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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring post-training supervisory support in enhancing transfer of training in the private sector

Krugel, Willem Frederik 28 April 2021 (has links)
The research describes how post-training supervisory support enhances training transfer in the private sector. Transfer of training principles were identified, after which the participants were interviewed to determine which transfer of training criteria were used by supervisors to enhance training in the work environment. The study population for this research was comprised of call centre supervisors and call centre agents from a company in the private sector in Gauteng Province, South Africa. The study methodology involved qualitative interviews and document reviews. Themes and sub-themes were identified from the data collected. The findings of the study reflected how post-training supervisory support enhances transfer of training. Recommendations were provided that could have a significant impact on organisations’ approach towards ensuring successful transfer of training to the work environment. Suggestions for further studies were made. The study concludes by suggesting a transfer of learning strategy aimed at enhancing transfer to the work environment that should be implemented by organisations. / Adult Basic Education (ABET) / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

Dance/movement therapy and the psychosocial well-being of learners with visual impairment : a case study

Botha, Michelle 11 1900 (has links)
This transformative mixed method case study investigated the influence of Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT) as a physical activity on the psychosocial well-being of learners with the visual impairment of low vision in a school for the visually impaired in Gauteng. A study of existing literature indicated a series of psychological and social dynamics which shape a person with low vision’s self-esteem and subsequent psychosocial well-being. A DMT intervention programme was designed accordingly. Through a filtering process, six female, adolescent participants with possible self-esteem challenges were identified. These participants completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) prior to taking part in the eight 60 minute sessions of the DMT intervention programme. The RSES was completed again post-intervention. Results indicated an increase in the self-esteem levels of all six participants to various degrees. Qualitative measures, including observations schedules, process notes in a researcher’s diary and participant reflections in DMT Journey Journals supported quantitative findings. / Mokgwa o, o o tswakantseng was diphetogo wa dithuto o batlisitse thotloetso ya Motantsho/ Motsamao wa pholo jaaka ikatiso ya mmele mo go itekanelong/ boitekanelong jwa tlhaloganyo ya barutwana ba ba sa boneng sentle mo sekolong sa bana ba ba sa boneng mo kgaolong/ porofinsi ya Gauteng. Dipatlisiso tsa dikwalo tse di leng teng di supa tatelano ya tlhaloganyo le loago e e farologaneng e e bopang go tlhoka go itshepa ga motho yo a neng le pono e e bokowa le tlhaloganyo le botho jwa gagwe. Ka jalo lenaneo la tseregano la DMT le ile la diriwa. Ka mokgwa wa go tlhopha, makgarebe a baša a le marataro, a a nang le mathata a go tlhoka boitshepo a ile a tlhopiwa. Ba tsaya karolo ba ba ile ba tlatsa kgotsa ba konosetsa selekano sa boitshepo sa Rosenberg (RSES) pele ba tsaya karolo mo go lenaneong la dikarolo tse robedi tsa metsotso e le 60 ya tserenanyo ya DMT. Morago ga tsereganyo selekano se ile sa tladiwa gape. Dipholo di supile kgolo e e farologaneng ya boitshepo mo go batsayakarolo botlhe ba le barataro. Ditekanyetso tsa boleng, tse di akaretsang lenaneo la ditlhokomediso, dintlha tsa tiriso tsa letsatsi le letsatsi mmatlisisi le maikutlo a batsaakarolo di totobatsa dipholo tse.dintsi mo dikwalong tsa tsela ya DMT. / Die invloed van die fisiese aktiwiteit van Dans/Bewegingsterapie op die psigososiale welstand van leerders met lae visie in ‘n skool vir gesiggestremde leerders in Gauteng is deur hierdie transformatiewe gemengde metode gevallestudie ondersoek. ‘n Studie van bestaande literatuur het ‘n reeks sielkundige en sosiale faktore wat die persoon met lae visie se self-beeld en gevolglike psigososiale welstand vorm uitgelig en ‘n Dans/Bewegingsterapie intervensieprogram is daarvolgens ontwerp. Ses vroulike adolesente deelnemers met moontlike self-beeld uitdagings is deur middel van ‘n filtreringsproses geïdentifiseer. Hierdie deelnemers het die Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) voor en na hulle deelname aan 8 60 minute sessies van die Dans/Bewegingsterapie intervensieprogram voltooi. Resultate het onderskeidelik ‘n toename in selfbeeldvlakke van al ses deelnemers tot in verskillende mates aangedui. Kwalitatiewe maatstawwe soos die gebruik van obserwasieskedules, prosesnotas in ‘n navorserdagboek en deelnemers se refleksies in hulle persoonlike Dans/Bewegingsterapie joernale het die kwantitatiewe bevindinge ondersteun. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (School Guidance and Counselling)

The South African Council for Educators point system policy : implications for the professional development of teachers in Gauteng

Munnhar, Pradhika 21 April 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Sesotho / This work explores the continuous professional teacher development point system policy and the implications it has on the professional development of teachers. A qualitative study was undertaken in two secondary schools on the West Rand in Gauteng. Data was collected through document analysis, observations and semi-structured interviews. Results indicated that there is a mismatch between what is outlined in the policy and what the teachers are practising. It became evident that the majority of teachers in this study had limited knowledge of the policy although implementation of the policy began in 2014. It was concluded that the point system policy is not contributing effectively to the professional development of teachers in Gauteng. / Hierdie werk ondersoek die deurlopende professionele onderwyser-ontwikkelingspuntstelselbeleid en die implikasies daarvan op die professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysers. 'n Kwalitatiewe studie is onderneem in twee sekondêre skole aan die Wes-Rand in Gauteng. Data is ingesamel deur middel van dokument analise, waarnemings en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude. Resultate het aangedui dat daar 'n wanverhouding bestaan tussen wat in die beleid uiteengesit word en wat die onderwysers praktiseer. Dit het duidelik geword dat die meerderheid onderwysers in hierdie studie beperkte kennis van die beleid gehad het, hoewel die implementering van die beleid in 2014 begin het. Daar is bevind dat die puntestelselbeleid nie effektief bydra tot die professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysers in Gauteng nie. / Mosebetsi ona o hlahloba ts'ebetso ea litsebi tsa ntswetsopele ea litsebi le liphehello tsa eona ho ntlafatso ea litsebi tsa matichere. Thuto e ntle e ile ea etsoa likolong tse peli tsa sekondari ho West Rand Gauteng. Lintlha li ile tsa bokelloa ka ho hlahloba litokomane, litlhaloso le lipuisano tse sa tšoaneng. Lipatlisiso li bontšitse hore ho na le phapang pakeng tsa se boletsoeng polelong le seo matichere a se etsang. Ho ile ha totobala hore matichere a mangata thutong ena a na le tsebo e fokolang ea leano le hoja ts'ebetsong ea pholisi e qalile ka 2014. Ho ile ha fihleloa qeto ea hore leano la tsamaiso ea motheo ha le tlatse ka katleho ho ntlafatso ea litsebi tsa matichere Gauteng. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Educational Leadership and Management)

Towards a leadership model for the effective management of further education and training colleges in the Gauteng province

Mohlokoane, Mokatsane Jakamene Stephen 30 June 2004 (has links)
This thesis is a study of a leadership model for the effective management of Further Education and Training (FET) colleges in the Gauteng Province. This research was triggered by the need for quality and sound leadership skills highly needed in FET colleges. The vision of FET colleges lies at the heart of the integration of the country's education and training system. Leadership is the distinguishing factor in bringing about organisational transformation. A key contemporary issue in the development of a high quality education service relates to the new thinking about how best to pursue quality and excellence in FET colleges. Leadership, strategic planning and the need for alternative models of management lead, inevitably, towards a reconsideration of both staff competencies and continuing staff and organisational development. This research seeks to assist those who have the responsibility of leading and managing the further conceptualisation and implementation of further education and training. A qualitative research was conducted, in which a newly merged college in Pretoria was chosen as a case study for this research. The following constituted the broad aims of this study:  To examine the leadership strategies that should be employed for effective management of FET colleges;  To investigate the vision and mission development and implementation and the organisational structures established;  To determine the opportunities and challenges offered by the new large and multi-sited college; and  To investigate a leadership model for the effective management of FET colleges. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with the leadership of the college ranging from the senior managers, campus managers, middle managers to educators. Analysis of documents and observation notes was also done to supply more data about FET leadership. Data were analysed and interpreted by identifying themes and categories that would shed more light into the effective leadership of the college. The following recommendations were made:  A new approach to the leadership of the college should be adopted;  The leadership of the college should be more accountable and responsive to community needs;  More financial support should be allocated to FET colleges; and  More focus should be given to learner support. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Education Management)

Changing practices and systems: Implementing the online learning community at the University of South Africa

Heydenrych, Jacob Frederik 15 June 2003 (has links)
This study reports on the use of action research methodology to generate a critical reflective collaborative setting. The aim was to infuse the institution with the results of this study in order to stimulate debate on the issues regarding change in practice and systems. The suitability of Internet communication technologies, more specifically the online learning community, is evaluated as a delivery mode that would address today’s learning needs. This required the collaborative construction of knowledge in a community setting with the teacher enabling communication and interaction, and facilitating and stimulating the sharing and testing of ideas and constructs. But such a learning scenario was found to be significantly challenging to the current print-based learning experience. It implied a challenge to teaching and support staff as well as the questioning of the efficiency and legitimacy of current instructional design staff and procedures used. The teaching responsibilities and commitment in the online community was outlined as against current print-based teaching practice. The current development and production culture, which restricts innovation and change in practice and systems significantly, came under pressure. The success of the online learning community in the Unisa context was nevertheless significant and it has the potential to serve as an opportunity to re-examine print-based production and delivery and to devise strategies and solutions to increase the quality significantly. / Faculty of Education / D. Ed.

The design and implementation of intervention programmes for disadvantaged school beginners

Lenyai, Ellen Miopone 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the design and implementation of early intervention programmes used for disadvantaged learners in South Africa. The focus was on the Grade R class since it has been introduced to prepare learners for formal schooling. The extent to which the programme could influence the learner's skills were investigated. The design is defined in terms of the structure, goals, and content of the programme. The implementation strategy in this investigation is explained in broad terms to include ECD policies, delivery structures and modes, teacher preparedness and arrangements made at school level. The investigation was conducted as a case study in disadvantaged school-based Grade R classes of the Gauteng province. It established that the design of the Grade R programme followed the constructivist approach by combining the developmental and behavioural approaches to teaching. The design was commendable with regard to its goals and its duration. However, concerns were raised with regard to the structure and content of the Learning Area Programmes. An alternative design is recommended. The success of any programme depends to a large extent on implementation strategies used for delivery. This investigation established that policy formulation at national level followed international trends. Implementation power was devolved to the provincial departments in order to accommodate provincial diversity. However, structural deficits and undefined line functions were identified at provincial and district levels. The impact of this deficiency was evident in the Grade R classes. Finally this study concluded that although learners showed developmental gains, this cannot be regarded as the influence of the Grade R teaching because this age group is still developing and the change could be ascribed to maturation. The learners did not acquire basic literacy skills. Their poor language and intellectual abilities remain extremely low. / Educational Studies / D.Ed.(Psychology of Education)

The influence of learning strategies learners' self-efficacy and academic achievement

Matseke, Phyllistus Moshala 11 1900 (has links)
Accelerated social change emphasises knowledge and innovation, creating a need for learners to excel at learning and thinking. The study’s purpose was to replicate previous cognitive research findings, which emphasise the positive influence of learning strategies on learners’ self-efficacy and academic achievement and to verify the validity of training learners in learning strategy-use to promote learner-autonomy and accountability. The research targeted a selected primary school in a Black township in Gauteng Province using quasi-experimental and qualitative methods. The sample comprised 152 4th - 7th graders assigned by quota system to the treatment group and the control group. Learners participated in pre-tests and post-tests for learning strategies, self-efficacy and academic achievement. Only the experimental groups received strategy instruction before the post-test. The experimental group’s improved performance compared to the control group’s lower performance suggests the effectiveness of strategy-training. Subsequent learner reports of improved self-efficacy beliefs and academic achievement confirm strategy-effect on these variables. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Educational Psychology)

Developing the professional capacity of educators teaching in the context of a special school through collaboration and peer coaching

Kempen, Maria Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
The objective of education authorities worldwide is to enhance teachers’ professional capacities and practices through the supply of quality continuous professional development (CPD) activities. The South African education system has been subjected to many changes during the past two decades which have seriously affected the quality of education provided in schools country wide. Professional development (PD) of teachers has been found to be a key factor in raising standards in South African schools. Although the National Department of Education has identified teacher development as important, very little has transpired in the education system. School leaders should, therefore, take on the responsibility of providing their staff with PD opportunities. To support teachers in special schools and to enhance their professional capacity, the researcher designed, implemented and evaluated a collaborative PD model in six special schools in Gauteng. The aim of the study was to establish the value of the CPD programme on teachers’ learning, learners’ outcomes and whole school change. This multi-phased case study research was positioned within a bigger study conducted by the Gauteng Department of Education and in particular the Early Childhood Development Institute (ECDI). This larger study was based on the fact that most of the burn related accidents in South Africa occur in the 0-4 age group, which served as the rationale for including the fire safety programme in the ECD curriculum. The focus during the research was on the adaptation of fire safety activities and learners and teacher support materials for an inclusive classroom. This research reports on a two year study on the implementation of a CPD model based on collaboration and peer coaching. The theoretical framework for this study links to theories of constructivism, organisational theory of Senge, network and social capital. This research serves as an example of where valuable internal and external networks were formed for the benefit of all involved with the study. During this research theory and practice were successfully integrated for the benefit of the individual, the school and external organisations. / Department of Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

The influence of schooling on the resilient behaviour and academic performance of poverty-stricken adolescents in Gauteng schools

Kuyper, Nadine 06 1900 (has links)
The social and economic environments in which children develop are regarded as important variables which relate to academic performance. In order to support learners in achieving academically, an understanding of the role of these different variables is essential. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of additional educational support on the resilient behaviour and subsequent academic performance of adolescents in Grades 9 and 10. A sample of 117 high school adolescents was used. Schools that offer additional educational support tend, on average, to show a healthier teacher-learner relationship, more parental involvement, superior cognitive development and better study orientation. All these factors were also found to contribute to a learner’s potential to demonstrate resilient behaviour. Based on the literature study and the empirical investigation, recommendations to parents, teachers and schools have been made. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Education and development : an exploratory study of the impact of GEAR in Gauteng

Mazibuko, Sibonginkosi Godfrey 11 1900 (has links)
The importance of formal education in socioeconomic development is an established fact. Formal education leads to better living standards through improved productivity, health and earnings. However, opportunities to acquire quality education are a function of a country's economic policy. This study inquires into the capacity ofthe South African macroeconomic strategy of Growth, Employment and Redistribution( GEAR) to afford people the opportunities to get quality education. The study shows close linkages between GEAR and structural adjustment programmes( SAPs). The study argues that SAPs and thus GEAR tend to have negative impact on the poor as social spending is reduced and education gets affected. This study concludes that GEAR is likely to impoverish the public formal education system, particularly in poorer communities. / Development Studies / M. Admin. (Development Administration)

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