Spelling suggestions: "subject:"employees"" "subject:"emmployees""
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An investigation into employee perceptions and experience of performance appraisal in the public sectorRademan, Desmond John 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: While the current trend among a number of organisations is to integrate performance
appraisal with performance management systems or even 'replace' it with performance
management systems, it is still an extremely highly utilised process. The probable
reason for this, is that the major use of performance appraisal is as a management tool
whereby the quality of personnel decisions can be enhanced when an effective system is
in place. Ideally the use of a formal process, focused on objective, job orientated criteria,
will empower management to make meaningful decisions which will not only be to the
benefit of individual workers but will contribute to the overall effectiveness and efficiency
of the organisation.
Apart from the fact that it is used as a management tool, other major objectives of
performance appraisal are to determine the administrative and developmental needs of
individuals in the interests of their own progress and development as well as that of the
organisation. There are therefore, two fundamental parties involved in appraisal, being
the appraisee and the appraiser and it is inevitable that the approach to, or the
perception of the subject should be different in some, or many ways. Aspects such as
utility, fairness, ethics, motivation, accuracy, validity, rating errors, effectiveness and
feedback, should therefore be examined in more detail in order to determine where
specific problem areas may lie. Serious perceptual differences concerning the process
will surely create obstacles and eventually lead to an inefficient system.
The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which differing perceptions playa
role in the acceptance or rejection of the appraisal system in general terms and
specifically in terms of the aspects mentioned above, from the point of view of
subordinates and supervisors. The diagnostic instrument used in this study was adapted from those of Mount (1983)
(named the Leadership Analysis Questionnaire) and Ie Roux (1989) to include aspects
which are more in line with features of the performance appraisal system unique to the
participating organisation. Two different forms of questionnaires were used in this study.
One was designed for completion by subordinates and the other by supervisors. These
two groups were further subdivided into two groups referred to as achievers and nonachievers.
The overall response to the questionnaires was very satisfactory in that 431
of the 600 questionnaires were returned (almost 72%) of which 44 were not usable. Of
the 186 supervisors' responses which could be used for statistical analysis, 80 were
categorised as achievers and of the 201 subordinates' responses which could be used
for statistical analysis, 38 were categorised as achievers.
The research revealed statistically significant differences in perception between different
computations of all groups in respect of fairness, ethics, accuracy, rater error and
administrative aspects.
It is recommended that future research should be directed at the underlying reasons for
perceptual differences between supervisors and subordinates, regarding the factors
mentioned above, with the aim of improving communication and relationships. Another
area would be to investigate the feasibility of organisations incorporating performance
appraisal into a more integrated performance management system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoewel talle organisasies tans daartoe neig om prestasie-beoordeling by prestasiebestuur
in te skakel of om dit selfs daardeur te vervang, is dit steeds 'n hoogs
aangeskrewe proses. Die waarskynlikste rede hiervoor is dat prestasie-beoordeling
hoofsaaklik dien as bestuurshulp ten opsigte van die verbetering van personeelbesluite
waar 'n doeltreffende stelsel reeds bestaan. Die ideaal is dat die gebruik van 'n formele
proses met objektiewe, werkgeoriënteerde kriteria as uitgangspunt, bestuur bemagtig om
sinvolle besluite te neem wat nie net tot voordeel van die werker as individu strek nie,
maar ook tot die algehele doeltreffendheid van die organisasie.
Benewens prestasie-beoordeling se bestuurshulpfunksie, is 'n ander belangrike mikpunt
daarvan om die administratiewe en ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van individue te help bepaal -
nie net in die belang van hul eie vordering en ontwikkeling nie, maar ook in die belang
van die organisasie s'n. Daarom is daar basies twee partye betrokke by prestasie-beoordeling,
naamlik die beoordelaar en diegene wat beoordeel word. Dit is dus onvermydelik
dat die benadering tot of waarneming van die onderwerp in 'n paar en dikwels selfs in
talle opsigte sal verskil. Dit is dus belangrik dat aspekte soos bruikbaarheid, regverdigheid,
etiek, motivering, akkuraatheid, geldigheid, beoordelingsfoute, doeltreffendheid en
terugvoering in groter besonderhede ondersoek word om vas te stel waar probleemareas
moontlik mag voorkom. Ernstige perseptuele verskille wat die proses betref, kan
stuikelblokke veroorsaak en aanleiding gee tot 'n ondoeltreffende stelsel.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel in watter mate verskillende persepsies kan
bydra tot die aanvaarding of verwerping van die beoordelingstelseloor die algemeen en
in die besonder ten opsigte van bogenoemde aspekte soos beskou vanuit beide die
toesighouer en die ondergeskikte se oogpunt. Die diagnostiese meetinstrument wat gebruik is, is 'n aanpassing van Mount (1983) se
"Leadership Analysis Questionnaire" en dié van Le Roux (1989) en sluit aspekte in wat in
'n groter mate tred hou met die eienskappe van die beoordelingstelsel eie aan die
deelnemende organisasie s'n. Twee verskillende vraelyste is gebruik vir toesighouers en
onder-geskiktes. 'n Bykomende verdeling is gemaak tussen presteerders en niepresteerders.
Die reaksie op die vraelyste was, op die keper beskou, baie bevredigend,
aangesien 431 van die 600 vraelyste terugontvang is - bykans 72%. Hiervan was 44
onbruikbaar. Van die 186 toesighouersvraelyste wat gebruik kon word vir statistiese
ontleding, is 80 as dié van presteerdes geklassifiseer, en van die 2010ndergeskiktes se
vraelyste 38.
Die ondersoek het in sy berekeninge statistiese beduidende verskille uitgewys ten
opsigte van die verskillende groepe se persepsies van regverdigheid, etiek,
akkuraatheid, beoordelingsfoute en administratiewe aspekte.
Daar word aanbeveel dat toekomstige navorsing gerig word op die onderliggende,redes
vir die perseptuele verskille tussen toesighouers en ondergeskiktes, met inagneming van
bogenoemde faktore en met die mikpunt die verbetering van kommunikasie en
verhoudinge. Nog navorsing sou ook gedoen kon word om te bepaal hoe uitvoerbaar dit
vir 'n organisasie sou wees om prestasie-beoordeling in te skakel by 'n stelsel wat
prestasiebestuurgerig is.
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The effects of casualization on the working conditions of temporary employees in the hospitality industryKuipers, Aiko 26 August 2015 (has links)
M.Tech. / Employees in the events management and conferencing sectors in the tourism and hospitality industries are employed on either full-time and or temporary working arrangements, referred to as casualization. Traditionally, a full complement of employees would be present at hospitality venues; however, economic conditions, occupancy levels and consequently turnover, have dramatically changed, leading to venues only employing staff when they are needed. A South African survey (2010) reveals that most temporary employees are contracted from labour brokers, who in turn sell their skills and services to the events management and conferencing sectors, among others in the hospitality industry. This change was necessary to enable employers to only employ staff for busy periods. (Hickmore, 2011; Mosala, 2008)...
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Training and development in South African local government :the case of the Helderberg municipality.Ntlebi, Nontsikelelo January 2003 (has links)
Magister Administrationis - MAdmin / Training and development is an important issue in South African Local Government. These are related concepts. However, more emphasis is placed on training in this research report. Several authors argued that the majority of South African workers need new or significantly expanded skills to keep up with the demands of their jobs. Employee training and development (T&D) is seen as a key factor in meeting the employer’s strategic, business and operational goals. Others mentioned that the people who work in the public sector must constantly strive to act in a way that will lead to improvement of the quality of service delivery by public institutions. They also mentioned that training is aimed at the practical application of knowledge as well as the development of specific behavior patterns, attitudes and motives with a view to realizing goals (Carrell et al., 1999). The population increase leads to the expansion of organizations and their responsibilities. The changing constitutional and political dispensation of South Africa demands certain amendments and changes to be made by organizations. Increased pollution and shortage of natural resources demand certain strategies. The shortage of trained manpower causes higher demand to be made on the available manpower. All these shows needs and demands for training and development. Cloete and Mokgoro (1995:91) argued that the new government would have to rely heavily on the public service to implement new policy and facilitate development. They added that the council should develop broad guidelines for public sector training. Further these would relate to current and future human resource needs for the public service. In addition, such a policy would set standards for trainers and training programs (Cloete and Mokgoro, 1995). Training and development needs are examined in this research report to see how the Helderberg Municipality (Western Cape) has conducted its training. The study aims to identify the key obstacles for effective training. Some authors suggest that the simplest method of conducting a training survey is to go around asking managers and supervisors what they think are the training priorities in their department. The result obtained may be subjective but as long as the surveys are analyzed carefully, they would prove a useful starting point for analysis. The literature also suggests that the management and supervisors must feel involved from the beginning. This study focuses on the Helderberg Municipality. The researcher relied on the literature to gain more information about training and development, especially in the South African situation. Some interviews were conducted in the Helderberg Municipality. The study is based on both qualitative and quantitative methods. This researcher used the qualitative methods because she considered them as useful and that they would give her a wider scope. By contrast, the quantitative method would be useful hence figures are also provided. Some interviews were conducted with the Training Manager of the Helderberg Municipality. The study could help the Helderberg Municipality to rectify its weaknesses and deal with their current challenges of training and development. Policy makers and consultants could use the results of this study to formulate policies for municipalities. Lastly, students could also benefit from this study by using it as a source of reference. / South Africa
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Systém motivace pracovníků ve společnosti TOKOZ a.s. / System of work motivation in the company TOKOZ a.s.Blehová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis "System of work motivation in the company TOKOZ a.s." deals with motivation of employees focusing on evaluation, remuneration and education. The practical part focusses on the specific company which is TOKOZ a.s. and their system of motivation. Further it evaluates the situation in the company and suggests eventual arrangements which could contribute to greater satisfaction of employees in the company.
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The Impact of Training on the Frequency of Internal Promotions of Employees and ManagersWest, Lindsey Straka 08 1900 (has links)
In this study, the relationship between formal training opportunities and internal promotions in organizations was examined in order to support the value of organizations investing in employees through training opportunities, as training is often seen as an expense to be cut in difficult times. Differences between general and specific training topics on the impact of frequency of promotion in an organization were addressed, as well as assessing differences between employees and managers. Training allows for a more capable workforce and pool of employees to pull from when an organization needs to hire. Hiring from within can save time, money, and allow for a proven person-organization fit that hiring from the external workforce cannot provide. The archival data used in the study were from the National Organizations Survey, 1996-1997 which included organizations of all sizes and forms. The analyses produced mixed support for the hypotheses. Significant relationships were found between hours of formal training and frequency of promotions of employees, and between importance of training in promotions and frequency of promotions for managers. Multiple regressions revealed that the hypothesis predicting that increased hours of training focused on general skills would positively contribute to promotion rates was not supported for either employees or managers. Exploratory analyses were also conducted to further investigate training and promotion practices. Significant contributions to hours and importance of training in promotion were discovered for certain types of skills training for both the employee and manager groups. Comparison between the employee and manager groups across variables found significant differences in certain skill type training. Practical implications of the findings and future study considerations are discussed.
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The Mediating Effects of LMX on the Relationship Between Supervisor and Employee Age Differences, Satisfaction, and Retirement IntentionsPytlovany, Amy Christine 26 July 2016 (has links)
Increasing age heterogeneity within organizations is pressing researchers to better understand the effects of a multigenerational workforce, teams, and dyads. In response to this, the present research aimed to investigate the effect of employee and supervisor age (in)congruence in relation to job and life satisfaction, as well as retirement intentions, all mediated by leader-member exchange (LMX), using a time-lagged design. Two different theoretical foundations were investigated. Based on the relational demography literature, better outcomes were expected to be associated with age similarity. Theories about implicit expectations relating age and social role guided hypotheses suggesting that beyond just similarity or difference, the direction of age differences would matter. Based on traditional social assumptions that age is associated with experience and wisdom, it was expected that work outcomes would be better when the supervisor was older than the employee, and worse when the supervisor was younger than the employee. Results did not support any of the proposed hypotheses, with the exception of the established relationship between LMX and job satisfaction. However, response surface graphs and polynomial regression results directed post hoc analyses which did reveal a main effect of supervisor age on LMX and an indirect effect of supervisor age on Time 2 job satisfaction through Time 1 LMX. Employees in this sample reported higher quality LMX when supervisors were younger, regardless of employee age, and in turn employees with younger supervisors reported higher job satisfaction. These results and the trends depicted by response surface graphs are discussed in relation to implications for research and practice.
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Analýza personální práce ve společnosti Makovec a.s. / Analyses of personnel work in the company Makovec a.s.Černá, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
The theme of the Master's thesis is an analysis of personnel work in the company Makovec a.s. which develops, manufactures and sells meat and meat products. The work is divided into theoretical part where the individual personnel activities are described and the practical part where the theoretical knowledge is compared with the practical facts in the company. The analysis focuses on the recruitment, selection, adoption, adaptation, evaluation, remuneration and education of employees and aims to identify the strengths and the weaknesses and tries to suggest alternative solutions.
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Job satisfaction, substance use, and gambling behaviour of northern Albertan casino employeesDangerfield, Lyndsey, University of Lethbridge. School of Health Sciences January 2004 (has links)
Relatively little is known about Canadian casino employees. The present study is a broad-based investigation intended to shed some light on this population. There were several specific areas of investigation. These included job satisfaction, substance use and abuse, gambling behaviour, gambling attitudes and beliefs, and problem gambling status. Because of this high-risk group’s excessive exposure to gambling, casino employees’ gambling behaviour may be indicative of the general adult population’s future gambling behaviour. Although there is some prior evidence of higher rates of problem gambling in this population, the causal direction of this relationship is not well established. That is, does working in a casino place employees at a higher risk for problem gambling, or does the industry actually attract problem gamblers?
The present study investigated the characteristics of 123 Canadian casino employees from two Alberta casinos. The study aimed to establish the actual impact of casino employment on substance use and gambling behaviour by means of a follow-up questionnaire that was distributed six months after the baseline questionnaire was collected. The results of the follow-up questionnaire tentatively suggest that problem gamblers are attracted to the casino industry, rather than the casino industry placing its employees at a higher risk for problem gambling. The study also found that Northern Albertan casino employees have higher rates of smoking, alcohol use, illicit drug use, medication use, gambling, and problem gambling than the general Albertan workforce. / viii, 140 leaves ; 29 cm. --
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Auditing troubled employees in the public sectorMehdiyar, Lila 01 January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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An investigation into the gaps between tourism education provision and industry need in KwaZulu-NatalJugmohan, Sean January 2009 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Masters Degree in Technology, (Tourism Management) in the Department of Hospitality and Tourism, Durban University of Technology, 2009. / There is a growing demand for professionally educated and trained staff in the
tourism sector. However, current literature reveals a significant disparity between the
tourism education provided by institutions and the skills required by the industry. A
major challenge facing tourism education institutions is the identification of industry
needs and requirements and the involvement of industry in curriculum design. The
aim of this research is to examine the education, skills and training required of
tourism employees and whether the provisions of higher education tourism courses
are adequately meeting industry needs. Identifying this „gap‟ will assist in improving
the development of tourism education programmes to meet the needs of industry. The
research examines the relevance of the tourisms qualification from three stakeholders‟
perspectives, namely, managers from the tourism sector, tourism graduate employees,
and tourism academics. Surveys, in the form of structured questionnaires, were used
to obtain information from the three groups.
The overall findings of the study revealed that gaps do exist in the tourism curriculum
according to the perceptions of stakeholder groups that participated in this study. The
recommendations are that closer collaboration is required between academics,
managers from the industry when designing tourism curriculum and also to sustain the
relevance of the curriculum to meet the needs of industry.
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