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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Participativní řízení organizace v preprimárním vzdělávání / Participatory management of the organization in pre-primary education

Capová, Renata January 2018 (has links)
Participatory management of the organizationin pre-primary education Renata Capová ABSTRACT This diploma thesis deals with the participatory management of the organization in pre-primary education. The theoretical part of this diploma thesis is dealt with in the first chapter by management in educational institutions, managerial management styles, decision making by an individual and participative and worker self-management. In the second chapter, in the theoretical part of the thesis, it deals with the management in pre-school education, the styles of leadership in nursery school and the head of the kindergarten. The practical part, in the form of indirect, standardized observation and structured interviews, focuses on the management of participatory management in the form of a worker self- management in the International Private Kindergarten and the Bambíno Dejvice Nursery. The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyze the specifics of the management system in the pre- primary education of the organization based on the principle of a worker self-management. KEYWORDS Management, participation, participatory management, pre-primary education, co-decision, worker self-management.

Vztah zřizovatele a ředitele preprimárního vzdělávání v Plzeňském kraji. / Relationship of the founder and director of pre-primary education in the Pilsen region.

Bradová, Jana January 2018 (has links)
The Diploma thesis dealing with the relation between a founder and a director of pre-school education management in the Pilsen region, aims to evaluate a system of kindergartens, which are independent contributory organizations and whose founder is a municipality. To find out what competences the founder has in relation to a kindergarten, in which spheres the founder cooperates with a director. How the founder evaluates director's work, if he does control activities and if he works with outputs of the control bodies, especially the Czech School Inspectorate.To find out what the competences of a kindergarten director are, whether he is supported by the founder or not. To find out how the cooperation between the founders and the directors of kindergartens is evaluated by inspectors of the Czech School Inspectorate who are specialized in pre-primary education and work in the Pilsen Inspectorate of the ČSI. The theoretical part of the thesis is based on the specialized literature, legal regulations and strategic documents concerning kindergartens, their founders and the Czech School Inspectorate in the field of pre-primary education, which were valid at the time of this diploma thesis. The practical part is drawn up on the basis of the results of the survey carried out by the directors of...

Preprimární vzdělávání ve srovnávací analýze právních norem vybraných evropských zemí / Comparative analysis of pre-primary education in the selected EU countries

Navrátilová, Magda January 2018 (has links)
Comparative analysis of pre-primary education in the selected EU countries Magda Navrátilová The aim of this thesis is to identify differences between the legal rules governing pre-primary education (ISCED classification - 0) in selected European countries - England, France and Austria with legal rules governing pre-primary education in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the aim of this thesis is to propose amendments to law based on the comparison. The thesis is composed of four parts. First part is introductory. Basics are explained there as well as used methodology. Second part is devoted to pre-primary education in selected European countries. Third part focuses on comparison of Czech legal rules to foreign legal rules. Conclusions are to be drawn in fourth part. KEYWORDS pre-primary education, law, notice, kindergarten

Švietimo pagalbos šeimoms, auginančioms vaikus iki 7 metų vertinimas ir tobulinimo galimybės Šiaulių mieste / Education Assistance for Families Having Children Under 7 Evaluation and Improvement Possibilities In Siauliai City

Stonkutė, Ilona 06 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra išanalizuoti ir susisteminti įvairūs moklinės literatūros šaltiniai apie Švietimo pagalbos šeimoms auginančioms vaikus iki 7 metų. Darbe išanalizuotos ikimokyklinės įstaigos galimybes organizuojant tėvų švietimą, remiantis tėvų nuomone. Taip pat surinkta informacija apie tėvų švietimo formas Šiaulių ikimokyklinėse įstaigose. Apžvelgta ,,Šiaulių krašto“ laikraščių tematika, tėvų auginančių vaikus iki 7 metų švietimo klausimais (2008-2009). Pasitvirtino darbo hipotezė, kad tėvai skiria permažai dėmesio švietimui ir bendradarbiavimui su grupėje dirbančiu pedagogu. Taip pat išaiškėjo, kad pedagogai naudoja įprastas švietimo formas ikimokyklinėse ir priešmokyklinėse ugdymo grupėse. / The Master paper analyses and systematises different scientific literature on educational assistance for families having children under 7years old. The paper explores arranging of the pre-school possibilities according to the parents opinion. Information on parents education forms in the pre-school institution is being collected. Moreover, topics on educational issues on parents having children under 7 years old relieved by Šiauliai Kraštas newsletter (2008-2009). Hypothesis is being approved that parents pay too little attention to education and co-operation with pre-school teachers. It explores also that pedagogues use ordinary educational forms in the pre-school groups aged from 1 to 6 and from 6 to 7.

Předškolní vzdělávání: vztahy mezi mateřskou školou a rodinou / Pre-primary education: relations between kindergarten and family

Konrádová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis concerns the topic of pre-primary education in the Czech Republic with a special focus on the school-family relations. The general aim of this study is to examine and describe the relations between kindergarten (principals/teachers) and family (parents of children) in the contemporary reality of these schools. Moreover, this text deals with the relations between mentioned stakeholders from the perspective of partnership and accountability which constitute its theoretical background. The objectives are fulfilled via qualitative research, particularly twelve semi-structured interviews with principals/teachers of public kindergartens, and analysis of relevant public policy documents. Based on the qualitative research among these respondents, it concludes that the relations between the actors involved correspond more to the concept of accountability than partnership. The text also indicates that accountability and partnership are rather contradictory concepts. The principals/teachers feel accountable to the parents and they also declare very strong responsibility towards the children themselves. The research findings also show in more detail the discrepancy between the strongly reflected interest of respondents in a partnership and its absence, with a particular attention paid to the reasons...

Manažerské kompetence v preprimárním vzdělávání / Managerial competences in pre-primary education

Ledecká, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of managerial competences in pre-primary education. This topic has been chosen on the basis of ever-changing and evolving demands on the management of kindergartens and the need for high-quality and very comprehensive competencies of kindergarten headmasters. The aim of this thesis is to compare managerial competencies and on the basis of these acquired information to design the most appropriate model of competencies of directors of these contributory organizations. The theoretical part analyzes individual competencies in the field of economic, personal and legal management of the school. The practical part is focused on the comparison of individual areas of management in terms of their complexity and assessment of managerial competences with respect to the time burden. The work is based on professional literature, valid legal norms and results of the research conducted. KEYWORDS Management, manager, personnel management, organization, competence, pre-primary education, school principal.

Podpora začínajících ředitelů mateřských škol od roku 1990 po současnost / Support of the beginning directors of kindergartens from 1990 to present

Střechová, Jarmila January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis provides information on the subject of supporting beginning kindergarten headmasters. It deals with the changes of this support from 1990 until the present. The objective of this diploma thesis is to find out the opinions of the headmasters of pre-primary education schools in Prague concerning the support provided by the state, school authority, middle management, the previous headmaster, other colleagues and educational institutions upon taking up their the post. The theoretical part introduces the basic terms connected with the headmaster's managerial functions and competences as well as with the historical development of the kindergarten headmaster's function in relation to the support received upon taking up their post. It points out the necessity of external support of headmasters during their career, especially in its beginning. The empirical part of the thesis is based on studying specialised literature and on survey results. It assesses the headmasters' experience at the beginning of their careers as headmasters. It evaluates the quality of assistance provided and points out the missing links of subvention. The author suggests taking such measures that increase the quality of the assistance received by beginning kindergarten headmasters. The success of this thesis would...

Přípravné třídy v období legislativních změn / Preparatory classes in the period of legislative changes

Dragounová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is the preparatory class during the legislative changes. The aim was to find out, how the directors and pedagogues perceive the development of the preparatory classes, if there were any changes during the time and what is the significance of the preparatory class for its pupils. The main objective of the work was to find out, how school leaderf and pedagogues do they perceive the future of the preparatory classes after the legislative's modification, or how could the perfect preparatory class look like in the future. I used a case study as a basic method. I got the research information from the interviews with primary school directors and preparatory class teachers. The result is that the preparatory classes have their place in educational system and that they are good for children, who visit them. Another result is that each school has a different children composition in the preparatory classes and that each school looks at the legislative a little bit different. The directors and pedagogues are afraid of the future of the preparatory classes because after the legislative modification there will be only few children with the postponement of the compulsory schooling. And they are afraid of the cancelling of the preparatory classes.

Dostupnost zařízení předškolní péče v ČR / Accessibility of pre-primary education in the Czech Republic

Lešetická, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze and evaluate care services for preschool children in the Czech Republic from the perspective of a demographer. The first part is concerned with theory relating to this issue. This development of preschool education in this country with an emphasis on the period after 1990 . In the next section participation in preschool education in the districts of the Czech Republic is analyzed. As a part of analysis an international comparison is also made with selected European Union countries. A survey was carried about using a questionnaire, the results of which became an importance source helping to describe and, in some cases, illustrate the current situation in and around Prague. The final part outlines the possible future development in the numbers of children and the resulting interest in preschool care. To address the problems related to the return of women to the workplace (labor market) after maternity leave, the number of children are estimated and grouped according to the levels of education of the women.

Theoretical-praxeological self-contextualization of management functions of the system of pre-primary education in the process of change of educational policy of Lithuania / Priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistemos valdymo funkcijų teorinis-prakseologinis kontekstualizavimasis Lietuvos švietimo politikos kaitos procesuose

Neifachas, Sergejus 29 October 2010 (has links)
The article actualizes the system of preparatory pre-school education as a subsystem of education that lacks theoretical management and administration conceptions. It is explained that due to this reason with respect to management processes of educational reform of Lithuania the system of preparatory pre-school education becomes dysfunctional and does not respond to the general trend of changes in education. The thesis discloses theoretical-praxeological bases of management of preparatory pre-school education system, which have self-contextualised in the modern policy of education of Lithuania. With this aim the author of the thesis uses post-modern instruments of social sciences and the humanities and formulates the idea about the necessity of new type managerial knowledge, while making political decisions regarding managerial strategies of preparatory pre-school education and other subsystems of education. Based on the results of qualitative content analysis, which showed up carrying out the analysis of the most important documents on education of modern post-reform period of Lithuania, the following is concluded: to manage preparatory pre-school education system both general and special managerial principles, which are suitable for management of localized subsystems of education in policy change processes, can be applied. The thesis proves that the management of preparatory pre-school education system must be perceived through the paradigms of systemic change of its... [to full text] / Disertacijoje aktualizuojama priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistema, kaip švietimo grandis, stokojanti vadybos ir valdymo teorinių koncepcijų. Aiškinama, jog dėl šios priežasties Lietuvos švietimo reformos valdymo procesuose priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistema tampa disfunkcine ir neatliepia bendrajai švietimo kaitos krypčiai. Disertacijoje atskleidžiami priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistemos valdymo teoriniai-prakseologiniai pagrindai, kurie kontekstualizavosi šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos švietimo politikoje. Tuo tikslu disertacijos autorius naudoja socialinių-humanitarinių mokslų postmodernistinį instrumentarijų ir formuluoja idėją apie naujo pobūdžio vadybinių žinių būtinumą, priimant politinius sprendimus dėl priešmokyklinio ugdymo ir kitų švietimo posistemių valdymo strategijų. Remiantis kokybinio tyrimo rezultatais, kurie išryškėjo atliekant svarbiausių Lietuvos šiuolaikinio poreforminio laikotarpio švietimo dokumentų analizę, formuluojama išvada: priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistemai valdyti galima taikyti tiek bendruosius, tiek specialiuosius vadybinius principus, tinkančius lokalizuotų švietimo sistemos grandžių valdymui politikos kaitos procesuose. Disertacijoje įrodoma, kad priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistemos valdymą būtina suvokti per jos funkcijų sisteminės kaitos paradigmas, orientuojantis į societarinį, sisteminį, institucinį, interpersonalinį bei intrapersonalinį lygmenis, jų tarpusavio sinerginius ryšius, priešmokyklinio ugdymo kaip posistemės bei švietimo sistemos kaitą.

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