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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo teórico das propriedades estruturais, eletrônicas e ópticas dos compostos Bi4Ge3O12 e Bi4Si3O12

Sousa, Osmar Machado de 16 February 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation presents a theoretical study, based on density functional theory (DFT), upon structural, electronic and optical properties of Bi4Ge3O12 (Bismuth germanate, BGO) and Bi4Si3O12 (Bismuth silicate, BSO) compounds. As a computational tool it was utilized Full Potential Linear Augmented Plane Wave Method (FPLAPW), implemented into WIEN2k computer code and considered as one of the most precise tools for electronic structure calculations of solid materials. Exchange and correlation e ects were simulated by LDA, GGA-PBEsol, BJ, mBJ-original, mBJ P-present and mBJ P-semiconductor functionals. Lattice parameters and all atomic positions within the BGO and BSO unit cells were computationally optimized in order to reach minimum energy con guration. The resulting structural parameters showed good agreement with experimental data. The results of electronic structure calculations (band structure and density of electron states DOS) were best tted to experiment while using the mBJ P-semiconductor functional. They revealed a nature and size of the compound's fundamental band gaps, as well as predominant orbital character of bands around it. According to the results, the BGO and BSO have indirect fundamental gaps of 5.05 and 5.36 eV in excellent concordance with the experimental value 5.0 eV (BGO) and 5.4 eV (BSO). For both compounds the valence band top is dominated by the O 2p-states, with non-negligible amount of the Bi 6s-states, while the conduction band bottom is consisted mostly of the Bi 6p-states. This work was also calculated dielectric function "(!) of the BGO and BSO, and its refractive index n(!) and re ectivity R(!). The best agreement with experimental data was again achieved by using mBJ P-semiconductor functional. The analysis "(!) enabled interpretation of optical absorption spectrum of BGO and BSO in terms of electronic transitions between bands. The results showed that the greater ow of energy transfer occurs 2p states to the states of Bi 6p, which consists of the steps of the scintillation process in BGO and BSO. Was concluded that experimental optical spectra of BGO and BSO exhibit strong temperature dependency, and that theoretical results presented in this dissertation describe con dently electronic and optical properties when measured at low temperatures. / Esta disserta c~ao apresenta um estudo te orico baseado no formalismo da Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT) sobre as propriedades estruturais, eletr^onicas e opticas dos compostos: Bi4Ge3O12 (Germanato de Bismuto, BGO) e Bi4Si3O12 (Silicato de Bismuto, BSO). Foi utilizado como m etodo de c alculo o \Full Potential Linear Augmented Plane Waves"(FPLAPW), implementado no c odigo WIEN2k, considerado um dos mais precisos m etodos para os c alculos de estruturas eletr^onicas dos s olidos cristalinos. Os efeitos de troca e correla c~ao eletr^onica foram simulados atrav es dos potenciais LDA, GGA-PBEsol, BJ, mBJ original, mBJ P-presente e mBJ P-semicondutores. Os par^ametros de rede e as posi c~oes at^omicas nas c elulas unit arias do BGO e BSO foram otimizadas, a m de atingir uma con gura c~ao de m nima energia possiv el. Os resultados obtidos para os par^ametros de rede e das posi c~oes at^omicas, de ambos os compostos, mostraram boa concord^ancia quando comparados com medidas experimentais. Os c alculos da estrutura eletr^onica (estrutura de bandas e densidade de estados eletr^onicos, DOS) exibiram melhor concord^ancia com a experi^encia quando o potencial mBJ P-semicondutor foi utilizado. Eles revelaram a natureza e o tamanho dos gaps fundamentais dos compostos, bem como o car ater orbital predominante por volta destes. De acordo com os resultados, o BGO e BSO possuem gaps fundamentais indiretos de 5.05 e 5.36 eV em excelente concord^ancia com os valores experimentais 5.0 eV (BGO) e 5.4 eV (BSO). O topo da banda de val^encia em ambos os compostos e dominada por estados 2p do O, com uma parcela n~ao desprez vel dos estados 6s do Bi, j a o fundo da banda de condu c~ao e formada por estados 6p do Bi. Neste trabalho tamb em foi calculada a fun c~ao diel etrica "(!) do BGO e BSO, bem como os seus ndices de refra c~ao n(!) e re etividade R(!). A melhor concord^ancia com os dados experimentais foi novamente atingida utilizando o funcional mBJ P-semicondutor. A an alise da "(!) possibilitou a interpreta c~ao do espectro de absor c~ao optica do BGO e BSO em termos das transi c~oes eletr^onicas entre as bandas. Os resultados revelaram que o uxo maior de tranfer^ encia de el etrons ocorre dos estados 2p de O para os estados 6p do Bi, o qual consiste uma das etapas do processo de cintila c~ao no BGO e BSO. Foi conclu do que os espectros opticos determinados experimentalmente exibem forte depend^encia com a temperatura, e que os resultados te oricos obtidos nessa disserta c~ao descrevem bem as propriedades opticas e eletr^onicas do BGO e BSO quando medidos em baixas temperaturas.

Estudo atomístico da desordem eletrônica em filmes amorfos de polímeros conjugados / Atomistic Study of Electronic Disorder on Amorphous Films of Conjugated Polymers

Rodrigo Ramos da Silva 10 October 2014 (has links)
O emprego de polímeros conjugados e blendas como camada ativa de diodos emissores de luz ou células fotovoltaicas é foco de intenso desenvolvimento científico na atualidade. O desempenho eletro-ótico de tais dispositivos é fortemente dependente das características estruturais e eletrônicas dos componentes poliméricos ou moleculares, que são difíceis de serem quantificadas, demandando a integração de resultados experimentais e modelagem teórica. A desordem intrínseca desses materiais também dificulta a modelagem e a simulação, sendo necessário o emprego de diferentes e complementares métodos e técnicas de física computacional. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo, em nível atomístico, da correlação entre propriedades morfológicas e eletrônicas de filmes poliméricos com alta desordem de: I) poli-para-fenileno-vinileno (PPV); II) poli-3-hexil-tiofeno (P3HT) e sua blenda com fulereno (C60). Empregamos modelagem por Dinâmica Molecular Clássica dos sistemas desordenados em temperatura finita; implementamos para tal adaptações específicas no Campo de Forças Universal, baseadas em cálculos quânticos de primeiros princípios. Para obtermos a estrutura eletrônica de modelos selecionados utilizamos método de Hartree-Fock semiempírico. O sistema de PPV é estudado com respeito à variação das propriedades morfológicas ao longo do processo de deformação uniaxial. Estabelecemos correspondência entre os efeitos do estiramento e o surgimento de anisotropia no espectro de fotoluminescência observado experimentalmente. Para os sistemas de P3HT simulamos diferentes tipos de empacotamento, estudamos as propriedades morfológicas e calculamos os estados eletrônicos relevantes ao transporte de buracos pelo polímero. Vemos como majoritária a ocorrência de estados com comprimento conjugado de quatro e cinco meros; além disso, com a desordem estrutural os níveis eletrônicos localizados passam a exibir grande proximidade em energia, com pouca relação ao comprimento de conjugação. Isso resulta no surgimento de uma Densidade de Estados gaussiana com largura de aproximadamente 100meV que se mostra independente das diferenças morfológicas entre os modelos simulados. / The use of organic conjugated polymers and blends as active layers of light emitting diodes and photovoltaic cells has been the focus of intense scientific development in recent years. The electro-optical performance of such devices depends strongly on the structural and electronic properties of the polymeric or molecular components, and is of difficult characterization, demanding integration of experimental results and theoretical modeling. A complicating factor to the theoretical modeling is the intrinsic disorder in these materials, which demands the use of different and complementary techniques and methods of computational physics. The goal of the present work is to study at the atomistic level the correlation between morphological and electronic properties of highly disordered films of: I) poly-para-phenylene-vinylene (PPV); II) poly-3-hexyl-thiophene (P3HT) and blends with fullerenes (C60). We applied Classical Molecular Dynamics to model the disordered systems at finite temperature employing the well-known Universal Force Field, to which we implemented specific corrections based on first-principles quantum calculations. For selected models we calculated the electronic structure through semiempirical Hartree-Fock. The PPV system was studied focusing on the effect of uniaxial stretching on morphological properties. We have established a connection between morphology effects and the anisotropy of light emission detected experimentally. For P3HT systems we simulated different packing systems and studied morphological properties, and the electronic structure of the localized states relevant to hole transport in the polymer film. We found higher occurrence of 4- and 5-mer long conjugated electronic states. Moreover, the structural disorder affects the electronic levels, reducing the energy separation of conjugated segments of different lengths. This makes possible the occurrence of a gaussian Density of States of approximately 100meV width, regardless of the different morphological signatures of the different simulated models.

Propriedades eletrônicas de super-redes com dopagem planar e de heteroestruturas epitaxiais semicondutoras / Electronic properties of super-networks with planar doped and epitaxial semiconductor heterostructure

Dmitri Beliaev 12 December 1994 (has links)
Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho estão sistematizados em três partes. Em uma primeira etapa, efetuamos um estudo sistemático do comportamento da estrutura eletrônica em super-redes de deltas em função do período da super-rede e em função da concentração planar de dopantes. Uma nova abordagem, que se baseia no método celular e na solução autoconsistente das equações de Schroedinger e de Poisson, foi desenvolvida e aplicada para super-redes com dopagem planar tipo n em GaAs e em silício. Em ambos os casos, foi observada a transição de um comportamento eletrônico de caráter bi- para tridimensional conforme o período da super- rede diminui. No caso de super-redes de deltas de Si em GaAs foi empreendido o cálculo da energia de corte nos espectros de fotoluminescência de excitação. Uma boa concordância com as medidas experimentais foi obtida. O estudo da estrutura eletrônica para o caso de super-rede de deltas de Sb em Si foi pioneiro. Isto tornou os resultados de nossa investigação teórica de importância fundamental para experimentais e teóricos atuando na 6rea. A concordância entre nossas previsões teóricas e dados experimentais da literatura demonstram a consistência e o poder da abordagem desenvolvida. Em uma segunda etapa, foi efetuado o estudo da distribuição espacial do campo elétrico interno em heteroestruturas contendo camadas tipo \"bulk\", compostas por GaAs e (A1Ga)As. Uma nova abordagem foi desenvolvida para a execuqi3o de cálculos dos perfis de potencial eletrostático e de campo elétrico, sem assumir a ionização total dos dopantes e a não-degenerescência do material. Nosso método transforma a equação de Poisson em uma equação integral que deve ser resolvida autoconsistentemente. Os exemplos numéricos demonstram a aplicabilidade de nossa abordagem a sistemas reais. Perfis do campo elétrico calculados são usados para interpretar os espectros de fotorefletância. Em uma terceira etapa, a teoria geral da fotorefletância de heteroestruturas semicondutoras foi desenvolvida neste trabalho para tornar a interpretação de espectros de fotorefletância precisa e de aplicação eficiente. Um novo metodo de cdculo do coeficiente de reflexgo na presenga de inomogeneidade espacial da funggo dieletrica no interior de cada camada fmeceu um novo patamar de cornpreens20 dos espectros de fotorefletiincia. Este metodo e baseado na construgiio de uma matriz de transferhcia que iraclui as inomogeneidades no interior da camada de um mod0 integral. Portanto, para descrever uma camada de heteroestrutura e preciso ter apenas uma ma& de transferencia. 0s resultados de simulag6es numericas de espectros da fotoreflethcia estilo em uma concordhcia bastante boa com aqueles obtidos atravb de medidas opticas. A eficiencia de nosso metodo o torna aplicavel a simulag6es tip0 \"on-line\". 0s resultados dos metodos anteriores sgo reproduzidos como casos limites de nossa abordagem geral. / The results presented in this work can be displayed along the following three lines. In the first we performed a systematical study of the electronic structure behavior in delta superlattices as a function of superlattice period and sheet doping concentration. A new approach, based on the cellular method and on the selfconsistent solution of Schroedinger and Poisson equations, was developed and applied to superlattices with n-type delta doping in GaAs and silicon. In both cases, a transition from bi- to three- dimensional electronic behavior with the decrease of superlattice period was observed. For Si delta-doping superlattices in GaAs we performed calculations of the energy threshold in the photoluminescence excitation spectra. A good agreement with experimentally measured values was observed. Our investigation of the electronic structure of Sb delta-doping superlattices in Si was a pioneer theoretical study. Due to thls fact, the results of our work are of great importance for experimentalists and theoreticians acting in this area. The agreement between our theoretical predictions and the available experimental data demonstrates the consistency and the power of the developed approach. Along the second line we studied electric field spatial distribution inside of heterosinctures containing bulk layers of GaAs and (A1Ga)As. A new approach was developed to calculate the electrostatic potential and electric field profiles, providing the possibility to take .into account the incomplete ionization of impurities and the degeneracy of the materials. Our method transforms the Poisson equation into an integral equation, which must be solved selfconsistently. Numerical examples show the way to apply our approach to real systems. Internal electric field proiiles, calculated by means of our method are used to interpret photoreflectance spectra. In the third line, a general theory of photoreflectance for semiconductor heterostructures was developed in this work to make the interpretation of fotoreflectance spectra more precise and straightfornard. A new method to calculate the reflection coefficient in the presence of weak spatial inhomogenities of the dielectrical function inside each layer, provided us with a new degree of comprehension of the photoreflectance spectra. This method is based on the construction of a transfer matrix which includes the inhomogenities inside the layer in an integral way. This explains why we need only one matrix to describe one layer of the heterostructure. Results of our numerical simulations are in very good agreement with data of optical measurements. The efficiency of our method makes it suitable for on-line simulations. The results of previous methods emerge from our general approach as limit cases.

Estudo de Estrutura Eletrônica de Nanofitas de Nitreto de Boro utilizando Cálculos de Primeiros Princípios / Study of Electronic Structure of nanobelts Boron Nitride using calculations First Principles

Frazão, Nilton Ferreira 30 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-18T18:19:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nilton Ferreira Frazao.pdf: 1298809 bytes, checksum: 5aca0b703a735a7fb605b7bdee658bdd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Recently, the existence of nanoribbon of Boron Nitride with finite size was discovered experimentally, in porous nanoesferas of BN (100-400 nm of diameter), synthesized for the reaction of B2O3 with carbon spheres contend nanoporos filled for Nitrogen to a temperature of 17500C. However a theoretical inquiry of the properties of this nanometerial did not exist. Then, in this present work, we carry through simulation of molecular mechanics using field of universal force (forcefild) to optimize the structure of some of these nanoribbon of Boron Nitride, with objective to find a conformation more steady, that is, of lesser energy for these nanostructures. Later, we investigate the electronic properties of these nanoribbon of Boron Nitride (NRBN) in the finite form (not-periodic) of two types: nanoribbon of Boron Nitride of the type to armchair (a-NRBN) and nanoribbon of Boron Nitride of the type zigzag (z-NRBN). The study of these properties they had been carried through of calculations of first principles based in the Density Functional Theory, with the local density approximation (LDA). Through our calculations, we observe that all the nanoribbon are metallic when we made the analysis of the density of states (DOS). Result not waited, but surprising, therefore of literature we know that material nanostructuralized of Boron Nitride they are always semiconductors. However, our calculations had shown that as much a-NRBN as z-NRBN had presented a conducting electronic character. The simulations had been carried through for many cases of nanoribbon of width (L) and length (C), forming a pair of indices (L, C), with the objective to facilitate the identification of these nanostructures. However we will present the results of but twelve of these, being: (1,3), (1,6), (1,9), (2,3), (2,6) e (2,9) in such a way of the types a-NRBN and z-NRBN. / Recentemente, foi descoberto experimentalmente a existência de Nanofitas de Nitreto de Boro (BN) de tamanho finito, em nanoesferas porosas de BN (100-400 nm de diâmetro), sintetizada pela reação de B2O3 com esferas de carbono contendo nanoporos preenchidos por Nitrogênio a uma temperatura de 17500C. No entanto não existia uma investigação teórica das propriedades desses nanocompósitos. Então, neste presente trabalho, realizamos simulações de mecânica molecular usando campo de força universal (forcefild) para otimizar a estrutura de algumas destas nanofitas de Nitreto de Boro, com objetivo de encontrar uma conformação mais estável, ou seja, de menor energia para essas nanoestruturas. Depois, investigamos as propriedades eletrônicas dessas nanofitas de Nitreto de Boro (NRBN) na forma finita (não-periódica) de dois tipos: nanofitas de Nitreto de Boro do tipo armchair (a-NRBN) e nanofitas de Nitreto de Boro do tipo zigzag (z-NRBN). O estudo destas propriedades foram realizados através de cálculos de primeiros princípios baseados na Teoria do Funcional da Densidade, com a aproximação da densidade local (LDA). Através de nossos cálculos, observamos que todas as nanofitas são metálicas quando fizemos a análise da densidade de estados eletrônicos (DOS). Resultado não esperado, mas surpreendente, pois da literatura sabemos que materiais nanoestruturados de Nitreto de Boro são sempre semicondutores. No entanto, nossos cálculos mostraram que tanto as a- NRBN como as z-NRBN apresentaram um caráter eletrônico condutor. As simulações foram realizadas para muitos casos de nanofitas de largura (L) e comprimento (C), formando um par de índices (L, C), com o objetivo de facilitar a identificação dessas nanoestruturas. No entanto apresentaremos os resultados de apenas doze dessas, sendo: (1,3), (1,6), (1,9), (2,3), (2,6) e (2,9) tanto dos tipos a-NRBN e z-NRBN.

Estudo de propriedades locais em impureza intersticiais em hospedeiros metálicos. / Study of Local Properties in Interstitial Impurities in Metalic Hosts.

Luiz Adolfo de Mello 02 August 1996 (has links)
Neste trabalho realizamos um estudo do comportamento do momento magnético e do deslocamento isomérico de uma impureza intersticial de Fe em hospedeiros metálicos de valências 4 (Ti, Zr), 3 (Sc, Y). Investigamos também impurezas intersticiais e substitucionais de Mo e Fe em hospedeiros divalentes. Para realizar este estudo fizemos cálculos de estrutura eletrônica utilizando o RS-LMTO-ASA (\"Real Space - Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital - Atomic Spherical Approximation\"), um método de primeiros princípios dentro da aproximação do funcional densidade local, implementado no espaço real. Calculamos o momento magnético no sítio da impureza nos sistemas acima e constatamos que a impureza intersticial de Fe é não magnética nos hospedeiros de valências 4 e 3, e que tanto as impurezas intersticiais como as substitucionais podem apresentar momento magnético nos hospedeiros divalentes. Mostramos que para os sistemas divalentes o momento magnético depende fortemente da relaxação. Os nossos resultados são explicados através de um modelo simples, baseado no modelo de Wolff. Investigamos também o comportamento do deslocamento isomérico no sítio da impureza de Fe nesses vários sistemas. Constatamos que os nossos resultados concordam razoavelmente bem com os dados experimentais e explicam o comportamento das tendências observadas. / In the present work, we have studied the magnetic moments and the behavior of the isomer shift at the interstitial Fe impurity site in Ti, Sc, Zr and Y hosts. We have also investigated interstitial and substitutional Fe and Mo impurities in Ca, Sr and Yb hosts. To perform the calculations, we have used the RS-LMTO-ASA scheme, a first principles method, within the local spin density approximation, implemented in real space. We calculated the magnetic moments at the impurity site in the above systems and all the substitucional impurities are found to be magnetic. The results show that interstitial Fe is non-magnetic in the tri- and tetravalent hosts, but interstitial Fe and Mo impurities could develop local magnetic moment in divalent hosts. \'We show that the magnetic moment at the impurity site in these divalent hosts is strongly dependent on lattice relaxation. The results can be explained using simple arguments based on Wolff model. We have investigated in a systematic way the behavior of the isomer shift of Fe impurities in these systems. We observed that our results are in generally good agreement with experiment and lead to better understanding of the observed trends in terms of the volume occupied by the Fe in each host.

Electronic and optical properties of diluted magnetic semiconductors quantum wells and quantum dots = Propriedades eletrônicas e ópticas de poços quânticos e pontos quânticos de semicondutores magnéticos diluídos / Propriedades eletrônicas e ópticas de poços quânticos e pontos quânticos de semicondutores magnéticos diluídos

Mendes, Udson Cabral, 1984- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: José Antônio Brum / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T13:58:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mendes_UdsonCabral_D.pdf: 12052104 bytes, checksum: 67d2d70413e86cd914ef0145b639ff5b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Nesta tese, investigamos teoricamente as propriedades eletrônicas e ópticas de poços quânticos e pontos quânticos de semicondutores magnéticos diluídos. Este estudo é fortemente motivado por muitos resultados experimentais sobre as propriedades ópticas desse materiais. Usando a teoria do funcional da densidade dependente de spin descrevemos os estados eletrônicos como função do campo magnético externo para poços quânticos que possuem barreiras dopadas com impurezas magnéticas. Nosso modelo leva em conta os efeitos de muitos-corpos do gás de buracos e as interações entre portadores e os íons magnéticos. Comparamos nossos resultados com os dados experimentais disponíveis, que apresentam forte oscilações da luz polarizada circularmente como função do campo magnético. Nossos resultados apresentam excelente concordância qualitativa e quantitativa com os resultados experimentais. Mostramos que os efeitos de troca do gás de buraco são responsáveis pela forte oscilação observada na fotoluminescência. Também realizamos uma investigação sistemática dos parâmetros da heteroestrutura afim de aumentar a interação de troca entre portadores e íons de Mn. Com o nosso modelo entedemos os diferentes regimes de relaxação de spin do elétron em poços quânticos com barreiras dopadas com impurezas magnéticas. Nós também investigamos as propriedades eletrônicas e ópticas de pontos quânticos carregados dopados com uma única impureza magnética em seu centro. Usando métodos de diagonalização exata mostramos que os elétrons que não estão diretamente acoplados com o íon de Mn acoplam-se via uma interação indireta que é mediada pela interação elétron-elétron. Este acoplamento indireto entre elétrons e Mn pode ser tanto ferromagnético quanto antiferromagnético dependendo de ambos confinamento e número de camadas eletrônicas confinadas no ponto quântico. Demonstramos que este acoplamento indireto é um efeito importante mesmo quanto o íon de Mn não esta no centro do ponto quântico. O acoplamento indireto existe independentemente do tipo de interação direta entre portadores e a impureza magnética. Também extendemos a teoria de fotoluminescência para essa heteroestrutura. Observamos que a interação indireta entre portadores e íon magnético gera uma estrutura fina em ambos os estados iniciais e finais da emissão, o que nos permite determinar o número de camadas confinadas no ponto quântico e o spin eletrônico. Com esse método de diagonalização exata, explicamos a origem da estrutura fina do biexciton confinado em um ponto quântico dopado com uma única impureza magnética / Abstract: In this thesis, we theoretically investigate the electronic and optical properties of diluted magnetic semiconductors quantum wells and quantum dots. This is strongly motivated by many experimental results on the optical properties of these materials. Using spin-density functional theory we described the electronic states as a function of the external magnetic field for quantum wells which have barriers doped with magnetic impurities. Our model takes into account the many-body effects of the two-dimensional hole gas and the interaction between carriers and the magnetic ions. We compare our findings with the available experimental data, which shows strong oscillations in the circularly polarized light as a function of the magnetic field. Our results show excellent qualitative and quantitative agreement with the experimental data. We show that the hole gas exchange effects are responsible for the strong oscillations observed in the photoluminescence. We perform a systematic investigation of the heterostructure parameters in order to enhance the carriers-Mn exchange interaction. With our model we understand the different regime of the electron¿s spin relaxation in quantum wells with barriers doped with Mn impurities. We also investigate the electronic and optical properties of charged quantum dots doped with a single magnetic impurity in its center. Using an exact diagonalization method we show that the electrons that are not directly coupled with Mn do so via an indirect coupling mediated by electron-electron interaction. This indirect electron-Mn coupling can be either ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic depending on both quantum dot confinement and the number of electronic confined shells. We also demonstrate that the indirect electron-Mn coupling is an important effect even when Mn is off-center. This coupling exists independently of the type of the direct interaction between carriers and Mn impurity. We also extend the theory of photoluminescence for charged quantum dots containing a single magnetic impurity. We show that the indirect interaction between carriers and magnetic ion generates a fine structure in both initial and final states of the emission, which allows us to determinate the number of confined shells in the quantum dots and the electronic spins. Whit this exact diagonalizationmethod, we explain the origin of the fine structure of a biexciton confined in quantum dot containing a single Mn impurity / Doutorado / Física / Doutor em Ciências

Extended and finite graphenes:computational studies of magnetic resonance and magneto-optic properties

Vähäkangas, J. (Jarkko) 11 November 2016 (has links)
Abstract In this thesis, the magnetic resonance and magneto-optical rotation parameters are studied in single-layer carbon systems of two different dimensionalities. Based on electronic structure calculations, the spectral parameters are predicted for both extended (2D) and finite, molecular (0D) systems consisting of pure sp²-hybridised pristine graphene (G), as well as hydrogenated and fluorinated, sp³-hybridised graphene derivatives, graphane (HG) and fluorographene (FG), respectively. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) parameters are calculated for G, HG and FG systems at their large-system limit. For their 0D counterparts, graphene flakes, qualitative spectral trends are predicted as functions of their size and perimeter type. The last group of studied carbon systems consists of 2D graphenes containing spin-1/2 paramagnetic defects. Electron spin resonance (ESR) parameters and paramagnetic NMR shieldings are predicted for four different paramagnetic systems, including the vacancy-defected graphane and fluorographene, as well as graphene with hydrogen and fluorine adatoms. The magneto-optic properties of G and HG flakes are studied in terms of Faraday optical rotation and nuclear spin optical rotation parameters, to investigate the effects of their finite size and also the different level of hydrogenation. All the different investigated parameters displayed characteristic sensitivity to the electronic and atomic structure of the studied graphenes. The parameters obtained provide an insight into the physics of these 0D and 2D carbon materials, and encourage experimental verification.

Creation and study of matter in extreme conditions by high-intensity free-electron laser radiation

Vinko, Sam M. January 2011 (has links)
The recent development of free-electron lasers operating at XUV and X-ray wavelengths are proving vital for the exploration of matter in extreme conditions. The ultra-short pulse length and high peak brightness these light sources provide, combined with a tunable X-ray wavelength range, makes them ideally suited both for creating high energy density samples and for their subsequent study. In this thesis I describe the work done on the XUV free-electron laser FLASH in Hamburg, aimed at creating homogeneous samples of warm dense matter through the process of volumetric XUV photo-absorption, and the theoretical work undertaken to understand the process of high-intensity laser-matter interactions. As a first step, we have successfully demonstrated intensities above 10<sup>17</sup> Wcm-2 at a wavelength of 13.5 nm, by focusing the FEL beam to micron and sub-micron spot sizes by means of a multilayer-coated off-axis parabolic mirror. Using these record high intensities, we have demonstrated for the first time saturable absorption in the XUV. The effect was observed in aluminium and magnesium samples and is due to the bleaching of a core-state absorption channel by the intense radiation field. This result has major implications for the creation of homogeneous high energy density systems, as a saturable absorption channel allows for a more homogeneous heating mechanism than previously thought possible. Further, we have conducted soft X-ray emission spectroscopy measurements which have delivered a wealth of information on the highly photo-excited system under irradiation, immediately after the excitation pulse, yet before the system evolves into the warm dense matter state. Such strongly photo-excited samples have also been studied theoretically, by means of density functional theory coupled to molecular dynamics calculations, yielding detailed electronic structure information. The use of emission spectroscopy as a probe for solid-density and finite-temperature systems is discussed in light of these results. Theoretical efforts have further been made in the study of the free-free absorption of aluminium as the system evolves from the solid state to warm dense matter. We predict an absorption peak in temperature as the system heats and forms a dense plasma. The physical significance of this effect is discussed in terms of intense light-matter interactions on both femtosecond and picosecond time-scales.

Chimie de surface de nanoparticules de ruthénium : approches théoriques / Surface chemistry of ruthenium nanoparticles : theoretical approaches

Cusinato, Lucy 07 November 2016 (has links)
La chimie de surface de petites nanoparticules métalliques ( ~ 1 nm), principalement de ruthénium ou d'alliages de ruthénium, a été étudiée par une approche théorique au niveau DFT. Cela est appuyé par le développement d'outils d'analyse de propriétés structurales, électroniques et thermodynamiques de ces nanoparticules. Une première partie est consacrée à l'étude des propriétés structurales de nanoparticules métalliques. La variété de morphologie des nanoparticules ainsi que la nécessité de pouvoir générer des modèles appropriés sont mises en évidence. En particulier, l'affinement de la génération de modèles structuraux théoriques est rendu possible via l'implémentation de méthodes de modélisation de nanoparticules génériques couplées à l'utilisation de la méthode de Monte Carlo inversé permettant se rapprocher au plus près de la réalité expérimentale. L'application à ces nanoparticules de descripteurs électroniques ou morphologiques, tels que le d-band center ou le nombre de coordination généralisé, est par la suite proposée en relation avec leur capacités d'adsorption, et plus généralement dans le cadre du principe de Sabatier. Un descripteur électronique de la liaison chimique (COHP) est appliqué aux différentes nanoparticules, pour mettre en évidence les différences entre structures aussi bien que la nature des interactions au sein du cœur métallique, ainsi qu'entre ce cœur et les espèces de surface. Enfin, l'adsorption d'espèces à la surface de ces modèles est étudiée. L'adsorption d'un seul ligand à la surface d'une nanoparticule modèle est utilisée comme sonde de détermination de sites d'adsorption préférentiels, puis des taux d'adsorption plus élevés sont considérés dans le but d'étudier l'influence de celui-ci sur l'adsorption de ligands surnuméraires, ainsi que pour rendre compte de l'influence des ligands de surface sur la morphologie du cœur métallique. Pour cela, les propriétés thermodynamiques des systèmes adsorbés ont été modélisées par prise en compte de l'influence de la pression et de la température sur la stabilité relative des diverses structures via une modélisation de thermodynamique ab initio. Enfin, cette même approche à été utilisée pour étudier la co-adsorption de ligands H2 et CO à la surface de nanoparticules de ruthénium et de rhénium dans le cas particulier de la synthèse de Fischer-Tropsch, permettant notamment de proposer un intermédiaire thermodynamiquement favorable pour cette réaction. Une étude préliminaire de cette réaction, d'un fort intérêt chimique et sociétal, conclut ce manuscrit. L'utilisation combinée des approches structurale, électronique et thermodynamique permet alors d'avoir un point de vue élargi sur certains aspects de la chimie de ces nanoparticules de ruthénium. / Surface chemistry of small metallic nanoparticles ( ~ 1 nm), mainly ruthenium or ruthenium alloys, has been studied at the DFT level via a theoretical approach. This study is supported by the development of analytical tools, that allow to investigate structural, electronic and thermodynamical properties of those nanoparticles. A first part is dedicated to the structural properties of metallic nanoparticles. Morphological diversity is highlighted as well as the necessity of being able to desing reliable models. The refinement of structural models is made possible via the combined use of generic nanoparticles structure design and of the reverse Monte Carlo method in order to fit experiments. Electronic or morphologic descriptors such as d-band center or generalized coordination number are applied to those nanoparticles, in relationship with their adsorption possibilities and, to a larger extent, with the Sabatier principle. An electronic descriptor of the chemical bond (COHP) is applied to the considered nanoparticles in order to show differences between structures, as well as the interactions within the metallic core and between the core and surface species. Finally, adsorption of surface species is studied. A single ligand probe is used to spot favorable adsorption sites, then higher coverages are considered so as to test its influence on the adsorption of extra ligands, and to investigate the effect of surface ligands on the metallic core morphology. To do this, thermodynamical properties of adsorbed systems have been modeled by taking into account the effect of pressure and temperature on the nanoparticles relative stabilities via ab initio thermodynamics. The same approache was eventually applied to H2/CO coadsorbed at ruthenium and rhenium nanoparticles surface, in the context of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, allowing to propose a thermodynamically favorable intermediate for this reaction. Preliminary study of this reaction, of high chemical and societal interest, conclude this manuscript. The combined use of structural, electronic and thermodynamical approaches widens the overview on some aspects of ruthenium nanoparticles chemistry

Isotope effects in atomic spectroscopy of negative ions and neutral atoms: a theoretical contribution / Effets isotopiques en spéctroscopie atomique d'ions négatifs et d'atomes neutres: une contribution théorique

Carette, Thomas 15 December 2010 (has links)
<p>Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude des effets isotopiques dans les atomes neutres et ions négatifs. En particulier, nous ciblons notre recherche sur le calcul ab initio des déplacements isotopiques (DI) sur les électroaffinités des éléments des blocs p des deuxième et troisième périodes (B à F et Al à Cl). Ces derniers sont les systèmes les plus susceptibles d'être l'objet d'études expérimentales de haute précision.</p><p><p><p>Le premier chapitre se concentre sur une étude didactique du problème atomique et des effets isotopiques. Nous concluons par une description détaillée des motivations de notre thèse.</p><p><p><p>Le second chapitre présente le modèle Hartree-Fock (HF) et son extension multi-configurationelle (MCHF). Nous y énonçons le théorème de Brillouin et sa généralisation à un ansatz MCHF. Pour ce faire, nous formulons de manière originale le principe d'invariance d'une fonction d'onde CAS (Complete Active Set) par rapport aux rotations d'états d'orbitales. De cette formulation, nous caractérisons la famille des solutions CAS n'interagissant pas avec une fonction d'état de configuration (CSF) particulière et démontrons sa multiplicité. Finalement, nous appliquons notre technique d'analyse à l'étude de modèles concrets et prédisons l'apparition de minima locaux correspondant à chacune de ces solutions GBT. Introduisant le concept de quasi-symétrie de la fonctionnelle d'énergie, nous expliquons l'origine de fortes perturbations du "coeur" atomique dans des modèles particuliers.</p><p><p><p>Les troisième et quatrième chapitres fournissent les outils méthodologiques de base utilisés dans la deuxième partie de notre thèse qui présente des résultats quantitatifs originaux.</p><p><p><p>Le cinquième chapitre traite des DI et structures hyperfines des termes les plus bas de S, S-, Cl, Cl-, Si et Si-.</p><p><p><p>Dans le sixième chapitre, nous rapportons un profond désaccord entre théorie et expérience au sujet de la structure hyperfine de transitions de l'azote dans le infrarouge lointain. Nous montrons que les simulations basées sur nos valeurs de constantes isotopiques sont compatibles avec les spectres enregistrés moyennant une réassignation des raies faibles à des signaux de "cross-overs". Sur cette base, nous déduisons un nouvel ensemble de constantes hyperfines pour les états considérés, en bon accord avec nos valeurs théoriques, en nous basant uniquement sur les données expérimentales.</p><p><p><p>Le septième chapitre est une étude globale des configurations de plus basse énergie du C et C- (i.e. tous les états liés de ce dernier). Par une étude détaillée de nos incertitudes, nous obtenons des estimations très fiables et de grande précision pour un ensemble de propriétés. En particulier, nous présentons les valeurs de structure fine et hyperfine du C-, ainsi que les probabilités de transitions intra-configurationelles fournissant une base solide pour l'étude spectroscopique de ce système.</p><p><p><p>Dans le huitième chapitre, nous étudions la périodicité du déplacement spécifique de masse sur l'électroaffinité dans le Tableau Périodique des Eléments. Nous avançons les contributions dominantes qui interviennent dans cette grandeur et analysons les principales limitations des techniques de calcul actuelles dans ce contexte.</p><p><p><p>Nous présentons nos conclusions générales et les perspectives de notre travail dans le neuvième chapitre.</p><p><p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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