в атмосферу и дает возможность повторно использовать углекислый газ и оборотную воду в производственном цикле. Рекомендации по совершенствованию экологической политики предприятия поспособствуют повышению эффективности производства. / The purpose of the study is to analyze the ecological and economic state of the metallurgical enterprise. The object of the study is JSC "Volga Pipe Plant", a subsidiary of PJSC "Pipe Metallurgical Company". The scientific novelty of the research consists in the development of a methodological approach, an econometric model of the impact of enterprises' activities on the environment and the substantiation of a number of theoretical provisions for improving environmental policy at the enterprise. The practical significance of the research lies in the application of the author's developed methodology for analyzing the impact of the environmental situation on the economic situation of the enterprise and the implementation of the proposed environmental pol.
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Potential and challenges of Battery Energy Storage(BESS) : The case of PolandZiółkowski, Marcin January 2023 (has links)
According to the “Draft development plan for meeting the current and future electricity demandfor 2023-2032” developed by the Polish Transmission System Operator PSE, the most appropriate solution is to significantly expand the possibilities of energy storage, due to its role as a factor improving the power balancing with the increase of wind farms and photovoltaic (PV) sources. Poland has changed the rules governing the energy industry to encourage energy storage. Few barriers have already been eliminated like double charging of transmission fees, but there is still a big novelty to come and that is the reform of the balancing market. With the introduction of this change many more revenue streams should be available that are already present in other EU countries. The objective of this thesis is to provide a high-level overview of the Polish electricity market, identification of existing legal barriers, assessing the role of battery energy storage systems (BESSs) participating in distinct applications, and evaluating a possible business case considering a foreseeable market evolution. The scope of the study is limited to only one storage option Li-Ion standalone project of 10MW/40MWh at HV Point of Connection. In literature review, there does not seem to be a study on storage in the context of Poland. Hence, identifying the research gaps, an analysis of standalone storage system for grid applications in Poland is performed. In this study the NPV, IRR and PP for different scenarios of available revenue streams is determined to compare current and future business models for techno-economic feasibility for BESS in the context of Poland. Results of the study are as following. In the future scenario under the assumed dispatch strategy and participation in CM, FCR, aFRR availability markets as well as aFRR energy market and wholesale arbitrage, the overall project IRR is around 18% with a payback time of around 5 years. Provided the number of new accessible revenue streams BESS can present a strong business case in Poland.
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Techno-economic Analysis and Market Potential Study of Solar Heat in Industrial Processes : A Fresnel Direct Steam Generation case studyde Santos López, Guillermo January 2021 (has links)
The industrial sector not only has a big contribution to global emissions but also a low share of renewable energy for heat demand. Knowing that most of the energy consumption in industry is heat and that half of it is at medium-low temperature (below 400 ºC), it is a great market for the integration of solar thermal technologies. Following the criteria of high heat demand and low-temperature requirements, five promising industrial sectors and their processes have been analysed: food and beverage, paper and pulp, chemical, textile and mining. Steam generation at supply level has been considered one of the most promising systems considering its integration advantages and the potential of direct steam generation plants. The market potential study has been geographically determined performing an MCA; countries all over the world have been assessed considering their heat consumption in the promising sectors and other conditions that enhance the SHIP feasibility such as solar radiation levels, favourable energy policies, previous experience in SHIP plants, ease of doing business, etc. The price of natural gas has been also considered after selecting Europe as a suitable market. The potential heat demand that this technology could cover has been estimated considering limitations as the competitiveness with other renewable heat sources, the expected heat recovery potential for some sectors, the solar fraction of the region and roof space of the factories. The results show that the five countries with bigger potential are Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, and Spain, while the sectors with the most suitable market are food and beverage, and chemical. A case study has been selected based on the previous conclusions: a Fresnel direct steam generation plant in Sevilla (Spain) characterized thanks to the data provided by the company Solatom. The plant has been modelled using the software TRNSYS, taking special consideration in the Fresnel performance, the dynamic steam drum behaviour and its influence on the start-up time of the plant. The results achieved through the techno-economic analysis show that parameters such as solar radiation, conventional fuel prices and EU ETS prices have a major impact on the economic indicators. A sensitivity analysis shows that locations with radiation levels above 1750 kWh/m2 have positive values for NPV, and above 2250 kWh/m2 the cost of generating solar heating (LCOH) is under European natural gas prices. In addition to this, fuel prices above 50 €/MWh, which are common for SMEs, results in payback periods under 10 years. Future trends depict favourable scenarios as current European policies are causing a rapid growth of the ETS. Therefore, solar heat in industrial processes can be a feasible alternative, or work as a complement, to conventional systems. Its deployment is driven by supportive policies, high radiation levels, costly fuels prices (such as the ones for SMEs) and the necessity of reducing GHG emissions and decrease the independence on fossil energies. / Industrisektorn har inte bara ett stort bidrag till globala utsläpp utan också en låg andel förnybar energi för värmebehov. Att veta att det mesta av energiförbrukningen i industrin är värme och att hälften av den är vid medelhög låg temperatur (under 400ºC), är det en fantastisk marknad för integration av solvärmeteknik. Enligt kriterierna för högt värmebehov och lågtemperaturkrav har fem lovande industrisektorer och deras processer analyserats: mat och dryck, papper och massa, kemikalier, textil och gruvdrift. Ånggenerering på leveransnivå har ansetts vara ett av de mest lovande systemen med tanke på dess integrationsfördelar och potentialen hos direkta ånggenereringsanläggningar. Marknadspotentialstudien har fastställts geografiskt med en MCA; länder över hela världen har bedömts med tanke på deras värmeförbrukning i de lovande sektorerna och andra förhållanden som förbättrar SHIP-genomförbarheten, såsom solstrålningsnivåer, gynnsam energipolitik, tidigare erfarenhet av SHIP-anläggningar, lätt att göra affärer etc. Priset på naturgas har också övervägs efter valet av Europa som en lämplig marknad. Det potentiella värmebehovet som denna teknik kan täcka har uppskattats med tanke på begränsningar som konkurrenskraft med andra förnybara värmekällor, den förväntade värmeåtervinningspotentialen för vissa sektorer, solfraktionen i regionen och fabrikernas takutrymme. Resultaten visar att de fem länderna med större potential är Tyskland, Frankrike, Nederländerna, Italien och Spanien, medan de sektorer som har den mest lämpliga marknaden är mat och dryck samt kemikalier. En fallstudie har valts utifrån de tidigare slutsatserna: en Fresnel-ångproduktionsanläggning i Sevilla (Spanien) som kännetecknas av uppgifterna från företaget. Anläggningen har modellerats med hjälp av programvaran TRNSYS, med särskild hänsyn till Fresnel-prestanda, det dynamiska ångtrummans beteende och dess inflytande på anläggningens starttid. De resultat som uppnåtts genom den tekno-ekonomiska analysen visar att parametrar som solstrålning, konventionella bränslepriser och EU: s ETS-priser har stor inverkan på de ekonomiska indikatorerna. En känslighetsanalys visar att platser med strålningsvärden över 1750 kWh/m2 har positiva värden för NPV och över 2250 kWh/m2 är kostnaden för att generera solvärme (LCOH) under europeiska naturgaspriser. Utöver detta leder bränslepriser över 50 €/MWh, som är vanliga för små och medelstora företag, till återbetalningsperioder under tio år. Framtida trender visar gynnsamma scenarier eftersom europeisk politik orsakar en snabb tillväxt på ETS. Därför kan solvärme i industriella processer vara ett genomförbart alternativ eller fungera som ett komplement till konventionella system. Dess utplacering drivs av stödjande politik, höga strålningsnivåer, dyra bränslepriser (som de för små och medelstora företag) och behovet av att minska växthusgasutsläppen och minska självständigheten för fossila energier.
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Financial Analysis of Restoring Sustainable Forests on Appalachian Mined Lands for Wood Products, Renewable Energy, Carbon Sequestration, and Other Ecosystem ServicesAggett, Jonathan Edward 21 January 2004 (has links)
Public Law 95-87, the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA), mandates that mined land be reclaimed in a fashion that renders the land at least as productive after mining as it was before mining. In the central Appalachian region, where prime farmland and economic development opportunities for mined land are scarce, the most practical land use choices are hayland/pasture, wildlife habitat, or forest land. Since 1977, the majority of mined land has been reclaimed as hayland/pasture or wildlife habitat, which is less expensive to reclaim than forest land, since there are no tree planting costs. As a result, there are now hundreds of thousands of hectares of grasslands and scrublands in various stages of natural succession located throughout otherwise forested mountains in the U.S. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework for understanding/calculating the economic implications of converting these reclaimed mined lands to forests under various silvicultural regimes, and to demonstrate the economic/decision-making implications of an incentive scheme on such a land use conversion. The economic feasibility of a range of land-use conversion scenarios was analyzed for both mixed hardwoods and white pine, under a set of low product prices and under a set of high product prices. Economic feasibility was based on land expectation values. Further, three types of incentive schemes were investigated: 1) lump sum payment at planting (and equivalent series of annual payments), 2) revenue incentive at harvest and 3) payment based on carbon volume.
Mixed hardwood LEVs ranged from -$2416.71/ha (low prices) to $3955.72/ha (high prices). White pine LEVs ranged from -$2330.43/ha (low prices) to $3746.65/ha (high prices). A greater percentage of white pine scenarios yielded economically feasible land-use conversions than did the mixed hardwood scenarios, and it seems that a conversion to white pine forests would, for the most part, be the more appealing option. It seems that, for both mixed hardwoods and white pine, it would be in the best interests of the landowner to invest in the highest quality sites first. For a conversion to mixed hardwood forests, a low intensity level of site preparation seems economically optimal for most scenarios. For a conversion to white pine forests, a medium intensity level of site preparation seems economically optimal for most scenarios.
Mixed hardwoods lump sum payments, made at the time of planting, ranged from $0/ha to $2416.71/ha (low prices). White pine lump sum payments, made at the time of planting, ranged from $0/ha to $2330.53/ha (low prices). Mixed hardwoods benefits based on an increase in revenue at harvest, ranged from $0/ha to $784449.52/ha (low prices). White pine benefits based on an increase in revenue at harvest ranged from $0/ha to $7011.48/ha (high prices). Annual mixed hardwood benefits, based on total stand carbon volume present at the end of a given year, ranged from $0/ton of carbon to $5.26/ton carbon (low prices). White pine benefits based on carbon volume ranged from $0/ton of carbon to $18.61/ton of carbon (high prices). It appears that, for white pine scenarios, there is not much difference between incentive values for lump sum payments at planting, revenue incentives at harvest, and total carbon payments over a rotation. For mixed hardwoods, however, it appears that the carbon payment incentive is by far the cheapest option of encouraging landowners to convert land. / Master of Science
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Propuesta de un sistema de gestión de mantenimiento para incrementar la productividad en la empresa Hidráulica Servinorte S.A.C.Chavez Soraluz, Yakson Gussep January 2023 (has links)
La empresa Hidráulica Servinorte S.A.C., la cual se encuentra ubicada en el departamento de Lambayeque, se dedica a la fabricación de cilindros hidráulicos, sin embargo, en el año 2021 su producción estuvo 49 unidades por debajo de su demanda de 14 unidades mensuales, esto produjo una pérdida de S/.260 058,19 por las unidades que no fueron fabricadas, es por esa razón que se plantea realizar una investigación, teniendo como principal objetivo proponer un sistema de gestión de mantenimiento para incrementar la productividad en la empresa.
La propuesta del sistema de gestión de mantenimiento tuvo como base la metodología de mantenimiento centrado en la confiabilidad, conocido como RCM. Esta metodología utiliza como herramientas la matriz de criticidad, en la cual se determinan cuáles son los equipos críticos dentro de la empresa, además se empleó el árbol de fallas para realizar de mejor manera el análisis de modo efectos y fallas, para posteriormente utilizar la hoja de decisión RCM, de esta forma se determinó de forma adecuada el cronograma de actividades de mantenimiento. La productividad pasó de a 68,56%, llegando a una producción promedio de 12 cilindros hidráulicos por mes.
Se realizó la evaluación económica de la propuesta, donde se obtuvo un valor actual neto de S/.13 655,25, además que se obtuvo una tasa interna de retorno de 60%, en un periodo de recuperación para el segundo año. El costo beneficio de la investigación es de 1,06, esto significa que por cada sol de inversión se gana S/.1,06, por lo que el proyecto es considerado rentable. / The company Hidráulica Servinorte S.A.C., which is located in the department of Lambayeque, is dedicated to the manufacture of hydraulic cylinders, however, in the year 2021 its production was 49 units below its demand of 14 units per month, this produced a loss of S/.260 058,19 for the units that were not manufactured, it is for that reason that it is proposed to conduct research, having as main objective to propose a maintenance management system to increase productivity in the company.
The maintenance management system proposal was based on the reliability-centered maintenance methodology, known as RCM. This methodology uses as tools the criticality matrix, in which the critical equipment within the company is determined, also the failure tree was used to better analyze the mode effects and failures, to later use the RCM decision sheet, in this way the schedule of maintenance activities was adequately determined. Productivity increased from 68,56%, reaching an average production of 12 hydraulic cylinders per month.
The economic evaluation of the proposal was carried out, where a net present value of S/13 655,25 was obtained, in addition to an internal rate of return of 60%, in a recovery period for the second year. The cost benefit of the research is 1,06, which means that for each sol of investment S/1.06 is earned, so the project is considered profitable.
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Le contrat de distribution exclusive et le principe de la concurrence au CanadaEtienne, Gotha 08 1900 (has links)
Les contrats de distribution exclusive sont couramment utilisés dans la mise en marché des produits. Des doutes et des critiques ont été, pourtant, soulevés relativement à leur validité au regard du droit de la concurrence. Ces ententes et les pratiques qui en découlent paraissent, à première vue, anticoncurrentielles. Le propos de ce mémoire est d’examiner dans quelle mesure les contrats de distribution exclusive peuvent, en fait, stimuler la concurrence et de montrer, en conséquence, qu’ils devraient être considérés licites eu égard au droit de la concurrence.
Nous trouvons, d’une part, que les pratiques exclusives sont suspectes vu qu’elles réduisent la liberté contractuelle du producteur et du distributeur. Cette restriction est susceptible d’entraver la concurrence à cause du pouvoir de marché qu’elle crée et elle peut, de ce fait, engendrer le monopole. La Loi sur la concurrence interdit de tels agissements.
Les contrats de distribution exclusive peuvent, d’autre part, favoriser réellement la concurrence. Ils constituent un instrument stratégique utilisé par les entrepreneurs dans leur lutte pour accroître leur part de marché. La distribution exclusive, en portant les acteurs commerciaux à chercher les meilleures stratégies, renforce la concurrence. Celle-ci doit être entendue non seulement comme une constante rivalité entre toutes les entreprises, mais elle doit aussi inclure la coopération entre certaines entreprises en vue de mieux concurrencer d’autres à un niveau plus général.
Une juste appréciation de la concurrence dans les contrats de distribution exclusive requiert le recours à l’analyse économique du droit. Cette analyse permet une évaluation de la concurrence basée sur le critère de l’efficience économique. En vue de déterminer si une pratique donnée augmente ou non le bien-être général (sur quoi l’analyse de l’efficience met l’accent), les effets négatifs de cette pratique devraient être mis en balance avec ses effets positifs résultant des gains en efficience. C’est dans ce sens que le droit de la concurrence a évolué tant dans l’Union européenne qu’aux États-Unis et au Canada pour permettre les ententes qui entraînent des gains nets d’efficience. Ce qu’on aurait pu condamner autrefois pour entrave à la concurrence, peut maintenant paraître comme une stratégie commerciale licite et saine. Compte tenu de ce récent développement, notre analyse nous conduit à la conclusion que les accords de distribution exclusive devraient être considérés licites dans la mesure où ils améliorent le bien-être du consommateur. / Exclusive distribution agreements are commonly used in the marketing of products. However, doubts and criticisms have been expressed concerning their validity as regards competition law: these agreements and the resulting practices appear at first blush to be anticompetitive. In this thesis we propose to examine to what extent exclusive distribution agreements can in fact foster competition and hence should be considered lawful as regards competition law.
On one hand, we find that exclusive distribution practices are suspect, because the contractual freedom of the producer and of the distributor is restricted. This restriction may hinder interbrand competition due to market power and can potentially create a monopoly. Such actions are not permissible under the Competition Act.
On the other hand, some aspects of exclusive distribution arrangements can actually promote competition. They constitute a strategic tool used by suppliers seeking to increase their market shares. This can reinforce competition by encouraging competitors to try out better strategies. Competition must be understood not merely as the constant rivalry amongst all enterprises, but must also encompass cooperation between certain enterprises in order to better compete with others at a more general level.
A fair appreciation of competition in exclusive distribution arrangements requires one to have recourse to the economic analysis of law. The economic analysis of law allows one to assess competition based on the criterion of economic efficiency. In order to determine whether or not a particular practice increases the general welfare ( on which efficiency analysis focuses), the negative effects of that practice should be weighed against its positive effects resulting from efficiency gains. In this sense, competition law has evolved, as much in the European Union, as in the United States and Canada, to allow arrangements that lead to net welfare gains. What might have been previously condemned as an obstacle to competition may now appear as a legitimate and healthy commercial strategy. Taking into account this recent development, our analysis leads us to the conclusion that exclusive distribution agreements should be lawful in so far as they improve consumer welfare.
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Modélisation et optimisation des procédés de captage de CO2 par absorption chimique / Modeling and optimization of CO2 capture processes by chemical absorptionNeveux, Thibaut 12 December 2013 (has links)
Les procédés de captage de CO2 par absorption chimique engendrent une importante pénalité énergétique sur la production électrique des centrales à charbon, constituant un des principaux verrous technologiques au déploiement de la filière. L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer et valider une méthodologie à même d'évaluer précisément le potentiel d'un procédé de captage aux amines donné. La phénoménologie de l'absorption chimique a été étudiée en détail et représentée par des modèles à l'état de l'art. Le modèle e-UNIQUAC a été utilisé pour décrire les équilibres chimiques et de phases des solutions électrolytiques et les paramètres du modèle ont été régressés pour quatre solvants. Un modèle hors-équilibre a été utilisé pour représenter le transfert couplé de matière et de chaleur, accéléré par les réactions chimiques. Les modèles ont été validés avec succès sur des données expérimentales d'un pilote industriel et d'un pilote de laboratoire. L'influence des phénomènes sur les efficacités de séparation a été explicitée afin d'isoler les phénomènes les plus impactants. Une méthodologie a alors été proposée pour évaluer la pénalité énergétique, incluant les consommations thermiques et électriques, liée à l'installation d'un procédé de captage sur une centrale à charbon supercritique. Une méthode d'estimation du coût de l'électricité est proposée pour quantifier les dépenses opératoires et d'investissement d'un tel procédé. L'environnement de simulation et d'évaluation de procédés obtenu a ensuite été couplé à une méthode d'optimisation afin de déterminer les paramètres opératoires et les dimensions des équipements maximisant les performances énergétiques et économiques / CO2 capture processes by chemical absorption lead to a large energy penalty on efficiency of coal-fired power plants, establishing one of the main bottleneck to its industrial deployment. The objective of this thesis is the development and validation of a global methodology, allowing the precise evaluation of the potential of a given amine capture process. Characteristic phenomena of chemical absorption have been thoroughly studied and represented with state-of-the-art models. The e-UNIQUAC model has been used to describe vapor-liquid and chemical equilibria of electrolyte solutions and the model parameters have been identified for four solvents. A rate-based formulation has been adopted for the representation of chemically enhanced heat and mass transfer in columns. The absorption and stripping models have been successfully validated against experimental data from an industrial and a laboratory pilot plants. The influence of the numerous phenomena has been investigated in order to highlight the most limiting ones. A methodology has been proposed to evaluate the total energy penalty resulting from the implementation of a capture process on an advanced supercritical coal-fired power plant, including thermal and electric consumptions. Then, the simulation and process evaluation environments have been coupled with a non-linear optimization algorithm in order to find optimal operating and design parameters with respect to energetic and economic performances
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Mapování podmínek pro vytváření klastrů využívajících místní obnovitelné zdroje energie v regionech / Surveying Conditions for the Creation of Clusters Making full use of Local Renewable Resources in various RegionsMacková, Eva January 2009 (has links)
My thesis deals with a creating of conditions, which limit or implicate the creation of clusters focused on exploitation of renewable energy in regions. The theoretical part is focused on general issues of clusters, especially their definition, financing and last but not least their function. One part is focused on renewable energy, biomass and the cultivation of fast-growing trees. The thesis also deals with the economic aspects of production of the fast-growing trees. The target of my thesis is to sketch the demandingness of the project and to verify if this project is realizable from the economic aspect. The practical part of my thesis is focused on creating principles and rules for the cultivation of fast-growing trees. This part analyses the summary of revenues, costs and their total appreciation. The final part of my thesis evaluates relevant risks of this project and possible recommendations for the implementation of the successful strategy.
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Ekonomická analýza společnosti Oděvní podnik, a.s. / The Economic analysis of Oděvní podnik, a.s.Hanušová, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is focused on estimation of general economical situation of the firm Oděvní podnik, a.s. from year 2003 to 2009. The thesis is divided into two main parts. In first part the methodology is defined. Second part evaluates the company through the use of methods, which are defined in first part. The main methods I used are ratio analysis and analysis of absolute indicators. One part of this thesis is focused on application of bankruptcy and creditworthy models. The aim was to find out if this models are able to predict the bad financial situation, in which the company at present is.
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Investigation Of Chemical Processes For The Production Of Commercially Viable High Volume Value-Added Products From Bauxite ResidueGostu, Sumedh 12 January 2018 (has links)
Bayer processing of bauxite employed for production of alumina yield a residue red-mud. The worldwide annual-rate of red-mud generation is approximately 120 million tons, and most of this is stockpiled. Red mud is rich in elements like aluminum, titanium and rare earths, in addition to the major iron-bearing constituents. The objective of this research is to explore such a strategy to extract Iron as fine particulate magnetite. Pyrometallurgical reduction experiments using carbon mixtures and a novel hydrometallurgical route are experimented. Reduction experiments performed with petroleum coke as a reductant resulted in incomplete reduction. The ‘optimal conditionsÂ’ for gaseous state reduction are determined to be: a processing temperature of 540oC ± 10oC, partial pressures CO (g) and CO2 (g) each of 0.070atm (bar) ± 0.001atm.(bar)/ inert diluent-gas: N2 (g), for a conversion-time of 30min. A mathematical-model was developed on the basis of unidirectional-diffusion of CO2 (g) within the CO2 (g)–CO (g)–N2 (g) gas-phase of the porous product-layer. Magnetic separation applied to the optimally reduced sample in: obtaining a magnetic portion with high iron and non-magnetic portion containing nonferrous (Al, Ti) is not successful. This finding was subsequently attributed to the nanometer length-scales crystallites of the predominant iron-containing phase, hydrated ferric-oxide(s) as determined by STEM micrographs. In addition, the presence of substitution for Fe3+ by Al3+ and Ti3+/4+ are determined with the help of MÖssbauer spectrograms. A hydrometallurgical route involving selective leaching and precipitation of iron in red-mud is tried. Red-mud is leached in oxalic acid at: 95˚C, 15 % Pulp density, 2.5 h leaching time, 1.5 pH. Kinetic studies yielded the leaching mechanism to be predominantly fluid film control. Ferric oxalate in the leach liquor is reduced to insoluble ferrous oxalate selectively using Iron powder. The ferrous oxalate formed is ~98 % pure. The precipitated ferrous oxalate is magnetically separated and reduced in Nitrogen atmosphere to form fine particulate magnetite. Additionally an economic feasibility study was conducted for the hydro and pyro alternatives to produce magnetite using Monte Carlo Simulations by imparting uncertainties in various input cost components. A traditional process was also compared to the proposed approaches for Total Capital Investment (TCI), Total Product Cost (TPC), Net Present Value (NPV) and sensitivity analysis. ~52 % reduction in Total product cost, 46 % reduction in Total Capital Investment was achieved for the hydrometallurgical process when compared to the traditional approach.
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