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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Classifying Pairwise Object Interactions: A Trajectory Analytics Approach

Janmohammadi, Siamak 05 1900 (has links)
We have a huge amount of video data from extensively available surveillance cameras and increasingly growing technology to record the motion of a moving object in the form of trajectory data. With proliferation of location-enabled devices and ongoing growth in smartphone penetration as well as advancements in exploiting image processing techniques, tracking moving objects is more flawlessly achievable. In this work, we explore some domain-independent qualitative and quantitative features in raw trajectory (spatio-temporal) data in videos captured by a fixed single wide-angle view camera sensor in outdoor areas. We study the efficacy of those features in classifying four basic high level actions by employing two supervised learning algorithms and show how each of the features affect the learning algorithms’ overall accuracy as a single factor or confounded with others.

Monitoramento eletrônico de penas e alternativas penais / Penal electronic monitoring and alternative sentencing

Corrêa Junior, Alceu 09 April 2012 (has links)
A busca por alternativas à prisão é antiga, e a vigilância eletrônica surgiu como uma solução tecnológica. O contexto cultural dos Estados Unidos no fim do século XX propiciou o surgimento do monitoramento eletrônico, influenciado também pelo utilitarismo e pela cultura do controle do delito. O monitoramento deve respeitar os princípios do Estado Democrático de Direito (dignidade humana) e estar vinculado aos fins preventivos da pena (prevenção especial positiva). Por si só não reduz a população carcerária e não diminui a reincidência, mas as vantagens econômicas e os bons resultados obtidos por outros países não podem ser desprezados. Assim, a experiência estrangeira revela bons resultados no uso da vigilância junto a programas de acompanhamento social. No Brasil, o monitoramento eletrônico foi introduzido por lei na execução penal e como medida cautelar. Interessante seria que fosse estabelecido como modo de execução da prisão (alternativa aos estabelecimentos penitenciários). Poderia ser previsto ainda para a execução das penas restritivas de direitos que demandam fiscalização, consolidando um sistema alternativo de penas capaz de promover a prevenção e substituir o cárcere para delitos menores. O monitoramento eletrônico restringe direitos fundamentais e, assim, deve ser previsto em lei, limitado à restrição imposta, aplicado se necessário e com a menor visibilidade possível. / The search for alternatives to prison is old, and electronic surveillance has emerged as a technological solution. The cultural context of the United States at the end of the twentieth century has propitiated the emergence of electronic monitoring, also influenced by utilitarism and by the culture of offense control. Monitoring should respect the principles of Democratic Rule of Law (human dignity) and to be linked to the preventive purposes of sentence (positive special prevention). By itself it does not decrease the prison population and it does not reduce recidivism, but the economic gains and the good results obtained by other countries can not be ignored. Thus, foreign experience shows good results in the use of surveillance along with programs of social support. In Brazil, the electronic monitoring was introduced by law in criminal enforcement and as a precautionary measure. It would be interesting if it could be established as a way of prison enforcement (alternative to prisons). It could be also expected to enforce restrictive penalties of rights that require monitoring, consolidating an alternative system of penalties that can promote prevention and replace the prison for minor offenses. The electronic monitoring restricts fundamental rights and thus it should be provided by law, limited to the restriction, applied when it is necessary with the least visibility.

Detecção de movimentos suspeitos em seqüências de vídeo

Soldera, John 28 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T13:59:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 28 / Hewlett-Packard Brasil Ltda / É proposto neste trabalho novas técnicas para automatizar processos em vigilância eletrônica. A entrada (input) do algoritmo descrito são trajetórias das pessoas capturadas de seqüências de vídeo filmadas, as quais são utilizadas para definição de padrões de comportamentos de pedestres. O modelo proposto se baseia em dois critérios para a definição de comportamentos como usuais ou não-usuais: a ocupação espacial e as relações entre as pessoas. O critério de ocupação espacial inclui um determinado tempo de treinamento onde a cena é avaliada para gerar uma base de dados que contabiliza a ocupação espacial em cada região da cena. Através desta base de dados, novas trajetórias são classificadas como usuais ou não-usuais. As trajetórias usuais são aquelas coerentes com o banco de dados gerado pelo treinamento, correspondendo às áreas mais ocupadas, enquanto que as trajetórias não-usuais são aquelas nas quais andaram em regiões de baixa ocupação espacial. O critério das relações interpessoais utiliza Diagramas de V / It’s proposed in this work new techniques to automate processes in electronic surveillance systems. The input of the algorithm described is the trajectories of people captured from real filmed sequences, which are used to define pedestrian behavior patterns. The proposed model is based in two criteria to define behaviors as usual or unusual: spatial occupancy and relations among people. The spatial occupancy criterion includes a certain training period when the scene is evaluated in order to generate a database which accounts for the spatial occupancy in each scene region. Through this database, new trajectories are classified as usual or unusual. Usual trajectories are those coherent with the training database, corresponding to the most occupied areas; whereas unusual trajectories are those that occur in low spatial occupancy regions. The interpersonal relation analysis criterion employs Voronoi Diagrams in order to evaluate a set of parameters (such as distance between neighbors and other psychosocial char

Spatio-temporal data interpolation for dynamic scene analysis

Kim, Kihwan 06 January 2012 (has links)
Analysis and visualization of dynamic scenes is often constrained by the amount of spatio-temporal information available from the environment. In most scenarios, we have to account for incomplete information and sparse motion data, requiring us to employ interpolation and approximation methods to fill for the missing information. Scattered data interpolation and approximation techniques have been widely used for solving the problem of completing surfaces and images with incomplete input data. We introduce approaches for such data interpolation and approximation from limited sensors, into the domain of analyzing and visualizing dynamic scenes. Data from dynamic scenes is subject to constraints due to the spatial layout of the scene and/or the configurations of video cameras in use. Such constraints include: (1) sparsely available cameras observing the scene, (2) limited field of view provided by the cameras in use, (3) incomplete motion at a specific moment, and (4) varying frame rates due to different exposures and resolutions. In this thesis, we establish these forms of incompleteness in the scene, as spatio-temporal uncertainties, and propose solutions for resolving the uncertainties by applying scattered data approximation into a spatio-temporal domain. The main contributions of this research are as follows: First, we provide an efficient framework to visualize large-scale dynamic scenes from distributed static videos. Second, we adopt Radial Basis Function (RBF) interpolation to the spatio-temporal domain to generate global motion tendency. The tendency, represented by a dense flow field, is used to optimally pan and tilt a video camera. Third, we propose a method to represent motion trajectories using stochastic vector fields. Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) is used to generate a dense vector field and the certainty of each vector in the field. The generated stochastic fields are used for recognizing motion patterns under varying frame-rate and incompleteness of the input videos. Fourth, we also show that the stochastic representation of vector field can also be used for modeling global tendency to detect the region of interests in dynamic scenes with camera motion. We evaluate and demonstrate our approaches in several applications for visualizing virtual cities, automating sports broadcasting, and recognizing traffic patterns in surveillance videos.

Refractive conditions in Arabian Sea and their effects on ESM and airborne radar operations

Khan, Kamran. January 1990 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S. in Systems Engineering (Electronic Warfare))--Naval Postgraduate School, September 1990. / Thesis Advisor(s): Davidson, Kenneth L. ; Powell, James R. "September 1990." Description based on title screen as viewed on December 29, 2009. DTIC Descriptor(s): Frequency, Electronic Warfare, Aircraft, Airborne, Electronic Equipment, Microwave Equipment, Radar, Profiles, Ducts, Meteorology, Communication And Radio Systems, Refraction, Arabian Sea, Refractometers, Military Operations. DTIC Identifier(s): Radar interference, meteorological phenomena, theses. Author(s) subject terms: Refractivity, Arabian Sea refractive conditions, ESM airborne radar, airborne microwave refractometer (AMR), IREPS, EREPS. Includes bibliographical references (p. 96-97). Also available in print.

Vigil?ncia eletr?nica no trabalho banc?rio: do controle consentido ao totalitarismo corporativo

Cardoso, Monique Fonseca 06 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:53:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MoniqueFC_DISSERT.pdf: 1606877 bytes, checksum: e9226e11f44f0f8325e91e1d0a48ca0f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-06 / This dissertation addresses the electronic surveillance theme in the banking context. The research that originated it, which was held in an organization called for the fiction name Banco Total, started from the following driving question: How do workers at a bank perceive electronic surveillance at their process of work? The research s main objective was to comprehend how workers perceive electronic surveillance at their process of work. The study adopted an interdisciplinary perspective, having Management as the original field, establishing a dialogue with others disciplines, like Philosophy and Sociology. About its methodology, it s a qualitative research that addressed its object in oral (interviews with live history elements) way. . Ten individuals were interviewed. The analytical process utilized the hermeneutical-dialectics technique.. From the analyses (hermeneutics) of the data, the following themes have emerged: (i) Acquiescence ; (ii) Monitoring; (iii) Time and Motion; (iv) Fear; (v) Interdiction; and (vi) Resistance . From the discussion (dialectic) of the results, this work presents three synthetic propositions that culminate in the following dimensions (i) control; (ii) acquiescence; (iii) corporative totalitarianism. It can be concluded that electronic surveillance is one mechanism of control emerged from the apply of technology at Total Bank; that information technology has been improving the control mechanisms of management theories; and that the imbrications between management and material technology control mechanisms at a context where there is acquiescence by workers contribute for the emergency of corporative totalitarianism components / Esta disserta??o aborda o tema vigil?ncia eletr?nica no contexto do trabalho banc?rio. A pesquisa que lhe origina, realizada numa organiza??o ficticiamente chamada de Banco Total, partiu da quest?o mobilizadora: Como os trabalhadores banc?rios percebem a vigil?ncia eletr?nica em seu processo de trabalho? O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi compreender como os trabalhadores do Banco Total percebem a vigil?ncia eletr?nica sobre o seu processo de trabalho. Adotou-se uma perspectiva interdisciplinar, tomando a Administra??o como campo origin?rio, e estabelecendo di?logo com outros campos, como a Filosofia e a Sociologia. Metodologicamente, trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, , para a qual dez sujeitos foram entrevistados. Quanto ao processo anal?tico, a t?cnica utilizada foi a an?lise hermen?utico-dial?tica,. Da an?lise (hermen?utica) dos dados, emergiram os seguintes temas: (i) Aquiesc?ncia ; (ii) Monitoramento; (iii) Tempos e Movimentos; (iv) Medo; (v) Interdi??o; e (vi) Resist?ncia . Da discuss?o (dial?tica) dos resultados, o trabalho apresenta tr?s proposi??es sint?ticas, que culminam nas seguintes dimens?es-s?ntese da pesquisa: (i) controle; (ii) aquiesc?ncia; (iii) totalitarismo corporativo. O trabalho conclui que a vigil?ncia eletr?nica ? um dos mecanismos de controle, possibilitado pelo emprego da TI no Banco Total; que a TI atualiza a TO, no que se refere ao controle do trabalho, na medida em que aperfei?oa os mecanismos de controle; e que a imbrica??o entre os mecanismos de controle das tecnologias gerenciais e das tecnologias materiais, em um contexto de aquiesc?ncia dos trabalhadores, contribui para a emerg?ncia de um totalitarismo corporativo

Monitoramento eletrônico de penas e alternativas penais / Penal electronic monitoring and alternative sentencing

Alceu Corrêa Junior 09 April 2012 (has links)
A busca por alternativas à prisão é antiga, e a vigilância eletrônica surgiu como uma solução tecnológica. O contexto cultural dos Estados Unidos no fim do século XX propiciou o surgimento do monitoramento eletrônico, influenciado também pelo utilitarismo e pela cultura do controle do delito. O monitoramento deve respeitar os princípios do Estado Democrático de Direito (dignidade humana) e estar vinculado aos fins preventivos da pena (prevenção especial positiva). Por si só não reduz a população carcerária e não diminui a reincidência, mas as vantagens econômicas e os bons resultados obtidos por outros países não podem ser desprezados. Assim, a experiência estrangeira revela bons resultados no uso da vigilância junto a programas de acompanhamento social. No Brasil, o monitoramento eletrônico foi introduzido por lei na execução penal e como medida cautelar. Interessante seria que fosse estabelecido como modo de execução da prisão (alternativa aos estabelecimentos penitenciários). Poderia ser previsto ainda para a execução das penas restritivas de direitos que demandam fiscalização, consolidando um sistema alternativo de penas capaz de promover a prevenção e substituir o cárcere para delitos menores. O monitoramento eletrônico restringe direitos fundamentais e, assim, deve ser previsto em lei, limitado à restrição imposta, aplicado se necessário e com a menor visibilidade possível. / The search for alternatives to prison is old, and electronic surveillance has emerged as a technological solution. The cultural context of the United States at the end of the twentieth century has propitiated the emergence of electronic monitoring, also influenced by utilitarism and by the culture of offense control. Monitoring should respect the principles of Democratic Rule of Law (human dignity) and to be linked to the preventive purposes of sentence (positive special prevention). By itself it does not decrease the prison population and it does not reduce recidivism, but the economic gains and the good results obtained by other countries can not be ignored. Thus, foreign experience shows good results in the use of surveillance along with programs of social support. In Brazil, the electronic monitoring was introduced by law in criminal enforcement and as a precautionary measure. It would be interesting if it could be established as a way of prison enforcement (alternative to prisons). It could be also expected to enforce restrictive penalties of rights that require monitoring, consolidating an alternative system of penalties that can promote prevention and replace the prison for minor offenses. The electronic monitoring restricts fundamental rights and thus it should be provided by law, limited to the restriction, applied when it is necessary with the least visibility.

The Impact of Surveillance Technology on the Behaviors of Municipal Police Departments

Ulkemen, Sinan 12 1900 (has links)
Citizen complaints about inappropriate use of force indicate negative police-public relations, unresponsive police services, and the unresponsiveness of police management to citizens' concerns. However, the effective delivery of key policing services depends on the performance of individual police officers. Surveillance technology can monitor and control the behavior of officers, ensuring that police officers provide high quality policing services that meet the needs of citizens. Examples of surveillance technology such as in-car cameras and CCTV can be used as an administrative tool to respond to citizen complaints by police chief executives. This research examines the effect of surveillance technology on the behavior of municipal police departments that is operationalized as the number of citizen complaints that were filed against municipal police departments. This research also examines the impact of surveillance technology on dismissed and sustained complaints by using 511 large municipal police departments in the U.S. from Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) 2003 dataset. Three different models are developed to evaluate the impact of in-car cameras and CCTV on the citizen complaints and their dispositions. Two ordinary least square regression (OLS) models and a Heckman selection model are used to analyze the data. The Heckman selection model is utilized to correct for selection bias in truncated data for sustained complaints after log transformation. The results suggest that the use of surveillance technology by the police is necessary, but insufficient, in reducing the number of complaints. The finding suggests that videotaped evidence, recorded by surveillance technology, increased the number of convictions of accused officers in municipal police departments. The analysis also suggests that municipal police departments that used CCTV only in 2003 received a higher number of citizen complaints, in comparison to municipal police departments without CCTV, both in 2000 and 2003. No evidence was found to indicate that surveillance technology has a positive impact on the percentage of dismissed complaints.

Surveillance électronique et métadonnées : vers une nouvelle conception constitutionnelle du droit à la vie privée au Canada?

Thibeault, Alexandre 03 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite de la portée de la protection constitutionnelle du droit à la vie privée informationnelle au Canada, au regard de la surveillance électronique gouvernementale à grande échelle des métadonnées des communications électroniques, à des fins de sécurité nationale. Il est soutenu, après une présentation de l’importance démocratique de la vie privée, de même que de la nature et de la portée de certaines activités gouvernementales de surveillance électronique, que le cadre d’analyse du « Biographical core », qui conditionne l’étendue de la protection de la vie privée informationnelle en droit constitutionnel canadien, est susceptible d’inclure les métadonnées des communications électroniques. Cette position est appuyée par un argumentaire juridique fondé sur les règles d’interprétation et la jurisprudence constitutionnelle pertinente. Cet argumentaire se trouve renforcé par potentiel considérablement révélateur des métadonnées, des particularités propres aux activités de surveillance électronique analysées, ainsi que des implications non-juridiques soulevées par ces dernières. / This master’s thesis focuses on the scope of the Canadian constitutional protection of the right to privacy, in view of the wide scale governmental electronic surveillance of electronic communications metadata, conducted for national security purposes. It is argued, following a detailed presentation of the nature and extent of certain specific governmental electronic surveillance activities, that the « Biographical core » analytical framework, governing the scope of the protection granted to informational privacy in Canadian constitutional law, is most likely applicable to electronic communications metadata. This position is directly supported by the relevant constitutional interpretation rules and cases. This is particularly true in light of the fact that metadata are, inherently, potentially significantly revealing, especially considering the capacities of an array of electronic surveillance activities, as well as the non-legal implications they entail for privacy.

Vårdrelaterade urinvägsinfektioner : Incidens före och efter validering av infektionsverktyget / Health care associated urinary tract infections : Incidence before and after validation of the Anti-Infection Tool

Hallberg, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Introduktion: Vårdrelaterade infektioner (VRI) har negativ inverkan på folkhälsan med påverkan på mortalitet, morbiditet och livskvalitet. Inom hälso- och sjukvården är VRI en stor utmaning. Den vanligaste VRI i Sverige är vårdrelaterade urinvägsinfektioner (VUVI). För att förebygga VRI är regelbundna mätningar och återkopplingar viktigt. Mätinstrument som idag används på lokal och nationell nivå för att mäta incidens av VRI är bl.a. Markörbaserad journalgranskning och Infektionsverktyget. Syfte: Validera Infektionsverktyget och jämföra incidens av VUVI från Infektionsverktyget mot manuell journalgranskning och Markörbaserad journalgranskning samt studera förekomsten av urinkateter i samband med VUVI. Metod: Under 2017 samlades data in från 143 slumpmässigt utvalda journaler i slutenvården på Södra Älvsborgs sjukhus. Diagnostiserad VUVI och samhällsförvärvad urinvägsinfektion (SUVI) i Infektionsverktyget validerades mot manuell journalgranskning. Incidensen av VUVI i Infektionsverktyget jämfördes även mot VUVI i markörbaserad journalgranskning. Resultat: Incidens av VUVI innan validering var 1.5 % medan den uppskattade incidensen efter manuell journalgranskning och validering var 3.6 %. Markörbaserad journalgranskning visade en incidens på 1.1 %. I 65.6 % av fallen med VUVI fanns en koppling till urinkateter. Den mest förekommande orsaken till inkorrekt registreringen av VUVI var att patienter med urinkateter bedömdes som SUVI. Slutsats: Den rapporterade incidensen av VUVI skiljer sig mellan de mätinstrument som används idag och incidensen är troligtvis högre än vad som idag rapporteras. För att få bra kvalitet på övervakningsdata krävs kunskap och granskning av hög kvalitet. Dock begränsas resultatet från denna studie av att studiepopulationen var relativt liten och därmed begränsar generaliserbarheten. / Introduction: Health care associated infections (HCAIs) have a negative impact on public health, with an impact on mortality, morbidity and quality of life. The most common HCAIs in Sweden are health care associated urinary tract infections (UTI). One important component in preventing HCAIs are regular measurements and feedback to these. Instruments that are currently used for measuring HCAIs at a local and national level in Sweden are marker-based journal review and the Anti-Infection Tool (AIT). Aim:  The aim of this study was to validate the AIT and compare the incidence of health care associated UTI measured with the AIT against both manual journal review and marker-based journal review. The aim was also to study the presence of urinary catheters in conjunction with a healthcare associated UTI. Methods: In 2017, data was collected from 143 records from a random sample of patients admitted to somatic wards at Södra Älvsborg's Hospital. From the AIT, diagnosed health care associated UTI and community-acquired UTI were studied and validated against manual journal review. Also, the incidence of health care associated UTI in the AIT was compared with that found in marker-based journal review. Results: Incidence of health care associated UTI before the validation was 1.5% while the estimated incidence after manual journal review and validation was 3.6%. Marker-based journal review showed an incidence of 1.1%. In 65.6 % of the cases with health care associated UTI, the patient was equipped with urinary catheter. The most common cause of incorrect registration of health care associated UTI was that patients with urinary catheters were assessed as community-acquired UTI.   Conclusion:  The reported incidence of health care associated UTI differs greatly between these instruments. The incidence is probably much higher than what is currently reported using these instruments. To obtain good quality of monitoring data, knowledge and journal reviews of high quality are required. However, the generalizability of the result of this study is limited, due to the relatively small study sample.

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