Spelling suggestions: "subject:"energisystem"" "subject:"energisystems""
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Utjämning av effekttoppar från avisning av tåg i Luleås fjärrvärmenätNorell Helmsjö, David January 2021 (has links)
In the south-east part of the district heating network in Luleå, LKAB:S facility for de-icing their trains transporting iron ore is situated. The de-icing is done by sprayning the trains with hot water. The hot water is stored and heated in a basin, heated by district heating. When the de-icing starts the temperature in the basin drops and to restore it more heat is supplied from the district heating network. This results in peaks in the heat demand which causes high flows in the district heating system. The pipes in the district heating system are under-dimensioned and the high flows thereby causes high pressure gradients and a low pressure difference in the district heating grid. The objective of this project is to even out the peaks in the heat demand from the de-icing facility in order to minimize the maximal flows and improve the pressure difference in the grid. This was done by developing a heating strategy for the facility, using the basin to store energy as hot water. The strategy resulted in lower maximal peaks, where the highest peak during the studied period was reduced from 2430 kW to 1560 kW. In order to improve the return temperature in the gridfrom the facility a new heat-exchanger was dimensioned. The impact of these changes on thedistrict heating grid in Luleå was examined by simulations of the grid in the simulation software Netsim. These simulations showed that the pressure difference at the de-icing facility increased from 50 kPa with the current system to 200 kPa with the proposed changes. An investment assesment was conducted with respect to the heat exchanger for LKAB. It shows that the yearly flow costs are reduced and that the investment would be repayed within one to three years.
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Säsongslagra el med vätgas : Ekonomiska möjligheter för långtidslagring av grön vätgas producerad ur vindkraft / Seasonal storage of electricity with hydrogenApelryd, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
The energy carrier hydrogen has a great advantage over other electricity storing techniques on the market: the ability to store electricity long-term without any geographical needs. Though today’s techniques available are of low efficiency, the interests for them are high. Hydrogen gas is versatile, and with future developments it is possibly to make great economical profit from having a hydrogen storage. This master thesis project is evaluating the possible profitability that can be made when connecting a hydrogen system to a wind farm located in Swedish electricity region SE1. The system contains of production, storage and cold combustion of hydrogen with one main purpose: to produce hydrogen through electrolysis when the electricity prices are low and convert the gas back to electricity to sell when the prices are high. Four different simulations are made with a mixture of incomes: using the variety in the electricity price over a year, selling the by-products from the hydrogen system and selling pure hydrogen gas. The different simulations are mainly compared through three values: levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH), earnings before interests and tax (EBIT) and return. The results show that the LCOH -cost per produced kilo hydrogen- for all simulations are higher than other compared production methods; even higher than the price per sold kilo hydrogen. EBIT -earnings per year- show that selling pure hydrogen gas makes a major difference on the yearly profit, from (the lowest result) -52217 SEK to (the highest result) 4853306 SEK. Even though EBIT show a positive result for some of the simulations, the return on the investment is negative which makes the investment non-profitable. In a sensitivity analysis with three variables, is the one who makes the biggest difference on the return value the cost of the hydrogen storage. Lowering that cost enough would make the investment profitable.
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Energianalys av anrikningsverk G1A : Förbrukning och styrbarhetSchönfeldt, Tyra January 2022 (has links)
Anrikningsverket G1A i Boliden analyseras för att undersöka dess möjligheter till en flexiblare elanvändning i syftet att minska effekttoppar och jämna ut last. Detta genom att kartlägga maskiner och utrustningar i olika processavsnitt i verket som använder energi i form av el för att utföra sin uppgift, med slutmålet att presentera vilka möjligheter det finns för att justera energiförbrukningen hos dessa. Analysverktyget Seeq, vilket är en applikation skapad för processdataanalys, används för att analysera data och dialog med personalen på anrikningsverket för att samla ytterligare information om maskinerna och utrustningen i olika de processavsnitten. Resulterande möjligheter för en flexiblare energianvändning i anrikningsverket är att optimera värmesystemet för att undvika perioder då det både värms upp och kyls av samtidigt, sänka värmen i vissa lokaler tillfälligt för att balansera vid effekttoppar, stänga av eller sänka värmen till mindre områden under kortare tidsperioder eller anpassa värmen efter dygnsrytmen; t.ex. höja värmen under nätter när elen är billigare om man betalar timpris. Eventuellt stoppa tellurverket om bufferttanken där har tillräckligt låg nivå att den kan hantera att varmlakningstanken töms, villkorstyra ångpannan så den inte går då den totala effekten är hög, använda en buffert i sandpumpningen eller att takta in pumparna till dammarna så att de inte går samtidigt. Även att tillfälligt minska varvtalet på kvarnarna i malningen eller inrätta en jämnare reglering av infrakten kan vara möjliga åtgärder.
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Field study in Machacamarca, Bolivia : An investigation on the effects of implementing solar powered irrigation / Fältstudie i Machacamarca, Bolivia : En undersökning på effekterna av implementering av soldriven bevattningHenriksson, Amanda, Busin, Stina January 2018 (has links)
This bachelor thesis consists of a field study conducted in the canton of Machacamarca close to La Paz in Bolivia. The global climate change has affected the weather in the area which has caused higher temperatures, irregularity in precipitation and unexpected frost. This has complicated the traditional cultivation methods and affected the harvest yield. One of the more important sources of income in the canton is the local diary that is processing milk from the local farmers. The main purpose of the thesis was to investigate the economic improvements that could be achieved in the canton with the implementation of an irrigation system driven by photovoltaic power, and to evaluate if it would be feasible. The simulation program Decision support system for agrotechnology transfer, DSSAT, has been used to simulate the cultivation and harvest of the two main crops for forage, alfalfa and barley. The required input data has been collected from the canton of Machacamarca and used to simulate the harvest yield for three scenarios, business as usual, ideal irrigation and limited irrigation calculated from the local conditions. A Matlab code based on numbers and parameters collected during the field study is used to create economical simulations from the different harvest results to receive economical results from several steps in the process. The final economical outcomes are compared to each other and to the cost for the chosen pump and irrigation system. Both scenarios considering irrigation show a stabilized and improved harvest yield, but only the third scenario is possible to implement in Machacamarca due to water restrictions in the area. This makes it possible to feed 0.47 more cows per hectare which will improve the farmers and the diary ́s income with 94.57 %. The water use for irrigation is 1.33 litres per square meter which makes the Shurflo 8000 water pump the most suitable option to provide water to the irrigation system powered by a 130 W solar panel and a battery. The investment cost for the system would go up to 6114 BOB equal to 883 USD and the system has a maintenance cost of 200 BOB every second year. This would make it economically feasible for the farmers to buy a system, but it would require investors or funding. With a payment plan the farmers would be able to pay off the investment without any problem. / Detta kandidatexamensarbete utgörs av en fältstudie i samhället Machacamarca utanför La Paz, Bolivia. De globala klimatförändringarna har påverkat vädret i området med högre temperaturer, oregelbunden nederbörd och oväntad frost. Detta har komplicerat det traditionella jordbruket och påverkat skörden. En av de viktigaste inkomstkällorna i samhället är det lokala mejeriet som producerar mejerivaror av mjölken från de lokala bönderna. Huvudsyftet med denna rapport är att undersöka den ekonomiska förbättringen samhället skulle få vid en implementering av ett bevattningssystem drivet av solenergi och ifall det skulle vara genomförbart. Simuleringsprogrammet, Decision support system for agrotechnology transfer, DSSAT, har använts för att simulera jordbruket och skörden för de två grödorna alfalfa och korn som i första hand används till foder. Nödvändiga data har hämtats ifrån Machacamarca och används för att simulera skörden för de tre scenariona, business as usual, ideal bevattning och begränsad bevattning bestämd från de lokala förhållandena. En Matlab kod baserad på nummer och parametrar funna under fältstudien används för att skapa ekonomiska simulationer för de olika skördarna för att få ekonomiska resultat från flera steg i processen. De slutgiltiga ekonomiska resultaten jämförs mot varandra samt mot kostnaderna för det valda pump- och bevattningssystemet. De båda bevattnade scenariona visar på en stabiliserad och förbättrad skörd, men endast det tredje scenariot är genomförbart i Machacamarca på grund av vattenbegränsningar. Detta gör det möjligt att föda upp 0.47 fler kor per hektar vilket förbättrar böndernas och mejeriets inkomst med 94,57 %. Vattenanvändningen när bevattning är nödvändigt är 1.33 liter per kvadratmeter vilket gör att Shurflo 8000 är det lämpligaste alternativet drivet av en 130 W solpanel och ett batteri. Investeringskostnaden för systemet skulle uppgå till 6114 BOB med en underhållskostnad på 200 BOB vartannat år. Detta skulle innebära att det är ekonomiskt möjligt för bönderna att köpa ett sådant system, men det skulle krävas investerare eller någon typ av finansiering. Med en avbetalningsplan så skulle bönderna kunna betala av hela kostnaden utan problem.
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Integrated Development for Sustainable Development : A study of the agriculture sector in GhanaLindblad, Nicolina January 2018 (has links)
The growing demand for our most valuable resources; land, energy, and water, due to population growth and increased living standards, put the security of these resources at risk. The complexity of climate change, with the interdependencies between the aforementioned resources and potential feedback loops, makes the issue even more inextricable. This makes an integrated sectorial approach and sensible resource management crucial for decision making and policy development. To address these issues, a study of the agriculture sector of Ghana has been performed, by using GAEZ outputs in the OSeMOSYS framework. This enables the assessment to be done with multiple regions, in comparison to national data only. The results of this study show that coordination of agricultural practices on a national level, for the different regions, does not only reduce the necessary land use significantly, it also enables a growing demand to be met, and resources to be used more efficiently. It also provides guidance on where financial investments for irrigation and increased input levels are best placed. Finally, the results from this study highlight the importance of intersectoral assessments for policy developing. It should be stated that the integration with a climate, energy and water model, is essential to reach the full potential of this model. / En växande världsbefolkning och en ökad levnadsstandard resulterar i en allt större efterfrågan på våra mest värdefulla resurser nämligen: land, energi och vatten. Vilket i sin tur resulterar i att tillgången till dessa resurser hotas. Komplexiteten associerad med klimatförändringar på grund av sammanlänkningen mellan dessa resurser och de potentiell återkopplings-effekterna, gör det hela än mer svåröverskådligt. Detta betonar vikten av gränsöverskridande tillvägagångssätt och effektiv resurs-hantering, vid utformande av policy. För att adressera detta, har en studie av Ghanas jordbrukssektor utförts, med hjälp av data från GAEZ som sedermera legat till grund för inputs i OSeMOSYS. Detta har i möjliggjort att analysen kunde utföras på fler regioner än bara en nationell nivå. Resultaten av denna studie visar dels att nationell koordinering av jordbrukssektorn, resulterar i både att jordbruksarealen kan reduceras avsevärt, det medför även att landet har möjlighet att tillgodose en växande efterfrågan och effektivisera resursanvändningen. Dessutom ger den underlag för optimala investerings-allokeringar, avseende bevattningssystem och insats. Slutligen understryker resultaten från denna studien betydelsen av beslutsunderlag baserade på gränsöverbryggande studier. För framtida studier, bör denna jordbruksmodell integreras med klimat-, energi och vattenmodell för att nå bästa möjliga resultat.
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Solceller på Västergårdsgymnasiet : En förstudie för att implementera solceller och energilagring ur ett ekonomiskt perspektivGyulanszky, Tim January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the project was to carry out a study of a potential solar cell facility at Västergårdsgymnasiet. Previous studies have established that there is the greatest potential for electricity production during the summer period, which coincides with the load at its lowest. The aim of the project was therefore to investigate a solar cell plant with energy storage and how the surplus of the electricity produced can be stored.The modeling was performed with an installed capacity of 1231 kW solar panels and evaluated with the software Homer Pro, which is designed to simulate and optimize local energy systems. The execution of the project was divided into four main steps, the first being to check the solar-power plant's potential by calculating the theoretical electricity production against the property load. From this, the theoretical surplus could also be calculated, which is the cornerstone of the other main elements. The simulation resulted in the annual electricity production level being approximately 1.2 GWh and the theoretical surplus was estimated to be 0.5 GWh. The surplus in the system is sold to the electricity grid with a financial compensation based on Nordpool's spot prices. The financial result showed that it was not profitable with the conditions that the facility has and sensitivity analysis depending on the spot price was performed. The remaining three main steps are based on different types of energy storage methods, these are storage with lithium-ion batteries, flow batteries and hydrogen storage. The purpose of these energy storage methods was to reduce the proportion of electricity sold to increase the economic profitability and contribute to a higher degree of self-sufficiency.The systems with battery storage resulted in an increased degree of self-sufficiency but did not contribute to any increased economic profitability. The last storage method that was investigated was hydrogen storage, this was done with three different applications. The first application was based on the surplus of the produced solar energy being used to produce hydrogen. The produced hydrogen gas was then stored until the system has a shortage of energy and was then supplied to the fuel cell that produces both electricity and heat that were used in the property. The study showed that the method would not contribute to any economic profitability. The second application that was investigated was of the same basic structure as before but has been supplemented with a flow battery. The simulation of the system showed an increased degree of self-sufficiency but with a higher cost. The last method of application that was investigated was that the surplus energy is used to produce hydrogen, which was then used for an internal vehicle fleet or alternatively sold. The application gave promising results with the possibility of financial profitability.
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Validering av Ecolego för modellering i enlighet med PSA nivå 3 : Beräkning av markdeposition av radionuklider vid fiktiv svår härdskada vid Forsmarks kärnkraftverk / Investigation of whether the software Ecolego is suitable for modeling in accordance with level 3 PSAWinestedt, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
The scope of this project is to investigate if the software Ecolego is suitable for creating models in accordance with level 3 PSA, with the goal of creating a model calculating the possible outcomes for the radiological impact at 20 km distance resulting from a fictional severe nuclear accident at the Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant. This report aims to answer the questions “What is the concentration on the ground (kBq/m2), at a distance of 20 km, 30 days and 10 years after the fictional severe nuclear accident, with and without filtered venting” and “Is Ecolego a suitable software for level 3 PSA models?” The source term for the fictional severe nuclear accident is made to resemble the actual source term from the Fukushima Daiichi accident including the radionuclides Cs-134, Cs-136, Cs-137, I-131, I-132, I-133 and Te-132. In the model, three source terms are created and tested. Two source terms in which the total emissions are released in 24 hours, for which one contains the total emissions from the Fukushima Daiichi accident and one containing 1 percent of the emissions from the Fukushima Daiichi accident due to reduction of emissions when passing the filtered venting. The thirdsource term is made to resemble the time-dependent emissions for the Fukushima Daiichi accident, with emissions varying in intensity over 50 days. The transport of the radionuclide concentration is only due to atmospheric dispersion in the model, for which the Gaussian Plume Model (GPM) is applied under undisturbed condition where only the concentrations in the centerline of the plume are calculated. Probabilistic variation is performed with Monte Carlo simulations where probability density functions (PDFs) are assigned to wind speed andprecipitation, with 5000 iterations. Simulation of the model with one of the two source terms which has the release period of 24 hours gives reasonable results. However, to run the simulation with the time varying source term the model needs to be developed to generate reasonable results, for which necessary development actions are presented. The calculations of the resulting concentration on the ground 30 days and 10 years after the fictional accident shows that there are multiple possible outcomes, which makes it impossible to give a single answer to the expected concentration on the ground. Due to their short half-lives, there will be no concentrations of I-132 and I-133 on the ground at the distance 20 km after 30 days or 10 years. For the remaining radionuclides, the ranges of the possible outcomes for the concentration on ground are presented. It is concluded that Ecolego is suitable for PSA level 3 with the risk metric of environmental impact based on the results of the investigation. However, due to the time limit of the investigation, the applicability of creating an Ecolego model with the risk metrics health effects and economic impact are not investigated. But the report discusses suitable development of the model to contain the risk metric health effects in accordance with level 3 PSA. With such development the conclusion is that Ecolego is suitable for level 3 PSA.
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Utvärdering av V2G : Lönsamhet och miljöpåverkan med N(D)-baserad degraderingsmodell för elbilsbatterierJohan, Sjögren January 2023 (has links)
The transition from combustion engine vehicles to electric vehicles (EV) is an important step in achieving a carbon neutral society, but poses future difficulties in energy production. This is an issue in sustaining sufficient net energy, as well as providing sufficient power during hours of high demand. Vehicle to grid (V2G) may serve as a means of mitigating the power related issues. The main restraints are that battery state of charge (SoC) must be high enough when transportation is desired, and that the added energy flux through the battery causes additional wear. Furthermore, the production of batteries is heavily energy demanding, and the supply chain prompts environmental concerns. This study examines V2G profitability and environmental impact through modelling and simulation using Python. A battery degradation model is constructed based on life cycle versus depth of discharge, a N(D)-function. A V2G-system for one vehicle is simulated with t = 8736 h. Profitability is determined applying parameter optimization of maximum SoC and minimum difference in price of bought and sold energy. Evironmental impact is assessed with GWP100, and presented in terms of g CO2e per discharged kWh of energy from the battery. The results show that battery degradation is an important factor in determining profitability, but do indicate that profit is possible. However, the N(D) based modelling involves a risk of underestimating battery degradation due to insufficient model complexity. Calculated environmental impact is low, which is partly a result of low battery degradation, but there is a lack of similar studies on other energy storage methods, leading to difficulties in making useful comparisons.
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Elproduktionseffektivisering av ett vattenkraftverk : Studie på Rottnens vattenkraftverk och miljökonsekvenser av en dammrivning / The improvement of production efficiency in a hydroelectric plant : Case study on Rottnens hydropower plant and environmental impacts associated to dam removalStoetzer, Nellie January 2023 (has links)
Omställningen till förnyelsebara energikällor innebär att bland annat elproduktionen från vattenkraftverken måste utökas. I Sverige är vattenkraften redan etablerad och platser att bygga nya vattenkraftverk på är få. Därmed är det viktigt att ta vara på de vattenkraftverk som är i drift och om möjligt utöka elproduktionen i de kraftverken. En utökning av elproduktionen i ett vattenkraftverk kan bland annat genomföras genom att rensa och bredda utloppskanalen vilket ökar fallhöjden. Målet för den här studien var att finna den ekonomiskt mest optimala volymen att rensa i utloppskanalen från Rottnens vattenkraftverk för att utöka elproduktionen. Rottnadammen är placerad i anslutning till Rottnens vattenkraftverk och ska eventuellt rivas. En dammrivning medför miljökonsekvenser. Målet från studien var att undersöka vilka miljökonsekvenser en dammrivning medför. För beräkningen av elproduktionseffektiviseringen i Rottnens vattenkraftverk användes programvaran HEC-RAS. HEC-RAS användes för att simulera hur vatten- nivån i utloppskanalen förändras när olika volymer har rensats. För att undersöka miljökonsekvenser av en dammrivning genomfördes en litteraturstudie. Elproduktionsökning i Rottnens vattenkraftverk är möjlig genom rensningar i utloppskanalen i samband med att vattenintaget till Rottneros bruk flyttas från Rottnens vattenkraftverk till sjön Fryken. Det är ekonomiskt mest optimalt att rensa cirka 20 000 m3 vilket medför en elproduktionsökning på ungefär 1,1 GWh/år för ett statistiskt normalår. Inkomsten till följd av elproduktionsökningen är cirka 750 Kkr/år. Investeringskostnaden för en rensning på 20 000 m3 är ungefär 7 300 Kkr. Återbetalningstiden för investeringen är ungefär 16 år. Flytten av vattenintaget innebär att flödet som i dagsläget tas ut från bruket vid Rottnens kraftverk istället kan adderas till flödet som går genom vattenkraftverket och därmed utöka elproduktionen ytterligare. Med det extra flödet skulle elproduktionsökningen i Rottnens vattenkraftverk bli ungefär 1,7 GWh/år för rensning av volymen 20 000 m3 vilket skulle bidra till en inkomst på cirka 1 200 Kkr/år.Resultatet från litteraturstudien visar att det är viktigt att undersöka miljö- konsekvenser av en dammrivning för att kunna göra miljömedvetna val. För en eventuell rivning av Rottnadammen är det viktigt att ta hänsyn till vilken tid på året som rivningen sker för att minimera mängden organiskt material som flödar ut i sjön Fryken. Hastigheten av tömningen är också en viktig faktor för att dammrivningen ska medföra så liten påverkan som möjligt på ekosystemen i och omkring dammen.
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Possibility for Positive Energy Retrofit in BorlängeNay Myo Tun, Daniel, Olaide Bakare, Abideen January 2023 (has links)
The built environment accounts for 40% of annual carbon dioxide (C02) emissions. Among the total emissions, building operations generate approximately 27% annually. Other than this, building materials, infrastructural materials, and construction (embodied carbon) contribute to an additional 13% annually [1]. C02 emissions to the environment account for global warming and contribute to climate change. In response to the environmental problems and in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, the European Union is committed to developing a sustainable, competitive, secure, and decarbonized energy system by 2050. The goal of decarbonization in building stocks is already set to be achievable this year. To achieve these set objectives, it is necessary to shift to the usage of renewable energy in the building industry and also technologically improve measures to reduce energy demand in building stocks which will reduce carbon footprints. In line with the Energy Performance of Building Directive (EU 2018/844), it is stated that one of the applied measures from the year 2021 will be that all new buildings and deep renovations should be at least a nearly zero energy building (NZEB) standard. But in this context of research work, positive energy building (PEB) through retrofitting is the goal. PEBs contribute to the EU’s target for decarbonization of the energy supply and a shift from fossil fuels to Renewable energy sources (RES) [2]. This thesis aims to study the possibility of achieving a PEB in the existing cluster of two-storey multifamily apartments by analyzing its detailed energy demand and its Solar PV production capability. The result is to contribute to the body of knowledge of the SOLVE theme 3 research members. The project location is at Rymdgatan, Petter Blåders väg, Borlänge, Sweden. The building stock has a total of 80 residential units and other ancillary buildings on a land area of 4,682 m2 . IDA ICE 4.8 software by EQUA was used in simulating the annual energy demand in the building envelopes when retrofitted with different energy-efficient measures. The 5.0 beta version of this tool was used to simulate energy production from the solar PV system. The base case shall be by using the district heating energy system and other energy carriers shall be by using the ground source heat pump borehole, heat recovery ventilation system, and the addition of solar PV system. In the base case, the total simulated annual energy demand was 492 MWh with the pre-condition of opening windows during summer and using an external window shading technique for thermal comfort indices to be kept at a very a good level. Retrofitting by changing the window glazing type and by adding extra insulation to the internal walls also provided a very good energy saving procedure. With these, an annual energy demand simulated for the Rymdgatan housing cluster reduces to 409 MWh/year. In another scenario, the heat pump replaced district heating as the energy carrier. With this, annual energy demand was reduced to 208 MWh with an increased primary energy number. With a heat recovery ventilation system, annual energy demand is further reduced to 205 MWh/year. Using IDA ICE 5.0, the main building´s roof area of 1,900 m2 generated 247 MWh of DC power from solar PV annually when tilted at an angle of 150 . This on-site energy generation with a heat pump and heat recovery system made the Rymdgatan housing cluster to be self-sufficient in energy balancing with a total surplus energy of 14% when heat pump is used and 20% if heat recovery system is incorporated into the system. The perspective of decreasing the set-point temperature by 10C from the acceptance value of 210C in the base case results in annual energy being improved by 5.7% while with a ground source heat pump system it was 4.6% for a chosen built model type A.
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