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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prosthetic socket in Titanium : An outer shell prosthetic socket for a lower-leg amputee manufactured in Ti6Al4V by Electron Beam Melting

Skoglund, Per January 2015 (has links)
The common manufacturing process of prosthetic sockets is usually a time- and labor consuming activity. This project’s purpose was to look for alternative manufacturing methods that could speed up the process and enhance the experience for the patient for example make some personal design or make the socket lighter. The main goal was to investigate which properties could be achieved by applying Electron Beam Melting as an alternative manufacturing process for prosthetic sockets by applying an earlier developed methodology. An investigation of earlier scientific works with the keywords (additive manufacturing, free form fabrication, orthopedic, prosthetic sockets and rapid manufacturing) was done as well as gathering knowledge how to operate and handle the machines necessary to carry out the project. An updated version of the methodology was developed where the design was verified using finite element analysis. With the updated version the methodology contained nine steps, which in short was as follows. First apprehend an inner socket from an orthopedic clinic with a pattern drawn up on it, the pattern is then transferred to a computer environment and manipulated to the desired shape and thickness. A compressive strength test, both virtual and experimental, was designed by a modified version of the ISO-10328 standard and the virtual design was verified before the socket was manufactured in the Electron Beam Melting machine. The manufactured socket was tested in the experimental set-up to verify the virtual one. The result was a personal designed socket of Ti6Al4V including the male pyramid for connection and a suspension system, which consisted of an inner socket and a one-way valve. It was concluded that Electron Beam Melting could be used as an alternative manufacturing process of prosthetic sockets.

Maîtrise de la qualité en fabrication additive / Additive Manufacturing Quality Management

Piaget, Alexandre 30 January 2019 (has links)
En utilisant des solutions de production issues des technologies de Fabrication Additive (FA), l’industrie s’ouvre de nouvelles possibilités pour la fabrication de pièces à haute valeur ajoutée. Dans le but d’être pleinement exploitables, ces procédés de fabrication doivent permettre la réalisation de pièces dont la qualité est adaptée aux besoins de l’industrie. Ces travaux se concentrent sur deux points ciblés de la maîtrise de la qualité en FA appliquée à la technologie Electron Beam Melting (EBM).Le premier point abordé s’intéresse à l’impact de la position d’une pièce dans l’espace de fabrication d’une machine sur la qualité géométrique de cette pièce. Pour caractériser l’espace de fabrication de la machine Arcam A1, plusieurs séries de pièces sont fabriquées à différentes localisation de l’espace, puis comparées à leur design initial. Les écarts mesurés entre les pièces et leur géométrie souhaitée montrent que la périphérie de l’espace de fabrication est une zone sujette à d’importants défauts géométriques. Ces défauts sont caractérisés et des solutions sont proposées pour en limiter l’impact sur la qualité géométrie des pièces.Le second point traite de la porosité des pièces fabriquées. Lorsque l’apport énergétique du faisceau d’électron n’est pas adéquat pour fondre correctement la poudre, des pores peuvent se former dans le matériau des pièces fabriquées. La géométrie et le matériau des pièces rendent difficiles la détection de ses pores. Une méthode de détection est proposée pour détecter la présence de pores dans une pièce via un contrôle standardisé sur un élément qui copie les conditions de fusion de la pièce. Cette méthode propose deux alternatives de contrôle : un contrôle optique (rapide, abordable mais peu précis) et un contrôle tomographique (plus précis que le précédent mais moins rapide et abordable). Un algorithme de traitement d’image innovant a été développé dans le cadre de cette étude afin de rendre les tomographies du témoin plus fiables. / By using production solutions from Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies, the industry is opening up new possibilities for manufacturing high added value parts. In order to be fully exploitable, these manufacturing processes must allow the production of parts whose quality is adapted to the needs of the industry. This work focuses on two aiming points of quality control in AM applied to Electron Beam Melting (EBM) technology.The first point deals with the impact of a part position in the manufacturing space of a machine on the geometric quality of this part. To characterize the manufacturing space of the Arcam A1 machine, several series of parts are manufactured at different locations of the space, then compared to their initial design. The differences measured between the parts and their desired geometry show that the periphery of the manufacturing space is a zone subject to important geometrical defects. These defects are characterized and solutions are proposed to limit the impact on the geometrical quality of parts.The second point deals with the porosity of manufactured parts. When the energy supply of the electron beam is not adequate to melt the powder properly, pores can form in the material of the manufactured parts. The geometry and material of the parts make it difficult to detect its pores. A detection method is provided to detect the presence of pores in parts via a standardized control on an item that copies the parts merging conditions. This method offers two control alternatives: an optical control (fast, affordable but not very accurate) and a tomographic control (more accurate than the previous one but slower and costlier). An innovative image processing algorithm is developed as part of this study to make the item tomography scans more reliable.

Comment intégrer et faire émerger des structures architecturées dans l'optimisation de pièces pour la fabrication additive par faisceaux d’électrons / How to intégrate lattice structure in topological optimisation for additive manufacturing with electron beam melting.

Doutre, Pierre-Thomas 23 March 2018 (has links)
Grâce à la fabrication additive, il est aujourd'hui possible de fabriquer de nouvelles géométries. Les perspectives offertes par les moyens de fabrications conventionnelles et additives sont très différentes. Des propositions de design très contraintes peuvent devenir beaucoup plus libres avec la fabrication additive. Cette liberté qu'elle offre fait émerger une multitude de possibilités. Dans ce manuscrit, nous nous sommes focalisés sur un type particulier de structures (les octetruss) ainsi que sur les moyens de fabrication EBM (Electron Beam Melting) de la société ARCAM. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont été réalisés au sein des laboratoires G-SCOP et SIMAP ainsi qu'en partenariat avec l'entreprise POLY-SHAPE. Ce manuscrit est articulé autour de trois principaux points.Il s'agit tout d'abord de faire émerger des structures treillis lors du processus de conception. Pour cela, deux approches existantes sont détaillées. La première met en œuvre l'optimisation topologique et la seconde s'appuie sur le concept de matériau équivalent. Ensuite deux méthodologies permettent de faire émerger des zones dans lesquelles l'intégration de structures treillis est adaptée. La première consiste à réaliser les différentes zones en s'appuyant sur un champ de contraintes issu d'un calcul Eléments Finis, la seconde se base sur un résultat d'optimisation topologique pour établir les différentes zones. Cette seconde méthodologie est appliquée à un cas d'étude industriel.Ensuite nous étudions comment remplir les différentes zones avec des structures treillis adaptées en nous focalisant tout d'abord sur leur génération. Un accent particulier est porté sur l'intersection des différents barreaux par la mise en place de sphères. Une méthodologie permettant de générer des arrondis est également proposée. Une étude est menée sur l'ensemble des paramètres et informations à considérer pour intégrer une structure treillis à une zone donnée. Cette étude conduit à une proposition de méthodologie qui est appliquée à un cas d'étude industriel.Enfin, les aspects liés à la fabrication sont pris en compte. Pour cela, nous considérons différentes limites du moyen de fabrication EBM pour des structures treillis comme les dimensions maximales réalisables ou les problématiques thermiques. Une étude consistant à prédire la dépoudrabilité des pièces est réalisée. Enfin, des essais mécaniques sont effectués. Nos résultats sont comparés à ceux obtenus dans d'autres travaux. L'impact des arrondis sur le comportement mécanique d'une pièce est discuté. / Thanks to additive manufacturing, it is now possible to manufacture new geometric shapes. The prospects offered by the methods of conventional and additive manufacturing are very different. Highly constrained design proposals can become much freer with additive manufacturing. The freedom it offers brings forward a multitude of possibilities. In this manuscript, we focused on a particular type of structures (the octetruss) as well as the use of EBM (Electron Beam Melting) of ARCAM as a means of manufacturing. The work presented in this thesis was carried out in the laboratories G-SCOP and SIMAP as well as in partnership with the company POLY-SHAPE. This manuscript focuses on three main points.The first of which is the action of emergence of lattice structures during the design process. For this, two existing approaches are detailed. The first uses topological optimization and the second is based on the concept of equivalent material. Following these, there are two methodologies used to identify areas in which the integration of lattice structures is possible and appropriate. The first consists of creating the different zones by relying on a stress field resulting from a finite element calculation, the second establishes the different zones using a topological optimization result. This second methodology is applied to an industrial case study.Secondly, we study how to fill the different areas with appropriate lattice structures by focusing first on their generation. Particular emphasis is placed on the intersection of the various bars by the establishment of spheres. A methodology for generating rounded-shape is also proposed. A study is carried out on all the parameters and information in order to integrate a lattice structure to a given area. This study leads to a proposed methodology that is applied to an industrial case study.Finally, aspects related to manufacturing are taken into account. For this, we consider different limits of the EBM manufacturing and what they mean for lattice structures; such as maximum achievable dimensions or thermal problems. A study to predict powder removal in order to extract the fabricated structure is performed. Mechanical tests are carried out. Our results are compared to those obtained in other works. The impact of curve on the mechanical behavior of a product is discussed.

Strategier för att minimera porositet vid tillverkning med Electron Beam Melting : Hur smältstrategier och geometrisk utformning påverkar porositet och porfördelning i komponenter tillverkade med EBM.

Blomström, Tommy, Lindberg, Victor January 2020 (has links)
Additiv tillverkning (AM) är en tillverkningsmetod som skapar komponenter genom att addera material där det tidigare inte fanns, detta möjliggör tillverkning av geometrier som annars hade varit omöjliga eller mycket tidskrävande. Electron Beam Melting är en pulverbaserad AM metod där ett metallpulver smälts samman av en elektronstråle. De två största nackdelarna med pulverbaserad AM är en ojämn yta och inre porositet i tillverkade komponenter. Den grova ytan avhjälps i de fall det behövs genom att efterbehandla komponenter genom skärande bearbetning och porositeten åtgärdas idag med HIP, Hot Isostatic Pressing. Arbetet i denna rapport har som syfte att minimera porositeten in situ för att öka tillförlitligheten och repeterbarhet hos materialegenskaperna i EBM-tillverkade komponenter genom optimerandet av smältstrategin. Detta har skett genom ett experiment där fem smältstrategier har använts vid tillverkning av fyra olika utformade provstavar varvid porositeten har granskats i avseendena porandel av ytarea och porfördelning. De fem strategierna var S0, Standard; S1, Enkelriktad ifyllnad före kontur; S2.0, Endast kontur utifrån och in; S2.1, Endast kontur inifrån och ut; S2.2, Som S2.1 utan MultiBeam, och de fyra provstavsutformningarna var ett rätblock, en cylinder, ett rör med 3 mm tjocka väggar och ett timglas. Lägst porositet gavs av S2.1 med en genomsnittlig densitet på 99,993 % och högst gavs av S2.0 med en denistet på 98,63 % där S0 resulterade i en genomsnittlig densitet på 99,94%. / Additive manufacturing (AM) is a manufacturing method that creates components by adding material where there previously was none, this enables fabrication of geometries which otherwise had been impossible or very time consuming. Electron Beam Melting is a powder based AM-method where a metallic powder is melted by an electron beam. The two largest issues with powder based AM is its high surface roughness and internal porosity of manufactured components. The uneven surface is remedied where necessary by making the part larger than its final dimensions and machining it to size while the porosity today is rectified with HIP, Hot Isostatic Pressing. This works aims to minimize the porosity in situ in order to improve the reliability and repeatability of the material properties of EBM-manufactured parts through the optimization of the melting strategy. This has been done through an experiment in which five melting strategies have been applied to four different test rods after which the porosity was examined in terms of porosity and pore distribution. The five strategies were S0, Standard; S1, One-way hatch before contour; S2.0, Only contour outside and in; S2.1, Only contour inside and out; S2.2, Like S2.1 without MultiBeam, and the four test bar designs were a cuboid, a cylinder, a tube with 3 mm thick walls and an hourglass. The lowest porosity was given by S2.1 with a mean average density of 99 993% and highest was S2.0 with 98.63% density whereas S0 resulted in a mean average density of 99.94%. / <p>Betyg 2020-08-02</p>

Optimization of Electron Beam Melting for Production of Small Components in Biocompatible Titanium Grades

Karlsson, Joakim January 2015 (has links)
Additive manufacturing (AM), also called 3D-printing, are technologies where parts are formed from the bottom up by adding material layer-by-layer on top of each other. Electron Beam Melting (EBM) is an AM technique capable of manufacturing fully solid metallic parts, using a high-intensity electron beam to melt powder particles in layers to form finished components. Compared to conventional machining, EBM offers enhanced efficiency for production of customized and patient specific parts such as e.g. dental prosthetics. However, dental prosthetics are challenging to produce by EBM, as their small sizes mean that mechanical and surface properties may be altered as part sizes decreases. The aim of this thesis is to gain new insights that could lead to optimization for production of small sized components in the EBM. The work is focused to understand the process-property relationships for small size components production. To improve the surface resolution and part detailing, a smaller sized powder was used for production and compared to parts made with standard sized powder. The surface-, chemical and mechanical properties were evaluated for parts produced with both types of powders. The results indicate that the surface roughness may be influenced by powder and build layer thickness size, whereas the mechanical properties showed no influence of the layer-wise production. However, the mechanical properties are dependent on part size. The outermost surface of the parts consists of a surface oxide dominated by TiO2, formed as a result of reaction between the surface and residual gases in the EBM build chamber. The surface oxide thickness is comparable to that of a conventionally machined surface, but is dependent on build height. This work concludes that the surface resolution and component detailing can be improved by various measures. Provided that proper process themes are used, the EBM manufactured material is homogenous with properties comparable to conventional produced titanium. It has also been shown that the material properties will be altered for small components. The results point towards different ways of optimizing manufacturing of dental prosthetics by EBM, which will make dental prosthetics available for an increased number of patients.

Characterization and optimization of lattice structures made by Electron Beam Melting / Caractérisation et optimisation de structures treillis fabriquées par EBM

Suard, Mathieu 13 November 2015 (has links)
Le récent développement de la Fabrication Additive de pièces métalliques permet d'élaborer directement des structures à partir de modèles 3D. En particulier, la technologie "Electron Beam Melting" (EBM) permet la fusion sélective, couche par couche, de poudres métalliques. Elle autorise la réalisation de géométries très complexes mais apporte de nouvelles contraintes de fabrication.Ce travail se concentre sur la caractérisation géométrique et mécanique de structures treillis produites par cette méthode. Les pièces fabriquées sont comparées au design initial à travers des caractérisations par tomographie aux rayons X. Les propriétés mécaniques sont testées en compression uni-axiale. Pour les poutres de faibles épaisseur, la différence entre la structure numérique et celle fabriquée devient significative. Les écarts au design initial se traduisent pour chaque poutre par un concept de matière mécaniquement efficace. D'un point de vue modélisation, ce concept est pris en compte en remplaçant la poutre fabriquée par un cylindre avec un diamètre mécaniquement équivalent. Ce diamètre équivalent est utilisé dans des simulations et optimisations "réalistes" intégrant ainsi les contraintes de fabrication de la technologie EBM.Différentes stratégies sont aussi proposées pour réduire la proportion de volume "inefficace" et améliorer le contrôle de la taille des poutres, soit en jouant sur les paramètres procédé et les stratégies de fusion, soit en effectuant des post-traitements. / The recent development of Additive Manufacturing for the fabrication of metallic parts allows structures to be directly manufactured from 3D models. In particular, the "Electron Beam Melting" (EBM) technology is a suitable process which selectively melts a powder bed layer by layer. It can build very complex geometries but brings new limitations that have to be quantified.This work focuses on the structural and mechanical characterization of lattice structures produced by such technology. The structural characterization mainly rely on X-ray tomography whereas mechanical properties are assessed by uni-axial compression. The geometry and related properties of the fabricated structures are compared with the designed ones. For small strut size, the difference between the designed structure and the produced one is large enough to impact the desired mechanical properties. The concept of mechanical efficient volume is introduced. For the purpose of simulation, this concept is taken into account by replacing the struts by a cylinder with a textit{mechanical equivalent diameter}. After validation, it has been used into "realistic" simulation and optimization procedures, thus taking into account the process constraints.Post-treatments (Chemical Etching and Electro-Chemical Polishing) were applied on lattice structures to get rid of the inefficient matter by decreasing the surface roughness. The control of the size of the fabricated struts was improved by tuning the process strategies and parameters.

Solutions architecturées par fabrication additive pour refroidissement de parois de chambres de combustion / Architectured materials fabricated by additive manufacturing for surface cooling of combustion chambers

Lambert, Océane 13 October 2017 (has links)
En vue de leur refroidissement, les parois de chambres de combustion aéronautiques sont perforées de trous à travers lesquels de l’air plus froid est injecté. La paroi est ainsi refroidie par convection et un film isolant est créé en surface chaude (film cooling). Cette thèse a pour objectif d’utiliser les possibilités de la fabrication additive pour proposer de nouvelles solutions architecturées qui permettraient d’augmenter les échanges de chaleur internes et d’obtenir ainsi de meilleures efficacités de refroidissement.La première approche consiste à élaborer de nouveaux designs de plaques multiperforées par Electron Beam Melting (EBM) et Selective Laser Melting (SLM) aux limites de résolution des procédés. Les architectures sont caractérisées en microscopie, en tomographie X et en perméabilité. Des simulations aérothermiques permettent de mettre en évidence l’effet de ces nouveaux designs sur l’écoulement et les échanges de chaleur, et de proposer des voies d’amélioration de la géométrie.La deuxième approche consiste à élaborer de façon simultanée une pièce architecturée par EBM, avec des zones denses et poreuses. A partir d’analyse d’images associée à une cartographie EBSD grand champ, il est possible de remonter aux mécanismes de formation du matériau poreux et de relier la perméabilité et la porosité aux paramètres procédé. Afin de favoriser le film cooling, il pourrait être avantageux que les zones microporeuses soient orientées dans le sens de l’écoulement. Pour ce faire, un nouveau procédé dénommé Magnetic Freezing, où des poudres métalliques forment une structure orientée par un champ magnétique, est mis au point.Les diverses solutions développées durant cette thèse sont testées sur un banc aérothermique. Les essais montrent qu’elles offrent un refroidissement plus efficace et plus homogène que la référence industrielle. Enfin, de premiers tests en combustion sur l’une des structures retenues, plus légère et plus perméable que la référence, montrent qu’il s’agit d’une solution aussi efficace à un débit traversant donné, et donc a priori plus efficace à une surpression donnée. / Combustion chamber walls are perforated with holes so that a cooling air flow can be injected through them. The wall is cooled by convection and an insulating film is created on the hot surface (film cooling). This PhD thesis aims to use the possibilities of additive manufacturing to provide new architectured solutions that could enhance the internal heat exchanges, and lead to a higher cooling effectiveness.The first approach is to develop new designs of multiperforated walls by Electron Beam Melting (EBM) and Selective Laser Melting (SLM) used at the resolution limits of the processes. They are characterized by microscopy, X-ray tomography and permeability tests. Some aerothermal simulations help understanding the effects of these new designs on the flow and on heat exchanges. These results lead to a geometry adaptation.The second approach is to simultaneously manufacture an architectured part with dense and porous zones by EBM. Thanks to image analysis combined with large field EBSD, it is possible to investigate the mechanisms leading to the porous zones and to link them to permeability and porosity. The film cooling effect could be favoured by the orientation of pores towards the cooling flow. Therefore, a new powder-based manufacturing process named Magnetic Freezing, where metallic powders organize into an oriented structure thanks to a magnetic field, is developed.The various solutions studied during this thesis are tested on an aerothermal bench. They all show a more efficient and homogeneous cooling than the industrial reference. Some first tests on one of the selected solutions are performed on a combustion bench. This lighter and more permeable structure proves to be a solution as efficient as the industrial reference at a given flow rate. It should therefore be a more efficient solution for a given overpressure.


Klingvall Ek, Rebecca January 2016 (has links)
This thesis summarizes the results concerning the manufacture of medical implants for bone replacement using electron beam melting (EBM) which is an additive manufacturing (AM) technology, and aims to satisfy the engineering needs for the medical functionality of manufacturing technology. This thesis has focused on some microscopic properties for surfaces and bone integration. The process parameters of EBM manufacturing were studied to ascertain whether they have impacts on surface appearance, as surface properties have impacts on bone integration and implant performance. EBM manufacturing uses an electron beam to melt metal powder onto each layer in a manner akin to welding. The electron beam is controlled by process parameters that may be altered to a certain extent by the operator. There are individual process parameters for every material, and new parameters are set when developing new materials. In this thesis, process parameters in default settings were altered to ascertain whether it was possible to specify process parameters for implant manufacturing. The blood chamber model was used for thromboinflammation validation, using human whole blood. The model is used to identify early reactions of coagulation and immunoreactions. The material used in this study was Ti6Al4V-ELI, which is corrosion resistant and has the same surface oxide layers as titanium, and CoCr-F75, which has high stiffness, is wear-resistant and is commonly used in articulating joints. The study shows that among the process parameters researched, a combination of speed and current have the most impact on surface roughness and an interaction of parameters were found using design of experiment (DOE). As-built EBM surfaces show thrombogenicity, which in previous studies has been associated with bone ingrowth. Surface structure of as-build EBM manufactured surfaces are similar to implants surfaces described by Pilliar (2005), but with superior material properties than those of implants with sintered metals beads. By altering the process parameters controlling the electron beam, surface roughness of as-build parts may be affected, and the rougher EBM manufactured surfaces tend to be more thrombogen than the finer EBM manufactured surfaces. As-build EBM manufactured surfaces in general show more thrombogenicity than conventional machined implants surfaces. / Denna avhandling behandlar tillverkning av medicinska implantat för integration i ben. I fokus är den additiva tillverkningstekniken ”elektronstrålesmältning” ( Electron Beam Melting –EBM), en av flera tekniker som populärt beskrivs med termen 3D-skrivare. Avhandlingen fokuserar på mikroskopiska ytegenskaper och dess inverkan på benintegration. Processparametrarna för EBM-tillverkning studerades för att fastställa hur de påverkar ytans utseende, efter som ytegenskaper har effekt på implantatens funktion. EBM-tillverkning använder en elektronstråle som likt svetsning smälter ihop metallpulver. Elektronstrålen styrs av processparametrar som till viss mån kan justeras av maskinoperatören. Det finns individuella processparametrar för varje material och nya parametrar utvecklas till varje ny legering. I denna avhandling har ”grundinställningarnas processparametrar” studerats för att ta reda på om det är möjligt att ställa in specifika parametrar till implantattillverkning. Med hjälp av blodkammarmetoden, som använder humant blod, har thromboinflammatoriska egenskaper undersökts. Metoden identifierar tidiga koagulations- och immunologiska reaktioner. Legeringarna som undersökts i denna studie var Ti6Al4V-ELI, som är korrosionsbeständigt med samma uppsättning oxider på ytan som titan har, och CoCr-F75, en legering som har hög styvhet, är slitstarkt och är vanligt förekommande i implantat för leder. Bland de undersökta processparametrarna visar en kombination av hastighet och ström ha mest inverkan på ytjämnhet och en interaktion mellan parametrar identifierades med hjälp av försöksplanering. EBM-tillverkade ytor visade på thrombogena egenskaper som i tidigare studier kan relateras till god integration i benvävnad. Ytstrukturen hos EBM-tillverkade ytor liknar de implantatytor som Pilliar (2005) beskriver, men materialegenskaperna är bättre än de materialegenskaper som implantat, med sintrad yta, har. Genom att ändra processparametrarna som styr elektronstrålen kan ytstrukturen påverkas. Grövre EBM-tillverkade ytor tenderar att vara mer thrombogena än de finare EBM-tillverkade ytorna är. Obehandlade EBM-tillverkade ytor i allmänhet är mer thrombogena än vad konventionellt framställda implantatytor är.

Melt Pool Geometry and Microstructure Control Across Alloys in Metal Based Additive Manufacturing Processes

Narra, Sneha Prabha 01 May 2017 (has links)
There is growing interest in using additive manufacturing for various alloy systems and industrial applications. However, existing process development and part qualification techniques, both involve extensive experimentation-based procedures which are expensive and time-consuming. Recent developments in understanding the process control show promise toward the efforts to address these challenges. The current research uses the process mapping approach to achieve control of melt pool geometry and microstructure in different alloy systems, in addition to location specific control of microstructure in an additively manufactured part. Specifically, results demonstrate three levels of microstructure control, starting with the prior beta grain size control in Ti-6Al-4V, followed by cell (solidification structure) spacing control in AlSi10Mg, and ending with texture control in Inconel 718. Additionally, a prediction framework has been presented, that can be used to enable a preliminary understanding of melt pool geometry for different materials and process conditions with minimal experimentation. Overall, the work presented in this thesis has the potential to reduce the process development and part qualification time, enabling the wider adoption and use of additive manufacturing in industry.

Elektronenstrahlschmelzen – ein pulverbettbasiertes additives Fertigungsverfahren

Klöden, Burghardt, Kirchner, Alexander, Weißgärber, Thomas, Kieback, Bernd, Schöne, Christine, Stelzer, Ralph, Süß, Michael 10 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Aus der Einleitung: "Das selektive Elektronenstrahlschmelzen (engl. Electron Beam Melting (EBM®)) ist ein pulverbettbasiertes additives Fertigungsverfahren, mit dessen Hilfe metallische Bauteile schichtweise hergestellt werden können. Der schematische Aufbau einer entsprechenden Anlage ist in Abbildung 4 dargestellt. Dabei erfolgt die Strahlerzeugung im Bereich 1 (die Kathode besteht entweder aus Wolfram oder bei den neuesten Systemen aus einkristallinem LaB6). Die Strahlablenkung durch ein elektromagnetisches Linsensystem erfolgt im Bereich 2. Der Bereich 3 ist die eigentliche Baukammer, in der sich unter anderem die Vorratsbehälter für das Pulver, das Rakelsystem sowie die Komponenten des Bauraums (Käfig mit Hitzeschild, Bauplattform mit Startplatte) befinden. ..."

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