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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrated modelling of Global Change impacts in the German Elbe River Basin

Hattermann, Fred Fokko January 2005 (has links)
The scope of this study is to investigate the environmental change in the German part of the Elbe river basin, whereby the focus is on two water related problems: having too little water and having water of poor quality. <br><br> The Elbe region is representative of humid to semi-humid landscapes in central Europe, where water availability during the summer season is the limiting factor for plant growth and crop yields, especially in the loess areas, where the annual precipitation is lower than 500 mm. It is most likely that water quantity problems will accelerate in future, because both the observed and the projected climate trend show an increase in temperature and a decrease in annual precipitation, especially in the summer. Another problem is nutrient pollution of rivers and lakes. In the early 1990s, the Elbe was one of the most heavily polluted rivers in Europe. Even though nutrient emissions from point sources have notably decreased in the basin due to reduction of industrial sources and introduction of new and improved sewage treatment facilities, the diffuse sources of pollution are still not sufficiently controlled. <br><br> The investigations have been done using the eco-hydrological model SWIM (Soil and Water Integrated Model), which has been embedded in a model framework of climate and agro-economic models. A global scenario of climate and agro-economic change has been regionalized to generate transient climate forcing data and land use boundary conditions for the model. The model was used to transform the climate and land use changes into altered evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, crop yields and river discharge, and to investigate the development of water quality in the river basin. Particular emphasis was given to assessing the significance of the impacts on the hydrology, taking into account in the analysis the inherent uncertainty of the regional climate change as well as the uncertainty in the results of the model. <br><br> The average trend of the regional climate change scenario indicates a decrease in mean annual precipitation up to 2055 of about 1.5 %, but with high uncertainty (covering the range from -15.3 % to +14.8 %), and a less uncertain increase in temperature of approximately 1.4 K. The relatively small change in precipitation in conjunction with the change in temperature leads to severe impacts on groundwater recharge and river flow. Increasing temperature induces longer vegetation periods, and the seasonality of the flow regime changes towards longer low flow spells in summer. As a results the water availability will decrease on average of the scenario simulations by approximately 15 %. The increase in temperatures will improve the growth conditions for temperature limited crops like maize. The uncertainty of the climate trend is particularly high in regions where the change is the highest. <br><br> The simulation results for the Nuthe subbasin of the Elbe indicate that retention processes in groundwater, wetlands and riparian zones have a high potential to reduce the nitrate concentrations of rivers and lakes in the basin, because they are located at the interface between catchment area and surface water bodies, where they are controlling the diffuse nutrient inputs. The relatively high retention of nitrate in the Nuthe basin is due to the long residence time of water in the subsurface (about 40 years), with good conditions for denitrification, and due to nitrate retention and plant uptake in wetlands and riparian zones. <br><br> The concluding result of the study is that the natural environment and communities in parts of Central Europe will have considerably lower water resources under scenario conditions. The water quality will improve, but due to the long residence time of water and nutrients in the subsurface, this improvement will be slower in areas where the conditions for nutrient turn-over in the subsurface are poor. / Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Auswirkungen des Globalen Wandels auf den Wasserkreislauf im deutschen Teil des Elbeeinzugsgebietes. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf Wassermengen- und Wasserqualitätsproblemen. <br><br> Die Elbe liegt im Zentrum Europas im Übergangsbereich zwischen ozeanischen und kontinentalen Klimaten, wo die Wasserverfügbarkeit in den Sommermonaten den limitierenden Faktor für das Pflanzenwachstum und die landwirtschaftlichen Erträge bildet. Dies gilt insbesondere für die Lössgebiete im Lee des Harzes, wo die jährlichen Niederschläge unter 500 mm liegen. Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass sich die Wassermengenprobleme in Zukunft noch verstärken werden, denn sowohl das beobachtete als auch das für die Zukunft projizierte Klima in der Region zeigen höhere Temperaturen und fallende Niederschläge, besonders im Sommer. Ein weiteres Problem ist die hohe Nährstoffbelastung der Flüsse und Seen im Elbeeinzugsgebiet. Anfang der neunziger Jahre war die Elbe eine der am stärksten belasteten Flüsse in Europa. Obwohl die Einträge besonders aus Punktquellen durch den Rückgang der Industrie und den Bau von neuen Kläranlagen seitdem gefallen sind, gelangen trotzdem noch große Nährstoffmengen aus diffusen Quellen in die Gewässer. <br><br> Die Untersuchungen wurden unter Anwendung des ökohydrologischen Modells SWIM (Soil and Water Integrated Model) durchgeführt, welches über Schnittstellen mit Klimamodellen und agroökonomischen Modellen verbunden wurde. Ein globales Szenario des Klimawandels und des landwirtschaftlichen Wandels wurde regionalisiert, um so die geänderten Randbedingungen für den Szenarienzeitraum zu erhalten. Simulationen mit SWIM dienten dann dazu, die geänderten Randbedingungen in Änderungen im Wasserhaushalt und in den landwirtschaftlichen Erträgen zu transformieren. Außerdem wurde das Langzeitverhalten von Nährstoffen im Untersuchungsgebiet modelliert. Besonderer Wert wurde dabei darauf gelegt, die Unsicherheit der Szenarienergebnisse zu quantifizieren. <br><br> Der mittlere Szenarientrend zeigt eine Reduzierung der mittleren jährlichen Niederschläge bis zum Jahre 2055 um ungefähr 1.5 %, wobei die Ergebnisse mit einer großen Unsicherheit behaftet sind: die Spannweite der Niederschläge in den Szenarienrealisationen liegt zwischen -15.3 % und +14.8 %. Die Erwärmung unter Szenarienbedingungen mit ungefähr 1.4 K ist weniger unsicher. Diese relativ geringen Änderungen habe starke Auswirkungen auf den Wasserhaushalt im Elbegebiet: durch die steigenden Temperaturen wird die Vegetationszeit verlängert, und die Niedrigabflussperiode im Sommer wird sich in den Herbst ausdehnen. Insgesamt wird unter dem mittleren Szenarientrend die Wasserverfügbarkeit um ca. 15 % abnehmen. Außerdem werden sich durch die steigenden Temperaturen die Anbaubedingungen für wärmeliebende Ackerfrüchte in der Landwirtschaft verbessern. Die Unsicherheit des Klimatrends ist dort am größten, wo auch die lokalen Änderungen am größten sind. <br><br> Die Simulationsergebnisse für das Nuthe-Teileinzugsgebiet der Elbe zeigen, das Retentionsprozesse im Untergrund und in den Feucht- und Auengebieten einen starken Einfluss auf die Wasserqualität und die Nitratkonzentration der Oberflächengewässer haben, da sie durch ihre Lage im Einzugsgebiet eine Schnittstelle zwischen dem umliegenden Einzugsgebiet und den Flüssen und Seen bilden. Die relativ hohe Umsetzung von Nitrat im Einzugsgebiet der Nuthe kann dadurch erklärt werden, dass Nitrat eine relativ lange Aufenthaltszeit im Grundwasser (im Mittel 40 Jahre) mit einer hohen Nitratumsetzungsrate hat, und durch die guten Denitrifizierungsbedingungen in den Feucht- und Auengebieten. Dazu kommt noch, dass große Nitratmengen durch die Pflanzen in den Feuchtgebieten aus dem Grundwasser aufgenommen werden. <br><br> Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, das sich die Ökosysteme und die Gesellschaft im Elbeeinzugsgebiet unter Szenarienbedingungen auf niedrigere Wasserverfügbarkeit einstellen müssen. Die Wasserqualität wird sich grundsätzlich zwar weiter verbessern, aber aufgrund der langen Verweilzeit der Nährstoffe im Grundwasser wird dies insbesondere in den Teileinzugsgebieten, in denen die geochemischen Bedingungen für einen hohen Nährstoffumsatz nicht gegeben sind, noch relativ lange dauern.

Wasser- und Stoffhaushalt dreier Waldökosysteme des Osterzgebirges / Balances of Water and Element Fluxes in Three Forested Ecosystems of the Osterzgebirge (Germany)

Lauterbach, Georg Johannes 31 October 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Current status and long-term insights into the western Dead Sea groundwater system using multi-sensoral remote sensing

Mallast, Ulf 11 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Arid regions, that have a terrestrial share of 30 %, heavily rely on groundwater for do-mestic, industrial and irrigation purposes. The reliance on groundwater has partly turned into a dependency in areas where the increasing population number and the expansion of irrigated agricultural areas demand more groundwater than is naturally replenished. Yet, spatial and temporal information on groundwater are often scarce induced by the facts that groundwater is given a low priority in many national budgets and numerous (semi-) arid regions in the world encompass large and inaccessible areas. Hence, there is an urgent need to provide low-cost alternatives that in parallel cover large spatial and temporal scales to gain information on the groundwater system. Remote sensing holds a tremendous potential to represent this alternative. The main objective of this thesis is the improvement of existing and the development of novel remote sensing applications to infer information on the scarce but indispensable resource groundwater at the example of the Dead Sea. The background of these de-velopments relies mainly on freely available satellite data sets. I investigate 1) the pos-sibility to infer potential groundwater flow-paths from digital elevation models, 2) the applicability of multi-temporal thermal satellite data to identify groundwater discharge locations, 3) the suitability of multi-temporal thermal satellite data to derive information on the long-term groundwater discharge behaviour, and 4) the differences of thermal data in terms of groundwater discharge between coarse-scaled satellite data and fine-scaled airborne data including a discharge quantification approach. 1) I develop a transparent, reproducible and objective semi-automatic approach us-ing a combined linear filtering and object based classification approach that bases on a medium resolution (30 m ground sampling distance) digital elevation model to extract lineaments. I demonstrate that the obtained lineaments have both, a hydrogeological and groundwater significance, that allow the derivation of potential groundwater flow-paths. These flow-paths match results of existing groundwater flow models remarkably well that validate the findings and shows the possibility to infer potential groundwater flow-paths from remote sensing data. 2) Thermal satellite data enable to identify groundwater discharge into open water bodies given a temperature contrast between groundwater and water body. Integrating a series of thermal data from different periods into a multi-temporal analysis accounts for the groundwater discharge intermittency and hence allows obtaining a representa-tive discharge picture. I analyse the constraints that arise with the multi-temporal anal-ysis (2000-2002) and show that ephemeral surface-runoff causes similar thermal anomalies as groundwater. To exclude surface-runoff influenced data I develop an au-tonomously operating method that facilitates the identification. I calculate on the re-maining surface-runoff uninfluenced data series different statistical measures on a per pixel basis to amplify groundwater discharge induced thermal anomalies. The results reveal that the range and standard deviation of the data series perform best in terms of anomaly amplification and spatial correspondence to in-situ determined spring dis-charge locations. I conclude on the reason that both mirror temperature variability that is stabilized and therefore smaller at areas where spatio-temporal constant groundwater discharge occurs. 3) The application of the before developed method on a thermal satellite data set spanning the years 2000 to 2011 enables to localise specific groundwater discharge sites and to semi-quantitatively analyse the temporal variability of the thermal anomalies (termed groundwater affected area - GAA). I identify 37 groundwater discharge sites along the entire Dead Sea coastline that refine the so far coarsely given spring areas to specific locations. All spatially match independent in-situ groundwater discharge observations and additionally indicate 15 so far unreported discharge sites. Comparing the variability of the GAA extents over time to recharge behaviour reveals analogous curve progressions with a time-shift of two years. This observation suggests that the thermally identified GAAs directly display the before only assumed groundwater discharge volume. This finding provides a serious alternative to monitor groundwater discharge over large temporal and spatial scales that is relevant for different scientific communities. From the results I furthermore conclude to observe the before only assumed and modelled groundwater discharge share from flushing of old brines during periods with an above average Dead Sea level drop. This observation implies the need to not only consider discharge from known terrestrial and submarine springs, but also from flushing of old-brines in order to calculate the total Dead Sea water budget. 4) I present a complementary airborne thermal data set recorded in 01/2011 over the north-western part of the Dead Sea coast. The higher spatial resolution allows to refine the satellite-based GAA to 72 specific groundwater discharge sites and even to specify the so far unknown abundance of submarine springs to six sites with a share of <10 % to the total groundwater discharge. A larger contribution stems from newly iden-tified seeping spring type (24 sites) where groundwater emerges diffusively either ter-restrial or submarine close to the land/water interface with a higher share to the total discharge than submarine springs provide. The major groundwater contribution origi-nates from the 42 identified terrestrial springs. For this spring type, I demonstrate that 93 % of the discharge volume can be modelled with a linear ordinary least square re-gression (R2=0.88) based on the thermal plume extents and in-situ measured discharge volumes from the Israel Hydrological Service. This result implies the possibility to determine discharge volumes at unmonitored sites along the Dead Sea coast as well that can provide a complete physically-based picture of groundwater discharge magni-tude to the Dead Sea for the first time.

Environmental impact assessment on oil shale extraction in Central Jordan

Gharaibeh, Ahmed 21 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This study focuses on the environmental impact assessment of trace elements concentrations in spent shale, which is the main residual besides gas and steam from the utilization of oil shale. The study area El-Lajjun covers 28 km2, located in the centre of Jordan approximately 110 km south of Amman. It belongs mainly to the Wadi Mujib catchment and is considered to be one of the most important catchments in Jordan. The Wadi El-Lajjun catchment area (370 km2) consists of two main aquifer systems: The intermediate aquifer (Amman Wadi As Sir Aquifer or B2/A7) and the deep sandstone aquifer (Kurnub/Ram Group Aquifer). The B2/A7 aquifer (Upper Cretaceous) is considered as the main source of fresh water in Jordan. El-Lajjun oil shale was deposited in a sedimentary basin and comprises massive beds of brown-black, kerogen-rich, bituminous chalky marl. The oil shale was deposited in shallow marine environment. It is by definition a sedimentary rock containing organic material in the rock matrix. The shale oil extraction is an industrial process to decompose oil shale and to convert the kerogen into shale oil by hydrogenation, pyrolysis or by a thermal dissolution. Several classifications of extraction technologies are known; the classification with respect to the location where the extraction takes place distinguishes between off-site, on-site, and in situ. The oil shale utilization may have serious repercussions on the surrounding environment if these issues are not investigated and evaluated carefully. Ten representative oil shale rock samples with a total weight about 20 kg were collected from different localities of oil shale exposures in the study area. A standardized laboratory Fischer Assay test was performed with the samples to determine oil shale characteristics and to obtain spent shale, which was used in this study for further investigations. Sequential extraction was used to evaluate the changes in the mobility and distribution of the trace elements: Ti, V Cr, Co, Zn, As Zr, Cd, Pb and U. Column leaching experiments were performed to simulate the leaching behavior of the above elements from oil shale and spent shale to evaluate the possible influence on the groundwater in the study area. The concentrations in the leachate were below the maximum contaminant levels of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for drinking water and the Jordanian standards for drinking water. An immobilization method by using Kaolin was applied to reduce the mobilization and bioavailability of the trace elements fraction that are contained in the spent shale. Immobilization was evaluated as a function of liquid-solid ratio (solid-liquid partitioning) and as a function of pH. A comparison between the results obtained from column leaching experiments and the results that were obtained from immobilization for the oil shale and spent shale samples indicated that the immobilization reduced the mobility of the trace element except for Ti, V, and Cr. However, even the concentrations of these elements were lower than the maximum acceptable limits of the Jordanian Standard Specifications for waste water. The catchment of the study area (Wadi El-Lajjun catchment) is ungauged. Therefore, the soil conservation service (SCS) runoff curve number method was used for predicting direct runoff from rainfall. The results obtained showed that the infiltration of water is very small (approximately 0.6 cm/year) and rarely can´t reach the groundwater through the oil shale beds. Thus, a contamination of groundwater is unlikely under normal conditions. DRASTIC was used to assess groundwater vulnerability for the B2/A7 aquifer with respect to pollution by oil shale utilization. The aquifer vulnerability map shows that the area is divided into three zones: low (risk index 10-100; intermediate (risk index 101–140) and high groundwater vulnerability (risk index 141-200). The high risk areas are small and mainly located in the northeastern corner of the El-Lajjun graben, where the hydraulic conductivity is relatively high and rocks are highly fractured and faulted. The water table of the deep sandstone aquifer (Kurnub/Ram group) in the El-Lajjun area is relatively deep. At least two geological formations above the Kurnub aquifer are aquitards and protect the deep aquifer. However, the area is highly fractured and thus there is a certain possibility for contact with surface pollutants. Finally, further research with respect to trace elements including REE elements and isotopes in the intermediate and deep sandstone aquifers are highly recommended. Isotopic signatures will be very helpful to investigate to which extend hydraulic connections between the aquifers exist. Further and in particular mineralogical studies on the spent shale and the possibilities for industrial utilization are recommended because huge quantities of spent shale are expected. Because most oil shale extraction technologies especially the power generation require considerable amounts of water detailed studies on water supply for the oil shale treatment have to be performed.

Current status and long-term insights into the western Dead Sea groundwater system using multi-sensoral remote sensing

Mallast, Ulf 23 July 2013 (has links)
Arid regions, that have a terrestrial share of 30 %, heavily rely on groundwater for do-mestic, industrial and irrigation purposes. The reliance on groundwater has partly turned into a dependency in areas where the increasing population number and the expansion of irrigated agricultural areas demand more groundwater than is naturally replenished. Yet, spatial and temporal information on groundwater are often scarce induced by the facts that groundwater is given a low priority in many national budgets and numerous (semi-) arid regions in the world encompass large and inaccessible areas. Hence, there is an urgent need to provide low-cost alternatives that in parallel cover large spatial and temporal scales to gain information on the groundwater system. Remote sensing holds a tremendous potential to represent this alternative. The main objective of this thesis is the improvement of existing and the development of novel remote sensing applications to infer information on the scarce but indispensable resource groundwater at the example of the Dead Sea. The background of these de-velopments relies mainly on freely available satellite data sets. I investigate 1) the pos-sibility to infer potential groundwater flow-paths from digital elevation models, 2) the applicability of multi-temporal thermal satellite data to identify groundwater discharge locations, 3) the suitability of multi-temporal thermal satellite data to derive information on the long-term groundwater discharge behaviour, and 4) the differences of thermal data in terms of groundwater discharge between coarse-scaled satellite data and fine-scaled airborne data including a discharge quantification approach. 1) I develop a transparent, reproducible and objective semi-automatic approach us-ing a combined linear filtering and object based classification approach that bases on a medium resolution (30 m ground sampling distance) digital elevation model to extract lineaments. I demonstrate that the obtained lineaments have both, a hydrogeological and groundwater significance, that allow the derivation of potential groundwater flow-paths. These flow-paths match results of existing groundwater flow models remarkably well that validate the findings and shows the possibility to infer potential groundwater flow-paths from remote sensing data. 2) Thermal satellite data enable to identify groundwater discharge into open water bodies given a temperature contrast between groundwater and water body. Integrating a series of thermal data from different periods into a multi-temporal analysis accounts for the groundwater discharge intermittency and hence allows obtaining a representa-tive discharge picture. I analyse the constraints that arise with the multi-temporal anal-ysis (2000-2002) and show that ephemeral surface-runoff causes similar thermal anomalies as groundwater. To exclude surface-runoff influenced data I develop an au-tonomously operating method that facilitates the identification. I calculate on the re-maining surface-runoff uninfluenced data series different statistical measures on a per pixel basis to amplify groundwater discharge induced thermal anomalies. The results reveal that the range and standard deviation of the data series perform best in terms of anomaly amplification and spatial correspondence to in-situ determined spring dis-charge locations. I conclude on the reason that both mirror temperature variability that is stabilized and therefore smaller at areas where spatio-temporal constant groundwater discharge occurs. 3) The application of the before developed method on a thermal satellite data set spanning the years 2000 to 2011 enables to localise specific groundwater discharge sites and to semi-quantitatively analyse the temporal variability of the thermal anomalies (termed groundwater affected area - GAA). I identify 37 groundwater discharge sites along the entire Dead Sea coastline that refine the so far coarsely given spring areas to specific locations. All spatially match independent in-situ groundwater discharge observations and additionally indicate 15 so far unreported discharge sites. Comparing the variability of the GAA extents over time to recharge behaviour reveals analogous curve progressions with a time-shift of two years. This observation suggests that the thermally identified GAAs directly display the before only assumed groundwater discharge volume. This finding provides a serious alternative to monitor groundwater discharge over large temporal and spatial scales that is relevant for different scientific communities. From the results I furthermore conclude to observe the before only assumed and modelled groundwater discharge share from flushing of old brines during periods with an above average Dead Sea level drop. This observation implies the need to not only consider discharge from known terrestrial and submarine springs, but also from flushing of old-brines in order to calculate the total Dead Sea water budget. 4) I present a complementary airborne thermal data set recorded in 01/2011 over the north-western part of the Dead Sea coast. The higher spatial resolution allows to refine the satellite-based GAA to 72 specific groundwater discharge sites and even to specify the so far unknown abundance of submarine springs to six sites with a share of <10 % to the total groundwater discharge. A larger contribution stems from newly iden-tified seeping spring type (24 sites) where groundwater emerges diffusively either ter-restrial or submarine close to the land/water interface with a higher share to the total discharge than submarine springs provide. The major groundwater contribution origi-nates from the 42 identified terrestrial springs. For this spring type, I demonstrate that 93 % of the discharge volume can be modelled with a linear ordinary least square re-gression (R2=0.88) based on the thermal plume extents and in-situ measured discharge volumes from the Israel Hydrological Service. This result implies the possibility to determine discharge volumes at unmonitored sites along the Dead Sea coast as well that can provide a complete physically-based picture of groundwater discharge magni-tude to the Dead Sea for the first time.:1 Introduction 1.1 Remote sensing applications on groundwater 1.1.1 Classical aspects 1.1.2 Modern aspects 1.2 Motivation and main objectives 1.3 Why the western catchment of the Dead Sea? 1.4 Overview 2 The western catchment of the Dead Sea 2.1 Geological and Structural Overview 2.2 Groundwater system 2.3 Groundwater inputs 2.4 Dead Sea 3 Groundwater flow-paths 3.1 Prologue 4 Method development for groundwater discharge identification 4.1 Prologue 5 Localisation and temporal variability of groundwater discharge 5.1 Prologue 6 Qualitative and quantitative refinement of groundwater discharge 6.1 Prologue 7 Conclusion and Outlook 7.1 Main results and implications 7.2 Outlook References Appendix

Environmental impact assessment on oil shale extraction in Central Jordan

Gharaibeh, Ahmed 06 December 2017 (has links)
This study focuses on the environmental impact assessment of trace elements concentrations in spent shale, which is the main residual besides gas and steam from the utilization of oil shale. The study area El-Lajjun covers 28 km2, located in the centre of Jordan approximately 110 km south of Amman. It belongs mainly to the Wadi Mujib catchment and is considered to be one of the most important catchments in Jordan. The Wadi El-Lajjun catchment area (370 km2) consists of two main aquifer systems: The intermediate aquifer (Amman Wadi As Sir Aquifer or B2/A7) and the deep sandstone aquifer (Kurnub/Ram Group Aquifer). The B2/A7 aquifer (Upper Cretaceous) is considered as the main source of fresh water in Jordan. El-Lajjun oil shale was deposited in a sedimentary basin and comprises massive beds of brown-black, kerogen-rich, bituminous chalky marl. The oil shale was deposited in shallow marine environment. It is by definition a sedimentary rock containing organic material in the rock matrix. The shale oil extraction is an industrial process to decompose oil shale and to convert the kerogen into shale oil by hydrogenation, pyrolysis or by a thermal dissolution. Several classifications of extraction technologies are known; the classification with respect to the location where the extraction takes place distinguishes between off-site, on-site, and in situ. The oil shale utilization may have serious repercussions on the surrounding environment if these issues are not investigated and evaluated carefully. Ten representative oil shale rock samples with a total weight about 20 kg were collected from different localities of oil shale exposures in the study area. A standardized laboratory Fischer Assay test was performed with the samples to determine oil shale characteristics and to obtain spent shale, which was used in this study for further investigations. Sequential extraction was used to evaluate the changes in the mobility and distribution of the trace elements: Ti, V Cr, Co, Zn, As Zr, Cd, Pb and U. Column leaching experiments were performed to simulate the leaching behavior of the above elements from oil shale and spent shale to evaluate the possible influence on the groundwater in the study area. The concentrations in the leachate were below the maximum contaminant levels of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for drinking water and the Jordanian standards for drinking water. An immobilization method by using Kaolin was applied to reduce the mobilization and bioavailability of the trace elements fraction that are contained in the spent shale. Immobilization was evaluated as a function of liquid-solid ratio (solid-liquid partitioning) and as a function of pH. A comparison between the results obtained from column leaching experiments and the results that were obtained from immobilization for the oil shale and spent shale samples indicated that the immobilization reduced the mobility of the trace element except for Ti, V, and Cr. However, even the concentrations of these elements were lower than the maximum acceptable limits of the Jordanian Standard Specifications for waste water. The catchment of the study area (Wadi El-Lajjun catchment) is ungauged. Therefore, the soil conservation service (SCS) runoff curve number method was used for predicting direct runoff from rainfall. The results obtained showed that the infiltration of water is very small (approximately 0.6 cm/year) and rarely can´t reach the groundwater through the oil shale beds. Thus, a contamination of groundwater is unlikely under normal conditions. DRASTIC was used to assess groundwater vulnerability for the B2/A7 aquifer with respect to pollution by oil shale utilization. The aquifer vulnerability map shows that the area is divided into three zones: low (risk index 10-100; intermediate (risk index 101–140) and high groundwater vulnerability (risk index 141-200). The high risk areas are small and mainly located in the northeastern corner of the El-Lajjun graben, where the hydraulic conductivity is relatively high and rocks are highly fractured and faulted. The water table of the deep sandstone aquifer (Kurnub/Ram group) in the El-Lajjun area is relatively deep. At least two geological formations above the Kurnub aquifer are aquitards and protect the deep aquifer. However, the area is highly fractured and thus there is a certain possibility for contact with surface pollutants. Finally, further research with respect to trace elements including REE elements and isotopes in the intermediate and deep sandstone aquifers are highly recommended. Isotopic signatures will be very helpful to investigate to which extend hydraulic connections between the aquifers exist. Further and in particular mineralogical studies on the spent shale and the possibilities for industrial utilization are recommended because huge quantities of spent shale are expected. Because most oil shale extraction technologies especially the power generation require considerable amounts of water detailed studies on water supply for the oil shale treatment have to be performed.

Rainfall Data Analysis and Rainfall – Runoff Modeling: Rainfall – Runoff Modelling for the upper Catchment area of Wadi Ma’awil (Gauge near to Afi’) in the Sultanate of Oman

Abraha, Zerisenay Tesfay, Hossain, Sazzad 04 March 2021 (has links)
Within the frame work of the International Water Research Alliance Saxony (IWAS), project “Middle East” a complex integrated water management system is developed and tested in the project region of Middle East (Oman and Saudi-Arabia). Hence, new solutions for a sustainable management of the scarce water resources in (semi-) arid regions are explored within IWAS in the sultanate of Oman on which this study work is carried out. Rainfall runoff models are established to estimate the “water yield” of the catchments in the project region. Modeling is a very important tool that enables hydrologists to make more comprehensive use of rainfall time series. Rainfall-runoff modeling is also useful for water resources assessment as these models can generate a long representative time series of stream flow volumes from which water supply schemes can be designed (D.A. Hughes, 1995). Therefore, this study project mainly focuses on the following main tasks such as data analysis, data processing and statistical evaluation; Model selection and model setup; Model adaptation test and verification. As part of the common modeling protocol, sensitivity analysis of a Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Toolbox (RRMT) is carried out in this study with the aim to identify sensitive model parameters. RRMT has been developed in order to produce parsimonious, lumped model structures with a high level of parameter identifiability. Such identifiability is crucial if relationships between the model parameters representing the system and catchment characteristics are to be established. RRMT is a modular framework that allows its user to implement different model structures to find a suitable balance between model performance and parameter identifiability. The study is carried out in the upper catchment part of Wadi Ma’wil (gauge near to Afi’), Batinah Region of the Sultanate of Oman. Arid and semi-arid zones are characterized by rainfall which is highly variable in space, time, quantity and duration (Noy-Meir, 1973). The Sultanate of Oman is characterized by hyper-arid (<100 mm rainfall), through the arid (100–250 mm rainfall) and semi-arid (250–500 mm rainfall) environments that are experienced in different parts of the country. Furthermore, arid areas have distinctive hydrological features substantially different from those of humid areas. The high temporal and spatial distribution of the rainfall, flash floods, absence of base flow, sparsity of plant cover, high transmission losses, high amounts of evaporation and evapotranspiration and the general climatologies are examples of such differences.:Acknowledgments i Abstract ii List of Figures and Photos v List of Tables and Plots v 1. Description of Study Area 1 1.1 General characteristics of arid regions 1 1.2 Study area (Batinah Region and Ma’awil catchment of gauge ‘Afi’) 2 1.2.1 Overview of Study area 2 1.2.2 Wadi Ma’awil and Gauge near to Afi’ 3 2. Data Processing and Evaluation 6 2.1 Rainfall data 6 2.1.1 Monthly and Annual Mean Rainfall Analyses 6 2.1.2 Estimation of Missing Precipitation Data 6 2.1.3 Annual and monthly average rainfall 6 2.2 Runoff data 9 2.2.1Rainfall-Runoff events – Processing and Analysis 9 2.2.2 Wadi Ma’awil Runoff Analysis 9 2.3 Areal Precipitation 11 2.3.1 Area 11 2.3.2 Summary of Calculated Results of Mean Annual Areal Precipitation 12 2.4 Evapotranspiration 13 2.4.1 Evaporation and Potential Evapotranspiration 13 2.4.2 Calculation of Evapotranspiration by FAO Penman-Monteith Equation 13 2.4.3 Sample Calculation for Daily ET using FAO Penman-Monteith Equation 14 2.4.4 Comparisons of Evapotranspiration Calculation Results 16 3. Rainfall-Runoff Modeling 16 3.1 Modeling approach – selection of modules 16 3.1.1 Basic Principle 16 3.1.2 Classification of models 16 3.1.3 Modeling Process 17 3.2 Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Toolbox 19 3.2.1 Introduction 19 3.2.2 Data Needs and Model Structure 20 3.3 Provision of input data 20 3.4 Calibration and Validation 20 3.4.1 Model Calibration and Validation 21 3.5 Sensitivity Analysis 22 3.6 Discussions of Results 23 3.6.1 Optimization Modules 23 3.6.2 Soil Moisture Accounting (SMA) Modules 24 3.6.3 Routing (R) Modules 25 3.6.4 The objective functions 26 3.6.5 Visualization Modules Results 27 3.7 Conclusions and Recommendations 35 3.7.1 Conclusions 35 3.7.2 Limitations and Recommendations 35 References 37 Appendix 38 Appendix A: Daily extraterrestrial radiation (Ra) for different latitudes for the 15th day of the month 38 Appendix B: Mean daylight hours (N) for different latitudes for the 15th of the month 38 Annexes 39 Annex - A: Mean Rainfall for the Gauge Afi’ from 1995 – 2005 39 Annex A-1: Annual Mean Rainfall for Gauge Afi’ for the time period 1995-2005 39 Annex A-2: Monthly Mean Rainfall for Gauge Afi’ for the time period 1995-2005 39 Annex A-3: Monthly Mean Rainfall for each Rain Gauge within the Wadi Ma’awil Catchment area for the time period 1995-2005 40 Annex - B: Rainfall - Runoff events for the Gauge Afi’ 41 Annex B-1: Annual Rainfall Vs Runoff events for the Gauge Afi’ from 1995 – 2005 42 Annex B-2: Monthly Rainfall Vs Runoff events for the Gauge Afi’ from 1995 – 2005 44 Annex B-3: Daily Rainfall Vs Runoff events for the Gauge Afi’ sample graphs with the time period from 1995to 2005 46

Gestaltung des Wasserhaushalts in den bergbaubeeinflussten Teileinzugsgebieten von Weißer Elster und Pleiße im öffentlichen Interesse: Grundsatzpapier zur Bestandsaufnahme und Ableitung von Handlungserfordernissen

27 September 2019 (has links)
Die Auswirkungen des Braunkohlenbergbaus auf den Gebietswasserhaushalt bilden seit 1990 einen Schwerpunkt der regional- und fachplanerischen Auseinandersetzungen. Dabei fokussieren sich die Problemfelder aufgrund der Fläche, Dauer und Intensität der bergbaulichen Eingriffe auf den „Südraum Leipzig“.

Hydrological evaluation of 14 satellite-based, gauge-based and reanalysis precipitation products in a data-scarce mountainous catchment

Saddique, Naeem, Muzammil, Muhammad, Jahangir, Istakhar, Sarwar, Abid, Ahmed, Ehtesham, Aslam, Rana Ammar, Bernhofer, Christian 13 April 2023 (has links)
Availability of high-quality data is a major problem for climate and hydrological studies, especially in basins with complex topography where gauge network is typically limited and unevenly distributed. This study investigates the performance of 14 precipitation products – seven satellite-based (SPPs), two gauge-based (GPPs) and five reanalysis products (RPPs) – against ground observations (1998–2007) in the transboundary Jhelum River basin (33 397 km2). Among the seven SPPs (bias corrected), five demonstrate a significantly high correlation coefficient (CC > 0.7) with observed rainfall. However, most of the products tend to underestimate the seasonal precipitation amount, particularly in winter and spring. Likewise, Asian Precipitation – Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation of water resources APHRODITE (GPPs) and Japanese 55-year Reanalysis JRA-55 (RPPs) are the best-performing products in daily streamflow predictions, with Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency values of 0.68 and 0.62, whilst MSWEP (Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation), AgMERRA (Climate Forcing Dataset for Agricultural Modeling) and CHIRPS (Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data) have also good potential in flow prediction. Generally, our results indicate that APHRODITE and JRA-55 could be used as alternative sources of precipitation data in the Himalayas region.

DOC-Quellstärke (Phase 1): Entstehung, Freisetzung und Transport von gelöstem organischen Kohlenstoff (DOC) in bewaldeten Einzugsgebieten am Beispiel der Trinkwassertalsperre Sosa: Ergebnisse der Phase 1 des Forschungsvorhabens (07/2019 bis 07/2023)

Kalbitz, Karsten, Houska, Tobias, Krüger, Stephan, Krause, Tobias, Jackisch, Conrad, Lau, Maximilian, Petzold, Rainer, Brösing, Marc, Brückner, Daniel, Möller, Annika, Müller, Ingo 25 June 2024 (has links)
Die Schriftenreihe informiert über Forschungsergebnisse zur Entstehung und Transport von gelösten organischen Kohlenstoffverbindungen (DOC, dissolved organic carbon) im Einzugsgebiet der Talsperre Sosa. DOC entsteht in den Humusauflagen der Wälder, in degradierten Mooren und in mineralischen Böden. Es wird insbesondere bei Starkregen und während der Schneeschmelze ausgetragen. Der Eintrag in die Gewässer hängt ab von der Freisetzung des DOC, von der Fließverbindung des Bodenwassers und von Rückhalteprozessen im Boden. Hieraus ergeben sich mögliche Optionen zur Verminderung des DOC-Eintrags in Trinkwassertalsperren, da DOC hier erhebliche Probleme verursacht. Die Veröffentlichung richtet sich an Forschungseinrichtungen, Fach- und Vollzugsbehörden und interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Redaktionsschluss: 30.09.2023

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