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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verpolitisering van die onderwys : 'n histories-opvoedkundige ondersoek en evaluering / The politicizing of education : a historical educational research and evaluation

Niit, Henry Edgar 01 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / In hierdie proefskrif word die verband wat daar tussen politiek en onderwys bestaan vanuit 'n histories-pedagogiese oogpunt belig sodat daar tot grondige gevolgtrekkings gekom kan word ten opsigte van die onderwysbedeling in Suid-Afrika. Daar word aangedui dat politiek en onderwys vanaf die vroegste tye 'n vervlegting toon. Onderwys en politiek is mede-afhanklik van mekaar en het ook sekere verwagtings van mekaar. Onderwys en politiek is menslike skeppinge en as sodanig moet dit mekaar beYnvloed. In Suid-Afrika bet die onderwys vir n geruime tyd 'n krisis beleef. Sekere bevolkingsgroepe was nie tevrede met die onderwys wat bulle ontvang bet nie, terwyl ~n ander groep die onderwys doelbewus gemanipuleer bet tot voordeel van homself. Die gevolg hiervan was dat die onderwys in Suid-Afrika ernstig verpolitiseerd geraak bet en sodoende die onderwys nadelig beYnvloed bet. Om die Heropbou- en ontwikkelingsprogram van die suidAfrikaanse regering te laat slaag, is dit noodsaaklik dat daar 'n gesonde wisselwerking tussen die politiek en onderwys moet wees. Alle groepe behoort inspraak in die onderwysbelange te he en waar moontlik moet die kultuur van die betrokke groep in die onderwys eerbiedig word. Dit is egter noodsaaklik om te besef dat alle groepe deel vorm van 'n verenigde Suid-Afrika en dat die kinders onderrig moet word om tot hulle volle potensiaal te ontwikkel en tot voordeel van die staat. Die staat moet ook toesien dat onderwys ongehinderd aan al sy burgers verskaf word sonder dat party politieke belange op die voorgrond tree. / In this study the relationship that exists between education and politics is highlighted from a historical-pedagogical point of view, so that conclusions can be made regarding a future educational system for South Africa. It has been shown that politics and education are closely linked. Education and politics are dependant on one another and have certain expectations of one another. Education and politics are created by man and as such must influence each other. Education in South Africa has for some time been in a crisis. Some population groups were not satisfied with the education they received, while another group manipulated education to its own advantage. The consequence of this was that education in South Africa became politicised. This has had a negative effect on education. For the Redevelopment Program to succeed it is necessary that there is a balance between politics and education in South Africa. Each population group must have a say in its own affairs and, where possible, each group's culture must be respected. It is, however, necessary to realize that all the population groups are part of a united South Africa and that all the children must be educated to the best of their abilities and to the advantage of the state. The state, however, must ensure that education can take place without hindrance to all its people and that no political party may use education to its own benefit. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (History of Education)

Education policy implementation in a society in transition : a multivariate systems approach

Rameshur, Harrilal. 01 1900 (has links)
At the best of times, education policy implementation is a difficult and uncertain process. Taking this as a point of departure, the researcher advanced the hypothesis that education policy implementation in a society in transition: is accompanied by a fragmentation of the pre-transition coherence in interpersonal relations among policy actors; is affected by a heightening of value conflicts and the emergence of competing interpretive schemes; is influenced by the perceived self-interest of policy actors; is affected by changing power relationships and structural adjustments; and reflects a general weakening of interpersonal, cultural, and structural linkages that had evolved in pre-transition years. The Indian education system in South Africa was studied as an exemplar of a system located in a society in transition. The data collated by means of three research strategies - historical report, questionnaire, and structured interview - gave strong support to the hypothesis. In addition, they pointed to the significance of variables such as policy content and policy quality, political interference and pressure, bias and favouritism among senior officials, religious, sectional, and language loyalties of participants, and loss of job satisfaction and morale among policy actors. These findings were discussed against the background of relevant literature. This concluded in the development_gf a theoretical model to explain education policy implementation in a society in transition. Basically, the model suggests that socio-political struggles in the larger society tend. to be replicated in the micro-contexts of the education system, producing fundamental alterations in the interpersonal, cultural, and structural aspects of the system, a general weakening of system linkages, and a progressive de-coupling of system components. All these changes recursively impact on and are impacted on by policymaking and policy implementation processes and outcomes. These impacts, however, tend to occur in a non-standard, nonlinear manner. The theoretical underpinnings of the model emerge from general systems theory, modern social systems theory, chaos/ complexity theory, conflict theory, structuration theory, organisation change theory, and loosely coupled systems theory. Finally, the study concludes with general propositions relating to education policy implementation in a society in transition and a set of research and management-oriented recommendations. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Educational Management)

Imbalances and inequities in South African education : a historica-educational survey and appraisal

Naicker, Inbanathan 06 1900 (has links)
This study, in the main, focuses on the racial imbalances and inequities that characterised South African education between 1965 and 1992. A historical background of the South African educational system as well as an account on the apartheid ideology and its impact on education is presented. For the four principle racial groups in South Africa, namely, the Africans, Indians, Whites and Coloureds, a historicaleducational survey of the imbalances and inequities prevalent in pre-primary, school-based and post-secondary education in respect of access to education, financing of education, and human and physical resources is given. As a way forward, some recommendations for the redressing of the imbalances and inequities identified in this study are presented. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (History of Education)

Educational policy in a post-apartheid South Africa : an exploratory study of the needs of the Indian community

Rasool, Mohamed Hoosen Abbas 09 1900 (has links)
Recent events have brought about the realization that purposeful advancement in South Africa depends on wide-ranging educational reforms consistent with the demands of a complex multicultural society. This necessitates the development of theoretically-sound policies informed by, and grounded in, the specific historical and cultural milieu in which it is to be conceived. Within this context, a particular concern is that little is known about the educational needs of the Indian community at this juncture. This concern is also evinced by a multitude of interests within this minority group. Al though this investigation focuses on Indian responses to dominant policy orientations, it conceptualizes the South African education dynamics in its entirety and interrelatedness and not as a conglomerate of isolated parts. In sum, this dissertation endeavours to examine some critical concerns as it affects the provision of education for people of Indian origin in a postapartheid South Africa. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Comparative Education)

Veranderende rol van die skoolhoof in die staatsondersteunde (Model C-) skool in die RSA

Rossouw, J. P. (Johannes Petrus), 1953- 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die verskynsel van gedesentraliseerde onderwyshestuur, of selfbestuur van skole (SBS), 1s 'n helangrike internasionale ontwikkeling in onderwyshestuur. 'n Afwenteling van gesag vind vanaf 'n hoer onderwysheheerliggaam na die plaaslike hestuurs- of skoolvlak plaas. Die nuwe wyse van selfhestuur van skole in Engeland en Wallis word saamgevat met die term Local Management of Schools (LMS), terwyl die soortgelyke inisiatief in die VSA en Kanada School-Based Management (SBM) genoem word. Talle aspekte van SBM en LMS sluit in 'n groot mate aan by die Suid-Afrikaanse variant van SBS, die bestuur van staatsondersteunde (Model C-) skole. In aansluiting by die literatuuroorsig wat in hierdie navorsing gedoen is, is kwalitatiewe data deur middel van onderhoude met opvoedkundiges wat direk by die bestuur van staatsondersteunde skole betrokke is, ingesamel. Klem is deurentyd in hierdie studie gele op die skoolhoof se veranderde bestuurstaak ten opsigte van die bestuur van die personeel en die gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid. bestuur van finansies, die bestuur van ouer- en Ten slotte is die volgende onder meer bevind: 'n Oorwegend deelnemende, deursigtige bestuurstyl van die skoolhoof is 'n wesenlike vereiste vir die eff ektiewe selfhestuur van skole. Die hestuur van die finansies bet die grootste enkele verandering in die rol van die skoolhoof in staatsondersteunde skole teweeggebring. Elke hoof behoort die kundigheid van 'n verskeidenheid persone te benut, en hy behoort soveel personeellede as wat prakties moontlik is, by die bestuur van die skool te betrek. Die skoolhoof, bestuursliggaam en ouers behoort saam te werk aan 'n vennootskap waarin daar openheid, wedersydse vertroue en hartlike samewerking voorkom. Die skoolhoof behoort ook, as uitvoerende beampte, te help verseker dat die bestuursliggaam eff ektief funksioneer.Die skoolhoof, bestuursliggaam en ouers behoort saam te werk aan 'n vennootskap waarin daar openheid, wedersydse vertroue en hartlike samewerking voorkom. Die skoolhoof behoort ook, as uitvoerende beampte, te help verseker dat die bestuursliggaam eff ektief funksioneer. Die skoolhoof, bestuursliggaam en ouers behoort saam te werk aan 'n vennootskap waarin daar openheid, wedersydse vertroue en hartlike samewerking voorkom. Die skoolhoof behoort ook, as uitvoerende beampte, te help verseker dat die bestuursliggaam eff ektief funksioneer. Die skoolhoof, bestuursliggaam en ouers behoort saam te werk aan 'n vennootskap waarin daar openheid, wedersydse vertroue en hartlike samewerking voorkom. Die skoolhoof behoort ook, as uitvoerende beampte, te help verseker dat die bestuursliggaam eff ektief funksioneer. / Decentralised educational management, or self-management of schools, is an important international development in the field of educational management In this process the decision-making authority is delegated from a central office to the local school level. In England and Wales this new approach is labelled Local Management of Schools (LMS), while School-Based Management (SBM) refers to basically the same initiative in the USA and Canada. Many aspects of the South African variation of selfmanagement of schools, namely the management of state-aided (Model C) schools, are quite similar to SBM and LMS. In addition to the literature review undertaken for this study, qualitative data have been gathered through interviews with a number of educationists who are directly involved in the management of state-aided schools. The main focus was on the changed management role of the principal with regard to financial management, staff management, and the management of parent and community involvement The research concluded with the following findings: A participatory, transparent management style is the key to effective and successful self-management of schools. Financial management has caused the biggest single change in the task of the principal of a state-aided school. Every principal ought to consult as widely as possible, and involve as many staff members as is practicable in the financial management of the school. The principal, management body and parents ought to ensure that a partnership is developed in which there is openness, mutual trust and collaboration. The principal, as managing executive, should also try to ensure that the management body functions effectively. The parents, school community and pupils should be offered the opportunity to participate in a formal, controlled way in the strategic planning and management of the state-aided school / Educational Leadership and Management / D.Ed.

Community involvement in farm schools in the Pietermaritzburg area

Duma, Martin Anthony Nkosinathi 03 1900 (has links)
This study is based on a need for community involvement in farm schools to enhance effective teaching and efficient learning. The rationale behind it was to determine the current state of community involvement in farm schools in the Pietermaritzburg area, with a view to determining the extent to which the current community i nvolvement, namely, the active participation of parents, teachers, the farmer, the church, the state and the private sector could be extended on a large scale. The study revealed that the community involvement dimension of schooling is central to the teaching profession. If neglected, no effective teaching and efficient learning can materialise. The role of the farm school principal in the realisation of this goal is indispensable. The empirical survey and literature revealed that farm school principals can address the serious shortcoming concerning the participation of community members in the affairs of farm schools. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Comparative Education)

The transformation of education in South Africa since 1994 : a historical-educational survey and evaluation

Legodi, Mapula Rosina 11 1900 (has links)
This study entails a critical investigation into the issue and trends that shaped Black perspectives on education in South Africa in the period between 1652 and 1993. A theoretical-philosophical exposition is presented to establish the fundamental characteristics of education and therefore characteristics valid for every human being under any circumstances at any time. These characteristics were used to eventually appraise the issues and trends underlying the shaping of Black perspectives on education in South Africa. This study has revealed that the shaping of Black perspectives on education in South Africa goes hand in hand with the growing realization among Blacks that education is not merely a political issue but also deeply imbedded in the interconnectedness and/or differences between social realities such as the church, the school itself, teachers' associations, the news media et cetera. This should be accounted for by every citizen in a responsible way. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (History of Education)

Education and development : an exploratory study of the impact of GEAR in Gauteng

Mazibuko, Sibonginkosi Godfrey 11 1900 (has links)
The importance of formal education in socioeconomic development is an established fact. Formal education leads to better living standards through improved productivity, health and earnings. However, opportunities to acquire quality education are a function of a country's economic policy. This study inquires into the capacity ofthe South African macroeconomic strategy of Growth, Employment and Redistribution( GEAR) to afford people the opportunities to get quality education. The study shows close linkages between GEAR and structural adjustment programmes( SAPs). The study argues that SAPs and thus GEAR tend to have negative impact on the poor as social spending is reduced and education gets affected. This study concludes that GEAR is likely to impoverish the public formal education system, particularly in poorer communities. / Development Studies / M. Admin. (Development Administration)

Control, compliance and conformity at the University of Fort Hare 1916 - 2000: a Gramscian approach

Johnson, Pamela January 2014 (has links)
Arising from Marxist theory, critical theory investigates the mechanisms that enable continued domination in capitalist society, with a view to revealing the real, but obscured, nature of social relations and enabling these to be challenged by subjugated classes. Within the broad spectrum of Marxist theory, social relations of domination and subordination are assigned according to the relationship of social classes to economic production. However, the neo-Marxist perspective developed by Antonio Gramsci locates relations of power within the broader context of the political economy. In doing so, the role of the State in a capitalist society assumes greater significance than that of maintaining and securing social relations on behalf of the dominant class through coercion and force. Instead, the State embarks on a range of activities in the attempted “exercise of hegemony”, or the cultivation of general acceptance by all social classes of existing social relations and conditions. Gramsci refers to this desired outcome as “consent”, the product of the successful exercise of hegemony, a political function which is thus crucial to the accumulation of capital. When unsuccessful, dissent cannot be contained by the State, and the extent to which contestation constitutes a threat is revealed by recourse to coercion. The manner in which relations of power are cemented through the exercise of hegemony lies at the core of this thesis. It investigates the relationship between the State and the administrators of an institution within civil society, the University of Fort Hare, as well as the responses to the activities of the State and University Administration within the University itself, over an extended period of time between 1916 and 2000. This period is divided into three specific time frames, according to changes in the expression of the South African State. In general, it is seen that conformity characterises the relationship between the State and the University Administration, underscoring the success of the State in fostering the role of education in the reproduction of social relations and values and in eliciting conformity. The nature of conformity is seen to vary according to different expressions of the State and changes in social relations, which are in turn informed by the overarching political economy and events taking place within society and the University of Fort Hare. Manifestations of consent and dissent, as responses to the attempted exercise of hegemony, are presented in the three periods corresponding to different expressions of the State. Four reasons for conformity, as presented by Gramscian scholar Joseph V Femia (1981), are utilised in order to explain and illustrate the nature of control and compliance at the University of Fort Hare between 1916 and 2000.

Stakeholders' perceptions of the shift to democratic leadership in a secondary school in the Eastern Cape : a case study

Lombo, Mzimkhulu Solomon January 2008 (has links)
The advent of political democracy in South Africa in 1994 gave rise to new policy in education promoting democratic and participative ways of managing and leading schools. The intention was both to break from the apartheid past which was characterised by an authoritarian, nonparticipative mindset, as well as to point the way for future education development. Principals of schools were expected to develop structures and adopt management and leadership styles which were participative, inclusive and developmental. Many principals would not have been prepared for this shift in mindset, and notions of full participation in governance by parents, and representation of learners through constituted bodies would have been new to them. In this case study of one semi-urban secondary school in the Eastern Cape the researcher sought to establish whether and to what extent the school had moved towards the new management and leadership approaches. The study is interpretive in orientation, and made use of interviews and document analysis. This research has found that the school had democratised its management and leadership to a considerable degree, but that this was not necessarily due to profound changes on the part of the principal 's leadership. The principal emerged as a democratic leader by nature. More significant seem to be the structures which the school had put in place, both officially and internally, to promote widespread participation and the distribution of leadership. This decentralised system of management has contributed to a distinct organisation culture in the school characterised by warmth, openness and ubuntu.

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