Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cmpirical method"" "subject:"7empirical method""
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Fatigue damage prediction in deepwater marine risers due to vortex-induced vibrationShi, Chen 10 January 2013 (has links)
Slender marine risers used in deepwater applications often experience vortex-induced vibration (VIV). Fatigue damage associated with VIV is of great concern to offshore engineers; however, it has proven difficult to predict this fatigue damage using existing semi-empirical tools. Similarly, approaches based on theoretical and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) generally rely on simplified assumptions on the fluid flow fields and response characteristics. To gain an understanding of VIV and associated fatigue damage, full-scale field monitoring campaigns as well as reduced-scale laboratory experiments are often carried out, wherein the riser response in the form of strains and/or accelerations is recorded using an array of a limited number of sensors distributed over the length of the riser. Simultaneously, current velocities at a proximate location are also recorded. Such measurements generally reveal complex characteristics of the dynamic response of a riser undergoing VIV, including the presence of multiple vibration harmonics, non-stationary behavior, and the existence of sustained or intermittent traveling wave patterns. Such complex features, often not accounted for in some semi-empirical and theoretical approaches, are critical to take into consideration for accurate fatigue damage estimation.
In this study, several empirical methods are employed to first reconstruct the response of an instrumented riser and, then, estimate fatigue damage rates over the entire span of the riser based on a limited number of discrete measurements. The methods presented employ the measured data in different ways. One method, referred to as ``weighted waveform analysis'' relies on expressing the riser response as a summation of several weighted waveforms or riser modes; the mode shapes are ``assumed'' and time-varying weights for each mode are estimated directly from the measurements. The riser response over the entire span is reconstructed based on these assumed mode shapes and estimated modal weights. Other methods presented extract discrete mode shapes from the data directly. With the help of interpolation techniques, continuous mode shapes are formed, and the riser response is again reconstructed. Fatigue damage rates estimated based on the reconstructed strains obtained using the various empirical methods are cross-validated by comparing predictions against direct measurements available at the same locations (but not used in the analyses). Results show that the empirical methods developed here may be employed to accurately estimate fatigue damage rates associated with individual recorded segments of measurements.
Finally, a procedure for prediction of long-term fatigue damage rates of an instrumented marine riser is presented that relies on combining (multiplying) the fatigue damage rates associated with short recorded segments for specific current profile types, with the relative likelihood of different incident current profiles, and integration over all current profiles. It should be noted that the empirical approaches to fatigue damage estimation presented in this study are based only on measured data; also, they explicitly account for different riser response characteristics and for site-specific current profiles developed from metocean studies. Importantly, too, such estimation procedures can easily accommodate additional data that become available in any ongoing field monitoring campaign to improve and update long-term fatigue damage prediction. / text
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Numerical Investigation of Ship's Continuous-Mode Icebreaking in Level IceTan, Xiang January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a summary of studies that were carried out as part of candidacy for aPhD degree. The purpose of these studies was to evaluate some factors in shipdesign that are intended for navigating in ice using numerical simulations. A semiempiricalnumerical procedure was developed by combining mathematical modelsthat describe the various elements of the continuous-mode icebreaking process inlevel ice. The numerical procedure was calibrated and validated using full- andmodel-scale measurements. The validated numerical model was in turn used toinvestigate and clarify issues that have not been previously considered.An icebreaker typically breaks ice by its power, its weight and a strengthened bowwith low stem angle. The continuous icebreaking process involves heave and pitchmotions that may not be negligible. The numerical procedure was formulated toaccount for all of the possible combinations of motions for six degrees of freedom(DOFs). The effects of the motion(s) for certain DOF(s) were investigated bycomparing simulations in which the relevant motion(s) were first constrained andthen relieved.In the continuous-mode icebreaking process, a ship interacts with an icebreakingpattern consisting of a sequence of individual icebreaking events. The interactionsamong the key characteristics of the icebreaking process, i.e., the icebreakingpattern, ship motions, and ice resistance, were studied using the numericalprocedure in which the ship motions and excitation forces were solved for in thetime domain and the ice edge geometry was simultaneously updated.Observations at various test scales have shown that the crushing pressure arisingfrom the ice–hull interaction depends on the contact area involved. A parametricstudy was carried out on the numerical procedure to investigate the effect of thecontact pressure on icebreaking.The loading rates associated with the ship’s forward speed have been anticipatedto play an important role in determining the bending failure loads, in view of thedynamic water flow underneath the ship and the inertia of the ice. The dynamicbending behavior of ice could also explain the speed dependence of the icebreakingresistance component. A dynamic bending failure criterion for ice was derived,incorporated into the numerical procedure and then validated using full-scale data.The results obtained using the dynamic and static bending failure criteria werecompared to each other.In addition, the effect of the propeller flow on the hull resistance for ships runningpropeller first in level ice was investigated by applying the information obtainedfrom model tests to the numerical procedure. The thrust deduction in ice wasdiscussed.
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Apport des enregistrements de séismes et de bruit de fond pour l'évaluation site-spécifique de l'aléa sismique en zone de sismicité faible à modérée / Contribution of seismic and ambient noise records for site-specific seismic hazard assessment in low to moderate seismicity areaPerron, Vincent 15 September 2017 (has links)
Les effets de site peuvent augmenter fortement la durée et l’amplitude des sollicitations sismiques imposées aux structures. Les effets de site 2D-3D induisent des amplifications sur une large bande de fréquence qui ne peuvent pas être simulées numériquement jusqu’à haute fréquence (>2-4 Hz) du fait de la limite de résolution des connaissances géologiques, géophysiques et/ou géotechniques du sous-sol. Les évaluations empiriques des effets de site sont donc indispensables pour pouvoir observer ce phénomène complexe de façon fiable jusqu’à haute fréquence. De telles évaluations nécessitent l'enregistrement de bonne qualité de nombreux séismes ce qui rend leur obtention rapide difficile dans les régions faiblement actives.Ce travail présente une analyse comparative de ces évaluations empiriques sur deux sites très différents, l’un en contexte sismique modéré (Provence, France) et l’autre en contexte très actif (Céphalonie, Grèce). Sur le site provençal, 500 séismes ont pu être enregistrés en l’espace de 2½ ans grâce à l’utilisation de vélocimètres. Une mesure du paramètre d’atténuation de site k_0 a ainsi pu être réalisée via l’analyse des spectres en accélération (k_(0_AS)) et en déplacement (k_(0_DS)). La mesure de k_0 n’est relativement fiable que sur les sites au rocher du fait des amplifications de site au sédiment. La méthode des rapports spectraux sismique (SSR) permet l’évaluation des effets de site relatif à partir des nombreux enregistrements de mouvement faible. Les résultats montrent une forte variabilité épistémique attribuable à l’éclairage induit par la position de la source sismique vis-à-vis du bassin. Ainsi, une estimation fiable de la réponse des sites est possible à partir de quelques évènements seulement dans le cas 1D, mais nécessite un nombre beaucoup plus important de séismes répartis de façon homogène autour du site dans les cas 2D-3D. Les résultats SSR moyens sont ensuite comparés à ceux issus des méthodes utilisant le bruit ambiant. Conformément aux attentes, la méthode des rapports spectraux H/V (HVSR) ne permet que de caractériser la fréquence fondamentale pour certains sites. À l’inverse, la méthode SSR appliquée au bruit ambiant (SSRn) montre des résultats très comparables à ceux de la méthode SSR jusqu’à haute fréquence à la condition que le site de référence soit pris dans le bassin sédimentaire. Les approches par corrélation de bruit (cohérence et ANIRF) révèlent qu’une estimation de la fonction de transfert relative à un site de référence au rocher est possible au moins jusqu’à basse fréquence (<4 Hz). L’utilisation du bruit ambiant permet ainsi d’envisager l’évaluation rapide de la réponse des sites et de sa variabilité spatiale (microzonage), même lorsque la sismicité est faible. Partout, les méthodes empiriques d’évaluation des effets de site apportent un complément essentiel aux approches numériques qui reste indispensables.Ces résultats permettent de proposer une méthodologie d’évaluation de l’aléa sismique site-spécifique qui se décompose en trois étapes principales : (i) ajustement des équations de prédictions de mouvement du sol (GMPEs) sur le site de référence au rocher au moyen, entre autres, de k_(0_DS) ; (ii) évaluation empirique fiable de la réponse d’au moins un site dans le bassin relativement au site de référence (pour lequel les GMPEs ont été ajustées) par la méthode SSR; (iii) réalisation de cette évaluation à partir de l’ANIRF dans les régions les moins actives sismiquement et/ou extension à toute la zone d’étude à partir du SSRn. Cette méthodologie permet d’envisager une bien meilleure prise en compte des effets de site (en particulier 2D-3D) et une réduction importante des incertitudes dans les évaluations de l’aléa sismique spécifique à un site. Elle nécessite simplement l’enregistrement simultané de séismes sur au moins deux sites équipé de vélocimètres sensibles, et la réalisation de campagnes de mesure temporaire du bruit ambiant, si nécessaire. / Site effects can greatly increase both the duration and the amplitude of the seismic solicitation imposed on structures. 2D-3D site effects induce broadband amplifications that cannot be simulated up to high frequency (>2-4 Hz) due to the limited resolution of the geological, geophysical and/or geotechnical information. Empirical site effect assessment is therefore essential for reliable observations of this complex phenomenon up to high frequency. However, such assessments often require good quality records from many earthquakes that cannot be rapidly obtained in low seismicity areas.This work presents a comparative analysis of these empirical evaluations on two very different sites, the first in a moderate seismicity context (Provence, France) and the second in a very active context (Kefalonia, Greece). For the Provençal site, nearly 500 earthquakes were recorded in only 2½ years thanks to the use of velocimeters. The site attenuation parameter κ_0 could thus be measured both on the acceleration (κ_(0_AS)) and displacement (κ_(0_DS)) spectra. Our results show that the measurement of κ_0 is relatively reliable on rock sites only, mainly due to the too great disturbance by the amplification for sedimentary sites, even for those that are quite stiff. The standard spectral ratio (SSR) approach provides the relative site effects from the numerous weak motion recordings available at sites located in Provence and Kefalonia. The results show a strong epistemic variability due to the lighting induced by the position of the seismic source with respect to the basin. Thus, while a reliable site response estimation is possible from only a few events for 1D geometries, it requires much more earthquakes evenly distributed around the site when the geometry is 2D-3D. The mean SSR results are then compared with those obtained from methods using the ambient noise. As expected, the H/V spectral ratio approach (HVSR) provides only the fundamental frequency for some sites. Conversely, SSR applied to ambient noise (SSRn) shows very similar results to the SSR method up to high frequency, provided that the reference site is taken in the sedimentary basin. Approaches using the noise correlation (coherence and ANIRF) reveal that the transfer function relative to a rock reference site can be estimated at least up to low frequency (<4 Hz). Methods using ambient noise are promising for a rapid evaluation of the site response and its spatial variability (microzoning), even when seismicity is low. Empirical site effects methods are therefore applicable everywhere. They provide an essential complement to numerical approaches, which remain inevitable when the coverage of available earthquakes is not homogeneous or when soils are likely to present non-linear behaviors.These results led us to propose a methodology for the evaluation of the site-specific seismic hazard, which consists of three main stages: (i) adjustment to the rock reference site of the ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) using, among others, κ_(0_DS); (ii) Reliable evaluation of the SSR transfer function between at least one site in the basin and the reference site (for which the GMPEs were adjusted); (iii) carrying out this assessment from the ANIRF in the less seismically active regions and/or extension to the entire study area with the SSRn. This methodology allows a much better consideration of the site effects (especially 2D-3D) and a significant reduction of the uncertainties in the evaluations of the site-specific seismic hazard. It only required, simultaneous recording of earthquakes on at least two sites equipped with sensible velocimeters, and to carrying out temporary campaign of ambient noise measurements, if necessary.
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Characterization of Pharmaceutical Materials by Thermal and Analytical MethodsMaheswaram, Manik Pavan Kumar January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Étude théorique et expérimentale du boulonnage à ancrage réparti sous sollicitations axiales / Theoretical and experimental study of fully grouted rockbolts and cablebolts under axial loadsBlanco Martin, Laura 29 March 2012 (has links)
Le boulonnage et le câblage à ancrage réparti sont deux techniques de renforcement du terrain couramment utilisées dans l'industrie minière et dans le génie civil. Au fil de cette recherche, on s'intéresse à la réponse de ces éléments sous des sollicitations axiales de traction, en régime statique. Dans ces conditions, l'expérience montre que la rupture se produit le plus fréquemment à l'interface barre-scellement via un processus de décohésion qui commence dès que la force sur la barre atteint une valeur limite. L'objectif est de mieux comprendre le comportement de cette interface, avant et après rupture. Premièrement, on revoit l'état de l'art afin de comprendre le travail effectué et les aspects non maîtrisés à ce jour. Deuxièmement, on décrit des outils analytiques qui permettent de comprendre la réponse d'un boulon ou d'un câble à ancrage réparti soumis à une force de traction. Ensuite, on présente les études expérimentales menées en laboratoire et in situ. Des essais d'arrachement ont été effectués pour déterminer les principaux facteurs qui régissent la réponse de l'interface. Finalement, on analyse les résultats des essais effectués en laboratoire sur les boulons. Après l'obtention des variables nécessaires, on propose un modèle semi-empirique d'interface, qui devra être validé par des essais complémentaires. Cette perspective et d'autres améliorations sont également présentées. / Rockbolting and cablebolting are two ground reinforcement techniques broadly used in civil and mining engineering. This research focuses on the behaviour of fully grouted bolts subjected to tensile axial loads, in static conditions. Under these circumstances, experience throughout the world proves that failure usually takes place at the bolt-grout interface via a decoupling process that starts if the load on the bolt exceeds a critical value. The objective is to gain more insight into the behaviour of this interface, before and after failure. First, the state-of-the-art is presented to understand the existing advances and to identify the lacking aspects. Secondly, analytical tools that help understand the response of a fully grouted bolt subjected to a tensile load are described. Then, the field and laboratory experimental campaigns are exposed. Pull-out tests have been conducted to determine the most influencing parameters on the interface behaviour. Finally, the laboratory results on rockbolts are analyzed. Once the necessary variables are obtained, a semi-empirical interface behaviour model is proposed. The further evaluation of this model and other improvements are suggested as perspectives of evolution.
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Probabilistic Added Wave Resistance Predictions for Design of RoPax Ferries / Probabilistiska Beräkningsmetoder av Adderat Vågmotstånd för Design av RoPax FartygViinikka, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates reasons for significant uncertainties in added wave resistance predictionsand how wave conditions can potentially affect the design of RoPax ferries. The objectiveis to find a suitable prediction method of added wave resistance for the RoPax ferry designapplication. Furthermore, the wave environment on the route strongly influences this delicateand complex phenomenon. Thus, the emphasis is to understand the added wave resistancethrough a case study with a probabilistic wave environment.The fast transition into decarbonization and regulations regarding energy-efficient ship designhave ramped up the awareness of the influence of seaways. For lower speeds, the addedresistance becomes a more significant part of total resistance, with concerns regarding minimumpropulsion power and safe maneuvering in adverse sea conditions. Consequently, the demandhas rocketed for profound insight and accurate prediction methods of added wave resistance. Inaddition, with new larger ships, added wave resistance domain for short waves becomes essentialand an additional challenge regarding predictions. Nevertheless, added wave resistancepredictions are complex and contain many pitfalls, so accurate estimations of the ship’s addedwave resistance response and wave environment are crucial. In addition, added wave resistanceis very ship-specific, and published research for RoPax ferries is rare.Due to significant uncertainties for general numerical methods, the study investigates a new(modified NTUA) semi-empirical method refined for ships with a large beam-to-draft ratio.In addition, a realistic wave environment is included by selecting relevant wave spectra forconditions on the route.The study shows that significant variances of added wave resistance predictions arise fromselecting prediction methods beyond the range of applicability and rough assumptions of waveconditions and spectra. The case study discovered that errors might also be introduced bythe classification society definitions, which gives reasons to rethink the applied definition of"average BF 8" wave conditions for Safe Return to Port (SRtP) assessments. This can causea false illusion of the ship’s performance and safety in waves. Only the misjudgment ofthe most critical peak period resulted in a rough underestimation (> 40%) of mean addedwave resistance. The error corresponded to 215% of the still water resistance for the SRtPassessment. In addition, the nature of added wave resistance is very ship specific. Therefore, theauthor emphasizes caution when selecting the prediction method, especially for semi-empiricalmethods. Despite the first promising glance of the applied semi-empirical method, it appearsthat the ship database correlates poorly for RoPax ferries. Reliability for the method is weak forshort waves, with a tendency to large overestimations. The lack of references of RoPax vesselsfor validations, accident statics in adverse sea conditions and recent insight into nonlinear effectsrequest further research on added wave resistance for modern hull shapes. / Den här studien undersöker orsaker till stora osäkerheter i adderade vågmotståndsberäkningaroch hur vågförhållanden eventuellt kan påverka designen av RoPax-färjor. Målet är att hittaen tillämpbar beräkningsmetod för adderat vågmotstånd för RoPax-designapplikationer. Dettakänsliga och komplexa fenomenet påverkas starkt av vågmiljön längs med rutten. Därför ärtyngdpunkten att förstå det adderade vågmotståndet genom en fallstudie med en probabilistiskvågmiljö.Den snabba övergången av minskat koldioxidutsläpp och designriktlinjerna för energieffektivafartyg har drivit fram förståelsen av sjövägarna inverkan. För lägre hastigheter utgör de adderademotstånd en mer betydande del av det totala motståndet, vilket har skapat oro för otillräckligframdrivningskraft och förlust av manövreringsförmåga under ogynnsamma sjöförhållanden.Därmed har efterfrågan ökat för djupare förståelse och noggranna beräkningsmetoder föradderat vågmotstånd. Dessutom, för allt större fartyg, blir också den adderade vågmotstånds-domänen för korta vågor dominerande och ytterligare en utmaning för beräkningsmetoderna.Eftersom adderade vågmotståndsberäkningarna är komplexa och omfattar många fallgropar,så därför är noggranna uppskattningar av fartygetsresponsen för adderad vågmotstånd ochvågmiljön avgörande. Dessutom är adderade vågmotståndet väldigt fartygsspecifikt, och publi-cerad forskning för RoPax-färjor är sällsynta.På grund av betydande osäkerheter för allmänna numeriska metoder utforskar studien enny (modifierad NTUA) semi-empirisk metod anpassad för fartyg med ett stort skeppbredd-djupgående förhållande. Dessutom inkluderas en realistisk vågmiljö genom att välja relevantavågspektra baserat på ruttens förhållanden.Studien visar att omfattande variationer av adderade vågmotståndsberäkningar uppstår genomatt välja beräkningsmetoder utanför dess tillämpningsområde, och grova antaganden om våg-förhållanden och vågspektra. Fallstudien upptäckte att fel också kan introduceras genomklassificeringssällskapets definitioner, vilket ger skäl att överväga den tillämpade definitionen av”genomsnittliga Beauforts 8"vågförhållanden för Safe Return to Port (SRtP) utredningar. Dettakan orsaka en falsk illusion av fartygets prestanda och säkerhet i vågor. Endast felbedömningenav den kritiska pik-perioden resulterade i en grov underskattning (> 40%) av den genomsnittligaadderade vågmotståndet. Felet motsvarade 215% av lugnvatten motståndet för SRtP-utredningen.Dessutom är karaktären av adderat vågmotstånd mycket fartygsspecifik. Därför framhållerförfattaren försiktighet för val av beräkningsmetoden, speciellt för semi-empiriska metoder.Trots en lovande första anblicken av det tillämpade semi-empiriska metoden, verkar det somom fartygsdatabasen korrelerar dåligt för RoPax-fartyg. Tillförlitligheten för metoden är svagför korta vågor, med en tendens till stora överskattningar. Bristen på RoPax-referenser förvalidering, olycksstatistiken för RoPax-fartyg och den senaste tidens insikt i icke-linjära effekterger anledning för vidare forskning om adderat vågmotstånd för moderna skrovformer.
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[pt] A presente tese a presente tese se intitula Uma Igreja cristocêntrica, diaconal e koinônica: estudo teológico-pastoral sobre o metodismo na cidade do Rio de Janeiro; definindo como objeto material a práxis pastoral da Igreja Metodista, importante vertente eclesial do protestantismo histórico de missão, sediada na capital do Estado. Seu objetivo é superar a desarmonia que existe na práxis vigente, propondo uma nova práxis pastoral, contextualizada e sensível aos desafios sócio-religiosos no contexto carioca. Esta tese se fundamenta na concepção de uma possível experiência eclesial fundamentada na centralidade da pessoa de Jesus Cristo, consubstanciada na diaconia e comunhão. / [en] This thesis is titled A Christocentric, and diaconal koinônica Church: theological and pastoral study of Methodism in the city of Rio de Janeiro; defining as material object the pastoral praxis of the Methodist Church, an important church of the historical mission Protestantism, headquartered in the state capital. Your objective is to overcome the disharmony on current practice, proposing a new pastoral praxis contextualized and sensitive to the socio-religious context challenges in Rio. The hesis tramples the design of a possible ecclesial experience based on the centrality of the person of Jesus Christ, based on the diakonia and communion.
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Análise comparativa de pavimentos dimensionados através dos métodos empírico do DNER e mecanístico e proposta de um catálogo simplificado de pavimentos para a região de Campo Grande (MS) / Comparative analysis of pavements designed by the empirical (DNER) and mechanistic methods and proposal of a simplified catalog of pavements for the area of Campo Grande (MS)Bezerra Neto, Rogerio Silveira 19 February 2004 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo principal comparar estruturas de pavimentos flexíveis projetadas através dos métodos empírico do DNER e mecanístico, considerando-se alguns materiais de pavimentação utilizados na região de Campo Grande, estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. Como objetivos decorrentes, pode-se destacar a obtenção das características resilientes e de fadiga destes materiais e a proposta de um catálogo simplificado de estruturas de pavimentos para a referida região. Para a efetivação da pesquisa, foram coletados materiais típicos do subleito da região e daqueles mais utilizados na composição de bases e capas dos pavimentos locais. Após as suas caracterizações, realizaram-se ensaios de compactação, CBR, triaxiais cíclicos e compressão diametral estática e dinâmica. As análises mecanísticas foram realizadas utilizando-se o programa computacional FEPAVE, que leva em conta o comportamento elástico não-linear dos materiais, considerando-se o critério de confiabilidade. A partir da análise comparativa dos métodos de dimensionamento, observou-se que, ora as estruturas estabelecidas pelo método mecanístico são idênticas às determinadas pelo método do DNER, ora são mais esbeltas, ora são menos esbeltas, dependendo do tipo de material que constitui as camadas e do nível de confiabilidade adotado. Verificou-se ainda que a caracterização dos materiais através dos ensaios de módulo de resiliência, vida de fadiga e deformação permanente é imprescindível quando se deseja projetar um pavimento empregando-se o método mecanístico. Por fim, elaborou-se um catálogo simplificado de pavimentos flexíveis para a região de Campo Grande MS, com as intenções de contemplar o uso de materiais locais e auxiliar os engenheiros na concepção de seus projetos / This study has as main objective to compare structures of flexible pavements designed by two different methods, the DNER empirical method and the mechanistic method, being considered some paving materials used in the area of Campo Grande, state of Mato Grosso do Sul. As secondary objectives, it can stand out the obtaining of the mechanical properties of these materials and the proposal of a simplified catalog of flexible pavements for the referred area. For the accomplishment of the research, typical materials of subgrade, base course and surface layer were collected. After their characterizations, tests of compaction, CBR and repeated load were executed. The mechanistic analyses were accomplished being used the software FEPAVE, that takes into account the non-linear resilient modulus of the materials, being considered the reliability criterion. Starting from the comparative analysis of the design methods, it was observed that the structures established by the mechanistic method can be identical, more slender or less slender to the ones obtained by the empirical method, depending on the type of the material that constitutes the layers and the reliability level adopted. It was also verified that the characterization of the materials by repeated load tests (resilient modulus, fatigues life and permanent deformation) is indispensable when one want to project a pavement being used the mechanistic method. Finally, a simplified catalog of flexible pavements was elaborated for the area of Campo Grande MS, with the intentions of to contemplate the use of local materials and to aid the engineers in the conception of their projects
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Análise comparativa de pavimentos dimensionados através dos métodos empírico do DNER e mecanístico e proposta de um catálogo simplificado de pavimentos para a região de Campo Grande (MS) / Comparative analysis of pavements designed by the empirical (DNER) and mechanistic methods and proposal of a simplified catalog of pavements for the area of Campo Grande (MS)Rogerio Silveira Bezerra Neto 19 February 2004 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo principal comparar estruturas de pavimentos flexíveis projetadas através dos métodos empírico do DNER e mecanístico, considerando-se alguns materiais de pavimentação utilizados na região de Campo Grande, estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. Como objetivos decorrentes, pode-se destacar a obtenção das características resilientes e de fadiga destes materiais e a proposta de um catálogo simplificado de estruturas de pavimentos para a referida região. Para a efetivação da pesquisa, foram coletados materiais típicos do subleito da região e daqueles mais utilizados na composição de bases e capas dos pavimentos locais. Após as suas caracterizações, realizaram-se ensaios de compactação, CBR, triaxiais cíclicos e compressão diametral estática e dinâmica. As análises mecanísticas foram realizadas utilizando-se o programa computacional FEPAVE, que leva em conta o comportamento elástico não-linear dos materiais, considerando-se o critério de confiabilidade. A partir da análise comparativa dos métodos de dimensionamento, observou-se que, ora as estruturas estabelecidas pelo método mecanístico são idênticas às determinadas pelo método do DNER, ora são mais esbeltas, ora são menos esbeltas, dependendo do tipo de material que constitui as camadas e do nível de confiabilidade adotado. Verificou-se ainda que a caracterização dos materiais através dos ensaios de módulo de resiliência, vida de fadiga e deformação permanente é imprescindível quando se deseja projetar um pavimento empregando-se o método mecanístico. Por fim, elaborou-se um catálogo simplificado de pavimentos flexíveis para a região de Campo Grande MS, com as intenções de contemplar o uso de materiais locais e auxiliar os engenheiros na concepção de seus projetos / This study has as main objective to compare structures of flexible pavements designed by two different methods, the DNER empirical method and the mechanistic method, being considered some paving materials used in the area of Campo Grande, state of Mato Grosso do Sul. As secondary objectives, it can stand out the obtaining of the mechanical properties of these materials and the proposal of a simplified catalog of flexible pavements for the referred area. For the accomplishment of the research, typical materials of subgrade, base course and surface layer were collected. After their characterizations, tests of compaction, CBR and repeated load were executed. The mechanistic analyses were accomplished being used the software FEPAVE, that takes into account the non-linear resilient modulus of the materials, being considered the reliability criterion. Starting from the comparative analysis of the design methods, it was observed that the structures established by the mechanistic method can be identical, more slender or less slender to the ones obtained by the empirical method, depending on the type of the material that constitutes the layers and the reliability level adopted. It was also verified that the characterization of the materials by repeated load tests (resilient modulus, fatigues life and permanent deformation) is indispensable when one want to project a pavement being used the mechanistic method. Finally, a simplified catalog of flexible pavements was elaborated for the area of Campo Grande MS, with the intentions of to contemplate the use of local materials and to aid the engineers in the conception of their projects
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