Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cmpirical modeling"" "subject:"7empirical modeling""
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Multi-step-ahead prediction of MPEG-coded video source traffic using empirical modeling techniquesGupta, Deepanker 12 April 2006 (has links)
In the near future, multimedia will form the majority of Internet traffic and
the most popular standard used to transport and view video is MPEG. The MPEG
media content data is in the form of a time-series representing frame/VOP sizes.
This time-series is extremely noisy and analysis shows that it has very long-range
time dependency making it even harder to predict than any typical time-series. This
work is an effort to develop multi-step-ahead predictors for the moving averages of
frame/VOP sizes in MPEG-coded video streams.
In this work, both linear and non-linear system identification tools are used to
solve the prediction problem, and their performance is compared. Linear modeling is
done using Auto-Regressive Exogenous (ARX) models and for non linear modeling,
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are employed. The different ANN architectures
used in this work are Feed-forward Multi-Layer Perceptron (FMLP) and Recurrent
Multi-Layer Perceptron (RMLP).
Recent researches by Adas (October 1998), Yoo (March 2002) and Bhattacharya
et al. (August 2003) have shown that the multi-step-ahead prediction of individual
frames is very inaccurate. Therefore, for this work, we predict the moving average
of the frame/VOP sizes instead of individual frame/VOPs. Several multi-step-ahead
predictors are developed using the aforementioned linear and non-linear tools for
two/four/six/ten-step-ahead predictions of the moving average of the frame/VOP
size time-series of MPEG coded video source traffic.
The capability to predict future frame/VOP sizes and hence the bit rates will
enable more effective bandwidth allocation mechanism, assisting in the development
of advanced source control schemes needed to control multimedia traffic over wide
area networks, such as the Internet.
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Evaluating the Potential for Estimating Age of Even-aged Loblolly Pine Stands Using Active and Passive Remote Sensing DataQuirino, Valquiria Ferraz 11 December 2014 (has links)
Data from an airborne laser scanner, a dual-band interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DBInSAR), and Landsat were evaluated for estimating ages of even-aged loblolly pine stands in Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest, Virginia, U.S.A. The DBInSAR data were acquired using the GeoSAR sensor in summer, 2008 in both the P- and X-bands. The LiDAR data were acquired in the same summer using a small-footprint laser scanner. Loblolly pine stand ages were assigned using the establishment year of loblolly pine stands provided by the Virginia Department of Forestry. Random circular plots were established in stands which varied in age from 5 to 71 years and in site index from 21 to 29 meters (base age 25 years). LiDAR- and GeoSAR-derived independent variables were calculated. The final selected LiDAR model used common logarithm of age as the dependent variable and the 99.5th percentile of height above ground as the independent variable (R2adj = 90.2%, RMSE = 4.4 years, n=45). The final selected GeoSAR models used the reciprocal of age as the dependent variable and had three independent variables: the sum of the X-band magnitude, the 25th percentile of X/P-band magnitudes, and the 90th percentile of the X-band height above ground (R2adj = 84.1%, RMSE = 7.9 years, n=46). The Vegetation Change Tracker (VCT) algorithm was run using a digital elevation layer, a land cover map, and a series of Landsat (5 and 7) images. A comparison was made between the loblolly pine stand ages obtained using the three methods and the reference data. The results show that: (1) although most of the time VCT and reference data ages were different, the differences were normally small, (2) all three remote sensing methods produced reliable age estimates, and (3) the Landsat-VCT algorithm produced the best estimates for younger stands (5 to 22 years old, RMSEVCT=2.2 years, RMSEGeoSAR=2.6 years, RMSELiDAR=2.6 years, n=35) and the model that used LiDAR-derived variables was better for older stands. Remote sensing can be used to estimate loblolly pine stand age, though prior knowledge of site index is required for active sensors that rely primarily on the relationship between age and height. / Ph. D.
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Gully Morphology, Hillslope Erosion, and Precipitation Characteristics in the Appalachian Valley and Ridge Province, Southeastern USALuffman, Ingrid E., Nandi, Arpita, Spiegel, Tim 01 October 2015 (has links)
This study investigates gully erosion on an east Tennessee hillslope in a humid subtropical climate. The study area is deeply gullied in Ultisols (Acrisol, according to the World Reference Base for Soil), with thirty years of undisturbed erosional history with no efforts to correct or halt the erosion. The objectives are (1) to examine how different gully morphologies (channel, sidewall, and interfluve) behave in response to precipitation-driven erosion, and (2) to identify an appropriate temporal scale at which precipitation-driven erosion can be measured to improve soil loss prediction. Precipitation parameters (total accumulation, duration, average intensity, maximum intensity) extracted from data collected at an on-site weather station were statistically correlated with erosion data. Erosion data were collected from erosion pins installed in four gully systems at 78 locations spanning three different morphological settings: interfluves, channels, and sidewalls. Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric tests and Mann-Whitney U-tests indicated that different morphological settings within the gully system responded differently to precipitation (p<0.00). For channels and sidewalls, regression models relating erosion and precipitation parameters retained antecedent precipitation and precipitation accumulation or duration (R2=0.50, p<0.00 for channels, R2=0.28, p<0.00 for sidewalls) but precipitation intensity variables were not retained in the models. For interfluves, less than 20% of variability in erosion data could be explained by precipitation parameters. Precipitation duration and accumulation (including antecedent precipitation accumulation) were more important than precipitation intensity in initiating and propagating erosion in this geomorphic and climatic setting, but other factors including mass wasting and eolian erosion are likely contributors to erosion. High correlation coefficients between aggregate precipitation parameters and erosion indicate that a suitable temporal scale to relate precipitation to soil erosion is the synoptic time-scale. This scale captures natural precipitation cycles and corresponding measurable soil erosion.
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Modeling & optimisation of coarse multi-vesiculated particlesClarke, Stephen Armour 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Multi-vesiculated particles (MVP) are synthetic insoluble polymeric particles containing a multitude
of vesicles (micro-voids). The particles are generally produced and used as a suspension in an
aqueous fluid and are therefore readily incorporated in latex paints as opacifiers. The coarse or suede
MVP have a large volume-mean diameter (VMD) generally in the range of 35-60μm, the large VMD
makes them suitable for textured effect paints.
The general principle behind the MVP technology is as the particles dry, the vesicles drain of liquid
and fill with air. The large refractive index difference between the polymer shell and air result in the
scattering of incident light which give the MVP their white opaque appearance making them suitable
as an opacifier for the partial replacement of TiO2 in coating systems.
Whilst the coarse MVP have been successfully commercialized, insufficient understanding of the
influence of the MVP system parameters on the final MVP product characteristics coupled with the
MVP’s sensitivity towards the unsaturated polyester resin (UPR) resulted in a product with significant
quality variation. On the other hand these uncertainties provided the opportunity to model and
optimise the MVP system through developing a better understanding of the influence of the MVP
system parameters on the MVP product characteristics, developing a model to mathematically
describe these relationships and to optimise the MVP system to achieve the product specifications
whilst simultaneously minimising the variation observed in the product characteristics.
The primary MVP characteristics for this study were the particle size distribution (quantified by the
volume-mean diameter (VMD)) and the reactor buildup.1
The approach taken was to analyse the system determining all possible system factors that may
affect it, and then to reduce the total number of system factors by selecting those which have a
significant influence on the characteristics of interest. A model was then developed to
mathematically describe the relationship between these significant factors and the characteristics of
interest. This was done utilising a set of statistical methods known as design of experiments (DoE).
A screening DoE was conducted on the identified system factors reducing them to a subset of factors
which had a significant effect on the VMD & buildup. The UPR was characterised by its acid value and
viscosity and in combination with the identified significant factors a response surface model (RSM)
was developed for the chosen design space, mathematically describing their relationship with the
MVP characteristics. Utilising a DoE method known as robust parameter design (specifically
propagation of error) an optimised MVP system was numerically determined which brought the MVP
product within specification and simultaneously reduced the MVP’s sensitivity to the UPR.
The validation of the response surface model indicated that the average error in the VMD prediction
was 2.16μm (5.16%) which compared well to the 1.96μm standard deviation of replication batches.
The high Pred-R2 value of 0.839 and the low validation error indicates that the model is well suited
for predicting the VMD characteristic of the MVP system. The application of propagation of error to
the model during optimisation resulted in a MVP process and formulation which brought the VMD
response from the standard’s average of 44.56μm to the optimised system’s average of 47.84μm
which was significantly closer to the desired optimal of 47.5μm. The most notable value added to the system by the propagation of error technique was the reduction in the variation around the mean of
the VMD, due to the UPR, by over 30%1 from the standard to optimised MVP system.
In addition to the statistical model, dimensional analysis, (specifically Buckingham-Π method) was
applied to the MVP system to develop a semi-empirical dimensionless model for the VMD. The model
parameters were regressed from the experimental data obtained from the DoE and the model was
compared to several models sited in literature. The dimensionless model was not ideal for predicting
the VMD as indicated by the R2 value of 0.59 and the high average error of 21.25%. However it
described the VMD better than any of the models cited in literature, many of which had negative R2
values and were therefore not suitable for modelling the MVP system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sintetiese polimeer partikels wat veeltallige lugblasies huisves en omhul, staan beter bekend as MVP
(verkort vanaf die Engelse benaming, "multi-vesiculated particles"). Tipies word hierdie partikels
berei en gestabiliseer in 'n waterige suspensie wat dit mengbaar maak met konvensionele emulsie
sisteme en dit dus in staat stel om te funksioneer as 'n dekmiddel in verf. Deur die volume
gemiddelde deursnee (VGD) te manipuleer tot tussen 35 en 60μm, word die growwe partikels geskik
vir gebruik in tekstuur verwe, soos byvoorbeeld afwerkings met 'n handskoenleer (suède) tipe
Die dekvermoë van MVP ontstaan soos die partikels droog en die water in die polimeer partikel
vervang word met lug. As gevolg van die groot verskil in brekingsindeks tussen die polimeer huls en
die lugblasies, word lig verstrooi in alle rigtings wat daartoe lei dat die partikels wit vertoon. Dus kan
die produk gebruik word om anorganiese pigmente soos TiO2 gedeeltelik te vervang in verf.
Alhoewel growwe MVP al suksesvol gekommersialiseer is, bestaan daar nog net 'n beperkte kennis
oor die invloed van sisteem veranderlikes op die karakteristieke eienskappe van die finale produk.
Dit volg onder andere uit waarnemings dat die kwaliteit van die growwe MVP baie maklik beïnvloed
word deur onbekende variasies in die reaktiewe poliëster hars wat gebruik word om die partikels te
maak. Dit het egter die geleentheid geskep om die veranderlikes deeglik te modeleer en te
optimiseer om sodoende 'n beter begrip te kry van hoe eienskappe geaffekteer word. 'n
Wetenskaplike model is opgestel om verwantskappe te illustreer en om die sisteem te optimiseer
sodat daar aan produk spesifikasies voldoen word, terwyl produk variasies minimaal bly.
Die oorheersende doel in hierdie studie was om te fokus op partikelgrootte en verspreiding (bepaal
met behulp van die VGD) as primêre karakteristieke eienskap, asook die graad van aanpaksel op die
reaktorwand gedurende produksie.
Vanuit eerste beginsel is alle moontlike veranderlikes geanaliseer, waarna die hoeveelheid verminder
is na slegs dié wat die karakteristieke eienskap die meeste beïnvloed. Deur gebruik te maak van
eksperimentele ontwerp is die wetenskaplike model ontwikkel wat die effek van hierdie eienskappe
statisties omsluit.
'n Afskerms eksperimentele ontwerp is uitgevoer om onbeduidende veranderlikes te elimineer van
dié wat meer betekenisvol is. Die hars is gekaraktiseer met 'n getal wat gebruik word om die aantal
suur groepe per molekuul aan te dui, asook die hars se viskositeit. Hierdie twee eienskappe, tesame
met ander belangrike eienskappe is gebruik om 'n karakteristieke oppervlakte model te ontwikkel
wat hul invloed op die VGD van die partikels en reaktor aanpakking beskryf. Deur gebruik te maak
van 'n robuuste ontwerp, beter beskryf as 'n fout verspreidingsmodel, is die MVP sisteem numeries
geoptimiseer. Dit het tot gevolg dat die MVP binne spesifikasie bly en die VGD se sensitiwiteit vir
variasie in die hars verminder het.
Geldigheidstoetse op die oppervlakte model het aangetoon dat die gemiddelde fout in VGD 2.16μm
(5.16%) was. Dit is stem goed ooreen met die 1.96μm standaard afwyking tussen herhaalde lopies.
Hoë Pred-R2 waardes (0.839) en lae geldigheidsfout waardes het getoon dat die voorgestelde model
die VGD eienskappe uiters goed beskryf. Toepassing van die fout verspreidingsmodel gedurende
optimisering het tot gevolg dat die VGD vanaf die standaard gemiddelde van 44.56μm verskuif het na
die geoptimiseerde gemiddelde van 47.84μm. Dit is aansienlik nader aan die verlangde optimum
waarde van 47.5μm. Die grootste waarde wat toegevoeg is na afloop van hierdie studie, is dat die afwyking rondom die gemiddelde VGD, toegeskryf aan die eienskappe van die hars, verminder het
met oor die 30%1 (vanaf die standaard tot die optimiseerde sisteem).
Verdere dimensionele analise van die sisteem deur spesifiek gebruik te maak van die Buckingham-Π
metode het gelei tot die ontwikkeling van 'n semi-empiriese dimensielose VGD model. Regressie op
eksperimentele data verkry uit die eksperimentele ontwerp is vergelyk met verskeie modelle beskryf
in ander literatuur bronne. Hierdie dimensionele model was nie ideaal om die VGD te beskryf nie,
aangesien die R2 waarde 0.59 was en die gemiddelde fout van 21.25% relatief hoog was. Nietemin,
hierdie model beskryf die VGD beter as enige ander model voorgestel in die literatuur. In talle gevalle
is negatiewe R2 waardes verkry, wat hierdie literatuur modelle geheel en al ongeskik maak vir
toepassing in die MVP sisteem.
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Previsão de longo prazo de níveis no sistema hidrológico do TAIMGaldino, Carlos Henrique Pereira Assunção January 2015 (has links)
O crescimento populacional e a degradação dos corpos d’água vêm exercendo pressão à agricultura moderna, a proporcionar respostas mais eficientes quanto ao uso racional da água. Para uma melhor utilização dos recursos hídricos, faz-se necessário compreender o movimento da água na natureza, onde o conhecimento prévio dos fenômenos atmosféricos constitui uma importante ferramenta no planejamento de atividades que utilizam os recursos hídricos como fonte primária de abastecimento. Nesse trabalho foram realizadas previsões de longo prazo com antecedência de sete meses e intervalo de tempo mensal de níveis no Sistema Hidrológico do Taim, utilizando previsões de precipitação geradas por um modelo de circulação global. Para realizar as previsões foi elaborado um modelo hidrológico empírico de regressão, onde foram utilizadas técnicas estatísticas de análise e manipulação de séries históricas para correlacionar os dados disponíveis aos níveis (volumes) de água no banhado. Partindo do pressuposto que as previsões meteorológicas são a maior fonte de incerteza na previsão hidrológica, foi utilizada a técnica de previsão por conjunto (ensemble) e dados do modelo COLA, com 30 membros, para quantificar as incertezas envolvidas. Foi elaborado um algoritmo para gerar todas as possibilidades de regressão linear múltipla com os dados disponíveis, onde oito equações candidatas foram selecionadas para realizar as previsões. Numa análise preliminar dos dados de entrada de precipitações previstas foi observado que o modelo de circulação global não representou os extremos observados de forma satisfatória, sendo executado um processo de remoção do viés. O modelo de empírico de simulação foi posteriormente executado em modo continuo, gerando previsões de longo prazo de níveis para os próximos sete meses, para cada mês no período de junho/2004 a dezembro/2011. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a metodologia utilizada obteve bons resultados, com desempenho satisfatórios até o terceiro mês, decaindo seu desempenho nos meses posteriores, mas configurando-se em uma ferramenta para auxílio à gestão dos recursos hídricos do local de estudo. / Population growth and degradation of water bodies have been pressuring modern agriculture, to provide more efficient responses about the rational use of water. For a better use of water resources, it is necessary to understand the movement of water in nature, where prior knowledge of atmospheric phenomena is an important tool in planning activities that use water as the primary source of supply. In this study were performed long-term forecasts of water levels (seven months of horizon, monthly time-step) in the Hydrological System Taim, using rainfall forecasts generated by a global circulation model as input. To perform predictions was developed an empirical hydrological regression model. This model was developed based on statistical techniques of analysis and manipulation of historical data to correlate the input data available to the levels (volume) of water in a wetland. Assuming that weather forecasts are a major source of uncertainty in hydrological forecasting, we used an ensemble forecast from COLA 2.2 with 30 members to quantify the uncertainties involved. An algorithm was developed to generate all the multiple linear regression models with the available data, where eight candidates equations were selected for hydrological forecasting. In a preliminary analysis of the precipitation forecast was observed that the global circulation model did not achieve a good representation of extremes values, thus a process of bias removal was carried out. Then the empirical model was used to generate water levels forecast for the next seven months, in each month of the period june/2004 to december/2011. The results showed that the methodology used has a satisfactory performance until the lead time three (third month in the future) where the performance starts to show lower values. Beside the sharply lost of performance in the last lead times, the model is a support tool that can help the decision making in the management of water resources for the study case.
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Design of an Aging Estimation Block for a Battery Management System (BMS) :Khalid, Areeb January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Previsão de longo prazo de níveis no sistema hidrológico do TAIMGaldino, Carlos Henrique Pereira Assunção January 2015 (has links)
O crescimento populacional e a degradação dos corpos d’água vêm exercendo pressão à agricultura moderna, a proporcionar respostas mais eficientes quanto ao uso racional da água. Para uma melhor utilização dos recursos hídricos, faz-se necessário compreender o movimento da água na natureza, onde o conhecimento prévio dos fenômenos atmosféricos constitui uma importante ferramenta no planejamento de atividades que utilizam os recursos hídricos como fonte primária de abastecimento. Nesse trabalho foram realizadas previsões de longo prazo com antecedência de sete meses e intervalo de tempo mensal de níveis no Sistema Hidrológico do Taim, utilizando previsões de precipitação geradas por um modelo de circulação global. Para realizar as previsões foi elaborado um modelo hidrológico empírico de regressão, onde foram utilizadas técnicas estatísticas de análise e manipulação de séries históricas para correlacionar os dados disponíveis aos níveis (volumes) de água no banhado. Partindo do pressuposto que as previsões meteorológicas são a maior fonte de incerteza na previsão hidrológica, foi utilizada a técnica de previsão por conjunto (ensemble) e dados do modelo COLA, com 30 membros, para quantificar as incertezas envolvidas. Foi elaborado um algoritmo para gerar todas as possibilidades de regressão linear múltipla com os dados disponíveis, onde oito equações candidatas foram selecionadas para realizar as previsões. Numa análise preliminar dos dados de entrada de precipitações previstas foi observado que o modelo de circulação global não representou os extremos observados de forma satisfatória, sendo executado um processo de remoção do viés. O modelo de empírico de simulação foi posteriormente executado em modo continuo, gerando previsões de longo prazo de níveis para os próximos sete meses, para cada mês no período de junho/2004 a dezembro/2011. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a metodologia utilizada obteve bons resultados, com desempenho satisfatórios até o terceiro mês, decaindo seu desempenho nos meses posteriores, mas configurando-se em uma ferramenta para auxílio à gestão dos recursos hídricos do local de estudo. / Population growth and degradation of water bodies have been pressuring modern agriculture, to provide more efficient responses about the rational use of water. For a better use of water resources, it is necessary to understand the movement of water in nature, where prior knowledge of atmospheric phenomena is an important tool in planning activities that use water as the primary source of supply. In this study were performed long-term forecasts of water levels (seven months of horizon, monthly time-step) in the Hydrological System Taim, using rainfall forecasts generated by a global circulation model as input. To perform predictions was developed an empirical hydrological regression model. This model was developed based on statistical techniques of analysis and manipulation of historical data to correlate the input data available to the levels (volume) of water in a wetland. Assuming that weather forecasts are a major source of uncertainty in hydrological forecasting, we used an ensemble forecast from COLA 2.2 with 30 members to quantify the uncertainties involved. An algorithm was developed to generate all the multiple linear regression models with the available data, where eight candidates equations were selected for hydrological forecasting. In a preliminary analysis of the precipitation forecast was observed that the global circulation model did not achieve a good representation of extremes values, thus a process of bias removal was carried out. Then the empirical model was used to generate water levels forecast for the next seven months, in each month of the period june/2004 to december/2011. The results showed that the methodology used has a satisfactory performance until the lead time three (third month in the future) where the performance starts to show lower values. Beside the sharply lost of performance in the last lead times, the model is a support tool that can help the decision making in the management of water resources for the study case.
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Previsão de longo prazo de níveis no sistema hidrológico do TAIMGaldino, Carlos Henrique Pereira Assunção January 2015 (has links)
O crescimento populacional e a degradação dos corpos d’água vêm exercendo pressão à agricultura moderna, a proporcionar respostas mais eficientes quanto ao uso racional da água. Para uma melhor utilização dos recursos hídricos, faz-se necessário compreender o movimento da água na natureza, onde o conhecimento prévio dos fenômenos atmosféricos constitui uma importante ferramenta no planejamento de atividades que utilizam os recursos hídricos como fonte primária de abastecimento. Nesse trabalho foram realizadas previsões de longo prazo com antecedência de sete meses e intervalo de tempo mensal de níveis no Sistema Hidrológico do Taim, utilizando previsões de precipitação geradas por um modelo de circulação global. Para realizar as previsões foi elaborado um modelo hidrológico empírico de regressão, onde foram utilizadas técnicas estatísticas de análise e manipulação de séries históricas para correlacionar os dados disponíveis aos níveis (volumes) de água no banhado. Partindo do pressuposto que as previsões meteorológicas são a maior fonte de incerteza na previsão hidrológica, foi utilizada a técnica de previsão por conjunto (ensemble) e dados do modelo COLA, com 30 membros, para quantificar as incertezas envolvidas. Foi elaborado um algoritmo para gerar todas as possibilidades de regressão linear múltipla com os dados disponíveis, onde oito equações candidatas foram selecionadas para realizar as previsões. Numa análise preliminar dos dados de entrada de precipitações previstas foi observado que o modelo de circulação global não representou os extremos observados de forma satisfatória, sendo executado um processo de remoção do viés. O modelo de empírico de simulação foi posteriormente executado em modo continuo, gerando previsões de longo prazo de níveis para os próximos sete meses, para cada mês no período de junho/2004 a dezembro/2011. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a metodologia utilizada obteve bons resultados, com desempenho satisfatórios até o terceiro mês, decaindo seu desempenho nos meses posteriores, mas configurando-se em uma ferramenta para auxílio à gestão dos recursos hídricos do local de estudo. / Population growth and degradation of water bodies have been pressuring modern agriculture, to provide more efficient responses about the rational use of water. For a better use of water resources, it is necessary to understand the movement of water in nature, where prior knowledge of atmospheric phenomena is an important tool in planning activities that use water as the primary source of supply. In this study were performed long-term forecasts of water levels (seven months of horizon, monthly time-step) in the Hydrological System Taim, using rainfall forecasts generated by a global circulation model as input. To perform predictions was developed an empirical hydrological regression model. This model was developed based on statistical techniques of analysis and manipulation of historical data to correlate the input data available to the levels (volume) of water in a wetland. Assuming that weather forecasts are a major source of uncertainty in hydrological forecasting, we used an ensemble forecast from COLA 2.2 with 30 members to quantify the uncertainties involved. An algorithm was developed to generate all the multiple linear regression models with the available data, where eight candidates equations were selected for hydrological forecasting. In a preliminary analysis of the precipitation forecast was observed that the global circulation model did not achieve a good representation of extremes values, thus a process of bias removal was carried out. Then the empirical model was used to generate water levels forecast for the next seven months, in each month of the period june/2004 to december/2011. The results showed that the methodology used has a satisfactory performance until the lead time three (third month in the future) where the performance starts to show lower values. Beside the sharply lost of performance in the last lead times, the model is a support tool that can help the decision making in the management of water resources for the study case.
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Empirical modeling of the thermal systems in an apartment : A study of the relationship between household electricity consumption and indoor temperatureWallentinsson, Måns, Jacob, Rutfors January 2020 (has links)
In this study, linear and non-linear models were trained on real data to mimic the relationship between household electricity consumption and indoor temperature, in the rooms of an apartment in downtown Stockholm. The aim was to better understand this relationship and to distinguish any divergence between the different rooms. With data from two weeks of measurements, the models proved to perform well when tested on validation data for almost all rooms, only showing performance dips for the middle room. A noticeable correlation between the electricity consumption and the indoor temperature was observed for all rooms except the bedroom. However, the benefits of using this information to predict the indoor temperature are limited and differ between the rooms. The household electricity consumption primarily brought beneficial information to the kitchen models, where most of the heat generating appliances were located. It was found that linear models were sufficient to represent the thermal systems of the rooms, performing equally well and often better than non-linear models.
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Design of a State of Charge (SOC) Estimation Block for a Battery Management System (BMS). / Entwicklung eines Ladezustand Block für Battery Management System (BMS)Cheema, Umer Ali January 2013 (has links)
Battery Management System (BMS) is an essential part in battery powered applications where large battery packs are in use. BMS ensures protection, controlling, supervision and accurate state estimation of battery pack to provide efficient energy management. However the particular application determines the accuracy and requirements of BMS where it has to implement; in electric vehicles (EVs) accuracy cannot be compromised. The software part of BMS estimates the states of the battery pack and takes the best possible decision. In EVs one of the key tasks of BMS’s software part is to provide the actual state of charge (SOC), which represents a crucial parameter to be determined, especially in lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries, due to the presence of the high hysteresis behavior in the open circuit voltage than other kind of lithium batteries. This hysteresis phenomena appears with two different voltage curves during the charging and discharging process. The value of the voltage that the battery is going to assume during the off-loading operation depends on several factors, such as temperature, loop direction and ageing. In this research work, hybrid method is implemented in which advantages of several methods are achieved by implementing one technique combined with another. In this work SOC is calculated from coulomb counting method and in order to correct the error of SOC, an hysteresis model is developed and used due to presence of hysteresis effect in LiFePO4 batteries. An hysteresis model of the open circuit voltage (OCV) for a LiFePO4 cell is developed and implemented in MATLAB/Simulink© in order to reproduce the voltage response of the battery when no current from the cell is required (no load condition). Then the difference of estimated voltage and measured voltage is taken in order to correct the error of SOC calculated from coulomb counting or current integration method. To develop the hysteresis model which can reproduce the same voltage behavior, lot of experiments have been carried out practically in order to see the hysteresis voltage response and to see that how voltage curve change with the variation of temperature, ageing and loop direction. At the end model is validated with different driving profiles at different ambient temperatures.
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