Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educationization anda statessouth africa."" "subject:"educationization anda statessouth affrica.""
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The effect of national education policies on learner discipline and academic performance of schools in the Tshwane South district : a focus on school discipline policyMatsebele, Selina Patricia 02 1900 (has links)
The study was limited to three national education policies, which were the teacherlearner ratio policy, teacher workload policy and learner discipline policy. The
problem was the learner moral decay, which was conspicuous to the public who saw
learners all over the school grounds during contact time, along streets strolling to
their schools without showing any remorse long after schools had started at 8h00.
Poor academic performance in public secondary schools in the Tshwane South
District is a cause for concern, whereby one of the schools in Tshwane South had
only 6% of learners passing in 2018 out of 300 in Grade 8, and the rest were
progressed. Qualitative methodology was used, and one-on-one interviews were
conducted to collect data from the SGBs, SMTs and teachers of five poorly
performing schools in the district. The study revealed that the incorrect development
and implementation of the new national education policies had a negative impact on
learner discipline and academic performance. The classrooms were overcrowded
which meant the teacher-learner ratio and teacher workload were high. The learners
and the parents were not provided with the Code of Conduct, and some teachers
never read the education policies and did not know that the Code of Conduct is an
alternative policy to the corporal punishment policy.
Consequently, learners who misbehave and are under the leadership of COSAS
defy it because they are aware that teachers are ignorant of the correct procedure to
enhance the Code of Conduct implementation. This implies that any case against the
learners was considered unprocedural and nullified. It became evident that the
Department of Basic Education needed to invest even more in education to deal with
the issue of overcrowding by deploying more teachers and teacher assistants. The
intervention was also necessary to equip stakeholders with skills in the adoption and
implementation of national education policies. The intervention should empower the
SGBs to develop and adopt the Code of Conduct correctly, teachers to maintain
discipline with confidence and effectively to improve academic performance. As well
as the powerful tools for planning correctly by the SMT to involve policy authorities
for stakeholders’ development. The implementation of the teacher-learner ratio
policy, teacher workload policy and learner discipline policies required monitoring,
and to be reviewed if necessary, to avoid disparity between policy and practice. / Thuto ye e akareditšwe ka melawana e meraro ya thuto ya naga, lenaneo la
ditekanyetšo ya barutiši le barutwana, lenaneo la mešomo la barutiši le lenaneo la
maitshwaro la baithuti. Thuto ye e dira dinyakišišo mabapi le maitshwaro a go
phuhlama a baithuti: barutwana ba ba kantle ga diphapuši tša bona ka nako ya
thuto, ebile go nale setlwaedi sa go fihla ka morago ga nako sekolong. Se se hlola
dipoelo tša go se kgotsofatše dithutong tše di phagamego seleteng sa borwa bja
Tshwane, gomme se ke tlhobaboroko. Mohlala, dikolong tsa borwa bja Tshwane, ke
diperesente tše tshela fela tša baithuti ba mphato wa seswai go ba makgolo a
mararo bao ba phasitšego ka noši ngwageng wa ketepedi lesome seswai, mola ba
bangwe ba fitišitšwe.
Thuto ye e šomiša mokgwa wa di nyakišišo wa khwaliteitifi, mme dintlha di
kgobokantšwe ka go šomiša molawana wa go botšiša dipotšišo thwii, re lebelelane
ka mahlong go dihlopha tša go buša dikolo (SGBs), dihlopha tša taolo ya dikolo
(SMTs) le go tšwa go barutiši ba dikolo tše hlano tša go se šome gabotse seleteng
seo. Thuto ye e tšweletša gore go hloka tšweletšo ya maleba le tšhomišo mpe ya
melawana e meswa ya thuto ya naga e nale khuetšo e mpe taolong ya baithuti le
mešomong ya sekolo. Palo e kgolo ya barutwana diphapušing e baka morwalo o
boima go barutiši. Baithuti le batswadi ga ba fiwe Melao ya sekolo ya maitswaro,
gomme barutiši ba bangwe le bona ga senke ba ipha nako ya go bala melawana ya
thuto ebile ga ba tsebe gore melao ya maitšhwaro ke mokgwa o mongwe wa go
fapana le kotlo ya go betha.
Ka lebaka leo, baithuti bao ba sa itshwarego gabotse ebile ba huetšwa ke COSAS
ba nyatša melao ya maitšwaro gobane ba lemogile gore barutiši ba hlokomologile
mokgwa wo o nepagetšego wa go matlafatša tšhomišo ya maleba ya melao ye. Se
se bolela gore kgafetša kgafetša melato kgahlanong le barutwana e tšewa okare ga
se ya maleba ebile e phošagetše. Go molaleng gore Lefapha la Thuto ya motheo le
hloka go lokiša taba ya go tlala ga barutwana ka diphapušing ka go thwala barutiši
bao ba lekaneng le bathuši ba barutiši. Go tsea karolo go thuša batšeakarolo ka tsebo ya go amogela le go šomisa melawana ya thuto ya naga gwa hlokega. Se se
ka matlafatša dihlopha tša go buša dikolo go amogela le go šomiša Melao ya
maitswaro ka nepo, ele ge barutiši ba holega ka go netefatša maitshwaro ama botse
le go kaonafatša dipoelo tša thuto ya barutwana.
Dipoelo di hlagiša gore lenaneo la tekanyo ya barutiši le barutwana, lenaneo la
mešomo la barutiši le lenaneo la maitshwaro la baithuti di hloka go hlokomelwa le go
lekolwa, gomme moo go hlokegago e hlahlobje gore go efošwe thulano magareng
ga lenaneo tshepedišo le tiragatšo ya lenaneo leo. / Hierdie ondersoek word beperk tot drie nasionale onderwysbeleide: die beleid op die
onderwyser-leerder-verhouding, die beleid op onderwyserwerkslading en die beleid
op leerderdissipline. Die navorsing ondersoek wat meestal beskou word as die
morele agteruitgang van die leerder: leerders is gedurende kontaktyd buite die
klaskamer en daar is gedurige laatkommery. Die kommerwekkende gevolge hiervan
is swak akademiese prestasie in openbare sekondêre skole in die TshwaneSuiddistrik. By een skool in Tshwane-Suid het byvoorbeeld slegs 6% uit 300 Graad 8
leerders in 2018 geslaag, terwyl die res oorgeplaas is.
Die ondersoek maak gebruik van ’n kwalitatiewe metodologie, en data is ingesamel
in een-tot-een onderhoude met lede van die skoolbeheerliggame (SBL’e),
skoolbestuurspanne (SBS’e) en onderwysers van vyf swak presterende skole in die
distrik. Die navorsing toon dat die onvoldoende ontwikkeling en implementering van
nuwe nasionale onderwysbeleid ’n negatiewe uitwerking op leerders se dissipline en
akademiese prestasie het. Die hoë onderwyser-leerder-verhouding in oorvol
klaskamers het vir onderwysers ’n hoë werkslading tot gevolg. Leerders en ouers
word nie van ’n Gedragskode voorsien nie, en sommige onderwysers het nog nooit
die onderwysbeleid gelees nie en weet nie dat die Gedragskode ’n alternatief vir die
lyfstrafbeleid is nie.
Leerders wat hul wangedra en deur COSAS beïnvloed word, minag gevolglik die
Gedragskode omdat hulle bewus is dat onderwysers oningelig is oor die juiste
prosedure ter bevordering van dié kode. Dit beteken dat sake teen leerders dikwels
as prosessueel ongeldig beskou word en nietig verklaar word. Dit is duidelik dat die
Departement van Basiese Onderwys aandag moet bestee aan die kwessie van
oorvol klaskamers deur meer onderwysers en onderwysassistente aan te stel.
Ingryping is ook nodig om belanghebbendes toe te rus met vaardighede vir die
ingebruikneming en implementering van nasionale onderwysbeleide. So ’n ingreep
sal SBL’e bemagtig om die Gedragskode korrek te ontwikkel en aan te neem,
waardeur onderwysers bygestaan sal word in die handhawing van dissipline en die
verbetering van akademiese prestasie. Die bevindinge dui aan dat die implementering van die beleide op onderskeidelik die
onderwyser-leerder-verhouding, die onderwyserwerklading en leerderdissipline
monitering en, waar nodig, hersiening vereis ten einde skeiding tussen die beleid en
die praktyk te vermy. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Educational Management)
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A framework for effective implementation of Integrated Quality Management System in primary schools in the Western Cape provinceSigudla, Jeffrey Pikky 17 August 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the practices and challenges faced by primary schools in the Western Cape province when implementing the Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS) policy. The study concentrated mainly on monitoring and evaluation processes; as well as the relevance and appropriateness of the measures in place for refining the IQMS.
In 1994, the attainment of democracy in South Africa brought radical transformation to the education system, which resulted in the development of various educational policies. One of these policies was the Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS), which was introduced in 2003. The IQMS was aimed at improving quality education delivery. However, based on learners’ academic and quality results in terms of progression over the past two decades, the South African education system may not have achieved all of its desired outcomes. The school development teams, especially those in rural and previously disadvantaged schools, do not comply with the principles of the IQMS policy and, as a result, fail in their mandate.
The empirical approach employed in this study was successful in obtaining information from participants about the challenges they faced in implementing the IQMS policy. The study used qualitative approach. Participants included post-level one teachers as well as members of the school management team at five different schools. The research findings indicated that some schools only implement the IQMS to comply with the department requirements and to ensure that their educators receive the salary increments based on IQMS. Consequently, there is no real school development taking place. The study made a number of recommendations to consider with regard to effective implementation of IQMS in schools. It is recommended that the School Development Team (SDT) and the School Management Team (SMT) employ a well-adjusted approach to whole school evaluation, with a resilient effort on both professional development and performance appraisal in the engagement of whole school development. The study also suggests the appointment of Senior Education Specialists who will be based at every school and become part of the SDTs in order to assist the schools in converting evaluation into school development. Further suggestion is also made for performance agreements and targets linked to salary increments. / Educational Management and Leadership / Ph. D. (Education Management)
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The evaluation of the implementation of HIV-AIDS policies at school level with particular focus on discrimination and stigma amongst educatorsMokwatlo, Elizabeth Maboakae 30 June 2006 (has links)
Against the background of evidence that HIV-AIDS has had and continues to have
an enormous impact on all South African schools, a need has arisen for HIV -AIDS
policies and programmes to be effectively implemented in all schools. In this study, a
qualitative methodology was used to evaluate policy implementation in the North
West province. Data was gathered by means of field notes, observation and
interviews with management and educators. The study found that although principals
and educators are knowledgeable about HIV -AIDS, there is a tendency to
discriminate against infected educators, particularly in terms of educator workload.
This study also revealed that educators fear being accidentally exposed to HIV -AIDS
infected blood, despite the guidelines given in the National HIV -AIDS policy and the
availability of emergency first aid kits. The key thought emerging from this study is
that not all schools are able to deal effectively with HIV -AIDS and that schools
urgently need to plan or implement their own policies in this regard. School-based
HIV-AIDS policies can only be successful if they take cognisance of local contextual
issues and involve the three spheres of influence in the lives of educators and
learners, namely, the sphere of the school, the sphere of family life and the sphere of
the community. / Sociology / M.A.(Social and Behavioural Studies in HIV-AIDS)
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The evaluation of the implementation of HIV-AIDS policies at school level with particular focus on discrimination and stigma amongst educatorsMokwatlo, Elizabeth Maboakae 30 June 2006 (has links)
Against the background of evidence that HIV-AIDS has had and continues to have
an enormous impact on all South African schools, a need has arisen for HIV -AIDS
policies and programmes to be effectively implemented in all schools. In this study, a
qualitative methodology was used to evaluate policy implementation in the North
West province. Data was gathered by means of field notes, observation and
interviews with management and educators. The study found that although principals
and educators are knowledgeable about HIV -AIDS, there is a tendency to
discriminate against infected educators, particularly in terms of educator workload.
This study also revealed that educators fear being accidentally exposed to HIV -AIDS
infected blood, despite the guidelines given in the National HIV -AIDS policy and the
availability of emergency first aid kits. The key thought emerging from this study is
that not all schools are able to deal effectively with HIV -AIDS and that schools
urgently need to plan or implement their own policies in this regard. School-based
HIV-AIDS policies can only be successful if they take cognisance of local contextual
issues and involve the three spheres of influence in the lives of educators and
learners, namely, the sphere of the school, the sphere of family life and the sphere of
the community. / Sociology / M.A.(Social and Behavioural Studies in HIV-AIDS)
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The role of the state in the establishment of a culture of learning and teaching in South Africa (1910-2004)Baloyi, Colonel Rex 31 December 2004 (has links)
Formal state-controlled education has been a central element for social development in South Africa since the formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910. The establishment and promotion of a culture of learning and teaching is regarded as a pre-condition for high educational standards. This thesis is a study of the role of the state in the establishment of a culture of learning and teaching in South Africa from 1910 to 2004.
To understand the role that the state played in promoting, or inhibiting, a culture of learning and teaching, a historical review was taken of the state's role in formal schooling in the period of the Union (1910-1947), the era of apartheid (1948-1989), the transitional period (1990-1994) and in the era of the democratic South Africa. As an ideal, the state has a responsibility to ensure the establishment of a culture of learning and teaching. The historical review revealed, however, that the state used its policies to promote political rather than educational ideologies - and in the process, there was a complete breakdown in a culture of learning and teaching.
The establishment and promotion of a culture of learning and teaching towards the maintenance of high academic standards in South African state schools was the motivating force behind this study. Therefore, this study concludes with guidelines and recommendations grounded in the historical review that will hopefully promote a culture of learning and teaching in South African schools in future. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (History of Education)
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Interpretations of academic freedom : a historical investigationBaloyi, Colonel Rex 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is a study of academic freedom, an issue which is regarded as a precondition for the university's successful execution of its task, namely the advancement
and dissemination of knowledge. To understand what academic freedom really implies
and entails, a historical review was undertaken of the various interpretations of academic
freedom in the Medieval Italy and France, Imperial Germany, the late 19th century and
the 20th century American and South African universities. As an ideal, academic freedom
implies the free but responsible search for knowledge and truth. The historical review
revealed, however, that academic freedom has at times been misunderstood and abused. The realisation of true academic freedom in South African universities was the motivating
force behind this study. Therefore, this study is concluded with guidelines and
recommendations grounded in the historical review that will hopefully promote academic
freedom in South African universities. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (History of Education)
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The role of the state in the establishment of a culture of learning and teaching in South Africa (1910-2004)Baloyi, Colonel Rex 31 December 2004 (has links)
Formal state-controlled education has been a central element for social development in South Africa since the formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910. The establishment and promotion of a culture of learning and teaching is regarded as a pre-condition for high educational standards. This thesis is a study of the role of the state in the establishment of a culture of learning and teaching in South Africa from 1910 to 2004.
To understand the role that the state played in promoting, or inhibiting, a culture of learning and teaching, a historical review was taken of the state's role in formal schooling in the period of the Union (1910-1947), the era of apartheid (1948-1989), the transitional period (1990-1994) and in the era of the democratic South Africa. As an ideal, the state has a responsibility to ensure the establishment of a culture of learning and teaching. The historical review revealed, however, that the state used its policies to promote political rather than educational ideologies - and in the process, there was a complete breakdown in a culture of learning and teaching.
The establishment and promotion of a culture of learning and teaching towards the maintenance of high academic standards in South African state schools was the motivating force behind this study. Therefore, this study concludes with guidelines and recommendations grounded in the historical review that will hopefully promote a culture of learning and teaching in South African schools in future. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (History of Education)
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Interpretations of academic freedom : a historical investigationBaloyi, Colonel Rex 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is a study of academic freedom, an issue which is regarded as a precondition for the university's successful execution of its task, namely the advancement
and dissemination of knowledge. To understand what academic freedom really implies
and entails, a historical review was undertaken of the various interpretations of academic
freedom in the Medieval Italy and France, Imperial Germany, the late 19th century and
the 20th century American and South African universities. As an ideal, academic freedom
implies the free but responsible search for knowledge and truth. The historical review
revealed, however, that academic freedom has at times been misunderstood and abused. The realisation of true academic freedom in South African universities was the motivating
force behind this study. Therefore, this study is concluded with guidelines and
recommendations grounded in the historical review that will hopefully promote academic
freedom in South African universities. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (History of Education)
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