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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réception de Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux : de la fin du XVIIe siècle au début du XXe / Reception of Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux

Hamadouche, Ouarda 25 October 2014 (has links)
Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux fut longtemps considéré comme l’initiateur de l’Europe à « l’idéal classique », le représentant de la précellence et du « génie de la langue française ». Incarnant la perfection de « l’esprit national », c’est par rapport à lui que sont jugés les auteurs des autres siècles avant qu’ils ne soient admis en tant que « classiques français ». Interroger les rouages de l’élaboration de la mythification de l’auteur de l’Art Poétique suppose l’examen des tenants et des aboutissants de la référence à Boileau. Notre propos est de mesurer l’usage qui en a été fait par l’institution scolaire et les formes éditoriales, afin de nous éclairer sur sa réception. L’analyse de cette figure emblématique du « canon classique français » montre que l’œuvre bolévienne a été investie d’une fonction fondatrice de la littérature nationale, dont elle définit les principes et l’excellence. Évaluer le rôle de ces discours dans la consécration de l’auteur et leur participation dans la diffusion de sa notoriété, permet de juger de leur impact sur la constitution d’un idéal esthétique, qui passe par la canonisation de l’œuvre bolévienne dans le but d’une édification nationale. De plus, si la légende de « Législateur » a trouvé ses assises dans des « lieux de mythification », notamment l’annotation et les discours biographique et iconographique, sa démythification s’élabore au lendemain même de la mort de l’auteur et à contre-courant de la légende elle-même. La concurrence qui s’opère entre les discours pro et anti-canonisation de Boileau permet de mesurer jusqu’à quel point la réception de l’auteur interfère dans le regard que pose le siècle des Lumières aussi bien que le XIXe siècle sur le « siècle de Louis le Grand ». / Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux was long considered as the initiator of Europe to the ‘classical ideal’, the representative of the preeminence and the ‘génie’ of the French language. As the representative of the ‘spirit of the French nation’, it is to him that authors of other centuries are compared before they are accepted as ‘French classics’. Questioning the inner workings of the mythologizing’s creation of Boileau, imply examining the ins and outs of the reference to him. Our purpose is to measure the use of the ‘French Legislator’ by school and editorial forms to enlighten us on his reception. The analysis of this emblematic figure of the ‘French classical canon’ shows that Boileau has been invested with the principles and excellence of the national literature. Our observations point out that edition as much as periodic and educational works had a major role in the consecration of the author. It is to them that we owe the author’s reputation and the creation of an aesthetic ideal of which the major purpose is nation building. Furthermore, if the ‘Legislator’s’ legend was built in Boileau’s works’ annotation and biographical and iconographic discourse, its demystification started just after the death of the author and against the legend itself. This contestation instructs us on the reception of the « Legislator of French Parnassus » as well as on how the 18e and 19e centuries perceived their predecessor.

Queda e elevação : Hegel, Schelling e Kierkegaard

Pinzetta, Inácio January 2012 (has links)
Esta tese objetiva investigar a questão do mal a partir da visão hegeliana, schellinguiana e kierkegaardiana, tomando como referência principal o tema da queda a qual pressupõe um estado original de felicidade e perfeição do ser humano no paraíso (Gn 3) e que foi perdido em vista da transgressão à norma estabelecida por Deus de não se poder comer do fruto da árvore do bem e do mal. Para Hegel, nunca houve esse estado originário de felicidade, e por isso, tanto o bem quanto o mal devem ser estudados a partir da visão no qual o homem está inserido, a história universal. O homem, segundo Hegel, é espírito e como tal, na sua origem ainda não é o que deve ser, não tem consciência de si, não se sabe como espírito, assim, nesse registro, é mau, e deve fazer o seu percurso na história para efetivar esse seu dever ser, na dualidade bem e mal, e chegar ao estado de reconciliação. Para Hegel, se se quiser ficar no âmbito da metáfora do paraíso, este é uma conquista alcançada pelo próprio homem que se alça de seu estado de animalidade para efetivar-se como espírito. Hegel não tem uma obra especifica sobre o tema do mal e da conciliação, mas ele é tratado em diversas de suas obras, principalmente na “Fenomenologia do espírito”, “Lições sobre a filosofia da história” nos cursos berlinenses de 1821, 1824, 1827 e 1831, compilados na obra “Lições sobre filosofia da religião”. O mal está entrelaçado com o livre arbítrio (Willkür). Schelling investiga a questão do mal em muitas de suas obras, mas esta tese se centraliza em “Filosofia e religião” (1804), “Investigações filosóficas sobre a essência da liberdade humana e os objetos a ela conexos” (1809) e “Preleções privadas de Stuttgart” (1810). Nessas obras, o mal está imbricado com as questões do fundamento, da liberdade e do livre arbítrio. A redenção humana se efetiva na relação amorosa do homem com Deus. O tema do mal, em Kierkegaard, é abordado, principalmente em “O conceito de angústia” a partir da perspectiva do observador psicológico que adentra na alma humana e ali analisa a possibilidade e a efetivação do mal (pecado hereditário) que acessa em cada indivíduo do mesmo modo como ingressara em Adão, isto é, por meio de um salto. O mal, portanto, se pressupõe a si mesmo. Nesse livro e na obra kierkegaardiana, percorre, do início ao fim, o indivíduo, categoria essencial no pensamento do filósofo dinamarquês. O homem, como indivíduo que é, diante de Deus é sempre culpado. É responsável, por tanto, pelo bem e pelo mal que faz. Sua tarefa será a de edificar-se a partir do fundamento do amor. Nesses três autores, o mal é uma transgressão do homem à sua própria humanidade, transgressão à ordem que deveria ser harmoniosa e que será superada, essa transgressão, em Hegel, pela reconciliação, em Schelling e Kierkegaard, pelo amor que é a prática do bem. / This thesis aims to investigate the question of evil from hegelian, schellinguian and kierkegaardian’s vision, with main reference to the theme of the fall which presupposes an original state of happiness and perfection of human being in Paradise (Gen 3) ) and that was lost in view of transgression to the norm established by God not to eat of the fruit of the good and evil tree. To Hegel, there has never been such original state of happiness and, therefore, both good and evil must be studied from the perspective in which man is inserted, the universal history. The man, according to Hegel, is the spirit and as such, in his origin is still not what he should be because he has no self-consciousness, he is not known as a spirit, so in this record, he is bad, and should make his journey in history to make this, his duty to be, in duality good and evil, and reach the State of reconciliation. For Hegel, if want to stay under the metaphor of paradise, this is an achievement attained by man himself who rises from his state of animality to become effective as spirit. Hegel does not have a specific work on the subject of evil and conciliation, but it is treated in several of his works, most notably in "Phenomenology of Spirit," "Lectures on the philosophy of history" in the Berliners courses of 1821, 1824, 1827 e 1831, compiled in the book "Lectures about philosophy of religion." The evil is entwined with the free will (Willkur). Schelling investigates the question of evil in many of his works, but this thesis centers on "Philosophy and Religion" (1804), "Philosophical Investigations about the essence of human freedom and the objects related to it" (1809) and "Stuttgart private Lectures" (1810). In these works, evil is interwoven with the issues of the plea of freedom and free will. The human redemption is realized in the love relationship with God. The theme of evil, in Kierkegaard, is discussed, especially in "The Concept of Dread," from the perspective of psychological observer that enters in the human soul and there analyzes the possibility and realization of evil (inherited sin) that accesses on every individual in the same way as he started in Adam, i.e. through a jump. Evil, therefore, assumed to himself. In this book and in the Kierkegaardian works, it goes, from beginning to the end, the individual, essential category in Danish philosopher's thought. Man as an individual, in the presence of God is always guilty. He is responsible, consequently, for the good and for the evil that he does. His task will be to build from the basis of love. In these three authors, the evil is a transgression of the man to his humanity itself, transgression to the order that should be harmonious and that will be surpassed. This transgression, in Hegel, for the reconciliation, in Schelling and Kierkegaard, for the love that is the practice of the good.

Aktuální pojetí školní a mimoškolní ekologické výchovy v České republice / Present Conception of School and Out-of-school Ecological Education in Czech republic

JÄGEROVÁ, Jitka January 2009 (has links)
After definition of used terms I inform about aims, methods and ideological solutions. The principal part of thesis is reflection how to pedagogically influence in the sphere of environmental education and edification. At the close of the thesis there is signed that sustainable development and its correlation between ecological, social, economic and ethic aspect has future for environmental education and edification.

Dramaturgie et morale dans les comédies de Ménandre et de Plaute. La question de l'axiologie / Dramaturgy and Morals in Menander’s and Plautus’ comedies. The question of axiology

Lhostis, Nathalie 29 November 2013 (has links)
Notre étude intitulée « dramaturgie et morale », porte sur la mise en scène des valeurs morales dans les comédies de Ménandre et de Plaute. Notre approche consiste à repérer quelles sont les valeurs mobilisées, à étudier la manière dont elles sont exprimées et articulées entre elles. Il s’agit d’analyser leur traitement et la place qui leur est conférée : sont-elles soumises à réflexion, confirmées, mises à l’épreuve ? Ainsi l’enjeu n’est pas tant de chercher la « morale » des pièces ou le message moral qu’elles délivreraient, mais de décrire l’architectonique des valeurs dans les comédies. Nous nous sommes intéressée plus particulièrement à l’axiologie, c’est-à-dire à la forme que prend l’évaluation morale dans les comédies de Ménandre et de Plaute. Quels sont les critères qui déterminent cette évaluation ? Quel est l’enjeu de cette évaluation ? La valeur, telle qu’elle apparaît dans les comédies de Ménandre et de Plaute, est essentiellement de trois types : matérielle, symbolique et éthique. La question est de comprendre comment elles sont pensées et articulées les unes aux autres dans chacun des deux corpus. Cette perspective rejoint la question du rapport entre l’intérêt particulier et l’intérêt d’autrui, centrale dans les philosophies antiques qui posent la question de savoir dans quelle mesure il est nécessaire pour l’agent éthique de prendre en compte l’intérêt d’autrui pour atteindre son propre bonheur.Une première partie est consacrée aux notions de valeurs et d’échange, autour de deux types d’échange : l’échange marchand et l’échange social, le premier mettant en œuvre une morale de type utilitariste et le second faisant appel à des vertus coopératives. Une seconde partie étudie la notion d’infraction. Il s’agit d’examiner les modalités d’évaluation d’une action singulière. Dans une troisième partie, nous étudions la comédie comme expérimentation éthique. / This study, entitled “dramaturgy and morals”, looks at the dramatization of moral values in the comedies of Menander and Plautus. I employ an approach that identifies which values are evoked and looks at how they are conveyed and structured in relation to one another. The aim is to analyse how they are treated and the place that is accorded to them. Are they subjected to reflection, affirmed, or critiqued? Thus what is at stake is less about finding the “morals” in the plays or their supposed moral message, but rather delineating the architectonics of values in these comedies. This study will focus more specifically on axiology, that is to say the form that moral evaluation takes in the comedies of Menander and Plautus. According to which criteria is this evaluation carried out? What is at stake in this evaluation?The concept of value, as it appears in the comedies of Menander and Plautus, entails essentially three domains: the material, the symbolic, and the ethical. The issue at hand is understanding how they are conceived of and related to one another in the comedies of Menander and Plautus. Such a perspective intersects with the question of the relationship between personal interest and the interests of others, a key concern in Ancient philosophy which seeks to discover to what extent an ethical agent is obliged to take into consideration others in order to achieve happiness. The first section is concerned with the concepts of moral values and trade. It looks at two types of trade: commercial trade, which outlines the primacy of utilitarian morals, and communal trade, which is based on co-operative values. The second section deals with the idea of contravention. It examines the procedures used to judge a particular action. The third section looks at comedy as ethical experimentation.

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