Spelling suggestions: "subject:"6electronic surveillance"" "subject:"belectronic surveillance""
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Multi-Agent Search Using Voronoi PartitionGuruprasad, K R 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis addresses a multi-agent search problem where several agents, equipped with sensors and communication devices, search an unknown area. Lack of information about the search space is modeled as an uncertainty density distribution. A sequential deploy and search (SDS) strategy is formulated where the agents are first deployed to maximize single step search effectiveness. To achieve an optimal deployment, a multi-center objective function defined using the Voronoi cells and the uncertainty distribution is optimized. It is shown that the critical points of this objective function are the centroids of the Voronoi cells. A proportional control law is proposed that makes the agents move to their respective “centroids”. Assuming agents to be first order dynamical systems and using LaSalle's invariance principle, it is shown that the closed-loop system converges globally asymptotically to the critical points. It is also shown that the sequential deploy and search strategy is spatially distributed with respect to the Delaunay graph corresponding to any given agent configuration.
Next, a combined deploy and search (CDS) strategy is proposed where, instead of first deploying agents and then performing the search, the agents engage in search operation as they move toward the centroids. This strategy gives rise to shorter agent trajectories compared to the SDS strategy.
Then the problem is formulated with practical constraints such as sensor range limits and limit on maximum speed of the agents. A few issues relating to implementation of the proposed search strategies are also addressed. Finally, the assumption of homogeneous agents is relaxed and agents equipped with sensors with heterogeneous capabilities are considered. A generalized Voronoi partitioning scheme is proposed and used to formulate a heterogeneous locational optimization problem. In this problem the agents are deployed in the search space optimizing the sensor effectiveness. As earlier, the two search strategies are proposed.
Simulation experiments are carried out to validate the performance of the proposed search strategies. The simulation results indicate that both the proposed search strategies perform quite well even when the conditions deviated from the nominal. It is also shown that the combined deploy and search strategy leads to shorter and smoother trajectories than those of the sequential deploy and search strategy with the same parameters.
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Verortete Normen : öffentliche Räume, Normen, Kontrolle und Verhalten /Klamt, Martin. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diplomarbeit--München, 2005. / Literaturverz. S. [279] - 294.
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FISA and warrantless wire-tapping: Does FISA conform to Fourth Amendment standards?Meyer, Aric 05 1900 (has links)
Electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes was largely unregulated prior to 1978. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (hereinafter "FISA") was enacted to implement a judicial authorization process for foreign intelligence electronic surveillance that would effectively balance competing needs for national security and civil liberty under the Fourth Amendment. This study examines the evolution of FISA and its effectiveness under the Fourth Amendment, as assessed by federal reviewing courts and scholars since the statute's enactment. The study concludes that the FISA electronic surveillance authorization process has been effective in providing a constitutional mechanism to obtain foreign intelligence information.
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The significance of physical surveillance as a method in the investigation of insurance fraud: a Discovery Life perspectiveVisser, Bennet Louis 10 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The primary aim of this study is to determine the significance of the application of physical surveillance as a method in the investigation of insurance fraud conducted by the Surveillance Unit at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life.
Various objectives were fulfilled in this study:
To explore, identify and describe the value of the application of physical surveillance, as a forensic investigation method, in order to determine the significance of this method in the investigation of insurance fraud at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life.
To determine whether the application of physical surveillance at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life is achieving its intended objective relating to the degree to which the beneficiary’s (Discovery Life) situation has changed as a result of this method.
To apply new information, acquired from the findings of this study, to further develop good practice and enhance performance in order to empower investigators at Discovery Life with new knowledge relating to the application of physical surveillance in the investigation of insurance fraud.
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with forensic investigators employed at the Forensic Department at Discovery Life. The research has revealed that the majority of forensic investigators, other than the Surveillance Unit, at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life do not utilise physical surveillance during insurance fraud investigations to assist them in gathering evidence. These investigators also had a lack of knowledge and skills regarding the utilisation of physical surveillance during insurance fraud investigations and the advantages of this method during insurance fraud investigations. As a result of the non-utilisation of physical surveillance during insurance fraud investigations conducted at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life, important information and evidence with regard to the movement and actions of identified perpetrators who commit insurance fraud are lost to the investigators. However, the significance of the application of physical surveillance in the investigation of insurance fraud is emphasised by the forensic investigators attached to the Surveillance Unit of Discovery Life who utilise physical surveillance on a daily basis to investigate insurance fraud.
The research has further revealed that insurance fraud is a major concern to the insurance industry, but can be mitigated through the implementation of unconventional investigative methods, such as physical surveillance, to enhance investigative capabilities. It was recommended that all forensic investigators at Discovery Life be trained in the techniques of physical surveillance to address shortcomings of general and out-dated investigation methods. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)
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Tegno-korreksies : 'n studie na die impak van tegnologie op 'n Suid-Afrikaanse gevangenisSnyders, Hendrik January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The modern correctional agency is characterised by the extensive use of information
and communication technology (ICT) (e.g. computers, close-circuit television cameras,
electronic monitoring systems) and human sciences technology (HST) (e.g.
psychometric tests, therapy and educational programmes) to monitor, discipline and
rehabilitate sentenced offenders inside and outside of institutions and to prevent their
recidivism. As a result of this combination of ICT and HST, modern correctional
institutions were transformed into socio-technical environments with serious
implications for the relationships between those within and outside of the institution.
The use of ICT for continuous monitoring of the prison and its population, has resulted
in a situation where correctional officials, like prisoners, have become legitimate
datasubjects. In addition to the privacy dilemma that resulted from this, continuous
monitoring has also negatively affected the relationship between the state and those
under surveillance (inmate, parolee, family of parolees and correctional officials).
The utilisation of sophisticated technology by organisastions to achieve certain key
objectives, does not necessarily bring about the desired results. Pistorius (1996) is of
the opinion that only organisations who are true learning organisations will benefit from
the use of such technology.
This study aims to integrate all of these perspectives in order to determine the impact
of technology on a single South African correctional institution. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die moderne korrektiewe agentskap word gekenmerk deur die omvangryke gebruik
van gevorderde inligting- en kommunikasietegnologie (IKT) (bv. rekenaars, geslotebaan
televisiekameras en elektroniese moniteringstoestelle) asook
geesteswetenskaplike-tegnologie (GWT) (bv. sielkundige toetse, opvoedkundige en
terapeutiese programme) om gevonnisde oortreders binne inrigtings en in die
gemeenskap te moniteer ten einde hulle te rehabiliteer en hul terugval in misdaad te
voorkom. Die kombinasie van GWT en IKT binne die gevangenis het gevolglik daartoe
bygedra dat die moderne gevangenis tot In sosio-tegniese omgewing omvorm is met
bepaalde gevolge vir die verhouding tussen gevangenes en korrektiewe personeel.
Aangesien IKT meesal vir deurlopende monitering van die inrigting en diegene
daarbinne gebruik word, word korrektiewe personeel net soos gevangenes, legitieme
datasubjekte. Hierdie monitering oor die algemeen, skep 'n privaatheidsdilemma met
bepaalde implikasies vir die verhoudinge tussen die gemoniteerde (gevangenes,
geparoleerdes en hul families, korrektiewe personeel) en die staat.
Die ontplooiing van gesofistikeerde tegnologie ter bereiking van 'n organisasie se
sleuteldoelwitte, lewer egter nie outomaties die verwagte resultate nie. Pistorius (1996)
argumenteer dat die optimale benutting van tegnologie slegs moontlik is in lerende
Hierdie studie poog dus om al hierdie sake te integreer teneinde die impak van
tegnologie op 'n enkele Suid Afrikaanse gevangenis vas te stel.
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An exploration of information and communication technology use on the part of Eritrean refugees in Rome, ItalyOpas, Matthew E. 08 June 2012 (has links)
Thesis explores the ways in which Information and Communication Technology (ICT)use, specifically that of telephones and the Internet, impacts the lives of Eritrean refugees in Rome, Italy. Informal interviews, semi-structured interviews, and participant observation were carried out in a 'center of second reception.' Results show that information obtained through the use of ICT acts on the imaginations of refugees, encouraging or discouraging movement to alternative locations. ICT use can help maintain a sense of emotional "closeness" to family members abroad for some,
but not for others. Limitations in access to ICT exist for the refugees and their families in Eritrea that crosscut multiple socio-demographic categories. Finally, surveillance, enacted through ICT use, negotiates power between the Eritrean state and its subjects in the diaspora. / Graduation date: 2012
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The significance of physical surveillance as a method in the investigation of insurance fraud: a Discovery Life perspectiveVisser, Bennet Louis 10 1900 (has links)
The primary aim of this study is to determine the significance of the application of physical surveillance as a method in the investigation of insurance fraud conducted by the Surveillance Unit at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life.
Various objectives were fulfilled in this study:
To explore, identify and describe the value of the application of physical surveillance, as a forensic investigation method, in order to determine the significance of this method in the investigation of insurance fraud at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life.
To determine whether the application of physical surveillance at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life is achieving its intended objective relating to the degree to which the beneficiary’s (Discovery Life) situation has changed as a result of this method.
To apply new information, acquired from the findings of this study, to further develop good practice and enhance performance in order to empower investigators at Discovery Life with new knowledge relating to the application of physical surveillance in the investigation of insurance fraud.
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with forensic investigators employed at the Forensic Department at Discovery Life. The research has revealed that the majority of forensic investigators, other than the Surveillance Unit, at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life do not utilise physical surveillance during insurance fraud investigations to assist them in gathering evidence. These investigators also had a lack of knowledge and skills regarding the utilisation of physical surveillance during insurance fraud investigations and the advantages of this method during insurance fraud investigations. As a result of the non-utilisation of physical surveillance during insurance fraud investigations conducted at the Forensic Department of Discovery Life, important information and evidence with regard to the movement and actions of identified perpetrators who commit insurance fraud are lost to the investigators. However, the significance of the application of physical surveillance in the investigation of insurance fraud is emphasised by the forensic investigators attached to the Surveillance Unit of Discovery Life who utilise physical surveillance on a daily basis to investigate insurance fraud.
The research has further revealed that insurance fraud is a major concern to the insurance industry, but can be mitigated through the implementation of unconventional investigative methods, such as physical surveillance, to enhance investigative capabilities. It was recommended that all forensic investigators at Discovery Life be trained in the techniques of physical surveillance to address shortcomings of general and out-dated investigation methods. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)
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Cada pena a seu tempo: o monitoramento eletrônico como sanção no Direito Penal brasileiro / Each penalty in its own time: electronic monitoring as a penalty in brazilian Criminal LawCinthia Rodrigues Menescal Palhares 27 November 2013 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo central investigar a legitimidade da adoção do monitoramento eletrônico como sanção autônoma no sistema de justiça penal brasileiro. Para tanto, parte-se da perspectiva do controle social formal no contexto das sociedades tecnológicas e de riscos, no qual a prisão e o monitoramento estão inseridos, e traça-se um paralelo entre as sanções penais adotadas ao longo do desenvolvimento do Direito Penal e a evolução da sociedade. Enfocando o instituto do monitoramento eletrônico de presos, a tese aborda seu conceito, origens, espécies, evolução tecnológica, finalidades, modelos e aspectos constitucionais, tanto no Brasil, como em outros países. A partir de uma análise crítica de seu tratamento normativo, a nível federal e estadual, formulam-se proposições com o objetivo de preservar os direitos individuais dos monitorados, garantindo-se a idoneidade do sistema de monitoramento eletrônico como espécie de sanção penal, em harmonia com as finalidades preventiva e retributiva da pena, mas sem se descurar da sua potencialidade como instrumento de redução da superpopulação carcerária brasileira. / The objective of the present dissertation is to investigate the legitimacy of adopting electronic monitoring as a stand alone sanction in the Brazilian system of criminal justice. The concept of formal social control in the context of technological risk societies, of which detention and monitoring are intrinsic parts, allows a parallel to be drawn between the penalties adopted throughout the evolution of society and the development of the Criminal justice system. This dissertation analyzes the concept of electronic monitoring of detainees, the origins of this practice, and its types, technological evolution, purposes, models and constitutional aspects in Brazil as well as in other countries. Based on a critical analysis of the normative aspects of electronic monitoring at the federal and state levels, proposals are formulated in order to safeguard individual rights while ensuring the suitability of the system as a type of criminal sanction in keeping with the preventive and retributive purposes of justice. The potential presented by this type of sanction as a means to reduce prison overpopulation in Brazil must not however be overlooked.
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Cada pena a seu tempo: o monitoramento eletrônico como sanção no Direito Penal brasileiro / Each penalty in its own time: electronic monitoring as a penalty in brazilian Criminal LawCinthia Rodrigues Menescal Palhares 27 November 2013 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo central investigar a legitimidade da adoção do monitoramento eletrônico como sanção autônoma no sistema de justiça penal brasileiro. Para tanto, parte-se da perspectiva do controle social formal no contexto das sociedades tecnológicas e de riscos, no qual a prisão e o monitoramento estão inseridos, e traça-se um paralelo entre as sanções penais adotadas ao longo do desenvolvimento do Direito Penal e a evolução da sociedade. Enfocando o instituto do monitoramento eletrônico de presos, a tese aborda seu conceito, origens, espécies, evolução tecnológica, finalidades, modelos e aspectos constitucionais, tanto no Brasil, como em outros países. A partir de uma análise crítica de seu tratamento normativo, a nível federal e estadual, formulam-se proposições com o objetivo de preservar os direitos individuais dos monitorados, garantindo-se a idoneidade do sistema de monitoramento eletrônico como espécie de sanção penal, em harmonia com as finalidades preventiva e retributiva da pena, mas sem se descurar da sua potencialidade como instrumento de redução da superpopulação carcerária brasileira. / The objective of the present dissertation is to investigate the legitimacy of adopting electronic monitoring as a stand alone sanction in the Brazilian system of criminal justice. The concept of formal social control in the context of technological risk societies, of which detention and monitoring are intrinsic parts, allows a parallel to be drawn between the penalties adopted throughout the evolution of society and the development of the Criminal justice system. This dissertation analyzes the concept of electronic monitoring of detainees, the origins of this practice, and its types, technological evolution, purposes, models and constitutional aspects in Brazil as well as in other countries. Based on a critical analysis of the normative aspects of electronic monitoring at the federal and state levels, proposals are formulated in order to safeguard individual rights while ensuring the suitability of the system as a type of criminal sanction in keeping with the preventive and retributive purposes of justice. The potential presented by this type of sanction as a means to reduce prison overpopulation in Brazil must not however be overlooked.
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Comparison between high-resolution aerial imagery and lidar data classification of canopy and grass in the NESCO neighborhood, Indianapolis, IndianaYe, Nan January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Urban forestry is a very important element of urban structures that can improve the environment and life quality within the urban areas. Having an accurate classification of urban forests and grass areas would help improve focused urban tree planting and urban heat wave mitigation efforts. This research project will compare the use of high – resolution aerial imagery and LiDAR data when used to classify canopy and grass areas. The high – resolution image, with 1 – meter resolution, was captured by The National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) on 6/6/2012. Its coordinate system is the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). The LiDAR data, with 1.0 – meter average post spacing, was captured by Indiana Statewide Imagery and LiDAR Program from 03/13/2011 to 04/30/2012.The study area is called the Near East Side Community Organization (NESCO) neighborhood. It is located on the east side of downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. Its boundaries are: 65 interstate, East Massachusetts Avenue, East 21st Street, North Emerson Avenue, and the rail road tracks on the south of the East Washington Street. This research will also perform the accuracy assessment based on the results of classifications using high – resolution aerial imagery and LiDAR data in order to determine and explain which method is more accurate to classify urban canopy and grass areas.
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