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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projekt na podporu zaměstnanosti absolventů / Project Based on Support of School-leavers Employment

Sedlář, Roman January 2008 (has links)
This Diploma thesis is a proposal of project for supporting employment of school leavers, which propose to financial support from structural fund of European Union. The objective of project is more efficient of active policy of employment – socially serviceable working station.

Könsskillnader i anställning av nyanlända till instegsjobb i Sverige : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med personal från arbetsförmedlingen

Lilliehorn, Carolina January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sverige blir ett allt mer mångkulturellt land med var sjätte invånare född utomlands. Arbetslöshet och sämre socioekonomiska villkor har tydliga samband med ohälsa. För att underlätta för nyanlända att komma ut i arbetslivet finns en statligt subventionerad arbetsmarknadsåtgärd; instegsjobb. Enligt statistik från arbetsförmedlingen råder ojämnställd fördelning mellan andel kvinnor och män som får tillgång instegsjobb.   Syfte: Syftet med studien är att åskådliggöra vilka faktorer arbetsförmedlarna anser är orsak till skillnaden mellan antalet män och kvinnor med instegsjobb.     Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervjustudie där urvalet består av åtta arbetsförmedlare från olika arbetsmarknadsområden i Sverige.   Resultat: Enligt studien är de grundläggande faktorerna för den ojämna fördelningen av instegsjobb traditionen att kvinnan utför obetalt hushållsarbete i hemmet och mannen utför betalt lönearbete. De traditionella könsrollerna påverkare även kvinnans eget intresse och självförtroende att påbörja och klara av en utbildning och därefter få ett arbete. Både nyanlända kvinnor och män bidrar till att vidmakthålla de begränsande könsmaktsordningen. En annan orsak uppges vara att arbetsförmedlings system förfördelar kvinnor genom hur utbildning och erfarenhet registreras samt att mansdominerade yrkesgrupper och arbetsgivare prioriteras.     Slutsats: Kulturella och traditionella värderingar kopplat till kön är begränsande för nyanlända kvinnors möjlighet att få ett instegsjobb.  För att öka jämställdheten i instegsjobb måste värderingen av nyanlända kvinnor och deras arbete förändras. Arbetsmarknadssystemet i Sverige måste ta extra hänsyn till de faktorer som försvårar för nyanlända kvinnor att etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden. / Background: Sweden is increasingly becoming a more multi-culture country with every sixth inhabitant born abroad. Unemployment and inferior socioeconomic terms have correlation to a lower health status. According to statistics from the Swedish Public Employment Services there is a gender inequality between the shares of new arrival immigrants that get use of the employment support called special recruitment incentive in the shape of entry recruitment incentive.   Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze which factors employment officers at the Swedish Public Employment Services consider affect the gender inequality in the special recruitment incentive in the shape of entry recruitment incentive.   Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative study with abductive approach. The number of persons interviewed were eight.   Results: The main factors affecting the ability of women to get the employment support, was gender values that women do domestic housework and men do work wage. The roles of gender makes the women believe less in them self’s as someone ably to get an employment. Women and men are both taking part in maintaining the roles of gender. Also the fact that the Swedish Public Employment Services priorities men and male dominated professions contributes to the inequality.   Conclusion: This study demonstrates that gender related value is a main aggravating factor for newly arrived women to get use of the employment support called special recruitment incentive in the shape of entry recruitment incentive. To increase the number of newly arrived women in this employments it is important to take into account the impact of traditional and cultural values affecting women.

Návrh podpory zaměstnanosti s využitím aktivní politiky zaměstnanosti / The Proposal of the Employment Support with Utilization of Active Labour Market Policy

Vinská, Ivana January 2007 (has links)
The goal of the thesis "The proposal of the Employment Support with Utilization of Active Labour Market Policy" is the summary of how to use Active labour market policy with a focus on welfare service, following the proposal of the efficient use of the welfare services using funding from the European social fund.

Restrições em trabalhadores de enfermagem: perfil e intervenções da terapia ocupacional / Readjusted nursing workers: profile and occupational therapy interventions

Ratier, Ana Paula Pelegrini 22 May 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Os trabalhadores de Enfermagem hospitalar apresentam um alto risco de acometimento por Doença Osteomuscular Relacionada ao Trabalho (DORT), devido, principalmente, a exposição intensa a cargas de trabalho. As consequências individuais e institucionais dos DORT são devastadoras, agravando-se ainda mais no caso de trabalhadores com restrições no trabalho. Dessa forma, faz-se imperativo entender as limitações desse trabalhador e submetê-lo ao tratamento de reabilitação, visando melhora de seus sintomas e de sua capacidade funcional. Objetivo: caracterizar o trabalhador de enfermagem com restrições e avaliar o impacto de intervenções de Terapia Ocupacional. Método: estudo quantitativo, experimental, do tipo ensaio clínico aleatório não controlado, realizado em um hospital público paulista, com coleta de dados de maio a novembro de 2017, junto a 25 trabalhadores de enfermagem com restrições em membros superiores (MMSS), por meio de um questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica e laboral e três avaliações padronizadas Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH), Questionário Nórdico de Sintomas Osteomusculares (QNSO) e Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) de dor. Após a caracterização, um subgrupo foi submetido a tratamento individual de terapia ocupacional e reavaliado ao final do tratamento. Os dados foram submetidos à análise descritiva e tratamento estatístico descritivo e analítico. Resultados: 25 trabalhadoras, sendo três enfermeiras, quatro auxiliares de enfermagem e dezoito técnicas de enfermagem, com idade média de 48 anos e média de 19 anos de trabalho, obedeceram aos critérios de inclusão. Exercendo suas funções em 11 setores diferentes, apresentavam IMC médio de 29,55, sendo oito praticantes de esportes e média de dois diagnósticos de DORT e duas restrições no trabalho, com elevado número de comorbidades. As atividades predominantes de trabalho foram: escrita, checagem de sinais vitais e medicação. Conforme o QNSO dos doze meses antecedentes, as maiores prevalências de sintomas foram 92% em ombros e punhos e mãos e 84% região lombar; nos sete dias antecedentes, 80% em ombros e 64% em punhos e mãos. Apesar dos sintomas, em média, apenas metade restringiu-se em suas atividades e consultou profissional de saúde. A EVA de dor teve escore médio de 6,64 e o DASH de 40,9, sendo as atividades desempenhadas com maiores dificuldades: atividades recreativas que exigem força, abertura de um vidro novo e tarefas domésticas pesadas. Oito trabalhadoras receberam em média cinco sessões de terapia ocupacional e três intervenções diferentes, sendo as mais utilizadas: massagem miofascial, confecção de órteses e calor superficial. Após o tratamento, as reavaliações a curto prazo mostraram melhora de 40% na intensidade média de dor e 37% de melhora na capacidade funcional. Não houve mudanças na prevalência de dor. Conclusões: o trabalhador de enfermagem com restrições de trabalho em MMSS apresenta uma elevada prevalência de sintomas osteomusculares e intensidade de dor, aliada a grande número de comorbidades e perda parcial da capacidade funcional. O tratamento de terapia ocupacional mostra-se uma estratégia eficaz em curto prazo para minimização de dor e melhora da capacidade funcional. Acreditamos que outras ações de saúde e institucionais sejam necessárias para abraçar a dimensão das repercussões dos DORT nessa população. / Introduction: Hospital nursing workers have a high risk of developing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs), mainly due to intense exposure to workloads. The individual and institutional consequences of WMSDs are devastating and even worse in the case of readjusted workers. Thus, it is imperative to understand their limitations and perform rehabilitation treatment, aiming to improve their symptoms and their functional capacity. Objective: to identify sociodemographic, health and occupational status of readjusted workers and to evaluate the impact of occupational therapy interventions. Method: a quantitative experimental uncontrolled randomized clinical trial, in a public hospital in the city of São Paulo. Data collection occurred from May to November 2017, with 25 readjusted nursing workers with limitations in the Upper Limbs (UL); instruments used were a questionnaire containing sociodemographic, occupational and health data and three standardized ones Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH), Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) of pain. After characterization, a subgroup underwent individual treatment of occupational therapy and was re-evaluated at the end of treatment. Data were submitted to descriptive analysis and descriptive and analytical statistical treatment. Results: 25 workers, women, being three nurses, four nursing aides and 18 nursing technicians, with 48 years old of average age and an average of 19 working years, followed the inclusion criteria. Working in 11 different hospital settings, they presented a mean BMI of 29,55, with eight athletes and an average of two WMSDs and two work limitations per person, also featuring a high number of comorbidities. The predominant work activities were: writing, checking vital signs and medication. According to the NMQ of the previous 12 months, the highest prevalences of symptoms were 92% in shoulders and wrists and hands and 84% in the lumbar region; in the previous seven days, 80% in shoulders and 64% in wrists and hands. Despite the symptoms, on average only half were restricted in their activities and searched for a health professional.The average VAS of pain score was 6.64 and the DASH had an average of 40.9, with activities performed with greater difficulties: recreational activities that require strength, opening of a new jar and heavy housework. Eight workers received an average of five sessions of occupational therapy and three different interventions, being the most used: myofascial massage, splinting and superficial heat. After treatment, short-term reevaluations showed a 40% improvement in the average pain intensity and 37% improvement in the average of functional capacity. There were no changes in pain prevalence. Conclusion: the readjusted worker with UL limitations features a high prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms and pain intensity, together with a large number of comorbidities and partial loss of functional capacity. Occupational therapy treatment is an effective short-term strategy for minimizing pain and improving functional capacity. We believe that other health and institutional actions are necessary to embrace the extent of the repercussions of WMSDs in this population.

La morale de l'emploi : Les coulisses de l'Etat Social Actif / The moral of the job : Behind the scenes of the active welfare State

Lavitry, Lynda 05 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les transformations du travail des conseillers du service public de l’emploi, pris en tension entre une logique d’individualisation et une logique de rationalisation du service orientée vers le renforcement des contrôles. L'analyse socio-historique de l'accompagnement des chômeurs, et la sociologie de ce groupe professionnel permettent d’envisager les reconfigurations du métier de conseiller à l’emploi comme un révélateur des mutations de l’Etat social vers un Etat social actif, qui s’exprime notamment par un projet institutionnel d’incitation à l’adaptabilité aux normes d’emploi. S’appuyant sur une longue enquête ethnographique menée dans 7 agences auprès de 87 conseillers parmi une centaine de professionnels, et sur 200 observations de rendez-vous entre conseillers et chômeurs, la thèse analyse les effets de deux visées potentiellement contradictoires : la subjectivation d’une part, et la rationalisation gestionnaire d’autre part.Une rationalisation industrielle d’un nouveau type recompose les clivages structurants entre normes socio-cliniques et socio-techniques, logique technico-commerciale et logique civique. Elle fait émerger un nouveau modèle professionnel, marqué par une gestion actuarielle des risques de chômage (qui conduit notamment à écarter de l’accompagnement les chômeurs non indemnisés), mais aussi porté par une dimension morale qui repose sur l’individualisation du traitement. Les clivages antérieurs subsistent toutefois et donnent lieu à des dilemmes et polarisations éthiques et des stratégies d’évitement ou de neutralisation des actes professionnels les plus coercitifs. / This thesis focuses on the transformation of the Public Employment Service through a social history of the National Employment Agency, and a sociological pragmatic study of discourse and practices of professional employment counselors. We consider the reconfiguration of this profession is an indicator of changes in the welfare state to an active welfare state, which is expressed in particular by an institutional incentive project to the adaptability to employment standards. This project crystallizes a recurring tension in social intervention and more specifically in policies of employability, between control and empowerment, and between customization and standardization.Based on a long ethnographic investigation in seven agencies with 87 counselors among hundreds of professionals, and 200 observations of appointments between advisers and unemployed, the thesis analyzes the effects of these two potentially conflicting targets: the subjectivation on the one hand, and the management streamlining on the other.By changing the standards, organization, training of advisers, this industrial rationalization of a new type reconstructs the structural divisions between socio-clinical and socio-technical standards, and between techno-commercial and civic logic. It brings out a new professional model, marked by an actuarial management of risks (which especially leads to remove the unemployed from the monthly appointment), but also supported by a moral dimension based on the individualization of treatment. However, earlier divisions persist and give rise to ethical dilemmas and strategies of avoidance or neutralization of the most coercive professional acts.

Analýza realizace oblasti podpory Evropského sociálního fondu Rovné příležitosti žen a mužů na trhu práce a sladění pracovního a rodinného života v kraji Vysočina / An Analysis of implementation of the European Social Fund initiative Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in the Labor Market and Reconciliation of Work and Family Life in the Region Vysočina

Kabelková, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the support of Equal Opportunities for women and men in the labor market and to reconcile work and family life, funded by the European Social Fund. The thesis consists of an introduction, a theoretical part, a practical part, a conclusion and appendices. In the theoretical part there are the first introduced policies of the European Social Fund for the period 2007 - 2013 and then their application in the Czech Republic, made up mainly of the Operational Programme Human Resources and Employment and just his area of support 3.4 Equal opportunities for women and men in the labor market and to reconcile work and family life. The issue of equal opportunities for women and men is also used in the context of EU and in the context of labor market in the Czech Republic. Custom research is designed in order to analyze the implementation of the above- mentioned areas of support, specifically in the region Vysočina on the basis of already approved projects, using quantitative and qualitative content analysis. At the request Those projects are discussed both negative and positive gender lens. It is therefore a real form of project applications that are approved and draw on the financial resources of the European Social Fund.

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