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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvalitetschefens Roll och Kompetens Inom Svenska Organisationer och Företag

Rosendal, Sanna January 2010 (has links)
The role of the quality manager has evolved from being a quality controller to work with a more global business. Within many organizations in Sweden, however, the traditional role of the quality manager's remains and the tasks categorized as quality control still takes up most of the quality manager's time. The survey conducted as part of this master thesis shows that the quality manager in most businesses has multiple roles in addition to the role of quality manager, which can create a role conflict. One consequence of this is that each improvement is not given priority due to time constraints. Although the importance of a clear and committed leadership is the key for succeeding as the quality manager. The quality manager’s educational background can vary between different activities. Most quality managers have a basic training in business development and quality, but many do not have deep expertise in the area. The quality manager wants more education and is looking for deeper skills for living in a constantly learning. The master thesis identifies the quality manager's role, tasks and education. It is hoped that in the long run from this study could support the quality manager's role and future development in the debate.

En studie kring avbrott på vård och omsorgsprogrammet / A studie about interruption in the health care program

Olsson, Charlotte January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad det är som gör att vissa fullföljer sin utbildning och varför andra avbryter studierna på vård och omsorgsprogrammet på Komvux. Av vilken anledning fullföljer inte eleverna sina studier? Vad kan påverka studierna? Studien är kvalitativ och utgår från intervjuer med elever på vård och omsorgsprogrammet. Metoden som användes vid intervjuerna var halvstrukturerade frågor. Studiens konklusion är att eleverna inte fullföljer sina studier främst för att de blir gravida och för att de har svårt att hänga med pga. utbildningens upplägg och studietakt. Eleverna påverkas negativt av sin livssituation som tex att de har familj vilket gör att det är svårt att fokusera på studierna. Även hur undervisning bedrivs påverkar resultat och att det sociokulturella perspektivet har stor vikt för att eleverna skall fullfölja sina studier. Studien visar även att de som fullföljer sina studier sig har ett tydligt mål med sina studier som t.ex. att läsa vidare på Universitetet till sjuksköterska. / The aim of this study is to explore which factors that impact some students to continue and complete their studies in the health care program and why some of them had terminated their education. The method that was used was qualitative research interviews. In other words, interviewing the students with open questions rather than a questionnaire. The conclusion of the study was that the prime reasons for students who terminated their health care program were that they were pregnant or that they experienced that they could not cope with the study pace or the content of the studies. The students expressed that they were stressed by their own private living situation which led to difficulties in focusing on their studies. The results of the study also show how the scope of the health care program impacts on the students’ outcomes as well as how the social-cultural perspectives are of great importance for the success of the students’ attempts to finish their course. Finally, the study shows that they who completed their health care program had a clear goal with their studies e.g. to enter the Department of Nursing at the University.

Förutsättningar för delaktighet inom särskild utbildning för vuxna i små kommuner : Skolledares och lärares berättelser om förutsättningar för delaktighet / Prerequisites for participation in special education for adults in small municipalities : Principals and teachers’ narratives on prerequisites for participation

Spång, Anders, Gylfe, Mari January 2020 (has links)
Sammanfattning I denna studie undersöks förutsättningar för delaktighet inom särskild utbildning för vuxna i små kommuner. Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap om förutsättningar för elevers delaktighet inom särskild utbildning för vuxna i svenska kommuner med mindre befolkning än 40 000 invånare. Studien bygger på 10 kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare och skolledare inom särvux från små kommuner. Analys- och tolkningsarbetet utgår ifrån en delaktighetsmodell (Szönyi & Söderqvist Dunkers) och det sociokulturella perspektivet (Säljö 2017). Studiens resultat visar att undervisningen bedrivs i blandade grupper i flera fall, med elever som är inskrivna på olika nivåer inom särvux, och även inom vuxenutbildning på grundläggande nivå. Möjligheter till att samhandla och att kommunicera med andra finns både inom undervisningen i undervisningsgrupper och vid raster. Den dominerande bilden när det gäller elevers engagemang är att eleverna visar engagemang i utbildningen genom att uttrycka att de vill delta, att de vill påverka hur utbildningen utformas, att de har hög närvaro. Samtliga informanter har exempel på situationer där det är tydligt att eleven har möjlighet att göra aktiva, självständiga val. En utmaning för en liten kommun är att ha möjlighet att själva anordna samtliga kurser som ingår i särvux utbud. Den lilla kommen sägs ge ökade förutsättningar för samhandling och en god förutsättning för att få erkännande från andra på utbildningen och från personer i det omgivande samhället. Denna studie kan medverka till att skapa en djupare förståelse för förutsättningar för elever som läser på särvux i en liten kommun.   Nyckelord Delaktighet, Särskild utbildning för vuxna. Små kommuner. Abstract   In this study, the conditions for participation in special education for adults in small municipalities are examined. The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about the conditions for student participation in special education for adults in small Swedish municipalities. The study is based on 10 qualitative interviews with teachers and school leaders in special needs from small municipalities. The analysis and interpretation work are based on a model of participation and the socio-cultural perspective. The results of the study show that the teaching is conducted in mixed groups in several cases in the study, with students enrolled at different levels in special education, and in adult education at the basic level. Opportunities to interact and to communicate with others are found both in teaching, in teaching groups and during breaks. The dominant picture regarding student engagement is that students show commitment to education by expressing that they want to participate, that they want to influence how education is designed, that they have a high attendance. All informants have examples of situations where the student has the opportunity to make active, independent choices. A challenge for the small municipality´s conditions for participation is to arrange all courses that are part of special education for adults. The small community is said to provide increased conditions for collaboration and a good condition for getting recognition from others in education and from people in the surrounding community. This study can help to create a deeper understanding of the conditions for pupils who read in special education in a small municipality.   Keywords   Participation, special education for adults, small municipalities in Sweden

Delaktighet- och lärprocesser i en yrkesutbildning : En studie av vuxna elevers erfarenheter av vård- och omsorgsutbildningen inom Komvux / Participation and learning processes in vocational education : A study of student exeperiences of an adult-education program in health and social care

Lagercrantz All, Katarina January 2017 (has links)
Numerous research on the development of knowledge and skills within health and social care has been undertaken; however, it can be argued that there is a need to understand the connection between inclusion and the development in knowledge and experience.  The purpose of this dissertation is to explore students’ experiences of the health and social care adult- education program, and participation and learning processes it represents.  The program is considered the formal route to acquire a position as a nursing assistant or health care assistant. Furthermore, the program can be seen as a combination of vocational training, and a measure to reduce unemployment. This empirical study is based on 15 in- depth interviews with students in the health and social care adult-education. These interviews are using a hermeneutic interpretation method, and draw on Lave and Wenger`s theory of learning. In addition to sociocultural theory according to Säljö. Findings indicate that the adult-education program in health and social care is not only a training process, but also a participation process. For the students, it is about gaining participation in the professional community, in Swedish society, and also about an existential safety in a social context. In order to gain participation, intellectual and physical artifacts, as well as personal qualities, are a prerequisite. Despite these requirements, and the challenges students face, the findings reveal that most students continue their studies. This finding leads to the idea that health and social care can be understood a discipline of inclusion. These findings assist the health and social care field in understanding the connection between said artifacts for inclusion in working life and society; in addition, that such programs should be understood from a wider perspective and viewed in relation to the tension between three educational projects: the students` individual project, the program organizer’s project and the national, societal education project.

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