Spelling suggestions: "subject:"alternative sentence"" "subject:"allternative sentence""
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Alternativy nepodmíněného trestu odnětí svobody / Alternatives to unconditional sentence of imprisonmentDrastich, Michal January 2018 (has links)
My master thesis deals with the topic of alternatives to unconditional sentence of imprisonment. It is a vast topic, thus I have focused on alternative sentences in the narrower sense of the term, in other words, suspended sentence of imprisonment, suspended sentence of imprisonment with surveillance, community service, financial penalty and house arrest. The goal of this thesis is to discuss lawful legislation of alternative sentences, to evaluate their practical usage and potentially, to suggest changes de lege ferenda, which could lead to higher rate of application of these sentences. The thesis consists of an introduction, seven chapters and a conclusion, where the three initial chapters are written in general sense. The first chapter is concerned about the term and the purpose of sentence. The concept of restorative justice, which provides us another way how to react to the criminal acting, is introduced as a part of this chapter, too. The second chapter focuses on unconditional sentence of imprisonment and issues of the short-term sentence. Furthermore, the term of alternative sentence is explained, including a brief commentary on actions of international organizations in this area, namely Council of Europe and UN. The development of these sentences in the Czech republic after 1989 is...
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Činnost probační a mediační služby při výkonu alternativních trestů / Activities of the probation and mediation service in serving alternative sanctionsVambera, Michael January 2016 (has links)
This thesis, called Activities of the probation and mediation service in serving alternative sanctions aims to describe a role of the Probation and mediation service of the Czech Republic especially in serving alternative sentences, its legal base and problems, which may occur during these activities. Probation and mediation service of the Czech Republic is an organization which helps to apply the principles of the restorative justice and provides more effective exercise of the alternative sanctions. Different persons and institutions had been in charge with these tasks but the specialized Probation and mediation service is young, it has been established in 2001. The thesis consists of ten chapters, which deal with various partial topics. A separate chapter deals with a historical evolution of the alternative sanctions and probation. A part with the definition of the alternative sentence and a legal base of those sentences whose exercise is assured by the Probation and mediation service is an important chapter. The thesis also contains a description of the structure of the Probation and mediation service, rights and duties of its officers and awareness among Czech public. The longest chapter deals with practice of the probation officers during doing those tasks. In the end of the thesis there is a...
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Trest domácího vězení, jeho výkon a kontrola / House arrest, its execution and controlSuchomelová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to give a comprehensive overview about the one of alternative sanction incorporated into the czech penal system with effect from 1 January 2010. The thesis devotes definition of general term "punishment", its help to better understanding of house arrest, the crux of this thesis. It aims to clarify the reasons for which legislator has decided to file this sanction to system of punishment, but also it aims to outline arguments standings against these procedure. The thesis also give a historical perspective about possibilities of using house arrest in the past. The primary aim of this thesis is focus on the current legislation of house arrest from the sight of substantive law and also procedural law. My attempt was describe several imperfections of legislation and propose the method to improve it alternatively. Part of the thesis devotes to Probation and mediation service considering to actually during of control the house arrest. Without this service the house arrest probably couldn't be ussed. The thesis is supplemented by probation officials opinions and by issues which they work with every day. With this matter also associate the provision of the act about electronic monitoring which still isn't in effect and actually situation of procurement to operator of electronic...
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Alternativy nepodmíněného trestu odnětí svobody a jejich srovnání s francouzskou právní úpravou / Alternatives to unconditional sentence of imprisonment and their comparison with the French legislationKocourková, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with alternatives to unconditional imprisonment. Since this is a very extensive topic, I have focused only on alternative sentences in the narrower sense of the term, namely conditional conviction, conditional conviction with supervision, house arrest, community service and financial punishment. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the Czech lawful legislation of alternatives to unconditional imprisonment, to compare it with selected French alternative sentences and to propose changes de lege ferenda. The thesis consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter deals with the concept of punishment and its purpose. At the same time, this chapter outlines a general introduction to alternative punishments in Czech and French legislation. The second chapter deals with institutes related to restorative justice, namely probation and mediation. This chapter also describes the organisation of the Probation and Mediation Service. The third chapter focuses on individual Czech alternative punishments in the narrower sense. Individual subchapters are ordered according to the systematic of law. Within each subchapter the sentence is characterized, followed by a list of conditions under which the sentence can be imposed, as well as the conditions for the execution...
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Monitoramento eletrônico de penas e alternativas penais / Penal electronic monitoring and alternative sentencingCorrêa Junior, Alceu 09 April 2012 (has links)
A busca por alternativas à prisão é antiga, e a vigilância eletrônica surgiu como uma solução tecnológica. O contexto cultural dos Estados Unidos no fim do século XX propiciou o surgimento do monitoramento eletrônico, influenciado também pelo utilitarismo e pela cultura do controle do delito. O monitoramento deve respeitar os princípios do Estado Democrático de Direito (dignidade humana) e estar vinculado aos fins preventivos da pena (prevenção especial positiva). Por si só não reduz a população carcerária e não diminui a reincidência, mas as vantagens econômicas e os bons resultados obtidos por outros países não podem ser desprezados. Assim, a experiência estrangeira revela bons resultados no uso da vigilância junto a programas de acompanhamento social. No Brasil, o monitoramento eletrônico foi introduzido por lei na execução penal e como medida cautelar. Interessante seria que fosse estabelecido como modo de execução da prisão (alternativa aos estabelecimentos penitenciários). Poderia ser previsto ainda para a execução das penas restritivas de direitos que demandam fiscalização, consolidando um sistema alternativo de penas capaz de promover a prevenção e substituir o cárcere para delitos menores. O monitoramento eletrônico restringe direitos fundamentais e, assim, deve ser previsto em lei, limitado à restrição imposta, aplicado se necessário e com a menor visibilidade possível. / The search for alternatives to prison is old, and electronic surveillance has emerged as a technological solution. The cultural context of the United States at the end of the twentieth century has propitiated the emergence of electronic monitoring, also influenced by utilitarism and by the culture of offense control. Monitoring should respect the principles of Democratic Rule of Law (human dignity) and to be linked to the preventive purposes of sentence (positive special prevention). By itself it does not decrease the prison population and it does not reduce recidivism, but the economic gains and the good results obtained by other countries can not be ignored. Thus, foreign experience shows good results in the use of surveillance along with programs of social support. In Brazil, the electronic monitoring was introduced by law in criminal enforcement and as a precautionary measure. It would be interesting if it could be established as a way of prison enforcement (alternative to prisons). It could be also expected to enforce restrictive penalties of rights that require monitoring, consolidating an alternative system of penalties that can promote prevention and replace the prison for minor offenses. The electronic monitoring restricts fundamental rights and thus it should be provided by law, limited to the restriction, applied when it is necessary with the least visibility.
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Monitoramento eletrônico de penas e alternativas penais / Penal electronic monitoring and alternative sentencingAlceu Corrêa Junior 09 April 2012 (has links)
A busca por alternativas à prisão é antiga, e a vigilância eletrônica surgiu como uma solução tecnológica. O contexto cultural dos Estados Unidos no fim do século XX propiciou o surgimento do monitoramento eletrônico, influenciado também pelo utilitarismo e pela cultura do controle do delito. O monitoramento deve respeitar os princípios do Estado Democrático de Direito (dignidade humana) e estar vinculado aos fins preventivos da pena (prevenção especial positiva). Por si só não reduz a população carcerária e não diminui a reincidência, mas as vantagens econômicas e os bons resultados obtidos por outros países não podem ser desprezados. Assim, a experiência estrangeira revela bons resultados no uso da vigilância junto a programas de acompanhamento social. No Brasil, o monitoramento eletrônico foi introduzido por lei na execução penal e como medida cautelar. Interessante seria que fosse estabelecido como modo de execução da prisão (alternativa aos estabelecimentos penitenciários). Poderia ser previsto ainda para a execução das penas restritivas de direitos que demandam fiscalização, consolidando um sistema alternativo de penas capaz de promover a prevenção e substituir o cárcere para delitos menores. O monitoramento eletrônico restringe direitos fundamentais e, assim, deve ser previsto em lei, limitado à restrição imposta, aplicado se necessário e com a menor visibilidade possível. / The search for alternatives to prison is old, and electronic surveillance has emerged as a technological solution. The cultural context of the United States at the end of the twentieth century has propitiated the emergence of electronic monitoring, also influenced by utilitarism and by the culture of offense control. Monitoring should respect the principles of Democratic Rule of Law (human dignity) and to be linked to the preventive purposes of sentence (positive special prevention). By itself it does not decrease the prison population and it does not reduce recidivism, but the economic gains and the good results obtained by other countries can not be ignored. Thus, foreign experience shows good results in the use of surveillance along with programs of social support. In Brazil, the electronic monitoring was introduced by law in criminal enforcement and as a precautionary measure. It would be interesting if it could be established as a way of prison enforcement (alternative to prisons). It could be also expected to enforce restrictive penalties of rights that require monitoring, consolidating an alternative system of penalties that can promote prevention and replace the prison for minor offenses. The electronic monitoring restricts fundamental rights and thus it should be provided by law, limited to the restriction, applied when it is necessary with the least visibility.
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L’emprisonnement face à l’objectif de réinsertion : l’exemple de la détention ouverte en Allemagne / Imprisonment facing the goal of resocialization : the exemple of German open prisonsRozycka, Martina 07 June 2019 (has links)
Bien que la prison peine demeure en situation d’échec, en particulier pour satisfaire à son objectif de réinsertion, en France, il y est encore largement fait recours, y compris pour la petite et moyenne délinquance. Dans un premier temps, cette thèse propose d’analyser les raisons de cet échec. Les peines de milieu ouvert, quant à elles, ne constituent pas des peines de substitution efficaces à l’emprisonnement en raison de leur manque de crédibilité dû à leur faible caractère punitif. Plutôt que de condamner catégoriquement la peine privative de liberté pour mettre en avant les bienfaits des peines de milieu ouvert, il est important de s’interroger sur la manière de rendre la peine privative de liberté plus efficace en matière de réinsertion. Pour ce faire, nous allons nous inspirer du modèle de détention ouvert et réfléchir sur l’opportunité de créer une sanction d’une sévérité intermédiaire entre la prison du milieu fermé et les mesures de milieu ouvert, une peine d’emprisonnement fondée sur la confiance et exécutée au sein du milieu semi-ouvert. / Although prisons continue to fail at their aim to resocialise offenders, in France prison sentences are widely handed down for minor and serious offences. This thesis analyses the reasons for this failure. Sentences prescribed by the community are not efficient substitutions for imprisonment because of their poor punitive character. Instead of categorically condemning imprisonment and replacing it with probation, it is important to ask how to make imprisonment a more effective resocialisation mechanism. From this, we draw our inspiration from open prisons and reflect on the appropriateness of introducing an intermediate sentence between de rigueur imprisonment and probation, a prison sentence based on trust and executed in a semi-open environment.
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Punir hors les murs : Sanctionner autrement l'auteur d'un délit passible de cinq ans d'emprisonnement / Punish except wals : Sanction to otherwise the author of an offence liable to five years of detentionJeanpierre, Virginie 19 October 2018 (has links)
La sanction des infractions délictuelles constitue le nœud gordien d’une politique pénale contemporaine largement désapprouvée. Privilégiée, la peine privative de liberté manifeste de multiples défaillances portant atteinte à sa crédibilité. Les peines d’emprisonnement inférieures ou égales à cinq ans exécutées principalement en maison d’arrêt sont les plus problématiques car nombreuses. Elles sont le plus souvent inadaptées à la délinquance contemporaine. Si des alternatives, déjà anciennes et d’autres plus récentes, existent, elles ne sont que peu prononcées alors même que leur utilité sociale en matière de réinsertion et de lutte contre la récidive ne paraît plus à prouver. La punition hors les murs de l’infraction délictuelle est une thématique politique et législative récurrente. Cependant, elle ne parvient pas à s’ancrer véritablement dans le paysage judiciaire français ; son enracinement étant notamment freiné par le défaut d’adhésion des magistrats en partie conditionné par des mécanismes procéduraux pourvoyeurs de peine privative de liberté. L’heure du changement de paradigme a pourtant sonné dès lors que la peine d’emprisonnement ne permet pas d’agir sur les causes de l’acte infractionnel et du passage à l’acte. Il est également temps de soulager une situation carcérale exsangue ne permettant plus à l’Administration pénitentiaire d’assurer convenablement ses missions de garde et de réinsertion. Albert Camus écrivait qu’une société se juge à l’état de ses prisons, la société française ne peut persister à épandre une telle incarnation de sa politique pénale. Aussi, au travers de mécanismes procéduraux perfectionnés, de l’influence d’exemples positifs du droit comparé, grâce au faire-valoir des ressources intrinsèques des services pénitentiaires d’insertion et de probation, à la rédaction nouvelle d’articles fondamentaux du Code pénal et au déploiement de moyens adéquats, la punition hors les murs des délits passibles de cinq ans d’emprisonnement devient accessible et tangible. / The penalty of the criminal breaches constitutes the Gordian knot of a widely disapproved contemporary penal policy. Privileged, the custodial sentence shows multiple failures striking a blow at its credibility. The lower prison sentences or five-year-old equals executed mainly in detention center are the most problematic because numerous. They are badly adapted for the contemporary crime. If alternatives, already older and others more recent, exist, they are only little pronounced even though their social utility regarding rehabilitation and regarding fight against the repeat offense does not any more appear to prove. The punishment outside the walls of the criminal breach is a recurring political and legislative theme. Nevertheless, it does not succeed in anchoring really in the French judicial landscape; its implanting being slowed down in particular by the defect of membership of the magistrates partially conditioned by procedural mechanisms suppliers of custodial sentence. The hour of the change of paradigm nevertheless rang since the prison sentence does not allow to act on the causes of the unlawful act and the acting out. It’s also necessary time to relieve a pale prison situation not allowing anymore the Prison Service to assure suitably its missions of guard and rehabilitation. Albert Camus wrote that a society judges itself in the state of its prisons, the French society cannot persist in spreading such an embodiment of its penal policy. So, through sophisticated procedural mechanisms, the influence of positive examples of the comparative law, thanks to the use of the intrinsic resources of the prison departments of insertion and probation, to the new writing of fundamental articles of the Penal code and to the deployment of adequate means, the punishment outside the walls of the offences punished for five years of detention becomes accessible and tangible.
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Le jour-amende en droit pénal français / The day-fine in the French penal lawBioy, Hélène 07 February 2014 (has links)
Le jour-amende, introduit en France par la loi n°83-466 du 10 juin 1983, est une « peine pécuniairecorrectionnelle qui astreint le condamné à verser au Trésor public une somme, dont le montantglobal résulte de la détermination par le juge d'une contribution quotidienne pendant un certainnombre de jours, et qui peut être prononcée à la place de l'emprisonnement ou cumulativement ».Cette définition passe toutefois sous silence le second aspect de cette peine, dont la particularité,par rapport à l'amende ordinaire, réside dans la possibilité d'ordonner l'exécution d'une détentionpour une durée équivalente au nombre de jours-amende impayé. Cette sanction pénale est ainsicaractérisée par sa dualité matérielle, qui a conduit le législateur à lui attribuer un régime enapparente adéquation avec cette spécificité. Or, trente ans après sa consécration en France, lejour-amende peine à trouver sa place au sein du système répressif. Loin d'avoir satisfait auxespoirs portés par son introduction, dans un contexte de lutte contre les courtes peinesd'emprisonnement, le jour-amende semble se heurter à des difficultés liées à son fonctionnement.Sa dualité matérielle, qui est son atout majeur, a conduit à une réelle ambiguïté fonctionnelle. Uncertain nombre d'incohérences est à déplorer dans le système mis en place par le législateurfrançais. Ce constat, accentué par l'étude du droit comparé, conduit à la certitude que le jouramendedoit être réformé. Aussi, ce travail de recherche tend à élaborer un certain nombre depropositions pouvant servir de base à l'initiation d'une réflexion législative, en vue d'une réformequi semble indispensable. / The day-fine, introduced in France by law n°83-466 of 10 june 1983, is defined as « a fine thatrequires the convicted offender to pay the Treasury a sum of money which results from the judge'sdetermination of a daily contribution for a number of days, and which may be imposed instead of,or in addition to, imprisonment ». This definition ignores the second aspect of the penalty.Specifically, it is possible to order the detention for a period equivalent to the number of unpaidday-fines. This criminal sanction is thus characterized by its material duality which is consistentwith this apparent specificity. However, thirty years after its acceptance in France, it is clear that theday-fine is struggling to find its place within the law enforcement system. Far from having metexpectations when il was introduced, in a context of fighting against short prison sentences, theday-fine seems to be facing a number of difficulties relating to its functioning. Its material duality,which is the biggest advantage, has become a real functional ambiguity. Regrettably, there are anumber of inconsistencies in the legal system. This, highlighted by the study of comparative law,leads to the certainty that the day-fine must be reformed. Also, this research aims to formulate anumber of proposals which could be used as a basis for a debate and a reform that seemsnecessary
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