Spelling suggestions: "subject:"alectric fish"" "subject:"alectric wish""
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Phylogeny and Molecular Evolution of the Voltage-gated Sodium Channel Gene scn4aa in the Electric Fish Genus GymnotusXiao, Dawn Dong-yi 19 March 2014 (has links)
Analyses of the evolution and function of voltage-gated sodium channel proteins (Navs) have largely been limited to mutations from individual people with diagnosed neuromuscular disease. This project investigates the carboxyl-terminus of the Nav paralog (locus scn4aa 3’) that is preferentially expressed in electric organs of Neotropical weakly-electric fishes (Order Gymnotiformes). As a model system, I used the genus Gymnotus, a diverse clade of fishes that produce species-specific electric organ discharges (EODs). I clarified evolutionary relationships among Gymnotus species using mitochondrial (cytochrome b, and 16S ribosome) and nuclear (rag2, and scn4aa) gene sequences (3739 nucleotide positions from 28 Gymnotus species). I analyzed the molecular evolution of scn4aa 3’, and detected evidence for positive selection at eight amino acid sites in seven Gymnotus lineages. These eight amino acid sites are located in motifs that may be important for modulation of EOD frequencies.
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Phylogeny and Molecular Evolution of the Voltage-gated Sodium Channel Gene scn4aa in the Electric Fish Genus GymnotusXiao, Dawn Dong-yi 19 March 2014 (has links)
Analyses of the evolution and function of voltage-gated sodium channel proteins (Navs) have largely been limited to mutations from individual people with diagnosed neuromuscular disease. This project investigates the carboxyl-terminus of the Nav paralog (locus scn4aa 3’) that is preferentially expressed in electric organs of Neotropical weakly-electric fishes (Order Gymnotiformes). As a model system, I used the genus Gymnotus, a diverse clade of fishes that produce species-specific electric organ discharges (EODs). I clarified evolutionary relationships among Gymnotus species using mitochondrial (cytochrome b, and 16S ribosome) and nuclear (rag2, and scn4aa) gene sequences (3739 nucleotide positions from 28 Gymnotus species). I analyzed the molecular evolution of scn4aa 3’, and detected evidence for positive selection at eight amino acid sites in seven Gymnotus lineages. These eight amino acid sites are located in motifs that may be important for modulation of EOD frequencies.
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Behavioral Activity and Hypoxia Tolerance of African Weakly Electric FishMucha, Stefan 16 February 2023 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden die Morpho-Physiologie und das Verhalten zweier Arten Afrikanischer schwach elektrischer Fische, Marcusenius victoriae und Petrocephalus degeni, im Labor und in einem ihrer natürlichen Habitate im Lwamunda Sumpf in Uganda untersucht. Die zwei Hauptziele dieser Arbeit waren (i) tageszeitabhängige Verhaltensrhythmen (Aktivität, Habitatnutzung) im Labor und im Freiland zu untersuchen und (ii) die Ausprägung und Plastizität der morpho-physiologischen Merkmale von P. degeni zu untersuchen, die ihnen erlauben bei natürlich vorkommender, geringer Sauerstoffverfügbarkeit (Hypoxie) zu überleben.
Tageszeitabhängige Verhaltensrhythmen beider Arten wurden im Labor über 42 Stunden und im natürlichen Habitat dieser Fische für sechs Tage erfasst. In den Laborversuchen verbrachten beide Arten tagsüber annähernd 100% der Zeit in einem bereitgestellten Versteck und schwammen nachts heraus um aktiv ihre Umwelt zu erkunden. Im Habitat wurden die meisten Fische in strukturell komplexen Habitaten unter schwimmenden Pflanzen detektiert. Nachts schwammen die Fische aktiv in die offenen und ungeschützten Bereiche der Lagune, vermutlich um nach Futter zu suchen und zu interagieren. Die Begleitende in-situ Messung der Sauerstoffverfügbarkeit zeigte, dass beide Arten präsent und vermutlich sogar am aktivsten waren während Phasen extremer nächtlicher Hypoxie.
Zur Untersuchung der respiratorischen Merkmale von P. degeni wurden Respirometrieversuche mit hypoxie-akklimatisierten Tieren durchgeführt, Hämoglobin- und Laktatkonzentration im Blut gemessen, und morphologische Parameter an den ersten beiden Kiemenbögen erfasst. Die Fische zeigten niedrige Sauerstoffverbrauchsraten, welche sie bis zu einem sehr niedrigem äußeren Sauerstoffpartialdruck aufrechterhielten. Zusätzlich zeigten sie hohe Hämoglobin- und Laktatkonzentrationen im Blut. Bis zu 75 Tage Normoxie-Akklimatisierung führte zu reduzierter Hämoglobinkonzentration und kürzeren Kiemenfilamenten. / In this thesis, I investigated the morpho-physiology and behavior of two species of African mormyrid weakly electric fish, Marcusenius victoriae and Petrocephalus degeni, in the laboratory and in one of their natural habitats, the Lwamunda Swamp in Uganda. The two main objectives of this work were to (i) observe behavioral rhythms and habitat use patterns of both species under natural and laboratory conditions, and (ii) assess expression and plasticity of morpho-physiological traits that might enable P. degeni to survive naturally occurring low oxygen conditions (hypoxia).
Behavioral rhythms were recorded in the laboratory over 42 hours and in the habitat on six sampling days. In the laboratory, both species spent close to 100% of the time in their shelter during the day and actively explore their environment at night. In the swamp lagoon, fish were most often encountered in structurally complex habitats under floating vegetation and ventured into open and unsheltered areas of the lagoon at night, presumably to forage and interact. Concomitant in-situ oxygen measurements revealed that these fish were present, and presumably most active during periods of extreme nocturnal hypoxia in their swamp habitat.
To investigate respiratory traits of swamp-dwelling P. degeni, I conducted respirometry experiments and measured blood lactate and hemoglobin and gill morphometrics on the first two gill arches. Fish showed low routine oxygen consumption rates, which they maintained until a very low ambient oxygen partial pressure was reached. Additionally, they had high concentrations of hemoglobin and lactate in their blood. Up to 75 days of normoxia exposure reduced blood hemoglobin and gill filament length. Read more
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