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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementing the teaching handwriting, reading and spelling skills programme with an intermediate phase deaf Gauteng learner using the spoken language approach

Mumford, Vivien Patricia 01 1900 (has links)
The rationale for this study was to investigate the implementation of the THRASS literacy programme on a deaf learner who uses the spoken language approach. Particular emphasis was given to the role played by the Phoneme Machine together with Cued Speech. THRASS focuses on phoneme-grapheme correspondence by explicit phonics instruction to develop word analysis and recognition skills. Cued Speech is used as an instructional tool to facilitate visual access to auditory-based phonology. The research was framed within the Interpretivist paradigm and a qualitative case study design predominated, although the launch and landing of the study was quantitative in nature. The findings indicated that the auditory-based phonology of the English language may be accessed by a deaf learner, when supported by a visual instructional tool such as Cued Speech in synchronicity with speech-reading, to develop print literacy skills. This study opens the gateway to further enquiry on enhancing deaf literacy levels. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Mirrors and windows : a case study of the effectiveness of teaching strategies employed in racially diverse classrooms at one primary school in the Gauteng Province in South Africa

Nenweli, Mmahlomotse Sekinah 15 November 2019 (has links)
This study used Bhaskar’s Critical Realist ontology as meta-theory reinforced by Margaret Archer’s Social Realist Theory as an analytical framework to help obtain a deeper understanding of the contributory mechanisms to the provision of equal opportunities to learn in racially diverse South African classrooms in a chosen primary school in Pretoria, South Africa. The study applied Archer’s Morphogenesis/Morphostasis analytical framework in an attempt to understand whether or not the school has transformed or reproduced the status quo on opportunities to learning after democracy. In particular, the study focused on the provision of equal opportunities to learn irrespective of their racial or cultural backgrounds. Archer’s analytical dualism was used to scrutinise the interaction between ‘parts’ (structure and culture) and the ‘people’ (agency). Thus, the focus was to uncover the fundamental factors that enable and constrain the provision of equal opportunities to learn in a class with racially diverse learners. This entailed the separation of structures (policies, systems, and the school governance structures), cultures (beliefs and values and how do they affect teaching and learning) and agents (people such as teachers, learners, school principals, amongst others and their ability to act (agency) within and upon their own world with regard to their social roles and positions to stimulate their emergent properties and powers. In this study, I explored how the emergent properties and powers contained in the learning resource material, policies, and ideational and agential components assisted in the production of certain actions and practices in relation to teaching and learning in a racially diverse environment. I examined these generative mechanisms to identify whether they enabled or constrained the provision of equal opportunities to learn within a racially diverse classroom context. Qualitative research methodologies were applied through the use of semistructured interviews, classroom observations and document analysis as data collection methods. At the domain of structure, the findings of the study revealed that the notion of ensuring that all learners have access to basic education without discrimination of any kind was a critical mechanism that provided learners from racially diverse contexts with physical access. Arabia (pseudonym) Primary School had enough classrooms and teaching and learning materials to cater for all learners. The South African Schools Act1 (SASA) (1996) and the admission policy of the school were found to be enabling factors in terms of admission of racially diverse learners into the school as there is no encouragement of discrimination of any kind. The school’s religious policy was also found to cater for the learners’ diverse religions, however, it is silent about learners who are not religious. The study found that there was a mismatch between the staff complement and learner enrolment as teachers were predominantly White while learners were mainly Black Africans. Ideally, it will be better for the school to strive towards a racially diverse teaching staff complement to match the racially diverse learners. The current situation may have implications for the provision of equal opportunities to learn. The study also realised that, since there was evidence of racial and cultural incongruity between learners and teachers, it might take time for the school to match the now racially diverse learner enrolment with a racially diverse staff complement. This may require transforming the staff complement through the employment of teachers who can speak different African languages and can accommodate and represent diverse cultures in teaching and learning. A constraining mechanism to the provision of equal opportunities to learn was the time assigned to some of the lessons. In some instances, it was found that lessons scheduled for thirty minutes were limited in terms of teaching and learning activities possible in this time frame, thereby hampering the provision of equal opportunities to learn. Within the domain of culture, an important mechanism that was identified was the discourse of the language of learning and teaching (LOLT). The LOLT, specifically English, was found constraining to the provision of equal opportunities to learn to learners of African descent. Learners whose home language was English benefited more in terms of knowledge and understanding of lessons compared to the majority of black African learners who spoke indigenous languages. This points to the need to review the language policy of the school in order to accommodate the local indigenous African languages. However, this may be a complex exercise considering that the black African learners speak different indigenous languages. In the domain of agency, the study found that the Head of Department (HoD) possessed the authority to guide teachers regarding the Learning Areas that they teach, the approaches to teaching and learning, as well as the learning activities that they have to carry out. This meant that they provided curriculum leadership, thus they could exercise more agency in this regard. Data also revealed that, although the curriculum was found to be relevant to racially diverse classes, teachers were unable to integrate racial diversity to the topics covered in the prescribed textbooks, particularly those that were largely based on western knowledge. This implied that teachers who participated in the study were not prepared for racially diverse classes. It will be necessary to integrate learners’ indigenous knowledge into the western knowledge content and concepts in order to enhance their epistemological access and provide equal opportunities to learn, thus appreciating local community knowledge in education and development. Curricula should also be reviewed in order to align them to the school’s clientele base/learners towards enabling the provision of equal opportunities to learn. Overall, this study concludes that, although the school had experienced Morphogenesis in terms of learner enrolment from a predominantly racially singular to a racially diverse learning population. However, the apartheid-era culture of the school was still reproduced due to the Morphostasis of the (White) teacher complement, the languages taught and the dominant school culture that was not congruent with the majority of the (Black) learners. I believe that the findings from this study may provide the conceptual and empirical foundations towards understanding whether teachers provide or fail to provide equal opportunities to learn in racially diverse classrooms in a country emerging from apartheid. I note that this is a singular case study that is not necessarily generalisable. However, it can provide insights into the extent of provision of equal opportunities to learning for the racially diverse learner population across South African schools. / Science and Technology Education / D. Phil.

The role of management in the in-service training of adult learners in agricultural institutions

Sepheka, Amony Amanda 01 1900 (has links)
Agriculture is one of the most important economic activities, with significant contribution to food security, job creation and gross domestic product (GDP) in many countries. Due to the historical inequalities in the distribution of farming land, agriculture in South Africa has been divided into commercial agriculture and subsistence agriculture. The end result are inequalities in the distribution of land, skills and wealth, with the majority of South Africans living in poverty, being illiterate and with no skills. The newly elected democratic Government has since 1994 attempted to address these inequalities. Among the programmes introduced to skill farmers was the launch of the Agricultural Education and Training (AET) Strategy. The aim of AET was to improve Agricultural production through quality agricultural education and training, and thereby addressing the needs of the country’s economy. Adult in-service training was introduced at agricultural institutions. It is now mandatory for the management of agricultural institutions providing in-service training to skill their workers. Yet there is still no clear understanding of how the farmers, managers and supervisors benefit or do not benefit from their employees’ in-service training. This lack of information has been of concern to the farm managers, training providers, sponsors and other stakeholders. Apart from frequent discussions, little has so far been written on the subject. In particular, there is little known about the role of management of the adult in-service training at the agricultural institutions. The aim of this research was to explore the role of the management of in-service training of adult learners at an agricultural institution with the objective of providing the needed information. The qualitative research approach, using grounded theory, was employed because of its suitability to the study. Information was collected from the participants using both in-depth open-ended questions and focus groups interviews. The data analysis was achieved by using the ATLAS ti. The aim was to provide an in-depth understanding of people’s experiences in the agricultural industry, especially at the two sampled agricultural institutions, both situated in Gauteng. vi The lack of evaluation of the Adult in-service training project was found to be the main reason why there is still no clear understanding of how the farmers, managers and supervisors benefit or do not benefit from their employees’ in-service training. The problem of lack of evaluation was related to the level of literacy of the adult in-service learners, who preferred practical training to theoretical training. At the same time, the farm managers, training providers, sponsors and other stakeholders are anxious to know the training progress results. The knowledge of training progress is also needed for the implementation of improvements or financial sponsorship. This research therefore recommends, among others, that evaluations be carried out among the adult in-service learners in such a manner that both the adult learners and the other stakeholders are satisfied. It is, therefore, essential that the role of management of the Adult in-service training agricultural institutions be well defined, so as to fulfil the purpose of these in-service institutions of skilling the trainees to be productive agricultural farmers for the benefit of agricultural production in South Africa. / Temothuo ke nngwe ya ditirwana tsa botlhokwa tota tsa ikonomi, tse di nang le seabe se segolo mo netefatsong ya lotseno lwa dijo, go tlhola ditiro mmogo le go Palogotlhe ya Dikumo tsa Naga (GDP), mo dinageng di le dintsi. Ka ntlha ya hisitori ya go sa lekalekane mo kabong ya lefatshe la temo, temothuo mono Aforikaborwa e ne ya aroganngwa ka mapahata a le mabedi, e bong temothuo e e totileng kgwebo le e e totileng go iphedisa fela. Kwa bofelong re feleditse ka go sa lekalekaneng ga kabo ya lefatshe, bokgoni le khumo, fao bontsi jwa Maaforikaborwa ba tshelelang mo khumanegong, ba sa rutega e bile ba se na bokgoni. Puso ya demokerasi e e tlhophilweng sešwa, e sa le e leka go mekamekana le go sa lekalekaneng go, go simolola ka 1994. Gareng ga mananeo a a itsisitsweng go neela balemi bokgoni, ke kgakolo ya Leano la Thuto le Thupelelo malebana le Temothuo (AET). Maikaelelo ka AET e ne e le go tokafatsa kumo ya Temothuo ka mosele wa thuto le thupelelo ya boleng, ka jalo go mekamekanwe le ditlhokwa tsa ikonomi ya naga. Go itsisitswe thupelelotirong ya bagolo kwa ditheong tsa temothuo. Gajaana, bolaodi jwa ditheo tsa temothuo bo gapelediwa go neela thupelelotirong gore badiri ba ditheo tse, ba nne le bokgoni. Le gale, ga go ise go tlhaloganyege sentle gore balemerui, balaodi le batlhokomedi ba ungwa go le kae, kgotsa ga ba ungwe jang, malebana le thupelelotirong ya bathapiwa ba bona. Tlhokego e ya tshedimosetso, e tshwentse balaodi ba dipolase, bakatisi, baetleetsi mmogo le banaleseabe. Ga go a kwala go le gontsi malebana le setlhogo se, go fitlha gajaana. Go feta fa, ga go itsiwe seabe sa bolaodi malebana le thupelelotirong ya bagolo mo ditheong tsa temothuo. Maikaelelo a tlhotlhomisi e e ne e le go leba seabe sa bolaodi mo thupelelotirong ya baithuti ba bagolo kwa ditheong tsa temothuo, ka maikaelelo a go neela thsedimosetso e e tlhokegang. Molebo wa patlisiso wa diteng o dirisitswe ka ntlha ya bomaleba jwa ona mo tlhotlhomising e. Go kokoantswe tshedimosetso go tswa go batsaakarolo, go dirisiwa dipotso tse di tseneletseng mmogo le tse di sa tsenelelang jalo, le dipotsolotso tsa ditlhopha tse di totilweng. Kanaanelo ya datha e fitlheletswe ka go dirisa ATLAS ti. viii Maikaelelo e ne e le go neela tlhaloganyo e e tseneletseng ya maitemogelo a batho mo industering ya temothuo, bogolosegolo ditheo tse di supilweng tsa temothuo, bobedi jwa tsona bo le mo Gauteng. Lebakalegolo la gore go bo go se na tlhaloganyo e e edileng ya gore balemerui, balaodi le batlhokomedi ba ungwa jang kgotsa ga ba ungwe jang malebana le thupelelotirong ya badiredi, ga le ise le tlhake. Matsapa a go tlhoka tekanyetso a tsalana le maemo a borutegi a baithuti ba bagolo ba thupelelotirong, ba ba neng ba eletsa thupelelotirong ya tiragatso e seng ya tiro. Ka nako yona e balaodi ba dipolasa, batlamedi ba thupelelo, baetleetsi mmogo le banaleseabe, ba fela pelo go itse dipholo tsa thupelelo. Kitso ya tsamao ya thupelelo e bile e tlhokega malebana le tiragatso ya tlhabololo mmogo le ketletso ya tsa matlhole. Tlhotlhomisi e, ka jalo, gareng gat se dingwe e tshikhinya gore, gareng gat se dingwe, tlhotlhwafatso e dirwe mo baithuting ba bagolo ba thupelelotirong ka tsela e e tlaa kgotsofatsang baithuti ba bagolo mmogo le ba na le seabe. Ka jalo go botlhokwa gore seabe sa ditheo tsa bolaodi jwa katiso ya bodiredi jwa temothuo jwa Bagolo, se lebiwe sentle, gore se kgotsofatse maikaelelo a ditheo tse tsa katisotirong ya ditheo tse, e maikaelelo a yona e leng go nonotsha bakatisiwa go nna balemirui ba ba tlhololo go ungwa temothuo mo Aforikaborwa. / Ezolimo zingomunye wemisebenzi yezomnotho ebaluleke kakhulu, kanti zibambe iqhaza elisemqoka ekutholakaleni kokudla, ukudala amathuba omsebenzi nakusambamkiqizo wezwe (GDP) emazweni amaningi. Ngenxa yomlando wokungalingani ekwabeni umhlaba wezolimo, ezolimo lezi eNingizimu Afrika sezehlukaniswe zaba ngezolimo zokuhwebelana, nezolimo zokungadliwa ekhaya. Umphumela walokhu kube ukungalingani ekwabiweni komhlaba, amakhono, nomnotho, nokuba iningi lezakhamizi zaseNingozimu Afrika liphile ngobumpofu, ukungakwazi ukufunda nokubhala nokungabi namakhono. Uhulumeni omusha wentando yeningi, kusukela ku-1994 ubuzama ukubhekana nalokhu kungalingani. Kwezinye zezinhlelo ezisunguliwe ukuhlomisa abalimi ngamakhono kube ukwethula iNdlela Yokufundisa Nokuqeqesha kwezolimo (Agricultural Education and Training [AET] Strategy). Injongo ye-AET ukwenza ngcono imikhiqizo yeZolimo ngokufundisa nokuqeqesha kwezolimo okusezingeni eliphakeme, ngalokho kubhekanwe nezidingo zezomnotho ezweni. Kwaqalwa ukuba kube nokuqeqeshwa kwabadala okwenzelwa ezikhungweni zezolimo. Sebephoqelekile manje abaphathi bezikhungo zezolimo eziqeqeshela emsebenzini ukuba bahlomise abasebenzi babo ngamakhono adingekayo. Noma kunjalo akukho ukuqonda kahle ukuthi abalimi, izimenenja nababhekile bazuza noma abazuzi kanjani ngokuqeqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabasebenzi babo. Ukungatholakali kolwazi lwalokhu kuyazikhathaza izimenenja zamapulazi, abaqeqeshi, abaxhasi nabanye ababambe iqhaza. Ngaphandle kwezingxoxo ezihlale ziba khona, kuze kube manje kuncane osekubhaliwe ngalesi sihloko. Ikakhulu kuncane okwaziwayo ngeqhaza labaphathi (izimenenja) bokuqeqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabafundi abadala ezikhungweni zezolimo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo-ke bekungucubungula ngeqhaza labaphathi bezikhungo zokuqeqeshela abafundi abadala emsebenzini ezikhungweni zezolimo, inhloso kungukuba kuhlinzekwe ngolwazi oludingekayo. Lapha bekusetshenziswa indlela yocwaningo egxile emsocweni (qualitative) kusetshenziswa ithiyori ezinzile (grounded) ngoba lokhu kuyezwana nalolu cwaningo. Ulwazi oludingekayo beluqoqwa kwababambe iqhaza kusetshenziswa imibuzo ejulayo x kodwa evulekile, nokuba kubuzanwe namaqembu ebekugxilwe kuwo. Imininingwane etholakele ibihlaziywa ngokusebenzisa i-ATLADS TI. Injongo bekungukuba kutholakale ukuqonda okujulile ngalokho abedlula kukho abantu embonini yezolimo, ikakhulu ezikhungweni zezolimo ezimbili eziqokiwe, zombili eziseGauteng. Ukungenzeki kokuba kuhlolwe izinga lephrojekthi yokuqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabadala kwatholakala kuyikhona okuyisizathu esiphambili sokuba kuze kube manje kungacacile ukuqonda ukuthi ngabe abalimi nezimenenja bayazuza yini noma abazuzi lutho ngalokhu kuqeqeshelwa emsebenzi kwabasebenzi. Inkinga yokungabi bikho kwalokhu kuhlolwa kwezinga kuhambisana nezinga lokwazi ukufunda okubhaliwe nokubhala kwabafundi abadala abaqeqeshelwa emsebenzini, ababethanda kakhulu ukuqeqeshwa kokwenziwayo kunalokho okuyithiyori. Kanti ngaso leso sikhathi izimenenja zepulazi, abaqeqeshi, abaxhasi nabanye ababambe iqhaza kulo msebenzi banexhala ngokwazi imiphumela yokuqhubekela phambili kwalokhu kuqeqesha. Ukwazi ngokuqhubeka kokuqeqesha kuyadingeka futhi ukuze zenziwe ngcono ezinye izinto, noma kuhleleke nokutholakala kwabaxhasa ngezimali. Ngakho-ke lolu cwaningo, ngaphezu kwezinye izincomo, luncoma ukuthi kuhlolwe izinga kubafundi abadala abaqeqeshwayo ngendlela yokuba bagculiseke abafundi abadala nabanye ababambe iqhaza kule phrojekthi. Kubalulekile-ke ukuba uchazwe kucace kahle umsebenzi wabaphathi bezikhungo zezolimo zokuqeqeshela abadala emsebenzini, ukuze kufezeke izinhloso zalezi zikhungo zokuqeqeshela emsebenzini mayelana nokuhlomisa abaqeqeshwayo ngamakhono ukuze bagcine sebengabalimi abakhiqiza okomkhakha wezolimo okuzosiza iNingizimu Afrika yonkana. / Science and Technology Education / D. Phil. (Education)

Implementing the teaching handwriting, reading and spelling skills programme with an intermediate phase deaf Gauteng learner using the spoken language approach

Mumford, Vivien Patricia 01 1900 (has links)
The rationale for this study was to investigate the implementation of the THRASS literacy programme on a deaf learner who uses the spoken language approach. Particular emphasis was given to the role played by the Phoneme Machine together with Cued Speech. THRASS focuses on phoneme-grapheme correspondence by explicit phonics instruction to develop word analysis and recognition skills. Cued Speech is used as an instructional tool to facilitate visual access to auditory-based phonology. The research was framed within the Interpretivist paradigm and a qualitative case study design predominated, although the launch and landing of the study was quantitative in nature. The findings indicated that the auditory-based phonology of the English language may be accessed by a deaf learner, when supported by a visual instructional tool such as Cued Speech in synchronicity with speech-reading, to develop print literacy skills. This study opens the gateway to further enquiry on enhancing deaf literacy levels. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

The experiences of teachers in addressing the academic wellness of juvenile offender learners

Manzini, Theresa Lydia Badiktsie 05 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on the experiences of teachers in addressing the academic wellness of juvenile offender learners in the Correctional Centre. The main aim was to explore and understand the experiences of teachers in addressing the academic wellness of juvenile offender learners in a Correctional Centre School. In order to achieve this aim, the researcher used Bronfenbrenner’s eco-systemic theory (1977) and the Wellness theory by Hettler (1980) as a theoretical framework. The study was conducted at one of the Correctional Centres in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Purposive sampling was used, and two Correctional School teachers were selected. The study was qualitative in nature, embedded within an interpretive paradigm and used a phenomenological approach. After ethical measures were addressed, data were collected using the semi-structured interviews (Henning, Van Rensburg & Smit, 2004). The findings revealed that teachers implemented effective teaching strategies towards the enrichment of the academic wellness of the juvenile offenders in the Correctional Centre. Teachers indicated that there are barriers to learning in the Correctional School. Level of literacy and numeracy skills are low among juvenile offender learners. Some learners are not interested in learning and they have poor educational background. However, teachers revealed from the findings that indicate that effective schooling rehabilitates and could lower recidivism. An additional theme indicated that learning and teaching support materials (LTSM) are not adequately available. Moreover, teachers need empowerment and development in the Correctional setting and to be equipped or skilled adequately on necessary knowledge to handle special school environment and its challenges. Recommendation was made that to enhance and improve juvenile offender learners’ academic wellness, ample time spent during lock-up should instead be allocated to the Correctional School, be used efficiently and effectively. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

The role of cultural diversity on social wellness in a primary school in Gauteng

Nkomo, Annah Ndlovu 04 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the role of cultural diversity on social wellness in a diverse school setting. It explores the views of learners and teachers on issues pertaining to cultural diversity and social wellness in the school. An integrative lens encompassing Hettler’s (1970) wellness theory and Letseka’s (2000) Ubuntu principle were used as the framework to guide the study. The interpretivist paradigm was used because the research method for this study is qualitative in nature. Purposive sampling was used in this study where fifteen participants were selected. The approach used is a case study, with the case being a multicultural primary school in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Unisa’s Ethics Committee. Furthermore, permission was granted by the Department of Basic Education and the school’s principal. All participants signed consent and assent letters before data were collected. Learner participants gave their assent to take part in the study after consent had been obtained from their parents and guardians prior to the commencement of data collection. Data collected reflected the participants’ understanding of the need and means to promote social wellness within a culturally diverse school setting. It also suggests that it is possible to make diversity work for, instead of against us as is advocated for by Sheets (2005). The themes that emerged from collected data were: knowing one another as well as each other’s cultures, respect for equality and human dignity, loving kindness and compassion towards everyone, practicing good manners and discipline towards everyone, positive social interaction/desired attitude and also leading by example. These themes form guidelines that can be used in promoting social wellness in the school. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Exploring the underrepresentation of female students in engineering studies at a TVET college

Harmse, Lucia Geraldine 01 1900 (has links)
The study explored women’s underrepresentation in engineering at a Technical Vocational and Education and Training (TVET) College in Gauteng, South Africa. Research on the lack of women in engineering exists, however, the underrepresentation of women students in engineering at TVET Colleges is under-researched. Using a theoretical starting point Bandura’s concept of self-efficacy, a qualitative study explored views of selected female students on female underrepresentation in engineering at TVET Colleges, with reference to South West Gauteng College. Interviews with women in Engineering, Business Studies and Hospitality courses were undertaken. Findings indicated: engineering students' desire for equal career opportunities in engineering; recognition of the impact of gender stereotypes and differing ways of developing self-efficacy and capabilities as women to follow an engineering career; the barrier of gender stereotypes on secondary school girls’ choice of and achievement in Mathematics and Science and the information gap concerning career options in engineering; as well as benefits provided by TVET Colleges offering these courses. Some recommendations which are suggested are: TVET Colleges should ensure that more information about the engineering courses offered at these institutions be relayed to the public in a manner that is inclusive to everyone irrespective of gender. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

The ecological footprint as an environmental education tool for knowledge, attitude and behaviour changes towards sustainable living: a case study

Meyer, Verena, 1965- 30 November 2004 (has links)
The investigation used the Ecological Footprint as an educational tool to assist Environmental Management and Water Care learners at Technikon Northern Gauteng, Soshanguve learners in gaining insight in their consumption of natural renewable and non-renewable resources and generation of wastes. In addition, it also aimed to assist them in understanding the ecological impacts of their behavior on the available international and national productive land and thus on planet earth. The results of the investigation indicated a significant decrease in the post-test questionnaire knowledge, attitude, and behaviour scores of the learner group. The implication however was clear; the Ecological Footprint did not directly have an effect on the attitude and behaviour of the learners but indirectly influenced the knowledge base of the learners, which then should have an impact on their attitude and behaviour over time. The Ecological Footprint could thus be an educational tool that could be incorporated into the curricula of the two academic programs at TNG, viz Water Care and Environmental Management for increasing knowledge and improving the attitude and behaviour of learners towards a more sustainable lifestyle. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.(Environmental Education)

Promotion of inclusive education by the learning support teacher concerning foundation phase numeracy and literacy in Gauteng independent schools

Yorke, Lynette Claire 12 1900 (has links)
Inclusion of learners with diverse needs implies a shift from a medical deficit model to a social systems model. The latter does not view the learner as a problem; instead it considers the environment or society’s response to the individual as barriers to learning. This study focuses on collaborative co-teaching as a key to inclusion. Collaborative co-teaching requires the learning support teacher and the general education teacher to partner in all aspects of instruction. The outcome of collaborative co-teaching includes effective instruction, a cohesive, accepting class community, positive learner development and the professional and personal growth of the learning support teacher and the general education teacher. A literature review provided the background to an empirical inquiry using a qualitative approach. Data was collected from a small sample by interviews, observations and documents and inductively analysed. Recommendations for the improvement of practice were made based on the findings. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

Die omvang en praktiese uitvoerbaarheid van ondersteunde inklusiewe onderwys in publieke laerskole in Gauteng

Rheeders, Emmarentia Frederika 06 1900 (has links)
South Africa is a democratic country with equal human rights. South Africa’s previous president, Thabo Mbeki, signed Article 24 in October 2006 and committed South African education to acknowledge all learners without discrimination and to create equal opportunities for all learners. A close look was taken at support in inclusive education within the South African context. It touched on models contributing to the development of a learner, followed by a retrospection of the history that gave way to inclusive education in South Africa. International trends were also considered. The question investigated was: Are the necessary support systems in place in Gauteng’s government primary schools, to provide the necessary support to learners who experience barriers to learning within the inclusive education system, and do they function optimally? In order to answer this question data was collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire completed by principals of Gauteng government’s primary schools. Some of the following aspects were the focus of the questionnaire in this study: barriers to learning that prevail the most are the type of specialist help available to the schools; the role of special schools as specialist reference; the attitudes of parents, teachers, specialists, therapists and teacher aids as well as the accessibility of specialised assistance to government schools. Questions also focussed on training, as well as support provided by institutional and district support teams.The most significant findings of the study include the the fact that classrooms are overcrowded. The most common barriers to learning are Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder and emotional disability instability linked to family problems. A cause for concern is the fact that 82% of the respondents are teaching between 20 and 60 learners experiencing barriers to learning. The institutional level support teams were functioning effectively, but the district support teams did not function adequately. Special schools as resource centers are not used and utilized sufficiently by Gauteng’s government primary schools. The findings show that policies within schools need to be revised to accommodate the learner who experiences barriers to learning. Observation proved that most of Gauteng government primary schools are gradually on the road to implementing inclusive education supported by support systems successfully. / Further Teacher Education / D. ed.

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