Spelling suggestions: "subject:"engelska språket"" "subject:"iengelska språket""
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The use of the prepositions to and with after the verb to talk in British and American English : A corpus-based studyAbakumova, Olga January 2007 (has links)
<p>This paper is a study of the use of the prepositions to/with after the verb to talk in British and American English. The research is based on the material from the COBUILDDirect corpus, Longman American Spoken Corpus and New York Times CD-ROM. The common and different features of the use of talk to/with in different genres of American and British English as well as in written and spoken English were studied; special attention was paid to the factors which influence the choice of the prepositions. The research has shown that generally talk with is used much less than talk to and probably is undergoing the process of narrowing of meaning. With after talk seems to be used most often to refer to two-way communication while talk to is used to refer to both one- and two-way communication and is, therefore, more universal than talk with.</p>
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Oral communication in the English language classroom : A study of the attitudes of some English teachers and 9th grade pupils in Sweden towards oral communication in the English classroomTörnqvist, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>The overall aim of this essay was to investigate what attitudes some English teachers and pupils in 9th grade in Sweden have towards oral communication in the teaching of English. I wanted to find out why oral communication is an important part of the teaching of English, what factors teachers and pupils believe contribute to orally active pupils in the English foreign language classroom and what English teachers think of the assessment of pupils' ability to express themselves orally in Englsih. I have interviewed three English teacers, and 85 pupils have answered a questionnaire. The result show that the techers and a majority of the pupils think that oral communication is an important part of the teaching of English, mainly because of the fact that being able to express yourself orally in English today is of great importance and because through this the pupils get to use the English language a lot themselves. Factors that contribute to verbally active pupils in the English classroom are a safe classroom atmosphere, pupils' self-esteem, small groups, meaningful assignments, enthusiastic and encouraging teachers and motivated pupils. The result also show that the teachers believe that the assessment of the pupils' oral ability is hard because it is not as concrete as other skills that they assess in the English foreign language classroom. Other reasons why the assessment is hard are the problem of getting shy or unmotivated pupils to participate orally and lack of time. </p>
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Structural Metaphors in George Eliot's Middlemarch and their Swedish TranslationsEricsson, Linn January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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New Blends in the English LanguageEnarsson, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>Titel: New Blends in the English Language</p><p>Författare: Anna Enarsson</p><p>Antal sidor: 29</p><p>Abstract: The aim of this essay was to identify new blends that have entered the English language. Firstly six different word-formation processes, including blending, was described. Those were compounding, clipping, backformation, acronyming, derivation and blending. The investigation was done by using a list of blends from Wikipedia. The words were looked up in the Longman dictionary of 2005 and in a dictionary online. A google search and a corpus investigation were also conducted. The investigation suggested that most of the blends were made by clipping and the second most common form was clipping and overlapping. Blends with only overlapping was unusual and accounted for only three percent. The investigation also suggested that the most common way to create blends by clipping was to use the first part of the first word and the last part of the second word. The blends were not only investigated according to their structure but also according to the domains they occur in. This part of the investigation suggested that the blends were most frequent in the technical domain, but also in the domain of society</p>
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Democratic and Totalitarian Power Systems in William Golding’s Lord of the FliesBasile, Jennifer January 2007 (has links)
<p>Summary</p><p>One important theme in William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies is power. The boys in Lord of the Flies copy the behavior of their parents: competing, fighting and even killing each other for power. They form two groups, each following a different power system, the democratic system on the one side and the totalitarian system on the other.</p><p>My aim in this essay is to examine the complexity of these power systems in Lord of the Flies, revealed in the two layers in which they appear in the story, the boys on the island and the adults in their world. Moreover I want to show how Golding contributes both positive and negative traits to both systems, never falling into the habit of giving a black and white picture of either of the power systems. Overall I will focus on two boys, Jack and Ralph, exemplifying through them how the two systems gain their power, develop their structures, which methods they use to keep power, and how the systems handle crisis. At the end of my essay I then will shortly illustrate how Golding connects the adult world and their behavior to the boys’ story.</p><p>My conclusion is that Golding shows very clearly that the desire for power and the will to fight and kill for it exists in both adults and children. Overall his attempt is to illustrate that it is difficult to have an absolute, perfect and ideal power system. There are always things that can be criticized and improved. However, he does indicate that certain systems are more dangerous than others. The totalitarian power system can escalate much easier into savagery than the democratic system. So, Golding prefers power systems that benefit the community rather than only the leader himself.</p>
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'It hasn't come here yet' - The Influence of American English on Students in Vocational Programmes in Rural Areas in SwedenNorrbom, Lennart January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Teachers' attitudes towards summative testing in England and Sweden : A comparative studyPersson, Jessica January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>The aim of this study is to investigate and compare teachers’ attitudes to the current testing regimes for the 14-19 age cohorts in England and Sweden. A literature review reveals the historical and political contexts to the prevalent testing regimes in the two countries. One important finding is that the central tests in Sweden have clearly defined objectives whereas the tests’ objectives in England are, at best, insufficiently communicated but at worst not clearly thought through. The study also comprises a questionnaire with the purpose of collecting comparable material of teachers’ attitudes in both countries. Despite the small sample, the results clearly highlight significant discrepancies between objectives and achievements on the one hand and between English and Swedish attitudes on the other. Differences arose between the two countries on how well the objectives of tests are being met. English respondents are more positive towards external marking; meanwhile teaching to the test is seen as a lesser problem in Sweden. Many of these discrepancies and differences in attitudes can be explained from historical and cultural differences to education and assessment systems.</p></p>
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Likvärdig bedömning och skolutveckling / Equal Assessment and School DevelopmentGrenabo, Christer January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna kvalitativa fallstudie syftar till att undersöka i vilken utsträckning satsningar på likvärdig bedömning fått genomslag i lärares verksamhet. Undersökningen tar avstamp i svårigheterna att implementera läroplan och kursplaner. Detta har resulterat i att Skolverket utformat en handlingsplan för likvärdig bedömning som ställer krav på kommuner och skolor att agera för att skapa utrymme för kompetensutveckling inom likvärdig bedömning. För att undersöka vilka effekter denna satsning kan få på ett lokalt plan har fallstudien fokuserat på två skolor i Eskilstuna kommun och begränsar sig till skolledare och lärare i engelska. Satsningens genomslag inriktar sig på två nivåer: a) övergripande organisationsutveckling och b) effekter på lärares pedagogiska verksamhet. Materialet från djupintervjuer med skolpersonal har analyserats i utifrån teorier kring organisationsutveckling och bedömning av språkkompetens. Resultaten visar att satsningen fått genomslag på båda skolorna men att det finns betydande skillnader i omfattningen, speciellt när det gäller samarbetet mellan lärare och kontinuiteten i kompetensutvecklingen. Dessa skillnader kopplas till skolledningens agerande när det gäller tydlighet, prioritering och motivering. Satsningens betydelse för lärares verksamhet på skolorna bedöms som överlag positivt. Lärare anger att likvärdig bedömning ökat kvaliteten på undervisning, bedömning, pedagogisk kommunikation med eleverna samt höjt elevers resultat. Samtidigt observeras att skillnader i lärares villkor att arbeta med likvärdig bedömning skapat olika syn på likvärdighet som i förlängningen riskerar att påverka det övergripande målet för satsningen.</p>
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Tidig engelskundervisning : ett utvecklingsprojekt i förskoleklass / How to Learn English at Early AgesSchönberg, Elisabet January 2009 (has links)
<p>Detta utvecklingsprojekt syftar till att undersöka hur mottagliga barn i förskoleklass är för engelskundervisning samt undersöka vilka aktiviteter som lämpar sig i undervisning för barn i 6-årsåldern. </p>
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Invisible Weapons : Hegemony and Binary Relationships in Chinua Achebe’s <em>Arrow of God</em>Rosén, Josefine January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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