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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Promoting responsible environmental behavior in second grade students

Kirchhoff, Mary Annette 01 January 2007 (has links)
This project provides a convenient way to incorporate environmental education into the already exiting curriculum. Many of the environmental lessons and activities provided in this project cover language arts and math standards as well as providing students with the environmental knowledge, sensitivity, and skills they need.

"What Does This Graph Mean?" Formative Assessment With Science Inquiry to Improve Data Analysis

Leech, Andrea Dawn 17 January 2014 (has links)
This study investigated the use of formative assessment to improve three specific data analysis skills within the context of a high school chemistry class: graph interpretation, pattern recognition, and making conclusions based on data. Students need to be able to collect data, analyze that data, and produce accurate scientific explanations (NRC, 2011) if they want to be ready for college and careers after high school. This mixed methods study, performed in a high school chemistry classroom, investigated the impact of the formative assessment process on data analysis skills that require higher order thinking. We hypothesized that the use of evaluative feedback within the formative assessment process would improve specific data analysis skills. The evaluative feedback was given to the one group and withheld from the other for the first part of the study. The treatment group had statistically better data analysis skills after evaluative feedback over the control. While these results are promising, they must be considered preliminary due to a number of limitations involved in this study.

Environmental education resource for fifth grade science instruction

Richer, Gaelen Kathleen 01 January 2008 (has links)
The goal of this project was to develop an environmental education resource for fifth grade teachers using the California Science textbook. The goal is for teachers to be able to use this guide as a convenient resource to incorporate environmental education and environmental literature into science instruction.

The dual role of a clinical educator as mentor and assessor : influence on the teaching-learning relationship

Meyer, Ilse S. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: At the core of clinical education, within the allied health professions, is the teaching-learning relationship between the clinical educator and the student which is reinforced by and grounded in the explanatory theories of socio-constructivism, experiential learning and positioning. A good teaching-learning relationship is fundamental to the success of the students’ learning in the clinical environment. Clinical educators fulfil a dual role as mentors and assessors to students. The purpose of this study is to explore the students’ and clinical educators’ perceptions of the dual role of a clinical educator of students in the physiotherapy clinical environment, and how the perceptions of both parties influence the teaching-learning relationship. By following a phenomenological qualitative research approach with an interpretivist paradigm the researcher obtained data from focus groups and individual interviews. Data analysis involved a contextualised interpretive content analysis paradigm. The perceptions of the participants in the teaching-learning relationship, their particular expectations, challenges and preferences, reflect their experiences and are presented in the findings of the study. The findings of this study are comprehensively discussed and recommendations are made to transform the teaching-learning relationship by repositioning the participants (both students and clinical educators) in order to enhance the quality of the clinical learning experience within the physiotherapy clinical environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die onderrig-leerproses-verhouding tussen die kliniese dosent en die student vorm die kern van kliniese onderrig, ondersteun deur en op grond van die verduidelikende teorieë van sosiale konstruktivisme, leerervaring en posisionering, vir verwante gesondheidsberoepe. Die onderrigleerproses- verhouding word daarom beskou as die grondslag vir die sukses van leergeleenthede, aangesien die kwalitiet van die verhouding deurslagggewend is om studente se leerproses in die kliniese omgewing te ondersteun. Kliniese dosente speel ‘n dubbele rol as mentors en assessore vir studente. Die doel van die studie is om studente en kliniese dosente se sienings van die dubbele rol van ‘n kliniese dosent van studente binne die kliniese onderrigveld van fisioterapie in die kliniese omgewing te ondersoek, asook hoe die persepsies van albei partye die onderigleerproses- verhouding beinvloed. Die data word verkry van fokusgroepe en individuele onderhoude deur ‘n fenomenologiese kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering met ‘n interpreterende paradigma te volg. Die data is ontleed volgens ‘n kontekstuele interpreterende inhoudsontledingsproses. Die persepsies van die deelnemers aan die onderrig-leerprosesverhouding, hul spesifieke verwagtinge, uitdagings en voorkeure as drie breë temas van hierdie tesis, weerspieël hul ervarings en word weergegee in die bevindings van die studie. Die navorsing bespreek hierdie bevindings en doen regstellende aanbevelings oor die bevindings. Hierdeur kan die onderrig-leerproses-verhouding, deur herposisionering van albei partye (studente sowel as kliniese dosente), getransformeer word en die gehalte van die kliniese leerervaring in die fisioterapeutiese kliniese omgewing verbeter word.

An evaluation of a professional development programme in environmental education

Chiroma, Jane Adhiambo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd )--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is an interpretive formative evaluation of a Professional Development Programme in Environmental Education. The specific aim of the study was to evaluate the extent to which the programme has enabled professional development of teachers; the degree to which the processes of this specific Professional Development Programme (PDP) has enabled implementation and the nature and the amount of take- up of the PDP processes. The data for this research were generated through semi structured interviews, focus group discussions and observations of teachers‘ projects. Thematic analysis was used as a method of data analysis. Constructivist, formative evaluation informed the epistemology and ontological perspectives that guided data analysis and interpretation and discussions that were made in this research. Data indicate that professional development programmes involving various stakeholders need to be well controlled and co-ordinated. Communication and motivation need to be integrated into the PD programme by the leadership. The Professional Development Programme was done in isolation and lacked a deep epistemological and ontological grounding, showing minimal research in the process therefore, the communication and motivation need to be integrated into the PD programme by the leadership. Department of Education officials indicated that they were not involved in the planning stage and fulfilled more of a management and co-ordination role. They were not able to monitor the process because they were not informed or assisted to develop a monitoring tool and besides their workload prohibited them from doing so. Teachers reflected various dimensions of take-up from the programme but they were not able to realize the action project (except in two schools). Teachers expressed difficulties in implementing the programme because of full schedules and curriculum commitments in school programmes. This research has presented the sentiments of the respondents (participants) in this PDP and has come to the conclusion that this Professional Development Programme has potential and improving aspects of it (see chapter 6) will go a long way towards improving the sustainability of this programme, and improving the quality of teachers that are trained in this kind of programme and even beyond. The PDP has enabled professional development in many ways (See chapter 4 on take-up). However, monitoring and implementation came out clear as those aspects of professional development in the programme that require much attention if the programme is to improve and become more sustainable. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis behels 'n verklarende, formatiewe evaluering van 'n Professionele ontwikkelingsprogram in Omgewingsonderwys. Die hoofdoel van die studie was om die mate waarin die program onderwysers in staat gestel het om professioneel te ontwikkel, te evalueer insluitende die mate waarin die prosesse van die spesifieke Professionele Ontwikkelings Program(POP), implementering in staat gestel het, asook die aard en hoeveelheid opnames van die POP-prosesse. Die data van die navorsing is verkry deur semi gestruktureerde onderhoude, fokusgroep besprekings en waarnemings van onderwysers se projekte. Tematiese analise is as metode van die data analise gebruik. Konstruktivistiese-, formatiewe evaluering het die Epistemologiese en Ontologiese perspektiewe bekend gestel wat data analise en interpretasies en besprekings wat tydens die navorsing gemaak is, gelei het. Data dui daarop dat Professionele ontwikkelingsprogramme wat verskeie belanghebbendes insluit, goed beheer en gekoördineer moet wees. Kommunikasie en motivering moet ingesluit word in die POP-program deur die leiers. Die Professionele ontwikkelingsprogram is in isolasie uitgevoer en het 'n aansienlike gebrek aan Epistemologiese en Ontologiese begronding gewys wat minimale navorsing in die proses getoon het. Kurrikulum Adviseurs het aangedui dat hulle nie betrokke was vanaf die beplanningstadium nie en dat hulle ‘n bestuur en koördineringsrol vertolk het. Hulle was nie in staat gewees om die proses te monitor nie, aangesien hulle nie ingelig of gehelp is in die ontwikkeling van 'n moniteringsinstrument nie, wyl hul werklading hulle ook verhoed het om dit te doen. Onderwysers het verskeie dimensies van opnames vanuit die program getoon maar kon nie die aksie projek laat realiseer nie (behalwe in twee skole). Onderwysers het probleme in die implementering van die program getoon weens vol programme en kurrikulum verpligtinge binne die skool programme. Hierdie navorsing het deur om die sentimente van die respondente (deelnemers) in die POP te vertoon, tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat hierdie professionele ontwikkelingsprogram die vermoë het en met die verbetering van sekere aspekte daarvan (sien hoofstuk 6), ver sal gaan in die verbetering van volhoubaarheid van die program, en deur die verbetering van die huidige onderwysers se kwaliteit wat opgelei is in hierdie program. Die POP het in baie opsigte professionele ontwikkeling tot gevolg gehad (sien hoofstuk 4 oor opnames). Nietemin het monitering en implementering duidelik na vore gekom as professionele ontwikkelings aspekte,wat indien nie genoegsame aandag verkry, die program geweldig kan laat misluk.

Relationships among Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey Profile, Choice of Field of Study in Business and Academic Performance of Upperclassmen in Business Administration

Pilgrim, Mary Alice Gunn 08 1900 (has links)
This study was concerned with the investigation of the relationships that may exist between certain personality characteristics, as measured by the Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey, and the choice of major of students enrolled in seven fields of study in a school of business administration. It also investigated differences in these relationships between two different levels of academic performance, as measured by grade-point average. The seven fields of business included in this study were Accounting, Business Education, Banking and Finance, Insurance, Management, Marketing, and Secretarial Administration.

The development of skills in physical science through environmental education : a case study

13 August 2012 (has links)
D.Ed. / According to Prof. Linda Chisholm (2000) in an address delivered at the Annual Conference of APEK,"...the report of the Review Committee on Curriculum 2005 has evoked a great deal of debate and discussion in two main areas related to the values that it promotes: the first is the relationship between outcomes-based education and Curriculum 2005 and the second is the role of technology and economic and management sciences in the curriculum." The National Curriculum Statement (NCS) promotes the idea of Outcomes Based Education (OBE) and the principles of Curriculum 2005 (C2005), but the emphasis is now to develop a schools' policy built on a set of recommendations for it to be revised and streamlined by substituting the terminology with "user-friendly" phrases and language (Chisholm, 1999:1). By preparing the science teachers in South Africa with the necessary skills to effectively transform the present curriculum into a workable and flexible system, the empowerment they gain from such an exercise is crucial to their focus on science teaching and learning. According to Prof. Chisholm, "a human rights based, antidiscriminatory approach demands a higher level of reading, writing and arithmetic that has existed to date, whether before C2005 or with C2005. For us there can be no return to basics, and the challenge now is to ensure not only that more have access but also that all have access to higher levels than before." This is a sustainable demand of the twenty-first century; hence the term curriculum was adopted.With an environmental education approach, the cross-curricular and dynamic nature of the environment (Van Rooyen, 1998: 104) that is exposed to South Africans today can be positively channelled through the acquisition of basic scientific skills needed to confront the 21s t Century. Outcomes Based Education is one approach that has been tabled, and has its merits and disadvantages. If an environmental education programme becomes the learning programme upon which the curriculum is based, then the overall quality of education in South African schools and the quality of life of the nation can be uplifted through the application of such a model or programme, particularly in the fields of general and physical science: The long-term aims of this study include the following: To encourage a broad, participatory process of Curriculum development for environmental education in South Africa, in accordance with the EEPI (Environmental Education Policy Initiative); To provide educators teaching Physical Science with a programme which can be applied to determine methods which enable the scientific problem solving skills of South Africans and their overall quality of their lives to be uplifted and improved; To carry out the above process through effective education for the environment; To contribute to and refine the new C2005 through the application of environmental strategies and methods of assessment , based on critical and specific outcomes.(OBE)

Is Inquiry Learning Unjust? An Ethical Defense of Deweyan Instructional Design

Tanchuk, Nicolas Jordan January 2019 (has links)
A long tradition of progressive pedagogy, running from Jean-Jacques Rousseau and through the work of John Dewey, argues that it is ethically and politically important for students to learn to co-direct the process of inquiry. In a series of recent articles, a group of cognitive scientists (hereafter called ‘DI theorists’) has argued that due to the nature of human cognitive architecture, student-led instructional designs are likely to be less effective than fully teacher-led instructional designs and to exacerbate achievement gaps. Were DI theorists correct, contrary to the intentions of many educators, a great deal of progressive pedagogy would be likely to have negative effects on educational justice. In this dissertation, I argue that the framing of the debate in cognitive science misconstrues the ethical and political value of treating students as cooperative designers of educative experiences. To defend this controversial claim, I advance a Deweyan approach to ethics and justice in instructional design against two recent philosophical challenges. The first challenge, which I call ‘Dewey’s grounding problem’, asserts that Dewey’s appeal to the single ethical and political value of learning is unjustified against dissent and oppressive of reasonable pluralism. The second challenge, which I call ‘Dewey’s problem of elitism’, argues that his call to promote the common good of learning in ethics and politics will sometimes permit or require elitism, aristocracy, or tyranny. Based on the Deweyan ethos I defend, I trace four principles of just instructional design to reassess the claims of DI theorists. I argue that integrating DI theorists’ insights about efficacy and equality as means to create a student co-led community of inquiry confirms many educators’ intuitions: that student-led designs are important parts of developing the skills of inquiry, are well placed as culminating tasks, and are best phased in on a developmental pathway towards greater student independence.

Identifying disparities in K-12 dance education in the state of Florida: the need for consistency in curricular choice and instructional design

Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify disparities in the delivery of standards based dance education in the K-12 learning environment in the state of Florida and to give specific attention to curricular choices and instructional design. A mixed-methods approach was used and included a survey of K-12 dance educators in Florida as well as interviews with leaders in dance and arts education in the state. This inquiry identified common areas where curriculum choice and instructional design meet the barriers of time, space, place, learner population, expected educational outcomes, and teacher preparation. Each of these areas suggested specific limitations singularly, but when considered together, the effectiveness of K-12 dance programs appeared compromised by disparity and difficult to assess. By centralizing the focus of this inquiry on the realities of the learning environment in K-12 dance education in the state of Florida, the results of this study identified disparities in one state that may inform future research in the broader field of dance education. A set of Core Dance Education Values has been recommended as a guideline to better unify dance teaching goals in light of the research and in support of developing best practices for sustainable K-12 dance programming. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Pathways into Teaching: Daytime and Correspondence Education in Russia

Weeks-Earp, Erin January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation is about teacher education and employment in Russia, with a particular focus on correspondence teacher education programs. Correspondence education is the focus of the study because it is typically excluded from research on teachers in Russia, and thus little empirical knowledge exists for the evaluation and comparison of correspondence program outcomes among teacher education graduates. The two major types of higher education programs in Russia are daytime (students acquire content by attending lectures) and correspondence (students acquire content through independent reading). The research questions in the dissertation are: (a) how does recruitment into teaching differ for daytime and correspondence educated teachers (including who applies to the two different types of study programs)?, and (b) how does the type of study program (daytime or correspondence) impact employment at school level? Primary data were gathered in Russia from school records (quantitative) and interviews (qualitative) with schoolteachers, directors, teacher education program students and faculty, and education policy makers. The qualitative analysis include the development of two typologies of students, the daytime and correspondence groups, with special attention to their decisions in choosing institutions of higher education, enrolling in programs of study, and career networking after graduation. The cycle of recruitment into teaching describes the real work and life circumstances for prospective and current teachers in Russia. The quantitative analysis includes ordinary least squares regression to test relationships between teacher variables, such as rate of pay and years of experience, across the daytime and correspondence program groups. The quantitative findings indicate some differences between daytime and correspondence educated teachers in employment at the school level, although the type of education program was not a very influential factor. The study contributes to research on teachers in Russia by substantiating and deepening knowledge about university enrollment, in particular into correspondence education, and about professional programs for current and future teachers in Russia.

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