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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tjänstefiering och dess möjliga värdeskapande inom Electronic Manufacturing Service marknaden : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Inission AB / Servitization and its possibility for value creation within the Electronic Manufacturing Service market : A qualitative case study of Inission AB

Björklund, Moa, Wallén, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
Under det senaste århundradet har den globala uppvärmningen ökat och samhället står inför en stor utmaning, ett skifte bör ske för att skapa en hållbar framtid. Företag måste idag utveckla metoder för att på ett innovativt sätt fortsätta växa ekonomiskt, men samtidigt väga in de miljömässiga och sociala aspekterna i sin verksamhet. Tjänstefiering är ett sätt för företag att utöka sitt erbjudande och skapa värde för sina kunder. Genom att addera tjänster till existerande produkter skapas en möjlighet att stärka sin position på marknaden. Den här studien syftar till att förstå på vilket sätt en hållbarhetsanalys, som tilläggstjänst, kan skapa värde för kunderna till ett Electronic Manufacturing Service (EMS)-företag. Studien bidrar med teoretiska insikter kring Life Cycle Sustainability Analysis (LCSA) och dessa praktiska tillämpning. Studien bidrar även med insikter kring värdeskapande samt korrelationen mellan tjänstefiering och hållbarhet.  För att identifiera vilket värde en hållbarhetsanalys kan skapa har tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Resultatet visar på fyra olika faktorer som påverkar värderingen av en hållbarhetstjänst. Dessa är: krav från försörjningskedjan; kostnaden av tjänsten (komplex avvägning mellan fördelar och uppoffringar); regleringar, lagar och mål samt ansvarsfördelningen mellan kund och leverantör. Dessutom indikerar resultatet att tjänstefiering kan stärka företagets position på marknaden. En rekommendation till framtida forskning är att fortsatt undersöka korrelationen mellan tjänstefiering och lönsamhet samt mellan tjänstefiering och hållbarhet. / During the last century, global warming has increased and society faces a major challenge, a shift should take place towards a sustainable future. Companies must develop innovative methods to continue to grow economically, but at the same time take the environmental and social aspects into account. Servitization is a way for companies to expand their offering and create value for their customers. By adding services to existing products it creates an opportunity to strengthen their position in the market. This study aims to understand how a sustainability analysis, as an add-on service, can create value for an EMS- company's customers. The study contributes with theoretical insights regarding the use of LCSA and its practical applications. The study also provides insights regarding value creation along with the correlation between servitization and sustainability.  In order to identify what type of value a sustainability analysis can create, ten semi-structured interviews were conducted. The results show four different factors that affect the value of a service. These are: demand from the supply chain, the cost of the service (a complex balance between benefits and sacrifices), regulations, laws and goals, and the areas of responsibilities between customer and supplier. In addition, the results indicate that servitization can strengthen the company's position on the market. A recommendation for future research is to further investigate the correlation between servitization and profitability and whether servitization can contribute to increased sustainability.

Lageromsättning i EMS-branschen : En fallstudie om kund- och leverantörsförhållanden

Bolsöy, Alfred, Thelin, Marcus, Håkansson, Nils January 2018 (has links)
Most producing companies aim to reduce tied up capital, which is meant to increase inventory turnover. In this study, an EMS (Electronic manufacturing service) -company, a contract manufacturer, will be studied. The company does not own the products themselves, but is a service company that manufactures to customers. The business has a problem that existed for a long period of time, they have a low inventory turnover among their component inventory. The company therefore wants to increase its inventory turnover in order to reduce its tied-up capital. The aim is to develop knowledge about supplier and customer relationships that affect the stock turnover rate in component stocks. In order to make calculations, it is profitable for the company to order materials multiple times for increased inventory turnover or fewer times to keep down the order cost. Case study is based on qualitative data in the form of interviews and observations. A large part of this study is also based on quantitative data from the company's MRP (material requirements planning) system. The literature is based on articles that deals with key concepts such as EOQ (economic order quantity), customer and supplier relationships. The conclusion of this study suggests that the company should use EOQ to reduce overall order cost while reducing the tied-up capital.

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