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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emosionele intelligensie in sielkundige opvoedkundige perspektief / Emotional intelligence in psychological educational perspective

Strydom, I. (Irene) 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Emosionele intelligemsie is nag nie bevredigend binne die Sielkundige Opvoedkunde beskryf nie. Die begrip emosionele intelligensie .is deur sosiale wetenskaplikes aanvaar en word as een van die intelligensies van menswees beskou. Emosionele intelligensie word beskou as die vermoe om • eie emosies te herken, te verstaan en op aanvaarbare wyse uit te leef, • ander se emosies te herken en te verstaan en • die vermoe om die self te motiveer. Die doel van die ondersoek was om emosionele intelligensie (EK) binne Sielkundige Opvoedkundige terme te beskryf en adolessente wat emosionele probleme beleef s.e EK-profiele te ontleed. 'n Bestaande EK-instrument, di.e Q-Metricsvraelys, is vir hierdie ddel aangepas en ge'lmplementeer. Die slotsom waartoe gekom is, is dat adolessente met emosionele probleme onder andere depressief, aggressief en emosioneel ongeletterd is. Die opvoedkundige sielkundige kan die EK-instrument as diagnoseringsmiddel aanwend en terapiebeplanning hiervolgens doen. / Emotional intelligence has not been described in satisfactory Psychological Educational terms. The concept emotional intelligence is accepted by social scientists and is regarded as one of the intelligences of being human. Emotional intelligence can be described as the ability to • recognise and understand one's own emotions and to express it in an acceptable way, • to recognise and understand others' emotions and • being able to motivate the self. The aim of this study was to describe emotional intelligence in Psychological Educational terms and to analyse the EQ profiles of adolescents who experience emotional problems. An existing EQ instrument, the Q-Metrics Questionnaire, has been adapted and implemented for this purpose. The final conclusion is that adolescents who experience emotional problems, are amongst other things depressed, aggressive and emotionally illiterate. The educational psychologist can use the EQ instrument as a diagnostication instrument and can plan therapy sessions according to these results. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (with specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

Factors related to school refusal of black adolescents in the Impendle area

Chemane, Bonginkosi Reginald 11 1900 (has links)
The specific aim of this research study was to identify, explore, describe and interpret the factors related to school refusal of black adolescents. An overview of literature was used to arrive at a broader appreciation of issues pertaining to school refusal phenomenon and also to black adolescents. Ten subjects participated in this study. Data were gathered qualitatively using ethnographic interviews. The following factors were found to be contributory to the problem of school refusal: School refusers who stay with grandparents instead of staying with biological parents; fear of something specific at school; lack of insight into the refusal problem; lover plays a role in refusal behaviour; protective parents; poor social relationships; fathers that play a marginal role in the family; parents' worldview; emotional problems and weak or no attempts to stop behaviour. The emphasis was on the understanding of the refusal phenomenon rather than on cause and effect. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (with specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

Exploring the psychosocial problems of children residing in shelters for abused women and the children in the Cape Metropolitan are : a gestalt approach

Badenhorst, Beryl Anne 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore and describe the psychosocial problems perceived (their phenomenological field) by children in middle childhood, living in shelters in the Cape Metropolitan Area. The psychosocial problems included poor self regulation as a result of disturbances in the contact cycle, restrictions in shelters negatively impacting the holistic sense of self, barriers hindering relationships with significant others and the continuation of violence into the participants‟ broader field. The experience of multiple losses and persistence of violent behavior within and without the shelter context was a thread that ran through this study. Current literature provided an overview of the theoretical underpinnings of this study which included the key tenets of Gestalt therapy theory, core Gestalt principles, the child living in a shelter and development in middle childhood. A qualitative research approach with a case study of ten children from three shelters was implemented. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Emosionele intelligensie in sielkundige opvoedkundige perspektief / Emotional intelligence in psychological educational perspective

Strydom, I. (Irene) 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Emosionele intelligemsie is nag nie bevredigend binne die Sielkundige Opvoedkunde beskryf nie. Die begrip emosionele intelligensie .is deur sosiale wetenskaplikes aanvaar en word as een van die intelligensies van menswees beskou. Emosionele intelligensie word beskou as die vermoe om • eie emosies te herken, te verstaan en op aanvaarbare wyse uit te leef, • ander se emosies te herken en te verstaan en • die vermoe om die self te motiveer. Die doel van die ondersoek was om emosionele intelligensie (EK) binne Sielkundige Opvoedkundige terme te beskryf en adolessente wat emosionele probleme beleef s.e EK-profiele te ontleed. 'n Bestaande EK-instrument, di.e Q-Metricsvraelys, is vir hierdie ddel aangepas en ge'lmplementeer. Die slotsom waartoe gekom is, is dat adolessente met emosionele probleme onder andere depressief, aggressief en emosioneel ongeletterd is. Die opvoedkundige sielkundige kan die EK-instrument as diagnoseringsmiddel aanwend en terapiebeplanning hiervolgens doen. / Emotional intelligence has not been described in satisfactory Psychological Educational terms. The concept emotional intelligence is accepted by social scientists and is regarded as one of the intelligences of being human. Emotional intelligence can be described as the ability to • recognise and understand one's own emotions and to express it in an acceptable way, • to recognise and understand others' emotions and • being able to motivate the self. The aim of this study was to describe emotional intelligence in Psychological Educational terms and to analyse the EQ profiles of adolescents who experience emotional problems. An existing EQ instrument, the Q-Metrics Questionnaire, has been adapted and implemented for this purpose. The final conclusion is that adolescents who experience emotional problems, are amongst other things depressed, aggressive and emotionally illiterate. The educational psychologist can use the EQ instrument as a diagnostication instrument and can plan therapy sessions according to these results. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (with specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

Factors related to school refusal of black adolescents in the Impendle area

Chemane, Bonginkosi Reginald 11 1900 (has links)
The specific aim of this research study was to identify, explore, describe and interpret the factors related to school refusal of black adolescents. An overview of literature was used to arrive at a broader appreciation of issues pertaining to school refusal phenomenon and also to black adolescents. Ten subjects participated in this study. Data were gathered qualitatively using ethnographic interviews. The following factors were found to be contributory to the problem of school refusal: School refusers who stay with grandparents instead of staying with biological parents; fear of something specific at school; lack of insight into the refusal problem; lover plays a role in refusal behaviour; protective parents; poor social relationships; fathers that play a marginal role in the family; parents' worldview; emotional problems and weak or no attempts to stop behaviour. The emphasis was on the understanding of the refusal phenomenon rather than on cause and effect. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (with specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

Moeder se belewenis van die aanpassingsprobleme van die kleuter na die geboorte van 'n baba / Moeder se belewenis van die aanpassingsprobleme van die kleuter na die geboorte van 'n baba

Joubert, Hester Mensina 11 1900 (has links)
In die konteks van hierdie studie word daar deurlopend van die manlike vorm gebruik gemaak om na die kleuter te verwys, ten einde 'n lomp stelwyse te voorkom. Die vroulike vorm sou ook daarmee veronderstel en ingesluit kon word. Die vroulike vorm word gebruik wanneer daar na die moeder verwys word. / Merkbare verandering word soms in die kleuter se gedrag, emosies en verhoudings na die geboorte van `n baba waargeneem. Die doel van die kwalitatiewe studie was om die moeder se persepsie, belewenis en hantering van hierdie aanpassingsprobleme van die kleuter te verken. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met nege moeders gevoer. Uit die studie het dit duidelik geword dat onkunde ten opsigte van die ontwikkelingsfase van die kleuter, asook die aanpassingsprobleme aanleiding tot foutiewe persepsies by die moeder gegee het. Hierdie foutiewe persepsies het `n negatiewe invloed op die moeder se belewenis en hantering van die aanpassingsprobleme gehad. Die navorser het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat moeders betrek moet word vir ouerleiding wanneer aanpassingsprobleme by die kleuter aangemeld word. Verskeie aanbevelings wat van waarde kan wees tydens ouerleiding aan moeders van kleuters is deur die navorser gemaak. / The birth of a sibling often results in a toddler displaying changes in behaviour, emotions and relationships. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the mother's perception, experiences, as well as coping strategies of the toddler's adaptation problems, following the birth of a sibling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine mothers. The study revealed that the mother's lack of knowledge and understanding of the developmental phase of the toddler, as well as the adaptation problems, manifested in misconceptions. These misconceptions affected her experiences of the adaptation problems, as well as how she managed it. The researcher concluded that mothers should be referred for parental guidance when adaptation problems are reported. Various recommendations to be used within parental guidance have been made. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie-Rigting)

The support of juvenile offender learners regarding the emotional and spiritual wellness in a Gauteng correctional school

Lebese, Mary 09 July 2020 (has links)
The study aims at investigating the emotional and spiritual wellness of juvenile offender learners in a Gauteng correctional school. The theoretical framework used in this study was derived from Hettler’s Wellness theory. The study is embedded in an interpretive paradigm and it followed a qualitative research method. A phenomenological case study was used since the focus was on one correctional school. Purposive sampling was used whereby a teacher, counsellor and learners were sampled and all participated on a voluntary basis. Interviews were used for data collection and approximately 30-45 minutes in duration. Data were analysed manually and findings revealed that peer pressure, substance abuse and poor family background troubled juvenile offender learners. Furthermore, anger and hatred led juveniles to commit crime. They all regret of their actions and they need to be loved, valued, and accepted by the community. Above all, juvenile offender learners want their parents to support them while they are incarcerated. Because of lack of parental support, juvenile offender learners express their emotions through fighting among themselves. After incarceration, many start to believe in God and regularly attend meetings organised by faith-based organisations and because of that, their lives are being transformed for the better, as they are able to read the Bible and share scriptures on their own on a daily basis. They hope the DCS will make spiritual sessions compulsory for all offenders and religious education to be included in their school curriculum to eliminate gangsterism in the centre. Frequent pastoral visits and Bible donations were highlighted as one of the guidelines to support their spiritual needs. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Kinderversorgers se emosionele belewenisse en hantering van kontakgrensversteurings : `n beskrywende studie / The child care worker's emotional experience and management of contact boundary disturbances : a descriptive study

Van Wyngaard, Debro 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Children in children’s homes often make use of specific behaviour - defined as contact boundary disturbances in Gestalt theory - as a result of their intense emotional needs, but also to protect themselves or to be assertive in their current environment. This qualitative, applied study aimed to determine and describe the way the child care workers of a rural child and youth care centre manage and experience the contact boundary disturbances of children in the children’s home. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight child care workers. In conducting the study, the researcher found that the child care workers had inadequate knowledge and insight regarding contact boundary disturbances and how to handle it. It was concluded that the management of children’s homes must ensure that training and support are provided to child care workers so that their needs are addressed in order to prevent burnout. Recommendations that will be valuable with respect to the handling skills and emotional experiences of child care workers were made. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Kinderversorgers se emosionele belewenisse en hantering van kontakgrensversteurings : `n beskrywende studie / The child care worker's emotional experience and management of contact boundary disturbances : a descriptive study

Van Wyngaard, Debro 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Children in children’s homes often make use of specific behaviour - defined as contact boundary disturbances in Gestalt theory - as a result of their intense emotional needs, but also to protect themselves or to be assertive in their current environment. This qualitative, applied study aimed to determine and describe the way the child care workers of a rural child and youth care centre manage and experience the contact boundary disturbances of children in the children’s home. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight child care workers. In conducting the study, the researcher found that the child care workers had inadequate knowledge and insight regarding contact boundary disturbances and how to handle it. It was concluded that the management of children’s homes must ensure that training and support are provided to child care workers so that their needs are addressed in order to prevent burnout. Recommendations that will be valuable with respect to the handling skills and emotional experiences of child care workers were made. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Guidelines for parents, teachers and professionals in the handling of rebellious children

Mathye, Lethabo Violet 11 1900 (has links)
Rebelliousness is the act of defying lawful authority or a resistant way of relating to authority. It is seen by many as a normal way of development. The development of rebellious behavior actually starts in childhood and progresses through to adulthood. The study focuses on the manner in which the family and school handle the rebellious child and the negative effects that these have on the child's development. These problems may manifest in truancy, delinquency, negativism, runaway, antisocial behavior, alcohol and substance abuse and gang involvement. The results of the study prove that the environment in which the adolescent lives, contribute greatly to the development and the maintenance of rebellious behavior. Guidelines were written for parents, teachers and psychologists regarding the handling of the rebellious child. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

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