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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beitrag zur Entwicklung des Elektronenstrahl-Mehrspot/Mehrprozess-Schweißens von Gusseisen/Gusseisen- und Gusseisen/Stahl-Verbindungen ohne Schweißzusatzstoffe

Rüthrich, Karsten 24 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel der Arbeit war die Entwicklung des Elektronenstrahl-Mehrspot/Mehrprozess-Schweißens für Gusseisen/Gusseisen- und Gusseisen/Stahl-Verbindungen ohne Schweißzusatzstoffe. Im Vergleich zum Einbad-Schweißen entsteht beim Mehrbad-Schweißen eine porenarme Schweißnaht, gleichzeitig senkt sich die Schweißnahthärte geringfügig ab. Dabei kann die Kaltrissbildung in der Schweißnaht für arteigene Gusseisen-Verbindungen nicht unterdrückt werden. Für Mischverbindungen ist der Strahlversatz der bestimmende Schweißparameter beim Mehrbad-Schweißen. Über diesen kann sowohl die chemische Zusammensetzung der Schweißnaht eingestellt als auch ohne Vorwärmen eine kaltrissfreie Schweißnaht für Gusseisen/Stahl-Verbindungen erzeugt werden. Für die prozessintegrierte Wärmebehandlung der Fügezone wurde ein neues EB-Thermofeld entwickelt. Durch den Thermofeldeinsatz konnte die Aufhärtung in der Schmelz- und Wärmeeinflusszone signifikant reduziert werden und die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Schweißverbindungen wurden deutlich verbessert.

On customization of orthopedic implants - from design and additive manufacturing to implementation

Cronskär, Marie January 2014 (has links)
This doctoral thesis is devoted to studying the possibilities of using additive manufacturing (AM) and design based on computed tomography (CT), for the production of patient-specific implants within orthopedic surgery, initially in a broad perspective and, in the second part of the thesis focusing on customized clavicle osteosynthesis plates. The main AM method used in the studies is the Electron Beam Melting (EBM) technology. Using AM, the parts are built up directly from 3D computer models, by melting or in other ways joining thin layers of material, layer by layer, to build up the part. Over the last 20 years, this fundamentally new way of manufacturing and the rapid development of software for digital 3D reconstruction of anatomical models from medical imaging, have opened up entirely new opportunities for the design and manufacturing of patient-specific implants. Based on the information in a computed tomography (CT) scan, both digital and physical models of the anatomy can be created and of implants that are customized based on the anatomical models.   The main method used is a number of case studies performed, focusing on different parts of the production chain, from CT-scan to final implant, and with several aims: learning about the details of the different steps in the procedure, finding suitable applications, developing the method and trying it out. The first study was on customized hip stems, focusing on the EBM method and its special preconditions and possibilities. It was followed by a study of bone plates, designed to follow the patient-specific bone contour, in this case a tibia fracture including the whole production chain. Further, four cases of patient-specific plates for clavicle fracture fixation were performed in order to develop and evaluate the method. The plates fit towards the patient’s bone were tested in cooperation with an orthopedic surgeon at Östersund hospital. In parallel with the case studies, a method for finite element (FE) analysis of fixation plates placed on a clavicle bone was developed and used for the comparative strength analysis of different plates and plating methods. The loading on the clavicle bone in the FE model was defined on a muscle and ligament level using multibody musculoskeletal simulation for more realistic loading than in earlier similar studies.    The initial studies (papers I and II) showed that the EBM method has great potential, both for the application of customized hip stems and bone plates; in certain conditions EBM manufacturing can contribute to significant cost reductions compared to conventional manufacturing methods due to material savings and savings in file preparation time. However, further work was needed in both of the application areas before implementation. The studies on the fracture fixation using patient-specific clavicle plates indicated that the method can facilitate the work for the surgeon both in the planning and in the operating room, with the potential of a smoother plate with a better fit and screw positioning tailored to the specific fracture (paper VI). However, a large clinical trial is required to investigate the clinical benefit of using patient-specific plates. The FE simulations showed similar stress distributions and displacements in the patient-specific plates and the commercial plates (papers III to VI).   To summarize: the results of this thesis contribute to the area of digital design and AM in patient-specific implants with broad basis of knowledge regarding the technologies used and areas in which further work is needed for the implementation of the technology on a larger scale. Further, a method has been developed and initially evaluated for implementation in the area of clavicle fracture fixation, including an approach for comparing the strength of different clavicle plates.

Materials, Processes, and Characterization of Extended Air-gaps for the Intra-level Interconnection of Integrated Circuits

Park, Seongho 02 January 2008 (has links)
Materials, Processes, and Characterization of Extended Air-gaps for the Intra-level Interconnection of Integrated Circuits Seongho Park 157 pages Directed by Dr. Paul A. Kohl and Dr. Sue Ann Bidstrup Allen The integration of an air-gap as an ultra low dielectric constant material in an intra-metal dielectric region of interconnect structure in integrated circuits was investigated in terms of material properties of a thermally decomposable sacrificial polymer, fabrication processes and electrical performance. Extension of the air-gap into the inter-layer dielectric region reduces the interconnect capacitance. In order to enhance the hardness of a polymer for the better process reliabilities, a conventional norbornene-based sacrificial polymer was electron-beam irradiated. Although the hardness of the polymer increased, the thermal properties degraded. A new high modulus tetracyclododecene-based sacrificial polymer was characterized and compared to the norbornene-based polymer in terms of hardness, process reliability and thermal properties. The tetracyclododecene-based polymer was harder and showed better process reliability than the norbornene-based sacrificial polymer. Using the tetracyclododecene-based sacrificial polymer, a single layer Cu/air-gap and extended Cu/air-gap structures were fabricated. The effective dielectric constant of the air-gap and extended air-gap structures were 2.42 and 2.17, respectively. This meets the requirements for the 32 nm node. Moisture uptake of the extended Cu/air-gap structure increased the effective dielectric constant. The exposure of the structure to hexamethyldisilazane vapor removed the absorbed moisture and changed the structure hydrophobic, improving the integration reliability. The integration processes of the air-gap and the extended air-gap into a dual damascene Cu metallization process has been proposed compared to state-of-the-art integration approaches.

Μελέτη και κλινική εφαρμογή δεσμών ηλεκτρονίων για ολικού δέρματος ακτινοβόληση στην ακτινοθεραπεία / Study and clinical application of electron beams for total skin irradiation in radiotherapy (TSEB)

Διαμαντόπουλος, Στέφανος Α. 20 September 2010 (has links)
Η ολοσωματική ακτινοβόληση με δέσμες ηλεκτρονίων (total skin electron beam treatment-TSEB) θεωρείται διεθνώς ως η θεραπεία εκλογής για το δερματικό λέμφωμα κυττάρων-Τ, είτε σαν θεραπευτική είτε σαν παρηγορητική αγωγή. Σκοπός της είναι να κατανείμει την συνολική δόση σε όλο το δέρμα του ασθενούς χωρίς να επιβαρύνει τα όργανα κάτω από αυτό. Αυτή η ανάγκη για επιφανειακή ακτινοβόληση καθιστά τα ηλεκτρόνια ως την κατάλληλη κλινική δέσμη. Στη μονάδα ακτινοθεραπείας του Π.Γ.Ν. «Αττικόν», μετά από διάφορες μετρήσεις και δοκιμές τεχνικών TSEB (Παράρτημα), επιλέχθηκε ως θέση θεραπείας του ασθενούς η όρθια με δύο δέσμες υπό γωνία, όπως καθορίζει και η τεχνική “Stanford”. Για την τεχνική αυτή χρησιμοποιείται o γραμμικός επιταχυντής Clinac 2100C της VARIAN με δυνατότητα παραγωγής δεσμών ηλεκτρονίων 6 MeV σε υψηλό ρυθμό δόσης. Η συγκεκριμένη προεπιλογή του μηχανήματος επιτρέπει στα διαφράγματα να ανοίξουν σε ένα εύρος 36cm x 36cm χωρίς τη χρήση κώνου. H απόσταση πηγής-δέρματος (SSD) τέθηκε ίση με 380cm, με το gantry του γραμμικού να σχηματίζει δύο γωνίες ±17,5ο από την οριζόντια θέση του (270ο). Η διάταξη αυτή εξασφαλίζει την δημιουργία ενός μεγάλου και ομοιογενούς πεδίου (200cm x 80cm στην απόσταση θεραπείας). Για τη μείωση της ονομαστικής ενέργειας της δέσμης στα 3 MeV άρα και της διεισδυτικότητάς της, καθώς και για την επίτευξη των επιθυμητών διαστάσεων του πεδίου, ένα φύλλο plexiglas (PMMA) πάχους 0,5cm παρεμβάλλεται μεταξύ της κεφαλής του γραμμικού επιταχυντή και του ασθενούς σε απόσταση 30cm από το επίπεδο θεραπείας. Ο ασθενής περιστρέφεται ανά 60ο διαδοχικά για να καλυφθεί όλη του η επιφάνεια ομοιόμορφα, ακτινοβολούμενος συνολικά σε έξι θέσεις. Για τον ακριβή καθορισμό των συνθηκών θεραπείας, πραγματοποιήθηκαν μετρήσεις PDD και Profile των δεσμών με θαλάμους ιονισμού παραλλήλων πλακών σε phantom στερεάς κατάστασης. )οσιμετρική επιβεβαίωση της κατανομής της δόσης στο δέρμα πραγματοποιήθηκε με δοσίμετρα θερμοφωταύγειας (TLD) πάνω σε ανθρωπομορφικό phantom. Τα αποτελέσματα σε αυτές τις συνθήκες έδειξαν μια ομοιογένεια του συνολικού πεδίου στο επίπεδο θεραπείας της τάξης του ± 2% στον διαμήκη άξονα ενώ στον οριζόντιο ±5%. Το βάθος zmax της κάθε επιμέρους δέσμης είναι 0,7gr/cm2 ενώ η συνεισφορά των παραγόμενων ακτίνων-Χ (λόγω φαινομένου πεδήσεως) στην συνολική δόση που παίρνει ο ασθενής από τη θεραπεία είναι 0,3 %. Η ενέργεια της δέσμης στο επίπεδο θεραπείας είναι Εο=3,34 MeV. Τα παραπάνω αποτελέσματα μας οδηγούν στο συμπέρασμα ότι η θεραπεία TSEB μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί με ασφάλεια στο ακτινοθεραπευτικό τμήμα του Π.Γ.Ν «Αττικόν». Ο υψηλός ρυθμός δόσης εξασφαλίζει μικρότερο χρόνο θεραπείας. Οι περιοχές που υποδοσιάζονται καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια της θεραπείας μπορούν να προσδιοριστούν για κάθε ασθενή με in vivo δοσιμετρία (TLD) και θα επανακτινοβολούνται με συμπληρωματικά (boost) πεδία. / -

Microstructure Modelling of Additive Manufacturing of Alloy 718

Kumara, Chamara January 2018 (has links)
In recent years, additive manufacturing (AM) of Alloy 718 has received increasing interest in the field of manufacturing engineering owing to its attractive features compared to those of conventional manufacturing methods. The ability to produce complicated geometries, low cost of retooling, and control of the microstructure are some of the advantages of the AM process over traditional manufacturing methods. Nevertheless, during the building process, the build material undergoes complex thermal conditions owing to the inherent nature of the process. This results in phase transformation from liquid to solid and solid state. Thus, it creates microstructural gradients in the built objects, and as a result,heterogeneous material properties. The manufacturing process, including the following heat treatment that is used to minimise the heterogeneity, will cause the additively manufactured material to behave differently when compared to components produced by conventional manufacturing methods. Therefore, understanding the microstructure formation during the building and subsequent post-heat treatment is important, which is the objective of this work. Alloy 718 is a nickel-iron based super alloy that is widely used in the aerospace industry and in the gas turbine power plants for making components subjected tohigh temperatures. Good weldability, good mechanical properties at high temperatures, and high corrosion resistance make this alloy particularly suitablefor these applications. Nevertheless, the manufacturing of Alloy 718 components through traditional manufacturing methods is time-consuming and expensive. For example, machining of Alloy 718 to obtain the desired shape is difficult and resource-consuming, owing to significant material waste. Therefore, the application of novel non-conventional processing methods, such as AM, seems to be a promising technique for manufacturing near-net-shape complex components.In this work, microstructure modelling was carried out by using multiphase-field modelling to model the microstructure evolution in electron beam melting (EBM) and laser metal powder directed energy deposition (LMPDED) of Alloy 718 and x subsequent heat treatments. The thermal conditions that are generated during the building process were used as input to the models to predict the as-built microstructure. This as-built microstructure was then used as an input for the heat treatment simulations to predict the microstructural evolution during heat treatments. The results showed smaller dendrite arm spacing (one order of magnitude smaller than the casting material) in these additive manufactured microstructures, which creates a shorter diffusion length for the elements compared to the cast material. In EBM Alloy 718, this caused the material to have a faster homogenisation during in-situ heat treatment that resulting from the elevated powder bed temperature (> 1000 °C). In addition, the compositional segregation that occurs during solidification was shown to alter the local thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the alloy. This was observed in the predicted TTT and CCT diagrams using the JMat Pro software based on the predicted local segregated compositions from the multiphase-field models. In the LMPDED Alloy 718 samples, this resulted in the formation of δ phase in the interdendritic region during the solution heat treatment. Moreover, this resulted in different-size precipitation of γ'/γ'' in the inter-dendritic region and in the dendrite core. Themicro structure modelling predictions agreed well with the experimental observations. The proposed methodology used in this thesis work can be an appropriate tool to understand how the thermal conditions in AM affect themicro structure formation during the building process and how these as-built microstructures behave under different heat treatments.

Developpement d'un quadripôle à aimant permanent à usage des accélérateurs de particules / Development of permanent magnet quadrupole for particles accelerator

N'gotta, Patrick 18 November 2015 (has links)
Les sources de rayonnement synchrotron sont en constante évolution afin de fournir aux scientifiques, un faisceau de rayons-X plus intense et plus cohérent. Ces évolutions requièrent une augmentation du champ fournit par les structures multipolaires utilisés dans la maille de l'accélérateur pour focaliser le faisceau d'électrons. Ceci conduit à un intérêt grandissant pour la technologie à aimants permanent car elle permettrait d'obtenir des structures multipolaires plus performantes et plus compactes. De plus cette solution est attractive car elle ne consomme pas d'énergie électrique contrairement à la technologie résistive conventionnelle. Néanmoins la réalisation des structures à aimant permanent est plus complexe lorsqu'une bonne qualité de champ est nécessaire à cause des erreurs d'assemblage de la structure.Une structure innovante d'un quadripôle à aimant permanent à été développé pour la future machine de l'ESRF. Cette structure est composée de pièces ferromagnétiques et d'aimants permanents. Malgré sa simplicité et sa compacité, celle-ci est très performante car elle fournit une composante multipolaire intense ainsi qu'une qualité de champ conforme aux spécifications rigoureuses. Un logiciel de calcul magnétostatique à permis d'optimiser la structure et un prototype à été construit et caractérisé par notre équipe. L'impact des erreurs d'assemblage sur la qualité du champ à été corrigé grâce à des pièces ferromagnétiques permettant de modifier localement le champ du prototype. Les résultats obtenus en accord avec les prévisions du modèle démontrent la faisabilité d'une telle structure pour les futures sources de lumière synchrotron. / Storage ring light sources are in constant improvement in order to increase the intensity and the coherence of the X-rays beams. These improvements require stronger multipoles magnet in the accelerator lattice. To reach such strength, the magnets apertures are significantly reduced. The reduction of magnet apertures makes the permanent magnet technology very attractive for some magnets provided that they are limited field tuning. Indeed, introduction of PMs structures may lead to better performances for a more compact design. Furthermore, with this technology running cost can be very low.A simple PM based high gradient quadrupole prototype has been built and magnetically characterized. This magnetic structure results from a compromise between performance and technological complexity. It includes simple soft iron parts and PMs blocks. A suitable field quality was obtained with an optimized pole shape. Mechanicals errors during assembly are corrected with shims to reach the required field quality.

Estudo de propriedades elétricas de filmes poliméricos sob irradiação eletrônica / Electrical properties of polymeric films under low-energy electron beam irradiation

Lucas Fugikawa Santos 29 April 1998 (has links)
A técnica de injeção de cargas por feixe eletrônico em materiais poliméricos pode ser utilizada como uma importante ferramenta no estudo das propriedades elétricas destes materiais. Fenômenos tais como a emissão eletrônica secundária, o transporte e armazenamento de portadores de carga no volume do material, fenômenos de injeção e condutividade induzida por radiação podem ser observados em películas finas de dielétricos lançando mão desta poderosa técnica. Neste trabalho, utilizamos um canhão de elétrons de energia variável (O a 10 keV) na irradiação de amostras de polianilinas, por nós sintetizadas, para o estudo da emissão secundária e de transporte no volume. Alguns experimentos foram também realizados com o poli(fluoreto de vinilideno), que é um polímero bem mais resistivo que as polianilinas. As medidas de emissão eletrônica foram feitas em circuito aberto, enquanto as medidas de transporte foram obtidas em circuito fechado. Neste segundo tipo de configuração, procuramos fazer uma análise do comportamento da corrente através da amostra pela observação de transientes rápidos (da ordem de 10 ms) de corrente gerados pela injeção de pacotes de carga de penetração bem definida a partir da superfície bombardeada. Propriedades elétricas intrínsecas como a condutividade do material e a permissividade elétrica, e extrínsecas como a condutividade na região irradiada foram utilizadas como parâmetros no ajuste dos resultados experimentais. / Charge injection in polymeric materials by electron beam is a powerful technique in the study of electrical properties of such materials. Secondary emission, transport and storage phenomena, as well as radiation-induced conductivity are among the subjects related to dielectrics that can be investigated. At present work we used an electron beam system (O to 10 keV) to irradiate polyaniline films, synthesized in our laboratory, and to perform studies of secondary emission and transport phenomena. Some experiments were also carried out with poly(viny1idene fluoride), a more resistivity polymer. Secondary emission measurements were carried out in an open-circuit configuration while the transport ones used a short circuit mode. Fast transient phenomena (about 10 ms) were also studied in details. Intrinsic electric properties, such as conductivity and dielectric constant, and extrinsic ones, like the induced conductivity in the irradiated region of the sample, were obtained in the fitting between the model and the experimental results.

Construção de um sistema de epitaxia por feixe molecular / Building of a molecular beam epitaxy system

Fiorentini, Giovanni Alessandro 29 May 2007 (has links)
Orientadores: Marco Antonio Robert Alves, Gilberto Medeiros Ribeiro / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T09:04:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fiorentini_GiovanniAlessandro_M.pdf: 8940577 bytes, checksum: aa3711a9b5e0821a30c942ef0760c8f7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: O crescimento epitaxial de nanoestruturas semicondutoras e metálicas é algo de grande interesse atualmente em ciência e tecnologia devido às propriedades singulares apresentadas pela matéria na escala nanométrica. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo principal a construção de um sistema de crescimento epitaxial baseado na técnica de epitaxia por feixe molecular (MBE, do inglês Molecular Beam Epitaxy). Inicialmente, aspectos básicos sobre a física e a tecnologia envolvidas em um sistema de MBE foram analisados. O que é MBE e quais são os princípios que governam seu funcionamento são perguntas intrigantes a um aluno do curso de engenharia elétrica. No decorrer do trabalho, todo o complexo sistema vácuo (bombeamento e monitoramento) teve de ser cuidadosamente montado e ajustado até que se obtivesse as condições ótimas de trabalho dados os componentes disponíveis bem como suas características e limitações. Conceitos teóricos e práticos foram aplicados de forma a tornar o sistema o mais simples, eficiente e amigável possível. As evaporadoras por feixe de elétrons foram montadas, testadas e ajustadas até que se pudesse alcançar os parâmetros de funcionamento desejados para estes dispositivos tão importantes dentro de um sistema de MBE. Toda a instrumentação envolvida no acionamento e no monitoramento destas fontes foi desenvolvido com base em conceitos simples de eletrônica analógica e, em alguns momentos, digital, além de soluções de software, sempre usando LabView. Os resultados do trabalho de construção do sistema puderam ser caracterizados posteriormente de maneira a aferir a confiabilidade dos parâmetros utilizados e das amostras crescidas. Estes resultados foram baseados em técnicas de microscopia de varredura por pontas (SPM, do inglês Scanning Probe Microscopy), as quais forneceram informações detalhadas sobre as nanoestruturas formadas e as superfícies dos substratos, dados estes muito importantes e que podem ser utilizados como indicadores das codições de funcionamento do sistema de crescimento / Abstract: The epitaxial growth of semiconductor and metallic nanostructures is a target of great interest nowadays in science and technology due to the unique properties presented by the matter at the nanometer scale. This dissertation had as the main goal the construction of a system for epitaxial growth based on the Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) technique. First of all, basic aspects about the physics and the technology involved in a MBE system were analyzed. What is MBE and what are the principles that govern its operation are intriguing questions for an electrical engineering student. During this work, the entire complex vacuum system (pumping and monitoring) had to be carefully mounted and adjusted until the optimum conditions were obtained for the available components as well as their characteristics and limitations. Theoretical and practical concepts were applied so that the system become as simple, efficient and friendly as possible. The electron beam evaporation sources were mounted, tested and adjusted until the desired working parameters for these important devices were achieved. The whole instrumentation involved in the driving and in the monitoring of these sources was developed based on simple concepts of analog and, in some cases, digital electronics, besides software solutions, always using LabView. The performance of the system was evaluated by structural characterization using scanning probe microscopy techniques (SPM), which gave detailed information about the formed nanostructures and the substrates surfaces. These data can be used as indicators of the growth system operation conditions / Mestrado / Eletrônica, Microeletrônica e Optoeletrônica / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica

Avaliação dos efeitos da radiação por feixe de elétrons na resistência de embalagens a Lasioderma serricorne, Plodia interpunctella e Sitophilus zeamais / Radiation effects evaluation for electrons sheaf in packages resistance in a Lasioderma serricorne, Plodia interpunctella and Sitophilus zeamais

Juliana Nazaré Alves 16 August 2011 (has links)
As pragas de produtos armazenados constituem um problema para o homem, depreciando produtos e causando prejuízos econômicos. Dentre estas pragas temos o Lasioderma serricorne (F. 1792), Sitophilus zeamais (M. 1855) e Plodia interpunctella (H. 1813) conhecidos por infestar produtos armazenados como: grãos, farelos, farinhas, café, fumo, frutas secas e especiarias. Essas pragas perfuram e adentram as embalagens, ovipositando sobre o substrato. Neste contexto a embalagem desempenha um papel fundamental, impedindo o contato e proliferação de pragas no produto acondicionado. Assim, para proteger o produto acondicionado e prolongar a sua vidaútil a embalagem deve apresentar boa resistência mecânica à tração e à perfuração, boa selabilidade, boas propriedades de barreira e não transferir odores nem sabores estranhos ao produto acondicionado. A radiação ionizante pode causar mudanças estruturais nos materiais poliméricos de embalagens, essas mudanças são causadas pelos processos de cisão e reticulação das cadeias poliméricas. Estes são processos concorrentes e a predominância de um sobre o outro depende da estrutura química do polímero, das condições da irradiação e de fatores específicos do material que irá absorver a energia. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar as mudanças nas propriedades mecânicas de estruturas de embalagem utilizadas para armazenar granola, barra de cereais e macarrão, bem como suas resistências a perfuração por L. serricorne, P. interpunctella e S. zeamais, quando submetidas a radiação por feixe de elétrons. Na metodologia foram utilizadas cinco estruturas de embalagem comercialmente utilizadas para armazenar granola, barra de cereais e macarrão compostas por (Polipropileno bi-orientado metalizado/Polipropileno bi-orientado coextrusado - BOPPmet/BOPP 50 &mu;m), (Polipropileno bi-orientado/Polipropileno - BOPP/PP 50 &mu;m), Poli(tereftalato de etileno) metalizado/Polipropileno bi-orientado coextrusado - PETmet/BOPP 32 &mu;m), Poli(tereftalato de etileno)/Polipropileno - PET/PP1 72 &mu;m) e Poli(tereftalato de etileno)/Polipropileno - PET/PP2 32 &mu;m). As estruturas de embalagens foram submetidas à doses de radiação entre 0, 10, 20 e 60 kGy, em um acelerador de elétrons de 1,5 MeV, 25 mA e 37,5 kW, à taxa de dose de 11,22 kGy/s, temperatura ambiente e presença de ar. Oito dias, 2 meses e 6 meses após as irradiações foram realizados ensaios mecânicos de resistência a tração e elongação na ruptura, resistência da selagem e resistência à perfuração, todos com base nas suas respectivas normas ASTM [35]. Os ensaios de perfuração por insetos foram realizados em sala climatizada, onde amostras irradiadas nas doses de 0, 10, 20 e 60 kGy foram seladas contendo 40 g de granola, 40 g de macarrão e barra de cereais em número de nove por ensaio, e divididas igualmente em três caixas plásticas teladas por dose estudada. Em cada caixa foram adicionados 20 adultos de cada inseto em por 60 dias, quando as embalagens foram avaliadas para verificação de possíveis perfurações. As diferenças entre os resultados das amostras foram estatisticamente avaliados pelo método ANOVA (p<0,05). Os resultados mostraram que quanto à resistência a perfuração por L. serricorne, P. interpunctella e S. zeamais as estruturas poliméricas avaliadas apresentaram baixa resistência à perfuração por insetos antes e após o tratamento. BOPPmet/BOPP (50 &mu;m), PETmet/BOPP (32 &mu;m), PET/PP1 (72 &mu;m) e PET/PP2 (32 &mu;m) apresentaram perdas significativas nas estruturas nas propriedades mecânicas estudadas. O BOPP/PP (50 &mu;m) apresentou o melhor conjunto de respostas nas propriedades mecânicas ao tratamento por radiação com feixe de elétrons em doses de até 10 kGy. Dentre as propriedades mecânicas avaliadas a selagem foi a mais afetada pela radiação ionizante, tendo apresentado, em geral, perdas crescentes com a dose de radiação. / The plagues of stored products consist of a man problem, depreciating products and causing economical damages. Among these curses we have Lasioderma serricorne (F. 1792), Sitophilus zeamais (M. 1855) and Plodia interpunctella (H. 1813) known by infesting stored products as: grains, brans, flours, coffee, tobacco, dried fruits and spices. These curses perforate and penetrate the packages, ovipositing over the substratum. In this context the package plays a fundamental part, preventing the contact and curses proliferation in the packed product. So, to protect the packed product and to prolong its shelf life, the package should have good mechanical resistance to tension and perforation, good sealing, good barrier properties and should not transfer odors nor strange flavors to the packed product. The ionizing radiation can cause structural changes in polymer packages, these changes are caused by the scission processes and reticulation of the polymers chains. These are concurrent processes and the predominance of one over the other depends on the chemical structure of the polymer, the irradiation conditions and specific factors of the material that will absorb the energy. This work had the objective to evaluate the changes in mechanical properties of package structures used to store granola, cereal bar and pasta, as well as its resistance to perforation by L. serricorne, P. interpunctella and S. zeamais, when submitted to electrons sheaf radiation. In this methodology were used five structures of commercially utilized packages to store granola, cereal bar and pasta composed by (Polypropylene bi-oriented metallic/Polypropylene bi-oriented coextruded - BOPPmet/BOPP 50 &mu;m), (Polypropylene bi-oriented/Polypropylene - BOPP/PP 50 &mu;m), Poli (ethylene terephthalate) metallic/Polypropylene bi-oriented coextruded - PETmet/BOPP 32 &mu;m), Poli (ethylene terephthalate) /Polypropylene - PET/PP1 72 &mu;m), Poli (ethylene terephthalate)/Polypropylene - PET/PP2 32 &mu;m). The structures of packaging were submitted to radiation doses between 0, 10, 20 and 60 kGy, in one electron accelerator of 1,5 M and V, 25 mA and 37,5 kW, dose tax of 11,22 kGy / s, room temperature and air presence . Eight days, Two and Six months after irradiations, mechanical resistance experiment were accomplished to tension and elongating in rupture, sealing resistance and perforation resistance, all based in respective ASTM norms. The perforation experiment by insects were realized in an acclimatized room, where irradiated samples in doses of 0, 10, 20 and 60 kGy were sealed containing 40 g of granola, 40 g of pasta and cereal bar in number of nine by experiment, and equally divided in three plastic screened boxes by studied dose. In each box 20 adults of each insect were added in for 60 days, when the packages were evaluated to verify possible perforations. The differences between the sample results were statistically evaluated by ANOVA (p<0.05). The results showed that concerning the perforation resistance by L. serricorne, P. interpunctella and S. zeamais the polymeric structures evaluated showed low resistance by insects perforation before and after the treatment. BOPPmet/BOPP (50 &mu;m), PETmet/BOPP (32 &mu;m), PET/PP1 (72 &mu;m) and PET/PP2 (32 &mu;m) structures showed significant losses in mechanical properties studied. The BOPP/PP (50 &mu;m) showed the best set of answers in mechanical properties to the radiation treatment with electrons sheaf up to 10 kGy doses. Among the mechanical properties evaluated, sealing was the most affected by ionizing radiation, has shown, in general, increasing losses with radiation dose.

Estudo de Litografia por Feixe de Elétrons para a Produção de Padrões Sobre Substratos de Eletroestruturas / Study of electron beam lithografhy for patterns production on semiconductor heterostructrucres substrata.

Marcelo de Assumpcao Pereira da Silva 17 December 1996 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do estudo das condições para a produção de padrões em escala nano e micrométricas, utilizando o processo de litografia eletrônica. A parte inicial refere-se ao estudo do elétron-resiste de PMMA incluindo a preparação da solução, o recobrimento do substrato e a secagem. Em seguida, são apresentados estudos sobre o funcionamento do sistema de litografia por feixe de elétrons em detalhe. São tratados problemas com o resiste, o substrato e a interação com a amostra. São apresentados os aspectos mais importantes dos substratos utilizados, sendo dado um enfoque a heteroestruturas semicondutoras com gás de elétrons bidimensionais. As condições para revelação do resiste e das etapas de processamento para que seja feita a replicação para o substrato do padrão gerado no resiste são também abordadas. Diversos estudos foram realizados para mostrar a influência de alguns efeitos comuns na litografia como a influência da espessura do filme de resiste e os efeitos de proximidade. Também trata da produção de padrões sobre substratos diversos como GaAs, VIDRO, ALUMINA e PRATA. A última etapa estuda a utilização de um resiste híbrido PMMA-Sílica como um método de conformação cerâmica. Finalmente é apresentado um estudo relativo a produção de diversos padrões diferentes sobre heteroestruturas semicondutoras de AlGaAs/GaAs. / The work describe the conditions for pattern production at nano and micrometric scale using the electronic lithographic process. In the first part many types of lithographic technics are compared and the aim why the electron beam lithographic nanostructured production was chosen. Detailed results about operation with the lithographic system and some problems related to electron resist, substrate and interaction between electron beam and sample are presented. The most important substrate aspects are shown. The two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) semiconductors heterostrutures and the M B E process to grow samples are discussed too. The conditions to develop electron resist and steps for pattern transfer over the substrate are discussed. Many experimental studies were realized to show the influence and some effects, common to the lithographic process, such as electron resist thickness and the proximity effect. A production of pattern on some kind of substrate like GaAs, Glass, Aluminum, Silver can also be observed. In the last part of this work some discussion about utilisation of hybrid electron resist composite PMMA-Silica was done, as well as very important technics for ceramic conformation. Finally, the main goal of this work is presented: the production of different nanostructure samples using AlGaAs/GaAs substrates.

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